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Home Explore Le Meridien Lav Magazine

Le Meridien Lav Magazine

Published by jocck1, 2017-07-21 10:32:26

Description: Annual magazine of Le Meridien Lav Split


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na najkvalitetniji način i to direktno zain- mo kroz ponudu. Primjera radi, imanje na Visoki profesionalniteresiranim kupcima. Cjelokupna ponuda nekoliko hektara s par luksuznih objekata i standardi koje Sotheby’snekretnina u svijetu može se provjeriti na sportskim terenima u usporedbi s komot- International, dok se nekret- nim jednosobnim stanom u dubrovačkoj ili postavlja i privatnostnine u Hrvatskoj mogu pronaći na web splitskoj povijesnoj jezgri su dva različi- naših klijenata – kupaca,stranici ta koncepta luksuza ali su oba u skladu sa prodavatelja i investitora stilom života kojeg pojedini kupci njeguju. primarni su nam postulatiHigh professional standards which Sothe- Sotheby’s International Realty ne prodaje u’s International Realty sets as well as najskuplje nekretnine već jedinstvene ne-privacy of our clients - customers, sellers kretnine koje povezujemo s jedinstvenim High professionaland investors are our primarly business osobnostima naših klijenata. Naglasak je na standards whichpostulates. We have a unique marketing objektima za odmor i stanovanja ali u po- Sotheby’s Internationalconcept which includes professional photos nudi imamo i investicijske projekte iz sekto- Realty sets as well asand high resolution videos as well as adver- ra nekretnina i turizma. privacy of our clients -tising on the relevant channels in coopera- customers, sellers andtion with the top world media. Real estate Sotheby’s International Realty is the most investors are our primarlyowners can be sure that their real estate preferable brand on the luxury market. business postulates.will be professionally presented directly to Considering Our business philosophy leansthe interested clients. Entire real estate of- on the definition of the luxury segment – Sotheby’s Internationalfer can be checked on www.sothebysre- what matters is experience, not the price Realty najpoželjniji je, while real estates in Croatia are range. Clients from different cultures have na tržištu luksuza, s tim daavailable on . diverse understanding of luxury, so we pod luksuznim prvenstveno must adjust our offer according to their podrazumijevamo doživljaj,Koji tip objekta je najinteresantniji understanding. For example, property on a ne cjenovni razred, a to jestrancima koji potražuju nekretninu u several hectares with a few luxury facili- ujedno i osnovna filozofijaHrvatskoj? ties and sport fields compared with spa- našeg poslovanja. cious one-bedroom apartment in historicalWhich type of facility is the most core of Dubrovnik or Split are two different Sotheby’s Internationalinteresting to foreigners who are concepts of luxury, but both of them are Realty is the mostlooking to buy real estate in Croatia? in harmony with lifestyles which individ- preferable brand on the ual clients cherish. Sotheby’s Internation- luxury market. ConsideringSotheby’s International Realty najpoželjni- al Realty does not sell the most expensive Our business philosophyji je brend na tržištu luksuza, s tim da pod real estates but unique properties associ- leans on the definition ofluksuznim prvenstveno podrazumijevamo ated with the distinctive personalities of the luxury segment – whatdoživljaj, a ne cjenovni razred, a to je ujed- our clients. The emphasis is on residential matters is experience, notno i osnovna filozofija našeg poslovanja. and vacation properties, but our offer also the price range.Kupci iz različitih kultura imaju različito po- includes investment projects in the real es-imanje luksuza i mi se tome prilagođava- tate and tourism. 53

Villa Grandezza Vodnjan Villa Borium Pula54

Villa AlbinaSplitMelody Split 55


LE MERIDIENPOSTAO ČLANMARRIOTT OBITELJILE MERIDIENBECOMES MEMBER OFTHE MARRIOTT FAMILYMarriott International je preuzeo Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide i stvorio najveću inajbolju hotelsku kompaniju, koja pruža nenadmašnu uslugu svojim gostimaMarriott International has acquired Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Creating World’sLargest and Best Hotel Company While Providing Unparalleled Guest Experience MARRIOTTOVA Marriottova akvizicija Starwood Hotels Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: AKVIZICIJA & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. je završena, MAR) has acquired Starwood Hotels & Re- a rezultat akvizicije je stvaranje najveće sorts Worldwide, Inc., creating the world’s STARWOOD HOTELS & i najbolje hotelske kompanije na svijetu. largest and best hotel company. MarriottRESORTS WORLDWIDE, Marriot sada nudi jedan od najopsežni- now offers the most comprehensive portfolio jih portfelja svojih brendova, uključujući of brands including leading lifestyle brands, a INC. JE ZAVRŠENA, A vodeće lifestyle brendove, te drži primat significant global footprint, and leadership in REZULTAT AKVIZICIJE u luksuznim i „select – service“ razina- the luxury and select-service tiers as well as ma, kao i u kongresnim i resort segmenti- the convention and resort segment. Marriott JE STVARANJE ma. Marriott će preko Marriott Rewards will match member status across Marriott NAJVEĆE I NAJBOLJE programa izjednačiti postojeća članstva Rewards – which includes The Ritz-CarltonHOTELSKE KOMPANIJE - koja uključuju The Ritz-Carlton Rewards Rewards – and Starwood Preferred Guest - i Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG), koja (SPG), enabling members to transfer points NA SVIJETU. omogućuju članovima prijenos bodova iz- between the programs for travel and exclu- među programa za putovanja i ekskluz- sive experiences. MARRIOTT ivnih iskustava. INTERNATIONAL, INC. “Throughout our nearly 90-year history we “Tokom naše gotovo 90-godišnje povijes- have never stopped searching for innova- (NASDAQ: MAR) HAS ti nikada nismo prestali tražiti inovativne tive ways to serve our guests. With the ad-ACQUIRED STARWOOD načine kako služiti našim gostima. Sada dition of Starwood’s strong brands, great smo, uz potporu Starwoodovih snažnih properties, and talented people, we have HOTELS & RESORTS brendova, odličnih hotela i talentiranih ljudi, dramatically expanded our ability to pro- WORLDWIDE, INC., drastično povećali sposobnost da pružimo vide the best experiences to our customers. najbolju uslugu našim gostima. Objeručke We also welcome the tremendous respon- CREATING THE prihvaćamo veliku odgovornost da kao na- sibility as the world’s largest hotel compa- WORLD’S LARGEST jveća hotelska tvrtka u svijetu služimo kao ny to be a good global steward, providing primjer i predvodnik, pružajući nove mo- new opportunities for our associates and AND BEST HOTEL COMPANY. 57

gućnosti našim zaposlenicima i jačajući building the economic strength of the com- VJERUJEMO DA MARRIOTTgospodarstvo lokalnih zajednica koje nazi- munities we call home,” said J.W. Marriott, SADA IMA NAJBOLJIvamo domovima.”, rekao je J. W. Marriott, Jr., Executive Chairman and Chairman of PORTFELJ HOTELSKIHJr., izvršni predsjednik i predsjednik Uprave the Board of Marriott International. BRENDOVA U SVIJETU,Marriott Internationala. NAJSNAŽNIJI GLOBALNI “We believe that Marriott now has the UTJECAJ I NAJOPSEŽNIJI„Vjerujemo da Marriott sada ima najbol- world’s best portfolio of hotel brands, the PROGRAM VJERNOSTI,ji portfelj hotelskih brendova u svijetu, most comprehensive global footprint, and the PRUŽAJUĆI GOSTUnajsnažniji globalni utjecaj i najopsežni- most extensive loyalty programs, providing NENADMAŠNO ISKUSTVO.ji program vjernosti, pružajući gostu nen- an unparalleled guest experience. Combiningadmašno iskustvo. Sada uz Starwoodove Starwood’s brands with ours better enables WE BELIEVE THATbrendove možemo lakše ispuniti svoj cilj, Marriott to reach our goal of having the right MARRIOTT NOW HAS THEa to je da imamo pravi brend na pravom brand in the right place to serve our loyal WORLD’S BEST PORTFOLIOmjestu kako bi ugostili svoje vjerne goste guests and welcome new ones,” said Arne OF HOTEL BRANDS, THEi zaželjeli dobrodošlicu novima.”, rekao je Sorenson, President and Chief Executive Of- MOST COMPREHENSIVEArne Sorenson, predsjednik i glavni izvršni ficer of Marriott International. “We can now GLOBAL FOOTPRINT, AND THEdirektor Marriott Internationala. “Gostima provide a better range of choices for our MOST EXTENSIVE LOYALTYmožemo pružiti veću mogućnost izbora, guests, more opportunities for our associates, PROGRAMS, PROVIDINGviše koristi našim zaposlenicima i veću fi- and greater financial benefits for our owners, AN UNPARALLELED GUESTnancijsku korist našim vlasnicima, franšiza- franchisees, and shareholders.” i dioničarima.” The new company is operating or fran-Nova tvrtka će upravljati ili imati franšize chising more than 5,700 properties andu više od 5.700 hotela i 1,1 milijuna soba, 1.1 million rooms, representing 30 leadingpredstavljajući 30 vodećih brendova u brands from the moderate-tier to luxury insrednjoj i luksuznoj kategoriji, u više od 110 over 110 countries. With the completion ofzemalja. Sa završetkom ove akvizcije Marri- this acquisition, Marriott’s distribution hasott se proširio na Aziju, Bliski istok i Afriku more than doubled in Asia and the Middlete udvostručio broj svojih hotela. East & Africa combined.NAJBOLJI PROGRAMI BEST-IN-CLASS LOYALTYVJERNOSTI PROGRAMSMarriott Rewards – koji uključuju i Ritz– Marriott Rewards – which includes theCarlton Rewards te SPG Rewards, su Ritz-Carlton Rewards – and SPG are thenajprepoznatljiviji i najnagrađivaniji pro- most recognized and awarded loyalty pro-grami vjernosti. Članovi će dobiti puno grams in hospitality. Together, these pro-više koristi unutar novih programa; poput grams are offering members more benefitsmogućnosti putovanja na nove destinacije when they link their accounts, as well askao što su Aruba, dolina Serchio u Toska- new destinations such as Aruba, Tuscany’sni, Nacionalni park Kruger u Južnoj Africi Serchio Valley and Kruger National Parkza SPG članove; te Maldivi, Bora Bora i in South Africa for SPG members and theSantorini, Grčka za Marriott i Ritz – Carl- Maldives, Bora Bora and Santorini, Greeceton članove. for Marriott Rewards and The Ritz-Carlton Rewards members.58

Marriott International sa svojih 30 vodećihbrendova postavlja nove standarde u svijetuputovanja i programa vjernostiMarriott International’s Expanded Portfolio of 30Leading Hotel Brands Sets New Global Standardfor Unrivaled Travel Experiences and ExpandedLoyalty BenefitsU današnje vrijeme, The most iconic and visionaryMarriott International je name in hospitality, Marriottnajprepoznatljivije ime u International, Inc. (NASDAQ:hotelskoj industriji, s preko 30 MAR), expanded to include 30atraktivnih i prestižnih hotelskih of the most desirable and pres-brendova uključujući portfelj tigious hotel brands with theStarwood Hotels & Resorts. addition of the Starwood Hotels & Resorts portfolio.S vremenom su putnici sve više počeli tra- S PREKO 5,700žiti nova i drugačija iskustva na putovanji- HOTELA I 1,1 At a time when travelers place even great-ma, a sada mogu birati među mnoštvom MILIJUNA SOBA er emphasis on enriching and personal ex-različitih hotelskih brendova. S preko 5,700 U PREKO 110 periences, they can now choose from thehotela i 1,1 milijuna soba u preko 110 ze- ZEMALJA DILJEM most diverse selection of hotel brands ever.malja diljem svijeta, gosti imaju pristup naj- SVIJETA, GOSTI With more than 5,700 hotels and 1.1 mil-boljim hotelima i resortima gdje god puto- IMAJU PRISTUP lion rooms in over 110 countries across thevali. Danas portfelj Marriott Internationala NAJBOLJIM globe, guests now have access to the bestuključuje uistinu luksuzne hotele kao što HOTELIMA I hotels and resorts wherever they Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis, Bulgari Hotels & RESORTIMA GDJE Marriott International’s portfolio now in-Resorts, JW Marriott, The Luxury Colle- GOD PUTOVALI. cludes a series of quintessential luxury andction, W Hotels i EDITION. Oni definira- lifestyle names. The Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis,ju novu eru luksuznih putovanja, uključuju- WITH MORE THAN Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, JW Marriott, Theći tzv. dinamične brendove poput Westina, 5,700 HOTELS Luxury Collection, W Hotels and EDITIONRenaissance i Autograph Collection koji su AND 1.1 MILLION define a new era of luxury travel, with dy-se na svojevrstan način smjestili u sve više ROOMS IN OVER namic brands such as Westin, Renaissancerastućoj lifestyle kategoriji. Premium bren- 110 COUNTRIES and Autograph Collection occupying andovi poput Marriott Hotelsa i Sheratona ACROSS THE GLOBE, evolving lifestyle category. Premium brandsproširuju ponudu za sve goste željne po- GUESTS NOW like Marriott Hotels and Sheraton anchorslovnih i privatnih putovanja diljem svijeta. HAVE ACCESS TO the portfolio and provide a broad array ofNovi i zabavni hoteli Moxy, AC i Aloft, koji THE BEST HOTELS choices around the world for business andsu također dio portfelja, osiguravaju da go- AND RESORTS leisure travel. And new, fun, accessible ex-sti imaju što god žele, gdje god se nalazili. WHEREVER THEY periences at Moxy Hotels, AC Hotels and TRAVEL. Aloft add to the portfolio, ensuring our“Brak” između ove dvije hotelske kompani- guests have whatever they want, whereverje osigurava Marriottu pružanje nenadmaš- they are in the world.nog iskustva svojim gostima u još više hotelai u više destinacija diljem svijeta. Također, “The marriage of these two leading hotelMarriot će nuditi najveći raspon smještajnih companies means Marriott will deliver an 59

5.700 HOTELA HOTELS 1.1+ MILIJUNA SOBA MILLION ROOMS 30 VODEĆIH BRANDOVA LEADING BRANDSkapaciteta pogodnih za sve tipove gostiju te Gosti Marriott i unparalleled guest experience with more ho-najbolji program vjernosti unutar hotelske Starwood hotela su tels in more global destinations, an unrivaledindustrije.” rekao je Arne Sorenson, pred- do sada pokazivali range of comprehensive accommodationssjednik i izvršni direktor Marriott Internati- veliku privrženost to suit every traveler, and the industry’s bestonal. „Pružanje tako širokog spektra usluga brendovima, a sada loyalty programs,” said Arne Sorenson, Pres-potvrđuje naš trajni angažman da gostima kad smo postali jedna ident and Chief Executive Officer of Marriottnudimo neki novi, još bolji svijet uz Marriott, kompanija mislimo International. “Providing such a wide selec-hotel na koji mogu uvijek računati.“ da je vrijeme da tu tion reinforces our enduring commitment to vjernost i nagradimo offering guests an even greater world to ex-PROŠIRENE PREDNOSTI te da uzvratimo plore with Marriott at their side.”ZA LOJALNOST istom mjerom EXPANDED LOYALTYČlanovi Marriott programa vjernosti – uk- Stephanie Linnartz, izvršna BENEFITSljučujući Ritz-Carlton Rewards i Starwood potpredsjenica i glavna globalnaPreffered Guest (SPG) - moći će uskladiti komercijalna direktorica Members of Marriott’s leading loyalty pro-svoj status te biti u mogućnosti prenijeti i grams, Marriott Rewards – which includesiskoristiti bodove preko programa za puto- Marriott’s and The Ritz-Carlton Rewards – and Starwoodvanja na više odredišta nego ikad prije. Starwood’s guests Preferred Guest (SPG), are invited to link have shown their accounts at to„Gosti Marriott i Starwood hotela su do sada tremendous loyalty enjoy the benefits, recognition and experi-pokazivali veliku privrženost brendovima, a to our brands and ences each program has to offer. Memberssada kad smo postali jedna kompanija misli- now that we are will have their status matched across pro-mo da je vrijeme da tu vjernost i nagradimo one company, we grams and be able to transfer and redeemte da uzvratimo istom mjerom,“ rekla je Step- are seizing the points across programs for travel to morehanie Linnartz, izvršna potpredsjenica i glav- opportunity to destinations than ever before. Membersna globalna komercijalna direktorica. „Omo- reinforce our loyalty who link their accounts will be able to trans-gućili smo svim članovima naših programa to them fer points at a three-to-one ratio (three Mar-vjernosti da odmah ostvare brojne pogodno- riott Rewards points = one SPG Starpoint)sti koje im nudi naš novi program.“ Stephanie Linnartz, Executive between the programs for redemption stays Vice President and Global Chief or on the Marriott Rewards ExperiencesČlanovi Marriott rewards programa – uk- Commercial Officer Marketplace or SPG’s Moments platform.ljučujući Ritz-Carlton i SPG rewards, biti ćeu mogućnosti odmah iskoristiti prednosti “Marriott’s and Starwood’s guests havesljedećih beneficija: shown tremendous loyalty to our brands and now that we are one company, we are seiz-USKLAĐIVANJE STATUSA: Svim člano- ing the opportunity to reinforce our loyaltyvima će se uskladiti status kako bi mogli to them,” said Stephanie Linnartz, Executiveiskoristiti beneficije triju programa. Vice President and Global Chief Commer- cial Officer. “We’re drawing upon the best ofKORIŠTENJE I TRANSFER BODOVA:60

ISKORISTITE EKSKLUZIVAN PRISTUP DOGAĐAJIMA our loyalty programs by enabling membersKOJI SE „NE MOGU PLATITI NOVCEM“ I KOJE PRUŽAMO to join or link their accounts and immediatelyU SURADNJI S VRHUNSKIM PARTNERIMA IZ SVIJETA receive reciprocal status and benefits.”GLAZBE, SPORTA I ZABAVE. Members of Marriott Rewards – whichGAIN EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO MONEY-CAN’T-BUY EVENTS includes The Ritz-Carlton Rewards – andAND EXPERIENCES POWERED BY OUR COMBINED SPG will immediately be able to take ad-PORTFOLIO OF EXCITING GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS IN MUSIC, vantage of these benefits:SPORTS (INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL, BASEBALL,BASKETBALL, AND TENNIS), AND ENTERTAINMENT. STATUS MATCH: Receive immediate status match across programs to take advantage of robust member benefits and recognition.Imate mogućnost prebacivati svoje bodove Pružanje tako POINTS TRANSFER & REDEMPTION:između različitih programa kako biste isko- širokog spektra Transfer points between programs to ac-ristili nove, uzbudljive mogućnosti. Iskoristi- usluga potvrđuje cess new and exciting redemption oppor-te svoje bodove i posjetite nove destinacije, naš trajni tunities. Redeem points to visit new des-doživite nova iskustva te kupujte preko na- angažman da tinations, indulge interests with exclusivešeg web shopa. gostima nudimo experiences, and purchase merchandise neki novi, još bolji through the loyalty shopping mall.POSEBNA ISKUSTVA / TRENUCI: Iskori- svijet uz Marriott,stite ekskluzivan pristup događajima koji se hotel na koji mogu MOMENTS / EXPERIENCES: Gain exclusive„ne mogu platiti novcem“ i koje pružamo u uvijek računati. access to money-can’t-buy events and experi-suradnji s vrhunskim partnerima iz svijeta ences powered by our combined portfolio ofglazbe, sporta i zabave. Arne Sorenson, predsjednik i izvršni exciting global partnerships in music, sports direktor Marriott International. (including professional football, baseball, bas-NOVE DESTINACIJE: Od sada članovi ketball, and tennis), and entertainment.Marriott i Ritz – Carlton Rewards mogu Providing suchkoristiti svoje bodove na putovanjima u a wide selection ACCESS TO MORE DESTINATIONS: Nowneke druge, vrlo tražene destinacije kao što reinforces Marriott Rewards and The Ritz-Carlton Re-su Maldivi, Santorini, Greece i Bora Bora, our enduring wards members can use points to travel todok SPG članovi imaju pristup mjestima commitment to new, sought-after destinations such as thekao što su Aruba, dolina Serchio u Toskani, offering guests Maldives; Santorini, Greece; and Bora Bora,i nacionalni park Kruger u Južnoj Africi. an even greater while SPG members have access to popular world to explore locales such as Aruba; Tuscany’s Serchio Val-POSEBNE CIJENE ZA ČLANOVE: Članovi with Marriott at ley; and Kruger National Park, South Africa.programa vjernosti, koji povežu svoje kori- their side.sničke račune biti će u mogućnosti iskoristi- MEMBER RATES: Members of the loyaltyti ekskluzivne cijene – naše najniže – u tre- Arne Sorenson, President and programs who link their accounts will benutku kada rezerviraju direktno na Marriott Chief Executive Officer of Marriott able to take advantage of exclusive Memberili SPG mobilnoj aplikaciji, na web stranica- International Rates – our lowest guaranteed rates – whenma ili pak direktnim pozivom u hotel. they book direct on the Marriott mobile app or SPG app, on or,MOBILNE APLIKACIJE: Kad članovi rezer- through a call center or with a hotel.viraju svoj smještaj direktno preko Marri-otta, mogu koristiti Marriott mobilnu apli- MOBILE: When members book their stayskaciju kako bi se prijavili ili odjavili, kako bi directly with Marriott, they can use theprimili obavijesti o vremenu kad je njihova Marriott mobile app to check in and checksoba spremna te kako bi direktno naruči- out, receive an alert when their room isli pojedinu uslugu. Na sličan način pristupa i ready, as well as make service requests di-SPG mobilna aplikacija, dopuštajući gostima rectly to participating hotels using Mobileda koriste SPG Keyless za prijavu u hotel, Requests before, during, and after theirsaznaju informaciju o broju njihove sobe i stays. Similarly, SPG’s mobile app allowsotključavaju sobe koristeći svoj pametni tele- guests to use SPG Keyless to check in, getfon ili Apple® Watch. their room number and unlock the room door using their smartphone or Apple®BESPLATAN WI-FI: Pristup besplatnom Watch at participating hotels.internetu u sobama je zajamčen članovimaprograma vjernosti koji rezerviraju svoj smje- FREE WI-FI: When loyalty members bookštaj direktno putem Marriott ili SPG mobilne direct through the Marriott mobile or SPGaplikacije ili preko službenih web stranica. apps, on or they will always receive free in-room Wi-Fi. 61

Viator Grljevacka cesta 2a / Hotel Le Méridien Podstrana Working hours: MON-FRIDAY 08:00 - 16:00 SAT/SUN 08:00-12:00

Le Méridien &Nouvelle VagueLe Méridien Hotels & Resorts su dobi- jući s ovom grupom talentiranih glazbenika, koji se nadaju dostići uspjeh glazbenih iko-li novu kolekciju pjesama, u suradnji s stvorili smo izvrsnu glazbu za naše hotele. na kao što su B.B. King, Fats Domino, Dianafrancuskim bossa nova bendom Nouve- Krall i Robin McKelle, a koji su nastupali ulle Vague koji će nastupati u Le Méridien REVIVES THE SOUL OF LEGENDARY jazz klubu prije njih. Intimni jazz klub kojihotelima diljem svijeta. Ovo je nastavak JAZZ CLUB AT LE MERIDIEN ETOILE spaja mid-century stil s dizajnom inspiri-trogodišnjeg partnerstva između dvaju ranim pariškim linijama metroa, otvoren jebrendova poniklih u Francuskoj, a koje je U zadnjoj fazi partnerstva između Nouvelle svaku noć i nudi novi meni kreiran od stra-rezultiralo izradom posebne liste pjesama Vague-a i Le Méridien hotela, brendovi se ne poznatog kuhara Laurenta Bé sve Le Méridien hotele. vraćaju svojim počecima u Parizu. Suosniva- či benda, glazbenici i producenti Marc Collin“Oboje, Le Méridien i Nouvelle Vague pro- i Olivier Libaux su kreirali sezonski glazbeninalaze inspiraciju u modernim klasicima program u legendarnom Jazz klubu zaokretom – od ikonskih Bossa Nova Klubu je vraćena stara slava nakon potpunepjesama iz 1960-ih koje oni izvode do tzv. renovacije hotela Le Méridien Etoile u rujnuMid-century dizajna naših hotela,” rekao je 2016, u sklopu kojeg se nalazi.Brian Provinelli, globalni voditelj Le Méri-dien brenda. “U protekle 3 godine, surađu- Tokom 2017, Nouvelle Vague će nastupati s brojnim nadolazećim glazbenim talentima64

Oboje, Le Méridien i Nouvelle Both Le Méridien and NouvelleVague pronalaze inspiraciju Vague find shared inspirationu modernim klasicima sazaokretom – od ikonskih Bossa in modern classics with a twistNova pjesama iz 1960-ih koje – from the iconic songs theyoni izvode do tzv. mid-centurydizajna naših hotela perform in 1960’s Bossa Nova style to the mid-century modern design of our hotelsLe Méridien Hotels & Resorts, has a new an Provinelli, Global Brand Leader, Le Méri- of 2016 with a multi-million dollar renova-wave of the brand’s global music, in collab- dien Hotels & Resorts. “Collaborating with tion of Le Méridien Etoile.oration with French Bossa Nova-inspired this talented collective of musicians for overband, Nouvelle Vague, rolling out exclusive three years, we have created an enchant- Throughout 2017, Nouvelle Vague Presentsmusic performances for guests and locals ing soundtrack for our hotels that celebrates will feature emerging musical talent thatat Le Méridien hotels around the world. It’s the glamour of travel.” hope to rival the icons that have performedbeen a three year partnership between both at the jazz club before them, from favoritesFrench-born brands, which has brought cu- REVIVES THE SOUL OF LEGENDARY like B.B. King and Fats Domino to morerated playlists to the arrival experience in JAZZ CLUB AT LE MERIDIEN ETOILE recent artists like Diana Krall and Rob-signature Le Méridien Hubs and special per- in McKelle. The intimate jazz club, whichformances to the brand’s hotels worldwide. In the latest iteration of Nouvelle Vague’s marries a mid-century modern style with global partnership with Le Méridien, the a grittier design inspired by Parisian metro“Both Le Méridien and Nouvelle Vague find two brands return to their roots in Paris. lines, is open nightly to guests and localsshared inspiration in modern classics with a Nouvelle Vague co-founders, musicians, with a new menu curated by Executivetwist – from the iconic songs they perform and producers Marc Collin and Olivier Li- chef Laurent Bé 1960’s Bossa Nova style to the mid-cen- baux curated a quarterly music programmetury modern design of our hotels,” said Bri- at the iconic Jazz Club Etoile, which was restored to its former glory in September 65

CUISINEPROGRAMCOFFEETHE QUINTESSENTIAL CUPImaginative Illy® espresso drinkshand-crafted by our team of MasterBaristas bring coffee culture to life.ECLAIRA SWEET JOIE DE VIVREÉclair at Le Méridien transformsthe traditional Parisian pastry intosomething decidedly modern. Injectyour day with a chic, sweet treat.66

SPARKLING SOCIALIZING EFFERVESCENTLY A sophisticated array of spirited libations; it’s the classic European aperitif with a modern twist. SIGNATURE BREAKFAST AWAKEN YOUR PALATE Local flavours with a creative twist elevate the classic morning meal. Embark on a culinary journey with handcrafted creations inspired by local cuisine.EYE OPENERSA SHOT OF INSPIRATIONInfused with local flavour, Eye Openers offer a destination-focused discovery in each sip. 67

1NAJBOLJE VJEŽBE ZA TRUPTHE BEST CORE ANDABDOMINAL EXERCISESU želji za ravnim trbuhom i toniranim mišićima If you want flat stomach and toned core mus-trupa, isprobajte ove 4 vježbe i spremni cles, you should try these 4 exercises and getdočekajte nadolazeće ljeto ready for the upcoming summerTrbušni mišići, „six pack“ ili popularno nazvani – pločice, Abdominal muscles, “six pack” or popularly called – abs,smatraju se pokretačem Vašeg tijela jer njihova aktivacija are considered as a driving force of your body, becausenezaobilazna u izvedbi bilo koje vježbe, a da je važno odr- their activation is unavoidable in carrying out any exercise,žavati ih u odličnoj formi i to ne samo zbog izgleda tvrdi či- hence it is important to keep them in great shape, not onlynjenica da nam upravo oni omogućuju pravilno držanje. because of the looks, but also the fact that they are keep- ing your posture straight.Mišićav i definiran trup odraz je čovjekove snage, ali i nje-govog zdravstvenog statusa. Ovdje ćemo iznijeti neke A strong core is a reflection of strength and health. Keep-smjernice koje će vam pomoći ostvariti vaše trenažne i ing that in mind, we will show you some of the guidelinesestetske ciljeve u smjeru poboljšanja fizičke spreme i kvali- that will help you accomplish fitness and aesthetic goalstete izgleda vašeg trupa. in order to improve physical condition and maintain good looking core.U nastavku ćemo vam pokazati 4 jednostavne ali nezao-bilazne vježbe za mišiće trupa, koristeći najosnovnije ana- Below we will show you 4 simple exercises for the coretomske pokrete. Kako biste postigli optimalne rezultate, uz muscles, using the most basic anatomical movements. Tosvakodnevnu vježbu nemojte zapostaviti pravilan program achieve optimal results, along with the daily exercise, youprehrane i redovnu srčano žilnu aktivnost. Zapamtite, bez shouldn’t neglect proper diet and regular cardio vascularuravnotežene prehrane i redovnih kardio treninga, teško activity. Remember, without it, you will hardly reduce sub-ćete reducirati potkožno masno tkivo te će vaši trubšnjaci cutaneous fat and your abdominal muscles will remain hid-ostati skriveni duboko ispod masti. den deeply beneath the fat.

Let’s chat Le Meridien Lav SplitYou can reach us at any time! Text Hotel Name / Naziv hotelaa request for a dinner reservation,a wake-up call, extra towels or 00385 91 444 1411anything else you need. /Jeste li zachat? 56762C19Možete nas kontaktirati kad god iMessage je vlasništvo Apple Inc., registriran u SAD-u iželite! Pošaljite upit za rezervaciju ostalim državama.večere, zatražite poziv za buđenje, ©2015 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.dodatne ručnike ili bilo što drugo. All Rights Reserved. Zaštitni znak Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., ili povezanih društava.

32Trup tijela sačinjavaju sljedeće grupe mišića: The core is composed of following groups of muscles:Ravni trbušni mišić - smješten u prednjem i srednjem di- Rectus abdominis – is located in the front of the body, be-jelu trupa s polazištem na prsnoj kosti i hvatištem na stid- ginning at the pubic bone and ending at the sternum. It isnoj kosti. Ima zadatak da pregiba trup prema naprijed. located inside the abdominal region. The muscle is activat- ed while doing crunches because it pulls the ribs and theVJEŽBA: PREGIB TRUPOM ILI TRUBUŠNJAK (1) pelvis in and curves the back.Kosi trbušni mišići - unutarnji, poprečni i vanjski kosi tr- EXERCISE: CRUNCHES (1)bušni mišić. Nalaze se na lateralnoj ili vanjskoj strani trupa.Funkcija im je rotacija trupa. Oblique muscles – internal oblique muscles, transversus abdominis and external oblique muscles. Their main func-VJEŽBA: KOSI PREGIB TRUPOM SA ROTACIJOM IZ tion is core rotation.SJEDEĆEG POLOŽAJA (2) EXCERCISE: OBLIQUE CRUNCHES (2)Međurebreni mišići - nalaze se između rebara te služe ši-renju i skupljanju rebara te omogućavaju pravilno disanje. The internal intercostal muscles – group of skeletal muscles located between the ribs. The internal intercostalVJEŽBA: RUČNI BICIKL muscles are responsible for forced exhalation.Mišić seratus - nalazi se između rebara ili lopatice po EXCERCISE: HAND (ARM) BIKEstrani trupa, a služi za pomicanje lopatice prema naprijed istabilizaciju lopatice. Serratus anterior – a group of muscles connected to the rib cage, which help stabilize the shoulder.VJEŽBA: PREGIB TRUPA SA SAJLOMI „PULLOVER“ (3) EXCERCISE: DUMBELL PULLOVER (3)Broj ponavljanja Number of repetitionsMišići trupa građeni su od brzih mišićnih vlakana. Brza vla- The muscles of the torso are built of fast muscle fibers.kna su gušća, napetija i veća od sporih vlakana, pa stoga Fast fibers are denser, more tense and bigger than slowmogu proizvesti i više sile. Upravo zbog toga se preporuču- fibers and thus can produce more force. This is why it isje raditi vježbe većeg intenziteta i manjeg broja ponavljanja recommended to do exercises of higher intensity and akako bi ovi mišići došli do izražaja. Kako bi postigli optimal- smaller number of repetitions. To achieve optimal results,ne rezultate najbolje je raditi od 3 do 5 serija sa 12 do 15 it’s best to do 3-5 series with 12 to 15 repetitions for eachponavljanja po svakoj grupaciji mišića trupa. muscle group.Sad kad smo vas upoznali sa vrstama mišića trupa, njiho- Now that you’re familiar with the different core muscles,vom funkcijom i načinom treninga, ne preostaje vam ništa their function and type of training, you just need to getdrugo već da krenete sa vježbanjem. down to business and start exercising.Budući da je izuzetno važno pravilno izvoditi navedene Since it is extremely important to properly perform thesevježbe, na raspolaganju vam je naš stručan tim trenera ko- exercises, our trainers are at your disposal for questionsjima se uvijek možete obratiti za pomoć. and assistance.70

LEONISRESTAURANTA UNIQUE GASTRONOMIC DESTINATION IN THE MARINA OF LE MERIDIEN - LAV, SPLIT!Welcome to restaurant Leonis, a unique gastronomic des- Our offer includes an excellent wine list, an original com-tination in the marina of the Hotel Le Meridien - Lav, Split! bination of authentic, simply prepared Mediterranean specialties in olive oil – marinades, seafood salads, com-Leonis, a unique gastronomic destination, for already sev- binations of seafood and fresh fruit, as well as a selectionen years has been offering excellent Mediterranean cuisine of fish carpaccios and tartars as our highlights. Leonis isin the marine ambient of our terrace in the Hotel Lav ma- particularly known for its homemade pasta, ravioli andrina. Our cuisine is characterised by first class ingredients gnocchi.and an impressive choice of wild Adriatic fish, crustaceansand seashells. Besides our daily offer of high-quality first class fish, crus- taceans and seashell specialties, Leonis also offers a selec-Wild tuna, Adriatic lobster, four types of oysters ranging tion of traditional meat dishes, along with our usual offerfrom the wild Adriatic to the French kind, first class white of meat grilled on wood, Adriatic squid – all of these delicacies are a part of oureveryday offer. Highlights from the dessert list include cake with dried figs and wild oranges, traditional Dubrovnik rozata, choc-Leonis responds to the challenges of time, listens to the olate soufflé, warm apple tart with vanilla and mature rumwishes of its guests and takes care of your health. This topping, ice cream, semifreddo and daily seasonal cake.season we are introducing sushi, prepared in front of ourguests on the restaurant’s terrace. Have a bite of freshness Welcome!and health from the depths of the Adriatic Sea. On hot Enjoy the unique atmosphere and culinary delights, andsummer days, feel the power and lightness of raw food visit us again!while you relax, observe as it is being skilfully preparedbefore your very eyes and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of Your host and the staff of Leonisthe late afternoon and evening.Our motto is – simplicity is the best. Feel the power of Open from 10 am - 12 amnature.

we love fashion we care more!PODSTRANA, Hotel Lav Le Meridien - MARINA ZAGREB, Centar Kaptol Grljevačka 2A • 00385 21 642 697 Nova ves 17 • 00385 1 6277 623 [email protected] • FB @moreboutique [email protected]


INTERVJU INTERVIEW ANAMARIJA ASANOVIĆ ANAMARIJA ASANOVIĆ Pitali smo Anamariju Asanović, splitsku modnu dizajnericu, za savjete o odjeći i najpotrebnijim modnim dodacima tokom putovanja i ljetnih mjeseci. We have asked Anamarija Asanović, fashion designer from Split, for advice on clothing and must have fashion accessories during travels and Summer. Kako izgleda Vaše pakiranje za odlazak se provjeri kakvo će biti vrijeme. Također, na godišnji odmor? Jeste li jednostavan svrha putovanja igra veliku ulogu u pakira- tip osobe koji spakira samo nužno, ili pak nju kofera. Za putovanje kakvog god ka- pripadate većini koja spakira svašta pod raktera uvijek ponesem udobne tenisice jer inačicom „nikad ne znaš, nek se nađe“? se na svakom putovanju beskonačno hoda. Također, ono što se u mom koferu uvijek How do you organize holiday packing? nađe je kupaći kostim, jer nikada ne znam Are you a simple type of person which kada će mi se osmjehnuti sreća da uskočim packs only necessities or you are u neki bazen ili more. Obavezan je jedan supporter of packing style: „ You never odjevni klasik – poput jeansa, bijelog T-shir- know what you are going to need“? ta ili bijele košulje koju najčešće izbjegavam zbog gužvanja, jedna lijepa marama ili šal Otkako je u naš život došla kćer Zorka naše i svakako par odgovarajućih sunčanih nao- pakiranje je svakako dobilo novu dimenziju. čala. I naravno kozmetika i omiljeni miris. Sada većinu putne prtljage zauzmu njene Jedna jakna ili jedan par klasičnih cipela na igračke i odjeća, a mjesto koje ostane za petu, kao i maksimalno dva para sunčanih mene popunim najpotrebnijim i najudobni- naočala sasvim su dovoljni po putovanju. jim. Nekada su za mene pakiranja bila iz- Ne pretjerujte. vlačenje kompletnog sadržaja ormara i gu- ranje u uvijek premali kofer, ma koliko velik I definitely recommend checking the weath- bio nikada nije bilo dovoljno. Danas je to er before packing. Likewise, the purpose of posve druga priča. Moram priznati kako je travel should be taken into consideration. ipak puno praktičnije ovako. Bringing comfortable pair of shoes is always a good idea due to the fact that every trip Since our daughter Zorka came into our life, requires lots of walking. Also, I always carry packing for holidays got a new dimension. a swimsuit because there is a chance I’ll be The majority of my suitcase is filled with lucky enough to dip into a pool or Sea. her toys and clothes and whatever is left I use for my things. I used to carry the whole Poznati ste putoholičar, ali i trendsetter closet with me but nowadays it is a com- – kako se prema Vašem mišljenju oblače pletely different story. I have to admit, it’s Hrvatice? much more convenient this way. As a recognizable travel addict and Što preporučujete kod pakiranja, a što trendsetter what’s your opinion on the pak nikako ne? fashion style of Croatian women? What do you recommend for holiday Hrvatice su uvijek puno pozornosti prida- packing, and what should be avoided? vale svom izgledu, sigurno je kako pratimo svjetske trendove. Društvene mreže poput Kod pakiranja definitivno preporučam da76

Hrvatice su uvijek puno pozornosti pridavale svom izgledu, sigurno jekako pratimo svjetske trendove. Croatian women are always paying a lot of attention to their appearance and are definitely following global trends. 77

INTERVJU INTERVIEW ANAMARIJA ASANOVIĆ košulja / shirt sunčane naočale / sunglasses narukvica / bracelet prirodna kozmetika / natural cosmetics Napapijri Gingala IziPizi Guardian Yolo Angel Heart AzenaInstagrama ili Pinteresta, odlična su inspi- Sunglasses, hat, extra swimsuit, nice book I naravno, to su sunčaneracija. Naše žene i djevojke su poznate i and sun lotion with UV protection matching naočale! Iako su samopo odličnom spoju luksuznih i street wear your type of skin are desirable accessories. modni dodatak uz njih svakikomada, što i ja volim kombinirati i nositi. We have to be fully aware of our health at odjevni predmet izgledaNo, ono što me ljeti najviše raduje jest ta any moment. There is nothing wrong with bolje. Ne možete preživjetijednostavnost koju djevojke u Splitu i na hr- enjoying summer and the sun but it should ljeto na obali bez dobrihvatskoj obali imaju. Obične natikače, trendi be done responsibly. Likewise, affording sunčanih naočala.naočale, ljetna haljinica ili pak obični pareo yourself a refreshing cocktail is a desirablečine idelanu kombinaciju s energijom koju way of summer joy. For sure, another thisnaše djevojke imaju u sebi. summer’s must have are Što su prema Vašem mišljenju „must sunglasses! Although usedCroatian women are always paying a lot of have“ odjevni predmeti ovog ljeta? only as fashion accessory,attention to their appearance and are defi- they make each clothingnitely following global trends. Social net- What do you think is this summer’s item look like Instagram and Pinterest are al- “must have”?ways a great inspiration when it comes tofashion styles. Croatian women are known Duge ljetnje lepršave haljine. Upadljive boje.for their excellent combination of expensive Lagane. Kroja koji odgovara vašoj figuri.and street wear clothes or accessories, and Bez obzira idete li na plažu i nosite li uzthat’s something I really like to do as well. I nju ljetne natikače ili pak u večernji izlazakam always amazed by fashion simplicity of kada ste u cipeli na visoku petu, haljina jewomen in Split and the whole coastal Croa- must have. I naravno, to su sunčane nao-tia. Simple flip flops, trendy sunglasses, sum- čale! Iako su samo modni dodatak uz njihmer dress or just a body wrap are enough svaki odjevni predmet izgleda bolje. Ne mo-for a perfect outfit….of course in combination žete preživjeti ljeto na obali bez dobrih sun-with the energy of Croatian women. čanih naočala.Vaš savjet za ovo ljeto, što ponijeti na Long swaying summer – dresses. Strikingplažu? colors. Cut which fits your shape. Wheth- er you are wearing loafers while going onDo you have any tips for this summer, the beach or high heels during night out,what to bring at the beach? a long dress is always must have. For sure, another this summer’s must have are sun-Sunčane naočale, šešir, rezervni kupaći ko- glasses! Although used only as fashionstim, dobru knjigu i kremu za sunce s fakto- accessory, they make each clothing itemrom koji odgovara vašem tipu kože. Moramo look better. You can’t survive summer heatu svakome trenutku misliti na sebe, na svoje without quality sunglasses.zdravlje. Nema potrebe ne uživati u ljetu isuncu no treba uživati odgovorno. I koktelpo vlastitom izboru nikada nije na odmet, si-gurno smo zaslužili da uživamo u njemu.78

Mall of Split, I kat, Tower Center, III kat,Josipa Jovića 93, Split Janka Polić Kamova 81A, Rijeka

U „Vječnom gradu“ legendarniVisconti Palace hotel pretvorenu Le Méridien Visconti RimRenovacijom vrijednom 20 mil. dolara, Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts ulazi u novueru transformiranja hotela zadivljujućim zbirkama umjetnina i srednjovjekovnim imodernim dizajnom interijera80

In The Eternal City, IconicPalace Reimagined as LeMéridien Visconti RomeFollowing a $20 Million Renovation, Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts UshersIn a New Era for the Storied Hotel, Transformed by a Captivating ArtCollection & Mid-Century Modern Interior Design 81

Le Méridien Visconti Rim je nakon uspješne ZBOG SVOJE POVIJESTI After an extensive renovation and adaptationrenovacije i adaptacije uspio pretvoriti le- I SAVRŠENE LOKACIJE, from the Visconti Palace Hotel, the 240-roomgendarni Visconti Palace u sjajno dizajnira- HOTEL JE IDEALNA Le Méridien Visconti Rome has revealed fullyni prostor sa 240 soba. Londonski dizajner POLAZIŠNA TOČKA restyled interiors. Harry Gregory head design-Harry Gregory iz ara Design International u ZA „OTKLJUČAVANJE er of London based ara Design Internationalklasičnom je stilu izvršio transformaciju unu- DESTINACIJE“ – KROZ transformed the interior and exterior of hoteltrašnjih i vanjskih prostora hotela te nena- JEDINSTVENE LE MÉRIDIEN in a classical style with understated referenc-metljivo prikazao karakteristike rimske um- PROGRAME – ONAKO KAKO es to Rome’s art. From the lighting to the fur-jetnosti. Dizajn namještaja, rasvjete i ostalih NE MOŽE NITI JEDAN niture, the interior design is a contemporarykomponenata interijera predstavlja suvre- DRUGI HOTEL U RIMU. realisation of mid-century verziju srednjovjekovnog modernizma. WITH ITS STORIED PAST “On the heels of reintroducing the brand’s„Po uzoru na predstavljanje prvog i povije- AND PERFECT LOCATION, flagship hotel in Paris last year, Le Méridi-snog hotela u Parizu prošle godine, Le Méri- THE HOTEL IS POISED TO en continues to bring glamour back to traveldien nastavlja unositi glamur u putovanja UNLOCK THE DESTINATION with the debut of Le Méridien Visconti Rome,otvaranjem hotela Le Méridien Visconti Rim, – THROUGH A CURATED showcasing the best of Italian design withkoji predstavlja najbolje od modernog ta- APPROACH TO SIGNATURE a timeless mid-century modern foundation,”lijanskog dizajna utemeljenog na vječnom PROGRAMS – LIKE NO said George Fleck, VP Global Brand Manage-mid-century stilu,“ rekao je George Fleck, VP OTHER HOTEL IN ROME CAN. ment, Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts. “WithGlobal Brand Management, Le Méridien Ho- its storied past and perfect location, the hoteltels & Resorts. “Zbog svoje povijesti i savrše- is poised to unlock the destination – throughne lokacije, hotel je idealna polazišna točka a curated approach to signature programs –za „otključavanje destinacije“ – kroz jedin- like no other hotel in Rome can.”stvene Le Méridien programe – onako kakone može niti jedan drugi hotel u Rimu.” At the very heart of the building is the signa- ture Le Méridien Hub, a multifunctional spaceU samom srcu zgrade je prepoznatljivi Le open to both guests and locals in a creativeMéridien Hub, odnosno multifunkcionalan coffeehouse furnished with contemporaryprostor otvoren za posjetitelje i lokalno sta- artwork and design features. The engagingnovništvo u obliku cafe bara, a koji je ure- environment of Le Méridien Hub promotesđen suvremenim ilustracijama i dizajnom. dialogue, awakens curiosity and stimulatesStimulativna okolina Le Méridien Hub-a thinking, providing a creative meeting placepotiče dijalog, probuđuje znatiželju i poti- where like-minded people can connect andče razmišljanje te tako stvara prostor koji indulge in special moments.omogućuje ljudima upoznavanje, druženje iuživanje u posebnim trenucima. “The philosophy of this brand meets particu- larly well with the distinctive traits of the Ital-„Filozofija našeg branda se posebno dobro ian culture: art, design and music” said Marinanadopunjuje s prepoznatljivim obilježjima ta-82

„FILOZOFIJA NAŠEG lijanske kulture: umjetnost, dizajn i glazba“ re- Toti, CEO of Hotel. “We are proud to be part of BRANDA SE POSEBNO kla je Marina Toti, CEO hotela. „Ponosni smo the Marriott Group and with the debut in Ita- DOBRO NADOPUNJUJE biti dio Marriott grupacije, a otvaranjem Le ly of Le Méridien Visconti Rome we are confi- S PREPOZNATLJIVIM Méridien Visconti Rim uvjereni smo da ćemo dent to achieve great results and success” OBILJEŽJIMA TALIJANSKE postići izvrsne rezultate i uspjeh.“ KULTURE: UMJETNOST, MODERAN MID-CENTURY A MID-CENTURY DIZAJN I GLAZBA“ STIL MODERN STYLE THE PHILOSOPHY OF Tema koja se proteže cijelim hotelom je A constant theme throughout the hotel is THIS BRAND MEETS vezana za proslavljenu eru dizajna; tzv. the celebrated era of design, mid-centuryPARTICULARLY WELL WITH mid-century modernizam. Kombinirali su se modernism. The material palette of marble, THE DISTINCTIVE TRAITS materijali poput mramora, drva i ostalih pri- timbers and natural textures combine to cel- OF THE ITALIAN CULTURE: rodnih tekstura, kako bi se dalo na važnosti ebrate this artistic period, while vibrant tex- ART, DESIGN AND MUSIC eri modernizma, dok se upotrebom tekstila tile blocks create a sense of interest and a nastojao naglasiti šik dizajn i funkcionalnost. medley of chic style and functional comfort. Mramor je sinonim za Italiju i Rim, a na Marble is synonymous with Italy and sebi svojsten način može objediniti stariji Rome, and it makes great connection be- i sofisticirani te suvremeni dizajn. Spojem tween old and sophisticated, and contem- tog elegantnog i vječnog sivog mramora s porary design. That’s why you can find it crno-bijelim prugama napravljena je jedno- in Le Méridien Visconti Rome. Putting that stavna, ali vizualno zapanjujuća dekoracija elegant and ageless grey marble with black na recepciji. Na poslijetku, upravo su re- and white veining provided a simple but cepcija i lobby prvo što primjetite kad sti- visually stunning backdrop to the reception gnete u hotel. area. After all, the reception and the lobby are the first two things you see when you Ipak, recepcija i lobby nisu jedini dijelovi arrive to the hotel. hotela koji su moderni i sofisticirani te diza- jnirani s velikom pažnjom i ukusom. Štoviše, Well, the reception counters and the lobby dizajn cijelog hotela je neusporedive ljepote. are not the only two things that were de- signed so tasteful, modern and sophisticat- Na primjer, Le Méridien Hub i pripadajući ed. Moreover, design of the whole hotel is Longitude 12 Bar & Bistrot je okupljalište matchless in its beauty. kreativnih ljudi koji vole razgovarati i raz- mjenjivati dojmove. On se transformira iz For example, Le Méridien Hub, featuring the cafe bara prožetog svijetlim tonovima, to- Longitude 12 Bar & Bistrot, is a social gath- kom dana, u sofisticirani cocktail bar noću. ering place for creative people to converse, debate and exchange. It transforms from a 83

Proslavljeni rimski arhitektonski materijali bright and fresh coffee house by day, to aposlužili su kao inspiracija za uređenje 240 sophisticated cocktail bar by night.svevremenskih soba i apartmana u hoteluLe Méridien Visconti Rim. Prirodni kamen Celebrated Roman architectural materialszanimljive teksture djeluje dojmljivo na zid- inspired the interior design of the 240 time-nim oblogama. less guest rooms and suites at Le Méridien Visconti Rome. A natural stone finish, fea-Sobe su obojene u hladnu sivu s ponekim turing an embossed textured grain, influenc-dodatkom boje, a sadrže i Royal Blue naslo- es wall coverings.njač koji pomalo odudara od ukupnog dizaj-na mirne i ugodne sobe. Rooms are painted in cool grey with just a splash of color, combined with Royal Blue„Urban Suites“ apartmani obilježeni su so- armchair that pops out in a calm and invit-fisticiranim nijansama bijele, sive i crne, a ing room.dizajn prekrasnih finih tkanina i presvlakapotpisuje Lorenzo Rubelli. Šest „Premier The hotel’s Urban Suites showcase sophisti-Suites“ apartmana su veoma svijetli i u nji- cated shades of white, grey and black, stim-ma prevladava suvremeni dizajn, dok šest ulated by the captivating design of the fine„Terrace Suites“ apartmana nastoje doča- fabrics and upholstery by Lorenzo Rubelli.rati vječni šik i suvremenu eleganciju za bo- The six Premier Suites are brilliantly luminousžanstveni provod u drevnom gradu. with contemporary appointments, while the six Terrace Suites evoke eternal chic and con-RIM: UNLOCK THE VITALNI ELEMENT LE temporary elegance combining to create aDESTINATION MÉRIDIENA VISCONTI heavenly escape in the ancient city. JE UMJETNOST, A GOSTILe Méridien Visconti Rim je smješten na iz- IMAJU PRILIKU SUSRESTI ROME: UNLOCK THEvrsnoj lokaciji, u šarmantnom Prati okrugu, SE S IMPOZANTNIM DESTINATIONsavršeno pozicioniran između Španjolskih UMJETNIČKIM DJELOMstuba i Vatikana, što ga čini idealnim za NA ULAZU U HOTEL, Le Méridien Visconti Rome is ideally locatedposlovna putovanja i sastanke, razgledava- RELJEFNOM MAPOM in the charming Prati district, perfectly setnje, shopping i noćni život. Castel Sant’An- RIMA KOJA PRIKAZUJE between the Spanish Steps and the Vaticangelo i jedna od prestižnih rimskih shopping NAJZNAČAJNIJA and ideal for business, sightseeing, shoppingulica, Via Cola di Rienzo te Fontana di Trevi POVIJESNA MJESTA. and nightlife. Castel Sant’Angelo and one ofsu vrlo blizu. U neposrednoj blizini hotela su Rome’s premier shopping streets, Via Cola dii Piazza del Popolo, Villa Borghese, Piazza Rienzo and Trevi Fountain are steps away. TheNavona i Panteon. hotel is also close to Piazza del Popolo, Villa Borghese, Piazza Navona and the Pantheon.UNLOCK ART U LE A VITAL ELEMENT OFMÉRIDIENU VISCONTI LE MÉRIDIEN VISCONTI UNLOCK ART AT LERIM ROME IS ART, AND MÉRIDIEN VISCONTI GUESTS ENCOUNTER ROMEVitalni element Le Méridiena Visconti je A STIMULATING PIECEumjetnost, a gosti imaju priliku susresti se s OF ART AT THE HOTEL’S A vital element of Le Méridien Visconti Romeimpozantnim umjetničkim djelom na ulazu ENTRANCE, A BAS RELIEF is art, and guests encounter a stimulatingu hotel, reljefnom mapom Rima koja pri- MAP OF ROME DESIGNED piece of art at the hotel’s entrance, a bas re-kazuje najznačajnija povijesna mjesta. To BY HARRY GREGORY lief map of Rome designed by Harry Gregoryumjetničko djelo je dio suvremene hotelske and realized by a local artist showcasing thezbirke i stvara zapanjujući vizualni efekt u eternal city’s most important historical sites,trenutku ulaska u hotel. highlighted by traditional Roman numerals. The artwork is part of the hotel’s contem-Sve umjetnine su djelo odabranih umjetni- porary art collection and creates a stunningka koji imaju snažnu vezu s Rimom, a veći- visual impact as guests od njih su rođeni u Rimu, te su i radili utalijanskom glavnom gradu. Njihovi radovi Artists chosen have a strong relationshipsu dio stalne zbirke MACRO muzeja suvre- with Rome and most of them were born andmene umjetnosti i najatraktivnijih Rimskih worked in the Italian capital. Their works areumjetničkih galerija. part of the permanent collection of the MAC- RO contemporary art museum of Rome and the most established Roman art galleries.84


INTERVJU INTERVIEW TONĆI STIPANOVIĆProslavljeni hrvatski jedriličar i osvajač srebrnemedalje s OI u Rio de Janeiru govori o svojimpočetcima, privatnom životu, Splitu iljepotama Hrvatske.Famous Croatian sailor and a winner of thesilver medal from the Olympic Games in Rio deJaneiro talks about his beginnings, private life,the city of Split and natural beauties of Croatia.TONĆI INTERVJU INTERVIEWSTIPANOVIĆSad kad je prošlo malo manje od godinedana od OI u Riu, sigurni smo da su sedojmovi u potpunosti slegli. Što sad,jeste li se već krenuli pripremat zasljedeće OI u Tokiu?We are sure your impressions settleddown since OI in Rio. So, what now? Areyou preparing for the next OI in Tokyo?U ovoj sezoni najbitnije mi je Svjetsko pr-venstvo u Splitu, tako da su sve pripremeusmjerene isključivo na to. Godinama smopokušavali dobiti domaćinstvo i ove godi-ne nam je to uspjelo. Mislim da je to velikiuspjeh za Split i naš klub te da će nam po-moći u populariziranju jedrenja. Neki daljnicilj je olimpijada u Tokiju, gdje bi htio ispra-viti grešku iz Rija. To neće biti tako jedno-stavno jer do sada nisam jedrio u Japanu,zato se moram što prije upoznati s uvalomjer su drugačiji uvjeti, vjetar i valovi.The most important competition in this sea-son is World Cup in Split, so entire focus ison it. We’ve been trying for years to becomea host of World Cup and this year we finallysucceeded. I think it is a great achievementfor Split and our club, so I hope it will influ-ence the popularization of sailing. Further-more, OI in Tokyo is competition where I’dlike to correct mistake made in Rio. It won’tbe easy since I haven’t been sailing in Japanwhere wind and waves are different than inCroatia, so getting familiar with local condi-tions will be crucial for success.86


INTERVJU INTERVIEW TONĆI STIPANOVIĆ Sigurno da mi je srebro iz Koji su Vam najdraži uspjesi u jedrilice iz blizine i zaljubio se na prvi pogled. Rija najdraža medalja, ali dosadašnjoj karijeri? Otac mi je u tom trenutku rekao da se mogu jednako tako mi je draga i upisati na jedrenje kada dobijem diplomu iz prva medalja koju sam dobio Can you single out the most favourite plivanja. Sa 8 godina sam dobio diplomu i sa 13 godina na Svjetskom achievements in your career? isti dan se upisao na treninge. prvenstvu na Karibima. Sigurno da mi je srebro iz Rija najdraža My father was engaged in sailing and wa- medalja, ali jednako tako mi je draga i prva ter polo and he really adores boats. Also, we Certanly, silver medal medalja koju sam dobio sa 13 godina na lived near Split harbor, so I was surround- from Rio is my favourite Svjetskom prvenstvu na Karibima. Bilo je ed by the sea and sailboats. First time I saw achievement, but equally to moje prvo veliko natjecanje i nisam imao sailboats and fell in love with them, was important is my first medal pojma koliko vrijedim u svjetskim okviri- when my father brought his new boat in from the World Cup in the ma. Nakon osvajanja medalje počeo sam se harbor, in front of the sailing club Mornar. Caribbean when I was 13 ozbiljnije baviti jedrenjem, a 2010. godine He told me that I can join the club when I sam osvojio prvu seniorsku medalju na Eu- get my from swimming certificate. I finally88 ropskom prvenstvu u Estoniji. Tako da su joined the club when I was 8 years old. mi te tri medalje najdraže. Certanly, silver medal from Rio is my fa- Pratite li neke druge sportove? vourite achievement, but equally important Are you following any other sports? is my first medal from the World Cup in the Caribbean when I was 13. It was my first Pratim uglavnom sve sportove, pogotovo major race and I wasn’t aware of my worth gdje sudjeluju naši sportaši. Posebno mi je in global terms. After winning the medal, I zanimljiv tenis, iako najiskrenije nisam baš have started with serious sailing practices neki tenisač. and in 2010 I won the first senior medal at the European championship in Estonia. So, I follow almost every sport, especially the those three achievements are my favourite. ones in which our Croatian athletes partic- ipate. The most interesting one is tennis, al- Kako ste se odlučili baviti jedrenjem? though I am not such a great player. How did you decide to engage in Jeste li ikada trenirali nešto drugo? sailing? Have you ever trained anything else? Otac mi se bavio jedrenjem i vaterpolom, Jednom prilikom sam zbog lošeg vreme- a uz to iznimno voli brodove. Zbog toga, a na bio neraspoložen na treningu i naljutio i činjenice da smo živili blizu splitske lučice se na trenera. Rekao sam roditeljima da ću stalno sam bio blizu mora i jedrilica. Jednom se prebaciti na nogomet, ali kad je trebalo prilikom, kad je otac svoj novi brod odvezao otići na trening, odustao sam u zadnji tren. u luku, točno ispred kluba Mornar, vidio sam

Već idući dan sam se vratio u jedriličarski so my teammates were teasing me that my INTERVJU INTERVIEW TONĆI STIPANOVIĆklub i od tada sam svaki dan tamo. Danas job is sailing, and my hobby is also sailing.povremeno igram nogomet s prijateljima Besides, I have a hunting dog, requiring a Jednom prilikom samiako sam jedno vrijeme imao zabranu zbog lot of activities, so most of my free time is zbog lošeg vremena bioozljede koljena. dedicated to him. One thing is certain, I am neraspoložen na treningu i always active and can not imagine myself as naljutio se na trenera. RekaoOn one occasion I was out of tune because a couch potato. sam roditeljima da ću seof the bad weather during the practice and prebaciti na nogomet, ali kadgot angry at the coach. I told my parents Imate li neka omiljena mjesta u Splitu? je trebalo otići na trening,that I will start playing football, but I nev- What are your favourite places in Split? odustao sam u zadnji did. The very next day I’ve returned to Već idući dan sam se vratiomy sailing club and I have been there ever Svakako je to Splitska riva, Dioklecijanova u jedriličarski klub i od tadasince. Nowadays, I occasionaly play football palača i Đardin gdje se može vidjeti najviše sam svaki dan tamo.with my friends although I wasn’t able for a zanimljivosti. Ja osobno volim popiti kavuwhile due to knee injury. na zapadnoj obali i u Getu. On one occasion I was out of tune because of the badKakvi ste bili dok ste bili mlađi. Imate li The most interesting places are definitely weather during the practicenekakvu smiješnu anegdotu koju biste The Riva, Diocletian’s palace and Đardin. I and got angry at the coach.htjeli podijeliti sa našim čitateljima? enjoy drinking coffee on the west coast and I told my parents that I willHow would you describe yourself as a in the „Gheto“. start playing football, but Iyoung man? Do you have any anecdotes never did. The very next dayto share with our readers? Imate li preporuku za naše čitatelje.... I’ve returned to my sailing gdje ploviti dok su u Hrvatskoj? club and I have been thereNemam baš neku anegdotu koju bih izdvo- Which places for sailing in Croatia ever Uglavnom sam bio miran i gledao svoja would you recommend to our readers?posla. Iako bi se u pubertetu znao posvađa- 89ti s prijateljima iz kluba, sve je to uglavnom Kad sam bio mlađi, s roditeljima sam obi-bilo u žaru sportske borbe. šao sam cijelu našu obalu. Definitivno bi preporučio Mljet, gdje sam se opuštao prijeI don’t have any anecdotes to single out. Olimpijskih igara u Riju. To je predivan otok,Mostly, I was calm and minding my own idealan za punjenje While in puberty, I was prone tomake arguments with my teammates, but it When I was younger, I have visited thewas only in the heat of moment. entire Croatian coast with my parents. I would definitely recommend the island ofPostoji li još nešto, uz jedrenje, što Mljet where I spent my vacation before OIvolite? Nešto što biste mogli nazvati in Rio. It is a beautiful island, ideal for en-vašom drugom strasti, hobijem... ergetic recovery.Is there anything else you enjoy besidesailing? Something you consider as your Imate li neko mjesto koje biste željelihobby or other passion. posjetiti? Is there any destination you would likePrije 3 godine sam nabavio jedan brod u do- to visit?sta lošem stanju pa sam ga sa ocem počeoobnavljati i sređivati. Kada nisam bio na Htio bi posjetiti Novi Zeland jer mi setreningu, provodio bi vrijeme na brodu pa tamo čini prelijepo, a i jedrenje im je na-su me u klubu počeli zezati da se bavim je- cionalni sport. Inače ne volim dugačkadrenjem, a da mi je hobi jedrenje. Osim toga, putovanja i letove, ali možda bude neka-imam lovačkog psa kojemu je potrebno do- kvo natjecanje pa će mi biti drago spojitista aktivnosti pa u slobodno vrijeme idem u ugodno s korisnim.šetnje s njim. Jedno je sigurno, nikada ne mi-rujem. Jednostavno, ne mogu se zamisliti na New Zeland sounds like beautiful place, so Ikauču kako satima gledam televiziju. would definitely like to go there. Also, sailing is a national sport there which makes thisWell, 3 years ago I bought a boat in poor place even more attractive to me. Normal-condition and started fixing and renewing ly, I don’t prefer long trips and flights, but ifit together with my father. When I wasn’t any competition takes place there, it wouldtraining, I would spend my time on the boat, be nice to combine business with pleasure.


MICHAELSARANOsnivač i rukovodeći partner Odiena, investicijskekompanije koja je vlasnik hotela Le Meridien Lav.Founder and managing partner of Odien, aninvestment company and owner of Le Meridien Lav. PREMA OSVRTIMA Recite nam nešto o Odienovim daljnjim Naše usluge i efikasnost poslovanja su se NAŠIH KLIJENATA, planovima (što se tiče turizma i vidno unaprijedili. Prema osvrtima naših SLOVIMO ZA JEDAN investicija u Hrvatskoj, i ostalih klijenata, slovimo za jedan od najboljih Le OD NAJBOLJIH LE poslovnih sektora). Merdien hotela u Europi, što nas motivira da MERDIEN HOTELA Can you tell us something about future budemo još i bolji. Doista sam sretan te vrlo U EUROPI, ŠTO NAS Odien plans. optimističan što se tiče budućnosti hotela!MOTIVIRA DA BUDEMO JOŠ I BOLJI. DOISTA Odien trenutno investira u medije, sport, dis- It was a busy year. We opened the 7 Palms SAM SRETAN TE VRLO tribuciju električne energije, turizam, nekret- and Conlemani restaurants, the Zoots cafe, OPTIMISTIČAN ŠTO nine te naravno, hotele i resorte. Uzbuđeni installed private cabanas, and upgraded SE TIČE BUDUĆNOSTI smo zbog poslovanja u Hrvatskoj, koja nam our board-walk area. In June, we will open je trenutno primarno tržište. Također planira- our Gooshter beach club. Services were up- HOTELA! mo akvizicije hotela i resorta te razmatramo graded and our performance has improved. mogućnosti za širenje na tržište nekretnina. Based on client input, we are one of the best BASED ON CLIENT Le Méridiens in Europe. We will only get bet- INPUT, WE ARE Odien currently has investments in media, ter. I am happy and excited about the future. sports, energy distribution, tourism, real es- ONE OF THE BEST tate development, and of course, hotels & Koji su Vam daljnji planovi u vezi Le LE MÉRIDIENS IN resorts. We are excited about Croatia and it Méridien Lav hotela? EUROPE. WE WILL is a priority market for us. We are targeting What are your plans with LML? ONLY GET BETTER. hotel and resort acquisitions as well as real I AM HAPPY AND estate development opportunities. Osmislili smo vrlo ambiciozan plan kako bis- EXCITED ABOUT THE mo u potpunosti transformirali Le Meridien Prošlo je godinu dana otkako ste Lav. Tijekom sljedeće četiri godine u hotel FUTURE preuzeli Le Méridien Lav. Koja su Vaša Lav i popratne sadržaje planiramo investi- razmišljanja? rati 10 milijuna eura. Planiramo kompletno It’s been a year since buying LML. Your renovirati spa centar, produljiti marinu za thoughts? brodove, uljepšati naše plaže te preurediti apartmane i sobe. Ove godine imali smo pregršt posla na pro- jektima vezanima uz poslovanje Lava. Otvo- We have an ambitious investment program rili smo restorane 7 Palms i Conlemani, caffe and will completely transform Le Méridien bar Zootz, postavili smo privatne ležaljke Lav. Our investment budget over the next s baldahinima te proširili šetnicu hotela. U 4 years is 10 million Euros. We plan a new lipnju ćemo otvoriti Gooshter Beach Club. spa, a marina extension, beach improve- 91

INTERVJU INTERVIEW MICHAEL SARAN MOTO IZVIĐAČA JE ments, new executive suites, and a major people. And by golly, if you are going to do “UVIJEK BUDI SPREMAN”. upgrade of our rooms. something, do it right!” My mom was al- ways a fountain of wisdom. BUDUĆI DA SAM KAO Koje su neke od najvećih lekcija koje su TRINAESTOGODIŠNJAK utjecale na Vaš način rada? Koliko je potrebno imati dobre BIO IZVIĐAČ, KORISTIM What were some of the biggest lessons zaposlenike kako bi se postigao Vaš that impacted the way you work? uspjeh? UPRAVO TAJ MOTO U How important have good employees ŽIVOTU, BEZ OBZIRA NA Moto izviđača je “uvijek budi spreman”. Bu- been to your success? TO RADI LI SE O SPORTU dući da sam kao trinaestogodišnjak bio izvi- đač, koristim upravo taj moto u životu, bez Dobri zaposlenici su ključ uspjeha. Novačenje, ILI O POSLU. obzira na to radi li se o sportu ili o poslu. razvoj, te davanje prostora zaposlenicima da Ostala jednostavna pravila kojih se pridr- se razvijaju i napreduju je naš prioritet. THE BOY SCOUT MOTTO žavam su: slušati, obvezati se na izvrsnost i IS TO “BE PREPARED”. obratiti pozornost na detalje. Ta pravila su Good employees are key to our success. At- AND SINCE I WAS A duboko usađena i u glavne smjernice Odiena. tracting, developing, and giving our employ- 13 YEAR OLD SCOUT, I ees room to grow and succeed is a priority. The boy scout motto is to “be prepared”. HAVE USED THIS MOTTO And since I was a 13 year old scout, I Koji je najbolji način za postizanje IN MY APPROACH TO have used this motto in my approach to dugoročnog uspjeha? EVERYTHING IN LIFE everything in life from sports to business. What is the best way to achieve long- FROM SPORTS TO Other simple rules I adhere to are to listen term success? BUSINESS. commit yourself to excellence and pay at- tention to detail. These are all part of our Postaviti svrhu i jasnu viziju, te odrediti92 core Odien values as well. ciljeve koji se mogu postići. Uvijek imajte snažno definirane vlastite vrijednosti, budi- Koji je najbolji savjet koji ste primili? te pošteni u svom poslu, te održavajte sre- What is the best advise you have ću u životu i na poslu. received? Have a sense of purpose, clear vision, set „Budi obazriv i nastoj uvijek vidjeti dobro u winnable goals, clear objectives, and fol- ljudima. I ako misliš nešto napraviti, napra- low-through. Be firm in your values, hon- vi to kako treba!“ – moja majka je oduvijek est in your dealings, and be happy in life bila izvor mudrosti. and at work. “Be thoughtful and always see the best in Koji je najznačajniji trenutak u Vašoj karijeri?

INTERVJU INTERVIEW MICHAEL SARANWhat has been your most satisfying I’m a big fan of active and adventure hol- VELIKI SAMmoment in business? idays, the outdoors and especially the OBOŽAVATELJ AKTIVNOG mountains. The best vacation for me is a I AVANTURISTIČKOGKupovina i preuzimanjeLe Meridien Lava, fly-fishing expedition in a remote setting like ODMORA, POSEBICEnaravno! Alaska. But every so often I do indulge my- BORAVKA NA OTVORENOM I self in a beach holiday! U PLANINAMA.Buying LML of course! I’M A BIG FAN OF ACTIVE Možete li izdvojiti omiljeno jelo? Glazbu? AND ADVENTUREKako uspijevati izbalansirati privatni i Sport? HOLIDAYS, THE OUTDOORSposlovni život? What is your favorite meal? Music? AND ESPECIALLY THEHow do you balance private life with Sport? JOmiljeno jelo mi je turska delicija 'man- 93Vjerujem da zadovoljstvo u privatnom živo- ti'. To su izvorni turski ravioli u umaku odtu puno utječe na poslovni uspjeh. Ravno- jogurta i češnjaka, preliveni umakom odteža i zdrav život su ključ uspjeha. Uvijek se rajčice. Puno su boljeg okusa no što isprvatrudim izdvojiti dovoljno vremena za obitelj, zvuči.prijatelje, ali i za sebe. Od glazbe uglavnom slušam sve osim jaz- za, a najdraža mi je glazba 80-ih.I am a big believer that being happy in your Volim sve sportove, no najdraži mi je Ame-private life has a big influence on being hap- rički at work. Balance and healthy living iskey. I make sure to allocate enough time for Meal – My favorite meal is a Turkish dishfamily, friends and for myself. called manti. It’s essentially a Turkish ravioli in a yogurt-garlic sauce with a crest of but-Što volite raditi tijekom godišnjeg tered tomato sauce. It tastes a lot betterodmora? than it sounds.What do you like to do on vacation? Music – I listen to everything with the ex-Veliki sam obožavatelj aktivnog i avan- ception of Jazz, but my favorite is 80sturističkog odmora, posebice boravka na music.otvorenom i u planinama. Idealan odmorza mene je ribolov u izoliranim područjima Sport – I love all sports but my favorite ispoput Aljaske. Povremeno ipak volim pro- American Football.voditi vrijeme opuštajući se na plaži. Na fakultetu ste se bavili hrvanjem i američkim nogometo. Bavite li se još uvijek nekim sportom? You’ve wrestled and played American

INTERVJU INTERVIEW MICHAEL SARAN BIOGRAFIJA BIOfootball in college. Are you still active interms of fitness/sports? Gospodin Saran je osnivač i rukovodeći partner Odiena, pri- vatne investicijske tvrtke koja djeluje prvenstveno u SrednjojNaravno! Baveći se sportom naučio sam i Istočnoj Europi. Tvrtke Odien Grupe uključuju Odien Hotelspuno toga u životu. Uživam igrati nogomet, N.V., hotelsko investicijsko društvo koje je vlasnik Le Méri-košarku i odbojku na plaži. Redovito vježbam dien Lav resorta u Splitu; Odien Real Estate a.s., tvrtka zaiako mi tijelo to ponekad ne dopušta. Svaki razvoj nekretnina u Pragu sa 70 hektara nekretnina mješovi-hotel u kojem odsjedam mora imati fitness te namjene; Odien Media Enterprises, B.V., medijski holding icentar. Zasigurno ste primjetili da je prvo suvlasnik 4 radiotelevizijske tvrtke u Turskoj; i Avia Energo,poboljšanje u Lavu bio upravo fitness centar! s.r.o., distributer električne energije, vode i plina u Pragu.Certainly! I gained a lot from sports in Prije osnivanja Odiena g. Saran bio je predsjednik investi-my life. I enjoy playing soccer, basketball cijskog odbora i predsjednik Uprave češke agencije za revi-and beach volleyball even if my body disa- talizaciju (RA), tvrtke za restrukturiranje poduzeća koja jegrees sometimes and I work-out regularly. odgovorna za upravljanje imovinom preko 40 milijardi CZKEvery hotel I stay in must have a fitness (1,7 milijardi dolara). Prije RA, g. Saran je radio kao direktorcenter. You must have noticed that one of Latona Associates of Europe, LLC, američke privatne investi-the first upgrades we did in LML was the cijske i savjetodavne center! Diplomirao je na Sveučilištu Stanford s dvije diplome iz eko-Jeste li imali priliku iskusiti život tv nomije i međunarodnih odnosa te je stekao MBA sa Harvardvoditelja u emisiji “Svijet sokolarstva”? Business School. Tečno govori turski i njemački, a uz to go-Did you get to experience the life of vori i češki. On je strastven sportaš i zaljubljenik u otvorenia TV host in the “World of Falconry” prostor i voditelj međunarodnog TV programa pod nazivomprogram? “Svijet sokolarstva”.Ukoliko pod iskustvom smatrate biti zato- Mr. Saran is the Founder and Managing Partner of Odien,čen usred noći na pustim stazama Kirgi- a private investment firm active primarily in Central andstanskih planina na visini od 3200m, onda Eastern Europe. Odien Group companies include Odien Ho-jesam. To sigurno nije bio glamurozan život tels N.V., a hotel investment firm and owner of the Le Mé-tv voditelja kakav biste očekivali, no donio ridien Lav Resort in Split, Croatia; Odien Real Estate a.s.,mi je mnoštvo uspomena i zabave. a real estate development and holding company in Prague with 70 hectares under mixed use development; Odi-If you call getting stuck at night on desolate en Media Enterprises, B.V., a media holding company anddirt track path at 3200 meters in the Kyr- co-owner of 4 radio broadcasting firms in Turkey; and Aviagyzstan mountains an experience, then yes. Energo, s.r.o., a distributor of electricity, heat, water andIt certainly wasn’t the glamorous life of a gas in Prague.TV host you might expect but good fun andcertainly memorable. Prior to founding Odien, Mr. Saran served as the Chair- man of the Investment Committee and the CEO of theKada biste mogli voditi razgovor s nekom Czech Revitalization Agency (RA), a corporate restructur-povijesnom ličnosti, tko bi to bio? ing vehicle responsible for managing assets over CZK 40If you could talk to one person from bn ($1.7bn). Prior to the RA, Mr. Saran served as the Man-history, who would it be and why? aging Director for Latona Associates of Europe, LLC, an American private investment and advisory firm.Teško mi se odlučiti za jednu osobu s obzi-rom da vrlo dobro poznajem povijest. Ipak, He graduated from Stanford University with two B.A de-izdvojio bih Lewisa& Clarka jer sam se odu- grees in Economics and International Relations and re-vijek divio njihovim avanturama i volio bih ceived his MBA from Harvard Business School. He is fluentda sam sudjelovao u njihovoj ekspediciji. in Turkish and German and speaks Czech. He is an avid sportsman and outdoor enthusiast and host of an interna-This is tough because I’m a history buff. tional TV program called the “World of Falconry.”But I’ve always admired adventurers so I’llgo with Lewis & Clark. I would’ve like tohave been on that expedition.94




MLJETNacionalni park Mljet je jedan od tri hrvat- National park Mljet is one of three Croatianska nacionalna parka koji obuhvaća cijeli National parks that are spread over the is-otok. Netaknuta priroda prepuna bogatom i land. Untouched nature full of lush and var-raznolikom mediteranskom vegetacijom, dva ied Mediterranean vegetation, two salt lakes:slana jezera: Veliko i Malo jezero, te kulturna the Great and the Small lake, and cultur-baština kao što je Benediktinski samostan, al heritage such as Benedictine monasteryčini mjesto gdje zaista možete uživati u pri- makes it a place where you can truly enjoyrodnom ambijentu. its natural surroundings. 99

OTKRIJTE DALMACIJU DISCOVER DALMATIAOMIŠOsim što je poznat kao gusarski grad, u Omi-šu je poznata i utvrda Mirabela koja je slu-žila kao promatračnica neprijatelja. Tako suu 16. stoljeću omiški branitelji otjerali Turke,jer su vikom i pucnjavom činili jeku zbog kojesu ostavljali dojam mnogobrojnosti, što jenatjeralo neprijatelje da se povuku.Aside from being known as pirate town,Omiš is famous for its Mirabela fortressused as watchtower for enemies. In the16th century, defenders from Omiš re-pulsed the Turks away because their yellingand shooting made an echo which left theimpression of multiplicity, forcing the ene-mies to retreat.SPLITSvi ljubitelji kulturne baštine mogu uživa-ti u mnogobrojnim povijesnim atrakcijamakojima Split obiluje, a među njima svakakotreba izdvojiti katedralu Sv. Dujma, prvotnosagrađenu kao mauzolej rimskog cara Dio-klecijana u 4. stoljeću koja je poznata i kaonajstarija katedrala na svijetu. U samomcentru drevne Dioklecijanove palače skrila sei uličica „Pusti me proć“ – koja slovi kao jed-na od najužih na svijetu.Cultural heritage enthusiasts can take pleas-ure from numerous historical attractions inSplit. The most distinguished one is Cathe-dral of St. Domnius, initally built as mausole-um of roman emperor Diocletian in 4th cen-tury and also known as the oldest cathedralin the world. Nearby located is an alley „Letme pass“, known as one of the narroweststreets in the world.100

OTKRIJTE DALMACIJU DISCOVER DALMATIASINJSamo 30ak kilometara od Splita nalazi segrad Sinj koji je poznat po viteškom turniruSinjska alka, jedini preživjeli primjer sred-njovjekovnog viteškog natjecanja koja su seredovito održavala u hrvatskim obalnim gra-dovima sve do 19. stoljeća. Tijekom natjeca-nja, vitezovi jašu na konjima niz glavnu ulicu,ciljajući kopljem željezni prsten koji visi naužetu. Kroz turnir se isprepliću vjerski obredii društvena okupljanja koja promiču poštenuigru i održavanje tradicije.Only 30km away from Split is situatedthe city of Sinj, which is known for knightstournament Sinjska alka, the only remain-ing example of medieval knights competi-tions which were regularly held in Croatia’scoastal cities until 19th century. Duringthe tournament, knights are riding horsesalong main street, aiming lances at an ironring hanging on a rope. The tournament isan event which intertwines religious cere-monies and social gatherings, promotingfair play and cherishing tradition.TROGIRProglašen najljepšim gradom-otokom nasvijetu i stavljen pod zaštitu UNESCO-a, Tro-gir inspirira posjetitelje čuvenim uvalama tebrojnim crkvama, kulama i palačama kojesvjedoče o iznimno zanimljivoj i značajnojprošlosti ovog malog grada. O tome svjedočii činjenica da je upravo u Trogiru otvorenaprva ljekarna u Europi 1271.godine.Decalred as the most beautiful city-islandin the world and included on the UNESCOWorld Heritage List, Trogir inspires its vis-itors with memorable bays and numerouschurches, towers and palaces which areconsidered as testimonies of interestingand significant history of this minusculetown. This is evidenced by the fact thatTrogir is the place of origin of first openedpharmacy in Europe in 1271. 101

OTKRIJTE DALMACIJU DISCOVER DALMATIAKORNATIKornatski arhipelag sastoji se od mnogo The Kornati archipelago consists of plen-malih i nenaseljenih otoka, otočića i hridi što ty small and uninhabited islands, islets andpodržava staru izreku: „Koliki je broj dana u reefs which endorse the old saying: “As is thegodini, toliki je broj kornatskih otoka”. Oni su number of days in a year, so is the numberpoznati po bizarnim oblicima stijena te oso- of the Kornati islands”. They are famous forbito visokim klifovima. Najveći ljubitelji Kor- the peculiar shapes of reefs and crags butnata su nautičari, koji su pronašli na ovom particularly for their high cliffs. Yachtsmenpodručju ono što oni najviše traže: suncem adore Kornati for its sun soaked warren ofnatopljen labirint mora i otoka u prekrasnoj sea and islands set in beautiful intact nature.netaknutoj prirodi.TELAŠĆICASmješten je u središnjem dijelu istočne obale Located in the central part of the east-Jadranskog mora, zaljev Telašćica je poznat ern coast of the Adriatic Sea Telašćicapo iznimnoj ljepoti, bogatstvu i značaju. Tri Bay is known for extreme beauty, richnesstemeljna fenomena predstavljaju osnovna and importance. Three basic phenomenaobilježja ovog područja: jedinstvena uvala represent the basic characteristics of thisTelašćica kao najsigurnija, najljepša i najveća area: the unique Telašćica Bay as the saf-prirodna luka na Jadranu s 25 malih plaža; est, most beautiful and largest natural portlitice Dugog otoka ili takozvane „stene” uz- of the Adriatic with 25 small beaches, thedižu se do 161 m nadmorske visine i dosežu cliffs of Dugi Otok or the so-called “stene”dubinu do 90 m,; i slano jezero „Mir” s ljeko- rising up to a height of 161 meters abovevitim svojstvima. the sea and reaching down to a depth of 90 meters, and the salt lake “Mir” with its medicinal properties.102

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