Alara Cereals Est. 1975 & Brands Organic, Gluten-free, No Added Sugar or Salt & Made Sustainably
Mission Statement &Values:The Most Sustainable FoodManufacturer on Earth. MISSION MEASURES: FINANCIAL C.O.D. SOCIAL GREAT PARTIES (See website for our next event!) ENVIRONMENTAL CARBON INDEADLINE:YEAR 2018
Dreamy Oats VanillaPorridge Creamy smooth delicious porridge with real vanilla500g Boxes ofCreamy Organic beans naturallyGoodness sweetened with banana Chocolate flakesA desirable combinationof bitter cacao powder and sweet dates for a rich start to the day.Porridge ‘Dreamy Oats’ range: organic, excellent quality, innovative, up the marker, expensive
EverydayFantastic Muesli for everydayRich Over 40% Fruits, Nuts and BranBerry Deliciously crispy toastedSeeds in our original muesli. flakes with oddles of real fragrant sweet strawberries & High Fibre!Tropical muesli Offers 40% Fairtrade A delicious blend of sun dried fruits & nuts, in a wholesome wheat-freePineapple, dates, banana & toasted base of cereals and spiced with cinnamon &Everyday range muesli: coconut., good quality, affordable – What more could you want?
Gluten Free DelightsIncluding Porridge, Muesli & Granola100% Crunchy Oats Luxury Muesli The Pure Granola Pure high contents of Oats wholegrain oats fruit and nuts, and toasted with also soya flakes only honey, fruit give it a crunchy & seeds. chewy texture and nutty fruity flavourFruity Oats Delight Luxurious Oat-Muesli Pure Muesli free Porridge Aoats mixed 50% fruits, Creamy blend ofwith sweet nuts & rice, millet andand juicy seeds! buckwheat flakesapricots,dates, raisins with linseeds.and seeds
Into The GardenPremium Organic MuesliDate & Cocoa Very Berry Goji & Nibs Blended Muesli inspired Cranberry – on a crunchy super gojis wholegrain by summer! and cranberry Crispy & on base ofwheat & kamut soya flakes, base with crunchy whole puffed quinoa grains with the and rice flake whole cashew sweet fragrance base. nuts. of strawberries, Goji & Yacon blueberries & With cranberries! Superfoods kamut flakes, Active Fruit, Seed goji berries & Very light & Spice Yacon flakes. from puffed Oats, Rye & amaranth, Spelt flakes sweetened with 26% only with Fruits, 21% apple, with Seeds & lots of Cinnamon. seeds.
Maca’s Secret – For Adults OnlyPremium Organic Muesli with Superfood It’s like no other muesli – sweet, hot & tempting! Sweet sticky dates, hot granola, pleasing cereals and firm pumpkin seeds spiced with Maca! Maca – a Peruvian vegetable- is eaten to balance the daily diet with its wide variety of minerals, amino-acids, vitamins, phenols and other components. Maca is thus one of the greatest natural food supplements in the world, in the current climate of an accelerated life- style and carelessness with respect to balanced nutrition. This blend of wholegrain cereals, dried fruit & seeds topped with Maca superfood will make you want it again & again!
Scottish OatsGluten Free & Organic RangeOatmeal Muesli Delicious100% oatmeal blend of dried fruits and seeds. Porridge Granola 100% Oat flakes A mix of honey toasted oat flakes with almonds, apricots and seeds.This entire range is made from gluten free, organic oats grown and processed in Scotland, and products made in London. What a spectacular range!
Pertwood Farm Organic Cereals A delicious blend of oats, rye, barley flakes, succulent sultanas, All of the Pertwood product recipes contain no added salt/sugar, apricots , apple and exotic dates are organic, wheat-free, high in fibre, low in fat and made from and pineapple. 100% British-grown grains. A tasty, crunchy mix of organic oats, hazelnuts, sesame and sunflower seeds, all toasted with honey and coconut before adding sultanas for the most irresistible clusters.A rich blend of oats, rye, Every boxed isbarley flakes, sultanas, packed with organic,apricots with sesame,sunflower and pumpkin seeds. jumbo oat flakes.
Yacon - Guilt Free Sweetness Goji & Yacon With SuperfoodsOften called the ‘Peruvian Ground Apple’, Yacon is a naturally kamut flakes,sweet root with far less available calories than any other goji berries &sweetener as it has the highest level of FOS sugars (Complex Yacon flakes.sugar not absorbed by the body). Being a pre-biotic, it aidsgut health and promotes healthy digestion. Furthermore, itslow GI score confirms it doesn’t raise blood sugar levels andsupport appetite control.Organic Yacon FlakesCrunchy & Sweet, these dried flakes are agood snack addition to trail mixes andbaking.Uses: Snacking, baking ingredientPack: 70g x 6Shelf life: 12 months YACON MUESLIOrganic Yacon Syrup Dried Yacon flakesA delicious, runny syrup with deep mixed with mulberries,malty flavour, suitable for vegans YACON PORRIDGE YACON GRANOLA quinoa & amaranth to Premium jumbo oats Toasted and baked in create a high fibre,as well as dieters. Use in the same directly from Pertwood Yacon syrup and wheat free muesli Farm sweetened withway as honey, agave or maple Yacon powder and enriched with milledsyrup. linseedsUses: Baking, sweetener topped with dates andPack: 150g x 12 / 450g x 6 pumpkin seedsShelf life: 12 months
Pre-Packed Ingredients & Special BlendsOrganic Maca Root Powder Organic Lucuma Fruit PowderPeruvian vegetable root powder, Peruvian fruit powder with caramel flavour andwith sweet gingery taste. a delightful aroma.Uses: energizer, supplement Uses: drink whitener, sweetener,Pack: 70g x 12 / 220g x 6 flavouringShelf Life: 12 months Pack : 70g x 12 / 200g x 6 Shelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Beetroot Powder100% organic powdered beetroot Organic Raw Chia Seedsvegetable with a slightly sweet taste. Central-American,100% Organic black chiaUses: food colouring, seeds.energizer, supplement Uses: thickener, egg replacement,Pack: 250g x 6 puddingShelf life: 12 months Pack: 250g x 6 Shelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Milled Linseeds Organic Chia & Hemp and LinseedsCold-milled linseeds with a nutty Cold-milled linseeds blended with organicand slightly earthy flavour. chia & hemps seedsUses: egg replacement, Uses: egg replacement, thickenerthickener, supplement Pack: 180g x 6Pack: 180g x 6 Shelf life: 9 monthsShelf life: 9 monthsOrganic “Dear Me” Breakfast Organic Linseeds with Goji Berrieswithout cereals Cold-milled linseeds mixed with Goji berriesRevolutionary combination of superfoods, Uses: baking ingredientlike chia & hemp seeds and Goji & Cranberries Pack: 150g x 6Uses: breakfast, topping Shelf life: 9 monthsPack: 200g x 6Shelf life: 12 months
Superfood snacks and drink mixesOrganic Goji Berries Organic Naturally Hot ChocolateChinese berries, with a mild Special blend of Peruvian cacaosweet & savoury flavour. powder sweetened only with bananaUses: ready-to-eat snack flakes and sweet caramel lucumaPack: 60g x 12 fruit. 150g x 6 Uses: Hot Chocolate, topping,Shelf life: 12 months baking ingredient Pack: 180g x 6 Shelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Baobab Fruit Organic Naturally Hot Chocolate withPulp Powder MacaNative African, fine powder Raw Peruvian cacao powder infused withwith a sweet, strawberry like Peruvian Maca powder sweetened onlyflavour. with banana flakes and lucuma fruit.Uses: sweetener, Uses: Hot Chocolate, topping,baking ingredient, flavouring baking ingredientPack: 150g x 6 Pack: 180g x 6Shelf life: 12 months Shelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Raw Peruvian Cacao Organic Raw Cacao PowderNibs Raw cacao 100% raw, Peruvian Cacao Powderchunks from Peru with a deep, Uses: Topping, baking ingredientslightly bitter chocolaty flavour. Pack: 180g x 6Uses: ready-to-eat snack Shelf life: 12 monthsPack size: 60g x 12 / 180g x 6Shelf life: 12 months *shelf life from production date
Superfood snacks and PowderOrganic Guarana Powder Organic Freeze Dried Acai PowderAmazonian Fruit Powder with 100% Freeze Dried Acai BerryVitamin C and exceptionally high Powder offering Vitamin E, Omega 9caffeine content. fatty acids and dietary fibre. The bestUSP: 7% pure caffeine of all? The chocolaty-berry taste.Uses: energizer, Uses: supplement, toppings,supplement colouring, flavouringPack: 80g x 12 Pack: 40g x 12Shelf life: 12 months Shelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Freeze Dried Organic Golden Berries (Incas)Acerola Cherry Powder With 16% protein content and being a100% Freeze Dried Acerola plant based source of Vitamin B12, ourCherry Powder with Vitamin Organic Golden Berries are in the top rankC punch. of superfoods.Uses: supplement, Uses: snack, baking ingredienttoppings, flavouring Pack: 80g x 12Pack: 70g x 12 Shelf life: 12 monthsShelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Camu Camu Organic White MulberriesNative South-American, fine Nourshing snack with potassium, iron andpowder with the highest level of anti-aging nutrients, resveratrol.Vitamin C among fruits! Uses: baking ingredient, snackUses: sweetener, flavouring Pack: 150g x 6Pack: 70g x 12 Shelf life: 12 monthsShelf life: 12 months *shelf life from production date
Superfood Seed and green powdersOrganic Shelled Hemp Seeds Organic Barley Grass PowderOrganic Shelled Hemp Seeds 100% organic powdered barley grasswith a nutty taste and complete with a slight tart taste.protein content. With its GLA USP: Naturally free of gluten,fatty acids and Omega 3& 6 high fibre & proteincontent, it is considered a highly Uses: food colouring,nutritious seed. supplementUses: egg replacement,thickener Pack: 40g x 12Pack: 200g x 6 Shelf life: 12 monthsShelf life: 12 monthsOrganic Wheatgrass Powder Organic Spirulina Powder100% organic wheatgrass powder 100% organic spirulina powderwith a slight sweet taste.USP: Naturally free of USP: 65% protein, alkalising Uses: food colouring, supplementgluten, high fibre & protein Pack: 70g x 12 Shelf life: 12 monthsUses: food colouring,supplementPack: 40g x 12Shelf life: 12 months *shelf life from production date
Finest Range Organic Rooibos Red Matcha 30g x 6Nutrient Packed Superfood based Drinks Selection Matcha Tea combined with naturally caffeine free Rooibos Organic Yerba Maté Matcha Red Tea 30g x 6 Unique blend of Matcha Tea with a grassy, bright and invigorating taste. Organic Matcha Green Chai Tea Organic Super Hot Chocolate Tin 200gx6 200gx6 The New Hot Chocolate Mix is infused with coconut sugar, cacao and baobab! Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and Delicious taste and silky smooth texture.nutrients, our Matcha Green Chai Tea will Spirulina & Lemon help you reach focus and balance. Hand-made truffles with sweet fruits & almond, Recipe is made up of 20% finest green infused with spirulina and tangy lemon. matcha tea! Acerola Cherry & Goji Berries Sumptuous Snacking Hand-made truffles with fruits & almonds, the cherry and berry combination gives a sweet &Super Truffles sour flavouring. 80gx6 Our Organic Super Truffles are available in a mixed selection.
Organic Superfoods Instant Porridge PotsInnovative breakfast pot Power of Red 65G Cereal Pot & Spoonblend made with 50%superfoods and 50% Each oat-based POR recipe is powered with:organic, gluten free thin - energizing organic Beetroot powderoats, including a spoon for - antioxidant-rich organic milled Goji-berriesthe ultimate on-the-go - Vitamin C rich freeze-dried Strawberriesexperience. Sweetened - Raw Baobab Fruit Pulp with 45% fibrejust with coconut nectarblossom and raw caramelly Power of Green 65G Cereal Pot & Spoonlucuma. Plus hemp, cold-milled linseeds. Recipe is powered with: protein-rich SpirulinaFree from: DAIRY,NUTS, GLUTEN, WHEAT alkalising Barley Grass Powder& GMO. antioxidant-rich green Matcha TeaDIRECTIONS: To make Power of Brown 65G Cereal Pot &this moreish breakfast, Spoonadd hot or cold waterinto the pot, stir and Recipe is powered with:enjoy the superfoods Energising Maca Root Powderboost! Antioxidant-rich Raw Peruvian Cacao PowderCase Size: 65g x 8RSP: £1.99Shelf life: 12 months
Oomf Instant PorridgeProtein Infused Pots and Skinny Pots Skinny Pots 50g - Less than 200kcal Per Pot! Choose from Plain, Golden Syrup or Berry flavour!Whey Protein Infused Pots 20g ProteinPer Pot! Choose from Apple Cinnamon &Raisin, Gingerbread, Banana, Original, Chocolateor Golden Syrup. Protein Infused Instant Porridge Pots, providing a quick breakfast option fuelled with a balance of protein / carbs. Skinny Oats Pots – the latest addition for slimmers: less than 200kcal pot, made with added green tea, L-Carnitine and guarana extract to support weight management. The oomf pot ranges are currently selling well in Dubai and the UK, with recent interest shown by distributors in Australia and Japan.
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