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Home Explore NEWS_85_SEP2015


Published by AFOCO, 2016-05-11 17:32:51

Description: NEWS_85_SEP2015

Keywords: AFOCO


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MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚSwayambhunath, en lo alto de una colina, también conocidocomo el “templo de los monos”, es un conjunto formado poruna gran estupa, templos y santuarios. Se accede por unaescalera con 365 peldaños.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚVisitantes y peregrinos, budistas y también hinduistas,descansan en las terrazas que hay repartidas por toda lacolina.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚBasantapur Durbar, es una plaza frente al antiguo palacio real,con decenas de edificios centenarios. Entre ellos la casa deKumari, la diosa viviente.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚNo hay calle ni plaza en esta ciudad que no cuente con uno ovarios templos o altares dedicados a cualquiera de los diosesdel hinduismo.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚUna calle comercial en los alrededores de la plaza Durbar. Lascacharrerías de esta ciudad son un espectáculo.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚPatan, también conocida como Lalitpur, es una ciudadlimítrofe con la capital. Su plaza Durbar, también en la listadel Patrimonio Mundial, evoca un tiempo pasado.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚPatio interior del Templo Dorado de Patan, construido en elsiglo XII.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚBoudhanath es una de las mayores estupas del mundo.Situada al este de Katmandú, era lugar de descanso y oraciónpara los mercaderes del Tíbet. Debido a la afluencia derefugiados después de la invasión china, se han construidocerca más de cincuenta gompas o monasterios del lamaísmoo budismo tibetano.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚUna pareja, puede que guerreros o tal vez los reyes queconstruyeron la estupa, protegen la escalera de acceso a losniveles superiores.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚ Pashupatinath, a orillas del río Bagmati, es uno de losmayores y más antiguos templos hinduistas dedicados aShiva. Aquí se realizan los ritos crematorios que permitirán laposterior reencarnación del difunto.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚBhaktapur es otra ciudad próxima a la capital. Aquí discurrela vida con un ritmo todavía más pausado.

MEMORIAS DE UN VIAJERO / KATMANDÚA la caída de la tarde, la plaza de Bhaktapur se anima aúnmás con los estudiantes y trabajadores que han terminado sujornada. Ojalá todos tengan un futuro mucho mejor.

a ¿Qué habrá allí? Por Antonio Velasco J acinto era un joven abuelo que recientemente jubilado como ejecutivo de ARTÍCULOuna banca internacional, era entonces cuando vivíasensaciones tan vulgares como la de contemplar las regulares entradas y salidas de ¿Qué habrá allí? avionesen Barajas al estar en línea con las rutas aéreas de acercamiento al mismo. Era algo que solía hacer cada mañanamientras sentado en el recogidopor porche del discreto chalet que había conseguido tener en la cercana sierra madrileña, se tomaba suprimer café mañanero mientras repasaba la prensa ANTONIO que un servicial vecino le acercaba. Y mástarde volvía nuevamente al porche,VELASCO solo que entonces era para esperar las llegadas de las siempre sorprendentes puestas de sol, ahora con una copa del preceptivo whisky que, según decía, le tenía ordenado su médico de cabecera. Se trataba por tanto de seguir haciendo una ordenada vida, pero que hoy por hoy sin tener que abordar los temidos objetivos que en el banco le imponían. Ahora, además de controlar las entradas y salidas de las diferentes aeronaves que pasaban por Barajas, casi siempre andaba con un libro en la mano, libro en el que estudiaba, que no leía, acerca de las muchas materias que alegaba desconocer, según aclaraba a sus amigos en la diaria correspondencia que mantenía a través de Internet. Pero eso sí, seguía contando los días que faltaba para el próximo fin de semana que es cuando su hija Marta le dejaba a cargo de la custodia y disfrute de Pepón, ese nieto tan listo como zalamero que, lógicamente, conseguía del abuelo lo que nunca su madre había conseguido de él cuando había tenido una edad similar. A su vez, el bueno de Jacinto era un abuelo tan ordenado, que de una semana para otra tenía pensado de lo que le hablaría a Pepón cuando el viernes por la noche llegase a casa dispuesto a pasar el fin de semana con los abuelos. Y en efecto, aquel sábado había pensado llevarlo a los alrededores de un cercano campo de golf en la idea de que el niño viese espacios abiertos, al tiempo que le hablaba de algunas de las plantas y de los arboles que por el camino se habían de encontrar. Anduvieron por vericuetos desconocidos, cumpliendo buena parte del programa previsto y fue de regreso a casa cuando al pasar cerca de un interminable carril bici que rodeaba parte del campo de golf cuando el niño, parado en el inicio del mismo y contemplando el gran punto de fuga que desde allí se formaba, cuando acertó a preguntar señalando el supuesto final de aquella interminable cinta, qué era lo que allí al fondo de la misma había. El abuelo, desconcertado por la imprevista pregunta y seguramente tratando de aprovechar la ocasión de ejercer ese magisterio al que se creía llamado, se quitó muy digno el arrugado sombrero y señalando con el índice ese supuesto fin del carril, le dijo con aire solemne: “Allá a lo lejos es posible que se encuentre alguien que sepa perdonar sin pedir nada a cambio”, comentó mirando con el rabillo del ojo a un sorprendido Pepón. “E incluso que viva alguien que desconozca el egoísmo

y sepa sacrificarse por los demás, es decir, gentes que practiquen el autentico amor al prójimo”, concluyó el abuelo sin explicarse muy bien cómo había entrado en esos temas teniendo como único oyente a un sorprendido y boquiabierto nieto que trataba de asimilar el alcance de lo que su abuelo le informaba. Lo inmediato, querer ir hasta allí para contacto comprobar cómo y quiénes eran esos desconocidos [email protected]

La respuesta: imposible, se necesita verano irá al viejo chalet del abuelo que ellos sean los que te llamen. Jacinto. Ahora es cuando recuerda la Mal que bien y con alguna que otra olvidada escena al pie del inicio del carrilpregunta adicional, deshicieron el bici y lo mucho que en ella pensó sincamino restante hasta regresar a casa. Y comentarla nunca con nadie. Podríaese niño, por olvido o intención, fue decirle a su hijo, cuando llegara elcapaz de no decir nada de la supuesta momento, que el abuelo estabaexistencia de esos “mágicos” personajes convencido de todo cuanto le dijo, lo quea nadie de sus allegados en los muchos a los ojos de un niño actual sería aceptaraños que estuvo ausente de aquel que éste había tenido un bisabuelo uncampo de golf, parte de cuyos terrenos tanto “majara”, lo cual sería injusto;hoy están ocupados con una hilera de también podría continuar ignorando unachalet adosados. Lo que sí sigue escena que, años después, le seguíaexistiendo es el carril bici que sin subyugando por la entidad de la misma,mantenimiento alguno, allí subsiste pero lo que no podría en ningún caso, esinvitando a que alguien se atreva a dejarse convencer para ir al final deimprovisar nuevamente, y como aquel camino, ya que ahora, lo que allíenseñanza ética, la supuesta existencia hay es una residencia de verano de unde esos habitantes que, seguramente conocido partido político y conjugar estapoblarán el desconocido espacio que se realidad con las supuestas bondades deimagina tras el perdido horizonte que los supuestos habitantes del final desigue existiendo en tan solitario lugar. aquel camino, podría ser un duro golpe para alguien que por su corta existenciaLo curioso es que en estos necesita emprender una vida sin momentos es Pepón, ya casado y a traumas tan irreparables. punto de ser padre, quien este© Antonio Velasco “Y allá a lo lejos”

Portfolio SERIESSERIESGeometria urbana: Delineaciones:Muestra la relación entre la fotografía y Ligadas al paisaje urbano, sus obras sela arquitectura más allá de la captación representan mediante figurasde las formas haciendo referencia a los geométricas esquemáticas ypropios elementos inertes en su minimalistas que se conectan entre sifugacidad temporal. Paisaje y en una forma personal de ver el mundo.arquitectura aparecen captados congran sutileza y equilibrio de líneas. Momentos efímeros (personitas):Nada es lo que parece: En esta serie, lo que más interesa no es solo la captación arquitectónica sino suNos propone un concepto de la relación con lo fugaz, lo etéreo yfotografía personal con la cual es capaz pasajero que la dota de una nuevade construir una nueva realidad a partir realidad temporal, como forma dede la existente, imágenes que crean entender el espacio vital.nuevas construcciones carentes de supropio significado, intemporales.JOSÉ CONCEPTESNews viene publicando la obra de fotógrafos nacidos o residentes en Córdoba o imágenesde esta ciudad realizadas por autores que no cumplan tales requisitos. Sin embargo en estanueva sección central de la revista rompemos la norma para invitar cada mes a unartistade especial relevancia.

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESGeomotría urbana

Portfolio SERIESNada es lo que parece

Portfolio SERIESNada es lo que parece

Portfolio SERIESNada es lo que parece

Portfolio SERIESNada es lo que parece

PPoorrttffooliloio Datos deSlEaRuItEoSrI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autorwwNNwwaawwdda..appeeeesrrsiinnloliiovvaaqqllueeuerreiioo/ppw..iiattawr/rewewcc.wefeawce.fbaoceobk.ocookm.c/ovamle/[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio Datos deSlEaRuItEoSrI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and [email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autorwwNNwwaa.wdpda.eapreeiensrsiinvlolaiovlaeqqlrueiuoer/ei.woiptp.wiatawr/re.ewcfcaweecweb.foaocke.bcooomk/.vcaolmer/[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and [email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor Momentos efímeros (personitas) /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor Momentos efímeros (personitas) /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor Momentos efímeros (personitas) /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor Momentos efímeros (personitas) /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor Momentos efímeros (personitas) /[email protected]

PPoorrttffooliloio SERIESI'm a photographer born in 1953 in a small town a few miles In 2012 and 2013 I'm the Italian photographer whoaway from Florence, Italy, where I still live. I started to received more awards in International competitions :photography around 18/20 years old. In 1980 I organize exactly 71 prizes and 650 admissions in 2012 year andthe 1st regional contest and after a year the National 85 prizes and 870 admissions in 2013 year.contest. In only 4 years of FIAF National contests (1981- In total I have won more than 90 awards in National1984) I had 191 entries (176 for black/white photos) that Contests and 220 awards in International Contests andconsented me to have a “FIAF STAR” honour. about 2.000 photos accepted in InternationalI won many national and international prizes and had Competitions. In the National ranking of the admissions ofphotos shown in Hong-Kong, Singapore, Durban, France FIAF competitions (year 1956-2013), I'm currently at theand England. 33st position with 809 admissions, in 14 years of activity.At the end of 1984 for personal reasons I had to give up to Honorary Titlesphotograph. In December 2004 I really passed through a AFIAP (Artiste) and EFIAP (Excellence) de la Federationvery difficult moment of my life but, luckily, for therapy I Iinternationale de l 'Art Photographique - Francestarted again the adventure! Hon. F.ICS - Honorary Fellow of \" Image Colleague Society International \" - USAI'm the first Italian photographer to win the “Al-Thani Award Hon. F.PSBP - Honorary Fellowship of \" Photo Art Society2006” in Qatar. I win prizes to The Trierenberg Super Batu Pahat \" - MalaysiaCircuit 2007-09 in Austria, , Aqueducte and Reus in Spain Hon. F.IVAF - Honorary Fellowship of \"Indian Visual Arts2008, Algarve in Portugal, and many others. Foundation \" Kolkata - IndiaPhoto exhibitions in Italy, Spain , Ukraine, France, Cyprus,India, Japan , Egypt and National Museum of Photography Memberof Lishui (China). FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche FIAP - Federation Iinternationale de l 'Art PhotographiqueI teach photography and do meetings with photographers ISF - Image sans Frontierein Italy to explain my photographic technique. I was a PSA - Photographic Society of Americamember of the jury in Italy and International Contest: UPI - United Photographers InternationArgentina, United Kingdom, Holland and Internet jury inMalaysia and Spain.Datos del autor Momentos efímeros (personitas) /[email protected]

c EXPOSICIÓN DEL XX CONCURSO NACIONAL DE FOTOGRAFÍA CONCURSO PREMIO MEZQUITA DE CÓRDOBA exposición del 2014 XX Sala 1PREMIO MEZQUITA PEDRO ZALDÍVAR EZQUERRO DE CÓRDOBA “Mezcla” Organiza Sala 2 Ayuntamiento COLECCIONES PREMIADAS de Córdoba Sala 3 Colabora COLECCIONESFINALISTAS AFOCO (una foto por autor) Exposición Sala Galatea (Casa Góngora C/. Cabezas, 3 Córdoba (Spain) Del 8 de Octubre al22 de Noviembre de 2015

PremioTema LibreyPremioMezquita 2014“Signos”RobertoZaldívarEzquerroLogroño(La Rioja)

PremioTema Libre“Almario silente”Juan PedroTrejo LejidoMadrid

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