SeasFoanll 2022 PFB Participates in 2022 Penn State University Ag Progress Days PINE GROVE MILLS – Penn- latest legislative and policy Young Ag Professionals and sylvania Farm Bureau (PFB) achievements by its Government Women’s Leadership Committee. participated in Penn State Affairs and Communications University’s annual Ag Progress Division. Visitors were able to The Pennsylvania Friends of Days’ trade show, held August learn about how PFB-affiliated Agriculture Foundation was also 9-11 at the Russell E. Larson companies PFB Health Services on hand to provide fun and Agricultural Research Center and MSC Business Services can educational programming that grounds in Pine Grove Mills. service PFB members. included hopscotch, interactive displays and the Ag Promotion Pennsylvania Farm Bureau The expo also showcased Committee’s cornhole tournament. hosted thousands of visitors to ways to get involved, allowing its building and offered insight for engagement opportunities Ag Progress Days is held on member benefits and the with members of PFB’s state annually during August and is 1
Pennsylvania’s largest outdoor agricultural exposition. The event featured more than 400 exhibitors from the United States and Canada. The show is hosted by Penn State’s College of Agri- cultural Sciences and showcases educational programs, current research and the latest innova- tions in agricultural equipment and technology. Fulton County Farm Bureau Member Kevin Bricker wins PFB Cooler Giveaway Longtime Fulton County Farm Bureau Member Kevin Bricker was the winner of the RTIC Cooler given away by Pennsylvania Farm Bureau at the 2022 Ag Progress Days. Bricker has been a Pennsylvania Farm Bureau member for more than three decades. Bricker was excited about winning the drawing, mentioning it was the first that he had ever won. Congratulations to Bricker and PFB thanks you for your support! Very Small Meat and Poultry Processor Reimbursement Grants Now Available The Pennsylvania Department technical services to draft and cessing equipment and supplies of Agriculture is now accepting implement a federal Hazard required for certification, as well applications for the PA Farm Bill Analysis and Critical Control as employee training, safety Very Small Meat and Poultry Pro- Points Plan to ensure a facility equipment and supplies. cessor Reimbursement Program. can become USDA-certified and produce meat or poultry safely. Applications are due by 5 The program provides grants of Eligible costs also include pro- p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26. up to $100,000 to help small busi- nesses start up or expand to meet For more information or to apply, visit: USDA food safety requirements. The program reimburses processors for consulting or 2
Registration Open for Pennsylvania Farm Bureau’s 72nd Annual Meeting Pennsylvania Farm Bureau’s Members who are not serving Please note: County Farm Bureaus 72nd Annual Meeting will take as a delegate or alternate, or often register and purchase meal place November 14-16, 2022, at otherwise having their tickets tickets for delegates, alternate the Hershey Lodge in Hershey. ordered by the county, may delegates, county board members In addition to celebrating PFB’s register by using the “Individual and some other members. If you are accomplishments, hundreds of and Family Registration Form” serving as a delegate or alternate members will gather to elect found at or have another reason to believe leaders and establish our policies This form will allow the purchase your county may be purchasing your on farming and rural life issues. of meal tickets for adults and meals or booking your hotel room, We will honor achievements in children and also provides the PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR COUNTY membership and Farm Bureau’s opportunity to register for the FARM BUREAU before registering, accomplishments in the past year. children’s activities. The deadline booking a room or purchasing meal We will also recognize farmers to register is October 28th. tickets. Duplicate meal tickets pur- who have made an impact on chased cannot be refunded. agriculture in Pennsylvania. This year at Monday’s ban- quet, attendees will hear from speaker Gian Paul Gonzalez, whose inspirational talks have made him an internationally renowned speaker for the NBA, NFL, and many other Fortune 500 organizations. Other high- lights of PFB’s Annual Meeting will be valuable seminars that can help farm operations, Young Ag Professional discussion meet contests and the 23rd annual meeting health fair. 3
2022 Annual Meeting Agenda Monday, November 14 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PFB Information & Voting Delegate Registration Opens 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Exhibit Halls Open 10:45 – 11:15 a.m. Inspirational Pause 11:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Opening Business Session / Voting Delegate Session 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Opening Luncheon Hosted by the Women’s Leadership Committee 1:15 – 2:00 p.m. Kids Activity: Events Lab (Grades K-2) 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. Breakout Seminar: General Farm Economy Outlook 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. Breakout Session: Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Breakout Session: Dairy Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Kids Activity: Event Lab (Grades 3-5) 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Breakout Session: Mediterranean Style Eating for Health 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. YAP Networking Reception 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. Policy Development Committee Meeting 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. County Recognition Dinner 8:00 – 8:45 p.m. Entertainment: Gian Paul Gonzalez 8:45 – 11:00 p.m. YAP Auction Tuesday, November 15 6:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. PFB Information Desk Open/Registration 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Pa. Friends of Ag Foundation Breakfast Buffet 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. District Election Caucuses 8:30 a.m.– 5:30 p.m. Exhibit Halls Open 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. 23rd Annual Health & Safety Fair (VOTING DELEGATES ONLY) 8:45 – 10:00 a.m. Breakout Session: Faith of a Farmer 4
8:45 – 10:00 a.m. Breakout Session: Nationwide: Agritourism 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. YAP and Collegiate Discussion Meets Round 1 9:45 – 11:45 a.m. 23rd Annual Health & Safety Fair (OPEN TO ALL) 10:00 – 11:45 a.m. Voting Delegate Session 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. Breakout Session: Agricultural Security and Risk for Today’s Farmer 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. Breakout Session: Introduction to the Family Forest Carbon Program 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. Kids Session: - Eating Rainbows: Fun with Fruits and Vegetables 10:30 – 11:30a.m. YAP and Collegiate Discussion Meets Round 2 Noon – 1:30 p.m. President’s Luncheon 1:45 – 4:00 p.m. Voting Delegate Session 1:45– 3:00 p.m. Breakout Session: You Didn’t Know that you Need to use Microbes 1:45 – 3:00 p.m. Public and Impromptu Speaking 1:45 – 3:00 p.m. Kids Session – Everything you Need to know about PA Potatoes 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Collegiate Discussion Meet Finals 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. Breakout Session: Body, Mind & Breath Techniques for Farmers’ Health 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. Breakout Session: Selecting Farm Equipment for Safety & Accessibility 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. YAP Discussion Meet Finals 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Beef Producer Roundtable 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. NATIONWIDE Member Reception 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 72nd Annual Members Banquet Immediately following Ice Cream Social & PA Friends of Ag Foundation Trivia Night Wednesday, November 16 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. FARMER Breakfast 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. FARMER Committee Meeting 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. Voting Delegate & Closing Business Session 5
Still Time To Apply for YAP Awards Pennsylvania Farm Bureau lence in Agriculture awards will The winners of all contests will be accepting applications receive $100. will receive great prizes and will throughout the sum- be recognized as part of PFB’s mer for four Young Young Ag Profes- Annual Meeting. Winners of the Ag Professionals con- sionals can also apply Achievement and Excellence in tests: Achievement now to compete in Agriculture awards and Discussion Award, Excellence in the Discussion Meet Meet will receive all-expenses- Agriculture Award, competition at PFB’s paid trips to compete against Discussion Meet and Annual Meeting. Ap- other states’ winners at the Social Media Video Contest. plications for Discus- American Farm Bureau Federation’s sion Meet are due Oct. 16. The 2022 convention in Puerto Rico The Achievement Award contest gives young Farm Bureau in January. The winner of the recognizes an individual or members a chance to discuss Social Media contest will win couple who has made significant issues facing agriculture in a com- an all-expenses-paid trip to the achievements in production agri- petitive but also cooperative 2022 national Young Farmers & culture and leadership and who setting. Participants will be Ranchers Leadership Conference has the majority of their income judged in areas such as communi- in Jacksonville. subject to normal production cation and problem-solving skills. risks. The Excellence in Agricul- Application forms and addi- ture Award has a similar focus All four contests are open to tional information are available but recognizes an individual or Pennsylvania Farm Bureau mem- at couple who does not have the bers ages 18 to 35. majority of their income subject to normal production risk. The Reserving a Hotel Room Social Media Video Contest in- For Annual Meeting vites participants to make a fun, educational video about a farm The deadline for room reservations is October 14, 2022. or agricultural facility that helps Room reservations should be made directly with Hershey Lodge. promote modern agricultural Reservations can be made by calling 1-855-729-3108. Make your practices to consumers. reservations by asking that your reservations be made with the “PA Farm Bureau” block of rooms. You can also book online by Applications for the Achieve- visiting ment, Excellence in Agriculture and Social Media awards are due The room rate is $182.00 per night plus tax. by Sept. 30. As a special incen- tive this year, any applicant who submits a complete application for the Achievement or Excel- 6
Policy Development Chairs for County Farm Bureaus Our members know best Each county Farm Bureau has a development process. The fol- what issues are affecting farm policy development chair who lowing volunteers lead the policy families and rural communities. assists members with developing development process in their That’s why the policies that we policy resolutions for consid- county Farm Bureaus and may advocate for in Harrisburg and eration at county Farm Bureau be contacted for assistance. Washington are drafted, vetted annual meetings, the first step in and decided upon by farmers. Farm Bureau’s grassroots policy Note: Only policy development chairs who agreed to have their contact information included in Grassroots Advocate are listed. COUNTY CONTACT PHONE EMAIL ADAMS Sally Scholle (717) 515-3896 [email protected] BEAVER Chip Kohser (412) 596-0264 [email protected] BEDFORD Curt Sweinhart (814) 494-9626 [email protected] BERKS Paul Hartman (484) 955-8590 [email protected] BLAIR Laverne Nolt (814) 793-4028 [email protected] BRADFORD Amanda Miller (585) 245-1883 [email protected] BRADFORD Paul Yoachim (570) 395-3462 [email protected] BUCKS Mark Scheetz (267) 374-0132 [email protected] BUTLER James Boldy (724) 822-4173 [email protected] CAMBRIA Raymond Schilling (814) 749-7512 [email protected] CENTRE Daniel Kniffen (970) 389-0180 [email protected] CHESTER Howard Reyburn (717) 572-7957 [email protected] CLARION Jordan Siegel (814) 221-5301 [email protected] CLEARFIELD Steven Blackburn (814) 762-3063 [email protected] CLINTON Cory Chelko (570)772-3262 [email protected] COLUMBIA Charles Porter (570) 672-9894 [email protected] CRAWFORD Deborah Muir (814) 573-1893 [email protected] CUMBERLAND Richard Mains (717) 776-3427 [email protected] CUMBERLAND Jason Nailor (717) 480-7560 [email protected] DAUPHIN Jonathan Coble (717) 342-7604 [email protected] ELK Ernest Mattiuz (814) 512-3960 [email protected] ELK Raymond McMinn (814) 594-7747 [email protected] ERIE Brian Young (814) 323-1789 [email protected] Continued on page 8 7
Policy Development Chairs for County Farm Bureaus Continued from page 7 COUNTY CONTACT PHONE EMAIL FAYETTE Joseph Kosanko (724) 326-4516 [email protected] FRANKLIN Ronald Wenger (717) 729-0064 [email protected] FULTON Ricky Leese (301) 678-9266 [email protected] GREENE James Cowell (724) 986-8502 [email protected] INDIANA Ronald Learn (724) 599-7582 [email protected] JEFFERSON Paul Corbin (814) 371-3083 [email protected] JUNIATA Matthew Matter (717) 444-9928 [email protected] LACKAWANNA Allan McLain (570) 983-6252 [email protected] LANCASTER Donald Ranck (717) 368-2621 [email protected] LEBANON Tim Crouse (717) 454-9956 [email protected] LEHIGH Arland Schantz (267) 374-7747 [email protected] LUZERNE Jon Lucas (570) 479-7081 [email protected] LYCOMING Christopher Ulrich (570) 547-1608 [email protected] MCKEAN Thomas Edgreen (814) 225-4748 [email protected] MERCER Andrew Spencer (724) 962-2620 [email protected] MIFFLIN Ernest Harrop (717) 437-3448 [email protected] MONTGOMERY John Caroff (267) 718-3275 [email protected] MONTOUR Augustin Jones (570) 419-5802 [email protected] NORTHAMPTON Ray Mack (610) 597-0016 [email protected] NORTHUMBERLAND Jon Clemens (570) 274-2348 [email protected] PERRY Steven Innerst (717) 438-3508 [email protected] SCHUYLKILL Dennis Marbarger (570) 527-7240 [email protected] SNYDER Jay Hoover (570) 809-2408 [email protected] SOMERSET Shawn Saylor (814) 483-0550 [email protected] SUSQUEHANNA James Barbour (607) 435-0830 [email protected] TIOGA Timothy Wood (570) 404-0864 [email protected] UNION Jason Wolfe (607) 351-2522 [email protected] WARREN Fred Lucks (814) 489-3455 [email protected] WASHINGTON William Black (724) 345-3628 [email protected] WAYNE Robert Rutledge (570) 251-1092 [email protected] WESTMORELAND Kayla Wallace (724) 541-2512 [email protected] YORK (717) 655-1248 [email protected] Kate Livingston-Menges Indicates Farm 8 Bureau at Work
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