INDEX: RECYCLING EDITION01 3SUMMARY p Waste Expo������02 4CHINA p Blue Sky & National Sword03 9 - 23RECYCLING Chile, Jim Fish, Trends, Recycling p facilities (MRF) & expert opinions Introduction: As providers of integrated waste management services, our clients trust us to be the subject matter experts. Our duty to remain constantly informed about the state of the industry and update our knowledge and analysis of its future state is born out of this trust. In the coming circular economy, a shared knowledge network will be the foundation upon which solutions and trust-based relations are constructed. Expertise will not suffice on its own, but rather knowledge sharing will be the value-add to our services. This report springs from this concept; to assist in the continued growth of our team in remaining the expert partner our clients need. We remain a guide in the search for sustainable, more secure waste management services that protect what matters. In this edition, we share ideas and concepts, key to the construction of our knowledge base and the trust-based relationships for the future. In the next edition we will continue exploring: alternatives for organic waste treatment, Ecoparks, and the possibilities of the2 Internet of Things. Until then, stay curious. - Travis N Hipp
01 SUMMARY WASTE EXPO 50: 2018 Waste Expo is the largest Waste Management Conference in the US; where 12.000 proffesional attendees come together to explore new ideas and technology, share information in conference sessions and view the latest from over 600 suppliers. In this, its 50th year, there were more than 70 conference sessions covering everything: from market trends to the impact of China, systems for waste segregation and treatment, as well as the visión of market leaders from around the world. Attendees to the conference sessions and the exhibition hall could hear expert opinions, learn best practices and investigate new technology. An integral part of the search for continuous improvement. The pages of this report will attempt to summarize the most important elements of the experience in order to share them both within our organization and with our clients to increase our common knowledge-base and continue to grow together.33
02 The Evolution of China 55 ������ & Its Fight Against Contamination History: Green Fence (2013) In 2013, President Xi, motivated by a media scandal related to rising levels of environmental pollution at a national level, announced the program named “Green Fence” which sought to reduce both the importation of contaminants as well as industry emissions. After several years without concrete actions associated to the program, it appeared to be more of a political statement aimed at reducing public pressure but lacking any real impact in the Marketplace. Current State of Affairs: “Blue Sky 2018” & “National Sword” During 2017 two new programs were announced, “Blue Sky 2018” & “National Sword”; the former is a national pollution fighting initiative aimed at addressing overall environmental quality standards. In terms of waste management, it establishes a much more serious standard and enforcement mechanism than those established in “Green Fence”. With “National Sword” would begin a new regime of sancions to restrict the import of waste (recyclables and others) into China and to sanction the small businesses built around their reception but lacking in proper environmental protection processes. As a show of its seriousness and willingness to work unilaterally, “National Sword” was announced on December 25th, and established a new maximum limit of acceptable contamination in imported waste of 0.5%. China hired 1800 new inspectors to enforce the standard, and began inspection in ports on January 1st, 2018. This gave the world´s recycling industry only 6 days to react to a drastic change in policy, leaving thousands of container loads stranded in Chinese ports. For reasons that will be discussed in the articles contained in the recycling section, US plants dependent upon China as a purchaser of their materials cannot comply with the 0.5% contamination level and have been forced to seek out alternative markets for their goods. Already this is producing undesireable effects on the market and will undoubtedly continue to disrupt what had become the “natural order of things” in the international market.
02 CHINA EN 2017 Why its Imports are Important 25% % OF GLOBAL Aluminum MARKET IMPORTED BY CHINA 51% 55% Plastics Paper6
THE NEW CHINA: 02 PUBLIC DISCOURSE OR INFLECTION POINT ? Among the inevitably varied opinions of the “ professionals congregated at Waste Expo, about what “Blue Sky 2018” & “National Sword” will mean for the future and how they will affect the international market, it is not positivity that sticks out, but rather a certainty that the changes are here to stay. This is due in part to the fact that the Chinese goverment, in a less than transparent and totally unilateral fashion, has established its own change engine that runs on pollution control and reductions. In this context it is important to point out that, in his latest national address, President Xi mentioned the environment 89 times vs. only 70 mentions for the economy. In the same speech he established a conceptual link between pollution and corruption. This, of course, could be just a wink to distract the public from a struggling economy. However it is possible to follow yet another logical thought process that reinforces the idea that this cycle does not end here, but rather creates the conditions for further future economic & enviromnetal reforms Blue Sky 2018 Regulates Small Industry Emissions The Economic & Small Actors Don´t Meet Environmental Reform Emission´s Control Continues with New Standards > Forced to Programs & New Effects Shut Down Program Success This Reduces Pollution Reinforces & Strengthens Large Businesses Development of Further Programs Profitability Increases With the Expulsión of for Remaining Private Small Polluters, China Sector Actors > Exports Pollution &8 Producing a Favorable Imports Consumer Opinion of Reform Products in Exchange
03 RECYLING CHILE: A MARKET IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE In Chile, recycling isn´t National recyling system and something new. Thousands of market for those materials. people work throughout the streets and dumps of the The United States government country finding value where has largely allowed the free others found only waste. The market (along with states and rescued materials are then sold municipalities) to determine its to small brokers dedicated to requirements and the form in purchasing and consolidating which it will respond to the materials in order to sell them to business of recycling, larger recycling plants. A welcoming, but not requiring majority of these larger plants environmental benefits. exist thanks to the national industry dedicated to the Whereas in Europe and some production of paper, glass, metal and plastic. Unfortunately, this Asian countries Extended silent & invisible labor is generally ignored by the public Producer Responsibility In the past few decades, it has Programs (ERP) have been become fashionable to be more environmentally responsable, introduced. These legally and the basic ideas of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle have begun establish a system created by to be introduced into the minds of the public through local and the government and financed by National educational programs at schools and in municipalities. private entity producers, in Nevertheless, there is still too which those recyclable materials little logistical infrastructure related to the collection, storage introduced into the market must and separation on a national and municipal level for this to qualify be recovered. The legal as a developed recycling “system”. framework establishes the In other parts of the world, percentage of material to be governments have taken recovered with the end goal of10 actions, often quite varied, to reducing the use of virgin encourage the formation of a resources in the production of new goods. In 2017, Chile introduced an ERP program that will change its market. In a quarter century since Germany´s ERP was introduced, it went from 50,000 Landfills to ZERO. How long will it take in Chile? That depends on the decisions the government and industry makes now. Its worth paying attention.
03 RECYCLING 1. Spotlight:“Recycling, not Diversion” JIM FISH - CEO, WASTE MANAGEMENT INC “The King of Waste”Talked About Business at Waste Management Inc. 11
03 RECYCLINTerview: “THE KING OF WASTE” TALKS ABOUT THE INDUSTRY & WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. In a “fireside chat” interview with Darrell Smith (CEO National Waste and Recycling Association, NWRA), Jim Fish, CEO of Waste Management (WM), discussed the challenges and opportunities he sees in today´s market. Notably, the interview opened with Fish very naturally giving the audience indications of evacutaion procedures in case of emergency, showcasing his view that safety comes first. He indicated the emergency exits and evacuation plan, requested a volunteer responsible for calling 911 and another that had training in first aid & CPR, in case either were necessary. With that he highlighted that the waste management profession is the 5th most dangerous in the United States and his belief that the responsibility for a Safety First message lies with an organizaftion´s leaders. Turning to recycling, Fish pointed out that only 10% of Waste Management´s business comes from this service. Nevertheless, it continues to be the most important subject for the public and investors. Fish believes that, from the public´s perspective, recycling is the most tangible act they can do to participate in the fight against environmental damage. This creates a great deal of pressure to recycle everything. As a consequence, more and more non- recyclables are making their way into recycling bins, contaminating the waste stream. Between 10%, and up to 30% of the materials placed in the bin by consumers are actually trash. Fish attributes this phenomenon to the “aspirational recycler” who places everything in the recyling bin in the “hope” that it will be recycled. This not only creates problems in the MRF, but represents the industry´s most critical problem: “Diversion” has been confused with “Recycling”. Here he paused to reiterate to make sure the point was understood: “RECYCLING is any activity that avoids the use of virgin materials, whereas DIVERSION is any activity that avoids the use of Landfills. We should maintain our focus on RECYCLING, not DIVERSION.” Diversion, according to Fish, takes on many forms, including throwing everything into the recycling bin, and all of them are inefficient.12 …continued next page
03 RECYCLINTerview Continuing along the same line of thought, Darrell Smith asked how to address the issue of contamination of the recyling stream. Fish responded that education of municipal clients is key, clarifying the message of “Recylcling, and not divesion is the goal” saying “Diversion as a goal doesn´t work when the materials still end up in a landfill”. The recycling discussion ended with Fish recommending the development of a nation-wide policy that penalizes contamination at the household level, and highlighting that the challenges in the recycling business continue to be volatility of material values, worker safety (the fourth mention of safety in less than 30 minutes), and the use of technolgy as an element that differentiates Waste Management from its competitors. When asked for his visión of the industry in the coming 50 years, Fish responded that, even though Waste Management´s disposal network is the most valuable and efficient part of its business, he believes that there will be a transition away from landfills to an alternate technology within the next half century. Due to this belief, Waste Management (through its “Organic Growth Group”) has invested more tan 500 million dollars in the last decade alone in search of next generation landfill technology, autonomous vehicles, and possible acquisitions of complementary technology. When asked how WM evaluates technology, he pointed out that any new technology must meet the basic conditions of Due Dilligence: 1. It has to work 2. It has to be scalable 3. It has to be economically viable adding that, up to this point, none of the next generation landfill tech has met the third phase of these requirements. The conversation then turned to technological advances in the Waste Management collection fleet. Here Fish was upbeat about the promise of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Of its existing vehicles, 50% run on CNG due to its higher efficiency, and of the 1.800 trucks to be purchased this year, more tan 90% will be equipped for the use of CNG as well. 13
03 RECYCLING 2. Recycling Plants THE ECONOMICS OF MRFs A Review of the Economic and Operational Factors Affecting Today´s Materiales Recovery Facilities14
03 RECYCLING The MRF Model ¿What is a MRF? A MRF, or a Materiales Recovery Facility, is a facility for the separation of recyclable materials that are recieved from a Residential or Comercial Collection route. While there are many varieties of MRF, each with varying degrees of automation in its processes, their purpose remains the same: separate recyclables from the rest of the waste stream so that they are returned to the market, avoiding the use of virgin resources. THE BASICS: In the US today, 5 to 10 The general operating model of these MRFs are built every year. This level of plants is the same:. growth is projected for the coming decade at least, given the continuing GENERAL MODEL : advance of technology, population growth, and projected growth of the 1. Collection domestic market. 2. Tipping Floor 3. Separation According the the CEOs present at 4. Baling Waste Expo, recycling is one of the most 5. Transport popular services offered by 6. Sale municipalities and each year brings growth in the number of locations What varies are the types of materials where it is offered. Despite this, that arrive on the tipping floor, and services still do not reach 100% of the these determine the optimal operating population. configuration. While it is true that the market demand MARKET: In general MRFs are built in for each material fluctuates, the overall urban or semi-urban areas with demand for the service does not sufficient surrounding population to provide the mínimum quantity of diminish. materials to produce a positive More and more, MRFs and the economic return on the investment for technology incorporated in them show a its operator. tendency towards automation. But it is worth noting that the role of the human It is critical that the community have element is irreplaceable in ensuring a an established and functioning source quality controlled output. In the separated collection scheme in place, separation process, it´s important to whether municipal or privately run. remember: In the following page we will discuss • People: Separate contamination the different models of source • Technology: Separates value15 separated collection. 15
03 RECYCLING “SEGREGATED COLLECTION Each Segregated collection Will the city provide containers for each program operates under cetain dwelling or designate public space for the common use common assumptions: receptacles? • Each household within the Each one of these decisions program has the will affect the future success of the program and responsibility to hand over its of the MRF that receives its materials. waste separated according to Beyond the collection the established format and, model, a public education • The Collection company will program is key in the success or failure of each ensure that these materiales program. are not mixed with the others. In order to ensure the correct message reaches its Generally these are users, it is recomendable that municipalities and MRF transported to a MRF or a operators work together to determine which materials transfer station. are acceptable for the collection program. This While there are many will vary depending upon the MRF ´s set-up and local similarities among waste conditions. collection markets, there are as Key Concept many variations among Today, the Word capturing the attention of the industry is collection programs as there are “contamination”. To ensure program success, the more cities. informed the citizen, the better. In order to determine the correct model, several basic decisions must be made: Will materiales be placed at the curb already separated by material type or mixed in one container? Will the organic waste be destined to its own separate container or mixed with the non-recyclables? In urban areas yet another decision must be made:16
03 Lessons Learned Segregated CollectionCOMMERCIAL vs. RESIDENTIAL PRE-SEGREGATED SINGLE-STREAMCollection is generally divided In this method, the material The “Single-stream” methodbetween two service lines: producer, whether commercial requires only one container per or residential, is obligated to household. All recyclable• Commercial segregate all materials, by type, materials are collected• Residential at their origin. together in this container regardless of type.Each of these lines has Typically the segregation isimportant characteristics to done using differentiated In commercial applications thisconsider in the implementation containers, each clearly marked can consist of a compactor orof a successful system. to idenitfy the type of materials high-volumen container. Either to be deposited in each. The of these ensures that theCommercial collection tends to need for multiple containers volume collected with each per client leads to an elevated pick-up is more operationallycontain materials with a lower initial investment and higher efficient. long-term maintenance costslevel of contamination due to for this method. Despite this benefit, the process of mixing materials inthe fact that these result from On the upside, due to its comercial applications can segregation at origin, the waste increase contamination slightly.processes such as stream tends to contain significantly less contamination In residential applications, eachmanufacture, production and which results in a more dwelling is typically provided efficient segregation process with a container in which allpackaging. As such, it is once in the Materials Recovery reciclables accepted by the Facility. local MRF are deposited.benefitial to incorporate as However, there are other This makes the education ofmany materials from limitations to consider: system residents all the more important. MRF operators andcommercial sources as possible Once the materials are municipalities must work segregated at their point of together to inform the the planning and origin, collecting each container The more they understand separately is a requirement. what is acceptable and what isimplementation of segregated This, naturally, increases the not, the less contamination number of trucks and routes ends up in the waste stream.collection. required and the associated operational costs. This method tends to haveAs opposed to commercial, lower initial investment costsresidential collection tends to This method is more aplicable due to the need for onecontain higher material in urban areas where shared- container per household. Beingvolumes and, as such, higher use containers placed in that these can be collectedlevels of contamination. From common spaces can result in using one vehicle, operationalthat standpoint, consumer higher volumes per container, costs can be lower wheneducation becomes much more therefore increasing the compared with alternativeimportant in avoiding improper efficiency of collection routes. methods.disposal practices.The two following collectionmethods can be applied toeither commercial or residentialcollection Nevertheless, bothwill have long-term impacts ona program´s development. Theresults of a recycling program´scollection system depend bothupon the chosen method andits execution over time.17 17
03 RECYCLING 3. Theory, Applied MRF – REPUBLIC SERVICES INC18 A Tour of the United State´s Largest MRF
03 RECYCLING THEORY, APPLIEDThe United States´ largest Materials Recovery Facility is located in the urbancenter of Las Vegas, Nevada. Operated by the company Republic Waste Services,one of the largest national waste industry competitors, this plant wasconstructed betwen 2014 and 2015 and became the most recent in its networkof recycling infrastructure. The project has an installed capacity to receive andtreat the recyclables of the 2.5 million inhabitants of Las Vegas, processing 905tons of waste, an equivalent to the weight of 500 mid-sized cars, daily. Anastounding 15 % of the electricity consumed by the facility (933.162 kilowatts peryear), is produced by the 1.776 photovoltaic panels installed on its roof, eachproducing 315 watts. In the coming pages we will explore the technology andsystems that make up this MRF and some of the lessons that can be drawn fromthe experience of one of the largest recycling service providers of the United States. 1919
LAYOUT Tipping Floor: The process begins when reciclable of the drum, the denser glass particles fall into a materials are deposited by collection vehicles dedicated container to await further treatment. onto a covered concrete tipping floor which has a capacity to receive between 24 and 36 hours of ▪5. Disc Screen for Paper: At this point in the materials. system, additional disc screens separate paper from remaining materials (plastics and metals). ▪1. Metering Drum: Fine Tuning: with a processing Paper is separated by size and type, from large capacity for 905 tons per day, the metering to small and dropped onto six manual QC lines systems play a critical role in the regulation of for final separation or rejection. material flow and volume onto the belts that transport the recyclables from the tipping floor to ▪6. Optical Sorting of Fiber: The system consists the pre-segregation platform. Too much volume of five optical sorters which make thousands of and segregation becomes inefficient, to little and decisions per second to separate materials the facility doesn´t meet its daily production based on programmed characteristics such as goals.. 2D vs 3D, color or density. The first of these identifies and separates non-fiber materials ▪2. Pre-segregation Platform: Before waste can from the flow. enter the automated portion of the system, large non-recyclable waste must be removed from the ▪7. Ferrous Metals Magnet: In this step the material flow to avoid the obstruction of system system separates ferrous materials from the components downstream. These are separated rest of the containers. Bales of metal produced manually and deposited into dedicated containers from this step can weigh up to ¾ of a Ton. for sorting and disposal at landfill. Throughout the facility there are approximately 40 workers per ▪8. Eddy Current System: This element creates shift sorting materials, each playing a critical role an electro-magnetic field to separate aluminum in maintaining quality control. from the material flow. On a normal day, 275,000 aluminum cans are processed at this ▪3. Disc Screen for OCC: Old Corrugated facility. Cardboard is separated by a series of disc screens. Cardboard and other fiber is separated ▪9. Optical Sorting: The reamaining optical by size and type, from largest to smallest as they sorting systems separate plastics by type. They flow through the system. Disc screens allow large can also be programmed to separate by color, material to flow over the top as smaller materials density and form. On a normal day the MRF fall through onto another belt. processes around 575,000 plastic bottles. ▪4. Glass Cleaning System: This facility is a ▪10. Balers: The final procedure is the pioneer in terms of glass separation. Its design is compaction of materials into bales for their composed of two principal elements: glass eventual transport and shipping to the passes through a rotating trommel to remove the marketplace. These normally ship within 24 smallest particles and then through a rotary drum hours of being discharged onto the tipping floor.20 that agitates the remaining contents. On one end Depending on their make-up, bales can weigh of the drum a negative pressure vacuum extracts between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds. non-glass materials while on the other end of the
03 Lessons Learned COLLECTION SYSTEM EDUCATION IS While this has been Las Vegas, Nevada extended FUNDAMENTAL effective, experience shows a public bidding process for According to the director of that residents of lower the franchise of its waste public relations at the MRF, income neighborhoods have management services. The Republic Waste Services a tendency to mix waste process resulted in Republic dedicates a large percentage with recyclables. This could Waste Services as the sole of its marketing budget to be attributed to a higher provider of Collection, the education of city number of residents per Separation and Disposal residents. household. This results in a Services for Municipal Solid higher production of waste Waste in the city of Due to the the fact that the per household and a lack of 2,500,000 inhabitants system´s efficiency depends capacity to store waste upon a material flow free of separately. The company provides two “contamination” or non- containers to each recyclable materials), any COMPLEMENTARY household: one for error on the part of residents PROGRAMS recyclables and another for becomes an additional in- all other trash. A third plant effort, and operational The Republic Waste Services container is available for cost, to remove these from MRF is complementary to organic or food waste. the stream. other services such as waste However, as it is an arid collection and its Sanitary zone, very few organics are When bills are sent out to Landfill. In addition to these produced other than food customers the company services, the company waste. includes educational flyers representative highlights the that describe best practices importance of organic/food Each household receives a and reminders of the types waste services as a quarterly bill directly from of materials that can be fundamental part of the Republic. The bill´s value received and processed at system. In other climate depends upon the services the Materials Recovery zones, where the presence the household has chosen to Facility. of organic materials is receive. As a part of the higher, the segregation of franchise agreement, in the When a truck arrives at the this waste stream is event that a household does plant with high levels of indispensable due to the fact not pay its bill, Republic has contamination, the route is that there are no existing the right to place a lien on flagged and, during the technologies or systems the property in question. following collection cycle, all capable of efficiently This helps in enforcing debt containers on that route are removing these materials collection and ensuring “red-tagged”. These tags from the recycling waste financial returns. notify residents along the stream. The presence of route that their bins organics in the waste Republic Waste Services contained unacceptable stream is the greatest trucks collect the containers materials and that, should contributor to paper and on different days according the event occur again, there cardboard contamination in to the collection program. could be an additional their other plants. This Residents must place their contamination charge added makes it crucial to deal the containers on the curb on to their bills to penalize problem before it arrives at 2121 their assigned day and time. them. the MRF.
03 RECYCLING MARKET TREND REVIEWTHREE PROFFESIONALS, THREE MATERIALS, THREE VIEWS GLASS PAPE & CARDBOARD PLASTICLaura Hennemann Dan Cotter Jordan Tony Consultant VP Marketing Vicepresisdent More RecyclingStrategic Materials CellmarkHIGH DEMAND: The Paper and Cardboard Plastic´s market value isThere is a constant market is the most derived from the price of oilconsumer demand for affected by China´s and, as such, fluctuations inglass products and their “National Sword” policy, this market will berecycling. due the the fact that these predictable for some time are the most contaminated until the two becomeHIGH SUPPLY: China´s products. decoupled by alternativerestrictions will not affect plastics.the supply side of the glass A large percentage of themarket. It will continue to paper and cardboard will In the year 2017, 53% ofbe used as a consumer end up without plastic bags used andproduct container. international buyers as recycled in the United alternative markets reach States were exported.Glass is the most common capacity. This will increasecause of MRF damage. costs as local/national China´s restrictions areMany MRFs have begun to markets scale up. already creating theeliminate glass from their demand for alternativelist of accepted materials. This should not represent a markets for theseThis will increase the cost problem for Chile´s materials.of landfilling due to the national market as adensity and weight of majority of paper products India & Vietnam areglass. are recycled by national currently receiving US paper mills. plastics, but it is possibleSeparation of glass prior to that their market capacityarrival at the MRF is critical If the international market will be met in the nearto maximizing the market- continues to decline, this future. This leads to thevalue of recyclable bales could represent an import need for development ofand reducing the damage opportunity for Chile. local systems/markets in22 caused by glass to MRF the US and other producer countries. systems.
03 RECYCLING RECYCLING PROGRAMS What do the Experts Say? INDUSTRY: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGMENT “The most expensive and inefficient part of recyling is collection (representing between 60 – 70% of operational costs). Logically then, “single-stream” collection is the most cost effective. Nevertheless, this represents a challenge in the long-term. Without proper education, “single-stream” contributes to the problem of higher levels of contamination in the final product… Uninformed consumers expect EVERYTHING put in the bin to be recycled; an impossibility if they include things like diapers and bottles of oil. Today, 1 in 4 items deposited in the recycling bin is, in reality, garbage that ends up contaminating recyclable materials and increasing the amount that ends up in Sanitary Landfills.” - Susan Robinson, Public RelationsDirector, Waste Management Inc. INDUSTRY: NATIONAL WASTE & RECYCLING ASSOCIATION: “Educating municipalities is the most important step today, they must educate the public that diversión is not the goal, Recycling is.” - Darrel Smith – CEO, NWRA INDUSTRY: MRF ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURE : “The separation of organics is critical to any recycling program. The success or failure of a modern recycling system depends upon its separation.” - Chris Hawn, - CEO Machinex Technologies INDUSTRY: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS “9 billion tons of plastic have been produced in the 65 years since its invention” JD Lindeberg “China will leapfrog the Landfill economy and transition directly to a circular economy, and they will do it much faster than the world thinks is possible (in 5 years instead of 25). Then they won´t need to import the world´s reyclables, they will develop their own economy based on their own domestic production.” - Michael Hoffman Stifel 23
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