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Home Explore Hooks Systems - IT Support

Hooks Systems - IT Support

Published by hookssystemsNC, 2015-03-23 08:41:39

IT RemoteCare provides a pro-active, “total coverage” approach to the management of your computers and network, regardless of the size of your business. With the three components of IT RemoteCare, Hooks Systems maintains a healthy and secure network environment for your business while providing your users with superior helpdesk support.

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Need computer support for your small business? Hooks Systems can help! Network ManagementPro-active total coverage approach to network management regardless of the size of your business. IT SupportTired of your users complaining about their computer problems and not being productive? Well look no more!

IT Consulting Cloud? On-Premise? Hybrid? Never feel alone again trying to make complicated IT decisions for your business! Plans start as low as $95 per month for IT RemoteCare.AffordableNo customer too small. No more racking up huge IT bills that catch youby surprise. We offer fixed fee services to ensure you always staywithin your budget.HonestSee why so many companies put their trust in us. We are vendorneutral, so we only recommend products and services that are right foryou!SimpleOur approach is simple. We manage your network while you manage yourbusiness. Your dedicated account manager will be with you every stepof the way!

We care about your business, not just your ITFirst and foremost, we want to play a role in ensuring you are asuccessful business for years to come. Since 1995, we have focused onand built our business and reputation on high-quality, affordable ITsupport — one client at a time. Your success has a direct impact on oursuccess. We understand the daunting task you face each day simplytrying to run your business, not to mention trying to keep your IT incheck. Every distraction is an obstacle to the success of your businessand IT can be one of the biggest and most frustrating ones of them all.We can help!It’s one thing to need great IT service, butanother to afford itEarly on, we met so many clients who all seemed to have one thing incommon. They all desperately needed help with their technology, butcould not find a good IT company that was affordable. At that point,we knew how important it was to deliver great IT services to everyoneat a price they could afford and we were committed to achieve it!A different approach to IT supportWe know your computers exists for the sole purpose of helping you runyour business. You simply want them to work. We can make that happen.Unlike many IT companies, we don’t try to manage you. We simply focuson managing your network and making it work for you. You askquestions, we provide complete no-nonsense answers and solutions. Ourgoal is to keep you well informed so you can always make a goodbusiness decisions when it comes to IT. It should be an asset, not aliability.

IT RemoteCareA unique approach to IT support that’s priced for small business, ITRemoteCare® is comprised of 3 services: SystemCare, NetworkCare &ManagedCareIT RemoteCare provides a pro-active, “total coverage” approach to themanagement of your computers and network, regardless of the size ofyour business. With the three components of IT RemoteCare, HooksSystems maintains a healthy and secure network environment for yourbusiness while providing your users with superior helpdesk support. IT RemoteCare EditionsIT RemoteCare is offered in three monthly editions.The difference is simple. You determine the level of support you need.To get connected with IT RemoteCare today, send us an email or simplyjust give us a call. An IT RemoteCare specialist is looking forward toshare with you how IT RemoteCare can help your business succeed likeit has for so many of our clients already. Office Location 2116 Capital Drive Suite 101 Wilmington, NC 28405 910-790-9959 (Office) 800-558-5340 (Toll Free) [email protected]

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