Welcome toAcrobatHere are four quick tips to help youget up and running.01 Open a PDF from mail or web02 Get recent files from Home03 Read documents anywhere04 Use tools on your PDFKeep reading to learn more.
01Open a PDFfrom mail orwebWhen you encounter a PDF file—whether it’s in your email oron the web — tap the file andchoose “Adobe Acrobat” from the“Open with” menu2 Four tips to become productive with Adobe Acrobat DC
02Get recentfiles fromHomeTap the colored tile in theupper left and select “Home”to see your recently viewedfiles, or access files stored inAdobe Document Cloud.3 Four tips to become productive with Adobe Acrobat DC
03ReaddocumentsanywhereFiles open in the Viewer. Fromhere you can scroll and zoom,change the view mode, andsearch for text.4 Four tips to become productive with Adobe Acrobat DC
04Use tools onyour PDFTap the tool switcher to seethe full menu of tools includingComment and Fill & Sign.5 Four tips to become productive with Adobe Acrobat DC
Learn more aboutAcrobat for mobileRead our blogGet the inside scoop, and keep up with the latestnews, events, and innovations.Visit the community forumExchange info with other Acrobat mobile users.6 Four tips to become productive with Adobe Acrobat DC
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