Glossaryaccident /ˈæksɪdənt/ : kecelakaanaccompany /əˈkʌmpənɪ/ : menemani, menyertaiaircraft /eəkrɑ:ft/ : pesawat terbangannually /ænjʊəlɪ/ : tiap tahunapologize /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ : meminta maafattend /əˈtend/ : menghadiriattention /əˈtenʃn/ : perhatianaverage /ævərɪdʒ/ : rata-ratabased on /beɪsd ɔn/beak /bi:k/ : berdasarkan padabeast /bi:st/bellhop /belheʊp/ : paruhbelt /belt/ : binatang (buas)besides /bɪ’səɪd/ : pelayan/pesuruh pria di hotel (= bellboy)blow/bləʊ/ : ikat pinggang, sabukbreak down /ˈbreɪkdəʊn/ : lagi pula, tambahanceremony /ˈserɪmənɪ/chance /tʃɑ:ns/ : bertiup, meniupcirculation /ˈsɜ:kjʊleɪˈʃn/ : rusakcoast /kəʊst/conservation /ˈkənsəˈveɪʃn/ : upacaraconstantly /ˈkɒnstəntlɪ/container /kənˈteɪnə/ : kesempatancontinually /kənˈtɪnjʊəlɪ/ : peredaran, oplah (mis. koran/surat kabar)convert /kən’vɜ:t/ : pantai, pesisircreature /ˈkri:tʃə/ : konservasi, perlindungan alamcruise (v.) /kru:z/ : terus-menerus, tak (n.) /kru:z/ : wadah/kotakcustom /ˈkʌstəm/ : terus-meneruscustomary /ˈkʌstəmərɪ/ : mengubahdecline /dɪˈklaɪn/ : makhluk : menjelajahdelicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ : pelayaran, pesiardiet /ˈdaɪət/ : adat, kebiasaandiving /daɪvɪŋ/ : biasadot /dɒt/ : 1. menolakearn one’s living /ɜ:n wúns lɪvɪŋ/emerge /ɪˈmɜ:dʒ/ 2. merosotenliven /ənlɪvən/ : lezat, enakenormous /ɪnɔ:məs/ : diet, makananentertainment /ˈentəˈteɪnmənt/ : menyelamenvironment /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/ : titik, bintikexcellent /ˈeksələnt/ : mencari nafkah : muncul, timbul : memeriahkan : sangat besar, hebat : hiburan, pertunjukan : lingkungan : ulung, baik sekali, unggul142 English in Focus for Grade IX
expansion /ɪkˈspænʃn/ : perluasan, pengembangan, ekspansiexplain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ : menjelaskan, menerangkanexplanation /ˈekspləˈneɪʃn/ : penjelasanfarm implement /fɑ:m ˈɪmpləmənt/ : alat pertanianfavourable /ˈfeɪvərəbəl/ : baik, menyenangkan, menguntungkanfencing /fencɪŋ/ : anggarÀre extinguisher/ˈfaɪə ɪkˈstɪŋgwɪʃə/ : alat pemadam kebakaranÁeet /Ái:t/ : armadaÁesh /Áeʃ/ : dagingfrequently /ˈfri:kwentlɪ/ : sering kalifurrow /ˈfʌrəʊ/ : galur, alurfuselage /ˈfjʊ:zəlɑ:ʒ/ : badan pesawat terbanggrand /grænd/ : agung, menyenangkan, hebathappen /ˈhæpən/ : 1. terjadi 2. kebetulan sajaheadline /hedlaɪn/ : pokok/kepala beritaheel /hi:l/ : tumithurdling /ˈhɜ:dlɪŋ/ : lari gawangirregular /ɪˈregjʊlə/ : tidak teraturjavelin /ˈdʒævlɪn/ : lembingkitchen appliance /ˈkɪtʃɪn əˈplaɪəns/ : alat memasak/dapurlizard /ˈlɪzəd/ : kadalload /ləʊd/ : memuat(i)look out /lʊkʌʊt/ : 1. berhati-hati 2. awasmanufacture /mænjʊˈfæktʃə/ : membuat/menghasilkan dengan tangan/mesinmarbles /ˈmɑ:bl/ : kelerengmerely /ˈmɪəlɪ/ : hanya, belakamultiply /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ : mengalikan, melipatgandakanmythical /mɪðɪkl/ : dongengannation /ˈneɪʃn/ : bangsanaval vessel /ˈneɪvl vesl/ : kapal angkutan lautnecessity /nɪˈsesətɪ/ : keperluan, kebutuhannevertheless /ˈnevəðə’les/ : namun, meskipun begitu/demikianofÀcially /əˈfɪʃəlɪ/ : secara resmiparlour /ˈpɑ:lə/ : kamar/salon tamupay off /peɪəf/ : 1. melunasi 2. memberi hasilpea /pi:/ : kacang polongpossibility /pósəˈbɪlətɪ/ : kemungkinanpreserve /prɪˈzɜ:v/ : 1. memelihara 2. mengawetkan Glossary 143
Index Index of Expressions • Asking and responding certainty, 2, 3 • Asking repetition, 6, 7 • Showing hesitation, 26, 29 • Responding hesitation, 28, 29 • Showing attention, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 • Giving admiration, 52, 53, 55, 56 • Giving interesting news or information, 76, 77 • Responding interesting news or information, 83, 84 • Showing polite manners, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108 • Showing simpathy, 51, 52, 53 Index of Grammar • Using let to introduce imperatives, 16, 17 • Gerunds, 33, 34 • The present perfect tense, 61 • The past perfect tense, 93 • Special Ànites may and might, can and could, 119 Index of Texts • Procedural text, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 53, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 72, 73, 133, 134, 137 • Report text, 24, 31, 35, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 70, 71, 103, 110, 114, 115, 117, 127, 129, 118, 132 • Narrative text, 78, 81, 82, 85, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 127, 128, 135, 136, 139 Index of Authors • Clark, Colin, 79 • La Fontaine, 81 • Mckie, Anne, 85, 95 • Wardiman, Artono 24, 117144 English in Focus for Grade IX
Listening ScriptChapter 1 Practice 10Do It This Way! 1. Put the slices of papaya, pineapple, red syrup togetherPractice 3 : I haven’t slept well lately. I don’t know why. with some ice cubes into a blender and blend on high for1. Nona : Don’t worry if you’re the kind of person that one minute. 2. Next, do the same to the remaining soursoup, vanilla syrup Ardi does not sleep easily. First, don’t think too and some ice cubes. much. Then, drink a glass of hot milk before 3. Finally, pour the juice into some glasses, the white juice is Nona sleeping. You will sleep really well. on the bottom and the red juice is on the top. Ardi : Are you certain about it?2. Fadli : DeÀnitely. Practice 11 Cinta : Do you know how to get rid of a cold easily and Join the Faces of the Month Competition! Fadli quickly? Cinta : When I get a cold, Àrst, take medicine. Next, I go • Bring together all of your friends (max. 15 persons) to sleep. Finally, when I get up, I feel fresh again. • Give your best pose and smile is a must! : Really? • Take your photo with digital camera or pocket camera. : I’ve no doubt about it. • Do not use computer effects or contact lenses. • Collect your photo to Callista’s Photo Studio, jln. RiaPractice 5Mrs Siregar : Hello, Mrs Hery. Where are you going? No.15, by 29 March 2008.Mrs Hery : Oh, hello Mrs Siregar. I am going to the market. Chapter 2 I want to make fried chicken for Sisi and Niar. Let’s Dance and Sing They like it very much.Mrs Siregar : I see. By the way, how do you make your fried Practice 2 chicken? Pop SongsMrs Hery : I use a traditional recipe.Mrs Siregar : Are you sure? Why don’t you use an instant Pop songs come from movies and pop composers. The recipe? I don’t think that a traditional recipe will songs are mainly simple 1music with the lyrics about 2love. They much better. Instant recipe is much quicker. are played by 3bands in dance halls, cafe, restaurants, and theMrs Hery : I deÀnitely sure. I know that an instant recipe is night clubs and on 4television. The bands consist of six to more much quicker but I don’t think it’s better. than six 5persons. The boys bands are 6famous today. 7Boys bandsMrs Siregar : Can you tell me the recipe? held by Maroon 5, Ungu, Gigi, Letto and Peterpan attract a lotMrs Hery : Well, I make it easy and quick. You just need of people. And last but not least 8the programmes of Indonesian some slices of chicken thighs for about 0.5 kg, Idol and Mamamia always fascinate young and old people. 3 cm of ginger, 1 egg, one teaspoon full of They are successful because they are singers of great 9voices peppers, 3 pieces of garlics, one tablespoon of and they can 10perform well before an audience. salt. First of all, mix the chicken thighs with egg yolk, keep in the freezer for a half hour. Then, Practice 6 pound ginger, peppers, garlics and salt. Get Javanese Culture the chicken thighs out from the freezer, mix it with the pound of the spices. After a while Culture, arts, magic, spirits and powers of good and evil prepare 0.25 kg Áour, mix the Áour with a grain are together to be a part of Javanese culture. Contemporary art of peppers. Roll the chicken thighs to the Áour. has also developed here. The ancient Hindu epic is the basis for Fried it in a hot oil until it turns light brown. many aspects of life in Java. Practice 9 1. Mr Herman : I will go to watch wayang orang in Taman Sriwedari tonight. Would you like to come,Practice 6 Son?Listen again to the dialogue in Practice 5. Budi : I’m not so sure, Dad.I’ll have an EnglishPractice 7 test tomorrow.Listen again to the dialogue in Practice 5. 2. Sute : There’s some doubt in my mind that Handy will pass to the next level of Indonesian Idol. He sang badly last night.Practice 9 Yurike : Hmm...let’s see.Ingredients : 3. Fira : I’m not sure I can dance Serimpi Dance1. 4 slices (400 gr) papayas beautifully, Mom.2. 1 slices (100 gr) pineapple Mrs Handoko : Don’t worry, Fira. Just keep practising,3. 1 tablespoon red syrup OK.4. 1 piece (300 gr) soursoup 4. Dora : Would you like to see Glenn Fredly concert5. 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup next month?6. Some ice cubes Wildan : I couldn’t really be sure about that. Next month is an examination time! 145
5. Tio : There’s a new art gallery at Jln. Sabang. Practice 5 Rani Shall we see it? You will need: 1 cup all-purpose Áour, 1 egg, 3/4 cup milk, 2 teaspoons sugar,6. Roni : I don’t know, I couldn’t say. I’m still waiting 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon Headmaster for my examination result right now. Mr vanilla (optional) Burhan said, he would announce it in one How to make it hour. 1. Add Áour, egg, milk, sauce, sugar, powder, salt, and vanilla. 2. Mix well. You may want/need to add a little more Áour or : I can’t be certain about the presentation milk based on the consistency you want. 3. Add in any extra of Gigi Band, Sir. Their manager says that goodies and cook over med heat griddle. they’re on a full schedule. Practice 6 : That’s too bad. I wish they would come for Mr Jhon : What is that? this charity. Mrs Jhon : It is sweet buns. I just made it. Taste it, please. Mr Jhon : Ok... hmm. It’s Fantastic! Can you tell me the recipePractice 101. There’s some doubt in my mind that Hula-Hula Dance originated to make this buns. Mrs Jhon : Well, you need barbecue beef 500 g, Ànely chopped from Honolulu.2. I’m not so sure that my sister will become a good singer. onion 25 g, oil 15 ml, sugar 15 ml, soy sauce 15 ml,3. I couldn’t say that rap music was from Africa. oyster sauce 15 ml, cornstarch 20 g and water 1004. I’m not all convinced about the singer’s voice. She probably ml. Mr Jhon : Oh, I see, then tell me what to do to the used lip synch. ingredients.5. I couldn’t really be sure about where Salsa Dance originally Mrs Jhon : First of all, Mix constarch with 6 table spoon water completely into a smooth. Mixture. Place a wok came from. of sauce pan over medium heat until hot. Then, add and stir oil, onion, and beef for 1 minute. AddPractice 11 sugar, soy sauce, oyster and remainder water in Good evening young listeners. What will you do at the wok and stir well. Bring above mix to the boiling. Add contract slurry to the wok and stir untilcoming Saturday night? I’ve some information to Àll your thickened over mild heat, cool sweet and savourySaturday night. First, launching of Tristan’s painting in Rialto beef down for Àlling. And in the end, remove roastGallery, at 7 pm, Theatrical Performing Art by Alama n’ friends beef Àlling to bowl and Selasar Open Theatre at 8 pm and Ska Music Festival startsfrom 5 pm. Choose your favorite programme and leave your Practice 11chair! 1. What are the materials to make an Amazon hut? 2. What is the Àrst step?Chapter 3 3. Why should we cut woods into large sticks?Be Creative! 4. How can we make the frame for the house? 5. Where we put palm leaves?Practice 2 Practice 12Sinyo : I never ordered a ticket by phone. Do you know how You’re Invited!Anti to order a ticket by phone? The Costume Party 2008 Choose Your Own CharacterSinyo : Of course I do. First, pick up the phone. Dial the Wear the OutÀt, and Go Out for Party!Anti service number. Then, state your name and address Conditions:Sinyo to the operator. 1. Imaginary character outÀt must be original.Anti 2. Your character or weapon must be unique.Sinyo : 1 Oh, I see. Then,2Tell me more. 3. You must have a mission. : And then, state your destination to the operator. 4. You must have a name. : 3What should I do after that? For further details contact us : Then, state if you are going to pay by credit card or Hana 09992434 Riko 09997326 cheque. Finally, you hang up the phone. Email Àgureparty@www.À : 4Well... Well.. Thanks for the explanation. Exercise of Chapters 1-3Practice 3Dona : Hey Gun. What are you doing? Text 1Gun : I’m making a windmill from paper. Ah, now it is Bright Colours Ànished. Police ofÀcers wear bright colored jackets when theyDona : Wow, That’s marvellous! How did you do that? are directing trafÀc. This helps drivers to see them clearly,Gun : I made it from a square piece of paper by cutting especially when it is dark. Which colours do you think are the best to wear for safety at night? inwards from each corner halfway to the centre point. More about Bright Colours Then, I folded over each point with a dot on it and tape it to the centre.Dona : Well.. well... Then, tell me more!Gun : After that, I pushed the drawing pin through the centre and into the rubber on the end of the pencil.Dona : Oh, I see.Gun : See. Now you can blow on the pin wheel and watch it spin.Dona : TerriÀc!146 English in Focus for Grade IX
You will need: • white stickers So the Sea went along, with the Àsh and all the members of• a bright torch • silver glitter his family. Surprisingly, the water began to rise, so that the Sun• scissors • a sheet of black paper and the Moon had to climb up to the roof because they did not• non-toxic glue • felt-tip pen want to be drowned, then they climbed up into the sky, where• sticky tack they have remained ever since.Expressions for number 5 to 10 Practice 14 Dear diary 5. Are you sure that you will get the scholarship? 6. I doubt that I will pass the test Last Sunday, Santi and I 1 were going to the town library 7. Can you hear me? together. We went 2 in the afternoon . In addition , the weather 8. I got headache for the last two days. was Àne. 9. What do you think of my new hair cut?10. Hello, Fira. What do you think of my new jacket? Near the park. some one was 3 following us. We heard some noises behind the bush. We were very afraid that we 4 thoughtChapter 4 we were 5 followed by a pick pocket or a freak.It’s a Great Story But then, a dirty, poor boy came out from the bush. HePractice 3 6 asked for a money to buy some food. Gosh, he was just a 71. A : Surprise! I have already read the story of Laskar hungry kid. So, we gave him some money. He said thanks and went away. That’s very a 8 heartbeating experience. Pelangi. B : Tell me more about it, then. Chapter 52. A : I laughed out loud, when I read the story of a Lovely, Send Me a Letter, Please Lovely Mud. Practice 2 B : Oh, really? I thought that was a sad story. Wu Fei : What kind of job does your father do? Herman : My father is a 1postman. He is employed by the postPractice 6 ofÀce to 2deliver letters and collect those posted inLoki : Hi, Tari. What’re you doing? pillar boxes.Tari : Hi, Loki. I’m reading the story of Si Pungguk from Wu Fei : My father is a civil servant. He works for theLoki Ministry of Education. In fact I want to know aboutTari West Sumatra. Guess what, this is the second time I’m some 3postal matters. Would you tell me more about reading it. it?Loki : Well, what so special? Tell me more. Herman : Yeah sure, what do you want to know? : This story is about a powerful love. Pungguk was a Wu Fei : I want to know what is meant by PO BOX? poor good-looking young man. He fell in love with Herman : PO BOX stands for Post OfÀce Box. Its 4locked Princess Purnama Bulan, although they were in mailboxes located inside the post ofÀce. They are love with each other, Purnama Bulan already had used by people who Ànd them more convenient or a Àance. One day, Purnama Bulan gave Pungguk a more private than the regular service. veil. When Pungguk walked, Purnama Bulan’s Àance Wu Fei : And 5registered mail? noticed the veil, and thought that Pungguk stole it. Herman : It offers 6extra safety for valuable mail for an With his sword, he killed Pungguk. Believe it or not, additional fee. The post ofÀce insures such mail from Pungguk’s dead body grew some mushrooms, and keeps a careful record of it. The addrese must it changed into living creatures, birds. Those birds sign a receipt for it. were called Pungguk, they used to sit on the highest Wu Fei : All right, Herman. Thank you very much for the branch of a tree looking at a full moon. Surprisingly, information. they called “Pungguk! Pungguk!”. : What an interesting story! Practice 3 Well unfortunately, it ended sadly.Practice 9 Nino : Hello, Mr Randi. How are you? The Greedy Dog Mr Randi : Hello, Nino. 1I’m Àne, thanks. Nino : So, anyway, how’s your trip to Singapore? 2Would One day, a dog stole a big piece of meat and he was very you tell me more about it?proud of it. Then, he ran off until he reached the bank of the Mr Randi : Well, 3not very smooth exactly.river. He looked down into the river water carefully and he Nino : Oh, really? Why was that?saw another dog with a piece of meat in its mouth. Mr Randi : I had trouble with my photo in the passport. I looked very different, because of the surgery in Funnily enough, the dog did not realise that it was his own my chin two months ago and my haircut. TheyreÁection in the water. When he was full, he threw himself on almost brought me to the immigration ofÀce.the other dog to steal his meat as well. Unfortunately, when he Nino : 4That’s horrible. What happened next?was in the water, he had to let go the remains of the meat to Mr Randi : Then I called 5The Indonesian Embassy and theyavoid drowning, and so was left with nothing.Practice 11 Nino helped me. Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky : I see. A long time ago, the Sun and the Moon were a married Practice 6couple who lived on the Earth and were great friends of theSea. One day, they invited the Sea to visit them. 1. Post OfÀce Clerk : What do you need, Ma’am? Mrs Dina : I need three envelopes, Àve stamps and a postcard, please. Listening Script 147
2. Mr Tora : I need the postal code of East Jakarta Practice 11 please. Good evening youngpals wherever you are. Back toPost OfÀce Clerk : Absolutely, Sir. It’s 17421.3. Mrs Yuna : How much does the stamp cost? Ramajaya FM. Now, I’ll tell you one interesting ads, especiallyPost OfÀce Clerk : It costs Rp3,500. Ma’am. for you Àllatelist freak.4. Post OfÀce Clerk : May I help you, Sir?Mr Erwin : Yes, please. Do you know how much is Central post ofÀce has launched two new series of stamp. the charge for a package to Singapore as Heroes series and cartoon series. You’ll Ànd Superman, Wonder soon as possible? woman, Spiderman, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Tom and Jerry,5. Kiko : Which one do you prefer? Sending news Spongebob and Patrick. Each series only Rp150,000,00 and get by air mail or by electronic mail? 10% discount if you buy both series. What’re you waiting for?Ela : I prefer by air mail. Get it now on your nearby post ofÀce.Practice 8 Exercise of Chapters 4-5 Do you know that mail is usually delivered once Dear Lula, How are you? I’m doing good here. One week ago I 1wenta day, six days a week? In Mauritania mail is delivered by 1post to Batam Island for business. I’m so sorry I could not 2comedrivers. In the US a 2mail carrier sometimes must walk 3along his to Jakarta, because it was only a 3short visit. I only stayed forroute. one night. My colleague 4picked me up at the airport. Then, we 5continued our journey to the hotel. It was a very hot day. In Spain or Indonesia the 4postman often travels by 5bicycle or I remembered that I 6drank Àve cold drinks in one hour. I alsomotorcycle. visited Nagoya, Batam Centre and Galang Island. I didn’t forget to go shopping there. OK, Lula. That’s enough for now. 6Rejected mail is mail that cannot be delivered or returned Don’t forget to write me its 7sender. This may happen if it is addressed 8wrong and doesnot have a return address. Such mail goes to the dead-mail or Love,dead-letter ofÀce. The mail is opened to try to 9Ànd the senderor addressee. If this is unsuccessful, the mail is 10destroyed andany valuables are sold. Susan148 English in Focus for Grade IX
Answer KeyChapter 1 4. FDo It this Way! 5. T 6. FListeningPractice 7 Practice 41. one table spoon 1. originate2. fried 2. famous3. one teaspoon 3. charm4. mix 4. captivate, magnetise5. pound 5. ÀnelyReading 5. c ReadingPractice 2 6. b Practice 2 (Grammar Stage)1. g 7. a 1. seeing is believing2. f 2. missing3. e 3. interfering4. d 4. helping 5. tellingPractice 3 6. bathing1. water plant2. tank 7. learning3. gravels 8. making4. ponds 9. packing5. net 10. saying, looking6. jug Practice 6Practice 5 (Grammar Stage) 1. c1. Let’s cook (together). 2. d2. Let me add some salt. 3. b3. Let me stir the coconut milk thoroughly. 4. d4. Let’s get lunch (together). 5. a5. Let’s make an aquarium (together). 6. b6. Let’s keep the water boiling. 7. b7. Let’s keep the biscuit smashing.8. Let’s have dinner in a new restaurant. Practice 89. Let’s keep the coconut milk stirring. 1. nearly 2. camePractice 9 3. chieÁy 1. F 4. yearly 2. F 3. T 6. T Practice 11 6. j 4. T 7. F 1. e 7. a 5. T 8. T 2. h 8. f 9. F 3. i 9. b 10. F 4. c 10. g 5. dWritingPractice 6 Practice 121. Àrst of all, grow, seed, gloves, patch 1. have a role2. next, clods, now 2. not very strong3. after that, holes, then, press, down, base 3. – take and use something4. Ànally, better, water, dusk5. record – take in or absorb 4. have the same form 5. give a reason for believingChapter 2 Writing 5. bLet’s Dance and Sing Practice 8 6. f 1. a 7. dListening 2. c 8. ePractice 3 3. h1. F 4. g2. F3. F Answer Key 149
Chapter 3 1. A text that gives informations about something just theBe Creative! way it is as the result of systematical observation and analysis.ListeningPractice 10 1. The generic structures of procedural text1. b • Goal2. c • Materials (precise information, how long, how many,3. c what type4. b • Steps : What to do • The frame (commands, details, how, with what)Practice 11 • The covering (where, action verbs), and the bridle 6. Ac-a-b-e-f-d-g text that gives hints about the way to make something with its steps.Reading 5. aPractice 2 6. h 2. answer my vary1. d 7. c 3. answer my vary2. g 8. f 4. answer my vary3. b 5. haven’t worked4. e 6. has lost 7. have you ever seenPractice 4 Chapter 41. F It’s a Great Story2. T3. F Listening4. T Practice 9 1. aPractice 6 2. a 1. haven’t subscribed 3. c 2. has given 4. a 3. have you been 5. b 4. have read 6. a 5. has been stolen 6. has been caught, has been brought Practice 12 7. haven’t collected 2. a 8. has been cheated 3. b 9. have been swept 4. b 5. b10. has written SpeakingWriting Practice 10 6. d 11. bPractice 4 1. e 7. g3-2-1-4 2. h 8. i 3. j 9. aPractice 7 4. k 10. c 5. f1. 3 Reading2. 1 Practice 23. 2 1. c4. 4 2. e5. 5 3. f 4. aExercise of Chapters 1-3 5. b 6. d 1. a 16. a 31. b 7. h 2. b 17. c 32. c 8. g 3. d 18. b 33. a 4. c 19. d 34. d Practice 4 5. b 20. c 35. d 1. a 6. b 21. c 36. c 2. c 7. b 22. b 37. b 3. h 8. a 23. c 38. a 4. d 9. a 24. a 39. d 5. b10. b 25. c 40. c 6. j11. a 26. d 7. e12. b 27. d 8. g13. c 28. b 9. i14. a 29. a 10. k15. b 30. c150 English in Focus for Grade IX
Practice 5 6. have1. Paragraph 1 7 make2. Paragraph 1 8. think3. Paragraph 1 9. look4. Paragraph 2 10. touch5. Paragraph 2 11. say6. Paragraph 27. Paragraph 2 Chapter 58. Paragraph 3 Send Me a Letter, PleasePractice 7 Listening1. had planted Practice 122. had drawn 1. b3. had painted 2. b4. had written] 3. c5. had confused 4. a 5. cPractice 8 6. a 7. c 1. had left 2. had done Speaking 3. had tasted Practice 3 4. had done 1. b 5. was 2. c 6. sat/rested 3. a 7. post/had written 4. d 8. had gone 5. c 9. went/had lost 6. b10. had gone 7. dPractice 13 8. d1. Kbo Iwo. 9. b2. The destruction of all the houses and even the temples. 10. b3. The Balinese. Practice 64. Kbo Iwo 1. Marguiritta Restaurant5. The Balinese. 2. may6. Kbo Iwo. 3. restaurant7. The water. 4. p.m. 5. reserveWriting 6. pleasePractice 6 7. name 1. horrible 8. table 2. damped 9. eight 3. strange 10. That’s right 4. looked Practice 10 5. some 1. inn 6. amphibians 2. route 7. stuck 3. ancient 8. slow 4. luxurious 9. thought 5. lodging10. shaking 6. tavern11. gentle Practice 12 HotelPractice 8 view1. missed beach2. day weekdays3. frown Rp750.000,004. fast breakfast5 familiar spa centre6. harsh Àtness centre7. smart swimming pool8. agitatePractice 9 1. meet 2. am/is 3. damp 4. see 5. are Answer Key 151
Reading WritingPractice 2 Practice 61. envelope 1. F2. postcard 2. F3. mail bag 3. F4. seal 4. T5. postmark 5. F6. glue 6. T7. parcel 7. F8. stamp Exercise of Chapters 4-5Practice 51. g 1. b 16. d 31. d2. f 2. a 17. b 32. c3. e 3. b 18. c 33. a4. b 4. a 19. a 34. c5. d 5. a 20. c 35. c6. a 6. b 21. c 36. a7. c 7. a 22. c 37. b 8. a 23. b 38. cPractice 6 9. c 24. a 39. c 1. employed 10. c 25. c 40. d 2. post 11. d 26. d 41. b 3. mailbox 12. b 27. a 42. c 4. post ofÀce 13. d 28. a 43. c 5. parcel post 14. a 29. c 44. a 6. basically 15. b 30. d 45. b 7. postcard 46. d 8. postage stamp Final Evaluation 47. a 9. money order 48. a10. depend 1. a 21. b 49. c 2. c 22. b 50. dPractice 7 (Grammar Stage) 3. a 23. a 51. b1. a. He can leave it for an hour. 4. d 24. b 52. c 5. b 25. d 53. a b. He could leave it whenever he wanted to 6. b 26. c 54. d2. a. He can play chess this afternoon. 7. a 27. c 55. a 8. d 28. a 56. c b. He could play chess when he was young 9. a 29. c 57. d3. a. I can Áy a plane after a few more lessons. 10. c 30. d 58. d 11. b 31. c 59. b b. I could Áy a plane when I was in the air force. 12. a 32. d 60. c4. a. We can do this exercise next week. 13. c 33. b 14. c 34. c b. We could do this exercise last week. 15. b 35. a5. a. She can cook well with more practice. 16. b 36. d 17. b 37. a b. She could cook well when I knew her. 18. a 38. b6. a. I can go early if he lets me. 19. b 39. c 20. c 40. b b. I could go early everyday last summer.7. a. She can make her own dresses in a few years. b. She could make her own dresses before she got married.8. a. She can read easily with her new glasses. b. She could read easily before her eye got trouble.Practice 10 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. c10. c152 English in Focus for Grade IX
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