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Exhibit Project - Taryn P

Published by tarynpetryshen, 2022-12-13 03:07:41

Description: Exhibit Project - Taryn P


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Rwanda Genocide Taryn P


Nations Hutu (peasants) Tutsis (nobels) Hutu, also called Bahutu or Wahutu, Bantu-speaking ethnic group of probable Nilotic origin, whose people of Rwanda and Burundi. Comprising the vast members live within Rwanda and Burundi. They owned majority in both countries. 85% of the population. the land. The Tutsi formed the traditional aristocratic Hutu people are well centered on small scale minority in both countries. They made up around 15% agriculture, and social organization was based on of the population. Tutsi people were skilled warriors clans. Making up most of the population. They worked and obtained their dominance over the Hutu on the land. when Belgians leaders favoured the population through a slow and largely peaceful minority, Tutsis over the Hutus,this resulted in a infiltration. After being favoured by the Belgians they legacy of tensions resulting in violence. The Hutus were given power to oppress the many Hutu people. started a revolution in 1959 to give them-selfs power. 330,000 tutsis were forced out of their land. This They then forced Rwanda's Tutsi monarchy into exile caused deeper tensions of the two ethnic groups. They and declared the country a republic. forced Hutus into brutal work (while in power)

Population 85% 14% 1% Hutu Tutsi Twa Ethic motivated violence continued in the years following the independence of Belgium on july, 1962. In 1973 a military group installed major General Juvenal Habyarimana in power.


Timeline 1993 - August 3rd 1994 - April 6th President Habyarimana a Hutu signs a power-sharing The date that President Habyarimana and the agreement with the tutsis in the Tanzanian town of Burundian presidents plane was shot down, Hutu Arusha, ostensibly signalling the end of civil war; UN peoples were infuriated and thought of it as a personal mission sent to monitor the peace agreement. attack. Hutu extremists begin the systematic massacre agreement papers This agreement aimed to end the of Tutsis. Within 100 days around 800,000 people are conflict between the parties and comprises all the exterminated by militiamen under Rwandan Armed agreements achieved through the peace process as an Forces. 500,000 - 662,000 of them being Tutsis. Hutu integral part of it. The agreement establishes a militias flee to Zaire, taking about two million Hutu Transitional Government and sets out a time frame refugees. for implementation.

Timeline 1994 - 1996 1994 - July 19 1995 - January 1st - december 31st Refugee Camps in Zaire fall A new multi-ethnic under the control of the hutu government was formed on UN- anointed international militias responsible for the July 19, 1994, which promised tribunal begins charging and Rwanda genocide. Many tutsis all refugees a safe return to sentencing a number of people fled and seeked refuge in Rwanda. Pasteur Bizimungu, a responsible for the tragedies. schools, churches and Hutu, was inaugurated as Due to the destruction of government buildings. president.Extremist Hutu courts, and jails they started Thousands of Tutsis and militias and Zairean the genocide trials at the end people suspected of being government forces attack local of 1996. By the 2000, there Tutsis were killed in their Tutsis in attempts to force were over 100,000 suspects homes/streets, especially at them back into Rwanda. awaiting trial. roadblocks set up across the country by militias to prevent info them from escaping. site

77% Tutsi Population died

International response International communities stayed largely on the fence during the genocide. As reports the the genocide spread, mid may 1994 the security council voted to suply a more robust force including more that 5,000 troups. By the time that force arrived the genocide had been over for months. A “humanitarian zone” zone was set up in southwesters Rwanda, ultimately saving the lives of many thousand Tutsis people.

Map map

Videos video 1 video 2

Sources si-minority#:~:text=Between%20500%2C000%20and%20one%20million,the%20majority%20of%20the%20 killing.

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