f^iii^ NHVA BiNH MiNH BINH M I N H PLASCOA JAS-ANZ S Ong & phu tung ong n h u u PP-RIQUACERT QUACERT. PP-R pipes i finings - DIN 8077:2008-09 & DIN 8078:2008-09 •lit ISO gOOl : 200Si I S O 1 4 0 0 1 : 2004
minS NHUABiNHMiNHU.Asco^ BINH MINH PLASCOGifll THI|U CHUNG VE SAN PHAM / GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS FOR PRODUCTSVAT LIEU: MATERIAL: fromOng va phu tung ong PP-R Nhifa Binh Minh di/dc san xuat lil hop PP-R pipes and fittings of Binh Minh Plastics are manufacturedchat nhi/a Polypropylene Random Copolymer, PP-R80. Polypropyleoe Raodom Copolymer compound, PP-R80.LINK Vl/CAP DUNG: FIELDS OF APPLICATION:Ong va phg tung ong PP-R Nhiia Binh Minh thfch hdp cho cac PP-R pipes and fittings of Binh Minh Plastics suitable forling dung: applications:- Cac he thong ong dan va phan phoi nuflc nong va niiSc lanh dung - Pipelines used for transportation and distribution of hot water and cho cac myc dich: I\lij6c uo'ng, nuOc sinh hoat, nu6c cQng nghigp va cold water in purposes: potable water, running water, watering in nudctafiiti&utrong nong nghiep. industrial process, watering in agriculture.- Cac he thong ong van chuyen dung djch thac phann 6 nhiet dp cao - Pipelines used for transportation of food liquids in low and hot va thap. temperature.- Cac he thong ong dSn su6i am san nha. - Pipelines used for under-floor heating systems.- Cac he thong ong dSn hoi, gas trong cong nghiep. - Pipelines used for transportation of steam and gas in industry.TINHCHAT VAT LY: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: - Density:-Ty trpng: 0.91 g/cm^ - Tensile strength (yield): 0.91 g/cnf - Coefficient of linear expansion:- D p ben keo dirt (yield): 23 MPa - Surface resistivity: 23 MPa - Allow working temperature:-HesogiannSnhiet: 0.15 mm/m.°C - Melt flow Index, MFI (23(fC/2.16kg),max: 0.15 mm/m.'C - Temperature of vicat softening (VST/A/50K/h- D i e n t r 6 suat be mat: 10'^ Q 10'^ O 0 to 95 \"C- Nhiet do lam viec cho phep: 0 dg'n 95-Chi sochaytoi da (230\"C/2.16kg): 0.5 g/IOphut 0.5g/10min- Nhiet dp hoa mem vicat (VST/A/50K/h (ION)); 132 \"C (10N)): 132 'CTINH CHAT HOA HOC: CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: - Resistance to a lot of chemicals: Acid solutions, alkaline- Chiu dUdc nhieu loai hoa chat nhic Dung dich axit, dung djch kiem, dung djch muoi va cac loai dung moi yeu. solutions, salt solutions and weak solvents. - Not withstand the concentrated acids are highly oxidizing agents- Khong chju dUdc cac loai axit dam dac c6 tinh oxy hoa cao va cac tacnhan halogen. and halogens. (Please contact the Company to be consulted more details)(Xin vui long lign he vdi CQng ty de difOc t u v a n chi tiet hon)Bang 1a: AP SUAT VA TUOt THO LAM VIEC CUA ONG PP-R NHI/A BINH MINH - DIN 8077:2008-09 & DIN 8078:2008-09Table la: ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE AND YEAR OF SERVICE FOR BINH MINH PP-R PIPES - DIN 8077:20Q8-09 & DIN 8078:2008-09 Ap suat lam vif c cho ph6p, P„ (bar)''' Ap suat lam vi0c cho pliep, P„ (bar) Ap suat lam vi@c cho ph^p, P„ (bar)Ntii^t dp Tu^i thp S5 S2.5 Nht^t 0$ Tu^j m S5 S2.5 Nhtgt dO TuO'i thg S5 SZ.5lam viec sir di^ng SDR 11 SDR 6 lam vi^c st^dung SDR 11 SDR 6 lam vi^c siir dyng SDR 11 SDR 6 PN 20 PN 10 PN 20 t(\"C) (nam) PH 10 t (°C) (nam) t(°C) (ndm) PN 10 PN 2B 1 21.1 42.1 1 13.0 25.9 1 7.8 15.5 5 12.1 24.2 5 19.8 39.7 10 11.8 23.5 5 7.2 14.4<10 10 19.3 38.6 10 7.0 13.9 25 18.7 37.4 25 11.3 22.6 <70 6.0 12.1 25 50 18.2 36.4 50 11.0 22.0 50 5.1 10.2.1 18.0 35.9 1 11.0 21.9 1 6.5 13.0 5 10.2 20,4< 20 5 16.9 33,7 <50 10 9.9 19.8 < 80 5 5.7 11.5 10 16.4 32.8 10 4.8 9.7 25 15.9 31.7 25 9.5 19.0 25 3.9 7.8 50 15.4 30.9 50 9.2 18.5 1 4.6 9.2 <95 3.1 6.2 1 15.3 30.5 1 9.2 18.5 5 8.6 17.2 5< 30 5 14.3 28.6 10 8.3 16.6 10 13.9 27.8 <60 8.0 16.0 7.7 15.5 25 13.4 26.8 25 50 50 13.0 26.1Li/u y: Note:1- PJgoai ra. NHL/A BINH MINH c6 the cung cap cac loai san pham ong va 1. In additional, BINH MINH PLASCO can supply PP-R pipes and fitting inphu tiing ong phij hop tieu chu^n ISO 15874:2003. De biet them thong tin, accordance with the standard ISO 15874:2003. For more information, pleasexin vui long lien he chung toi. contact us.2. Ong va phu tiing PP-R khong 6ii6c tiep xuc triic tiep vcii anh sang mattrcli ma khong c6 bao ve/che chan. 2. PP-R pipes and fittings can not be exposed to the sunlight without cover. 1
JAS-ANZ ISO 9001 : 200S s QUACERT. I 5 0 1.4001 : 1ONG KHl/A PP-R - DIN 8077 & DIN 8078 / PP-R PIPES - DIN 8077 & DIN 8078Ong PP-R PN1D / PP-R pipe PMW L 'rOng PP-R PN20 / PP-R pipe PN20Kich thUdc danh ngtiTa Difdng Kinh ngoai danh nghla Do day th&nh 6'ng danh nghla / Nominal wall thickness, e„ Chleu dat danh nghla Nominal size Nominal length DN / O D Nominal outsize diameter S5 /SDR11 S2.5 / SDR6 mm mm 20 mm PN 10 PN 20 4000 25 20.0 mm mm 4000 32 1.9 3.4 4000 40 4000 50 25.0 2.3 4.2 4000 63 4000 75 32.0 2.9 5.4 4000 90 4000 110 40.0 3.7 . 6 . 7 4000 160 4000 50.0 4.6 8.3 63.0 5.8 10.5 75.0 6.8 12.5 90.0 8,2 15.0 110.0 10.0 18.3 160.0 14.6 26.6U u y: Note:• PN: Ap suat danh nghTa (aon vj: bar) - DIM 8077 & DIN 8078 • PN: Nominal pressure (unit: bar) - DIN 8077 & DIN 8078• P^,: Ap suS't lam viec cho phep (flon vj: bar). Xem bang l a • P^^: Allowable working pressure (unit: bar). See table 1a• Mhii'ng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hoa, • The above images are tor illustration purpose only.• De CO nhieu thong tin hon, xin vui long lien he Cong ty chung toi. • For more information, please contact us.
{^MS NHUABiNHMiNH DN mm .PLASCO. B I N H M I N H P L A S C O 50 63 PHg TUNG CING NHI/A PP-R / PP-R FIHINGS 75 90 NOI T R O N / Plain socket DN jnm 20 25 32 40NOI R U T / Reducing socket DN DN mm X mm mm X mm DN mm X mm 63 x 2 0 90 x 4 0 63x25 90 X 50 25 X 20 63x32 90 x 63 32x20 63x40 90 X 75 32x25 63 X 50 110 X 50 40 x 2 0 75 x 3 2 110x63 40x25 75 x 4 0 110 X 75 40x32 75 x5Q 110 X 90 50 x 20 75x63 160x110 50 x 2 5 50x32 50x40NOI REN TRONG / Female thread socket DN DN DNmm X inch mm_ X inch mm X inch 20 X 1/2 32 x 3/4 50 X m 20 x % 32 x 1 63x2 25 x % 40 X 1 75x214 25 x 40 X VALirtt y: Note:• Phg tiing ong nhg'a PP-R dUdc san xuat bcli Tap doan cong nghiep quoc • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International BLUE OCEAM (Anh). Industrial Group (UK).• DM: Kich thKfic danh nghTa. • DN: Nominal size.• Nhifng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hoa. • The above images are for illustration purpose only.• De c6 nfiieu thong tin hOn, xin vui long lien he Cong ty chiing toi. • For more information, please contact us. 3
BO KHdP NOI R E N T R O N G ( R A C - C O R E N T R O N G ) / Set of barrel union - Female thread socket DN DN ONmm X inch m m X inch mm X inch __32 X 1 20 X ' / ^ 50 X V/i 25 X ¥ 4 40 X VA 63 X 2Lifli y: Note:• Phu tijng ong nhUa PP-R di/tjc san xuat boi Tap doan cong nghiep quoc • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International te BLUE OCEAN (Anh). Industrial Group (UK).• DN: Kich thuOc danh nghTa. • ON: Nominal size.• NhiJng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hga. • The above images are for illustration purpose only.• De CO n h i l u thong tin hon, xin vui long lien h$ Cflng ty chung tfli. • For more information, please contact us. 4
f^a^S NHUABiNHMiNH . PLASCO. B I N H M I N H P L A S C O PHg TilNG ONG NHI/A PP-R / PP-R FIHINGS80 KHdP NOI REN NGOAI (RAC-CO REN NGOAI) / Set of barrel union - Male thread socket DN DN DNmm X Inch mm X inch mm X inch 20 X 1^ 32 X 1 5 0 x 1>i 25 X % 40 X WAlifu y: Note: • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International• Phg tung ong nhi/a PP-R di/0c san xuat bdi Tap doan cong nghiSp quoc te' BLUE OCEAN (Anh). Industrial Group (UK). • DN: Nominal size.• DN: Kich thi/6c danh nghTa. • The above images are for illustration purpose only.• NhOng hinh &nh tren chi mang tinh minh hoa. • For more information, please contact us.• De CO nhieu thong tin hOn, xin vui long lien he Cong ty chung tOi.
?H\) T U N G O N G NHLTA P P - R / P P - R F I H I N G S GO 90° R E N T R O N G / Female thread 9(f Elbow DN DN DN mm X inch mm X inch mm X inch 20 X 'A 25 x ¥2 32 X ¥4 32 X 1 20 x V ^ 25 X VALUu y: Note:• Phy tiing ong nhya PP-R iJifflc san xuai't bcii Tap doan cong ngfiiep quoc • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International te BLUE OCEAM (Anh). Industrial Group (UK).• DN: Kich thifSc danh nghTa. • DN: Nominal size.• NhiJng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hoa. • The above Images are for illustration purpose only.• De CO nhieu th6ng tin iion, xin vui long lign he COng ty chung tOi. • For more information, please contact us. 6
f^HiS NHUABiNHMiNH .PLASCO, B I N H M I N H P L A S C O PHU TUNG ONG NHUA P P - R / PP-R F I H I N G SC O 45° / 45' Elbow DN DN DN mm mm 50 mm jno^ 20 63 25 75 160 32 90 40C H O T / Tee DN ON DN mm mm mm 20 50 110 25 63 160 32 75 40 90lifu y: Note:• Phu lung ong ntiLfa PP-R dUOc san xuat bdi Tgp doan cong nghiep quoc • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International te BLUE OCEAN (Anh), Industrial Group (UK).• DN: Kich thu'Cic danh nghla. • ON: Nominal size.• NhDng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hoa. • The above images are for illustration purpose only.• De CO nhieu thong tin hon, xin vui long li&n hg Cflng ty chung toi. • For mare information, please contact us. 7
CHff T RUT / Reducing tee DN DN mm X mm mm x mm DN mm X mm 50 X 40 75x50 63 X 20 75 X 63 32 x 20^ 63 X 25 90 x 4 0 32 x 25_ 63 x 3 2 _ 9 0 X 50 40 X 20 63 x 4 0 _ 90 X 63 40 X 25 63 X 50 _9_0 x 75 40x32 75 X 25 110 X 63 75x32 110 X 90 50 X 25 75 x 4 0 160 X 1 1 0 50 X 32CHff T REN NGOAI / Male thread tee DN DN DNmm X inch mm X inch mm X inch 20 X ^4 25 X '/i 32 X 1 20 X VA 25 xy4Ltfu y: Note:• Phy tiing ong nhua PP-R dUOC san xuSt b6i Tap doan cong nghiep quo'c • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International te SLUE OCEAN (Anh). Industrial Group (UK).• DN: Kich thi/cic danh nghTa. • DN: Nominal size.• Nh&ng hinh anh tr§n chi mang tinh minh hqa. • The above Images are for illustration purpose only.• Oe CO nhieu thong tin hon, xin vui long lign he Cong ty chting toi. • For more information, please contact us.
VAN GAT LANH / Ball valve - cold water DN jnm DN DN mm mm 50 20 32 25 40 63Li/u y: Note:• Phu tiing ong nhi/a PP-R dUOc san x u i i b6i TSp doan c6ng ngtiiep quoc • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International l6 BLUE OCEAM (Anh). Industrial Group (UK).• DN: Kich thu'Cic danh nghla. • DN: Nominal size.• Nhflng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hga. • The above images are for illustration purpose only,m De CO nhieu thong tin hdn. xin vui long li&n he COng ty chiing toi. • For more Information, please contact us.
FITTINGS DN Bp BiCH NOI K E P / Set Of double flange mm DN DN 110 160 mm m m 50 75 63 90G I O A N G BiCH NOI K E P / Seals for double flangeDN DN DNmm mm mm50 1 75 110 90 160163Bp T H I E T B| HAN O'NG / Welding machineBp thiet bj ban 6'ng 6mc dung de noi 6'ng vaphu t i j n g c6 cac kich thu'Cic: DN 20 m m denDN 160 m m .Welding machine used for jointing pipes andfittings which have nominal sizes: DN 20 mmto DN 160 mm.Lifti y: Note:• Phv tung ong nhUa PP-R dUOc san xua't bdi Tap doan cong nghiep quoc • PP-R fittings made by BLUE OCEAN International te BLUE OCEAN (Anh). Industrial Group (UK).• DN: Kich thircic danh nghTa. m DN: Nominal size.• NhiJng hinh anh tren chi mang tinh minh hoa. • The above images are for illustration purpose only.• Oi CO nhi^u thong tin hdn. xin vui I6ng lien he Cong ty chung toi. • For more information, please contact us. 10
KHU vac MIEN NAM:CONG T Y CO PHANNHUABiNHMiNHBINH MINH PLASTICS JOINT-STOCK COMPANY240 H9u Giang, Phtfirng 9, Qujn 6, Tp. Hd Chf Minh.240 Hau Giang Street, Ward 9, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City,Tel; (+84.8)39690973. Fax: (+84.8)39606814Email: [email protected] VirC MIEN BAC:CONG TY TNHH MPT THANH VIEN 'NHUA BiNH MiNH MiEN BACMORTW RiMW rfliMM Di ASTICS LIMITED COMPANYDi/oing D1, Khu D, Khu cQng ngtiigp PhO'Nifr A, Huy$R Via Lam,Tinh Hifflg YSn. 11/2015DI Street, DZone, Pho Noi A Industrial Park,Van Lam District, Hung Yen Province.Tel: (+84.321)3967868. Fax: (+84,321)3967869Email: [email protected] .vn.
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