FY 2017 ANNUAL REPORTI n the century since Planned Parenthood that our doors could stay open for more than With federal funding in constant jeopardy, first opened its doors, we have mastered the 200,000 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte it is your support that allows us to continue art of fighting for the rights of our patients (PPMM) patients. You enabled us to join providing services to those who can receive thisand communities. Some organizations would with other Planned Parenthood affiliates in care nowhere else. In 2017, two thirds of ourbe paralyzed by repeated legislative attempts to California and work with the Governor to established donors increased their generous giftsshut them down and block access to their vital significantly increase reimbursement rates for to PPMM, and we welcomed tens of thousandsservices. But we have a secret weapon – you. reproductive health care as well as successfully of new donors as well.This year, your overwhelming support meant we lobby for a bill in the Nevada State Legislature Together, PPMM and our supporters persistedcould offer patients greater access to essential that protects family planning funding. in the fight to improve the quality of our patients’health services, including expanding testing and What does PPMM mean to our patients? We lives and protect this indispensable health-treatment for sexually transmitted infections are a safe haven for so many, like vulnerable care sanctuary. We will be sustained by thethat pose a severe public health threat to many young people, those without health insurance momentum and energy of all of you who havecounties we serve. You also empowered our and even a woman who came to us with her risen up to make every family a healthy familyeducation teams to forge new community teen daughter for treatment and protection and every community a healthy community.partnerships, rescue important programs for immediately after the girl had escaped from No matter what.young people and ensure that schools can comply sex-traffickers. We are an educational resourcewith California’s updated sex education law. for thousands, like the teen parents who droveIn 2017, beginning with the historic Women’s to one of our health centers without even a carMarch, you and your families responded with seat for their newborn. They left PPMM withunprecedented determination, resisting federal information about breast-feeding, contraceptiveefforts to “defund” Planned Parenthood so care, a referral to a nearby pediatrician – and carrying their baby in a new car seat.
The need for PPMM’s preventive health care to neighboring Kings County – which has “As a young teen, comingservices came into sharper focus than ever no other resource for low-cost reproductive from an abusive home,before in FY17, and it will only escalate if the care or confidential health services for teens. Planned ParenthoodAffordable Care Act is repealed. PPMM met was my only hope forthe increased demand for birth control services, • Because Bakersfield and Kern Counties have preventive women’s healthtesting and treatment for sexually transmitted extremely high rates of syphilis, PPMM care. They taught me howinfections (STIs) and family medicine – even is partnering with the California public to check my body andas many patients feared they would lose health department to screen all women of know when to get screenedaffordable, quality care. In the first 3 months reproductive age in these high-risk counties. for disease and for cancer.following the 2016 election, we saw a 26% The department has also asked PPMM to They are an integral part ofincrease in IUD appointments as compared provide patients with a much-needed any community and, I feel,to the prior period. While politicians focused treatment that is unavailable at many have saved my life manyon eliminating affordable health care, PPMM local public health clinics. times over.”was busy providing it and offering a safe havenfor our patients. • P PMM was one of the first affiliates to pilot — Alison*, patient,• P PMM participated in Santa Clara County’s online scheduling for medication abortion. Washoe County, NV Primary Care Access Program (PCAP), This enables easy access for patients to which provided affordable health care book abortion appointments online, and *Name has been changed nearly 18% of our medication abortion services for uninsured low-income adults, appointments are now booked this way. including new immigrants who don’t have health insurance. • PPMM launched new HIV-prevention• O ur Visalia health center in California’s services at all of our locations with the Central Valley received Title X family introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis planning funds that allowed us to expand (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis health care-access in Tulare County by (PEP), medication designed to reduce increasing our hours and services, including the risk of contracting HIV from an HIV- positive partner.
396,484 Total visits365,880 STI screenings337,512 44,090 Family planning visits (Includes pregnancy tests/counseling and sterilizations) Breast & cervical cancer screenings21,290 Family medicine visits (Includes adult and pediatric care visits)19,783 IUD & implant visits18,069 Other reproductive services (Services related to abortion)17,884 Abortions1,729 Prenatal visitsCalifornia’s STI Epidemic Silicon Valley North Great ValleyCalifornia’s rate of sexually 76,563 Tests 79,975 Teststransmitted infections is at a20-year high, disproportionately Coast Mid Great Valleyaffecting adolescents and youth.Females and gay and bisexual 47,173 Tests 76,563 Testsmen are also at higher risk.In FY17, PPMM conducted over South Great Valley365,000 STI tests within theCalifornia counties that are most 85,450 Testsin need of testing and treatment.Most STIs are curable and some are Combined rates ofonly treatable. But, loss of access chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilisto affordable treatment in thesecounties could have devastating, per 100,000 populationlifelong effects and accelerate thespread of the epidemic. 0 300 600 900 3
PPMM educators dramatically expanded the • In the past fiscal year, PPMM educators’ • In Santa Clara County, PPMM’s Educationreach of their innovative school curriculum, updated curriculum was instrumental in more caseworkers and the Public Affairs departmenttailored to California’s updated school sex- than doubling the number of schools they played a key role in the establishment of the neweducation mandate, showing again why they helped bring into compliance with California’s Teen Parent Support Program (TPSP), whichare a highly respected community resource. sex ed law – from 19 schools in FY16 to 50 the Board of Supervisors agreed to fund afterThe curriculum was thoroughly revised to be schools in FY17. the local program lost state funding in FY17.inclusive of all gender identities and sexualorientations as well as all races, ethnic and “I knew about consent • Educators forged new community partnershipscultural backgrounds. before, but Planned with other safety-net providers, conductingIn addition to ensuring that all students Parenthood helped me a workshops for local homeless families andreceived comprehensive, unbiased sexual health lot to clarify what consent individuals, teen groups, senior citizens, andeducation and the most current HIV-prevention is, my right to utilize it, and those with intellectual disabilities. Educatorsinformation, our educators continued to in what situations it’s not OK also hosted education and resource eventspromote safer sex and pregnancy-prevention to continue sexual activity.” that benefitted our Teen Success groupas well as expand crucial outreach about testing members and their families.and treatment for sexually transmitted infections — Jen*, Bay Areain counties that have some of the highest rates high school student • PPMM provided professional trainingof teen births and STIs in California. to over 700 people who work with youthPPMM educators’ community outreach *Name has been changed on how to have open conversations aboutcontinued to focus on promoting positive puberty, safe sex and healthy relationships.and safe relationships, including information • U pdated lessons in the PPMM sex edabout preventing dating violence. The team curriculum about safety and prevention • Peer educators and Promotores, volunteeralso continued to teach more effective include the most current information about youth and young adults trained by thecommunication about sex and health within relationship-abuse and sex-trafficking. The PPMM Education department, werefamilies and intimate relationships. lessons also feature a renewed focus on healthy instrumental in extending our outreach behaviors and communication, including time capacity. This included Peer Educators allotted to discuss active consent. making school presentations and hosting the first Education social media “Tweet Up,” highlighting Get Yourself Tested (GYT) Month.
Program Participants328 Teen Parent Support Program/Cal-Learn216 Case management services for teen parents ages 12-20 Teen Success Support groups for pregnant and parenting teensIndividuals reached through 1,455educational presentations and outreach events:37,806 Individuals and organizations in the community24,786 Elementary - high school students6,531 Individuals through Peer Educator and Promotores outreach689 Parents and caregivers709 Professionals who work with youth (Social workers, probation staff, public health nurses, teachers, principals and curriculum administrators) 5
“2017 has been the first During the most formidable congressional attacks • In FY17, years of tireless advocacy with theyear I’ve participated in against Planned Parenthood in a generation, California affiliates helped lead to a significantmarches and rallies in PPMM’s Public Affairs team launched a strategic state budget increase in reimbursement ratessupport of organizations I advocacy plan with thousands of supporters in for medical services, including $50 millionbelieve in. So, in my case California and Nevada to stop legislation that for women’s health care.at least, it is not just the would repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA),young that may have taken decimate Medicaid and eliminate funding for • PPMM, in coalition with community partnerswomen’s and human rights Planned Parenthood. in Nevada, played an instrumental role infor granted. I know I need Spurred by the national Women’s March, a the creation of a state grant program thatto do better and stand up political awakening that marked the beginning will establish funding for family planningfor those rights.” of a powerful grassroots resistance, more than services – including in rural Nevada – if the 170,000 PPMM supporters in California and ACA is repealed. — Ella*, mother and Nevada mobilized at rallies and legislators’ town advocate, San Jose, CA hall meetings to oppose federal legislation that • In FY17, PPMM partnered with more than would leave the great majority of our patients 100 organizations and groups to fight federal *Name has been changed without health care. attacks on reproductive justice policies. We In California, we worked with other affiliates, stood in solidarity with labor, communities of lawmakers and the Governor to significantly color and new immigrants to protect access to increase reimbursement rates for Medi-Cal, affordable health care, immigration, affordable the state’s Medicaid program. In Nevada, we housing and bans on carcinogenic pesticides partnered with coalition groups to help pass near schools. a law that protects preventive health benefits provided to women through the ACA. This • In February, more than 6,300 PPMM supporters legislation was signed by governors of both counter-demonstrated against 228 protestors major political parties, an encouraging display at 16 PPMM health centers in California and of bi-partisan support for family planning in Nevada, showing the power of PINK. the two states we serve.
Patients in PPMM Service Area Percent of Population on Medi-Cal/MedicaidRely Heavily on Medi-Cal 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%Eleven of the 16 Californiacounties that PPMM serves areheavily dependent on Medi-Caland benefitted from the Medi-Calexpansion Act under the AffordableCare Act. Counties including Tulare,Merced and Fresno, that havemore than 50% enrolled in Medi-Cal, would be the hardest hit byMedi-Cal cuts and loss of accessto our services. Although NevadaMedicaid enrollment grew by 90%as a result of Medicaid expansion,reliance on Medicaid in Nevada islow relative to California.2,265,320 Urgent action emails sent to activists1,421,046 Social media impressions Total supporters in database 400,322 Email activists 42,362 Voters registered 2,998 Social media posts 1,560 Capitol Day attendees 300 Presentations and lectures 128 Coalition partners 100 News stories and interviews 102 7
PPMM Supporters are patients, donors, staff, volunteers andcommunity partners. We all have our own story and our ownpersonal connection to Planned Parenthood. As vital membersof the PPMM family, we care deeply about our patients, our staffand our mission.In FY17, supporters expanded PPMM’s impact Staff volunteers and peer educators participatedin our communities through virtually every in outreach at dozens of events sponsored by ourdepartment of the affiliate. You stood with ardent supporters. PPMM supporters hostedour patients as volunteer escorts, extending a house parties, business events, art auctions andcomforting arm at health centers to those who performances, with proceeds benefitting ourcame to us for care. You made all the difference affiliate and patients. Some of you volunteered toat special events, including the Peninsula help out with administrative work in our healthBreakfast and the Roe Luncheon. You were centers and even to drive Pride parade floats!our ambassadors at Pride parades and regional Together, we persisted despite those who wouldfundraisers like the Human Race in Santa Cruz. eliminate our trusted, essential care – and ourVolunteer photographers supplied the marketing supporters inspired us every day. We all steppedteam with high-resolution images of our health in and stepped up to keep PPMM strong in FY17.centers and PPMM events. Groups of dedicatedseniors knit hundreds of pink Power Hats forus to exchange for donations, and volunteersstepped up to deliver cakes to health center stafffor Planned Parenthood’s centennial birthdaycelebration.
“Planned Parenthood is notjust about abortion, butabout good, supportiveand real health care forall women. It is aboutyour right to seek thetype of care that is rightfor you at any givenmoment. That is freedom.That is American. Thatneeds to be protected.” — Ramona*, former patient and supporter, Placer County14,138 Volunteer hours 9 781 Active volunteers (+60% from FY16) 566 Escort shifts taken
18% 16%Of the 217,278 patients 66% AGE 34,884served by PPMM in FY17: 14% 19 and under 144,026 20 to 34 38,36871% live below 100% of the Federal 35 and over 217,278 Total Poverty Level (2017 FPL annual income for one person is 86% $12,060) GENDER 186,01494% live at or below 200% of the Female 31,256 Male 8 Federal Poverty Level Other Total 217,27845% are insured by Medi-Cal38% are covered by California’s Family PACT (Planning, Access, Care and Treatment) program, which provides contraceptives for those living up to 200% of FPL, and who don’t have ACA insurance. 1% 48% 8% <1% 9% ETHNICITY 104,686 Latino9% White 53,491 Asian 18,808 Black or African American 19,781 Multi-racial, Other, or Unknown 17,306 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2,313 American Indian or Alaska Native 893 Total 217,278 25%
FY17 Financials, which include both PPMM and Mar Monte Community Clinic numbers, are unauditedand are subject to change upon completion of PPMM’s external financial audit. 4% 3% 40% 6% 8% SOURCES OF FUNDS Medicaid and Related $38,739,06211% Family PACT $26,603,734 Contributions $10,286,628 28% Private/Fee for Service Govt Grants/Contracts $8,276,652 Contributions-Foundations/Corps $5,442,311 Other* $3,751,544 Grand Total $2,801,797 $95,901,728 *Lab contract services fees, trade discounts, unrestricted interest, rental property income and miscellaneous revenue (such as medical record copy fees) 84% 2% 1% USES OF FUNDS 2% 3% Health Center Services $80,313,470 4% Management/General $4,297,451 Education $3,987,2704% Public Affairs $2,638,446 Replenish Reserves* $2,301,905 Fundraising $1,737,207 Marketing $625,979 Grand Total $95,901,728 *Replenish reserves for capital expenditures and support of programs and services 11
HEALTH CENTER LOCATIONS CALIFORNIA 8 Sacramento County 12 Santa Cruz County North Highlands Santa Cruz 1 Alameda County Sacramento: Watsonville Hayward B Street West Oakland Capitol Plaza 13 Stanislaus County Oakland-Coliseum Fruitridge Modesto 2 Fresno County 9 San Joaquin County 14 Sutter County Fresno: Manteca Yuba City Family First Stockton: Fulton Street Eastland Plaza 15 Tulare County Community Site North Visalia Tracy 3 Kern County 16 Yolo County Bakersfield 10 San Mateo County Woodland Redwood City 4 Madera County San Mateo NEVADA Madera South San Francisco 17 Washoe County 5 Merced County 11 Santa Clara County Reno Merced Gilroy Mar Monte 6 Monterey County Community Clinic Salinas Mountain View Seaside San Jose: The Alameda 7 Placer County Blossom Hill Roseville EastsideAdministrative OfficesCoverage AreaBOARD OF DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT TEAM AFFILIATE OFFICES ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICESCole Wilbur Linda Williams 633 North Van NessChair President and CEO Fresno, CA 93728 1691 & 1746 The Alameda 559-441-2797 San Jose, CA 95126Cathryn Rivera-Hernandez Rayroz Dodson-Crawford 408-795-3600Immediate Past Chair Chief Financial Officer 201 29th Street, Suite A Sacramento, CA 95816 1605 The AlamedaGenevieve Shiroma Liz Figueroa 916-325-1700 San Jose, CA 95126Vice Chair Vice President, Public Affairs 408-795-3600 316 N. Main Street, Suite 100Tanuja Bahal Laura Dalton, DO, MBA Salinas, CA 93901Treasurer Chief Medical Officer 831-783-6339Francisco Silva Dominique Lee 4555 Precissi LaneSecretary Vice President, Patient Services Stockton, CA 95207 209-472-6670Sono Aibe Rochelle NooneKatherine Aitken-Young Vice President, Human Resources 455 West Fifth StreetJanine Bera, M.D. Reno, NV 89503Esther Franco Gianni Troian 775-321-8711Joan Gallo Vice President, InformationKaren Grove Technology & HIPAA Security ppmarmonte.orgLatika Malkani Officer twitter.com/ppmarmonteMargo Piscevich fb.com/plannedparenthoodmmTrig Rosenblatt Catherine Valentine instagram.com/ppmarmonteDiane Van Maren General Counsel youtube.com/user/PlannedParenthoodMMLinda WilliamsNicole Winger Patricia Williams Chief Development OfficerOur mission is to ensure that every individual has the knowledge, opportunity, and freedom to make every child a wanted child and every family a healthy family.
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