Project/Output Title Change Something Thirteen Reasons To Not Youth Worker Gary Curran Booklet No 01 Project Session Planner & Recording Booklet Area Youth Worker/Centre Based Youth Worker/Senior Youth Worker Page|1 Version 4.0 (April 2019)
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Booklet Completiontimes Session Planner Element WHEN Session Attendance Log At each session Project Plan Before the project begins Session Plans** Start of project or before each session Session Recordings** After each session and before the next one Project Report After the project is completed Outcome Measurements* At relevant stage and frequency for programme *Outcome measurements are not part of this pack, please download the template from sharepoint for use with your group ** Please note this booklet has a max of 10 sessions, if your programme is more than 10 sessions please download start another booklet and note on the cover page the book number of total number of booklets Page|2
Version 3.0 Session Recording Guidance Session Review – Always refer the learning outcome for programme Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? - Has anyone stood out? Be specific about how! - Did you meet the learning Outcome for the session? Highlight the evidence - How did the group use the acquired knowledge? Share young people reflections - Did participation increase as a result of learning? How? - Has facilitation style impacted on learning needs? Connect this to the baseline analysis - Has awareness been raised regarding other pathways, agencies and programmes? Identify - Anything else? Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? - Highlight the specific skills used by the group or individuals? In what way did they develop? - What type of roles do individuals take? In what stage of formation is the group? - Does anyone stand out for you? Be specific about why - Did you meet the learning Outcome for the session? Highlight the evidence - Identify changes in individual and group management? - Have tasks been completed or other accomplishments made? - Anything else? Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? - Have you noticed a change in values/attitudes towards each other? Give examples - Can you highlight values/attitudes towards others outside the group? - Did you meet the learning Outcome for the session? Highlight the evidence - Is there anything external influencing the values/attitudes of the group? - Has empathetic understanding in life changed? Have they changed any outlooks on life? - Has the member grown spiritually and in creativity? How has this manifest itself? - Would you say certain individuals have a developed awareness of self? Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? How did the following impact the session? - The methods used - The Topic - Your relationship with the group - Members attitude towards each other - Your reactions to the group - Participation levels (including attendance) - The Setting - External issues - Programme on offer Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? - List options/strategies to address the issues or concerns highlighted - List programme alterations - List support requirements Date of next Session - Insert the date and time of next session Page|3
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Project Plan ¤ Area of Addressing Risk Taking Behaviour, Health and Well- Being, CRED Action Target Outcomes CR1, SR C2, SR H4 Project/Output Title Thirteen Reasons to Not Project/Output Aim Advance people's physical and mental health, Improve well-being and safety Improve health (physical / mental / emotional) Advance Participants knowledge around suicide Advance participants Digital Skills Create a short film relative to the issue of Suicide Objectives Engage 10 Young people to actively participate and successfully complete ‘Thirteen Reasons to Not’ Encourage young people to try new digital, visual, and audio activities. Encourage young people to have their say, be part of a team and take ownership of the programme. Enhance young people’s knowledge around suicide and surrounding issues. Enhance young people’s knowledge of where to access support. Provide a video that can be used by peers, schools, other youth groups, shared on social media and enhance community knowledge around the topic of suicide. Create friendly, shared space Methodology Resources Required Baseline Evaluation DJI Osmo Pocket - Propellerhead Reason 10 Specialist Facilitation M-Audio Keystation 49MK3 Workshops to develop themes Rode Video Microphone Group Discussions Raycue USB C Hub Support the development of new skills MacBook Pro Digital, Audio and Visual Skills development SanDisk Ultra 128 GB Film and Music Skills Manfrotto Compact Action Aluminum Tripod Focusrite Scarlett Solo Studio (2nd Gen) Learning Outcomes FASTSNAIL Tripod Mount for DJI Osmo RC GearPro Carry Case, Improved confidence to talk about health and wellbeing Improved confidence to address the impacts and issues that surround suicide Provide a safe environment and support for participants A more positive approach to working together A greater sense of connection with the wider community Increase of awareness of support services Intervention and prevention Evaluation Methods Baseline Verbal Feedback Programme Evaluation Page|4
Version 4.0 Session No. Session Plan Session Date Thursday 9th July 2020 Start Time1pm EndTime 4pm Purpose of Session (aim of session) Introductory session aimed at providing young people with overview of the programme. Exploring the young people’s ideas on what they hope to accomplish within the project. Session Outcomes Decision Making Contract Improved ability to work with others Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes, introductions and group check in to see how people are feeling and if they did anything exciting in the week previous. Programme Overview – Basic introduction to the programme and what we are aiming to accomplish individually and collectively. Contract – Working agreement created between the worker and the young people. Baseline Questionnaire Break and refreshments Equipment Overview – Introducing young people to equipment and showing what each piece does. Evaluation – General discussion on the session, what was enjoyable. Resources Required Flipchart, Markers DJI Osmo Pocket - Propellerhead Reason 10 , M-Audio Keystation 49MK3, Rode Video Microphone, Raycue USB C Hub MacBook Pro, SanDisk Ultra 128 GB Manfrotto Compact Action Aluminum Tripod Focusrite Scarlett Solo Studio (2nd Gen) FASTSNAIL Tripod Mount for DJI Osmo RC GearPro Carry Case, A.O.B None Page|5
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Recording Page|6
Version 4.0 Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? Young people gained more knowledge and information on the equipment we will be using, an overview of programme and expectations for the project. Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Communication Interpersonal Thinking Planning Confidence Listening Organisational Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? Young people excited about the project. The young people were very empathetic as they are aware of the sensitivity required and impact that suicide is having throughout our City Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? None Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? Research the topic of suicide and share ideas about how to proceed with the project Date of next Session 16th July 2020 Page|7
Version 4.0 Session No. Session Plan Session Date Thursday 16th July 2020 Start Time 1pm EndTime 4pm Purpose of Session (aim of session) Research Thirteen Reasons and Suicide. Look at what support is available and what impact Thirteen Reasons has had globally. Session Outcomes To gather information that can be used for the short film and research local support that can help with these issues. Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Group check In + Ice breakers – One good thing that has happened in the last week Each young person to use internet to research Group discussions on the gathered material Break with refreshments Deciding what to use for film Evaluation Discussion Resources Required Flip Chart Markers Pens Internet A.O.B None Page|7
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Recording Page|8
Version 4.0 Session No. Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? Young people gained knowledge on the impact that Thirteen Reasons Tv Programme has had globally. We discussed some of the issues highlighted in the programme and ideas on what ideas would make our film different. Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? Shared and relatable experiences. Openness and the ability to empathise with others in the group and what was represented in the tv programme. The young people understood how important this project could be for other young people and the community. Honesty was key when filling out the booklet. Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? No barriers Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? To continue with project Date of next Session 23rd July 2020 Page|9
Session Recording Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Plan EndTime 4pm Session Date 23rd July 2020 Start Time 1pm Purpose of Session (aim of session) Creative Writing Skills Young people to start their project booklet Session Outcomes Creative Writing and scripting. Project Work Book Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Group check In + Ice breakers – One good thing that has happened in the last week Each young person to use internet to research Thirteen Reasons WorkBook Group discussions on the gathered material Break with refreshments Deciding what to use for film Creative writing Skills/Scripting Evaluation Discussion Resources Required Thirteen Reasons Workbook Flip Chart Markers Pens Internet A.O.B None Page| 10
Version 4.0 Session No. Page| 11
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Recording Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? Young people discussed the issues highlighted in Thirteen Reasons. They gained knowledge on how these issues can developed and how and where you can be supported. Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Visual Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? Young people developed increased awareness of the local impact of the issues discussed. They shared experiences and were able to relate to the content within the session. Confidence in having open discussions and working together. Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? None Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? Continue with project and devise script and potential layout of film Date of next Session 30th July 2020 Page| 12
Version 4.0 Session No. Session Plan Session Date 30th July 2020 Start Time 1pm EndTime 4pm Purpose of Session (aim of session) Filming and Editing Skills. Thirteen Reasons Workbook Session Outcomes To develop Filming and editing Skills and continue workbook. Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Group check In + Ice breakers – One good thing that has happened in the last week Each young person to use internet to research Thirteen Reasons Workbook Group discussions on the gathered material Break with refreshments Deciding what to use for film Evaluation Discussion Resources Required Mac Pro, Final Cut Pro Flipchart Markers Pens Paper A.O.B None Page| 13
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Version 4.0 Session No. Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? Young people gained knowledge on the software used for making films and how to edit content. Basic introduction to Mac Pro and Final Cut Pro Software Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Critical Thinking Scripting Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Visual Teamwork and Decision Making Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? The group becoming more cohesive creating new ideas when working together. They are very respectful of individual opinions. Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? None Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? Music Production Intro Date of next Session 4th August 2020 Page| 15
Session Recording Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Plan EndTime 4pm Session Date 4th August 2020 Start Time 1pm Purpose of Session (aim of session) Basic Introduction to music production and to continue with workbook Session Outcomes To ganin more knowledge on music production. Positive self and things I am grateful for in Workbook Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Group check In + Ice breakers – One good thing that has happened in the last week Each young person to use internet to research Thirteen Reasons WorkBook Group discussions on the gathered material Break with refreshments Deciding what to use for film Evaluation Discussion Resources Required Flipchart, Markers DJI Osmo Pocket - Propellerhead Reason 10 , M-Audio Keystation 49MK3, Rode Video Microphone, Raycue USB C Hub MacBook Pro, SanDisk Ultra 128 GB A.O.B None Page| 16
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Version 4.0 Session No. Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? The group got a basic introduction to music production hardware and software. Young people also shared experiences on what they are grateful for with some self- reflection. Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Visual Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? Self-reflection Share safe space to discuss personal experiences. Empathetic towards each member was shown Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? None Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? Prep for Suicide Awareness training. Date of next Session 11th August 2020 Page| 19
Session Recording Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Plan EndTime 4pm Session Date 11th August 2020 Start Time 1pm Purpose of Session (aim of session) ZSA Suiceide Awareness Training Session Outcomes Complete training Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Group check In + Ice breakers – One good thing that has happened in the last week ZSA Training Group Discussions Break with refreshments Group Decision Making Shared Experiences Evaluation Discussion Resources Required Internet Macbook Large Screen A.O.B Page| 20
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Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Recording Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? Young People gained more knowledge on red flags in regard to suicide and how you can approach someone who you might think is feeling suicidal. Young people learned invaluable skills on conversations and how to handle a stressful situation. Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Visual Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? After this session, the group collectively decided that they wanted to take a more positive angel to addressing the issues. The group collectively decided to pick 13 things they are grateful for. Final decisions on layout of film Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? None Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? Group to record individual scripts for what they are grateful for and email to film editor. Date of next Session Page| 22
Version 4.0 Session No. Session Plan Session Date 10th September 2020 Start Time End Time Purpose of Session (aim of session) Launch film online as part of suicide awareness day. Session Outcomes Evaluations on Booklet. Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Young people working from home. Shared film on youtube and facebook Completed Workbook evaluations Resources Required None A.O.B None Page| 23
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Version 4.0 Session No. Session Review Knowledge – What did the young people learn throughout the session? Young people gained knowledge in self- reflection and evaluating a project. Completed baselines Skills – Was there any skills used/developed during the session? Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Visual Values – Was there any changes in attitude from the session? The group are proud of their achievements and taking ownership of sharing the final film online. Barriers within the session – Any issues that influenced participation? None Future Action – How will we address or build on the above reflections? Further group work to take place, looking at each discussed issue more in depth. Date of next Session N/A Page| 25
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Project Report Summary of SessionRecordings Knowledge Each participant gained invaluable knowledge on the issues surrounding suicide and how to cope. Young people aware of local and national support in regard to issues of depression and suicide. Greater Awareness of health issues and improved ability to make healthy choices Bullying, Drugs, Sexual Health, Relationships, Stress, depression More knowledge on creative writing, film, recording and editing production Skills Group work skills Communication Interpersonal Research skills Creative Listening Visual Critical thinking and decision making Coping Skills Suicide Awareness Training Evaluation Skills Creative Skills Values Increased confidence, self-esteem and empathy. Creating a film with a positive message showing activie citizenship. Improved relationships with others. Young people value the importance of the work and ownership of the project. Has the Youth Work Outcome been Meet? Youth Work Outcome: CR 1 The young participants created an informative and a film with an important message for other youth groups, schools, peers and the community to avail of. The young people valued the importance team and the outcome was inclusive and reflective of everyone. Summary of outcome evidence Youth Work Outcome: ER 6 Young Participants completed ZSA suicide awareness training Summary of outcome evidence Page| 26
Version 4.0 Youth Work Outcome: SR H4 All participants gained important knowledge and skills that covered a wide range of health education. Through discussed issues, shared experiences and research in regard to the content of this project, each young person has developed increased awareness and knowledge on where to obtain support. Summary of outcome evidence Page| 27
Session Planner & Recording Booklet Project Report (cont.) Participant Feedback Summary of young people’s evaluations of project Young people enjoyed the processes involved in this project. A particular highlight was the skills development in making the video. Young people enjoyed the research element and are very aware of increased suicide rates in our City. The young people have expressed and interest in extending this project to do a video for each issue discussed. Young Peoples Satisfaction with programme (Numbers) Not Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 10 Youth Worker SelfReflection Strengths My strengths were shown in guiding the group until they took ownership of the project. Being able to combine my knowledge in music production and film editing was vital to this project. Good Communication and leadership Areas for development Organisation and time management. Extending the practical skills. Consider for CaseStudy Youth Worker Line Manager Digital Sign toLock Content and forward Forward Signed Copy back to Youth Work to to line manager for review acknowledge receipt and Review Page| 28
Version 4.0 Group Members and Session Attendance Log Sheet Group Member Name Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 DATE DATE DATE
Session Number & Date of Session Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10 DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE
Designed and Produced by Youth Service Operations
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