TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights 3 Bible and Theology 15 Spirituality 23 Psychology and Family 37 History and Society 42 Fiction 49
Enzo Fortunato HIGHLIGHTS TOC MARY’S CHRISTMAS BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Nine Meditations Through Giotto’s Colours SPIRITUALITY Father Enzo Fortunato introduces the readers on a path to GIFT BOOK Christmas with nine meditations. Each meditation will be ac- PSYCHOLOGY companied by a Giotto’s fresco with a Marian subject, related AND FAMILY 22H 445 both to the Virgin and the birth of Jesus. The text moves on Pages 240 three levels: biblical and theological, artistic, and existential. Trim size 17×24 cm The impeccable reproduction of Giotto’s works, flanked by the words of Father Fortunato, reveals a unity of spirituality and beauty that overcomes centuries and cultural differences. HISTORY A little jewel and an inspiring gift for a broad spectrum of AND SOCIETY readers. The nine meditations are dedicated to the following themes: Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, Presentation at the Temple, Flight into Egypt, Massacre of the Innocents, Jesus among the Doctors, and Exit from Jerusalem. Father Enzo Fortunato is a Friar Minor Conventual, a journalist and director of the press room of the Sacred Convent of As- sisi. He collaborates with various newspapers, including the Catholic daily newspaper Avvenire, Huffington Post, Corriere della Sera, and Panorama. Since 2011 he has been conduct- ing a radio program, On the road with the Pope, an interna- tional press review. For Edizioni San Paolo he has written Fran- cis and the Sultan. 800 Years Since an Incredible Encounter (2019) together with Piero Damosso; Francis’ Christmas. Seven Meditations Following the O Antiphons (2019). SELLING POINTS • A perfect gift on any occasion, but particularly for Christmas. • Highest quality colour reproduction of Giotto’s frescoes. • Captivating and profound texts. A WONDERFUL BOOK OF ART AND SPIRITUALITY: THE FRESCOES BY GIOTTO, THE WORDS OF FATHER FORTUNATO FICTION 3
ANNUNCIAZIONE ANNUNCIAZIONE HIGHLIGHTS TOC L’ELEM E NTO ESISTENZIALE 39 BIBLE FRANCESCANO AND THEOLOGY L’ A D O R A Z I O N E D E I M A G I Se ti dico sì per paura, mandami all’Inferno. Se ti dico sì per ottenere qualcosa, escludimi dal Paradiso. 107 Se ti dico sì per te stesso, allora abbracciami. Forse è superfluo chiedersi quale sia la natura del “sì” di Ma- ria. La giovane che, ricevuto l’Annuncio, «stette im- mobile, tremando, con l’animo come smarrito, men- tre il cuore le palpitava forte a causa delle misteriose parole udite. Poi il suo cuore si allietò e si confortò 38 per quelle parole, sorrise come una bimba e arrossì sulle guance, allietata di gioia e pervasa nel cuore da un delicato pudore. E a lei tornò il coraggio e il Verbo volò nel suo grembo». Con queste parole gli Oraco- li sibillini, risalenti al II secolo, descrivono la purez- za d’animo e al tempo stesso il carattere determina- to che porta a compiere una scelta così coraggiosa: la responsabilità di divenire – come scritto da sant’Am- brogio – essa stessa il «tempio di Dio»15. Un sì che abbatte le distanze tra il divino e l’umano. Un sì grazie al quale il Signore abbraccia Maria e, per 15 Cfr. Ravasi, I Vangeli. L’ A D O R A Z I O N E D E I M A G I SPIRITUALITY Nell’Adorazione vediamo tutta l’inclusività delle PSYCHOLOGY persone aperte e disposte a riconoscere il meglio nel AND FAMILY prossimo, che sia il proprio vicino di casa o lo stra- niero che viene da lontano. Anche in questo scor- giamo un aspetto intrinsecamente francescano. Il viaggio, la conoscenza e l’apertura verso il diverso ci rende migliori. Siamo migliori quando il nostro sguardo si poggia sull’altro, senza ombra di giudi- zio, Siamo migliori quando il nostro cuore valoriz- za l’altro, senza disprezzarlo. C’è un episodio im- portante, tratto dalla fonte francescana Specchio di 106 perfezione, in cui san Francesco descrive quello che per lui sarebbe il frate perfetto. Francesco non elen- ca una serie di virtù ideali, ma indica le caratteristi- che migliori di ciascuno dei suoi compagni. Prende il meglio di ognuno dei frati che lo hanno accom- pagnato nella sua vita e, tirando le somme, descri- ve così un buon frate minore, come somma vivente dei caratteri di una medesima vocazione: la fede di Bernardo, la purità di Leone, la cortesia di Angelo, il bell’aspetto e il buon senso di Masseo, la mente elevata di Egidio e via dicendo…22. 22 Cfr. Specchio di perfezione, LXXXV: FF 1782. N AT I V I T À N AT I V I T À HISTORY AND SOCIETY 72 73 FICTION 4
Pope Francis · Luigi Maria Epicoco HIGHLIGHTS TOC SAINT JOHN PAUL THE GREAT The spiritual biography of Saint John Paul II told by Pope Francis in an interview with Luigi Maria Epicoco Luigi Maria Epicoco reconstructs the spirituality that guided BIBLE the pontificate of Saint John Paul II, one of the most signifi- AND THEOLOGY cant Popes in the history of the Church, through ten keywords (from Work to War, from Man to Mary). The result is a biogra- SPIRITUALITY phy that crosses the inner life and reveals unknown sides of NEW TITLE the Polish pontiff. PSYCHOLOGY A fundamental contribution to the book is given by the long AND FAMILY 98A 84 interview with Pope Francis, who recounts “his” John Paul II. Pages 128 Bergoglio recalls their encounters as moments of great and in- Trim size 13,5×21 cm timate spiritual depth. Pope Francis’words show the continuity between these two great pontiffs. HISTORY Born in Buenos Aires on December 17, 1936 from a family AND SOCIETY of Italian origins, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope on March 13, 2013 and took the name of Francesco. He is the first Jesuit to become pontiff and the first Pope from the American continent and the southern hemisphere. Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco (Mesagne, 1980) is a priest of the dio- cese of L’Aquila. He teaches philosophy at the Pontifical Lat- eran University and at the ISSR “Fides et ratio” of L’Aquila. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published the bestsellers: Only Sick People Can Heal (2016); What You Are for Me (2017), Salt, Not Honey (2017) and Telemachus Was Not Wrong (2019). SELLING POINTS • Intimate and profound tale of John Paul II’s spirituality. • Exclusive interview with Pope Francis, who tells his spiritual encounters with the Polish pontiff. • Written by the worldwide best-selling author, Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco. FICTION RIGHTS SOLD TO RIGHTS SOLD TO RIGHTS SOLD TO RIGHTS SOLD TO France, Australia, Portugal, Spain, France, Korea Portugal Slovenia, Portugal Albania, Korea 5
Rino Fisichella HIGHLIGHTS TOC INSIDE ME YOUR NAME BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The Theology of John Paul II SPIRITUALITY Presenting the entire teaching of John Paul II is a titanic un- 22T 131 dertaking. In the span of almost 27 years of pontificate this PSYCHOLOGY Pages 336 great saint Pope has left 14 Encyclicals and a flood of other AND FAMILY Trim size 15×23 cm documents (Apostolic Exhortations, Letters, Motu proprio, cat- echesis and homilies...). This volume offers for the first time an authoritative, clear, and complete summary of all the teach- HISTORY ing by John Paul II. And it could not be otherwise, given that AND SOCIETY the author, Msgr. Rino Fisichella, has been one of the closest collaborators of John Paul II, as Consultor of the Congregation FICTION for the Doctrine of the Faith, responsible for the Theological Commission of the Great Jubilee of 2000, and Auxiliary Bishop of Rome. After John Paul II’s death, Msgr. Fisichella was also the Ponens of the causes of beatification and canonization. This volume is a valuable contribution to retrace the salient stages of John Paul II’s long pontificate: this saint Pope has been able to meet the great cultural and social challenges of the contemporary world. His compass has been simple and powerful: «Jesus Christ is the chief way for the Church. He himself is our way “to the Father’s house” and is the way to each man.» Archbishop Rino Fisichella (Codogno, 1951) is president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangeliza- tion. He has been professor of fundamental theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, and president of the Pontifical Academy for Life. As author and curator, he has published numerous volumes, many of which have been translated into different languages. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published: Save by a Miracle (2010); The Church on the Path of History (2013); New Theo- logical-pastoral Commentary on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2017); I Have Met Paul VI (2018). SELLING POINTS • For the first time a clear and authoritative synthesis of the teachings of John Paul II. • The author, Msgr. Rino Fisichella, has been one of John Paul II’s closest collaborators. • A valuable contribution to reread the long pontificate of John Paul II. THE MOST AUTHORITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE THEOLOGY OF JOHN PAUL II 6
Fabio Rosini HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE ART OF HEALING BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The Bleeding Woman and the Path of a Healthy Life SPIRITUALITY In this new volume, the best-selling author Fr. Fabio Rosini 22H 440 proposes a personal (and therefore universal) path to heal our PSYCHOLOGY Pages 336 inner and emotional life. The guide is a sick woman of two AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm thousand years ago, the bleeding woman we meet in the fifth chapter of the Gospel according to Mark. Her paradigmatic and symbolic healing process is analysed in the volume. HISTORY The path is divided into three stages (diagnosis, healing, and AND SOCIETY a lasting healthy life). We proceed on the basis of useful ques- tions to be asked in the presence of the One who love us to let Him gradually give us the answers. The secret of the diag- nosis is to identify the symptoms of the tortuous attitudes we produce in our existence, to throw light on the falsehoods we carry in our hearts. In this way we can experience the power that comes out of Jesus. We can really feel that his life can re- generate us. Once healed, we are able to call “the whole truth” by name, because we are in Jesus’ presence. Fr. Fabio Rosini (Rome, 1961) is in charge of the Vocation Ser- vice of the Diocese of Rome. He has been meeting thousands of young people for 25 years to talk with them about the Ten Words and the Seven Signs of the Gospel according to John. He has been sharing his very successful methods with count- less Christian communities in Italy and around the world. He has been commenting on the Sunday Gospel for the Vatican Radio and also for the weekly Famiglia Cristiana. Fr. Rosini is too the best-selling author of Only Love Creates (2016) and The Art of Starting Again (2018). SELLING POINTS • The new book by the best-selling author Fr. Fabio Rosini. • A personal path to healing by trusting ourselves to Jesus. • An illuminating spirituality for our shaken time. THE WISE ART OF HEALING BY TRUSTING OURSELVES TO JESUS ACCORDING TO THE BEST-SELLING AUTHOR FR. FABIO ROSINI FICTION 7
Salvo Noè HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE POWER OF TRUST Ten Steps to Defeat Fears and Develop Motivation and Self-esteem The current socio-cultural context invites us to “not trust:” peo- BIBLE ple who are close to us (from loved ones to simple acquaintanc- AND THEOLOGY es), situations, contexts, daily choices. Trust in others continues to be very low and the number of people satisfied with rela- SPIRITUALITY tionships to family and friends decreases. Why? What is lacking PREFACE BY POPE FRANCIS in relationships between people? Why is all this distrust circulat- PSYCHOLOGY ing? What effects does it have? How to intervene? The aware- AND FAMILY 33M 26 ness of the power and value of trust, however, is fundamental Pages 192 for the development of the person and his or her relationships. Trim size 12,5×20 cm This book wants to start a reflection on the meaning and value of trust in the family, at school, in friendships and at work, where suspicion and mistrust have long dominated. It will investigate HISTORY three psychological aspects described as “sport activities”: psy- AND SOCIETY chological mountaineering that looks at human relationships with spirituality; psychological surfing that deals with behav- ior’s practical, rational strategies; psychological diving that deals with the deep, unconscious aspect of our attitude. The text is divided into three parts: the first part is dedicated to the birth of trust and the elements that make it up; the second one gives space to the various contexts in which trust develops; the third one explains how to activate trust more effectively. Salvo Noè is a psychologist, psychotherapist, and family media- tor. An expert in training processes, he teaches social psycholo- gy and communication at public and private institutions. Since the publication of his worldwide best-seller It Is Forbidden to Complain (2017), he is too a well-known author: thanks to the success of his first book, his TV presence and – of course – the endorsement he received by Pope Francis. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published too: Before Judging, Think! (2019). RIGHTS SOLD TO SELLING POINTS FICTION Spain, France, Mexico, • Text dealing with a positive concept: trust, a feeling that im- Brazil, Portugal, Poland, Korea, Colombia plies awareness and serenity of judgment. • A volume full of ideas and exercises that better understand the path to be taken to gain confidence, in ourselves and in others, in the typical style of the author: direct, engaging, practical. • A book about a central sentiment, even more important after the tragic events of the pandemic. THE LAST PART OF THE TRILOGY AFTER IT IS FORBIDDEN TO COMPLAIN AND BEFORE JUDGING, THINK! 8
Luigi Maria Epicoco · Saverio Gaeta HIGHLIGHTS TOC HOPE IS NOT DEAD BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Words of Faith in Times of Crisis SPIRITUALITY To understand what is happening to the whole world now 226T 261 we have to do the math with the mystery of evil and innocent PSYCHOLOGY Pages 160 pain. But to face and overcome the pandemic and its con- AND FAMILY Trim size 12×19 cm sequences it is necessary a look that adequately judges and interprets the signs of the times in the horizon of Christian hope. This is what Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco, the most appreciat- HISTORY ed author of spirituality in recent years, and the writer Saverio AND SOCIETY Gaeta, well-known for his essays on Christian mysticism and on Marian apparitions, propose in these dense dialogue. The FICTION result is a perspective of faith that offers glimmers of light in the apparent darkness of our day. A beacon for those who al- ready live the Christian experience, but also a positive chal- lenge for those who are still far from it. Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco (Mesagne, 1980) is a priest of the dio- cese of L’Aquila. He teaches philosophy at the Pontifical Lat- eran University and at the ISSR “Fides et ratio” of L’Aquila. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published the bestsellers: Only Sick People Can Heal (2016); What You Are for Me (2017), Salt, Not Honey (2017) e Telemachus Was Not Wrong (2019). His latest volume – four-handed written with Pope Francis – is Saint John Paul the Great (2020). Saverio Gaeta (Naples, 1958) is a writer and journalist and one of the worldwide main experts on Marian apparitions. Among his books for Edizioni San Paolo: Pope Francis. His Life and Chal- lenges (2013); Padre Pio. The Mystery of a Close God (2014); Fa- tima. All the Truth (2017); The Secrets of Mary (2017); The Secret Legacy of Fr. Amorth (2019), Living Medjugorje (2020), Dossier Medjugorje (2020), Medjugorje. The True Story (2020). SELLING POINTS • A dialogue between two of the most important spiritual- ity authors of our time. • A book that sheds the light of faith on the difficult times that we are all living. • A path to walk together in our world hit by the pandemic. LUIGI MARIA EPICOCO AND SAVERIO GAETA IN DIALOGUE ON FAITH AND HOPE IN THESE PAINFUL DAYS 9
Lucio Brunelli HIGHLIGHTS TOC POPE FRANCIS BIBLE AND THEOLOGY As I Have Known Him SPIRITUALITY Francis is a Pope the media around the world likes to describe, 98A 85 but paradoxically his deepest intentions are not well-known. PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 In this volume Lucio Brunelli, journalist and long-time Vatican AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm expert, draws a more truthful portrait of this successor of Peter called to Rome from the end of the world. The author has met Bergoglio for the first time more than fifteen years ago and HISTORY has kept on meeting him once he was elected Pope. The re- AND SOCIETY sult is a diary of memories based on interviews, letters, phone calls. It emerges an extraordinary and delicate friendship, even if the author never (and modestly) uses the word friendship regarding the Pope. The book collects many unpublished episodes: sometimes they are moving, sometimes they draw a smile upon our faces. It’s an original portrait of Francis, beyond any ideology. The readers can enter on their tiptoes into the inner world of Bergoglio-Francis: his prayer, so outrageously traditional; his tribulations, which do not make him lose his peace; his mis- takes, he does not hesitate to apologize for; and above all, his faith in Jesus Christ. Lucio Brunelli (Rome, 1952) is a journalist with a degree in Po- litical Science. For many years he has recounted the activity of the popes as Vatican expert of the news program for the public tv channel broadcast in Italy. Since 2014 he has been the news director of TV2000 and Inblu Radio. He has followed dozens of apostolic trips abroad and conducted interviews with prominent personalities, from Cardinal Ratzinger to Pope Francis. SELLING POINTS • An intimate and illuminate portrait of Pope Francis. • The story of an extraordinary friendship. • A new perspective on the spirituality and faith path of Pope Francis. ENTERING ON OUR TIPTOES INTO THE INNER WORLD OF POPE FRANCIS FICTION 10
Nina Fabrizio HIGHLIGHTS TOC FRANCIS BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The Women’s Pope SPIRITUALITY Pope Francis is the Pope who best understands women. He 98A 81 is a loyal interpreter of the deepest and most vital instances PSYCHOLOGY Pages 208 of the female universe. He is constantly asking women about AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm their present and future role in the Church. Pope Bergoglio says: “The Church cannot be herself without the woman and her role. The woman is essential for the Church.” Therefore, as Pope HISTORY Francis keeps on saying, it is not just a matter of honouring AND SOCIETY women and giving honours to them: “It is a matter of making more room for a more incisive feminine presence.” This it is the real focal point of the new perspective opened by Francis. Starting from the Pope’s most significant interventions, the volume retraces this particular link and attention by Francis towards women: from some important appointments at the top of the Roman Curia to crucial themes for women and so- ciety at large, such as femicide, abortion, human trafficking; from the canonizations during his pontificate to the role of Mary compared to the apostles. Francis never misses an op- portunity to remember that the Church is woman. Nina Fabrizio (Naples, 1979) has been a journalist since 2008 and works for the Italian press agency ANSA. She writes about religious themes and the Vatican. She is too a regular contrib- utor to Italian daily newspapers just like Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione. SELLING POINTS • The theme is crucial for Pope Francis. • The volume deals for the first time with the whole rela- tionship of Pope Francis with the women. • An engaging reconstruction of the pontificate of Pope Francis from the perspective of the women in the Church und in the world. THE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH OF POPE FRANCIS FICTION 11
Alessandra Smerilli HIGHLIGHTS TOC WOMAN ECONOMY BIBLE AND THEOLOGY From the Crisis to a New Season of Hope SPIRITUALITY Economy, i.e. oikos-nomos: economy as care and manage- 95A 188 ment of our home. Home is seen very differently if you look at PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 it as a man or a woman. Until now the gaze on our home and AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm particularly on our common home has been very masculine. A man focuses on work, on material and institutional aspects: this perspective is very important, but if it becomes an abso- HISTORY lute look it can distort reality. A woman is more concentrated AND SOCIETY on relationships, on everything that has to do with “care.”This perspective alone is not enough, but it is largely missing in- FICTION side big companies, politics, institutions in general. Let’s start or keep on looking at this common home with a woman’s look. Above all, let’s start looking at it together, women and men. Imagining its future together. Through an analysis of economic, sociological, and psychological theo- ries the author addresses the issues at stake for a good living, such as work and technologies, production and consumption models, the role of finance... At the same time, she highlights the women who have given significant contributions to the international debate around this global topic. Sr. Alessandra Smerilli (Vasto, 1974), religious of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, teaches Political and Statistical Eco- nomics at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences“Auxil- ium”in Rome. In 2019 Pope Francis appointed her as Econom- ic Councilor of the Vatican City State. Authoress of numerous essays on economics, work, and youth translated in various languages, for Edizioni San Paolo she has written the preface of Pope Francis’ Apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit (2018). SELLING POINTS • A lively way to discover the relationship between econo- my and our daily life. • The synergy between two very topical issues, economics and female affirmation. • The author is one of the main speakers at The Economy of Francesco, an international meeting with young econ- omist, entrepreneurs, and changemakers summoned by Pope Francis from November 19 to 21, 2020 in Assisi. A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON ECONOMY REALLY AT THE SERVICE OF HUMAN BEINGS AND ENVIRONMENT 12
Marco Pozza HIGHLIGHTS TOC WHAT EMPTY IS NOT BIBLE AND THEOLOGY «I am no longer curious about believers: unfortunately, I already know how they think. SPIRITUALITY I am fascinated by non-believers: God speaks 22H 443 PSYCHOLOGY Pages 224 in a story and the human being remains AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm totally free to listen or to refuse the divine invitation. The non-believer helps me believe, HISTORY only indifference seems atheist to me. AND SOCIETY I believe in a God full of silence who, (re) FICTION veiling Himself, calls on.» Fr. Marco Pozza Marco Pozza’s new book is a book “at the crossroads.” At the crossroads of a faith that has measured itself, in prison and beyond, with Covid 19. At the crossroads of a hope that ac- cepted the risk of the “empty cradle”. Through the affirmations of the Creed (it’s strange, sometimes only non-Christians still know how to appreciate the Profession of Faith in its ability to provoke), Fr. Pozza provokes, deepens, scratches through words that have become as acute as his person. His words and approach oblige the readers to reckon with the Creed so that we have to listen to if it were the first time. Because of the pan- demic, believing cannot be optional anymore. Our and (and others’) history is at stake. Fr. Marco Pozza (Calvene, 1979) is a priest, an appreciated writ- er, a theologian, and the chaplain of a prison in Northeastern Italy. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published: God’s Embar- rassment (2015), God’s Ambush (2016), Godswrath (2017), The Opposite of Mine (2018), The Clumsy Leap (2020). SELLING POINTS • A challenging spiritual proposal for our times. • Contemporary resounding topic. • Best-selling author. MARCO POZZA’S NEW BOOK, A PROVOCATIVE REFLECTION ON FAITH, LIFE, AND FRAGILITY 13
Fabio Marchese Ragona HIGHLIGHTS TOC MY NAME IS SATAN BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Stories of Exorcisms from the Vatican to Medjugorje SPIRITUALITY There is a case of diabolical possession Pope Francis has 95A 197 agreed to take care of remotely, and the one fearless faced by PSYCHOLOGY Pages 256 a cardinal among the Swiss Guards. And then the demonic AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm temptations to some of the visionaries of Medjugorje. Our tormented century is witnessing an unprecedented bat- HISTORY tle between God and Satan, and the Pontiff often warns the AND SOCIETY faithful against the evil action of the devil. In contemporary society the devil is increasingly considered a medieval inven- FICTION tion, but the “king of lies,” strong of this disbelief, has man- aged to make his way, conquering souls and power, reaching an unprecedented level of strength. But does the devil really exist? In this volume the author has sought evidence, ques- tioned witnesses, heard never revealed stories by numerous priests, sifted through folders looking for documents, had ac- cess to top secret archives containing unpublished notes by the greatest exorcists in the world. An investigation two steps away from hell to discover the truth about one of the oldest practices in Church history. Until the final meeting, face to face with the devil. Fabio Marchese Ragona (Milan, 1982) is the Vatican correspond- ent for the Mediaset Group, where he has been working since 2008. He is the chief editor of the Stanze Vaticane blog on the Tgcom24 website and conducts a program with the same title on the Mediaset all-news channel every Sunday. He is too the Vatican expert of the daily newspaper Il Giornale. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published: All Francis’ Men (2018) and The New Bergoglio’s Cardinals (2019). SELLING POINTS • The topic has a great appeal for the readers. • Riveting journalistic style by one of the most established Vatican correspondents. • Unpublished documents of exorcisms practiced in the Vatican by Popes and by some cardinals. • Preface by Friar Benigno, one of the most famous exorcists. THE ENDLESS FIGHT BETWEEN THE EXORCISTS AND THE EVIL, NO HOLDS BARRED RIGHTS SOLD TO Spain 14
Matteo Crimella HIGHLIGHTS TOC OUR FATHER BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Countless comments have been written about the Lord’s Prayer since ancient times. The recent comments have tried SPIRITUALITY to highlight the text, its Jewish background, its rich theology. 21G 105 However, these essays have a common feature: they highlight PSYCHOLOGY Pages 128 similarities and differences between Matthew and Luke’s ver- AND FAMILY Trim size 14,5×21 cm sion, and then they keep on commenting on the long form by Matthew. This means that in the Lord’s Prayer according to Luke the exegetes normally just note the differences to HISTORY Matthew’s. AND SOCIETY This commentary on the Lord’s Prayer is entirely based on a bet: to enhance Matthew’s and Luke’s versions in their rich- ness and singularity. The two versions are analysed within its immediate context and according to the theological vision of the respective evangelist. Thus, the Lord’s Prayer becomes a kaleidoscope to admire the multifaceted richness of the proclamation of Jesus. Indeed, as the ancient Fathers said, the Lord’s Prayer is the synthesis of the whole Gospel. Fr. Matteo Crimella (Milan, 1969) has been a presbyter of the diocese of Milan since 1994. He has studied exegesis and sa- cred archeology and has a Ph.D. in Biblical Sciences. He teach- es Sacred Scripture at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy (Milan) and at the PIME Theological Seminary (Monza). He lives in a parish in Milan and combines scientific research with pastoral activity. For Edizioni San Paolo he has published Luke. Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (2015) and translat- ed exegetical essays from English and Spanish. SELLING POINTS • For the first time the text of the Lord’s Prayer is studied in its two versions (according to Matthew and to Luke). • Each version of the Prayer is understood by holding ac- count of the context and the theology of each gospel. • The language and style are aimed to a broad readership. A COMMENTARY ON THE LORD’S PRAYER IN ITS TWO VERSIONS FICTION 15
Giulio Michelini · Marco Cassuto Morselli (edited by) HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE FRIENDSHIP BIBLE Passages of the Neviim / Prophets Commented by Jews and Christians A commentary on the Bible written by several Jewish and Chris- BIBLE tian scholars represents a novelty. For millennia Jews and Chris- AND THEOLOGY tians have been reading and meditating on the Bible separately. Some decades ago, Jews and Christians have started a path of SPIRITUALITY dialogue to overcome hatreds and misunderstandings. It is now 21E 69 possible to start reading the Bible together, in friendship. PSYCHOLOGY Pages 384 The aim of the project is not to arrive at a unified reading of AND FAMILY Trim size 14,5×21 cm the Bible where the differences dissolve until they cancel each other, but to get to know better their respective readings and A NEW VOLUME OF THE FRIENDSHIP interpretations, accepting that they may be different. In this BIBLE: JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN book, forty biblical scholars focus on the prophetic books of COMMENTARIES ON PROPHETS the Bible with one double reading based on each tradition and commenting on six passages chosen from the most sig- nificant of the prophetic books of the Bible. HISTORY Preface by Card. Kurt Koch and Rav David Rosen, International AND SOCIETY Director of Interreligious Affairs, American Jewish Committee. FICTION Fr. Giulio Michelini (Milan, 1963), of the Order of Friars Minor, teaches Exegesis of the New Testament at the Theological Institute of Assisi. He has studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Biblical Theology, and at the Bat Kol Institute in Jerusalem. Author of several exe- getical essays, with Edizioni San Paolo he has published: Mat- thew. Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (2013); A Day with Jesus. The Day of Capernaum According to Mark (2015); The Friendship Bible. Passages from the Torah / Pentateuch Com- mented by Jews and Christians (2019). Marco Cassuto Morselli (Rome, 1954) has studied Philosophy at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, at the Pontifical Gre- gorian University, and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has been a professor of Jewish Philosophy and History of Judaism at the Faculty of Jewish Studies of the“Italian Rabbin- ic College” (Rome). He has edited works by Jules Isaac, André Chouraqui, and Barukh Spinoza. Author of several essays on the Jewish-Christian tradition, with Edizioni San Paolo he has published The Friendship Bible. Passages from the Torah / Pen- tateuch Commented by Jews and Christians (2019). He is the president of the Jewish-Christian Friendships in Italy. SELLING POINTS • Simple language and clarity of content. • Rigorous biblical analysis. • Unique exegetical project worldwide. 16
Antonio Landi HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE GOSPEL TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH Testimony and Mission in the Acts of the Apostles An expression like “A Church that goes fort” and brings the BIBLE Gospel to the existential suburbs may sound very contempo- AND THEOLOGY rary. This volume shows how from the beginning the Apostles have lived their mission having as its ultimate horizon “the SPIRITUALITY ends of the earth,” i.e. the people who were the most distant 21H 102 from Judaism. Through a meticulous and documented textual PSYCHOLOGY Pages 240 analysis, the author explains how the Spirit of the Risen is the AND FAMILY Trim size 14×21,5 cm soul of the missionary drive. Two exemplary figures emerge: Peter and Paul. But behind them the whole Church moves. A profound food for thought for biblical theology, Christology, and ecclesiology. Fr. Antonio Landi (1980), presbyter of the Archdiocese of Amal- fi-Cava dei Tirreni, obtained his Licentiate and Doctorate in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. His main research field concerns the Lucanian and Pauline writings. Currently, he is a professor of Sacred Scripture at the Theological Faculty of Southern Italy (section San Tommaso – Naples) and collaborates with theological and biblical jour- nals. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published: The Prayer of the Community in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles (2020). SELLING POINTS • Solid reflection on the theme of the mission in a biblical key. • Valid introduction to the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. • The language and style are aimed to interested readers, not just specialists. THE MISSION OF THE APOSTLES: HISTORY A NEW AND CHALLENGING PERSPECTIVE AND SOCIETY FICTION 17
Santi Grasso HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE NECESSARY FRAGILITY BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Occasion or Temptation, Frustration or Redemption? SPIRITUALITY The author addresses the theme of fragility in a biblical key, 21G 114 from Genesis to Revelation, passing through the Psalms and PSYCHOLOGY Pages 240 Paul. The reflection results in an invitation to reclaim the sense AND FAMILY Trim size 14,5×21 cm of life fragility, otherwise there would not even be human freedom. This fragility is really the sine qua non condition to live an ex- perience of freedom: we are not automata, predetermined only to do good, but subjects who, in the context of history, can choose to live with creativity, feeling, fantasy. The volume helps identify paths of salvation even in the midst of negative situations with the help of Bible pages. Fr. Santi Grasso (1961) is professor of New Testament exegesis at the Interdiocesan Theological Study of Gorizia, Trieste and Udine, at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Gorizia and Udine, and at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. He has written various essays for scientific journals and has published complete commentaries on the Gospels. SELLING POINTS • Sapiential interpretation of many biblical passages. • Relevance of a universal theme in our shaken society. • Original and somewhat countercurrent reflection. THE THEME OF FRAGILITY UNDER A SPIRITUAL AND BIBLICAL LENS HISTORY AND SOCIETY FICTION 18
Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE POWER IS YOURS BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Trusting in Christ’s Strength SPIRITUALITY We are all looking for power, but it is very easy to make mis- 22T 126 takes, focusing our affection and will on things, situations, PSYCHOLOGY Pages 160 people not up to the right desire for power. Avoiding the rhet- AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm oric that always describes power with sinister and evil traits, the book shows how faith in God revealed by Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the indispensable human desire for power. HISTORY Not for nothing, the Church confesses every Sunday:“I believe AND SOCIETY in one God, the Father almighty.”Well far from being an alter- native to mercy or love, God’s power is presented by the Holy FICTION Scriptures as the root of his goodness, compassion, and love. Consequently, human malice and injustice are not symptoms of a generic selfishness, but certification of sad helplessness. From the Bible to contemporary theological and philosophi- cal reflection, the essay urges rethink the link between faith and power / powers for our times. Fr. Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi (Lodi, 1965) is presbyter of the dio- cese of Lodi. He teaches Ecclesiology and Family Community at the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences in Rome and Systematic Theology at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy (Milan). He is also a pro- fessor of Aesthetics of the Sacred at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. Editor of La Rivista del Clero Italiano, he collab- orates with the daily newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published The Flesh (2018). SELLING POINTS • The author is one of the leading contemporary theologians in Europe. • The language is precise, but not only for specialists. • The variety of sources it draws from: Bible, theological and philosophical reflection, but also literature. • The “affectionate and acute” preface of a true poet such as Msgr. José Tolentino de Mendonça. HOW FAITH IN GOD REVEALED BY JESUS CHRIST IS THE FULFILLMENT OF THE INDISPENSABLE HUMAN DESIRE FOR POWER 19
Elizabeth Green · Cristina Simonelli HIGHLIGHTS TOC ENCOUNTERS Memories and Perspectives of a Feminist Theology It is the first volume of the series Exousia. Rethinking Theology BIBLE According to a Gender Perspective. Its aim is crossing the whole AND THEOLOGY theology and abandoning neutrality to adopt a precise per- spective. Feminist theology unmasks the alleged male univer- SPIRITUALITY sality introducing the reality and the experience of women, 22T 124 their points of view and their partiality. Through this transpar- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 ency of intention, feminist theology makes herself available to AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm the whole theology. Feminist theology has been also a meet- ing place: between culture and politics, ecumenism and gen- der. In this volume readers witness the perspectives of the two HISTORY authoresses meeting: they are both theologians who express AND SOCIETY themselves through different confessional and ministerial positions. This volume explains in a preliminary way the key themes and perspectives of a feminist theology. Elizabeth Green (England, 1953) is pastor of the Baptist churches in Cagliari. She has been the first woman to obtain a doctor- ate in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical University of Sala- manca. She is a member of the Coordination of Italian Female Theologians. Cristina Simonelli (Florence, 1976) is a professor of patristic the- ology in Verona (San Zeno, San Bernardino, San Pietro Martire) and at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy (Milan). She is a member of the Coordination of Italian Female Theologians and its President since 2013. SELLING POINTS • Centrality of the female question in the Church of Pope Francis. • Challenging and stimulating contents by serious and pro- found experts. • The volumes are written according to hermeneutic circularity. A NEW APPROACH FROM AND TO A FEMINIST THEOLOGY FICTION 20
Donata Horak · Andrea Grillo HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE ECCLESIAL INSTITUTIONS AT THE GENDER’S TEST Liturgy, Sacraments, and Law The second volume of the series Exousia. Rethinking Theology BIBLE According to a Gender Perspective reads in a new way the litur- AND THEOLOGY gical, sacramental, and institutional tradition through a “Gen- der perspective.” That means highlighting gender’s relevance in every sacrament. The volume embraces three levels (ritual, sacramental, and normative) trusting on the different exper- tise of the two authors. The result is a unitary path, where the voices of the two authors intertwine, they do not overlap. Donata Horak (Piacenza) is a Law graduate with a Ph.D. in SPIRITUALITY Canon Law. She teaches Canon Law at the “Alberoni” Theo- 22T 125 logical College (affiliate to the Pontifical University of Saint PSYCHOLOGY Pages 224 Thomas Aquinas) in Piacenza and at the Diocesan School of AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm Theological Formation in the same city. She is a member of the Coordination of Italian Female Theologians. Andrea Grillo (Savona, 1961) teaches Theology of the Sacra- HISTORY ments and Philosophy of Religion at the Pontifical Athenaeum AND SOCIETY of Saint Anselm in Rome and Liturgy at the Abbey of Santa Giustina in Padua. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published: Genealogy of Freedom (2013); The Symbol (2013); Ecclesia: Uni- versal or Introverted? (2013). SELLING POINTS • A never-heard reinterpretation by a canonist of the classic theological treatises. • Favourable approach to female diaconate in an elegant and cultivated way. • Challenging and stimulating contents by serious and pro- found experts. SACRAMENTS AND GENDER: A UNITARY PATH WITH DIFFERENT THEOLOGICAL VOICES FICTION 21
Armando Matteo HIGHLIGHTS TOC LONG LIVE THEOLOGY BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Divine Science SPIRITUALITY The theology we are talking about here is Catholic theology, 22T 141 i.e. studying the mystery of God which draws its original in- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 spiration from Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant rabbi. Theolo- AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm gy starts from Jesus, every time, throughout history. For this reason, when it lives up to its mission, theology has deep relationships with dynamics of the culture it emerges within. HISTORY Theology has to learn the language of such culture. Only in AND SOCIETY this way it will be able to talk about Jesus to men and women it concretely stands before. FICTION And this was precisely the gigantic task realised by theologians such as Origen, Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury,Thomas Aqui- nas, J.H. Newman, de Lubac, Rahner, von Balthasar, Ratzinger, Kasper, Sequeri, Salmann, Theobald, just to name a few of the most important theologians presented in this volume. The essay aims to illustrate the structure that has been gov- erning the processing of theological knowledge over the cen- turies and in changing times. And that’s how, at the end of the short journey these pages propose, the readers will also be able to say: “Long live theology!” Fr. Armando Matteo (Catanzaro, 1970) has studied philosophy and theology. He is currently a professor of Fundamental The- ology at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome. In his studies, he has been analysing the relationship between contempo- rary society and faith, in particular the relationship between young people and faith. With Edizioni San Paolo he has pub- lished: The Meek God (2017), The Missing Church (2018). SELLING POINTS • The light and captivating style of dealing with different arguments. • The capacity to outline theology not like a sterile mind game played by experts in an ivory tower, but like a lively and challenging way to live Christian faith. • A volume for a broad readership. FOR THE FIRST TIME, A VOLUME THAT EXPLAINS HOW AND WHY THEOLOGY SPEAKS TO ALL WOMEN AND MEN 22
Angelo Comastri HIGHLIGHTS TOC GOD’S EYES BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Jesus Let Us See God’s Eyes and Face SSPIRITUALITTYY In this new book Cardinal Comastri gives us a wonderful cat- 22H 509 echesis on Christian life, especially on how, thanks to Jesus, the PSYCHOLOGY Pages 208 world has been able to see God’s eyes and face. We believe, in AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm fact, and this is the message that Christians all over the world repeat without never getting tired of, that in Jesus Christ God himself entered the human history. Cardinal Comastri invites HISTORY the readers to let themselves be crossed by this good news, AND SOCIETY until we can sing it inside and let it become a testimony. That’s why there is hope, that’s why Christians, with their lives, re- ceive the task to announce this hope to everyone. Especially in our time when, for the first time, the Church of God has to face one of the most dramatic poverty in history: the poverty of ideals and values, the poverty of reasons to love our life. Card. Angelo Comastri (Sorano, 1943) is the vicar general of His Holiness for the Vatican City, archpriest of the papal basili- ca of Saint Peter and president of the Fabric of Saint Peter. He is the author of numerous successful volumes on spirituality, liturgy, and meditation. Among his latest publications with Edizioni San Paolo: God’s Scream. Why Don’t You Hear it? (2015); The Wonder of Christmas. God Put Himself Out for You (2015); I Have Met a Saint Woman. Mother Teresa of Calcutta (2012); The Crucified is Alive (2017), and Jesus’ Lasts Words (2019). SELLING POINTS • A deep reflection on Christian life, particularly suitable for meditating in times of Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. • A simple and profound catechesis for priests or faithful. • Cardinal Angelo Comastri is one of the most famous and appreciated spirituality authors of our times. THE NEW BOOK BY CARDINAL COMASTRI TO FOSTER OUR FAITH AND HOPE IN A TIME OF CRISIS FICTION 23
Derio Olivero · Alberto Chiara HIGHLIGHTS TOC LIFE WILL COME AND IT WILL HAVE HIS EYES From a Dramatic Contagion Experience, a Formidable Glimpse of the Future Msgr. Derio Olivero, bishop of Pinerolo (Turin), was rushed to BIBLE the hospital on March 19, 2020, with a severe respiratory cri- AND THEOLOGY sis. He took the Covid 19 test and tested positive. On March 26 he underwent assisted ventilation. On the Holy Thursday, SSPIRITUALITTYY April 9, he was in desperate conditions. Slowly, during the Easter 226T 262 Triduum, his condition began to improve. He realized he could PSYCHOLOGY Pages 144 do it on Easter Monday, April 13, 2020. In this book he talks AND FAMILY Trim size 12×19 cm about his days in the hospital, the intense prayer in moments of lucidity, the reassuring feeling of not being alone even in the worst moments, the careful care received by medical personnel. HISTORY And above all, Msgr. Olivero reminds us how we have to use our AND SOCIETY time after the pandemic: we can no longer waste even a min- ute of the gift of life that God has made us and that we share FICTION with everyone else. Msgr. Olivero indicates twelve words to put in our saddlebag as pilgrims on Earth: individual, freedom, identity, fraternity, gift, trust, boundary, kindness, virtue, land, fragility, and care. The invitation is to convert, rediscovering the essentials, feeling the closeness of Jesus who also took the virus of life and who got on the boat of our fragility and vulnerability. Msgr. Derio Olivero (Cuneo, 1961) obtained his license in pas- toral theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. In 1987 he was ordained a priest for the diocese of Fossano. In 2012 he was appointed vicar general of the Fossano diocese. In 2017 Pope Francis appointed him bishop of Pinerolo. After collaborating with the Catholic daily newspaper Avvenire, in 1987 Alberto Chiara (Turin, 1961) was hired by the weekly magazine Famiglia Cristiana. Today he is its deputy editor-in-chief and head of the Church and Volunteering desk. In 2000 he won the Saint-Vincent Prize for journalism with an investigation into arms and toxic waste trafficking in Somalia. He has written several books. SELLING POINTS • A “little” book, from the author’s experience as a Covid pa- tient and from his closeness to death. • A powerful invite to listen to the cry that emerges from the tragedy of the pandemic. RETHINKING RELATIONSHIPS, CHANGING PARADIGM, NOT WASTING TIME: A POWERFUL TESTIMONY OF BISHOP OLIVERO FOR THE WORLD AFTER THE PANDEMIC 24
Maurizio Botta HIGHLIGHTS TOC COLD INSIDE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Five Steps to the Mystery SSPIRITUALITTYY Faith never humiliates reason. As the Word teaches, giving an 226Q 225 explanation to anyone who asks us for a reason for our hope is PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 the only way to fully live our faith. AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm In this new volume, Fr. Maurizio Botta addresses five major topics he regularly talks about in his much followed catechesis: the situation of loneliness and depression many people live HISTORY in today; falling in love and loving, facing our crises in love AND SOCIETY and fulfilling our desire to get back to that love; human being, freedom, and dependencies that deprive us of that freedom; the personalization of faith, summarized in the slogan: I only want the Gospel that pleases me; a fatherhood inspired by St. Joseph and other exemplary father models. Fr. Maurizio Botta (Biella, 1975), priest and prefect at the Orato- ry of St. Philip Neri in Rome, is parochial vicar at Santa Maria in Vallicella – Chiesa Nuova in Rome as well as a collaborator of the Catechetical Office of the Diocese of Rome. Since 2008 he is been holding the Five Steps to the Mystery, a cycle of catechesis for young people and adults in Santa Maria in Vallicella – Chiesa Nuova in Rome, in front of thousands of people. He has written many books for adult and young people and cat- echesis for children. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published Born Spoiled (2018). SELLING POINTS • The cycles of catechesis of Don Maurizio Botta are fol- lowed by thousands of people every year. • His style is challenging, uncompromising, direct. • The author is a charismatic figure capable of gathering hundreds of people for nightly prayer pilgrimages along the Churches of Rome. THE NEW CHALLENGING CATECHESIS OF FR. MAURIZIO BOTTA FICTION 25
Fabrizio Penna HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE RETURN OF THE EXORCISM The phenomenon of demonic possession and exorcism ha BIBLE recently re-emerged in Christianity after centuries of relative AND THEOLOGY oblivion. This book presents an anthropological, historical, philosophical, spiritual, and psychological excursus on the SSPIRITUALITTYY subject, mainly in the western context but without neglect- 226Q 226 ing references to others cultural and religious traditions. “I PSYCHOLOGY Pages 224 tried,”writes Penna,“to do this job with scientific rigor but also AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm with a healthy respect for mystery. I am aware that some of the manifestations here observed and documented go well beyond the current scientific knowledge. A good reason to continue investigating, but also a reason enough to approach this topic with humility. I am conscious that, at the right time, you need to know how to stop.” Fabrizio Penna (Alba, 1962) is a journalist, pastoral counse- lor, family mediator, and professional trainer. He works as a business consultant and as a counselor for job and personal reorientation. SELLING POINTS • Testimonies by exorcists, psychologists, psychiatrists, an- thropologists, philosophers, and theologians. • True stories of possessed and now “freed” people. • Written in a captivating, but precise, journalistic style. EXORCISM AND DEMONIC POSSESSIONS IN OUR TIME, BETWEEN SCIENCE AND FAITH HISTORY AND SOCIETY FICTION 26
Roberto Pasolini HIGHLIGHTS TOC IT WAS NOT US BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Out of the Sense of Guilt SSPIRITUALITTYY The volume, the first of a trilogy, talks about the experience 22H 442 of evil and sin, starting from the biblical text of Genesis, but PSYCHOLOGY Pages 224 immersed in the condition of modernity. We live not only in AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm sin, but in the condition of those who have to “apologize” for committing it: guilt grips“religious”women and men. And our sin expresses itself in forms that upset our lives: we feel alone, HISTORY inadequate, canceled; we are impatient, unfaithful, idolaters. AND SOCIETY We also live in pain. Paradoxically, God is the only one who can lead us out of guilt, giving us back the sight, the word and a path to walk together on. Fr. Roberto Pasolini (Milan, 1971) is a friar minor capuchin of the Province of Lombardy and a presbyter. Bible scholar and professor of Sacred Scripture, he combines academic research with an intense pastoral activity: preaching at retreats and spiritual exercises, spiritual guidance. Among his books: Lov- ing Because They Are Loved (2015), Failing and Don’t Missing the Target (2017). This is his first book with Edizioni San Paolo. SELLING POINTS • A rich and rigorous reflection on a topic deeply felt among the faithful. • Capacity to communicate complex concepts in a very comprehensive way. • Riveting connection between Bible and contemporary times and question. HOW CAN HUMAN BEING FAIL WITHOUT BEING JUDGED OR SENTENCED FOR THIS? A MEDITATION ON THE BIBLICAL THEME OF GUILT FICTION 27
Mirko Pozzobon HIGHLIGHTS TOC RECALCULATING THE ROUTE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Exercises for a Renewed Pastoral Care SSPIRITUALITTYY In our time the Christian Church is no longer an obligatory 22H 510 passage in people’s lives. Instead, it is one path next to others. PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 What are the traits that characterize it? If the goal for every AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm Christian is loving one’s sisters and brothers and God, it is not said that roads of the past are the best ones even today. Should not we recalculate the route and look for more effec- HISTORY tive and meaningful ways? Starting from some Bible pages, AND SOCIETY Fr. Pozzobon addresses some key issues in every human life which can become the way forward to reach faith, even in this time and context. Fr. Mirko Pozzobon (Feltre, 1981) is a priest of the diocese of Bel- luno-Feltre. He received his doctorate in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome. He is currently parochial vicar in three parishes by Belluno. Furthermore, he teaches Sa- cred Scripture in Treviso, Padua, and Trento. In this way he can connect his academic studies with his pastoral vocation. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published Like a Sore Thumb (2019). SELLING POINTS • The text is particularly useful as a meditation tool for prayer groups. • Priests will find ideas for preaching the spiritual exercises. • It is not just a “reading” experience. At the end of each chapter there are exercises – to be done alone or in a group – so that readers can put into practice what they have just read. AN INNOVATIVE PATH TO LIVE OR REDISCOVER FAITH FICTION 28
MOTHERS OF FAITH HIGHLIGHTS TOC Lives and Writings of Old and New Women BIBLE Mothers of Faith: a new series about women of the Bible and AND THEOLOGY of Christian history. Women who have told significant words about God through their own female voices and experiences. SSPIRITUALITTYY The books aim to find again their faces and words, because they have been hidden too long in the folds of documents PSYCHOLOGY and memories. Their biographies are re-read and recounted AND FAMILY as if to trace a red thread between the narrating voice of the early Church and the narrating voice of the contemporary HISTORY Church. Female biblical scholars, historians, and theologians AND SOCIETY help us rethink – and even shatter, if necessary – models of femininity and masculinity crystallized by tradition. FICTION SERIES EDITED BY CRISTINA SIMONELLI (THEOLOGIAN) AND RITA TORTI (ESSAYIST) ALREADY PUBLISHED 29
Selene Zorzi HIGHLIGHTS TOC MARY OF EGYPT BIBLE AND THEOLOGY «I am a Woman and I am Naked» SSPIRITUALITTYY In the hottest hour of the day, while praying in the loneliness 226Q 185 of the desert, the upright ascetic monk Zosima glimpses some- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 144 one. It is a woman, Mary, who had led a dissolute life and then AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm accidentally joined a group of pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem. Mary converted in front of the Holy Sepulcher, then she decid- ed to live the rest of her existence in the desert as a penitent. HISTORY Encountering Mary transforms Zosima. Messing up the bound- AND SOCIETY aries between male and female ascetic models will allow Zosi- ma access to true holiness. Maybe Mary of Egypt never existed, but since the VI century countless monks and nuns have recognized themselves in her story. Through Mary of Egypt we can see the complex world of ascetic movements of the first millennium and the spiritual symbols that have characterised the spirituality of Christians over the centuries. Selene Zorzi (Rome, 1970) has studied theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome and philosophy at the“Sa- pienza” University in Rome. She got a Ph.D. in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome. She is a professor of Patrology and History of Theology at the Theolog- ical Institute of Marche (Ancona). She is a member of the Coor- dination of Italian Female Theologians. With Edizioni San Paolo she has published Anthropology and Spiritual Theology (2014). SELLING POINTS • Mary of Egypt is one of the fundamental references for un- derstanding the female monasticism of the origins. • Ecumenic figure. • The volume is part of the Mothers of the Faith series. AN EMBLEMATIC FIGURE IN THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH FICTION 30
Marinella Perroni HIGHLIGHTS TOC MARTHA OF BETHANY BIBLE AND THEOLOGY «I believe, My Lord» SSPIRITUALITTYY In our time every field is searching for female heroines, but 226Q 227 Martha of Bethany remains an enigmatic figure. The two tales PSYCHOLOGY Pages 144 of the New Testament that transmit her memory connote AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm Martha in discordant ways. For Luke, she is a woman whose burden of domestic work has made her lose the dimension of trust in the providence; for John she is a disciple who is able HISTORY to express the highest confession of faith in the whole Gospel. AND SOCIETY The success Martha the housewife has had in the following tradition may not be surprising, but we should ask ourselves: why has the Fourth Gospel’s Martha not been so successful? Indeed, Martha the “stressed” housewife has become a morti- fying model for generations and generations of women. Too long she has not been recognized as a privileged witness of faith in the resurrection. That’s the goal of this volume: high- lighting Martha as model for discipleship. Marinella Perroni (Rome, 1947) has studied philosophy at the “Sapienza” University in Rome and theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm, where she got her Ph.D. in Sa- cred Theology. She is s professor of Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome. She founded, together with other colleagues, the Coordination of Italian Fe- male Theologians. Her publications about the New Testament are numerous. With Edizioni San Paolo she has published «No one has ever seen God» (John 1:18). A Guide to the Gospel Ac- cording to John (2017). SELLING POINTS • The book draws a different portrait of Martha of Bethany. • It highlights her centrality in the history of spirituality and devotion. • The volume is part of the Mothers of the Faith series. AN INNOVATIVE NEW READING OF THE FIGURE OF MARTHA OF BETHANY FICTION 31
Adriana Valerio HIGHLIGHTS TOC DOMENICA DA PARADISO BIBLE AND THEOLOGY «Arrogant Church Men Neither Know Nor Understand Anything» SSPIRITUALITTYY Girolamo Savonarola saw in women the protagonists of the 226Q 237 Church reform: returning to an evangelical way of life and PSYCHOLOGY Pages 144 putting the Bible back at the centre of every believer’s life. AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm His spiritual daughter, sr. Domenica Narducci (1473-1553), emerges as a leading figure in the Renaissance. She has a role as a religious woman and as a politician, as a prophetess HISTORY and, above all, as a preacher, a role forbidden to women at AND SOCIETY the time. Domenica claims that role through a bold and very current interpretation of the Bible. Adriana Valerio (Sperone, 1952) has studied philosophy and theology in Naples. She has taught History of Christianity and of Christian Churches at the University “Federico II” in Naples. For more than thirty years her main research focus has been studying sources and testimonies for the reconstruction of women’s memory in the history of Christianity. She founded, together with other colleagues, the Coordination of Italian Fe- male Theologians. Her publications about Church history are numerous. SELLING POINTS • A useful starting point to reflect on the figure of female deacons in our Church context. • An introduction to rediscover a figure comparable to Giro- lamo Savonarola. • The author is one of the most important theologians in Europe today. • The volume is part of the Mothers of the Faith series. AN AGILE BIOGRAPHY OF SR. DOMENICA DA PARADISO, SPIRITUAL DAUGHTER OF GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA FICTION 32
Saverio Gaeta HIGHLIGHTS TOC MEDJUGORJE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The True Story SSPIRITUALITTYY This volume presents through a narrative style the whole 224B 66 story of the forty years from the beginning of the apparitions PSYCHOLOGY Pages 256 in Medjugorje. It is the first one of a trilogy that wants to be AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm the most complete presentation of the “Medjugorje phenom- enon”. It collects everything around the much-discussed vi- sions, the announced secrets (it will be the topic of the second HISTORY volume), and both scientific and ecclesial evaluation (third AND SOCIETY volume). In this first book, the story of the apparitions is told in a pro- FICTION found and precise way. With his journalistic style, but well aware of the theological, pastoral, and devotional issues at stake, Saverio Gaeta, who also personally knows the protag- onists of the history of the apparitions, reconstructs the first days, the dramatic moments of the “crisis” with the diocesan bishops, the Franciscans who lead the parish, the ambiguities, questions and curiosities. The result is a defining text for any- one who wants to talk about the history of the Marian event that has changed the way of understanding the vision experi- ence and the relationship with the Mother of God. Saverio Gaeta (Naples, 1958) is a writer and journalist and one of the worldwide main experts on Marian apparitions. Among his books for Edizioni San Paolo: Pope Francis. His Life and Chal- lenges (2013); Padre Pio. The Mystery of a Close God (2014); Fa- tima. All the Truth (2017); The Secrets of Mary (2017); The Secret Legacy of Fr. Amorth (2019), Living Medjugorje (2020), Dossier Medjugorje (2020), Medjugorje. The True Story (2020). SELLING POINTS • The first volume of a unique trilogy on Medjugorje. • The trilogy is the most complete opus on the apparitions in Medjugorje. • The book contains unpublished and archival documents, interviews, the testimony of the visionaries. • The author is one of the main experts on Marian appari- tions worldwide. THE DEFINING RECONSTRUCTION OF THE APPARITIONS OF THE VIRGIN IN MEDJUGORJE 33
Saverio Gaeta HIGHLIGHTS TOC MEDJUGORJE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Secrets and Messages SSPIRITUALITTYY This second volume of the Medjugorje trilogy reconstructs 224B 67 the issues related to the messages and the mystery of the so- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 240 called “secrets” that should be revealed before the end of the AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm apparitions. On this issue, in particular, several scholars of the phenomenon have already proposed some interpretations of the Medjugorje messages. However, their answer has not yet been accepted by the visionaries, who consider this a decisive passage towards the knowledge of the definitive truth about the meaning of appearances. Saverio Gaeta (Naples, 1958) is a writer and journalist and one of the worldwide main experts on Marian apparitions. Among his books for Edizioni San Paolo: Pope Francis. His Life and Chal- lenges (2013); Padre Pio. The Mystery of a Close God (2014); Fa- tima. All the Truth (2017); The Secrets of Mary (2017); The Secret Legacy of Fr. Amorth (2019), Living Medjugorje (2020), Dossier Medjugorje (2020), Medjugorje. The True Story (2020). SELLING POINTS • The second volume of a unique trilogy on Medjugorje. • The trilogy is the most complete opus on the apparitions in Medjugorje. • Scientific and complete analysis of the messages. • The authority of Saverio Gaeta, among the top experts of Mariology worldwide. THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THE MYSTERIES RELATED TO THE QUEEN OF THE PEACE IN MEDJUGORJE HISTORY AND SOCIETY RIGHTS SOLD TO RIGHTS SOLD TO FICTION France, Romania, Lithuania, Slovakia, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, Brazil Lithuania, Ukraine, Brazil, Colombia Slovenia, Croatia, Korea, Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Poland, 34
Saverio Gaeta HIGHLIGHTS TOC LIVING MEDJUGORJE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY A Pilgrims’Guide SSPIRITUALITTYY On May 12, 2019, Pope Francis has decided to authorize pil- 06I 120 grimages to Medjugorje. The announcement was made dur- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 256 ing Mass, at the parish shrine which has become a destination AND FAMILY Trim size 12×19 cm for millions of pilgrims. Since that announcement, the already numerous pilgrimages have become even more numerous. From all over the world, HISTORY the faithful go to Medjugorje to learn about the place and his- AND SOCIETY tory of the apparitions, to pray and meditate in an environ- ment profoundly marked by the presence of the Virgin and to deepen their faith. Edizioni San Paolo presents now a complete pilgrims’guide to the shrine in Medjugorje: history, prayer, and “geography” of Medjugorje are explained to pilgrims and to those who want to approach the world and the mystery of the Queen of Peace. The guide has been written by one of the worldwide main experts on Marian apparitions, the journalist and bestselling author Saverio Gaeta. Saverio Gaeta (Naples, 1958) is a writer and journalist and one of the worldwide main experts on Marian apparitions. Among his books for Edizioni San Paolo: Pope Francis. His Life and Chal- lenges (2013); Padre Pio. The Mystery of a Close God (2014); Fa- tima. All the Truth (2017); The Secrets of Mary (2017); The Secret Legacy of Fr. Amorth (2019), Living Medjugorje (2020), Dossier Medjugorje (2020), Medjugorje. The True Story (2020), Medju- gorje. Secrets and Messages (2020). SELLING POINTS • Millions of pilgrims go to Medjugorje every year. • Written by one of the worldwide main experts on Marian apparitions, Saverio Gaeta. • An aid for the pilgrims to prepare for the pilgrimage and to pray in Medjugorje. • An aid for travel agencies organizing the pilgrimages. • An aid for parish priests organizing the pilgrimages. THE FIRST COMPLETE PILGRIMS’GUIDE TO MEDJUGORJE FICTION 35
Alessandro Brustenghi HIGHLIGHTS TOC OUR VOICE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY History of a Gift SSPIRITUALITTYY Friar Alessandro is the first Franciscan who released a disc for 226Q 238 an international label, with a success that went far beyond Ital- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 272 ian borders. He has been dubbed“God’s tenor.”In this book, for AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm the first time, he talks his heart out, also revealing a talent as a writer, not just as a singer. He talks about his religious voca- tion, his passion for artistic restoration, the discovery of sing- HISTORY ing as a gift. It was the desire to join the Order which pushed AND SOCIETY him to complete his qualification at the musical conservatory as it was considered a touchstone for the seriousness of his commitment. The friar’s humility and clear voice conquer lis- teners immediately. Friar Alessandro Giacomo Brustenghi (Perugia, 1978) from his childhood has had a passion for music. He has begun his studies at the Istituto Magistrale Musicale A. Pieralli, in his na- tive city, and continued at the Morlacchi music conservatory where he studied organ, musical composition and also oper- atic singing. Together with his passion for music he also was drawn to religious life. At the age of 21 he entered as a postu- lant in the Order of the Friars Minor of Umbria and would later take his final vows as a Franciscan friar some 10 years later. At present he lives at the Porziuncola Friary in Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi, where he acts as a sanctuary guide, welcoming pilgrims to the Basilica. He also animates the religious cele- brations, playing the organ and singing with the choir or as a soloist. SELLING POINTS • Testimony of faith in the world of music. • The author is an internationally well-known artist. • An uplifting narration for a broad readership. A SINCERE AND JOYFUL AUTOBIOGRAPHY BETWEEN MUSIC AND FAITH FICTION 36
Ugo Morelli HIGHLIGHTS TOC FOUND AGAIN EMPATHIES BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Whitin the Limit for a New World SPIRITUALITY To get out of the dark days we are living we need a qualita- 15D 85 tive leap in our ability to learn and change. In a simple phrase, PSYCHOLOGY Pages 208 we need to learn to learn. We are made to learn and sponta- AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm neously we learn from our birth on and earlier too. Thinking about how we learn and how we use our ability to know is an essential tool to deal with our inner shadows. A trauma HISTORY like Covid 19, if rightly elaborated, can help us bring out the AND SOCIETY best in us to recognize the value of our limit and to generate unprecedented possibilities. Morelli addresses his theme through key words and concepts: the time of our lives, so changed in the days of the crisis; the space that has shrunk and at the same time virtually expand- ed; a gesture like shaking hands that has become dangerous; and our breath, that from an existential condition has become a source of risk and fear. And the masks too that now defend us and make us all similar. These “interrupted empathies”, if re- gained, can show us how to think about different, sustainable, and fair ways of living. Ugo Morelli (Grottaminarda, 1951) is a psychologist, cognitive science scholar and writer. He teaches Cognitive Sciences applied to landscape and livability at DIARC, Department of Architecture, of the “Federico II” University in Naples. He col- laborates regularly with the daily newspapers “Corriere della Sera” in Milan and “Il Mattino” in Naples. SELLING POINTS • A useful text to reflect on what Covid 19 has taken away from us and on how to transform what we have gone through into a resource. • An indispensable book to understand what we have lived and how our tomorrow is going to look like. • Precise and understandable writing. WHAT HAS BEEN LOST IN THE DAYS OF THE PANDEMIC? WHAT CAN WE SAVE AND TRANSFORM INTO A RESOURCE? FICTION 37
Luciano Grigoletto HIGHLIGHTS TOC MINIMAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BE HAPPY Old and young, single and married, women and men, we are BIBLE all united by the feeling of not having achieved happiness yet. AND THEOLOGY Or worse: the sensation that we are destined to fail. But what do happiness and unhappiness mean in our daily life? Why SPIRITUALITY do we feel alone as a couple and in the family too, even if 19F 265 we have a satisfying job and good health? Why are we always PSYCHOLOGY Pages 144 stubbornly convinced that our discontent depends on others? AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm Luciano Grigoletto, with his ironic and fluent prose, answers these and many other questions inspired by different sources of our culture: from the wisdom of fairy tales to the dialogues HISTORY of everyday life, from psychology to philosophy. The result is AND SOCIETY a journey into emotions, desires, fears, pre-established roles in order to find, in small steps, our own personal path of happiness. Luciano Grigoletto (Petropolis, Brazil) was raised in Italy. He has graduated first in literature, then in philosophy, and finally in psychology. He has worked as a psychotherapist and collab- orated with Dr. Robert Neuburger at the Centre d’Etude de la Famille in Paris. His main focus is couple therapy. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published the Small Survival Handbook for Couples (2018). SELLING POINTS • A simple, useful, and easy to read book. • Grigoletto packs a simple, but not trivial, recipe to find happiness by drawing on fairy tales. BEING HAPPY IS NOT DIFFICULT, THE POINT IS KNOWING HOW TO DO IT! FICTION 38
Francesco Pesce HIGHLIGHTS TOC THEY HAVE A STORY BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Accompanying Towards Marriage SPIRITUALITY “What is love? Why marriage? In which relationship are love 19F 269 and marriage to each other?”And again:“Is Christian faith nec- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 160 essary to love? What is faith for in marriage?” AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm This text is addressed to couples who already have a few years of married life experience, to couples who are about to marry and in particular to those who accompany them. They will HISTORY not find recipes, but some ideas to rethink the meaning of the AND SOCIETY sacrament of marriage, the couple’s life, the itineraries to pre- pare for it. The aim is to get in tune with the gaze of Evangelii FICTION gaudium and Amoris Laetitia, to prepare young couples today for the challenges of marriage and the gift of the sacrament. Taking care of love, in fact, indicates the need to get tools to do it. The first part is dedicated to a reading of the sacramentality of marriage as it emerges from Amoris Laetitia; the second part will deepen the use Pope Francis makes of the expression“marriage catechumenate.” It highlights some cruces of the Apostolic ex- hortation and offers some proposals to reset the itineraries of formation for marriage and check your own journey as a couple. Fr. Francesco Pesce (Treviso, 1975) has obtained his license and doctorate in Theology in Rome from the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences. Since 2011 he teaches Theology of the body, male and female iden- tity, and sexual and family morality at the Higher Institute for Religious Sciences of Treviso and Portogruaro and Theology of marriage at the Interdiocesan Theological College. Since 2017 he is the president of the diocesan “Centre for the Family – In- stitute of culture and pastoral” in Treviso. SELLING POINTS • A volume of extraordinary depth, at times unsettling for his realistic approach. • It combines pop references (films, books) within a very solid theoretical-moral framework. • The author’s reflections follow step by step instructions and ideas contained in Evangelii gaudium and Amoris laetitia. • The author is an expert on family issues and couple counseling. COUPLE AND FAMILY LIFE TODAY: A REALISTIC APPROACH WITH THE HELP OF AMORIS LAETITIA TO ACCOMPANY YOUNG COUPLES 39
#matrimoniocristiano.org · #amatiperamare.it · #sposiesposedicristo.it HIGHLIGHTS TOC #INFLUENCER OF LOVE Testimonies and Reflections of Three Couples 2.0 This book is the result of the meeting of three married couples BIBLE who manage highly successful blogs dedicated to announc- AND THEOLOGY ing the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage. Announcing it to the “distant” people as much as re-announcing it to the SPIRITUALITY “neighbors.”This new evangelization not only passes through 19F 283 social media but knows how to make its own a mild language PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 and to be an oasis of encounter and reflection in a Web too AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm often animated by violence and extremisms. The Web needs the presence of alternative “influencers”, influencers of Love. The strength of this book is that it starts from a concrete expe- HISTORY rience. In a lively way it offers indications on how to live one’s AND SOCIETY marriage, sexuality, the relationship with one’s neighbor and with oneself. The reflection is imbued with the Gospel and a FICTION lot of human wisdom. The book has been divided into three macro-areas each of the couples is more “specialized”in. A tripartition that refers to the biblical anthropological model, which theoretically divides human being into sōma (body), psyche (soul), pneuma (spir- it) to describe the different relationships of the human being with God. This tripartition manifests the uniqueness of the human person and not a division of the same. www.matrimoniocristiano.org was created by Antonio and Luisa De Rosa. It offers daily reflections about being a couple, nuptial spirituality, family, and everything related to spousal love. www.amatiperamare.it was created by Roberto and Claudia Reis, founders of “Amati per Amare,” a non-profit organization, in- spired by the Catholic faith and Franciscan spirituality. www.sposiesposedicristo.it was created by Pietro and Filomena Antonicelli. In a light and sparkling style, it deals with issues such as faith, marriage, life, death and resurrection. SELLING POINTS • The diversity of the three married couples complement and enrich each other mutually. • The male and female sensitivity offers a harmony of un- derstanding of the problems. • The authors use Web-related instruments with great ability. • Direct, personal, simple, and crisp language. THREE MARRIED COUPLES TELL HOW TO LIVE THE BEAUTY OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE AND TO BE INFLUENCERS OF LOVE 40
Carlo Rocchetta HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE DANCE OF THE SPOUSES BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Between Romantic Love and Courtship SPIRITUALITY The volume focuses on a very practical point of view, i.e. the 19F 284 difficulties in married life. How many marriages, which started PSYCHOLOGY Pages 208 with the most beautiful expectations, soon became places of AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm indifference, if not downright refusal or failure? The problem is knowing that such a unique and special vocation as marriage requires careful and timely verification of the reasons that HISTORY make the call to be married difficult, but not impossible. Such AND SOCIETY is the challenge that presents itself today to people who, by getting married, dream of a successful marriage. FICTION The volume thus addresses the “stress factors” that threaten the couple with a perspective that takes into consideration how different women and men are. It continues with a central chapter dedicated to the importance of building a full nuptial intimacy focused on tenderness and mutual respect. Finally, it concludes with the dimension of nuptiality as a sacrament, where the Holy Spirit expresses its highest dimension and prayer can truly become a “step two” made of everyday life, listening, dialogue. Msgr. Carlo Rocchetta (Prato, 1943) has been a professor of sacramental theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome. He is a founding member of the Italian Society for Theological Research (SIRT) and of the International Academy of Marriage Spirituality (INTAMS) based in Brussels. He is the spiritual guide of “Casa della Tenerezza” Family Centre, based in Perugia – Città della Pieve, which helps couples in difficulty, prepares fiancées for wedding life, and offers courses on the theology of marriage and family. Author of numerous essays on the subject, this is his first book with Edizioni San Paolo. SELLING POINTS • Attention to the concrete reality of being married and the stress factors that undermine it. • Attention to the spiritual and prayer life within a couple. • Long experience of the author in accompanying couples. HOW TO BECOME A MARRIED COUPLE? A PATH, LIGHT AND PROFOUND LIKE A DANCE 41
Cesare Catananti HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE VATICAN IN THE STORM From the Archives of the Vatican Gendarmerie How were the real relationships between the Vatican leaders BIBLE and the leaders of the fascist regime during World War II? How AND THEOLOGY was the Church’s position regarding the regime’s foreign pol- icy? What pressures did the Vatican suffer and reject by the SPIRITUALITY conflicting powers? How did other actors move and play? FOREWORD BY How did spies and agents provocateurs infiltrate into the Vat- PSYCHOLOGY ANDREA RICCARDI ican? How could the Vatican offer help to Jews, partisans, and AND FAMILY refugees? How did the daily life in the Holy See look like in 95A 183 those difficult times? These and many more questions find an Pages 368 engaging and well-informed answer in this volume. Trim size 13,5×21 cm As Andrea Riccardi writes in the preface of the volume, “Those years have been stormy, but in the end the Vatican came out with its head held high.” HISTORY AND SOCIETY Cesare Catananti is a physician, the former general manager of the Polyclinic“Agostino Gemelli”in Rome and professor of History of Medicine at the Catholic University in Rome. He has always ori- ented his research and related publications on issues of health organization and historical reflection. In more recent times his interests have turned to contemporary history. Together with Cesare Barbagallo he has published for Edizioni San Paolo The Vatican Gendarmerie: from Its Origins to Our Days (2017). SELLING POINTS • A book based on unpublished documents from the Ar- chives of the Vatican Gendarmerie. • Foreword by the historian and founder of the Comunità di Sant’Egidio Andrea Riccardi. • Written in a passionate and sound style. A NEW LIGHT ON THE TORMENTED YEARS OF THE PONTIFICATE OF PIUS XII THANKS TO UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE VATICAN GENDARMERIE FICTION 42
Domenico Tardini HIGHLIGHTS TOC DIARY OF A CARDINAL (1936-1944) The Church in the Years of Nazi-fascist and Communist Ideologies The diary of Cardinal DomenicoTardini (1888-1961) in the years BIBLE 1936-1944 is a singular document, composed on the basis of AND THEOLOGY personal and work-related notes by the famous Roman prel- ate. Card. Tardini has been an extraordinary witness of Vatican SPIRITUALITY politics in the years of nazi-fascist regimes and WWII. Among EDITED BY SERGIO PAGANO the topics addressed in the diaries: Pius XI’s last few years and PSYCHOLOGY illness; the Pope’s famous last speech of 1939, never deliv- AND FAMILY 92B 110 ered; contacts made by the Secretariat of State with Italians Pages 288 and foreign diplomats; Pope Ratti’s relationship with Mussolini Trim size 14,5×21 cm and fascism between hope and disappointment; the Concor- dat with Italy in 1929; the Church and the racial laws; the first years of the controversial pontificate of Pius XII; the bombings HISTORY of Rome “open city” in 1943 and its liberation. AND SOCIETY Msgr. Sergio Pagano (Terrusso di Bargagli, 1948) is the Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives. He became a member of the Congregation of the Barnabites in 1966. He completed his studies in philosophy and theology in Rome, where he was ordained priest in 1977. He graduated in Theology with a specialization in Liturgy in 1978, he obtained a Diploma as Archivist Paleographer at the Vatican School of Paleography, Diplomatics, and Archives Administration in 1978. He has au- thored numerous publications on the history of the Roman Curia and the Church. SELLING POINTS • On March 2, 2020 the Vatican Apostolic Archives have made documents until 1958 accessible to researchers. • Tardini’s diary has been one of the first texts made available. • An unpublished and unfiltered (sometimes even ironic) testimony on the relationship between the Church and nazi-fascism and communism. • Edited with great attention and scientific accuracy by the Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives himself. FROM THE VATICAN APOSTOLIC ARCHIVES, FICTION AN ILLUMINATING DOCUMENT ON THE YEARS OF WWII AND THE NAZI-FASCISM 43
Valeria Rossini HIGHLIGHTS TOC MARIA MONTESSORI BIBLE AND THEOLOGY A Life for Childhood. A Lesson to Be Realized SPIRITUALITY The biography of Maria Montessori (1870-1952): the unique 92C 186 life of a woman who has earned respect from the scientific PSYCHOLOGY Pages 256 world with commitment, genius, and competence. One of AND FAMILY Trim size 14,5×21 cm the most famous Italian women in the world, thanks to the educational method she invented, an inspiration for many schools, institutions, and training projects. HISTORY The volume presents all the strengths of Montessori’s child- AND SOCIETY hood vision and educational method. In this way readers can find out to what extent the lesson of the great pedagogist is part of the modern science of education and what still needs to be realized of her broad project. Valeria Rossini (Bari, 1975) has got her degree and Ph.D. in Edu- cational Sciences from the Aldo Moro University in Bari, where she teaches Pedagogy at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. She collaborates with various pedagogical journals in Italy and abroad and has published numerous essays and handbooks on this topic. This is her first book with Edizioni San Paolo. SELLING POINTS • August 31, 2020 is 150 years since the birth of Maria Montessori. • A useful text for parents and educators of all areas: school, sport, parish. • The volume tells the life of the pedagogist and explains with great clarity the Montessori method. A BOOK ABOUT MARIA MONTESSORI’S LIFE, IDEAS, AND GROUND-BREAKING METHOD FICTION 44
Gianni Garrucciu HIGHLIGHTS TOC HUNGER BIBLE AND THEOLOGY A Conversation with Pope Francis SPIRITUALITY Over 821 million people are affected by undernourishment 95A 190 today. It is an unacceptable and increasing number in re- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 208 cent years for various contributing causes: extreme climatic AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm phenomena, bloody wars, and economic policies that feed inequalities. Pope Francis asks the world to practice “a different kind of HISTORY economy: one that brings life not death, one that is inclusive AND SOCIETY and not exclusive, humane and not dehumanizing, one that cares for the environment and does not despoil it” (Letter sent by Pope Francis for the event “Economy of Francesco”). In this exclusive interview book, the Pope’s voice rises high and powerful and is accompanied by the testimonies of David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Program (WFP), Zita Weise Prinzo of the World Health Organization (WHO), Carlo Cafiero and Andrea Cattaneo of the Food and Agricul- ture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Gianni Garrucciu (Sassari, 1954) is a journalist and a radio and television author. In Rai, the national public broadcasting company of Italy, he has worked for radio and television news programs. For years he has also followed the trips of vari- ous personalities from the political, social, cultural, and reli- gious world. Among his numerous books we can remember the multi-awarded essay John Paul II, the Man Who Changed Human Beings (2006). SELLING POINTS • An exclusive conversation with Pope Francis. • The testimonies of the leading experts on the subject, involved on the front line in the worldwide fight against hunger. AN URGENT INVITATION BY POPE FRANCIS TO FIGHT HUNGER WORLDWIDE FICTION 45
Paolo Benanti HIGHLIGHTS TOC DIGITAL AGE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Age Change Theory. Person, Family, and Society SPIRITUALITY Digital Age is the new era in human history. Technology is trans- 95A 192 forming the world around us and ourselves: that means an PSYCHOLOGY Pages 208 unprecedented change of paradigm. Paolo Benanti, expert in AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm bioethics and ethics of technologies, talks about the changes that have taken place and those that are still in progress, the characteristics of contemporary culture and the essential coor- HISTORY dinates the new era is suggesting to us. How is the world we live AND SOCIETY in? What are its tools? What are its languages? What is the new culture that presses on our traditions and habits and forces us FICTION to change them profoundly? Who is the new human being of the Digital Age? Which relationship exists between technology and quality of life? Among today’s pop culture, young people, and family? An exciting journey along virtual reality, true and trustworthy communication and fake news, robotics, transhu- manism, and the new concept of human being. Friar Paolo Benanti (Rome, 1973) is a Franciscan of the Third Order Regular. He got his license and Ph.D. in Moral Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, where he is also a theology professor. With his doctoral dissertation enti- tled The Cyborg. Body and Corporeity in the Posthuman Era he has won the renown Belarmino-Vedovato Prize 2012. Since 2018 he is a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force to assist the Agency for Digital Italy. His researches focus on ethics, bioethics, and eth- ics of artificial and posthuman intelligence technologies. For Edizioni San Paolo he has been one of the editors of the Moral Theology Dictionary (2019). SELLING POINTS • The epochal transformation we are experiencing told with great clarity by one of the greatest experts in bioethics and artificial intelligence. • A text aimed at readers interested in understanding cur- rent affairs. • A topic of great importance in our age. A BOOK TO UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT WE LIVE IN AND DON’T BE OVERWHELMED BY THE DIGITAL AGE 46
Fiorenzo Facchini HIGHLIGHTS TOC YOU WERE NOT MADE How We Became Human Beings and Why We Do Want to Stay That Way «You were not made to live as brutes, BIBLE but to follow virtue and knowledge.» AND THEOLOGY Dante, Divine Comedy, Hell, c. XXVI, vv. 119-120 Science always offers us new discoveries about the fascinating SPIRITUALITY history of the development of life on our planet and about hom- 95A 199 ination, i.e. the set of“progress”that marked the development of PSYCHOLOGY Pages 224 the human species as we know it today (the upright gait, the AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm development of the brain and the language, the emigration of the first species of human beings to the whole planet). At the same time, the human being remains the only living species HISTORY to ask questions about the meaning and the right modality of AND SOCIETY one’s presence in the world. This book, by one of the leading international experts on evolution, tells us the wonderful story of life (from the Big Bang to our days) and the most surprising history of humanity (from primates to technological being). However, Facchini addresses the issue of the “meaning” of life and the relationship between science and faith. Msgr. Fiorenzo Facchini (Porretta Terme, 1929) is one of the most famous anthropologists, paleontologists, and paleobiologists worldwide. He is a professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of Bologna, a member of numerous , national and international, scientific societies. He has contributed to re- search and conferences of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Pon- tifical Academy of Sciences, and the Pontifical Academy for Life. His countless scientific volumes have been translated into many languages worldwide. With Edizioni San Paolo he has published: And Human Being Came to Earth (2005); The Human Adventure (2006). SELLING POINTS • The relationship between science and religion is always at the centre of the debate. • The author has a real gift for synthetizing and explaining very complicated scientific processes. • A popular text aimed at a broad readership. HOW DID WE“BECOME”HUMAN FICTION AND WHAT DOES IT MEANS TO STAY THAT WAY? A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE“EVOLUTION QUESTION” 47
Maurizio Quilici HIGHLIGHTS TOC DO NOT TAKE JOY AWAY FROM ANIMALS History and Future of a Relationship That Will Save Us The book deals with the relationship between human being BIBLE and animals, nature, the environment. It retraces this relation- AND THEOLOGY ship from prehistory to our days. From the massacres of ani- mals carried out in circuses and amphitheaters for the amuse- SPIRITUALITY ment of the ancient Romans (5,000 beasts killed only on the 95A 200 Colosseum’s inauguration day) to the full trials that saw ani- PSYCHOLOGY Pages 384 mals as defendants in the Middle Ages, from the philosophical AND FAMILY Trim size 13,5×21 cm and theological disputes of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to the birth of the first animal defense associations in Great Britain, until our era of global warming, electric cars, HISTORY and Fridays for future. A fascinating historical (and human, AND SOCIETY cultural, social) journey full of ideas, anecdotes, information. Maurizio Quilici (Lido di Camaiore, 1946) has been a profession- al journalist for many years. At ANSA, the Italian news agency, he retired as chief editor of the world news. After graduating in Law, he obtained a double-faculty master’s degree (Jurispru- dence – Psychology) in Juvenile Law at “La Sapienza” Univer- sity in Rome and a master’s degree in Family Mediation at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium” in Rome. In 1988 he founded the I.S.P., Institute of Studies on Paternity, that he still presides. He is the author of numerous articles on important national newspapers on paternity, parenting, mi- nors, and family issues. SELLING POINTS • Very captivating and actual topic for many readers. • New and engaging approach to the subject, combining sound data and historical curiosity. • An ideal gift book. THE BOOK TO GIVE AWAY TO EVERY ANIMAL LOVER OR SIMPLY TO EVERYONE WHO HAS AN ANIMAL AND WANTS TO LOVE HIM OR HER EVEN MORE FICTION 48
Natale Benazzi HIGHLIGHTS TOC MARY OF NAZARETH’S LAST NIGHT Novel Here is Mary, on the last evening of her life, before her Son gets BIBLE back to take her with Him, as He promised. In this last night, AND THEOLOGY lived in John’s house, who had welcomed her, the Mother of Jesus tells her life to those who have been close to her in SPIRITUALITY the last few years. Gradually the story is enriched with figures 82L 126 that come to pay Mary their last tribute. Each page is a scene PSYCHOLOGY Pages 192 from that drama that made up the life of the most important AND FAMILY Trim size 14,5×21 cm woman in human history, the Mother of God. Taking inspira- tion from the canonical Gospels and the apocryphal Gospels, the author creates an intense novel, capable of touching the HISTORY hearts of the readers. AND SOCIETY Natale Benazzi (Legnano, 1961) is a theologian, writer, and es- sayist. He has collaborated with the Cultural Heritage Office of the Italian Episcopal Conference and has been a member of the Sant’Ambrogio Foundation for the Culture of the Diocese of Milan. In his longtime publishing experience, he has edited, curated, translated many books, essays, anthologies. For Edizio- ni San Paolo he is in charge of the spirituality sector. Among his latest publications for Edizioni San Paolo we can remember: Compassion, Path, Forgiveness, Silence (all 2019), the series on the corporal works of mercy (2016), Sanctuaries in Europe, Mon- asteries in Europe, The Path of the Archangel (all 2014). SELLING POINTS • An unprecedented narrative approach to the life of Mary. • A deep and never banal writing. • A text aimed at readers who in a book seek a strong spiritual component, capable of speaking to their soul. ON HER LAST NIGHT – WAITING FOR HER SON – MARY OF NAZARETH TELLS HER LIFE, THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER OF GOD FICTION 49
Laura Corsini HIGHLIGHTS TOC THE BEAUTY OF THE WORLD BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The Novel of Saint Thomas Aquinas’Life SPIRITUALITY During the process for the canonization of Thomas Aquinas, a 82L 99 mysterious and unexpected witness comes from afar. It is Friar PSYCHOLOGY Pages 272 Carlo, full of years, now at the end of his earthly life. A life that AND FAMILY Trim size 14,5×21 cm risked being wasted, until there was an extraordinary encoun- ter. The young Carlo met Thomas Aquinas, who made him his scribe. And so, between visions, revealing dreams and trav- els alongside Thomas and Reginaldo of Piperno, his faithful brother, the young man went on a path of purification. Carlo, a simple man, is transformed by the meeting with Thomas and experiences personally Thomas’holiness. And the miracle of the transformation and conversion of the young friar will impress the tribunal gathered to decide on the canonization of Thomas. Laura Corsini (Pesaro, 1968) is a writer and librarian. Currently she is living and working by Modena. She has graduated in Greek philology at the Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna. SELLING POINTS • A historical biography fictionalized but true to the facts. • A careful, clear, and lively writing. • A novel in the best tradition of religious fiction. AN INSPIRING NOVEL ABOUT SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS’LIFE HISTORY AND SOCIETY FICTION 50