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Home Explore Level_1_English


Published by Abundant Life, 2020-12-14 03:27:30

Description: Level_1_English


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97 ACTIVITIES Listening and Speaking Skills I. One student or two students come in front of the class and draw a lot from the teacher. Then ask him/her/them to draw a lot and acting out according to what is written in the lot. The class asks ‘What are you doing?’ and he/ she/they have to answer what he/ she/ they are doing. Everyone has to take turn to do so. ausmi;f om; 1 a,muf (o)Ykd 2 a,mutf m; twe;f \\ a&US oUkd xuG af pNy;D rvJ yd Ef udI yf gap/ xUkd aemuf 1 a,muf (o)Ykd 2 a,mutf m; rvJ yd yf gpmt& o½yk af qmicf ikd ;f yg/ Oyrm- wpOf ;D wn;f ocD si;f qakd ey^Hk EpS Of ;D ocD si;f qakd eyHk twe;f rS o½yk af qmiof (l rsm;)tm; ‘ What are you doing? ’ [k ar;apNy;D o½yk af qmiaf eorl sm;u ‘ I am singing./ We are dancing. ’ [ak jzay; &rnf/ ausmif;om;wdkif;ûyvkyfEdkif&efpDpOfaqmif&Gufyg/ Reading and Writing Skills II. Rearrange and read. pum;v;Hk rsm;ukd tptD pOwf uspíD 0guszUJG Ny;D zwyf g/ 1. What/ doing?/ are/ you 2. window/ opening/ . / I/ the/ am 3. they/ What/ doing?/ are 4. bicycles/ riding/ We/ . / are 5. are/ They/ chairs/ . / making Writing Skills III. Draw and answer the question. ,ck rrd ûdyvyk af eaom tûytrul kd atmuyf gtuuG wf iG qf íJG ar;ceG ;f uakd jzyg/ What are you doing? -------------------------------- ,,,,, Level 1 English

98 Open UNIT - 17 Come Go Shut Stand Sit Look and say. Muníhf &wG qf ykd g/ Please open the window. Shut the window. please. Please open the door. Shut the door please. Please stand up. Please sit down. Level 1 English

99 Come to my desk, please. Go to your desk, please. Please come to the door. Please go to the window. Please come to the blackboard. Level 1 English

100 ACTIVITIES Listening and Speaking Skills 1. Let the students work in pair. ausmi;f om;rsm;tm; 2 a,muwf pwf aJG vuh siahf jymqykd gap/ Sit down,please. Stand up, please. Open the window please. Please, shut the window. Level 1 English

101 Reading Skills II. Choose the correct word and write it in each blank. reS af ompum;v;Hk uakd &;G í uuG vf yjf znyhf g/ sit go shut open stand come 1. Thazin, _______ the tap please. 2. Mg Mg _______ the door. 3. Win Mar, please _______ here. 4. Please _______ to your desk. 5. Lay Lay, _______ down on your chair. 6. All _______ up. Writing Skills 3 III. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. ½yk yf rHk sm;uMkd uníhf uuG vf yjf znyhf g/ 12 45 6 1. Su Su, _______ on the chair please. 2. Please _______ here, Po Tha. 3. Mg Mg and Aye Aye, _______ to school, please. 4. Please _______ the door, Ma Ma. 5. Ni Ni, please _______ the tap. 6. Please _______ up, Mi Mi. ,,,,, Level 1 English

102 UNIT - 18 Who is this? Listen and repeat. em;axmiíf vukd qf ykd g/ Hello! I'm Su Su. My name's What's your name? Mi Cho. Hello! Who's this? This is Tun Tun. Hello, Mi Cho. Hello, Tun Tun. Good bye, Su Su. Good bye, Tun Tun. Level 1 English

103 ACTIVITIES Listening and Speaking Skills I. A game. Who is this? Hello, Su Su. Kyaw Kyaw Yes. Well done! Reading and Writing Skills II. Read and match. Then write in the exercise book. ½yk yf EHk iS hf trnrf sm;uwkd íJG avuh sichf e;f pmtyk wf iG f a&;yg/ Who is this? Su Su Kyaw Kyaw Tun Tun Mi Cho Level 1 English

104 III. Fill in the blanks. uGufvyfjznfhyg/ 1. ______________ your name? My name’s Su Su. 2. ______________ is this? This is Mg Mg. 3. What’s your ______________? My name’s Min Min. 4. What’s your name? My ______________ Wai Wai. 5. Who is this? ______________ Lin Lin. ,,,,, Level 1 English

105 UNIT - 19 Cloths Animals Birds Fruits Transport Clothes Listen and repeat. em;axmiíf vukd qf ykd g/ jacket blouse jeans shirt trousers coat longyi skirt Level 1 English

106 Animals Listen and repeat. em;axmifNyD;vdkufqdkyg/ snake elephant dog cow pig buffalo Birds Listen and repeat. em;axmifNyD;vdkufqdkyg/ sparrow parrot crow owl quail swallow Level 1 English

107 Fruit Listen and repeat. orange banana apple mango plum grapes Transport Listen and repeat. train trishaw bicycle car motorcycle aeroplane boat ferry ship Level 1 English

108 Activities Listening Skills I. Listen and draw. em;axmiNfy;D yqHk yJG g/ rSwfcsuf/ q&mru oicf e;f pmüyg0iaf om w&d pmä erf sm;? iuS rf sm;? opof ;D rsm;? ,mOfrsm;teuf BudKufESpfouf&mudk &GwfqdkjyNyD; uav;rsm;u em;axmiNfy;D ¤i;f yuHk kd q&JG rnjfzpyf gon/f Speaking Skills II. Pair work: Ask and tick. rrd od il ,cf si;f uakd r;í oil ,cf si;f ajzqokd nrf sm;ukd Z,m;uuG wf iG f treS jfcpyf g/ e.g. Do you like skirt? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. Yes, I do. No, I don't Level 1 English

Reading Skills 109 III. Look and match. (a) pig Muníhf ,OS wf yJG g/ (b) cow (c) elephant (d) snake (e) dog Level 1 English

110 Writing Skills IV. Look and match. Muníhf ,OS wf yJG g/ U Ba Daw Mya Su Su Tun Tun Who can wear these clothes? Read and write. b,of ul b,tf 0wtf pm;awuG kd 0wrf v/J 1 blouse Daw Mya, Su Su 2 jeans 3 longyi 4 shirt 5 skirt V. Rearrange these words. 3. pmvkH;aygif;trSefa&;yg/ 1. 2. skirt ------------------------- ------------------------- 4. 5. ------------------------- ------------------------- Level 1 English

111 VI. Rearrange these words. pmvkH;aygif;trSefa&;yg/ 1. r ageno 1. ------------------------- a 2. ------------------------- 2. b n n a a 3. ------------------------- 3. p l p ea 4. ------------------------- an 5. ------------------------- 4. g m o 5. l u m p VII. Put the vehicles into three groups. ,mOrf sm;ukd tyk pf k 3 pk cíJG a&;yg/ train, aeroplane, ship, trishaw, ferry, bicycle, boat, car, motorcycle Travel on the road Travel in the water Travel in the air ,,,,, Level 1 English

Look and say. 112 Muníhf &wG qf ykd g/ UNIT - 20 Colours olours black yellow green blue white brown red grey orange Read the passage. pmykd'fzwfyg/ My Pet Cat I am Lin Lin. I have a cat. It is yellow. It is fat. It has small brown ears. It has three white babies. ACTIVITIES Listening Skills I. Listen and circle. em;axmiíf 0ikd ;f yg/ Level 1 English

113 II. A game: Show me the green kite. Play the game by listening, searching and pointing. em;axmiyf g? ½yk yf uHk &kd mS í ñeT jfyyg/ a bd red blue green g f blue c blue green yellow h e i j white black l brown k yellow red brown Level 1 English

114 Speaking Skills III. Ask the partner and circle the correct colour. oil ,cf si;f uakd r;í reS uf eaf om ta&miuf 0kd ikd ;f yg/ b = brown o = orange r = red w = white g = grey y = yellow 1. What colour is this? It is red. yellow. 2. What colour is this? It is green. brown. 3. What colour is this? It is blue. yellow. 4. What colour is this? It is orange. brown. 5. What colour is this? It is white. red. 6. What colour is this? It is yellow. grey. Reading Skills IV. What do you think? oi\\f xijf ricf suuf akd zmjf yyg/ 1 Crow is black. (!) 2. Banana is blue. ( ) 3. Pencil is red. () 4. Dog is green. () 5. Egg is orange. ( ) 6. Umbrella is brown. ( ) Level 1 English

115 V. Choose the correct colour. (a) green ( ) (b) black ( ) reS uf eaf om ta&miuf akd &;G yg/ (c) grey ( ) 1. (a) black ( ) 2. leaf (b) yellow ( ) (c) brown ( ) mango 3. (a) yellow ( ) 4. (a) black ( ) (b) brown ( ) (b) red ( ) (c) black ( ) (c) orange ( ) blackboard apple 5. (a) white ( ) 6. (a) black ( ) egg (b) black ( ) (b) yellow ( ) (c) green ( ) (c) white ( ) banana Writing Skills VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable colours. uuG vf yrf sm;ü oiahf wmaf om ta&mirf sm;jznyhf g/ 1. Grass and trees are _______. 2. Mountains are _______. 3. The sky is _______. 4. Gold is _______. 5. I like _______ best. ,,,,, Level 1 English

116 UNIT - 21 My family Look and say. Muníhf &wG qf ykd g/ father mother son daughter Level 1 English

117 husband wife brother sister mother / wife father / husband son / brother daughter / sister Level 1 English

118 I am U Chit. Daw Su Su is my wife. Kyaw Kyaw is my son. Aye Aye is my daughter. I am Daw Su Su. U Chit is my husband. Kyaw Kyaw is my son. Aye Aye is my daughter. I am Kyaw Kyaw. U Chit is my father. Daw Su Su is my mother. Aye Aye is my sister. I am Aye Aye. U Chit is my father. Daw Su Su is my mother. Kyaw Kyaw is my brother. Level 1 English

119 ACTIVITIES Listening and Speaking Skills I. Every student talks about ‘My Family’ uav;wikd ;f tm; rrd wd Ukd rod m;ptk aMumi;f ajymygap/ Reading and Writing Skills II. Read and write. zwíf uuG vf yjfznyhf g/ 1. U Mg Mg is Ko Ko's father. Ko Ko is U Mg Mg's ________. 2. U Mg Mg is Hla Hla's father. Hla Hla is U Mg Mg's ________. 3. Hla Hla is Ko Ko's sister. Ko Ko is Hla Hla's ________. 4. Daw Mya is U Mg Mg's wife. U Mg Mg is Daw Mya's ________. 5. Ko Ko is Daw Mya 's son. Daw Mya is Ko Ko's ________. III. Read the passage and fill in the blanks. pmy'kd uf zkd wNf y;D uuG vf yjf znyhf g/ My father I am Win Win. My father is U Ba Win. His wife is Daw Mi Mi. He has three children. They are Mg Min Min, Ma Lin Lin and myself. He has a shop. It is in front of his house. 1. Win Win is U Ba’s ________. 2. U Ba is Daw Mi Mi’s ________. 3. Daw Mi Mi is Win Win’s ________. 4. Win Win’s ________ is U Ba. 5. Mg Min Min is Lin Lin’s________ . 6. Win Win’s ________ is Lin Lin. IV. Write 5 sentences on ‘My friend’. uREyfk \\f oil ,cf si;f taMumi;f 0gus 5 aMumi;f ceUf puD ;Hk a&;om;yg/ ,,,,, Level 1 English

120 UNIT - 22 Where is the monkey? Look and say. Muníhf &wG qf ykd g/ in the car under the table Where is the monkey? Where is the monkey? The monkey is in the car. The monkey is under the table. near the window on the bicycle Where is the monkey? Where is the monkey? The monkey is near the window. ____________________. in front of the house behind the box Where is the monkey? _____________________? _____________________. _____________________. Where is my pen, in a box or in a bag? There is a box on the table. A bag is in front of the box. A book is behind the box. My pen is between the bag and the book. Read the passage. What is it? It is in front of the class. My teacher is standing near it. She is writing on it. It is big. It is black. Level 1 English

121 ACTIVITIES Listening and Speaking Skills I. Look at the picture. Listen and answer. ½yk yf uHk Mkduníhf ar;aomar;ceG ;f ukd em;axmiNfy;D ajzyg/ e.g. Where is the bird? The bird is in the tree. Reading Skills II. Read and circle. zwíf 0ikd ;f yg/ A boy is (on, behind, under) the curtain. A cat is (on, in, near) the basket. A ball is (in, on, under) the box. A girl is (in front of, under, on) the house. Level 1 English

122 5. 6. Put the hat (near,on,in) your head. A girl is (under, in, on)the tree. III. Fill in the blanks. uuG vf yrf sm;ujkd znyfh g/ 1. The toys are ------------- the box. 2. The car is --------------- the house. 3. The books are ------------ the table. 4. The ball is ------------- the chair. 5. The cat is ------------- the basket. 6. Su Mon is ------------ the door. IV. Answer the questions. ar;cGef;rsm;udkajzqdkyg/ 1. Where’s your bag? It’s under my desk. 2. Where’s your pen? _______________. 3. Where’s your ruler? _______________. 4. Where are your books? _______________. 5. Where is your house? _______________. ,,,,, Level 1 English

123 UNIT - 23 How many ————? Listen and repeat. em;axmiíf vukd qf ykd g/ How many shops are there? There is one shop. How many clocks are there? There are five clocks. How many trees are there? There are fifteen trees. How many birds are there? There are seven birds. How many animals are there? There are tweleve animals. Level 1 English

124 Activities Listening and Speaking Skills I. Pair Work. The two children ask and answer using ‘How many ——?’ and ‘There is/are —.’ ausmi;f om; EpS Of ;D wíJG OyrmuohJ Ukd tar;?tajz wpvf nS phf vD yk yf g/ EpS of u&f m tcsutf vuf 5 cuk kd ar;yg/ e.g. - How many trees are there in the picture? - There are eight trees in the picture. II. A game Some things are displayed on the table. Let a group of students have a look at them for about 5-10 minutes. Then cover them with a cloth. After that the teacher asks them a question by using ‘How many——?’ and the students answer by using ‘There is ——.’ or ‘There are——.’ q&m^ru pm;yaJG y:wiG f ypnö ;f tcsKd Uukd wixf m;Ny;D ausmi;f om;rsm;ukd 5- 10 red pcf eUf Munchf iG ahf y;yg/ xUkd aemuf xykd pnö ;f rsm;ukd t0w^f owi;f pmjzihf z;Hk tyk vf ukd yf g/ q&mu ‘ How many ——? ’ o;Hk í ar;Ny;D ausmi;f om;rsm;u ‘ There is ——-. ’ odkUr[kwf ‘ There are——-. ’ 0gusokH;í ajzapyg/ ausmif;om; 5 a,muf tkyfpkvdkuf tvSnfhusaqmif&Gufygap/ q&mrae&mtpm; ausmif;om; (odkUr[kwf)ausmif;olwpfOD;udk ar;cGef; ar;apvQifvnf;&ygonf/ Level 1 English

125 Reading and Writing Skills III. Read the questions and write the answers. ar;ceG ;f zwNfy;D ajzyg/ How many cakes are there in this How many bottles are there on this box? table? There are How many children are there in this How many apples are there under the picture? tree? Level 1 English

126 Reading Skills IV. Read the passage and answer the questions. pmy'kd uf zkd wNf y;D ar;ceG ;f rsm;uakd jzyg/ My Class I am reading in my class. It is a big room. There are twelve students in my class. There is one cupboard at the back of the class. There are many books in it. There are two windows in my class. There are three mango trees in front of my class. 1. How many students are there? _________________________ 2. How many cupboards are there? _________________________ 3. How many books are there? _________________________ 4. How many windows are there? _________________________ 5. How many mango trees are there? _________________________ ,,,,, Level 1 English

127 UNIT - 24 Time words Parts of the day aeUwpaf eU\\ tcsed yf ikd ;f rsm; Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Read the passage. My Daily Life I eat moke-hin-ga in the morning. I work at the tea shop in the afternoon. I attend NFPE class in the evening. I watch TV at night. Level 1 English

128 Parts of the year EpS wf pEf pS \\f umvrsm; Days of the week wpyf w\\f aeU&urf sm; Level 1 English

Monday, Tuesday, 129 Monday, Tuesday, Two days of the week Chant with me! Two days of the week But what’s next? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Three days of the week Three days of the week But what’s next? Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Months of the year January February March April May June July August September October November December Level 1 English

130 ACTIVITIES Reading and Writing skills I. Read the letter. Write one day of the week under every picture. pmuzkd wyf g/ ½yk yf wHk ikd ;f \\atmuwf iG f aeUuakd &;yg/ Dear Zu Zu and Khin Khin, Meet me at the bank on Monday. Meet me at the Community Learning Centre(CLC) on Tuesday. Meet me at the railway station on Wednesday. Meet me at the market on Thursday. Meet me at the Township Education Office (TEO) on Friday. Meet me at the pagoda on Saturday. Meet me at the monastery on Sunday. Your friend, Shu Tuesday Monday Level 1 English

131 II. Read and match. zwfí,SOfwGJyg/ III. Answer the questions. _______________ _______________ ar;cGef;rsm;udkajzyg/ _______________ _______________ 1.On which day do you have Myanmar Language? _______________ 2.On which day do you have English? _______________ 3.On which day do you have Maths? 4.On which day do you have Basic Science? 5.On which day do you have Social Studies? 6.On which day do you have Life Skills? Level 1 English

132 IV. Read and circle. S U J U N E RD O E S AP R I LE C zwíf 0ikd ;f yg/ P M N O A N OC T T A UG U S TE O January E Y AJ U L YM B February M A RC H K RB E B S Y L T S ME R March E F E B R U AR Y April R N OV E M BE R May June July August September October November December Listening and Speaking Skills V. Pair work: Student (A) reads sentence by sentence filling any day of the week. Student (B) draws lines to match the picture and the day according to the speaker. ausmi;f om; (A) u aeUrsm;ukd uuG vf yrf sm;wiG jfznNhfy;D zwjfyyg/ ausmi;f om; (B) u ausmi;f om; (A) zwjfyonuf kd em;axmiíf ½yk yf uHk m;csyEf iS hf aeUrsm;ukd ,SOfwGJyg/ Mg Kyaw Thu goes to school on _________. He watches TV on _________. He rides bicycle ___________. He plays football ___________. He studies his lessons ___________. He goes swimming___________. He sleeps well ___________. (a) Monday (e) Tuesday (b) Wednesday (f) Thursday (c) Friday (g) Saturday (d) Sunday ,,,,, Level 1 English

uvk or*u¾ av;rsm;&eyf akH itG zUJG (jrerf m) uyEkH ydS Nf y;D ausmif;jyifyrlvwef;ynma&; A[dktqifhvkyfief;aumfrwDu tcrJhjzefYa0onf/

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