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Home Explore Multi-Grip


Published by mmayer, 2023-06-12 15:57:05

Description: Multi-Grip


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Multi-gripChucking Multi-diametergrip/multiplecollets makestheapplicationpossible Morepartengagement Moreversatile Morerigid Morefeasible Exceedstheabilityofajawchuckforreach, repeatability,andwithpowerfulpullbackaction. SPG1013RR312

Multiple Diameter Gripping Grip in two bores of a part with powerful pullback action rather than just one bore with a jaw chuck. The Speedgrip double taper collet can grip in two separate bore diameters simultaneously. Will compensate for varying tolerances, and will grip each bore with equal pressure. SPINDLE ADAPTER STANDARD DTNS-3½-DB10 COLLET CHUCK WORKSTOP CUSTOMER WORKPIECE DRAWTUBE ADAPTER TURNING APPLICATION Multiple Part GrippingSECONDOPERATION TURNING OD, FACE, TURN ID CHAMFERS cTohme pSpeneseadtMginruigpltif-dogorriuvpbacrlheyuitncakgpinetogrlceorallnectews,ilal nadlsowgitrhipeqinuatwl porseespsuarrea.te parts simultaneously, WORKSTOP CUSTOMER COLLET WORKPIECES MANDREL WEDGE MANDREL ACTUATION NUT colIlemt wimll griep idn twiao stepearaltye bodresosimuulbtanleeoussly, pwitrh osimdilaur toclertanicoesn, andowuill pressure.

Multiple “Collet” Gripping Especially long or a family of parts with various lengths can be held using two or more collets. • Grip diameters can be varying sizes and tolerances only need to be similar. • Two or multiple collets that are quickly changed for a wide range of diameters. • Collets will grip independently yet with equal grip pressures. • Spacers and wedges can be re-arranged to accommodate varying part lengths. SPINDLE ADAPTER ARBOR SPINDLE ADAPTER ARBOR WORKSTOP WORKSTOP WEDGE CUSTOMER WORKPIECE WEDGE A2-6 WEDGE CUSTOMER WORKPIECE WEDGE MULTIPLE COLLETS DRAWSCREW SPINDLE MULTIPLE COLLETS DRAWSCREW SPACERS TAPER SPACERS 3.000 DIA PIECE PART ARBOR ARBOR SPINDLE ADAPTER WORKSTOP SPINDLE ADAPTER WORKSTOP WEDGE CUSTOMER WORKPIECE WEDGE CUSTOMER WORKPIECE WEDGE WEDGE COLLET MULTIPLE COLLET MULTIPLE SPACERS SPACERS COLLET COLLET A2-6 SPINDLE TAPER 3.500 DIA PIECE PART Greater part engagement increasing rigidity and improving diameter to length ratio.

Multiple “Collet” Gripping ADAPTER ARBOR WORKSTOP SPACER COLLET WEDGE COLLET DRAWSCREW A2-8 7.026 DIA. SPINDLE PIECE PART TAPER 8.194 DIA. ADAPTER ARBOR PIECE PART WORKSTOP SPACER COLLET WEDGE COLLET DRAWSCREW A2-8 7.026 DIA. SPINDLE PIECE PART TAPER 8.194 DIA. PIECE PART Multi-diameter grip & Multi-collet gripping makes the application possible. Speedgrip Chuck designs and manufactures a full line of internal and external gripping collet chucks, diaphragm chucks, finger chucks, and between center mandrels. Cameron designs and builds custom internal and external hydraulic chucks and arbors with collet chucks from our Sabertooth line. Madison Face Driver division o ers a wide variety of standard drivers and pins along with special design face drivers, and our Hydra-Drive line for extreme accuracy requirements. Our workholding equipment is very versatile and ideal for turning, drilling and milling operations, gear cutting and finishing, balancing, inspection equipment, and many uses on fixture plates and tombstones. Our standard line o ers in stock chucks, collets, mandrels, adapters, drivers, and pins for immediate delivery. Many applications can be fully accommodated using our o the shelf standard items. Our engineers custom design solutions for your special workholding applications and have a multitude of existing drawings available for your review. WWW.SPEEDGRIP.COM • 2000 Industrial Parkway • Elkhart, IN 46515 • (574) 294-1506 • FAX (574) 294-2465

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