1006712 Advanced Academic English Literacy Chapter 9: Preparing your Concept Paper (Oral) Presentation 1. How will you prepare for an oral presentation of your concept paper or research proposal? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What can you include in the presentation of your concept paper or research proposal? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How long will you present your concept paper or proposal for the defense? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why should the presentation be placed to your research process as an important part of your thesis? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ To fulfill the Master's thesis, graduate students or novice researchers are required to present a thesis proposal to get the approval from the committee. To prepare the proposal defense, they need to address research questions or hypotheses and to justify their research plan based on the validity of the theoretical framework, research methodology, and significance of the study in a particular field. They need at least three skills to fulfill their proposal defense: soft, technical, and tool skills. It is recognized that those novice researchers need to clarify their studies with 4Cs (critical thinking, creativity, confidence, and common sense). Concerning the technical realm, they need to present their writing skills (organizing, designing, presentation layout) to plan the completed chapters 1 – 3. More importantly, the presentation tool skill (e.g., PowerPoint or Prezi, content [copy & paste], grammar or spelling checker) is considered to involve in the proposal defense. In addition to the objective of the presentation and approval from the committee, the graduate students can gain constructive feedback on the study in terms of appropriateness and feasibility for the master thesis. The students will be allowed to present their proposal under the PHIRUNKHANA PHICHIENSATHIEN 1
1006712 Advanced Academic English Literacy heading significance of problem, methodology, procedure, and problem-solving approaches (implementing in their study) approximately 20-30 minutes. Chairperson and internal and external examiners of the GRP committee will evaluate their performance on the oral presentation long with a written thesis research proposal (submitted at least one month in advance) by questioning. Then, the organization of oral presentation for proposal defense are presented the following: 1. Research title 2. Statement of the problem 3. A brief review of relevant literature to indicate a gap (with the key concept or theoretical framework) 4. Research objectives 5. Research questions (or/and hypotheses) 6. Study design 6.1 Data collection methods: sample size 6.2 Instruments 6.3 Research procedure 6.4 Data analysis (e.g., statistical data used, interpreted, and coded) 7. Significance of the study However, the outline of the proposal presentation should be included in the slide presentation to guide the audiences and the slide of reference lists can be placed at the end of the presentation. The expected outcome can be provided after the signing of the study. The example of PowerPoint slides will be presented in Table 1(P. Phichiensathien, personal communication, March 7, 2015). For the outline of the concept paper presentation, you might prepare the slide presentation based on the sub-headings (Research Title, Introduction, Statement of the Problem, [Research Questions/ Research Objectives/ Hypotheses], Literature Review [recent literature and theoretical framework/ concept and related studies you focused], Methodology, References [illustrated in content with in-text citation]) PHIRUNKHANA PHICHIENSATHIEN 2
1006712 Advanced Academic English Literacy Table 1: Sample of PowerPoint Slides for the Proposal Defense Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 PHIRUNKHANA PHICHIENSATHIEN 3
1006712 Advanced Academic English Literacy Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 PHIRUNKHANA PHICHIENSATHIEN 4
1006712 Advanced Academic English Literacy Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 Slide 20 As seen, the PowerPoint (PPT) presentation slides were designed and organized based on the research proposal. With regard to the guidelines provided, the PPT presentation will be designed as the following: - The first slide should include the title of the research, the researcher's name, and institutional affiliation. - Using figures or illustrations can help the committee understand your points. - One slide should be expressed one idea with a few words as a list of the bullet point. - An extensive detail can be provided as an explanation in appendix slide or supplement slide. - If one slide demonstrates the complex concept, the students should critically simplify with a conclusion and described in general idea. - The background of the slides should be the light plain color with the dark letters. - The size of the letter should minimize at least 24 for content and 30-40 for heading and subheading with clear front characters (e.g., Verdana). PHIRUNKHANA PHICHIENSATHIEN 5
1006712 Advanced Academic English Literacy - The front characters should NOT be presented in italicized, highlighted, underlined, and bold letter at once. - During the presentation, the students should look around the audiences and quickly glance at their script provided. Not read the script word by word. - The students can rehearse their presentation until they get self-confidence. The oral presentation of the research proposal defense is a compulsory process for graduate students to fulfill their master thesis. Then, it shows the significance of the study, concept, theory, and research strategy the students reviewed and focused. In addition, if the committee approves the student's research proposal, this means that the research plan is more likely to ready to conduct. Sometimes, the committee will give some suggestion to adapt or change some point in terms of practical and appropriate after the proposal defense. Therefore, the students can consult with advisor or co-advisor to get some approval e.g., in the redesign of the research methodology and conceptual framework. Exercise I: Preparing Your Oral Presentation of the Concept paper Defense Instructions: Create your PowerPoint oral presentation based on your concept paper and demonstrate your presentation within 20-30 minutes on week 15th. END OF THE CHAPTER PHIRUNKHANA PHICHIENSATHIEN 6
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