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Home Explore Rubrics for 1st draft of LR and concept paper

Rubrics for 1st draft of LR and concept paper

Published by Aj. Dr. Phirunkhana (Aj. Faa), 2019-11-02 19:13:41

Description: Rubrics for 1st draft of LR and concept paper


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Rubrics for First Draft of Literature Review (15%) Categories 4 3 21 1. Overview of -Places the work within -Show understanding of -Demonstrates -Fails to cite Literature a larger context the relevant literature minimal knowledge important, relevant Review -Sophisticated -Provides a meaningful and application of articles integration, evaluation, summary of the presenting the -Misinterprets the (1.1, 2.1, 2.4, and critic of literature literature literature literature 3.1, 3.3, 4.2, from related fields -Literature informs the -Insufficiency of the 5.3, 5.4) study particular areas in -Theoretical 2. Theoretical -Theoretical framework literature framework is NOT Framework is clearly linked with - Theoretical framework -Theoretical related to the the research topic is linked with the framework is related to research topic (1.1, 2.1, 2.4, focused, appropriately research topic. the research topic and -Fails to establish an 3.1, 3.3, 4.2, defined, and integrated -Key concepts are literature review (but) appropriate 5.3, 5.4) with the study. somewhat recognized. with limited areas. theoretical –Illuminates all aspects - Sophisticates -Establishes a basic framework for the 3. of study including understanding of understanding for the research topic. Organization current and landmark theoretical framework research topic. & literature. -The literature Presentation -Establishes a sound - The literature review is - The literature review review is unfocused and proficient generally focused and is somewhat focused and unclear; (1.1, 2.1, 2.4, theoretical framework. logical with identifiable but weak; abrupt in inevitably 3.1, 5.4) -The literature review is the topic; generally well transition; incomplete or accurately clear organized with apparent disconnected with disorganized as essay focused, exceptionally structures and random thoughts with structure organized with very transitions; accurate no discernable points; (Introduction, Main apparent structures and with clearly stated ideas; sketchy, missing Body, and transitions (e.g., written appropriate style or important details; Conclusion) with few with intact paragraphs; tone. inaccurate or transitions; no coherent; highly erroneous information coherent, appropriate appropriate style or is provided. style or tone. tone). 4. Word - The writer uses vivid The author uses vivid The author uses words The writer uses a Choice words and phrases. The words and phrases. The that communicate limited vocabulary. choice and placement choice and placement of clearly, but the writing Jargon or clichés (1.1, 2.1, 2.4, of words seems words is inaccurate at lacks variety. Word may be present and 3.1, 3.3, 4.2, accurate, natural, and times and/or seems choice occasionally detract from the 5.3, 5.4) not forced. Writing is overdone. Writing has informal in tone. meaning. flowing and easy to minimal awkward of Writing has a few The word choice is follow with scholarly unclear passages. awkward or unclear informal in tone style. passages. Writing is presented with many awkward or unclear passages.

Categories 4 32 1 5. Quality of Almost all sentences Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound Writing are well constructed moderately constructed, but they awkward, are and have varied constructed and have have a similar distractingly repetitive, (2.1, 2.4, 3.1, structure and length. varied structure and structure and/or length. or are difficult to 4.2, 5.3, 5.4) The author makes no length. The author The author makes understand. The author errors in grammar, makes a few errors in several errors in makes numerous errors 6. APA Style mechanics, and/or grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, in grammar, mechanics, (2.4, 5.3, 5.4) spelling. and/or spelling, but and/or spelling that and/or spelling that they do not interfere interfere with interfere with 7. References No errors in APA with understanding. understanding. understanding (2.4, 5.3, 5.4) style. Rare errors in APA Errors in APA style Errors in APA style Total Score style that do not are noticeable. detract substantially All references and detract from the paper from the paper. citations are correctly with scholarly style. written and present. A few reference or Several references or Reference and citation citation missing or citations missing or errors detract incorrectly written incorrectly written. significantly from paper (____________x15)/28 = ______/15

Rubrics for Concept Paper (30%) Categories 4 3 21 1. Introduction to -Demonstrates exemplary -Demonstrates adequate -Demonstrates minimal -Demonstrates Research Title competence in competence in establishing knowledge and application unrelated knowledge to establishing a framework a framework for the of presenting the field of study and (1.1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.1, for the research; creates research; creates reader introduction; lays the application of 3.3, 4.2, 5.3, 5.4) reader interest; lays the rather interest; lays the specific foundation for the presenting the broad foundation for the unclear foundation for the problem; places the study introduction; distracts problem; places the study problem; places the study outside the context of the the reader; lays the within the larger context within the larger context of scholarly literature. specific foundation for of the scholarly literature. the scholarly literature. the problem; places the unrelated studies outside the context of the scholarly literature. 2. Statement of the -Demonstrates exemplary -Demonstrates adequate, -Demonstrates minimal -Demonstrates Problem critical knowledge and critical knowledge and knowledge and application unrelated knowledge application in presenting application in presenting in presenting an issue that and application in (1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.3, an issue that exists in the an issue that exists in the exists in the literature, presenting an issue that 5.4) literature, theory, or literature, theory, or theory, or practice. exists in the literature, practice. practice. theory, or practice. 3. Purpose(s) of the -Clearly stated and -Clearly stated and -Somewhat understandable -Unclear and Study appropriately worded. appropriately worded. but needs clarity. confusing. (2.1, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, -Well conceptualization. -Moderately -Some level of -No conceptualization. 5.4) conceptualization. conceptualization. 4. Research -Clearly related to purpose -Related to purpose and -Somewhat related to -Unrelated to purpose Question(s)/ and understandable. understandable. purpose and and poorly written. Hypothesis -Little or no revision -Moderate revision needed. understandable. -Significant revision (2.1, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, needed. -Significant revision needed. 5.4) needed. 5. Literature -Places the work within -Show understanding of -Demonstrates minimal -Fails to cite Review a larger context the relevant literature knowledge and important, relevant -Sophisticated -Provides a meaningful application of presenting articles (1.1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.1, integration, evaluation, summary of the the literature -Misinterprets the 3.3, 4.2, 5.3, 5.4) and critic of literature literature -Insufficiency of the literature from related fields -Literature informs particular areas in -Demonstrates -Demonstrates study literature unrelated knowledge exemplary competence -Demonstrates adequate -Demonstrates minimal and application of in presenting how competence in knowledge and presenting how scholarly research, presenting how application of scholarly research, theory, practice, or scholarly research, presenting how theory, practice, or policy may support your theory, practice, or scholarly research, policy may support argument and the study policy may support your theory, practice, or your argument and argument and the study policy may support your the study argument and the study

Categories 4 32 1 6. Research -Design and method are -Research design and -Research design and -Uses the wrong Design and creative, sophisticated. method are appropriate to method are somewhat methodology or tools. Methodology -Demonstrates different or question. appropriate to -Data are not handled very effective use of -Study executed question. carefully; does not have (2.1, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, methods. competently. -Study executed appropriate controls or 4.2, 5.4) -Nuanced understanding -Limitations of study competently. controls groups. of methods and study identified -Limitations of study -Data seriously flawed limitations. identified 7. Organization -The concept paper is very -The concept paper is -The concept paper is -The concept paper is and presentation clearly focused; generally focused and somewhat unfocused or unfocused or exceptionally organized logical unclear; weak; abrupt in unclear; weak; abrupt in (4.2, 5.3, 5.4) with very apparent with identifiable thesis; transition; transition; structures and transitions generally well organized disconnected with disconnected with random (e.g., written with with apparent structures random thoughts with thoughts with intact paragraphs; and transitions; accurate a few discernable points; no discernable points; coherent; highly with clearly stated ideas; sketchy, missing sketchy, missing appropriate style/tone. appropriate style/tone; important details; important details; inaccurate needs minimum revisions. inaccurate or erroneous or erroneous information is provided. information is provided. 8. Quality of -The concept paper is -The concept paper is -The concept paper is -The concept paper is Writing precise, interesting, readable and the writer’s somewhat readable and limited in vocabulary; specific, meaning on a general level the writer’s unclear with misused parts (2.1, 2.4, 3.1, 4.2, and accurate; excellent in is clear; adequate in meaning on a general of speech that 5.3, 5.4) standard writing standard writing level is somewhat clear; impair understanding; conventions (e.g., spelling, conventions (e.g., spelling, adequate in inadequate in punctuation, punctuation, capitalization, standard writing standard writing conventions capitalization, grammar, grammar, usage, conventions (e.g., (e.g., usage, paragraphing); moderately spelling, spelling, punctuation, paragraphing); generally ready for approval to punctuation, capitalization, ready for conducting conduct research. capitalization, grammar, grammar, usage, research. usage, paragraphing). paragraphing); moderately ready for approval to conduct research. 9. APA Style -No errors in APA style. -Rare errors in APA style -Errors in APA style are -Errors in APA style detract (2.4, 5.3, 5.4) that do not detract from the noticeable. substantially from the paper. -All references and paper with scholarly style. 10. References citations are correctly -A few reference or -Several references or -Reference and citation (2.4, 5.3, 5.4) written and present. citation missing or citations missing or errors detract significantly incorrectly written incorrectly written. from paper Total score (_________________x30/40) = ___________________/30

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