experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more AUG FIRT FRIDAY ART & TUDIO TROLL WITH URL' PL AC 5 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM URL' PLAC (map) Google Calendar · IC Garden Cit’ urel L. Mitchell Live-Work-Create Ditrict i utling ith artit, artian, and creative, artianal uinee. Come to the neighorhood on the river a much a ou can, ut epeciall during their Firt Frida Art & tudio troll. You’ll find man location open during the event, including artit tudio, retaurant, and uinee featuring art event. In addition, there ill e pecial event at man location, including exhiit, reading, and performance. learn more AUG MRIDIAN MOVI NIGHT - AL ADDIN 5 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM ettler Park (map) Google Calendar · IC
Gra our famil, friend, and neighor thi ummer and join Meridian Park and Recreation for parklight Movie Night in Meridian! Frida evening e inflate our giant outdoor movie creen in ettler Park for a famil-friendl movie. Check-in ith our conceion tand for deliciou treat and movie nack. Thank to local ponor, it' free. ring our lan chair, lanket, and favorite movie date and enjo the freh ummer air ith Meridian Park and Recreation! All movie tart at duk. The creen i et-up at 7:00 pm. There are lot of activitie in the park to keep ou u until the movie tart at duk. ee the chedule for a lit of movie and link to atch a previe. learn more AUG TH NIGHORHOOD CONCRT RI AT WT 10 ND PARK 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM WT ND PARK (map) Google Calendar · IC Coming thi ummer to a park near ou! Join u from 5-9 pm for live muic from local muician, food truck, and vendor. Admiion i FR, o gather our famil and neighor for a fun night out. Thi ill e the econd ear of the Neighorhood Concert erie (NC) ith free pop-up concert in park around oie! Preented Lot Grove reing and the Morrion Center, NC a created to upport live muic. learn more AUG FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 11 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more AUG MRIDIAN MOVI NIGHT - MITCHLL V TH MACHIN 12 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM ettler Park (map) Google Calendar · IC Gra our famil, friend, and neighor thi ummer and join Meridian Park and Recreation for parklight Movie Night in Meridian! Frida evening e inflate our giant outdoor movie creen in ettler Park for a famil-friendl movie. Check-in ith our conceion tand for deliciou treat and movie nack. Thank to local ponor, it' free. ring our lan chair, lanket, and favorite movie date and enjo the freh ummer air ith Meridian Park and Recreation! All movie tart at duk. The creen i et-up at 7:00 pm. There are lot of activitie in the park to keep ou u until the movie tart at duk. ee the chedule for a lit of movie and link to atch a previe. learn more
AUG A DAY AT TH PARK 13 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM 1900 North Record Avenue, Meridian, ID, 83642, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Head out to Juliu M. Kleiner Park for the third annual A Da At The Park vent! Full of local crafter and home uinee for a fun da of hopping, exhilarating plaground, plah pad, a pectacular variet of food truck, famil friendl activitie and more! learn more AUG 35TH ANNUAL NAMPA FTIVAL OF ART 13 1304 7th treet North, Nampa, ID, 83687, United tate (map) TO AUG 14 Google Calendar · IC The Nampa Fetival of the Art, preented TD Fier, i a celeration of the creative pirit of our divere communit, expreing cultural heritage through art, muic and dance. Thi free 2-da communit event i held in eautiful Lakevie Park. With over 200 artian ooth, ou ill e ure to find a treaure, hether it i jeelr, painting, culpture, himical ard art and more. Dicover exceptional talent in our juried art ho. Live entertainment, food conceion, and free activitie for children, including a kid’ art ooth ill keep the hole famil entertained. learn more AUG OI OUL FOOD FTIVAL 13 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM 700 Capitol lvd, oie, ID 83702 (map)
Google Calendar · IC The 2022 oie oul Food Fetival i ack aturda, Augut 13th at Julia Davi Park for a oulful aturda of African American- inpired oul food, outhern flavor, live entertainment, muic, and fun! hop local vendor and attend cultural orkhop a ell. learn more AUG CALDWLL NIGHT RODO HOMTOWN HODOWN 13 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM 120 outh Kimall Avenue, Caldell, ID, 83605, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Kick off Caldell Night Rodeo Week at Indian Creek Plaza’ arn dance! Put on our oot and get read to tomp along to the eat of countr muic. There ill e live entertainment, drink and of coure dancing ith our partner round and round. It’ going to e a great ig celeration for the et rodeo in Idaho, here the coo are the tar! learn more AUG JUMP, JAM & JIV 16 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM JUMP (map) Google Calendar · IC The free Jump, Jam & Jive ummer Concert erie i our communit’ neet live muic event, hoe focu i to upport and hocae local muician, performer and art group hile providing the communit ith a afe outdoor concert experience.
learn more AUG FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 18 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more AUG WTRN IDAHO FAIR 125TH ANNIVRARY 19 5610 North Glenood treet, oie, ID, 83714, United tate TO AUG 28 (map) Google Calendar · IC More than 250,000 people attend Wetern Idaho Fair and another 750,000 come through the facilitie for trade ho, auction, porting event, livetock activitie and compan gathering. Concert, Carnival, ntertainment, Competition and Conceion
Augut 19-28 learn more AUG MRIDIAN MOVI NIGHT - ING 2 19 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM ettler Park (map) Google Calendar · IC Gra our famil, friend, and neighor thi ummer and join Meridian Park and Recreation for parklight Movie Night in Meridian! Frida evening e inflate our giant outdoor movie creen in ettler Park for a famil-friendl movie. Check-in ith our conceion tand for deliciou treat and movie nack. Thank to local ponor, it' free. ring our lan chair, lanket, and favorite movie date and enjo the freh ummer air ith Meridian Park and Recreation! All movie tart at duk. The creen i et-up at 7:00 pm. There are lot of activitie in the park to keep ou u until the movie tart at duk. ee the chedule for a lit of movie and link to atch a previe. learn more AUG NOOZ AT TH ZOO 20 355 Julia Davi Drive, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC TO AUG 21 You can pend the night under the tar in the middle of the cit urrounded ildlife. Zoo oie offer oth pulic and private nooze at the Zoo event eteen April and Octoer. learn more
AUG CHRI JANON AT TH WTRN IDAHO FAIR 22 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM 5610 North Glenood treet, oie, ID, 83714, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC ICCU Grandtand 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm learn more AUG JA RUL & AHANTI AT TH WTRN IDAHO FAIR 23 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM 5610 North Glenood treet, oie, ID, 83714, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC ICCU Grandtand 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm learn more AUG TH NIGHORHOOD CONCRT RI AT 24 CATALPA PARK 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Catalpa Park (map) Google Calendar · IC Coming thi ummer to a park near ou! Join u from 5-9 pm for live muic from local muician, food truck, and vendor. Admiion i FR, o gather our famil and neighor for a fun
night out. Thi ill e the econd ear of the Neighorhood Concert erie (NC) ith free pop-up concert in park around oie! Preented Lot Grove reing and the Morrion Center, NC a created to upport live muic. learn more AUG FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 25 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more AUG GAZO CONCRT RI AT HRITAG PARK 25 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at Cedar Ridge treet, agle, ID, 83616, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Kick off ummer ith the annual Cit of agle Gazeo Concert erie ponored Firt Intertate ank! Heritage Park
ecome home to local talent during the ummer for live muic ou don't ant to mi. ring a lanket and chair, gra a neighor and unind under the evening ummer k. Adult everage ill e availale for purchae. Muic Line-up! Ma 26th: tef and the Groove June 30th: lue Addict Jul 28th: oulPatch Augut 25th: Guilt Pleaure eptemer 29th: Jeff ngelert and learn more AUG TON TMPL PILOT AT TH WTRN IDAHO FAIR 25 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM 5610 North Glenood treet, oie, ID, 83714, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC ICCU Grandtand 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm learn more AUG JUMP, JAM & JIV 30 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM JUMP (map) Google Calendar · IC The free Jump, Jam & Jive ummer Concert erie i our
communit’ neet live muic event, hoe focu i to upport and hocae local muician, performer and art group hile providing the communit ith a afe outdoor concert experience. learn more P FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 1 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more P MRIDIAN ART WK 8 Donton Meridian (map) Google Calendar · IC TO P 11 A peer-to-peer art exchange throughout art eek eptemer 7- 10. learn more
P FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 8 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more P OI PRID FTIVAL AND PARAD 9 Cecil D. Andru Park (map) TO P 11 Google Calendar · IC oie Pride ring together memer of the leian, ga, iexual, and trangender communit, their friend, allie, and upporter in celeration of the unique pirit and culture of the LGTQ+ communit. learn more
P LOW FAMILY FARMTAD FALL AON 9 2500 outh agle Road, Kuna, ID, 83634, United tate (map) TO OCT 29 Google Calendar · IC Loe Famil Farmtead i Idaho' mot popular fall detination. The location in Kuna offer plent of farm-tatic fun for the hole famil! Pick pumpkin at the patch, take an authentic tractor-dran haride, ander through the eautiful floer field, enjo ome farm-freh food, and of coure, get lot in Idaho' Original Corn Maze. The have omething for everone to enjo! learn more P JUMP, JAM & JIV 13 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM JUMP (map) Google Calendar · IC The free Jump, Jam & Jive ummer Concert erie i our communit’ neet live muic event, hoe focu i to upport and hocae local muician, performer and art group hile providing the communit ith a afe outdoor concert experience. learn more P FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 15 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and
entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more P 20TH ANNUAL INDIAN CRK FTIVAL 16 120 outh Kimall Avenue, Caldell, ID, 83605, United tate TO P 17 (map) Google Calendar · IC Indian Creek Fetival egan in 2003 a a celeration of hen the firt ection of Indian Creek in donton Caldell a uncovered. What a once a mall gathering in a parking lot ha ecome a to-da fetival that pan lock in donton Caldell. Thi communit event ha evolved over the ear and include a car cruie, car ho, chalk art contet, and a local marketplace. On Frida night the plaza feature live muic, alo knon a Oldie on the Plaza ut the mot anticipated event i the cardoard kaak race here team compete to ee ho can uild the fatet, atertight kaak out of jut cardoard and duct tape. Frida, eptemer 16 from 6pm - 9pm aturda, eptemer 17 from 7am - 4pm learn more
P FALL AND GOURD FTIVAL AT FRANZ WIT T 22 20005 11th Avenue North, Nampa, ID, 83687, United tate TO P 25 (map) Google Calendar · IC eptemer 22- eptemer 25 Franz Witte i partnering ith the Idaho Gourd ociet for a four-da extravaganza involving all thing fall and gourd! Tour the exhiition of art, craft, gift, and demontration created talented memer of the Idaho Gourd ociet. There ill e clae and orkhop availale all four da during thi fetival. Dicover h gourd are not onl a hidden treaure to gro ut to create. With all our fetival, enjo live muic, food truck, and a detination hopping experience. Fall i the perfect time to plant tree and hru efore inter and give thoe front porch pot one lat facelift efore the eaon end. ring our creativit and curioit to thi four-da fall fetival! learn more P FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 22 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne!
vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more P FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 22 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more P OKTORFT AT DA ALPNHAU DLIKATN 23 LLC TO P 24 1340 outh Vita Avenue, oie, ID, 83705, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Dut off our Lederhoen and our Dirndl and come celerate
Oktoerfet. There ill e food and live muic! learn more P AY MOTOR’ FALL WAP MT & DRAG RAC AT 24 FIRIRD RACWAY 7:35 AM – 10:00 PM 8551 Idaho 16, agle, ID, 83616, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC The 18th Annual ea Motor Fall ap Meet & Drag Race return aturda, eptemer 24. The location of the ap Meet ill e at Fireird Racea located on H 16 (northet of agle on the mmett Higha). The ap meet take place in Fireird' pit area, hich i open to a ide variet of automotive part, car, truck, collectile, to, tool and more. learn more P RAC TO TH TOP OF TAM! 24 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM Tamarack ID 83615 (map) Google Calendar · IC Thi i an event unlike an other! Participant hike, run, or ike ride up the mountain to the ditance of their chooing. The real competition i againt one’ on elf, here ou make a goal and et out to achieve it! learn more
P HOP & CROP FTIVAL AT INDIAN CRK 24 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM 120 outh Kimall Avenue, Caldell, ID, 83605, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Did ou kno that 95% of all hop gron in the U come from the Pacific Northet including Idaho? Celerate the hop and agricultural heritage at Indian Creek Plaza’ firt annual Hop & Crop Fetival! Tour local hop farm in Canon Count then ample the ount of their harvet ack at the plaza ith a variet of local re and ale. learn more P FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 29 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more
P GAZO CONCRT RI AT HRITAG PARK 29 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at Cedar Ridge treet, agle, ID, 83616, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Kick off ummer ith the annual Cit of agle Gazeo Concert erie ponored Firt Intertate ank! Heritage Park ecome home to local talent during the ummer for live muic ou don't ant to mi. ring a lanket and chair, gra a neighor and unind under the evening ummer k. Adult everage ill e availale for purchae. Muic Line-up! Ma 26th: tef and the Groove June 30th: lue Addict Jul 28th: oulPatch Augut 25th: Guilt Pleaure eptemer 29th: Jeff ngelert and learn more P OI AIN QUILTR QUILT HOW 30 5610 North Glenood treet, oie, ID, 83714, United tate TO OCT 1 (map) Google Calendar · IC oie ain Quilter Guild’ annual quilt ho hocae hundred of quilt and exhiit. Come ee the profeionall judged quilt, hop for gift & quilting upplie, collect our free door prize & enter for a chance to in our eautiful raffle quilt! The quilt ho promote aarene, education, and preervation
of the quilting art, upport the oie ain Quilter Guild’ communit outreach project, and upport our local quilt hop and vendor. Frida, eptemer 30 - aturda, Octoer 1 10am - 5pm learn more OCT 11TH ANNUAL HARVT FTIVAL AT FOOT PARK 1 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM Foote Park (map) Google Calendar · IC hop local vendor, enjo the food truck, carnival ride, entertainment, cornhole tournament, pie contet, petting zoo and o much more! learn more OCT FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 6 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne!
vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more OCT FIRT FRIDAY ART & TUDIO TROLL WITH URL' PL AC 7 5:30 PM – 10:00 PM URL' PLAC (map) Google Calendar · IC Garden Cit’ urel L. Mitchell Live-Work-Create Ditrict i utling ith artit, artian, and creative, artianal uinee. Come to the neighorhood on the river a much a ou can, ut epeciall during their Firt Frida Art & tudio troll. You’ll find man location open during the event, including artit tudio, retaurant, and uinee featuring art event. In addition, there ill e pecial event at man location, including exhiit, reading, and performance. learn more OCT HARVT FTIVAL AT OHMIAN LOOM AND 8 HR FARM TO OCT 9 2230 at Dunon treet, agle, ID, 83616, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC ohemian loom and Her Farm i hoting a Harvet Fetival. The ill have local vendor. learn more
OCT DOGTORFT AT INDIAN CRK PLAZA 8 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM 120 outh Kimall Avenue, Caldell, ID, 83605, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Calling all four-legged friend, Indian Creek Plaza i elcoming ou and our oner (leahe required) to join them in celerating to of their favorite thing thi Octoer…dog and eer! ring our pup, dre them up and enjo an Oktoerfet themed celeration. Tate ome of the et eaonal re to come out of the Treaure Valle and if ou think ou have the et canine in the valle ou can prove it! Thi i our one opportunit to ring man’ et friend to the Plaza and run through our plah Pad. learn more OCT FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 13 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail.
learn more OCT FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 20 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more OCT MADC RD RION WK 23 Google Calendar · IC TO OCT 31 ach ear in recognition of the National Red Rion campaign MADC ork ith the Idaho National Guard, the Meridian Police Department and other communit partner to provide motivational peaker, K-9 demontration and prevention material for tudent in the Wet Ada chool Ditrict. In addition, 400 tudent from Meridian are invited to attend Drug Free Idaho’ Red Rion Rall on the capitol tep. Red Rion Week tarted in 1985 and continue to erve a a catalt to moilize communitie to educate outh and encourage participation in drug prevention activitie.
un Oct 23rd - Mon 31t learn more OCT FIRT THURDAY’ IN DOWNTOWN OI 27 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1322 Wet Main treet, oie, ID, 83702, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC Viit Donton oie the Firt Thurda of each month to experience art, hopping, dining, live muic, famil activitie and entertainment in a pecial and unique a ou’ll onl find Donton. Our local merchant plan exciting, engaging in-tore event including food and everage tating, local art exhiit, and trunk ho. top into our favorite etalihment or check out omeplace ne! vent tpicall run from 5:00 – 9:00pm, ut each merchant creativel plan their on event o check each liting elo for individual hour and detail. learn more NOV ALRTON’ TURKY ROUNDUP 3 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Multiple Alerton' Location (map) Google Calendar · IC On Novemer 3rd from 10 am to 5 pm, come join the annual Alerton’ Turke Roundup. The ill e collecting holida item needed to provide Thankgiving meal for the communit! Come upport hungr and homele men, omen, and children acro
the Treaure Valle! learn more NOV VTRAN DAY CRMONY AT TH ROCK OF HONOR 11 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 1900 North Record Avenue, Meridian, ID, 83642, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC The pulic i invited to attend an uplifting and patriotic Veteran Da Ceremon at the Rock of Honor Veteran Memorial located inide Juliu M. Kleiner Memorial Park. Thi outdoor ceremon egin at 11:00 am and ill lat approximatel 45 minute. eating i limited, o pleae conider ringing our on folding chair or lan lanket. Preented Meridian' American Legion Pot 113, VFW Pot 4000, and the Cit of Meridian. learn more NOV KIDO TALK RADIO’ MILLR' MIION - FALL 14 5875 at Franklin Road, Nampa, ID, 83687, United tate TO NOV 19 (map) Google Calendar · IC For one eek, Miller, of KIDO Talk Radio, ill e camping out in front of the Walmart at Garrit and Franklin in Nampa to collect turke and non-perihale food for all ix of the Miion’ facilitie. The event ill lat from 6:00 am Monda, Novemer 14th to 6:00 pm aturda, Novemer 19th. There ill e a tent placed at the entrance here hopper can drop off donation, gra a hopping lit, or make a cah or credit card donation. Audience can hear live update on Kevin Miller in the Morning, from 6:00 to 10:00 am on KIDO 580 AM and 107.5 FM.
from 6:00 to 10:00 am on KIDO 580 AM and 107.5 FM. learn more NOV WINTR WONDRL AND AT INDIAN CRK OPNING 18 WKND TO NOV 22 120 outh Kimall Avenue, Caldell, ID, 83605, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC ver ear, the Cit of Caldell decorate Indian Creek in donton Caldell ith over a million light! Come join u in vieing the light during opening eekend. Frida-unda, Novemer 18-22 from 6pm - 9pm learn more NOV MIX IT UP WITH WIN MIXOLOGY AT T CHAPLL 18 WINRY 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM T CHAPLL WINRY (map) Google Calendar · IC te. Chapelle Winer i opening thi excluive, memer-onl experience to the pulic for a fe elect date thi ear. Learn ho to mix cocktail ith ine! verone get a cutom logo rock gla and mixer to take home that ere ued to make cocktail! learn more
DC FIRT FRIDAY ART & TUDIO TROLL WITH URL' PL AC 2 5:30 PM – 10:00 PM URL' PLAC (map) Google Calendar · IC Garden Cit’ urel L. Mitchell Live-Work-Create Ditrict i utling ith artit, artian, and creative, artianal uinee. Come to the neighorhood on the river a much a ou can, ut epeciall during their Firt Frida Art & tudio troll. You’ll find man location open during the event, including artit tudio, retaurant, and uinee featuring art event. In addition, there ill e pecial event at man location, including exhiit, reading, and performance. learn more roe Our log!