1.888.622.6565Multimedia Podiums and Presentation Stations WITH FULLY INTEGRATED TURNKEY SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY
About UsNomad Technologies, Inc. is a nearly 100-year-old Brad WhiteMinneapolis, Minnesota, company that manufactures, sells CEO & Presidentand supports all-in-one Multimedia Podims andPresentation Systems on a factory direct, nationwide basis.Nomad's Turnkey Multimedia Systems integrate all theequipment and capability of a high-tech board room,SMART classroom or training room, but at a fraction of thecost of most design build plans. Nomad's unique \"Try ItBefore You Buy It\" program sets Nomad apart from allother vendors and the OLD way it's always been done.What better way to meet or exceed a customer'sexpectations than by allowing them to \"See, Touch andExperience\" a proven solution prior to purchase?
ProductsMOBILE & PERMANENT MULTIMEDIA PODIUM AND PRESENTATION SYSTEM MODELSAVAILABLENomad Technologies has designed four lines of Turn-Key Multimedia Podiums andPresentation Systems to cost effectively transform any room into a place where everytype of Multimedia presentation can be delivered for meetings, training, courtrooms,SMART Classrooms and video conferencing or web casting sessions. These all-in-onepresentation systems integrate a wide variety of presentation equipment and weredesigned for use in rooms through permanent or mobile audiovisual installations.
Service & Support Service & Repair Issues: Dave Schmitz (888)622-6565 Customer Support Issues: (888)622-6565 Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Central Time ZoneNomad Technologies has a service network of technicians able to provide you withservice and support anywhere within the continental U.S. Nomad Technologiesacts as a single source responsible for: • product • configuration • delivery • installation • testing • service & support over the life of the system
An organization only has to place one phone call to Nomad to receive service andsupport on the entire system and every component integrated into that system.Because of this, Nomad gives you a quicker response time and less down time.CONTACT USThe best way to learn more about Nomad's products and services is to give us acall... CALL: (888) 622-6565 Nomad Technologies, Inc. 14800 Martin Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 854-6565 - Local (952) 854-9351 – Fax http://www.nomadonline.com
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