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AU academic titles and academic works 2007

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~ AU Academic Titles ~ ~ and Academic Works 2007 Assumption University of Thailand Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

THE ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY LIBRAR O4 OCT 2013 AU Academic Titles and Academic Works 2007 Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

FOREWORD Assumption University expects her full-time faculty members to be efficient and knowledgeable not only as a lecturer but also in producing quality academic works. In doing so, these faculty members are able to update their knowledge and share their wisdom. Whenever an AU faculty member produces a quality academic work or earn an academic title, it is always a pride for Assumption University. To acknowledge this, the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs has compiled and published the names of AU faculty members with their respective academic works or academic title appointments for the Academic Year 2007. This is to show the University's appreciation for the hard work and the dedication given by these faculty members, and at the same time present these faculty members to the AU family as examples for the others to follow. The University hopes that more names and academic works will be included in the following academic years. To the AU faculty members named in this booklet: \"Well done! Keep up the good work.\" Dr. Sompit Porsutyarak Vice President for Academic Affairs 9 September 2008

Table of Contents Academic Title Appointments ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Full-time Lecturers' Academic Works ----------------------------------------------------------- 6

Academic Title Appointments 2007 1. Transfer of Academic Titles The AU University Council, empowered under the provision in Article 34 (17) of the Private Higher Education Institutions Act B.E. 2546 and upon the recommendations of the Assumption University Committee on Academic Titles (AUCAT), approved the academic title appointments for the full-time faculty members who hold the academic titles obtained from the former universities before joining Assumption University as follows: Associate Professorship Associate Professor Dr. Neeru Chakravertty 1. Arts Academic Title English Name 25 December 2000 Faculty 20 December 2007 Specialization Endorsed by University of Delhi Former Appointment University Council Approval Academic Works Considered 2. Associate Professor Dr. Supa Chodchoey Academic Title Center for English Language Development Name English Faculty 16 May 2006 Specialization 20 December 2007 Former Appointment Endorsed by Phranakhon Rajabhat University University Council Approval Academic Works Considered 3. Associate Professor Academic Title Dr. Pomchulee Achava-Amrung Name Education Faculty Higher Education Specialization 12 May 1983 Former Appointment 22 May 2008 AU Appointment Endorsed by Chulalongkom University Academic Works Considered 1

Assistant Professorship Assistant Professor Dr. Young Hwan Yeo 4. Music Academic Title Composition Name 1 March2004 Faculty 20 December 2007 Specialization Endorsed by Sookmyung Women's University Former Appointment AU Appointment Academic Works Considered 2

II. Successful Applicants for Academic Titles The AU University Council, empowered under the provision in Article 34 (17) of the Private Higher Education Institutions Act B.E. 2546 and upon the recommendations of the Assumption University Committee on Academic Titles (AUCAT), approved the academic title appointments for the full-time faculty members whose academic works have successfully passed the evaluation done by the external expert readers as follows: Associate Professorship Associate Professor Dr. Teay Shawyun 1. Office of QMIPS Academic Title Strategic Management Name 18 December 2003 (Assistant Professorship) Faculty 20 September 2007 (Associate Professorship) Specialization 25 June 2003 (Assistant Professorship) University Council's Approval 27 July 2007 (Associate Professorship) Assistant Professorship AU Appointment ·Course Outline, Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials: Academic Works Considered BC 6501 Management Information Systems Research 1. Expectations and Influencing Factors oflS Graduates and Education in Thailand: A Perspective of Students, Academics and Business Community 2. Information: A Customer-Oriented Perspective (1) 3. Information: A Customer-Oriented Perspective (2a) Associate Professorship ·Course Outline, Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials: BP 6908 Strategic Management ·Research 1. Teaching Competency and Effectiveness Index: A Pilot Study of Graduate Instructors 2. Values of Thai Graduate and Undergraduate Students: A Case Study of Assumption University ·Book 1. A Primer on Strategic Organization Analysis and Planning Model 2. AuQS 2000 QMIPS Quality Management System 3

Assistant Professorship Assistant Professor 1. Ms. Pitipom Pakdeepinit Academic Title Science and Technology Name Telecommunications Science Faculty 20 September 2007 Specialization 20 December 2006 University Council's Approval ·Course Outline, Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials: AU Appointment Academic Works Considered TS 4362 Intemetworking Workshop II Research 2. 1. Adaptive Traffic Metering for DiffServ Assured Academic Title Forwarding Classes Name 2. A Link-State Routing Approach for Formation - Faculty Specialization Flying Spacecraft University Council's Approval 3. Network Traffic Classification Using Dynamic State AU Appointment Academic Works Considered Classifiers Academic Article 1. On Permutation Capability of a Two Dimensional Mesh Assistant Professor Dr. Sureepong Phothongsunan Arts Teaching English 20 September 2007 3 April 2007 ·Course Outline, Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials: EN 3282 English for Hotels Research 1. Examining and Exploiting English Leaming Strategies of Successful Thai University Students: The Role of the Social Context Academic Article 1. Language and Culture 2. Critical Pedagogy in English Language Teaching ·Textbook Intermediate to Advanced English for Hotel Business 4

3. Assistant Professor Academic Title Ms. June Bernadette D' Souza Name School of Management Faculty Psychology Specialiiation 22 May 2008 University Council's Approval 2 November 2007 ·Course Outline, Lesson Plan and Teaching AU Appointment Academic Works Considered Materials: MGT 2404 Managerial Psychology · Research 1. A Study of Teachers' Burnout in Relation to Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Teaching Experience 2. A Cross - Cultural Study of Self - Monitoring in Relation to Big Five Personality Traits of Thai and Foreign Students at Assumption University 3. The Effect of Normative and Behavioral Persuasion on Help - Seeking in Thai and American College Students Academic Article Integrating Mindfulness into Psychotherapy Practice 5

Full-time Lecturers' Academic Works Academic Year 2007 School of Management 1. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Nucharee Supatn Department Management Research 1. Supatn, Nucharee, and Ruth Banomyong. Logistics Need Analysis on Thai Manufacturers and Logistics Service Providers. Research Article 1. Supatn, Nucharee, and Ruth Banomyong. \"Implementing Legality in Reverse Logistics Channels.\" International Journal of Logistics. 11.1(February2008): 31-47. 2. Supatn, Nucharee. \"The Impact ofRelationship Quality on Service Selection: A Case Study ofStarbucks Thailand.\" AU Journal ofManagement 5.2 (July-December 2007): 21-35. Publication 1. Supatn, Nucharee, and Ruth Banomyong. Logistics Need Analysis on Thailand Manufacturers and Logistics Service Providers. Paper presented at the Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Research, Grand Mercue Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, March 31, 2008. 2. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Min Aung Department Mathematics Research Article 1. Kyi Kyi Tin, and Min Aung. \"Potential Remedies for Improving the Engineering Student's Learning Strategies at Thailand's Assumption University.\" Proceedings of Meeting the Growing Demand Conference Munich. Germany, November 9-11, 2007. (CD Rom- Session 4/1) 6

3. Name Asst. Prof. Brian Lawrence Department Industrial Management Academic Article 1. Lawrence, Brian. \"Performance Appraisal Meets Thai Culture.\" Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 2.1 (February 2008): 1-24. 2. Lawrence, Brian. \"Aspects of Reinsurance in Thailand.\" Journal of Risk Management & Insurance 12 (May 2008): 94-104. Presentation 1. Lawrence, Brian. The Challenge of Cultural Divergence to Economic Convergence. Paper presented at the ASAIHL Conference. Sukkothai Thamathirat University, Bangkok, Thailand, April 7-9, 2008. 4. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asif Salam Department Management Research Article 1. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"An Empirical Investigation of The Impact of Supply Chain Uncertainty on Strategy, Structure, and Performance.\" International Journal of Logistics and Transport 1.1 (October 2007): 53-62. 2. Salam, Mohammad Asif, \"Social Responsibility in Purchasing: The Case of Thailand.\" International Journal of Procurement Management 1.3 (2007): 97-116. 3. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"A Study of the Determinants of Supply Chain Commitment and Business Process Integration.\" Journal of Supply Chain Management: Research and Applications. 1.1 (2007): 33-58. 4. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"Delineating the \"Ease of Doing Business\" Construct within the Supplier-Customer Interface: The Case of Thailand and South Korea,\" Proceedings of the Productions and Operations Management Society CPOMS). La Jolla, California, U.S.A., May 9-12, 2008. 5. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Purchasing Performance.\" Proceedings of the 19th Annual North AmericaR Research/Teaching Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Management. Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A., March 27-29, 2008. 7

6. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"Logistics Management in Humanitarian Disasters: The Case of the Asian Tsunami.\" Proceedings of the International Humanitarian Logistics Symposium. Cranfield University, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, November 19-20, 2007. 7. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"A Study of Supply Chain Flexibilify and Firm Performance in Thai Textile Industry.\" Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management CICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 8. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Outsourcer Performance: The Case of Thailand.\" Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 9. Salam, Mohammad Asif. \"Trends of Third Party Logistics in Thailand: Current Development and Future Prospects.\" Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN). Hull, United Kingdom, September 5-7, 2007. 10. Salam, Mohammad Asi£ \"The Impact of Supply Chain Uncertainty on Supply Chain Strategy, Structure, and Performance: The case of Thailand.\" Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Budapest, Hungary, July 8-10, 2007. Bookffextbook 1. Salam, Mohammad Asif. Multi-Item Scales in Logistics & Supply Chain Management Research. Bangkok: Assumption University Press, 2007. Presentation 1. Salam, Mohammad Asif. Delineating the \"Ease of Doing Business\" Construct within the Supplier-Customer Interface: The Case of Thailand and South Korea. Paper presented at of the Productions and Operations Management Society (POMS). La Jolla, California, U.S.A., May 9-12, 2008. 2. Salam, Mohammad Asif. An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Purchasing Performance. Paper presented at the 19th Annual North American Research/Teaching Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Management. Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A., March 27-29, 2008. 3. Salam, Mohammad Asif. Logistics Management in Humanitarian Disasters: The Case of the Asian Tsunami. Paper presented at the International Humanitarian Logistics Symposium. Cranfield University, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, November 19-20, 2007. 4. Salam, Mohammad Asif. A Study of Supply Chain Flexibility and Firm Performance in Thai Textile Industry. Paper presented at the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 8

5. Salam, Mohammad Asif. An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Outsourcer Performance: The Case of Thailand. Paper presented at the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 6. Makapunyo, Pornapa and Mohammad Asif Salam. An Empirical Investigation of the Supply Management Performance: The Case of Thailand. Paper presented at the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 7. Salam, Mohammad Asif. Quality Management Practices and Purchasing Performance in Service Supply Chain: The Case of Thai Hotel Industry. Paper presented at the Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN). Hull, United Kingdom, September 5-7, 2007. 8. Salam, Mohammad Asif. Trends of Third Party Logistics in Thailand: Current Development and Future Prospects. Paper presented at the Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN). Hull, United Kingdom, September 5-7, 2007. 9. Salam, Mohammad Asif. The Impact of Supply Chain Uncertainty on Supply Chain Strategy, Structure, and Performance: The case of Thailand. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Budapest, Hungary, July 8-10, 2007. 5. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Sonthya Vanichvatana Department Real Estate Academic Article 1. Vanichvatana, Sonthya. \"Thailand's Real Estate Market Cycle: Case Study of 1997 Economic Crisis.\" GH Bank Housing Journal. 1.1 (July -December 2007): 38-47. Book/Textbook 1. Vanichvatana, Sonthya. Building Structures for Real Estate Development. Bangkok: Assumption University Press, 2008. 6. Name Asst. Prof. June Bernadette D'Souza Department Management Research 1. D'Souza, June Bernadette. A Cross-Cultural Study ofSelf-Monitoring in Relation to the Big Five Personality Traits ofThai and Foreign Students at Assumption University ofThailand. July 2007. 9

Academic Article 1. D'Souza, June Bernadette. \"Integrating Mindfulness into Psychotherapy Practice.\" ABAC Journal 27.2 (May-August 2007): 23-35. Research Article 1. D'Souza, June Bernadette and Krisda Tanchaisuk. \"A Cross-Cultural Study of Self- Monitoring in Relation to the Big Five Personality Traits of Thai and Foreign Students at Assumption University of Thailand.\" AU Journal of Management 4.2 (Ju_ly-December 2007): 47-53. 7. Name Dr. Kaveepong Lertwachara Department Finance & Banking Research Article 1. Lertwachara, Kaveepong. \"Selecting Stocks Using a Genetic Algorithm: A Case of Real Estate Investment Trusts.\" IJCIM International Journal of the Computer, The Internet and Management 15.2 (May-August 2007): 20-31. 8. Name Dr. Boonyarat Samphanwattanachai Department Marketing Research Article 1. Samphanwattanachai, Boonyarat. \"Internet Banking Adoption in Thailand: A Delphi Study.\" IJCIM International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management 15.SP4 (November 2007): 12.1-12.6. 9. Name Dr. Siriwan Kitcharoen Department Management Research Article 1. Kitcharoen, Siriwan. \"Importance-Performance Analysis on Information Technology Applications in Higher Educational Institutions in Thailand.\" ABAC Journal 27.2 (May-August 2007): 15-22. 10

10. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Krisda Tanchaisak Department Management Research Article 1. D'Souza, June Bernadette and Krisda Tanchaisuk. \"A Cross-Cultural Study of Self- Monitoring in Relation to the Big Five Personality Traits of Thai and Foreign Students at Assumption University of Thailand.\" AU Journal of Management 4.2 (July-December 2007): 47-53. 11. Name Dr. Myat Mon Department Mathematics Presentation 1. Myat, Mon. Socio-economic Position of Sikhs in Burma, International Workshop on Sikhs in Multicultural Southeast Asia: Negotiating an Identity. Paper presented at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, May 12-13, 2008. 12. Name Ms. Phassawan Suntraruk Department Accounting Research Article 1. Suntraruk, Phassawan, \"The Valuation of Warrants in Thailand: Using the Black- Scholes Model.\" Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 13. Name Dr. Mayuree Aryupong Department Management Research Article 1. Aryupong, Mayuree and Pipop Udorn. \"Performances and Drivers in the Life Insurance Industry: Evidence from a Census Study in Thailand.\" Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Frontiers in Service Conference. San Francisco, California, U.S.A, October 2007. 11

Presentation 1. Aryupong, Mayuree. Performances and Drivers in the Life Insurance Industry: Evidence from a Census Study in Thailand. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Frontiers in Service Conference. San Francisco, California, U.S.A., October 4-7, 2007. 14. Name Dr. Theingi Department Marketing Presentation 1. Theingi, Hla, and Theingi. Sikhs Business Communities and Their Role: A Study in Thailand. Paper presented at the International Workshop in Sikhs in Multicultural Southeast Asia: Negotiating an Identity. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, May 12-13, 2008. 15. Name Dr. Vikanda Pomsakulvanich Department Marketing Research 1. Pomsakulvanich, Vikanda. Cultural Influences on Mobile Phone Use and Communication Satisfaction between Thais and non-Thais.\" Funded by Assumption University. October 2007. Research Article 1. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda. \"Internet Motives and Use among Thai Youths.\" University of Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal 27 (May-August 2007): 29-41. 2. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda. \"Television Portrayals of Ethnic Minorities in the United States: The Analysis oflndividual Differences, Media Use, and Group Identity and Vitality.\" ABAC Journal 27.3 (September-December 2007): 22-28. 3. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda. \"Fright Reaction to Media Coverage: Developmental Differences among Children.\" Journal of Communication Arts 26.1 (January - March 2008): 90-96. 4. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda, and Nuchada Dumrongsiri. \"Motives and Attitudes toward SMS Marketing among Thai Consumers.\" Proceedings ofthe Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management. Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. 5. Thanissaranonth, Supreeya and Vikanda Pornsakulvanich. \"Predictors of Casual Clothes' Purchase Decision.\" Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management. Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20, 2007: 955-961. 12

Presentation I. Dumrongsiri, Nuchada, and Vikanda Pornsakulvanich. Primary and Secondary Goals in Supportive Communication. Paper Presented at the International Communication Association Conference. San Francisco, U.S.A., May 24-28, 2007. 2. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda. Internet Use, Individual Differences, and Online Relationships. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Paris, France, July 23-25, 2007. 3. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda, and Nuchada Dumrongsiri. Motives and Attitudes toward SMS Marketing among Thai Consumers. Paper presented at the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management. Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-19, 2007. 4. Thanissaranonth, Supreeya, and Vikanda Pornsakulvanich. Predictors of Casual Clothes' Purchase Decision. Paper presented at the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management. Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-19, 2007. 5. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda, and Paul Haridakis. The Influence of Dispositions and Internet- Use Motivation on Online Communication Satisfaction and Relationship Closeness. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., November 15-17, 2007. 6. Dumrongsiri, Nuchada, and Vikanda Pornsakulvanich. SMS Motives Predicting SMS Use and Attitudes toward SMS Advertising: The Evidence from Thailand. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference. Montreal, Canada. May 22-26, 2008. 16. Name Mr. Michel Thiery Department Accounting Research Article 1. Thiery, Michel. \"IJIRI's Momentum Accounting: An Alliance between Relevance and Reliability.\" Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICQQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-20 2007. Presentation 1. Thiery, Michel. IJIRI's Momentum Accounting: An Alliance between Relevance and Reliability. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8). Bangkok, Thailand, October 2007. 13

17. Name Ms. Potjanee Muangsillapasart Department Hospitality and Tourism Management Research 1. Muangsillapasart, Potjanee. Assumption University's Undergraduate International Students' Factors Influencing the Decision Making ofStudying at Assumption University, Socialization, Adaptation, and Academic Achievement 2008. Funded by Assumption University. 18. Name Dr. Charoen Russametummachot Department Management Presentation 1. Russametummachot, Charoen. Customer Experience Management: The Differential Roles of Search, Experience, and Reinforcement Cues. Paper presented at the Operations Management Conference. Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-19, 2007. 19. Name Dr. Hla Theingi Department IBM Research Article 1. Theingi, Hla, and John C. S Tang. \"The Effect ofFirm's Experience, Diversification Strategy, and Entry Mode on Performance: Electrical and Electronic Industry in Thailand.\" International Journal ofBusiness and Systems Research. 1.4 (2007): 416-437. 2. Theingi, Hla, and Theingi. \"Sikhs in Thailand and Their Business Community.\" Proceedings oflSEAS International Workshop on Sikhs in Multicultural Southeast Asia-Negotiating an Identity. Singapore, May 2008. Presentation 1. Theingi, Hla, and Theingi. Sikhs in Thailand and Their Business Community. Paper presented at the International Workshop in Sikhs in Multicultural Southeast Asia: Negotiating an Identity. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, May 12-13, 2008. 14

20. Name Dr. Sakuna Vanichvisuttikul Department Business Information System Research 1. Vanichvisuttikul, Sakuna. Foreign Consumer Preference on Thai Spa Products and Services. Funded by the Ministry oflndustry, Thailand, March 2008. Research Article 1. Vanichvisuttikul S., et al., \"e-Commerce Support and Services: Payment and Logistics for the Highly Valuable Traditional Products in Thai Northern Region.\" Proceedings ofIEEE International Conference on E-Business 2007 (INCEB 2007). Bangkok, Thailand, November 2007. 21. Name Dr. Patricia Arttachariya Department Business Administration Bookffextbook 1. Arttachariya, Patricia. Writing a Doctoral Dissertation, Bangkok: Assumption University, 2008. 22. Name Dr. Amonrat Thoumrungroje Department Management Research Article 1. Thoumrungroje, Amonrat, and Patriya Tansuhaj. \"Globalization Effects and Firm Performance.\" Journal oflnternational Business Research Review 6.2 (2007): 43-58. 15

Faculty of Arts 1. Name Asst. Prof. San Shwe Baw Department English Academic Article 1. Shwe Baw, San.\" Leaming English the Hard Way.\" ET Essential Teacher 4.2 (June 2007): 14-16. 2. Shwe Baw, San. \"Homeschooling My Burmese Children in Thailand- in English.\" ET Essential Teacher 1.1 (March 2008): 14-16. 3. Shwe Baw, San. \"Talking English through Mother Tongue.\" Galaxy 6.2 (September 2007): 1-3. 4. Shwe Baw, San. \"A Brief Analysis of an Oral Activity That We Used in the Past.\" Galaxy 7. 1 (March 2008): 12-21. 2. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Sureepong Phothongsunan Department Business English Research 1. Phothongsunan, Sureepong. \"Exploring liaison: an investigation into roles of relationship building and management between English teaching colleagues in a Thai educational institution.\" 2007. Research Article 1. Phothongsunan, Sureepong. \"Exploring Liaison: An Investigation into Roles of Relationship Building and Management between English Teaching Colleagues in a Thai Educational Institution.\" Proceedings of 7th Annual South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) Conference. Assumption University, Samutprakarn, Thailand, September 2007. Academic Article 1. Phothongsunan, Sureepong. \"Expatiating on Native Speaker and Non-native Speaker Constructs.\" Galaxy: the English Department Journal 7.1 (March 2008): 5-11. Book/ Textbook 1. Phothongsunan, Sureepong, and Nuttapom, Kongpolphrom. Practical English for Tourism Insights. Bangkok: Assumption University Press, 2007. 16

2. Phothongsunan, Sureepong; and Thongsri, Narinthip. \"Business Communication.\" English for Business (1st Revised Edition). Eds. A. Sitthiamnuay, J. Trairat & T. King, Nonthaburi: Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Press, 2007. 9.1-9.76. Presentation 1. Phothongsunan, Sureepong. English Learning Strategies of Successful Thai University Students, Paper presented at Chulalongkom University Language Institute (CULI)'s Research Seminar on \"Widening the Circle ofELT Research\", Chulalongkom University, Bangkok, Thailand, 28 November 2007. 2. Phothongsunan, Sureepong. Exploring Liaison: An Investigation Into Roles Of Relationship Building and Management Between English Teaching Colleagues In A Thai Educational Institution. Paper presented at the 7th Annual South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) on Sufficiency and Sustainability in Higher Education- An Agenda. Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand, September 5-7, 2007. 3. Name Dr. Ratchapom Rattanaphumma Department English Academic Article 1. Rattanaphumma, Ratchapom. \"Second Language Learning and Language Learners.\" Galaxy 7.1 (March 2008): 1-4. 4. Name Mrs. Amrit Pawa Department English Academic Article 1. Pawa, Amrit. \"Teaching Listening for Perception Through Dictation.\" Galaxy 7.1 (March 2008): 26-30. 5. Name Mr. Ashutosh Das Gupta Department English Academic Article 1. Gupta, Ashutosh Das. \"Writing of Critical Essays at English IV Level at AU.\" Galaxy 7.1(March2008): 31-32. 17

6. Name Mr. Ian Slater Department English Academic Article 1. Slater, Ian. \"Measuring Our Students' Vocabulary Size.\" Galaxy 7.1(March2008): 33-37. 7. Name Ms. Jaruwan Puangmalee Department General Education Bookffextbook 1. Puangmalee, Jaruwan. BG 1010 Thai Language and Culture Bangkok: Assumption University, 2008. 8. Name Mrs. Kalpana Upadhya Department English Presentation 1. Upadhya, Kalpana. Teaching and Leaming of English as a Foreign Language. Paper presented at the 7th Annual South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) Conference. Bang Na Campus, Assumption University, Bangkok Thailand, September 5, 2007. 2. Upadhya, Kalpana. Leadership for Globalization in Higher Education Paper presented at the 19th Inter-University Conference of ASAIHL (Thailand), Burpha University, Chonburi, Thailand, September 14, 2007. 3. Upadhya, Kalpana. Empowering Asia Through Partnership in Open and Distance Education. Paper presented at AAOU. Kuala Lumper, Malaysia, October 30, 2007. 18

Faculty of Nursing Science 1. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Nanthaphan Chinlumprasert Department Nursing Science Research 1. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. The Development ofSexual Dating Violence Prevention Programfor Thai Young Adults through Community Participatory Approach Funded by the American Association ofUniversity Women 2006-2007 (AAUW) International Fellowship Award. Presentation 1. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. The Development of Sexual Dating Violence Prevention Program for Thai Young Adults through Community Participatory Approach. Paper presented at AAUW. Deerfield Area Branch Meeting, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., February 10, 2007. 2. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. Sexual Dating Violence Prevention Program for Thai Young Adults: The Community Participation. Paper presented at AAUW. Hinsdale Area Branch, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., May 14, 2007 3. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. The Utilization of community participation approach for Sexual Dating Violence Prevention Program for Thai Young Adults.: The Community Participation. Paper presented at AAUW Chicago Area Branch, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., May 19, 2007. 4. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. Violence against Women: Date Rape Issue in Thailand. Paper presented at the International Women's Health class, School of Medicine, UIC, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., June 26, 2007. 5. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. The Development of Sexual Dating Violence Prevention Program for Thai Young Adults through Community Participatory Approach. Paper presented at Global Health Leadership Seminar. UIC, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., July 11, 2007. 6. Chinlumprasert, Nanthaphan. The Synthesis of Workforce Research in Thailand: What's next? Paper presented at the 8th Asia Workforce Forum. International Council ofNurses, College of Nursing Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 25, 2007. 19

2. Name Dr. Siripom Poonruksa Department Nursing Science Research 1. Poonruksa, Siripom, and P Phuekphan. The Effectiveness Outcomes ofStudent- Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students. September 2007. Presentation 1. Poonruksa, Siripom, and P Phuekphan. The Effectiveness Outcomes of Student-Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students. Paper presented at the 7th Annual SEAAIR Conference. Assumption University, Samutprakom, Thailand, September 5-7, 2007. 20

Faculty of Science and Technology 1. Name Prof. Dr. Tin Win Department Information Technology Research Article 1. Win, Tin. \"The IBM Blue Gene Project - Cap. in Sc. Applications.\" AU Journal of Technology 20.4 (2007): 237-247. 2. Win, Tin. \"Zeolites-Earliest Solid State Acids.\" AU Journal of Technology 11.1 (2007): 36-41. Presentation 1. Win, Tin. Buddhism & Science. Paper presented at MahaChula Buddhist University, (International Doctoral Degree Program) September, 2007. 2. Name Professor Dr. Graham Winley Department Information Technology Research 1. Winley, Graham K, and Joshua Fan. Heuristic Algorithms for Flow-shop Scheduling Problems. Funded by University of Wollongong, Australia. 2008. Research Article 1. Winley, Graham K. \"The Logistic Model of Growth.\" AU Journal of Technology 11.2 (2007): 299-104. 2. Winley, G.K.; Arjpru, C.; and J. Wongwuttiwat. \"National Information Technology Policy in Thailand: A Comparison among Organizational Sectors.\" Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries. 31.7 (2007): 1-28. 3. Wongwuttiwat, J.; Arjpru, C.; and G.K Winley. \"Information Technologies in Thailand: An Organizational Perspective.\" International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 7.3 (2008): 244-263. 4. Rigas, P, and G.K. Winley. \"Determinants of Turnover Intentions among IT Professionals in Thailand.\" Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (IAIT 2007). Bangkok, Thailand, November 2007. 21

3. Name Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pratit Santiprabhob Department Computer Science Research Article 1. P. Pakdeepinit, T. Yeophantong, P. Chen, and P. Santiprabhob, \"Balancing Secondary Traffic Metering for DiffeServ Assured Forwarding Classes.\" In Proc.151h IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007). Adelaide, Australia, November 19-22, 2007. 4. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Tang Van To Department Computer Science Research Article 1. Tang Van To, and Ko Ko Naing. \"Optimization of Large Join Queries: Using Heuristics to generate Initial Population of Genetic Programming.\" Proceedings of the ICEAST' 2007. Swisstel Le Concorde, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2007. Presentation 1. Tang Van To. Optimization of Large Join Queries: Using Heuristics to generate Initial Population of Genetic Programming.\" ICEAST' 2007. Swisstel Le Concorde, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2007. 5. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Dobri Atanassov Batovski Department Telecommunications Science Research Article 1. Batovski, Dobri A. \"Semi-analytic Evaluation of Quality of Service Parameters in Multihop Networks.\" Assumption University Journal of Technology (AU J.T.) 11.4 (April 2008): 215-224. 6. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Thitipong Tanprasert Department Computer Science Research Article 1. Kothalil Anilkumar, and Thitiong Tanprasert. A Subjective Scheduler Based on Neural Network for Job Routing in A Generalized Job-Shop Problem. GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering. Vol 45, No.I, March 2008. 22

7. Name Asst. Prof. Titida Nochai Department Applied Statistics Research Article 1. Nochai, Titida. Price Transmission in Thai Palm Oil Industry. Proceedings of Business and Information International Conference on Business and Information 2007, Tokyo, Japan, July 10-13, 2007. 8. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Boonlert Watjatrakul Department Information Technology Research Article 1. Watjatrakul, Band Barikdar, A.L. \"E-service in Education: The influences of Media Richness, Social Presence, Privacy and Technology Acceptance Model on Email Adoption.\" Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on E-business, Bangkok, 2007. Bookffextbook 1. Boonlert Watjatrakul. n1:1~V1nm·nm~'lrn{mV1fl1ufotimrnumA (IT Strategic Outsourcing). Bangkok: Se-Education, 2008. 9. Name Asst. Prof. Pitiporn Pakdeepinit Department Telecommunications Science Research Article 1. P. Pakdeepinit, T. Yeophantong, P. Chen, and P. Santiprabhob, \"Balancing Secondary Traffic Metering for DiffeServ Assured Forwarding Classes.\" In Proceedings ofthel51h IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007). November 2007, Adelaide, Australia. 10. Name Dr. Siriwhaddhanah Pongpadpinit Department Telecommunications Science Research Article 1. Pongpadpinit, S. \"Temporal Error Concealment Based On Texture Information.\" Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007). July 1-4, 2007. 23

2. Rungsubsin, T. and Pongpadpinit, S. \"Improvement of Aggressive Fairness in RPR Based Dyanmic Fair Rate Estimation.\" Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI). May 2007. Presentation 1. Pongpadpinit, S. Temporal Error Concealment Based On Texture Information. Paper presented at the International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007), Cardiff, UK, July 1-4, 2007. 11. Name Mrs. Jittima Wongwuttiwat Department Information Technology Research Article 1. Wongwuttiwat, Jittima, Chanissara Arjpru and Graham Winley. \"Information Technologies in Thailand: An Organizational Perspective.\" International Journal of Information Technology and Management. 7.3 (2008): 244-263. 2. Winley, G.K., Chanissara Arjpru and Jittima Wongwuttiwat. \"National Information Technology Policy in Thailand: A Comparison among Organizational Sectors.\" Electric Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries. 31.7(2007):1-28. 12. Name Mr. K.G Anilkumar Department Computer Science Research 1. K. G., Anilkumar. A Flexible Scheduler for job Scheduling Problems-A Back Propagation Neural Network Based Solution Approach Research Article 1. K. G., Anilkumar, and Thitipong Tanprasert. \"A Subjective Scheduler Based on Neural Network for Job Routing in a Generalized Job-shop Problem.\" GEST International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering. 45.l(March 2008): 79-96 24

Presentation 1. K. G., Anilkumar, and Thitipong Tanprasert. \"Generalized Job-shop Scheduler using feed Forwork Neural Network and Greedy Alignment Procedure.\" Paper presented at the 25th ASTED International Mult-Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Innsbruck. Austria, February 2007. 25

Faculty of Engineering 1. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Kittiphan Techakittiroj Department Mechatronics Engineering Research 1. Udomchoke, Veerasak; Techakittiroj, Kittiphan. Study of the Improvement ofRoyal Rain-Making Operation. 2. Name Dr. Vorapoj Patanavijit Department Computer and Network Engineering Research 1. Patanavijit, Vorapoj. Video Enhancement Using An Iterative SRR Based On A Robust Stochastic Estimation With An Improved Observation Model. Research Article 1. Patanavijit, Vorapoj, P. Sermwuthisarn, and S. Jitapunkul. \"A Robust Iterative Super-Resolution Reconstruction oflmage Sequences using a Tukey's Biweigth Bayesian Approach with Fast Affine Block-Based Registration.\" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2007). Beijing, China, July 2007. 2. Patanavijit, Vorapoj, S. Tae-0-Sot , and S. Jitapunkul. \"A Robust Iterative Super- Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences using a Lorentzian Bayesian Approach with Fast Affine Bloce-Based Registration.\" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2007). San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 2007. 3. Patanavijit, Vorapoj, and S. Jitapunkul. \"A Tukey's Biweight Bayesian Approach for A Robust Iterative SRR oflmage Sequences.\" Proceedings of the Annual International Technical Conference of IEEE Region 10 (IEEE TENCON 2007). Taipei, Taiwan, November 2007. 4. Patanavijit, Vorapoj, and S. Jitapunkul. \"Video Enhancement Using An Iterative Multiframe SRR Based On A Robust Stochastic Estimation With An Improved Observation Model.\" Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008). Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., March 2008. 26

5. Patanavijit, Vorapoj. \"A Robust Iterative Multiframe SRR using Stochastic Regularization Technique based on Hampel Estimation.\" Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference of Electrical Engineering-Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTl-CON 2008). ECTI Association Thailand, Krabi, Thailand, May 2008. 6. Patanavijit, Vorapoj. \"Andrew's Sine Estimation for a Robust Iterative Multiframe Super-Resolution Reconstruction using Stochastic Regularization Technique.\" Proceedings of the IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits And Systems CIEEE- NEWCAS-TAISA' 08). Montreal, Canada, May 2008. Presentation 1. Patanavijit, V, and S. Jitapunkul. Video Enhancement Using An Iterative Multiframe SRR Based On A Robust Stochastic Estimation With An Improved Observation Model. Paper presented at the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008). Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., March 2008. 2. Patanavijit, V. A Robust Iterative Multiframe SRR using Stochastic Regularization Technique based on Hampel Estimation. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual International Conference of Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON 2008), ECTI Association Thailand, Krabi, Thailand, May 2008. 3. Name Dr. Pojamarn Pojanasomboon Department Mechatronics Engineering Research 1. Pojanasomboon, Pojamarn, and Ersoy, Okan. The Design ofOptical Devices in Communication Systems Research Article 1. Pojanasomboon, Pojamarn. \"The Iterative Ranked Phased-Array Method.\" Proceedings of the Asia Optical Fiber Communication & Optoelectronic Exposition & Conference (AOE). Shanghai, China, October 17-19, 2007. 27

Presentation 1. Pojanasomboon, P. and O.K. Ersoy. The Iterative Ranked Phased-Array Method. Paper presented at the Asia Optical Fiber Communication & Optoelectronic Exposition & Conference (AOE). Shanghai, China, October 17-~9, 2007. 4. Name Ms. Kyi Kyi Tin Department Basic Science Research 1. Tin, Kyi Kyi, and Min Aung. Potential Remedies for Improving the Engineering Students' Learning Strategies at Thailand's Assumption University. Research Article 1. Tin, Kyi Kyi and Min Aung. \"Potential Remedies for Improving the Engineering Students' Learning Strategies at Thailand's Assumption University.\" Proceedings of the International Conference on Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020. Munich, Germany, November 9-11, 2007. Presentation 1. Tin, Kyi Kyi and Aung, Min. Potential Remedies for Improving the Engineering Students' Learning Strategies at Thailand's Assumption University. Paper presented at the International Conference on Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020. Minich, Germamy, November 9-11, 2007. 5. Name Dr. Virach Wongpaibool Department Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering Research 1. Udomchoke, Veerasak, Virach Wongpaibool. Study of the Improvement ofRoyal Rain-Making operation. 28

Faculty of Communication Arts 1. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Bu-nga Chaisuwan Department Public Relations Academic Article 1. Chaisuwan, Bu-nga. \"Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: Guideline for Develop the Teaching and Learning Standard in Thailand.\" Proceedings of the International Forum on Teacher Education (3rd) 2007. Shanghai, China, November 2007. Presentation 1. Chaisuwan, Bu-nga. Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: Guideline for Develop the Teaching and Learning Standard in Thailand. Paper presented at the International Forum on Teacher Education (3rd) 2007: Teacher Education Innovation and Teacher Professional Leaming in Quality Education for Sustainable Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, November 14-16, 2007. 2. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Napawan Tantivejakul Department Public Relations Research Article 1. M., Boonsiripunth, S. Apinandhara, P. Kleechaya, N. Tantivejakul, N. Doungpummes, and N. Sangsingkaew. \"fmfln1l11;f.:.itJ1vmtin1rnf1.:.itl'n~tiffTHl~m'l'lml:: 1::'l.J'l.Jnl'J~tiffl'HfWll'l'IUM'l'lf1~\" m1~vmn1~m'l'I. Bangkok: Popular health Communication System Research and Development (HCS), January 2008, 25-50. Presentation 1. N., Tantivejakul, and P. Kleechaya. Roles of Thai Media in Health Communication. Paper present at the 50th IAMCR International Conference on Media, Communication, Information: Celebrating 50 Years of Theories and Practices. Paris, France, July 23-25, 2007. 3. Name Ms. Penpak Tiawsomboonkit Department Public Relations Research 1. Thongmeearkom, Pana; and Penpak Tiawsomboonkit. Follow up Overall Operation ofPublic Relations Projects for Annual Budget 2007. Funded by Public Relations Department, Faculty of Communication Arts. 29

2. Thongmeearkom, Pana; Penpak Tiawsomboonkit and others. Evaluation ofthe Guarantee Work ofPublic Relations Department (Number 3. 2) for Annual Budget 2007. Funded by Public Relations Department, Faculty of Communication Arts. 3. Thongmeearkom, Pana; Penpak Tiawsomboonkit and others. Evaluation ofthe Guarantee Work ofPublic Relations Department (Number 3. 3) for Annual Budget 2007. Funded by Public Relations Department, Faculty of Communication Arts. 4. Thongmeearkom, Pana; Penpak Tiawsomboonkit and others. Evaluation ofthe Guarantee Work ofPublic Relations Department (Number 3.10) for Annual Budget 2007. Funded by Public Relations Department, Faculty of Communication Arts. 5. Thongmeearkom, Pana; Penpak Tiawsomboonkit and others. Evaluation ofthe Overall Image ofPublic Relations Security ofLand Transportation Fund. Funded by Land Transport Department, Communication Ministry. 6. Thongmeearkom, Pana; Rattana Timmaung, and Penpak Tiawsomboonkit Reading Behavior, Attitude and Relation between Thai Youth's Reading Ability and Grade Point Average. Funded by Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. 4. Name Dr. Nuchada Dumrongsiri Department Public Relations Research 1. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda, and Nuchada Dumrongsiri. Cultural influences on mobile phone use and communication satisfaction between Thais and non-Thais. October 2007. Research Article 1. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda, and Nuchada Dumrongsiri. \"Motives and Attitudes toward SMS Marketing among Thai Consumers.\" Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management. Bangkok. Thailand, October 17-20, 2007. Presentation 1. Dumrongsiri, Nuchada, and Vikanda Pornsakulvanich. Primary and Secondary Goals in Supportive Communication. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference. San Francisco, U.S.A., May 24-28, 2007. 2. Pornsakulvanich, Vikanda, and Nuchada Dumrongsiri. Motives and Attitudes toward SMS Marketing among Thai Consumers. Paper presented at the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management. Bangkok, Thailand, October 17-19, 2007. 30

3. Dumrongsiri, Nuchada, and Vikanda Pomsakulvanich. SMS Motives Predicting SMS Use and Attitudes toward SMS Advertising: The Evidence from Thailand. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference. Montreal, Canada. May 22-26, 2008. 31

Faculty of Law 1. Name Assoc. Prof. Pomchai Soonthompan Department Law Academic Article 2. Name Assoc. Prof. Decha Siricharoen Department Law Academic Article 3. Name Assoc. Prof. Nattapong Posakabutra Department Law Academic Article \"' \"1- • \"'1. WfVMff IJllf1~'1.J~'j'. '\"l-H'lt1t1t)'Hllll:J11i1 l.'\"J1'JfHll31'JU'U'H~.',l (Ex Post Facto Laws)\" 11'j'ffl'j'H\"''f50 (2550): 27-33. 4. Name Assoc. Prof. Phoonsakdi Vaisamruat Department Law Academic Article ~~ I. ~uff'n~ 11ii1n11. \"'j'~1Jrn~un~..:i1utJ'j'~t'Ylfftff~tJ'j'~'lf1itJ1~u\" 1l'j'ffl'j''j'Vi'50 (2550): 34-40. 32

5. Name Mr. Sthianrapab Naluang Department -Law Academic Article 1. t'ff01'J'Hl1Vt 'UllH'l1'1. \"Corporate Finance\" 11'i'ffln'Vl '50 (2550): 41-49. 6. Name Mr. Wutipong Vechayanon Department Law Academic Article .e.i. t1 t1 Q .a 91 .Q Q,I t1 Q .e.i. Q.I I... Cit. ti i1. 11Plln'l'l:l l1'lWTUlJ'VI. \"fll'iVt 'ii l'iW1fl11lJt'ttlJ tllJ flt'l ll'J'\\Jtl'I Ht'l91llW CVl911lJ'ff'Vl1i'U91'.ifll'i1J 'i~~'l:l ttt'l~C'it. ff'Q VlC1L1 i'U91'ifl1HHHltt'U'UHQ'191QtIlWCVtI/\" .CS (2550): 34-39. 11'.i'ffl'.i'iW50 7. Name Mr. Niti Nerngchamnong Department Law Academic Article Cit. d Q ti .ct. l•'Jfltltt'lfl'VIHllJfH1'\" 11'.i'ffl'i'.iVt'50 (2550): 82-93. 8. Name Ms. Patchrin Luengtriroj Department Law Academic Article Q.I .Q ti 4 .ct.,. cl .Q Cit., 0 , 'JI_ I I 1. Vt'lf'.ilJ'Vl'.i t'ttt'ltl'l91'i i'.i'illJ. \"'ff'Vl1i lJfll'i'Vll 'H1J'ilfl{)9ltl'ffl'.i1il'iW'lf'U (Right of Publicity)\" 1umn-rl•50 (2550): 94-97. 9. Name Ms. Paweena Iamsirikulamith Department Law Academic Article '... 1e.:1 .cs C!iQ .Ct, ~ .a' QI ' '.a ?I 1. ' 'j) .ct..ct. QI 1J1Wl ttll'JlJfl'ifJt'llJ9J'j. \"1JfY'HltHl'lt'lfl'l:IW~mmVtl~'\\Jtl'l!flHJ'l'HlJll'Jfl1'jfll'VJlJt'lfll:IW~!lJlJflU iJ'i~'fflJrll#J.\"11jlJ 1iJ911JJiJn~ (Unusual Combination)\" 1l'i'fflnVi'50 (2550): 98-106. 33

Faculty of Biotechnology 1. Name Dr. Churdchai Cheowtirakul Department Agro-Industry Presentation 1. Ua-Arak, Tharalinee, and Churdchai Cheowtirakul. \"Monascus purpureus: Natural Microbial Inhibitor in Feed.\" Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of Food Science and Technology, th ICFST, Wenhao Hall, Wuxi, China, November 12-15, 2007. 2. Name Dr. Tatsaporn Todhanakasem Department Agro-Industry Presentation 1. Todhanakasem, Tatsaporn, and Glenn M Young. \"Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation.\" Paper presented at the th International Conference of Food Science and Technology, 7th ICFST, Wenhao Hall, Wuxi, China, 12-15 November 2007. 3. Name Dr. Wunwisa Krasaekoopt Department Food Technology Research 1. Krasaekoopt, Wunwisa, and J. Jaroenthon. The use ofmodified tapioca starch in Spanish custard. Funded by Tapioca Development Co., Ltd. 2. Krasaekoopt, Wunwisa, and N. Sermpong. Colored instant noodle. Funded by Nam Chow (Thailand) Ltd. Research Article 1. Wunwisa, Krasaekoopt, and A. Tandhanskul. \"Sensory and Acceptance Assessment of Yogurt Containing Probiotic Beads in Thailand.\" Kasetsart Journal (Nat. Sci.) 42 (2008): 99-106. Presentation 1. Wunwisa, Krasarkoopt, and B. Suthanwong. \"Vacuum Impregnation of Probiotics in Fruit Pieces.\" Paper present at the 7th International Conference of Food Science and Technology, th ICFST, Wenhao Hall, Wuxi, China, November 12-15 2007. 34

School of Music 1. Name Dr. Jacopo Gianninoto Department Music Performance Book/Textbook 1. Gianninoto, Jacopo. Sonate, A' Violino Senza Basso Accompagnato for Guitar BWV 1001, BWV 1003, BWV 1005. Bangkok: Assumption University Press, 2007. Academic Work of Other Type: Music Composition 1. Gianninoto, Jacopo, Young-Hwan Y., Paulo Z., Charles K. and Supachai Y. Portuguese and Brazilian Composers Piano Music. Samut Prakarn : Assumption University, 2008. 2. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Young-Hwan Yeo Department Music Performance Academic Work of Other Type: Music Composition 1. Gianninoto, Jacopo., Young-Hwan Y., Paulo Z., Charles K. and Supachai Y. Portuguese and Brazilian Composers Piano Music. Samut Prakarn : Assumption University, 2008. 3. Name Mr. Paulo Richardo Soares Zereu Department Music Performance Academic Work of Other Type: Music Composition 1. Gianninoto, Jacopo., Young-Hwan Y., Paulo Z., Charles K. and Supachai Y. Portuguese and Brazilian Composers Piano Music. Samut Prakarn : Assumption University, 2008. 35

4. Name Mr. Charles Kim Department Music Performance Academic Work of Other Type: Music Composition 1. Gianninoto, Jacopo., Young-Hwan Y., Paulo Z., Charles K. and Supachai Y. Portuguese and Brazilian Composers Piano Music. Samut Prakam : Assumption University, 2008. 5. Name Mr. Supachai Yodmanapong Department Music Performance Academic Work of Other Type: Music Composition 1. Gianninoto, Jacopo., Young-Hwan Y., Paulo Z., Charles K. and Supachai Y. Portuguese and Brazilian Composers Piano Music. Samut Prakarn : Assumption University, 2008. 36

Graduate School of Business 1. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Jutamas Wisansing Department Tourism Management Academic Article 1. llW ~iii'VfJll 1lll~~..,1111fl ifllllff~M. \"ti~fi'l.h~ml'1..1'1Jti~mlvitrn~v1tfttitth.Jl1~1'll: nzjllmll'iti~t~v1~ ·1h~mfl'1<tw~t1~11''1..1~1l.lti~.\" 11rn1lmlviti~t~v1 .... (mnQlfll.l 2550). 2. Wisansing, Jutamas; Apichart, Intravisit; Danai, and Kitti, Phothikitti. \"The Role of the Leader in Globalisation and Internationalisation: Implications for Thai Higher Education.\" ASAIHL-Thailand Journal 10.2 (November 2007): 85-99. 3. Wisansing, Jutamas. \"The Building Blocks of ASEAN Collaboration: Sports and Tourism.\" Proceedings of the Joint Congress 2007 SEA Games & ASEAN Para Games Scientific Congress and 5th Bangkok ASPASP International Congress on Sport Psychology. Bangkok. Bangkok, Thailand, December 1-4, 2007. 4. Wisansing, Jutamas. \"The Three Waves oflnternationalisation Sweeping Thailand's Tourism and Hospitality Education: Current Progress and Future Prospects.\" Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. 20.1 (2008). Research Article 1. Wisansing, Jutamas. \"Tourism Situational Analysis and Tourism Image Positioning of Malaysia.\" Proceedings of the International Conference Symposium on Tourism Image Positioning of ASEAN, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea. Bangkok, Thailand August 20, 2007. Presentation 1. Wisansing, Jutamas. Tourism Situational Analysis and Tourism Image Positioning of Malaysia. Paper presented at the International Conference Symposium on Tourism Image Positioning of ASEAN, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea, Bangkok, Thailand, August 20, 2007 2. Name Dr. Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti Department Business Administration Research Artie.le 1. Wong, D. and Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti. \"E-learner & Its Demographics in Klang Valley, Malaysia.\" Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference 2007. Seri Kembangan, Selangor Malaysia, December 12-14, 2007. 37

2. Ngamkroeckjoti, Chittipa. \"Small and Medium Exporters' Orientation and New Service Development in Thailand Banking Industry - Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis.\" Proceedings of the 4th Small and Medium Enterprises in a Global Economy Conference 2007. Selangor, Malaysia, July 9-10, 2007. 3. Assawachaijaroen, T. and Chittapa Ngarnkroeckjoti. \"Ready-to-Cool< Frozen Seafood: A Qualitative Study of \"Prantalay\" Brand.\" Proceedings ofthe Global Business Development Institute International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007. 4. Lu, Shaokui (Richard) and Chittipa Ngarnkroeckjoti. \"Conjoint Analysis of Television Purchase Evaluation Criteria in Bangkok Metropolitan Area.\" Proceedings of the Global Business Development Institute International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007. 5. Ngarnkroeckjoti, Chittipa, Mark W. Speece and Willi Zimmermann. \"Small and Medium Exporters' Orientation towards New Service Performance in Thailand Context.\" Proceedings of the Global Business Development Institute International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007. 6. Prugsaapron, T. and Chittapa Ngarnkroeckjoti. \"Success Factors in Developing New Banking Services: A Case Study of Consumers' Perspectives in Relation to Internet Banking Service Provided by Bangkok Bank PCL (Bualuang iBanking Service).\" Proceedings of the Global Business Development Institute International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007. 7. Vichukit, V. and Chittapa Ngamkroeckjoti. \"The Importance of Customer Orientation to New Banking Service Performance among Thai Commercial Banks.\" Proceedings of the Global Business Development Institute International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007. 8. Khen Yen, Low and Chittapa Ngamkroeckjoti. \"Environmental Scanning Practices of SMEs in the Machinery Engineering Services Sector in Malaysia.\" Proceedings of the Global Business Development Institute International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007. 9. Ngamkroeckjoti, C., Speece, MW., and Zimmermann, W. \"New Financial Services Development (NFSDs) for Small and Medium Exporter (SMEs) in Thailand\" Proceedings of the Thailand Research Fund Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, 11th - 13th October 2007. 3. Name Dr. Sirion Chaipoopirutana Department Business Administration Research 1. Chaipoopirutana, Sirion. A Comparison ofPerception, Overall Statisfaction, and Consumer Behavior Among Westerns, Asian, and Thai MRT's Passengers. December 2007. 38

Research Article 1. Chaipoopirutana, Sirion. \"A Comparison of Perception, Overall Statisfaction, and Consumer Behavior Among Westerns, Asian, and Thai MRT's Passengers\". Au Journal of Management 5 (December 2007): 1-9. 4. Name Dr. Adarsh Batra Department Business Administration Research Article 1. Batra, A. and T. E. Ramapuram. \"The Effect of Restaurant Attributes on Customer's Overall Perception and Return Patronage: A Case Study on Ebony Restaurant, Bangalore, India.\" International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Systems 1.1 (June 2007): 14-26. 2. Batra, A. \"Foreign Tourists' Perception towards Personal Safety and Potential Crime While Visiting Bangkok.\" ANATOLIA- An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 19.1. (Summer 2008): 89-101. 3. Lamphoon, P.N. and A. Batra. \"Perception of Selected Dimension of Ecotourism: A Comparative study of Tourists and Locals in Amphawa Community, Samutsongkram Province.\" Tourism Development: Impacts and Strategies. Ed. Chaudhary, M., Kamra, K.K., Boora, S.S., Kumar, R., Chand, M. and Txak, R.H. (Eds.), New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 2007. 13-22. 39

Graduate School of Philosophy and Religion 1. Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Warayuth Sriwarakuel Department Philosophy and Religion Academic Article 1. 11~'Vl1i rr'11HJ~. \"ff1ffmg\\Pl1M\" iyirn'1v1i1n1: 11an1i1rni'i4am1a~i1ll 1~m~v1tiuatii-nY'u9l ~- rr'1q-11-:ir1 ~~'Vli'-w6 ('.Unw11im1), n~-:im-w<1: ffitl'nfillnrmivl 2550. 64-85. 2. 11~'Vl1i rr'111fJ~. \"tll!\\Pl~H'.U'.Ut'Wfftlli~{u1u;f1~rn1-:i\" 111mrnff-:i1i1rnu1't1rrtl' 31.1 (llfl11flll-!ll1:1W'U 2550): 60-71. 3. 'lfltl iu'Vl~ tfJlJH~~11~'Vl1i ff'111fJ~. \"'W1~fflffU~mti'.U~-:Jfllli'VltJ: 40 iJ Gaudium et spes\" 111m1uff-:i1i1rnu1't1rrtl' 31.2 (-wq1:1.mflll-ff-:i111flll 2550): 77-91. Presentation 1. Sriwarakuel, Warayuth. Process Thought and Harmony. Paper presented at the Southeast Asian Regional Conference on Philosophy in the New Age of Religious and Cultural Pluralism, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 6-7, 2007. 2. 1'.i~'l'11i rY~1'.ifJ'1. f1111Jfnmh:niiu'llti~1J,ftivlut'1n m'.i1.h~'J!\"rl'\"\"u1tJ'.i~~1tl'IJti'm~\"vlfo~iY9i~ (Francis Seely Seminar Group) 1i~l'lif11,h.1~hnj iu~ 13-14 iu11f11J 2550. 3. Sriwarakuel, Warayuth. Christianity and Democracy in Thailand. Paper Presented at the International Seminar on Religion and Democracy in Thailand. Assumption University, Samutprakarn, Thailand, December 20-21, 2007. 4. Sriwarakuel, Warayuth. Buddhism and Catholicism in dialogue: A case of Thailand. Paper Presented at the 1st Interreligious Dialogue Conference on Dialogue by Knowing, Szczecin University, Poland, May 26-28, 2008. 2. Name Dr. VeerachartNimanong Department Philosophy and Religion Academic Article 1. Nimanong, Veerachart. \"The Religiously Pluralistic Harmony Is the Necessary Condition for Sustainable Peace: A Thai Buddhist Perspective.\" Mahachula Academics. Bangkok: Mahachula Buddhist University Press, 2007. 40

2. Nimanong, Veerachart. \"Enriching Perspectives from the Sacred Texts on the Issues of Justice, Peace and Integrity of all Creation.\" 20 years Graduate School, Mahchula Buddhist University, Bangkok: Mahachula Buddhist University Press, 2008. Presentation 1. Nimanong, Veerachart. Enriching Perspectives from the Sacred Texts on the Issues of Justice, Peace and Integrity of all Creation. Paper presented in a conference co- organized by the John Paul II, Catholic Social Thought Center, Assumption University, in conjunction with Graduate School of Philosophy and Religion, Assumption University, January 24-25, 2008. 2. Nimanong, Veerachart. A Buddhist Perspective on the Religiously Pluralistic Harmony as the Necessary Condition for Sustainable Peace. Paper presented at the International Conference on Philosophy in New Age of Religious and Cultural Pluralism. Washington, D.C., U.S.A., July 6-7, 2007. 3. Nimanong, Veerachart. The Image of Gods in Buddhism. Paper presented at the 1st Interreligious Dialogue Conference on \"Dialogue by Knowing:'', Szczecin University, Poland, May 26-28, 2008. 4. Nimanong, Veerachart. Relatives in Dhamma (Natidhamma) as the Basis for Mutual Understanding. Paper presented at the 1st Interreligious Dialogue Conference on \"Dialogue by Knowing\" Szczecin University, Poland, May 26-28, 2008. 3. Name Dr. Kajornpat Tangyin Department Philosophy and Religion Academic Article 1. Tangyin, Kajornpat. \"Reading Levinas on 'The Other' from a Christian Perspective.\" Prajna Vihara: Journal of Philosophy and Religion 8.1 (January-June 2007): 51-66. 2. Tangyin, Kajornpat. \"Reading Levinas on Ethics as First Philosophy.\" Journal of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand. 2.1 (March 2007): 71-90. Presentation 1. Tangyin, Kajornpat. Reading Levinas on 'The Other' from a Christian Perspective. Paper presented at the Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies. Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 9-July 21, 2007. 41

4. Name Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf Department Religion Academic Article 1. Yusuf, Imtiyaz. \"The Southern Thailand Conflict and the Muslim World\" Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 27.2 (August 2007): 319-339. Bookffextbook 1. Yusuf, Imtiyaz. Doing Cross-cultural Da'wah in Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: A.S. Noordeen, 2007. 5. Name Dr. John T. Giordano Department Religion Presentation 1. Giordano, T. John. Friday Offerings: On the Uses of Political Theology Paper presented at the Conference on Religion and Politics in Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand, December 2007. 6. Name Dr. Joseph Isidore Fernando Department Philosophy Academic Article 1. Fernando, J.I. \"Towards Understanding the Relation Between Religions and Cultures in Southeast Asia.\" American Journal oflslamic Social Sciences, 24. 4 (Fall 2007): 131-142. 2. Fernando, J.I. \"Towards a Critique of Globalization.\" Prajna Vihara: Journal of Philosophy and Religion (July-December 2007): 44-53. 3. Fernando, J.I. \"Christianity's Contribution to Peace\" The Role of Religious and Philosophical Traditions in Promoting World Peace: An Asian Perspective. Ed. Imtiyaz Yusuf. Adenauer, Konrad Stiftung, Singapore, 2007: 195-216. 42

Presentation 1. Fernando, J.I. The Ideals of Religion and Democracy: A Philosophical Perspective. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Religion and Democracy in Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, December 20-21, 2007. 7. Name Dr. Subhavadee Numkanisorn Department Philosophy and Religion Academic Article 1. Numkanisorn, Subhavadee. \"Jesus : Feminist.\" Saeng Tham Journal 32 (January- April 2008): 1-11 43

Graduate School of Psychology 1. Name Dr. Matthew McDonald Academic Article 1. McDonald, M. \"The Nature ofEpiphanic Experience.\" Journal of Humanistic Psychology 48 (January 2008): 89-115. 2. McDonald, M. and O'Callaghan Jean. \"Positive Psychology: A Foucauldian Critique.\" The Humanistic Psychologist 36 (May 2008): 127-142. 3. McDonald, M., Wearing, S. L., and J. Pointing. \"Narcissism and Neo-liberalism: Work, Leisure and Alienation in an Era of Consumption.\" Loisir et Societe/Society and Leisure (March 2008): 49-71 44

Graduate School of Education 1. Name Dr. Robert J. Ciszek Research Article 1. Ciszek, Robert J. \"Relationships Among Selected Academic and Institutional Perceptions, Attitudes, Needs, and Expectations of Postgraduate International Students at a Private University in Thailand.\" Faculty of Education Review. 1.1 (January-June 2007): 148-162. 45

Graduate School of English 1. Name Dr. Katarzyna Anna Ancuta Research 1. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Global Gothic. Funded by University of Stirling 2. Ancuta, Katarzyna. South-East Asian and East Asian Horror Film. 3. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Bangkok Gothic. Research Article 1. Ancuta, Katarzyna. \"Ringu and the Vortex of Horror: Contemporary Japanese Horror and the Technology of Chaos.\" Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 1.1 (2007): 23-42. 2. Ancuta, Katarzyna. \"Kaosu Means Chaos: The Japanese Sense of Fear and Its Consequences for Contemporary Horror Cinema.\" Fire and Ice: The Dialectics of Chaos and Order. Eds. M. Nitka, P. Dziedzic. Katowice: Wydawinetwo, 2007. Presentation 1. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Ringu and the Vortex of Horror: Contemporary Japanese Horror and the Technology of Chaos. Paper presented at the 2007 International Gothic Association (IGA) Conference: Gothic N.E.W.S., IGA 2007. Aix-en-Provence, France, June 25-29, 2007. 2. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Bangkok Gothic: Urban Spaces of Transgression and Excess. Paper presented at the Annual International Asian Cultural Studies Association (ACSA) Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, March 30 - April 1, 2007. 2. Name Dr. Rajeevnath Ramnath Presentation 1. Ramnath, Rajeevnath. Creative Writing in the Literature Classroom. Paper presented at the 9th Asia-TEFL International Conference on Empowering Asia: New Paradigms in English Language Education. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 8-10, 2007. 46

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