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Home Explore AU Awards for Excellence 2019

AU Awards for Excellence 2019

Published by AU Library, 2019-12-26 21:27:16

Description: AU Awards for Excellence, December 24, 2019


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THE AU A Each award was named after an illustrio and also in memory of our predecessors who teaching mission. The general policies govern Academic Awards Committee in 1997. These p and modi cation as may be called for. Excep Award and St. Joseph Award, the awards are class awards are meant to recognize mid-lev performed well above the norm as compared t 1. St. Montfort Award for Illustrious Serv 2. St. Michael Award for Public Service 3. St. Hilaire Award for Distinction in Wri 4. St. Martin de Tours Award for Excellen 5. St. Bernard Award for Special Merit 6. St. Thomas Aquinas Award for Researc 7. St. De La Salle Award for Commendab 8. St. Joseph Award for Dedicated Servic 9. Research Fellow

AWARDS ous person found in Catholic Church history had worked long and hard to carry out their ning each award were laid down by the AU policies are subject to review, re-interpretation pt for the St. Montfort Award, St. De La Salle given in three classes. The second and third vel and junior AU faculty and sta who have to their peer group. The awards are as follows: vice iting nce in Performance ch ble Service ce

St. Montfo Illustrious Se The St.Montfort Award was named a (1673-1716), the founder of the Brothers of walked before us toward the Living God. Follo path to union with God.The Brothers of St.Ga for a religious life and for their educative missi This award is given for faithful, dedicate University by senior administrators whose ca follows: Asst.Prof.Dr. Thitipong Tanprasert

ort Award ervice Award after St.Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort St. Gabriel. He is our spiritual master who owing in his footprints, we can proceed on a abriel in Thailand consider him to be a model ion. ed and outstanding services rendered to the areer spans more than twenty- ve years as

St. Micha Public Serv The St.Michael Award was named after S people of God. The award also honors the name of Bro who moved from Thailand to India during Wor at Eachinkadu, Yercaud, South India, tasked wi of the Province of Thailand. This award comes in three classes and provided academic and/or other signi cant se the University in academic and supporting ac In so doing, they uphold and promote the Un Asst.Prof.Dr. Narong Aphiratsakun Mrs. Siripan Pochailert Asst.Prof.Dr. Pannawit Sanitnarathorn

ael Award vice Award St.Michael the Archangel, the protector of the other Michael, one of the 13 French Brothers rld War II. He was appointed master of novices ith the training of a number of senior Brothers d is given to University members who have ervices to society, and who have represented ctivities that are acknowledged by the public. niversity's reputation and stature as follows: n

St. Thomas Aq Research The St. Thomas Aquinas Award was nam special talents that he devoted in full me St. Thomas Aquinas was a great Dominican extensively. His two Summas should not o philosophical writings. He dedicated his brillia truth of God in the light of faith and the hu Catholic schools. This award is given to those who contrib enhancement or the reputation and prestige in publications, patents and/or other innovati Asst.Prof.Dr. Wunwisa Krasaekoopt Asst.Prof.Dr. Yan Ye

quinas Award h Award med after St. Thomas Aquinas in respect for his easure to the search for the Eternal Truth. teacher (1225-1274). He traveled and wrote obscure his other biblical, theological and ant talents to the investigation of the sublime uman intellect. He is the patron saint of all bute through their research to the promotion, of the University. Their research should result ive materials or feature as follows:

St. De La Sa Commendable The St. De La Salle Award is named in Patron Saint of all teachers, who is credited profession and the twelve virtues of teachers. This award recognizes and rewards facu lecturers for over twenty- ve years at Assump of excellence in their profession as follows: Dr. Raman Shashi Kumar Ms. Ratsame Jaroensap Ms. Punnat Lee Mrs. Thanaporn Techasathian Mr. Kyaw San Mrs. Khin Saw Mon Dr. Marissa Chantamas Ms. Theingi Win

alle Award Service Award honor of St. De La Salle, a learned man and with writing the pedagogy of the teaching . ulty members who have served exclusively as ption University, maintaining high standards Dr. Kajornpat Tangyin Ms. Laphatsakorn Klaiwong Dr. Sasithorn Phonkaew Ms. Cho Mon Aung Asst.Prof.Dr. Siriporn Poonruksa Asst.Prof.Dr. Amonrat Thoumrungroje Ms. Khin Zar Win Htin Dr. Songsak Vanichviroon

St. Joseph Dedicated Se The St. Joseph Award is named after St. J and just man. The Catholic Church has procla workers. This award recognizes and rewards full Assumption University for at least twenty- ve beyond themselves in bringing service with s in sel ess ways as follows: Ms. Visallaya Chanpim Mr. Suwat Chuoykerd Mrs. Sirapat Khoonkaew Ms. Sukanlaya Muennarin Ms. Siripen Tanaprasertsuk Ms. Sureeporn Tangsinmonkong

h Award ervice Award Joseph. The bible mentions him as a humble aimed Saint Joseph as the Patron Saint of all l-time sta members who, having served at e years, in their everyday work and roles, go satisfaction to their colleagues and students, Mr. Samrit Chaichat Mrs. Thitiporn Sukprung Mrs. Nitikul Sirikanjanagovit Ms. Achiraya Ngamsa-Ard Mrs. Chansri Pholmeeboon Ms. Chompoonuch Suwanna

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