UThneiqueness & Identity
Several parts of the same have been put in the Appendices to show the changes with the passing of time (From 2010 onwards). Any part of this pullication may be reproduced without permission but with acknowledgement First published online in 2021 by Assumption University of Thailand Bangkok, Thailand Printed by AU Press, Bangkok, Thailand www.au.edu
The Uniqueness & Identity Assumption University of Thailand
01 Foreword 04 AU Goals AU History 10 II. Rationale for AU Uniqueness and Identitites 13 Uniqueness of AU and AU Graduates Identity 22 Appendix III Instutition Image
Contents 02 AU Vision 03 AU Identity AU Mission AU Core VAlues AU Uniqueness 07 Appendix I 08 I. Philosophical The Rationale for Foundations of AU Uniqueness and AU Uniqueness and Identities Identities 11 12Rationale for AU and Rationale for AU and AU Graduates Identity AU Graduates Identity 1: Proficiency in English 3: Entrepreneurship 2: Ethics and Morals 15 19Appendix II Definitions & Uniqueness Explanations of Terms 27 Appendix V 33 Appendix IV Synopsis Working Committee
Foreword Assumption University was founded in 1969 by Montfort Brothers of Saint Gabriel, Province of Thailand. The Institute of the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, under the local Catholic Church, has devoted itself mainly to the mission of education. Being both a university and a Catholic institution, the University has been designed to be both a community of scholars representing various branches of human knowledge and a higher education institution in which Catholicism is vitally present and operative. Since the beginning, it has been an international community of scholars, both faculty and students, set apart to pursue the Truth and knowledge in the light of Christian faith and inspiration. As John Paul explains ...“A Catholic University. pursues its objectives through its formation of an authentic human community animated by the spirit of Christ. The source of its unity springs from a common dedication to the truth, a common vision of the dignity of the human person and, ultimately, the person and message of Christ which gives the Institution its distinctive character.” (See Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, on Catholic Universities, No. 21).” Since the integration between faith and life and the synthesis of professional competence and Christian wisdom are at the foundation of Assumption University, this should be made clear to all members of the AU family who are so diverse in faiths and nationalities. With this certain fact of diversity, the central question for all AU members to reflect upon is how the integra- tion of these values can be implemented in their daily operations. The imple- mentation is the most essential part of the mission of education. This handout was prepared by the University Uniqueness and Identity Support Committee in 2014. It was edited once again in 2021. May I take this opportunity to thank them all for their tremendous efforts. Bro. Bancha S. August 2021 1ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Assumption University service to the local Catholic community, of Thailand the nation, and the world. Faithful to the Christian inspiration, the University has AU Vision CARE as its own core values. Assumption University envisions itself “CARE” stands for: as: C = Catholic Spirit 1. an international community of A = Accountability scholars; R = Righteousness E = Excellence 2. enlivened by Christian inspira- tion; AU Uniqueness Assumption University is an 3. engaging in the pursuit of Truth and knowledge; International Catholic University (ICU) which has its own uniqueness as 4. serving the human society, follows: especially through the creative use of interdisciplinary approaches and cyber 1. As a Catholic university, it technology. desires to cultivate an understanding of the Christian values within the context AU Mission of all forms of human enquiry. The Assumption University, an Interna- Christian values here include three theological virtues, namely, faith, hope, tional Catholic University, is committed and love as well as four cardinal virtues, to be the light that leads learners and its namely, prudence, fortitude, temper- stakeholders from all parts of the world ance, and justice. It seeks to provide a towards wisdom, Truth, and Christian place for continuing reflection upon the values and to discover “Treasure Within” growing treasure of human knowledge themselves via effective teaching and and to assure the desired learning research pedagogies of international outcome of individuals in the light of standards as well as community the Christian Golden Rule, “So always engagement. The University aims to form treat others as you would like them to individuals to be intellectually competent, treat you”(Matthew 7: 12). It is dedicat- morally sound, spiritually enriching, ed to serve the others with love and to accountable, righteous, and service- treat them with justice through its own minded citizens who excel in serving tradition which includes: their communities and the human society at large. - Catholic values - Catholic symbols AU Core Values - Catholic leader Assumption University aims at - Liturgical services achieving and maintaining a leading 2. As an international university, institution in higher education. It has it maintains an international community certain unique responsibilities to be of 2 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
of scholars, both faculty and students, - International students with different nationalities and - International recognition backgrounds. It is an autonomous - Learning environment institution serving the needs of human beings. It holds the spirit of pluralism AU Identity and multiculturalism which welcomes Established as an international freedom and differences with deep tolerance. It accepts the motto of unity Catholic higher education institution, in diversity through the international Assumption University has intended community. It is committed to the tenet to produce graduates cultivated with that “with respect to the fundamental competence, character, and care. At rights of the person, every type of every level of study, the University is discrimination, whether social or dedicated to the advancement of learning cultural, whether based on sex, race, in the light of Christian inspiration. The color, social condition, language, or identity of AU students and graduates is religion, is to be overcome and briefly known as 3 E’s, namely, ethics, eradicated as contrary to God’s intent” English proficiency, and entrepreneurial (Vatican Council II, Gaudium et Spes, spirit. No. 29). Accordingly, it is the policy of the University to fully support: 1. Ethics - Integrity (empathy, concern for - International programs others, nurturing relationships) - International scholars - Social consciousness (community service volunteering, responsible 3ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
citizenship, contributions to group others. In so doing they sense that they effort) are acting in accordance with what is deepest in them and thus opening them- - Discipline (self-esteem, self-dis- selves to Truth and to life as it is and as cipline, self-responsibility) it is meant to be (see Richard McBrien, Catholicism, 3rd ed., London: Geoffrey 2. English Proficiency Chapman, 1994, p. 217). Accordingly, conscience or the voice of Truth is the - Communicating (skills in listening, center of all activities, no matter with speaking, reading and writing) respect to educational administration, teaching and learning, conducting - Understanding (ability to use research, providing academic services to communicative English proficiency to the society, or promoting and preserving understand a cultural diversity) arts and cultures. - Learning (ability to use commu- The University aims at achieving nicative English skills to search for new and maintaining a leading international knowledge in the world of change so as Catholic university in the region which to succeed in professions and lead the produces graduates who excel in serving society and meet the new challenges) local and global communities. 3. Entrepreneurial Spirit AU History Assumption University was founded - Leadership (creative and strategic thinking to respond to business and in 1969 by the Brothers of St. Gabriel. It social issues, critical thinking to understand was initially originated from Assumption the pressing issues, decision making) Commercial College as an autonomous higher education institution under the - Management knowledge (digital name of Assumption School of literacy, business understanding, Business. In 1972, with the approval of marketability understanding) the Ministry of Education, it was officially established as Assumption - Labor omnia vincit (teamwork, Business Administration College or self-motivation, problem solving) ABAC. In May 1975, it was accredited by the Ministry of University Affairs. In AU Goals 1990, it was granted new status as Assumption University was founded Assumption University by the Ministry of University Affairs. to be a Catholic higher education institution. This university is called to be an The University is a non-profit intellectual center of highest quality, institution administered by the Brothers where the Christian values and human of St. Gabriel, a worldwide Catholic truths can be integrated. Given its origin religious order, founded in France in in promoting commerce, it realizes that 1705 by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, commerce without conscience is a social devoted to education and philanthropic sin. Hence even though seeking human activities. The congregation has been truths and knowledge is fully and freely supported, conscience is never ignored. Conscience is considered as a depth experience. All AU members and students are supposed to realize the call to transcend themselves and their own self-interest and to act on behalf of 4 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
operating many educational institutions peoples with diverse nationalities and at all levels in Thailand since 1901. cultural backgrounds in response to the Christian message offering a universal The Catholic Church in Thailand is a vision of the life of human beings on witness of Christ who serves the country earth that makes it realize the unity of through different activities including the human family (see Compendium of evangelism, pastoral work, education, the Social Doctrine of the Church, 2005, healthcare, social development, and p. 242). Even though Thailand is a social work. The Congregation of the Buddhist country, the European Brothers of St. Gabriel is dedicated to missionaries are welcome to preach to education. Since the beginning in 1901, Thai people as Bro. Martin P. Komolmas the Congregation itself has been an puts it, international community of religious Although our country remains predominantly Buddhists, since the early days of Western contact it has allowed European missionaries to place their ideas before its people, a process which resulted in the development of an indigenous Christian tradition of which Assumption University is proud to be a part. We too, of course, share the Thai tradition of openness and educate members of all religions, not just Catholics (see Luigi Bressan, A Meeting of Worlds: The Interaction of Christian Missionaries and Thai Culture, Bangkok: Assumption University Press, 2000, p. xi). Assumption University is an technology. The AU mission reflects that international community of scholars, of many large Catholic universities. enlivened by Christian inspiration, In addition, it has the distinction of engaged in the pursuit of Truth and being the first international university knowledge, serving the human society, in Thailand and of being one of the especially through the creative use of premier business universities in the interdisciplinary approaches and cyber- region. 5ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Appendix I The Rationale for AU Uniqueness and Identities 7ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
The Rationale for AU Uniqueness and Identities I. Philosophical Foundations of AU Uniqueness and Identities Assumption University’s Uniqueness “Nature of Catholic Education: Total development of man in accordance with the Christian virtues.” In loyalty to its Christian missions, Assumption University stands for: the inculcation of respect for the three institutions of the Nation, Religion, Country, the King and a democratic way of life. the belief that a man justifies himself and his existence by the nobility of his work. the commitment to be a light that leads men towards the true source of all knowledge and life. Assumption University’s Identities Provision of education to enable students to have awareness of the Last End of Man: Reason for birth, reason for living and Man’s destiny. Assumption University aims at forming intellectually competent Graduates who: are morally sound, committed to acting justly, and open to further growth. appreciate freedom of expression, and are imbued with attitudes and ideologies through a carefully integrated curriculum of ethics, science, languages and business management. achieve academic excellence through hard work, critical thinking, and effective decision making. Based on the philosophical foundations, Assumption University. This has these were concretized into principles henceforth become the guiding principles and fundamentals of the reason for of the philosophical foundations and existence of Assumption University. beliefs of which Assumption University These were translated into and stands for and had adhered to in the operationalized as the university’s past, present and into the future. Vision 2000 of the Graduates of 8 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
The Vision of Assumption University and the Vision of its graduates as enshrined in the AU Strategic Plan, 2008 – 2022 are as follows: AU Vision 2000: AU envisions itself as 1. an international community of scholars 2. enlivened by Christian inspiration 3. engaged in the pursuit of Truth and knowledge 4. serving human society, especially through the creative use of interdisciplinary approaches and cyber technology. AU Vision 2000: AU envisions its graduates as 1. healthy and open-minded persons, characterized by personal integrity, an independent mind, and creative thinking. 2. professionally competent, willing to exercise responsible leadership for economic progress in a just society. 3. able to communicate effectively with people from other nations and to participate in globalization. 9ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
II. Rationale for AU Uniqueness and Identitites As Assumption University celebrated Based on these strong and lasting its 40th Anniversary and its existence in fundamentals and principles in its 2010, there is a need to identify “what history, AU has established 3 main AU AU and AU graduates represent” and identities that can be said to be truly “what AU and AU graduates are identified representative of what AU was, presently by” from the stakeholders’ and society’s is and will continue to still be in the perceptions. In order to concretize the future. These 3 AU identities will be AU Identity, AU decided to trace its representative of the AU graduates of roots back to its early beginning and its what AU represents through their graduates philosophical foundations and beliefs, and what AU had been doing and will be development, evolution, and vision. doing in the next decades to continue to These will form the root foundations of build on these 3 AU identities. These are understanding AU and AU graduates the attributes that are the foundation of since its establishment in 1969. the reason for existence and offering of education to students to be aware and be In crafting the AU Identities, the AU opened to the realities of man’s destiny 2000 Vision and AU 2000 vision of its “Last End of Man”. AU graduates, as graduates are used as the building men who justifies themselves and their blocks of the development of AU existence by the nobility of their work Identities. The Vision 2000 and Vision are grounded in moral and ethical 2000 of graduate profile have been behavior and practices. It is believed that developed from the historical past and these three AU Identities had been the the hallmark of what AU had been and cornerstone of developing and building had achieved over the past 3 decades these graduates passion for life and going into the 4th decade in 2010. As manage their destiny and find a reason such, the AU Identity is also reflected in for his/her own existence. These three what the AU graduates should be and AU identities are: who they represent in society upon their graduation. AU and AU Graduates Identity 1: Proficiency in English AU and AU Graduates Identity 2: Ethics and Morals AU and AU Graduates Identity 3: Entrepreneurship 10 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Rationale for AU and AU Graduates Rationale for AU and AU Graduates Identity 1: Proficiency in English Identity 2: Ethics and Morals Since its establishment in 1969, AU has To enliven its Christian inspiration and been a Blue Ocean strategic option to in the pursuit of Truth and knowledge, society as it is a recognized and AU has always strived forth as a bastion established “first” higher education of values that is founded in moral and institute to provide all academic ethical practices since its founding in programs in English. Its namesake, 1969. A hallmark is that AU students operations and academic focus have and graduates are strongly grounded always been the utilization of English in ethics and moral towards oneself as the medium of instruction and and their conscientious responsibilities communication within and outside. AU towards the triple gem of the religion, is an international community where the nation and the king. This adherence scholars are able to communicate to the ethical and moral principles as effectively with people from other enlivened by AU Christian inspiration nations and to participate in globalization. ensures that AU graduates are healthy AU as an international community of and open-minded persons who are scholars has always capitalized on an characterized by personal integrity with international faculty body to develop an independent mind and creative and build the language proficiency of thinking. In fulfilling these ethical and AU graduates. This has been and will moralistic aspirations for AU graduates, always be a fundamental perception AU has always been identified by its and expectation that society always emphasis on Ethics as part of the relates AU and AU graduates with. This mandatory graduation requirement. As has underlined the basis of operation such, the basic philosophy of an AU and management in the student-focused graduate is embodied in “a sound mind outcomes and qualifications in English in a healthy body”. To be intellectually proficiency of the past and into the competent graduates AU graduates are coming years. This has represented the morally sound, committed to acting hallmark of success of AU and AU justly, and open to further growth. graduates. To be intellectually competent AU graduates, through their moral graduates, proficiency in English is and ethical stance, appreciate freedom essential to their academic endeavor of expression, and are imbued with and to achieve academic excellence attitudes and ideologies through a through hard work, critical thinking, carefully integrated curriculum of and effective decision making. As such, ethics, science, languages and business it is a primary identity of the AU management. Many extracurricular community and will continue to represent activities and operations are aimed AU and AU graduates in the future. at the continuous and progressive 11ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
development of the ethical and moral aspects of its students and graduates when engaged in the pursuit of Truth and knowledge. Rationale for AU and AU Graduates Identity 3: Entrepreneurship Back to its early founding days, AU started its academic programs in business, and business management programs continue to be its flagship programs. Over the decades, society has trusted and entrusted AU business grounded graduates, and from this the basic entrepreneurial spirit is instilled and imbued in AU graduates. AU non-business programs have been supplemented by business oriented and business based knowledge and skills to ensure that AU graduates, regardless of disciplines, are professionally competent, willing to exercise responsible leadership for economic progress in a just society. AU graduates are expected to be ethical and moral in serving human society, especially through the entrepreneurial and creative use of interdisciplinary approaches and cyber technology. As such, another hallmark of an AU graduates is the entrepreneurial spirit which is developed through the flagship core business programs and that supplements the other disciplines through business and entrepreneurial subjects in the program and extra- curricular activities. 12 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Uniqueness of AU and AU Graduates community of scholars in its faculty Identity and student populations in Thailand. As AU established its AU and AU In conclusion, the AU Identity and graduates Identity, of which all of them the AU Graduates Identity with its are a “first” in the Thai education arena, uniqueness as represented in its “inter- these three identities have become nationalization,” in its international the main differentiators from other community of scholars are based on universities. In this aspect and over the its identity for its 1) proficiency in period of 40 years, AU has developed English, 2) ethics and morals and 3) these three identities as AU internal entrepreneurship. These are within the competencies which are rare. As such, philosophical foundations and principle AU and its AU graduates Identity in of AU uniqueness of “Total develop- itself is its uniqueness and is specific to ment of the man in accordance to the AU and AU graduates of which these Christian virtues” and AU identities as represent the competencies that AU “Provision of education to enable intends to continue to develop and students to have awareness of the Last sustain as an international community End of Man: Reason for birth, reason of scholars. for living and Man’s destiny”. These had been the bastion and hallmark of In its uniqueness for the “total success of AU and AU graduates in its development of the man in accordance past, present and future. These AU to the Christian virtues,” AU uniqueness Identity and the AU Graduates Identity is expressed in its “international and its unique “internationalization” community of scholars” or “interna- will continue to be built upon for the tionalization”. This had been its sustainability of AU in its societal hallmark during its formative years contribution to the future and develop- when it represented the “first” in using ment of Thailand and in ASEAN. These English as the international medium of will continue to serve as a force to be instruction. It has steadfastly upheld reckoned as the very foundation of and continues to uphold this uniqueness sustainability of AU into the future. as AU has the largest international 13ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Appendix II Definitions & Explanitions of Terms 15ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
DEFINITIONS & You are the light of the world…” EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS (Matthew 5:13-14, on the Gate of Wisdom) Accountability refers to one of the four Catholic university is defined as a core values. An individual who is secure Catholic institution of higher learning in their values and commitments will characterized by shared Christian vision possess integrity and accountability. and goals, reflection in the light of faith, They will be able to take responsibility fidelity to tradition and commitment to for their decisions, which is important service. to improving themselves and developing as good leaders. They will also be in a Catholic values refer to Gospel values position to serve their society and excel expressed in the New Testament. in their careers. The University emphasizes the core values of Catholic spirit, accountability, righteousness, and excellence. Catholic leader refers to the President Discipline refers to the ability to control of the University who is a member of oneself to do things that should be done. the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel. English proficiency refers to the acquisition Catholic spirit refers to one of the four of the four skills of English usage. core values. The Catholic spirit is a spirit of service. This means that all AU Entrepreneurial spirit refers to the members should always be ready mindset to exercise responsible leadership to serve other people beyond even and take initiatives based on management the ordinary responsibilities of their knowledge through the motto: LABOR professions and their roles in society. OMNIA VINCIT. Catholic symbols refer to the use of Ethics refers to acquired moral values symbols invested with an inner meaning and character of students and graduates expressing Christian beliefs: through the formation process based on Catholic values. ● Crucifix, statute of Christ (“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”), Our Excellence refers to one of the four core Lady (Sedes Sapientia - the Seat of values. Excellence is a quality of being Wisdom), St. Louis Marie Grignion de exceptionally good. The AU faculty and Montfort, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John staff members should always try to do Paul II, St. John XXIII, St. Gabriel, St. their best in order to achieve excellence Rafael, St. Michael, St. Martin de Tours, in everything they do. St. Vincent Mary, Bernadette de Lourdes, Assumption, St. Philip & St. Bernard, Integrity refers to personal character St. Albert, St. Laurence, King David, adherent to honesty, reliability, credibility King Solomon, Queen of Sheba. and accountability. ● “You are the salt of the earth… 16 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
International programs refer to programs designed in line with the international curricula, using English as a medium of instruction, accessible to students worldwide, and recognized by overseas universities and organizations. International recognition refers to overseas collaboration through memoranda of understanding with universities and organizations as well as acceptance of students and graduates worldwide. International scholars refer to faculty members and researchers of diverse nationalities and cultures. International students refer to students of diverse nationalities and cultures. International university refers to an international learning community, with international recognition, composed of international programs, international scholars and students. Labor omnia vincit is the Latin slogan of AU which is printed in its letterheads and inscribed on its buildings. This translates as “Effort defeats everything”. Often in society, people merely accept what happens as a product of fate or fortune. But students at AU are taught to try to change their situation, to strive to overcome obstacles, not only through physical effort, but also by intellectual planning and critical thinking. Leadership refers to personal attributes that cover positive thinking, passion for success, critical and creative thinking. Learning environment refers to the 17ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
integration of architectural design, always be dedicated to justice. facilities, and atmosphere conducive to learning among students of diverse Social consciousness refers to awareness nationalities and cultures. of communal life with moral obligation Liturgical services refer to liturgical to care, share and sacrifice for others. and sacramental rites. (Mass celebrated on different occasions, i.e., the beginning Treasure Within refers to the inner of the new academic year, Assumption potential of each individual. Education Day, the feast of St. Louis Marie awakens this potential and allows it to Grignion de Montfort, Christmas, Holy develop. It allows to develop their Week, Easter, Sundays, weekdays.) innate skills and capacities and to Management knowledge refers to overcome their weaknesses. If a student knowledge concerning managerial is committed to Truth, the education functions in organization. process will allow them to develop to their full potential. Responsibility refers to the same thing as accountability as mentioned above. Truth refers to the Supreme Being whose role is taken seriously by AU as an International Catholic University. The University is proud of its diverse faculty and diverse student body who come from every region of the world and every religion, so it is supportive of the diversity of values under Truth. Yet, it is also dedicated to encouraging its students to rigorously strive for “Truth” in their education and in their individual lives. This Truth will differ based upon the background of the students, but for Christians, it refers to God who is crucial for creating a solid foundation for their values. Righteousness refers to one of the four core values. An individual who is educated with an attention to Truth and accountability will have developed a conscience and good will. They will be attentive to improving themselves and improving society in general. They will 18 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Uniqueness refers to the quality of being particularly remarkable, special, or unusual (Oxford English Dictionary) - The quality of being one of a kind (Thesaurus) - A state or condition wherein a university is unlike other universities in comparison (Wikipedia) เอกลักษณ (Uniqueness) หมายถงึ ความสำเรจ็ ตามจดุ เนน และจุดเดนท่สี ะทอนใหเ หน็ เปน ลักษณะ โดดเดน เปน หนง่ึ ของสถานศกึ ษา อัตลกั ษณ (Identity) หมายถงึ ผลที่เกิดขึน้ ของ ผูเรยี นตาม ปรชั ญา ปณิธาน วิสัยทศั น พนั ธกจิ และวตั ถปุ ระสงคข องการ จดั ตง้ั สถานศกึ ษา (เอกสารอา งองิ : คมู ือการประเมนิ คณุ ภาพภายนอก รอบสาม (พ.ศ. 2554 - 2558) ระดบั อดุ มศึกษา ฉบบั สถานศึกษา พ.ศ. 2554, สมศ.). World Class University refers to one of the top 200 universities in the world university rankings by internationally recognized organizations/ agencies. Remarks: For more details of Assumption University’s uniqueness and identity, see Appendix I 19ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Appendix III Institution Image 21ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Uniqueness as to its role as a Catholic university. an Institution Image We understand a Catholic university as a Catholic institution of higher Assumption University of Thailand learning characterized by shared is an International Catholic University Christian vision and goals, reflection whose uniqueness as an educational in the light of faith, fidelity to institution is connected to its history, tradition and commitment to service charism and mission. The University (Association of Christian Universities was founded by The Brothers of and Colleges in Asia ACUCA). It Saint Gabriel. This order was founded promotes Catholic values. These by Saint Louis Marie Grignion de refer to the Gospel values expressed Montfort in La Rochelle, France in the New Testament. The University in 1711, who opened schools for emphasizes the core value of the poor, orphans and physically Christianity which is love. challenged. Education has been its priority and charism ever since. The Throughout the campus, one word charism in general refers to a encounters various Catholic symbols gift which comes from God. In a which express the University’s more specific way it refers to the charism. Throughout the university unique beliefs that characterize an campus and its buildings and order of the Church such as the architecture there is a promotion Brothers of Saint Gabriel and its of the teachings of Christ who dedication to education. The Brothers proclaimed, “I am the Way, the of Saint Gabriel began its mission Truth, and the Life” (John14:6). in Thailand in 1901. Assumption It has also given a prominent place University of Thailand, founded in to the teaching of Christ concerning 1969, (better known as ABAC from the value of the individual: “You are its former name of Assumption the salt of the earth… You are the Business Administration College) light of the world...” (Matthew was the first university in Thailand 5:13-14). to offer all classes in the English language. It became Thailand’s first The University uses the statute of international university. Our Lady as its symbol. It is a tradition handed down for centuries that Even though it is an international Christians venerate the Mother of university, its uniqueness is connected Christ as \"the Seat of Wisdom\" (Sedes Sapientiae). According to 22 ASSUMPTION Christian belief, Christ is the UNIVERSITY wisdom seated on the Throne. This
implies, on the one hand, that the Mother of Christ is the Dwelling Place of the Supreme Wisdom of all sciences. On the other hand, the university is the Alma Mater, or our Mother who is also the \"Dwelling Place of Knowledge\". In this context, \"Assumption\" which, besides its religious meaning in glorification of the Mother of Christ, has yet another meaning in Thai, namely the \"Abode of Abiding Knowledge\". Rightly, \"Assumption University\" is the Seat of Wisdom. (Ref.: The folder prepared by Bro. Martin on August 12, 2004: The Coronation of the Virgin Mary, Assumption University). Also in connection with its charism, the University has erected statues and named buildings after St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (who was the founder of the order), St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John Paul II, St. John XXIII, St. Gabriel, St. Rafael, St. Michael, St. Martin de Tours, St. Vincent Mary, Bernadette de Lourdes, Assumption, St. Philip & St. Bernard, St. Albert, St. Laurence, King David, King Solomon,and Queen of Sheba. There is also a standard use of the Crucifix throughout the campus. The crucifix can be understood not only as the death and resurrection of Christ, but also the need of everyone to die to their body concerns and be reborn into a spiritual wisdom. This 23ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
too is one role of education. These symbols can have great meaning for students of all faiths and even those who are without a religious faith. The University has in its history recruited its Catholic leaders and presidents from the ranks of the members of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel. The university chapels hold various Identity of its Graduates Liturgical services and sacramental As a Catholic university, AU emphasiz- rites. Special mass is celebrated to es the formation process of its gradu- mark the beginning of the new ates, even as it recognizes the wide academic year, Assumption Day, the diversity of cultures and religions of feast of St. Louis Marie Grignion de its students. This formation process Montfort, Christmas, Holy Week, can be summarized by three E’s. Easter in addition to daily mass. Ethics As a Catholic institution, the University emphasizes the teaching of Ethics. This involves fostering the moral values and building the character of students through university courses, conferences and other activities and formation processes based on the promotion of Catholic values. Among these values, the University promotes Integrity, Social Consciousness, and Discipline. Integrity refers to honesty, reliability, 24 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
credibility and accountability. Social international program is understood Consciousness refers to awareness as a program designed in line with of communal life with moral international standards and curricula, obligation to care, share and sacrifice using English as a medium of for others. Discipline covers both instruction, accessible to students self-discipline and social discipline. worldwide and recognized by overseas Self-discipline refers to the ability universities and organizations. The to control oneself to do things that University has always made a point should be done. Social discipline to seek international scholars, refers to respect for social norms teachers and researchers of diverse and for the rights of others. nationalities and cultures, and has always prided itself on attracting English Proficiency many international students from English proficiency has always diverse nationalities and cultures. been a part of Assumption University’s history and uniqueness. It continues The University has invested heavily to cultivate students’ skills for in its learning environment. One global integration. can see on a large scale at the Suvarnabhumi campus which has Assumption University prides itself materialized Brother Martin’s vision as being the first international of a campus in the park. It also refers university in Thailand. It has to the integration of architectural always emphasized international design, facilities, and atmosphere programs, international scholars conducive to learning among its and students, and the importance international students. of international recognition. An 25ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
International Recognition refers to all things). This refers to the belief networking and overseas collaboration that human persons justify themselves through formal memoranda of and their existence by the nobility of understanding with distinguished their work which includes industrious universities and organizations, effort, commitment, determination, including acceptance of students and and courage to face adversity. graduates worldwide. The University Leadership refers to personal also promotes international conferences attributes that cover positive thinking, to enhance these connections. passion for success, critical and creative thinking. Management Entrepreneurial Spirit knowledge refers to knowledge As a leading business university concerning managerial functions in in Thailand, the creation of an organization. entrepreneurial spirit has always been emphasized. This refers to a Remarks: mindset which combines creativity The Brothers of St. Gabriel and with the exercise of responsible Monfort Brothers of St. Gabriel are leadership, and the ability to take identical and can be used interchangeably. initiatives based on the motto: Labor omnia vincit (Labor conquers Au & AU have been used to represent Assumption University. 26 ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Appendix V Working Committee 33ASSUMPTION UNIVERSITY
Hua Mak Campus Suvarnabhumi Campus 592/3 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 24, 88 Moo 8 Bang Na-Trad Km. 26 Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Bang Sao Thong, Hua Mak, Bang Kapi, Samut Prakan 10570, Bangkok 10240, Thailand Thailand Tel. (66) 0-2723-2222 Fax. (66) 0-2707-0395 Tel. (66) 0-2300-4543-62 E-mail: [email protected] Fax. (66) 0-2300-4563 E-mail: [email protected]
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