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Home Explore Fall 2017 Bible Study Catalog (002)

Fall 2017 Bible Study Catalog (002)

Published by Concord United, 2017-08-08 14:47:32

Description: Fall 2017 Bible Study Catalog (002)


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Concord UMCClasses/Studies/Small Groups FALL 2017

“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without FRIDAYSChrist. It remains an abstract idea, a myth which has a place for theFatherhood of God, but omits Christ as the living Son . . . There is DIVE DEEPER: MOMS GROUP—Facilitated by Kim Minktrust in God, but no following of Christ.” (Dietrich Bonhöffer, TheCost of Discipleship) This is a group that exists to encourage and inspire moms to do more than just survive. This group provides weekly encouragement and support throughThe mission of Concord United Methodist Church is “Sharing fellowship and studies rela ng to their lives as mothers, wives, and women.Christ. Serving Others. Growing In Faith.” Study “Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed: A study of David” ‐Sunday morning worship is the primary time in the life of the disci- (Shirer, Moore and Arthur)ple where one remembers and reflects that they are each a belovedchild of God and each person can respond to such love and com- The messages presented are divided into three segments,mune with God by a dedicated time of glorifying and worshiping Him two lessons from each author. Each segment focuses onChristian community. the life of David at a different stage of his life: as a young man (sessions one and two by Priscilla Shirer), as a middle‐Becoming a faithful disciple begins in worship, but it is deepened aged man (sessions three and four by Beth Moore), and asthrough dedicated discipleship to grow in one’s faith. It is a lifelong a man facing the final third of his life (sessions five and sixprocess in the context of Christian community that includes infor- by Kay Arthur). You’ll laugh with them, cry with them, andmation (what we know), formation (who we are and are becoming), learn to love God with them. We will spend me learning that even if we areand transformation (how the world is changed because of who we flawed that we can s ll be used by God.are and what we do). MEETS: AUGUST 25—SEPTEMBER 27– 9:30—11:30 AM, ROOMTo affirm the calling to discipleship, classes, studies and small 296groups are regularly offered to provide a framework for people tobecome deeply committed Christians through their head Study “The Family of Jesus” (Karen Kingsbury)(theologically informed), heart (spiritual transformation) and hands(putting faith into action). We will spend me learning about the story of Jesus through the eye of his family. The characters in these short storiesIn Acts 8:30-31 we read, “So Philip ran up to it and heard him read- were among those closest to Jesus‐‐Mary, Joseph, Jesus'ing the prophet Isaiah. He asked, \"Do you understand what you are brother James, John the Bap st, Zechariah, and Elizabeth.reading?\" He replied, \"How can I, unless someone guides me?\" Each has a compelling tale to tell. Kingsbury intersperses fic‐And he invited Philip to get in and sit beside him.” As shown by thestory of Philip and the Ethiopian, we grow in our faith by learning onal, emo onally gripping details anchored in Scripturetogether and the following classes/studies/small groups are offered with historical and theological insights and ques ons that willso that each disciple of Christ may come to a deeper and more guide soul‐searching and reflec on.meaningful faith.. Our classes are open to members, visitors The Family of Jesus not only provides a deeper understanding of the rela vesand friends. of our Savior, but also helps readers acquire tools that will draw them closer to Christ, to the Scriptures, and to each other.Contact Glenna Manning, Pastor of Discipleship, for more infor-mation or to arrange childcare for any class/study in which you BEGINS: OCTOBER 6, 9:30—11:30, ROOM 296desire to participate. ([email protected]) or 966-6728.

THURSDAYS WHATS THE DIFFERENCE?DIVE DEEPER: Soul Sisters Women’s Study— At Concord UMC, we offer classes, studies and small group experiences. ToMoses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet help you to understand the differences, between each of these, we offer the following explana on: It doesn’t get much more drama c: rescued baby, life in the courts of Pharaoh, par ng the Red Sea, leading his people out Classes—Classes meet on a regular on‐going basis or for a topical series, such of Egypt…Moses’ life was one challenge a er the next, but alt‐ as weekly Sunday morning classes that meet from 9:50—10:45 or others that hough he resisted God’s calling, by the end of his life he suc‐ may be offered during the weekday. Classes may be grouped genera onally cessfully fulfilled the role he was given. Join award‐winning or topically, though some classes are mul ‐genera onal and study a variety of author Adam Hamilton as he travels from Egypt to Mt. Sinai, topics. A full lis ng of our Sunday morning classes are offered in a different the Nile, the Red Sea, and the wilderness exploring the sites of publica on and can also be found on our website (, Moses’ life. As Hamilton shares historical informa on, archaeo‐ while weekday classes are listed within this publica on.logical data, and biblical text, you’ll gain a be er understanding of Moses’significance in your life today, and you’ll discover how you, too, can turn your Studies—Studies meet throughout the week and are short‐term, las ng fromown reluctance into boldness. Led by Joan De Tar. 4—12 weeks. The studies offered at Concord are offered in four different series:BEGINS: AUGUST 17 — 10:00—11:30 AM, ROOM 296  Facing the Issues—Studies in this series tend to look at cultural andAll Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, current issues as they relate to our spiritual life.rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so thatthe servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every  What About . . . ? ‐ Studies in this series look at faith as pertaining togood work. the ques ons we may have about Scripture, conflicts in Scripture, var‐ ying religions or apologe cs (defense of Chris anity). 2 Timothy 3:16-17  Diving Deeper—Studies in Diving Deeper are focused primarily on Biblical study of Scripture, or around the themes of Scripture (e.g., forgiveness, grace, prayer, etc.)  Fresh Starts—For those who are new to the faith or those who feel they lack an understanding of the basic Chris an tenets of faith, Fresh Starts provides a safe place to learn and to ask ques ons about faith. Small Groups—Disciple‐2‐Disciple (D2D) ‐ In a D2D group, persons seek to live together in biblical community for the purposes of Christ‐centered wor‐ ship, edifica on, rela onal evangelism, and discipleship. The goal of these life groups is to develop small communi es where people share their faith walk with others as they deal with the various stages of life and give and receive support from one another. Groups meet twice a month and are available for women, men, couples, at a variety of mes throughout the week.

SUNDAYS WEDNESDAYS CONNECT TO CONCORD DIVE DEEPER: ADULT STUDY—The Will of God & Is There More (Leslie Weatherhead) If you are new to Concord UMC or have yet to connect to an adult Sunday morning class, join us for a six‐week course taught by the pastors of Con‐ Join in the study of two Chris an classics by Dr. Leslie Weatherhead., which cord. In this class we will cover such topics as Founda ons of Methodism, will be studied together. Structure of the UM church, structure of Concord UMC, the primary teach‐ ings of John Wesley, and how to worship and live life in the community of The Will of God—During the tumultuous era of World War CUMC. Offered at least twice a year from 9:50‐10:45 AM, Room 202. II, the city of London sha ered under unrelen ng bombs UPCOMING DATES: September 10—October 15 , 2017 dropped by Nazi Germany. Millions of buildings were de‐ stroyed or damaged, tens of thousands of civilians were January 21—February 25, 2018 killed, and survivors were le to ask: How can this destruc on be part of God’s plan? What is God’s will in all of this? MONDAYS A er City Temple in London was reduced to rubble, Rev. Leslie WeatherheadWHAT ABOUT . . . ? SERIES: cra ed five sermons on understanding the will of God to help his congrega‐TOPIC 1— WHEN THE WORDS OF JESUS DON’T MAKE SENSE (BYTALBOT DAVIS) on endure religious doubt as their city—and church—crumbled around them. Weatherhead’s sermons were eventually published as The Will of God, You’re not alone if you’ve found some of what Jesus said a resource that has sold more than a million copies and has been a lifeline for to be perplexing and maybe even a li le uncomfortable. grieving persons seeking to understand God’s purpose for their pain. We will In this five‐week study, we will study seek to be er un‐ immediately move from the first book into the second, reflec ng upon this derstand some of Jesus’ most difficult sayings, and how to first text as we move forward. take the words to heart and embrace a new way of life as a result . Led by Pastor Mike Stallings. Is There More: Heaven, Hell, and the Eternal Life that Begins Now— Think you know everything there is to knowMEETS: SEPTEMBER 11 ‐ OCTOBER 9—ROOM 226— 6:30—8:00 about the life that lies beyond this one? Think again. Ques‐CLASS— TWELVE STEPS FOR CHRISTIANS ons about life beyond death are always with us. In this clas‐ sic volume, Leslie Weatherhead answers personal and im‐This class combines the prac cal wisdom of the twelve steps portant ques ons about heaven, hell, and the future God haswith the spiritual truths of the Bible. This combina on of re‐ in store for us. Facilitated by Pastor Glenna Mannningcovery and spirituality offers Chris ans an effec ve way towork a tradi onal Twelve‐Step program and name Jesus Christ MEETS: OCTOBER 18—DECEMBER 6—6:30—7:30, ROOM 296as their Higher Power. Facilitated by members of the 12‐stepcommunity and Pastors Wil Cantrell and Glenna Manning .NEW CLASS BEGINS—OCTOBER 2—ROOM E‐217—7:00—8:30

WEDNESDAYS TUESDAYSDIVE DEEPER: ADULT STUDY—The Gospel According to Daniel DIVE DEEPER SERIES: LUNCH & LEARNO en we read the book of Daniel in one of two ways‐‐either as a book about Bring your lunch if you desire and join with other adults for weekly study.a heroic man whose righteousness should inspire us to keep the faith noma er what our circumstances, or as a roadmap to the end mes that can, SESSION 1through careful study, perhaps tell us the day and hour (or nearly so) ofChrist's return. Both sadly miss the bigger picture, that God is the hero of this FINDING GOD IN UNEXPECTED PLACES (BY PHILIP YANCEY)story and he is in the midst of his unrelen ng plan to rescue his people fromtheir sin and its consequences. Te book of Daniel is, like all of Old Testament Traces of God can be found in the most unexpected places. Yet many Chris‐Scripture, poin ng us toward the grace of God, ul mately revealed in ans have not only missed seeing God, they've overlooked opportuni es toChrist. Facilitated by Pastor Glenna Manning make him visible to those most in need of hope. In this enlight‐ ening book author Philip Yancey serves as an insigh ul tourMEETS: AUGUST 23—SEPTEMBER 20 —6:30—7:30, ROOM 296 guide for those willing to look beyond the obvious, poin ng out glimpses of the eternal where few might think to look. In this text, from Ground Zero to the Horn of Africa, and each stop along the way reveals footprints of God, touches of his truth and grace that prompt readers to search deeper within their own lives for glimpses of transcendence. Led by Pastor Glenna Manning MEETS: AUGUST 22—OCTOBER 3—11:30—1:00 ROOM 296 SESSION 2 CRASH TEST DUMMIES: SURPRISING LESSONS FROM THE BOOK OF JUDGES (BY TALBOT DAVIS) This study explores the stories of the judges from the perspec ve of the Isra‐ elites' repeated failure to be faithful to God alone. Davis high‐ lights how the Israelites in Judges made the same mistake of apostasy over and over again. Each me God delivered them, they eventually fell back into the predictable, tragic pa ern. We consider the shape that pa erns of sin take in our lives, and how God seeks to free us from them and empower us for faith‐ ful living. Led by Pastor Glenna Manning MEETS: OCTOBER 17—NOVEMBER 14—11:30—1:00 ROOM 296

TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYSDIVE DEEPER: LUNCH & LEARN DIVE DEEPER: FOOD FOR THOUGHT  Bring your lunch if you desire and join with other adults for weekly study. The Food for Thought study offers a variety of topics within the context of TheSESSION 3—Advent study United Methodist Chris an Community. The diverse topics are mely issues that exercise the brain. This fall topics include Theological ABCs, The Bea ‐BECAUSE OF BETHLEHEM LOVE IS BORN, HOPE IS HERE (BY MAX tudes (Wm. Barclay), Voca ons: Faith in Careers Series, and Origins/SingingLUCADO) of Christmas Carols (Advent Study) Led by Rev. Bill Kilday, LeAnn Tro er, and Janie Wendelken.Because of Bethlehem, God knows what it is like to be a human. When we talk to God about our challenges, our struggles, and our tough BEGINS: AUGUST 23, 6:00‐7:00, ROOM E‐109 (ONGOING) mes, he understands, because he's been there. He's been here. Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the MEN’S PLAY & PRAY cradle became the king on the cross. Because he died, there are no marks on our record, just grace. Because of Bethlehem, we Adult men are invited to stretch your bodies and your spirit as you fellowship have the promise God is always near us . And long a er the with men for informal games of pick‐up basketball in our gym on Wednesday Christmas guests have le , the carolers have gone home, and evenings, followed by a brief devo on and prayer. the lights have come down, that promise endures. Led by Pas‐ BEGINS AUGUST 16: 6:30‐7:30, GYM (ONGOING)tor Glenna Manning And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by theMEETS: NOVEMBER 28—DECEMBER 19—11:30—1:00 renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will ofROOM 296 God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. For the word of God is living and active, sharper than Romans 12:2 any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart.DIVE DEEPER: CENTERING PRAYERThis group studies and discusses the role of prayer and medita on on our spir‐itual journey, par cipates each week in a silent prayer session centered onGod, and engages in intercessory prayer for those in need. Led by Jack Wil‐son.MEETS: EVERY TUESDAY, 5:00–6:00 PM, ROOM 131 (ongoing)

WEDNESDAYS TUESDAYSDIVE DEEPER: Women’s Bible Study “Anointed, Transformed, FACING THE ISSUES SERIES:Redeemed: A study of David” ‐ (Shirer, Moore and Arthur) TOPIC 1—THE FUTURE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH The messages presented are divided into three segments, two Join Pastor Wil Cantrell as he leads a 3‐week study of his new book, “Unafraid lessons from each author. Each segment focuses on the life of and Unashamed: Facing the Future of Un ed Methodism.” In this study we David at a different stage of his life: as a young man (sessions will explore the opportuni es and challenges facing our church, denomina‐ one and two by Priscilla Shirer), as a middle‐aged man (sessions three and four by Beth Moore), and as a man facing on, and society in the 21st century. the final third of his life (sessions five and six by Kay Arthur).You’ll laugh with them, cry with them, and learn to love God with them. We MEETS: AUGUST 29 & SEPT. 5 & 12—6:30—8:00—ROOM 296will spend me learning that even if we are flawed that we can s ll be used byGod. Facilitated by Kim Mink. TOPIC 2—RACISM AND RELIGIONMEETS: AUGUST 23—SEPTEMBER 26‐ 5:30—6:30, ROOM 125 For this study we will explore the historical development and modern day reali es of race and Chris anity in America. This class will explore how histori‐DIVE DEEPER: Women’s Bible Study “The Family of cally a significant por on of churches were corrupted by economic incen vesJesus” (Karen Kingsbury) into teaching a racial worldview and how the church has also been at the forefront of the push for aboli on, civil rights, and racial equality. Led byWe will spend me learning about the story of Jesus Pastor Wil Cantrell.through the eye of his family. The characters in these shortstories were among those closest to Jesus‐‐Mary, Joseph, MEETS: OCTOBER 17, 23, NOVEMBER . 6 & 13 —6:30—8:00Jesus' brother James, John the Bap st, Zechariah, and ROOM 296 (EXCEPT FOR OCTOBER 17, MEET IN 226)Elizabeth. Each has a compelling tale to tell. Kingsburyintersperses fic onal, emo onally gripping details anchored DIVE DEEPER: DISCIPLE I—OLD TESTAMENT (DINNER & STUDY)in Scripture with historical and theological insights and ques ons that willguide soul‐searching and reflec on. Join in this updated study of one of the most popular andThe Family of Jesus not only provides a deeper understanding of the rela ves best‐selling Bible studies in recent mes. This 12 weekof our Savior, but also helps readers acquire tools that will draw them closer study helps par cipants to develop a deeper understand‐to Christ, to the Scriptures, and to each other. Facilitated by Kim Mink. ing of their faith by looking at the historic forma on of our Judeo‐Chris an faith through context and culture. Led byBEGINS: OCTOBER 4, 5:30—6:30, ROOM 125 excellent Bible teacher, Rev. Jim Bailes. MEETS: AUGUST 22—NOV. 14—WORSHIP CENTER & E‐110 6:00 (DINNER) & 6:30—8:00 (STUDY) — (PLEASE PRE‐REGISTER— WWW.CONCORDUMC.COM/EVENTS

TUESDAYS TUESDAYSFRESH STARTS SERIES: CLASS— GRIEF RECOVERY GROUP: MAKING PEACE WITHSESSION 1—BASICS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH (DINNER & STUDY) YOUR PASTIf you ever felt you were missing out in your understanding of the Chris an Simply defined, grief is the normal and natural reac on to significant emo‐fundamentals, this class is for you. Topics included in this class include, why onal loss of any kind. Loss includes death, divorce and rela onships, ashave faith, who is Jesus and what is the significance of his death, why and howdo we pray, what is the work of the Holy Spirit, and what is the role of the well as loss of job, home, lifestyle, health, finances, empty nest, addi on,church. Begin the evening with a free dinner and join Pastor Larry Tro er in and many others.this me of discovery. How individuals handle grief can affect them physically and mentally, im‐MEETS: AUGUST 22—SEPTEMBER 12 —6:00 (DINNER) 6:30— pac ng decision making and emo onal reac ons throughout his/her life.8:00 (STUDY) — WORSHIP CENTER & E‐109. PLEASE PRE‐REGISTER— Some of the consequences of unresolved grief include health issues, an‐ ger, violence, abuse, addic on, withdrawal, depression, anxiety and sui‐WWW.CONCORDUMC.COM/EVENTS cide. CLASS— FINANCIAL PEACE (DINNER AND To help persons cope with whatever may be a source of grief, we are offer‐ STUDY) ing this six‐weeks program let by Cer fied Grief Recovery Specialist, Joy Gaertner. Financial Peace teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interac‐ Class is limited to 20 persons and costs $15 for the work‐ book. PLEASE  PRE‐REGISTER—WWW.CONCORDUMC.COM/ ve small group ac vi es, FP presents biblical, prac cal EVENTS steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to Introductory session— Learn more about the classget rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!  October 3— 6:30—7:30—Room 293.This class 9‐week class is led by Dennis Collins who has successfully led sever‐ Regular Group—Six Sessions—al of these courses before. Join us not only for this class but also for a free  October 17— November 28 (No class, October 31) ‐dinner. To register & purchase kit, please go to this link—h ps:// (Note: The course costs $93 for the kit, but for those who 6:30—8:30—Room 293complete the class, a $50 rebate is given by the church. )MEETS: SEPTEMBER 12 —NOV. 7—6:00 (DINNER) 6:30—8:00(STUDY) — WORSHIP CENTER & E‐227.

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