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Home Explore Adult Sunday Morning Classes 2017-18 (Rev. Dec. 2017)

Adult Sunday Morning Classes 2017-18 (Rev. Dec. 2017)

Published by Concord United, 2018-01-11 13:19:56

Description: Adult Sunday Morning Classes 2017-18 (Rev. Dec. 2017)


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Concord United Methodist Church 2017-2018

JOINING IN STUDYWe read in the book of Acts about the importance of comingalongside of one another in our understanding of Scripture andfaith: “So Philip ran up to [the chariot] and heard him readingthe prophet Isaiah. He asked, \"Do you understand what you arereading?\" He replied, ‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’And he invited Philip to get in and sit beside him” (Acts 8:30-31).At Concord United Methodist we believe we learn best in com-munity; therefore, we offer many Sunday morning class oppor-tuniƟes for all ages as well as weekday studies (refer to our com-panion booklet for weekday studies). From pre-school, childrenand youth to senior adults, we seek to offer classes that are ap-propriate for each step of faith development.Sunday morning classes meet from 9:50-10:45, and featuredifferent formats, class size, and study topics. Church membersand visitors are encouraged to visit several classes to find theone that matches their interests and learning style. The descrip-Ɵons that follow are provided by each class. New classes areformed each year and the most up-to-date informaƟon can befound on the church website, by calling the church office (966-6728), or contacƟng Glenna Manning, Pastor of Discipleship([email protected])

ADULT CONFIRMATIONThis class is an adult companion class for our students who are in6th grade confirmaƟon class. Students and parents will be cover-ing the same material, but in two different seƫngs. The class be-gins August 13 and conƟnues unƟl ConfirmaƟon Sunday, May 20and meets in the gym.FACILITATORS:Billy & Kim Mink—[email protected]: Gym BIBLICAL INSIGHTSBiblical Insights class is open to all adults who desire to deepentheir knowledge of the Bible. We will begin by studying The Epicof Eden: A ChrisƟan Entry into the Old Testament. If yourknowledge of the Old Testament feels like a grab bag of people,books, events and ideas; or despite your countless efforts, youcannot understand or make sense of the Old Testament, thisclass is for you! There will also be special Advent and Lentstudies during the year.FACILITATOR:Pastor Glenna Manning [email protected]: Room 123 (Under Sanctuary)

CLASS 1:28This class is comprised mostly of parents (with children agesranging mostly from newborn to middle school) who are seekingopen-minded discussion of relevant topics that reflect daily lifefor the adult ChrisƟan. Our concentraƟon is learning how best tobring up kids and nurture our families in a Godly way, pleasing toHim, and in keeping with His commandments. We share diverseopinions and are able to do so respecƞully and with somehumor.This dynamic, Biblical-based class seeks to study Biblicalteachings and inspired text and apply these teachings to ourdaily lives. ParƟcipants who desire to do so take turns leadingthe class in topic and discussion. By sharing the wealth of ourcombined experiences, we help reach others in our faithjourneys. Class 128 welcomes all levels of Biblical knowledge toparƟcipate. We have in common our love for Jesus, for ourfamilies, and our devoƟon to each other as friends throughChrist.This class is also a service-inspired class. By parƟcipaƟng in arange of service acƟviƟes with our children, we seek to teachthem what Christ stressed to His disciples that through servingothers, we serve Him. We welcome visitors and love to see newfaces. Come as you are!FACILITATOR:Shannon Eaker - [email protected]: Room C128—(Under Sanctuary)

COMMITMENTSClass members are both couples and singles; ages 40 – 50 withchildren who range in age from middle school through college.We cover topics from A to Z. We enjoy studies from DVD's orfrom books, usually in a 4-6 week range. Topics have included:family, marriage, children, society, United Methodism and spe-cific seasons of the Church. Instead of a designated, weeklyteacher; class members volunteer to teach a study.We also enjoy a class \"social\" at least once every 5-6 weeks.Members bring in breakfast foods for that morning. We haveenjoyed several social ouƟngs outside of Church during the year.We choose a specific organizaƟon or a family we have beenmade aware of to assist at Christmas every year. Examples:Wesley House families, KARM, Mission of Hope and the Chil-dren's Center of the Cumberlands.FACILITATORS:Jennifer Anderson - 865-691-3960 - hkiƩ[email protected] St. Pierre - 865-705-5720 - [email protected]: Room 127 (Under Sanctuary)

CONNECT TO CONCORDFor those new to Concord UMC or not currently connected toanother class, this six-week class will cover such topics as ♦ FoundaƟons of Methodism ♦ Structure of the UM church ♦ Sructure of Concord UMC ♦ The primary teachings of John Wesley ♦ How to worship and live life in the community of CUMCMEETING DATES:♦ January 21, 2018 through February 25, 2018FACILITATORS:Pastors - Glenna Manning, Wil Cantrell, & Larry TroƩerLOCATION: Room 202-203 (Office Building Hallway)

FAITHFUL DISCIPLESFaithful Disciplines is a facilitator-lead class that studies avariety of ChrisƟan literature and topics. Typical study serieslast 4-6 weeks and are led by volunteers from the class. Studiesmay include books of the Bible; books and short-studies by con-temporary ChrisƟan authors such as Adam Hamilton, MaxLucado, Phillip Yancey, and Will Willimon; and review ofChrisƟan history and theology.AddiƟonally, the class has used video series available throughRight Now Media which provides access to many ChrisƟanlecturers and leaders (e.g., Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, JohnOrtberg, etc.). In addiƟon to our weekly gatherings, we enjoygeƫng together for socials and helping in a variety of churchmissions.FACILITATOR:Robin Manning - [email protected]: Room 129 (Under Sanctuary)

FOUNDATIONSIn the FoundaƟons class, topics are taught from ChrisƟan per-specƟves and vary depending upon current events and interestsof class members. In order to offer a variety of subject maƩer,the class does not have one teacher but various class membersvolunteer to be responsible for arranging class lessons and/orspeakers. Open and caring class parƟcipaƟon is encouraged.FACILITATOR:Brenda Fields - [email protected]: Room 226 (Across from Sanctuary)FRIENDSHIP The Friendship Class studies topics and life applicaƟons through a variety of Biblical passages and books wriƩen by spiritual lead- ers. Sunday morning teachers and studies vary weekly. We are a caring and loving class. We welcome visitors and invite all adults to come and be a part of this class. FACILITATOR: Dale Weaver - 865-288-0093 [email protected] LOCATION: Room 296 (Upstairs of Pre-school wing)

NEW HORIZONSNew Horizons is a small diverse group of singles, longƟme mar-ried couples, couples with toddlers, and grandparents with tod-dlers who are united by love for Christ and search for His guid-ance in daily living. Class studies include in-depth Bible studyand contemporary issues.FACILITATOR:Julia Lawson - 865-679-8694—[email protected]: Room 125 (Under Sanctuary) NEW VISIONSNew Visions is a discussion-based group led by Jack Wilson, a re-Ɵred college professor with a PhD in New Testament and anEd.D. in English. We alternate in studying the Bible in light ofcurrent Biblical criƟcism and a contemporary book about thestate of ChrisƟanity. We welcome seekers, “nones” (those whoprofess no religion), and skepƟcs.In the fall of 2017, we will be finishing our survey of Old Testa-ment books. In the winter of 2018, we will begin the study oftwo recent books on ChrisƟanity: Brian McLaren’s “The GreatSpiritual MigraƟon: How the World’s Largest Religion Is Seeking aBeƩer Way to Be a ChrisƟan” and our own associate minister,Wil Cantrell’s , “Unafraid and Unashamed: Facing the Future ofUnited Methodism. “FACILITATOR:James Remont - 865-777-1400 - [email protected]: Room 204 (Office Building Hallway)

PARENTING WITH FAITH This group consists of parents of predominantly preschool and younger elementary age children. We vary in age and church background, but the age of our children and our love for the church are our common threads. Our lessons are based on scripture with discussion revolving around pracƟcal applicaƟon in our daily lives. Every Sunday we spend Ɵme in prayer with one another, and then through the week, for one another. We volunteer a lot in the ministry of the church, specifically the with the children’s ministry, in which we have a vested interest. We also enjoy fellowship- ping outside of Sunday mornings. Visitors are always wel- come! FACILITATOR: Alex Ender—865-235-1456 [email protected] LOCATION: Room 293 (Far West Bldg. Above pre-school)

PARTNERING WITH CHRISTThe topics for this class vary according to the interest of classmembers and are presented in different formats; i.e. videopresentaƟon, lecture, large and small group discussion. Studiesfocus on biblical principles with current-day applicaƟon. Theclass also coordinates local and internaƟonal missions and out-reach opportuniƟes.FACILITATOR:Whitney Sharp—[email protected]: Room E-227 (2nd Floor of Worship Ctr.) PATHFINDERSThe second-longest ongoing class at Concord, this class coversvarious Bible and topical studies with a series of guest speakersor class volunteers leading the class.FACILITATOR:Nib Pelot—[email protected]: Room E-110 (1st Floor of Worship Ctr.)

SEARCHERSThe Searchers class is comprised of people age 50 and older,although we always welcome those of any age to ourcommunity. Our curriculum commiƩee develops a year-longplan of classes that cover a variety of topics relaƟng to theChrisƟan community (Scripture, church history, seasonal studies)with a variety of class members and outside speakers leading theclass. We have several social events during the year andparƟcipate regularly in church events and projects.FACILITATOR:Charles Thompson - [email protected]: Room 220 (in gym) SPECIAL STUDIESThe longest ongoing class at Concord, this class is comprised ofmembers 70 and above. The lessons are given by a variety ofguest teachers who speak on topical issues.FACILITATOR:Terry Taylor— 865-671-3525LOCATION: Room E-109 (1st Floor of Worship Ctr.)

WOMEN SEEKING WISDOMWomen Seeking Wisdom is a class for women of all ages seekinga stronger relaƟonship with God and the Bible. Whether you aresingle or married, we welcome you to join us for discussion andfellowship. Last year we studied Adam Hamilton’s “MakingSense of the Bible,” along with an Advent and a Lenten study.This year we will be using Philip Yancey’s book, “The Jesus INever Knew. “FACILITATOR:Kay Harper - [email protected]: Room 130 (Under Sanctuary) YOUNG ADULT (Millenials) New for 2017-18 this class for those adults 20 to 30s. If you fit this age group and are single, married, with or without children, in school or in early career, this class is for you! We will begin by studying Adam Hamilton’s book, “Half –Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say.” FACILITATORS: Bob & Susie Brooks brooks6860@aƩ.net LOCATION: “Common Grounds” (Second Floor in Worship Ctr.)

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