Concord United Methodist Church Updated January 2017
MeeƟng on Sundays from 9:50-10:45, Concord UMC offers adult Sunday morning classes that feature different formats,class sizes, and study topics. Church members and visitors areencouraged to visit several classes to find the one that match- es their interests and learning style. The descripƟons below are provided by each class. New classes are formed eachyear and up-to-date informaƟon can be found on the churchwebsite, by calling the church office (966-6728) or contacƟng Glenna Manning, Pastor of Discipleship ([email protected])
ADULT CONFIRMATIONIf your child will be in our Confirmation Class OR if you were notreared in the United Methodist tradition and desire to know moreabout the Christian story and the core beliefs of the United Meth-odist Church, this class is for you. (Begins August 14.)FACILITATOR:Glenna Manning - 865-966-6728 - [email protected]: Room 123 (Under Sanctuary) BIBLICAL INSIGHTSThis is a new class for 2016-17 and will be based purely onBible study led by current and retired clergy. Every four weeks anew Scripture will be studied in depth as follows:September – Understanding the Bible by Bill KildayOctober – The Gospels by Jim BailesNovember – Exodus by Brent HallDecember – Advent study by Glenna ManningJanuary – The Psalms by Larry TrotterFebruary – Acts by Brent HallMarch/April – Lent by Glenna ManningApril/May – Writings of Paul by Wil CantrellFACILITATORS: Current and retired clergyLOCATION: Room 126 (Under Sanctuary)
CLASS 1:28The class is comprised mostly of parents (with children agesranging mostly from newborn to middle school) who are seekingopen-minded discussion of relevant topics that reflect daily life forthe adult Christian. Our concentration is learning how best tobring up kids and nurture our families in a Godly way, pleasing toHim, and in keeping with His commandments. We share diverseopinions and are able to do so respectfully and with some hu-mor.This dynamic, Biblical-based class seeks to study Biblical teach-ings and inspired text and apply these teachings to our dailylives. Participants who desire to do so take turns leading theclass in topic and discussion. By sharing the wealth of our com-bined experiences, we help reach others in our faith journeys.Class 128 welcomes all levels of Biblical knowledge to partici-pate. We have in common our love for Jesus, for our families,and our devotion to each other as friends through Christ.This class is also a service inspired class. By participating in arange of service activities with our children, we seek to teachthem what Christ stressed to His disciples that through servingothers, we serve Him. We welcome visitors and love to see newfaces. Come as you are!FACILITATOR:Shannon Eaker - 865-274-1159 - [email protected]: Room 128 (Under Sanctuary)
COMMITMENTSClass members are both couples and singles; Ages 40 – 50 withchildren who range in age from middle school through college.We cover topics from A to Z. We enjoy studies from DVD's orfrom books, usually in a 4-6 week range. Topics have included:family, marriage, children, society, United Methodism and specif-ic seasons of the Church. Instead of a designated, weeklyteacher; class members volunteer to teach a study. We also en-joy a class \"social\" at least once every 5-6 weeks. Membersbring in breakfast foods for that morning. We have also enjoyedseveral social outings outside of Church during the year. Wechoose a specific organization or a family we have been madeaware of to assist at Christmas every year. Examples: WesleyHouse families, KARM, Mission of Hope and the Children's Cen-ter of the Cumberlands.FACILITATORS:Jennifer Anderson - 865-691-3960 - [email protected] St. Pierre - 865-705-5720 - [email protected]: Room 127 (Under Sanctuary) CONNECT TO CONCORDFor those new to CUMC or not currently connected to anotherclass, this six-week class will cover such topics as Foundationsof Methodism, Structure of the UM church, structure of ConcordUMC, the primary teachings of John Wesley, and how to worshipand live life in the community of CUMC.OFFERED: January 22-February26FACILITATORS:Pastors - Glenna Manning, Wil Cantrell, Larry Trotter and MikeStallingsLOCATION: Room 202-203 (Office Building Hallway)
FAITHFUL DISCIPLESFaithful Disciplines is a facilitator-lead class that studies a varietyof Christian literature and topics. Typical study series last 4-6weeks and are led by volunteers from the class. Studies mayinclude books of the Bible; books and short-studies by contempo-rary Christian authors such as Adam Hamilton, Max Lucado,Phillip Yancey, and Will Willimon; and review of Christian historyand theology. Additionally, the class has used video series avail-able through Right Now Media which provides access to manyChristian lecturers and leaders (Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, JohnOrtberg, etc.). The class attempts to remain grounded in Wes-leyan theology in teaching and studies. Topics for the comingyear will include Early Christian History – Fear of the Other, NoFear in Love by William Willimon, Half Truths by Adam Hamiltonand The First 400 Years After Christ’s Crucifixion.FACILITATOR:Robin Manning - 865-679-0540 - [email protected]: Room 131 (Under Sanctuary) FELLOWSHIP CLASSThis class uses the Adult Bible Study series. The teacher givesa lecture on the series lessons involving OT and NT Scriptureswith class participation. We have a class potluck lunch twice ayear.FACILITATOR:Terry Taylor - 865-671-3525 - [email protected]: Room 226 (Beside Sanctuary)
FOUNDATIONSTopics are taught from a Christian perspective and vary depend-ing upon current events and interest of class members. In orderto offer a variety of subject matter, the class does not have oneteacher but various class members volunteer to be responsiblefor arranging class lessons and/or speakers. Open and caringclass participation is encouraged.FACILITATOR:Lloyd Collins - 865-966-7526 - [email protected]: Room 129 (Under Sanctuary) FRIENDSHIPThe Friendship Class studies life applications through a variety ofBiblical passages and topics. We are a loving class that sharesour struggles and celebrations. We have a \"Care and ConcernsCommittee\". The class gets together for Christian fellowship dur-ing several social events throughout the year.FACILITATOR:Dale Weaver - 865-288-0093 - [email protected]: Room 296 (Far West Bldg. Above preschool.)NEW HORIZONSA small diverse group with singles, longtime married couples,couples with toddlers, and grandparents with toddlers who areunited by love for Christ and search for His guidance in daily liv-ing. Class studies include in-depth Bible study and contempo-rary issues.FACILITATOR:Julia Lawson - [email protected]: Room 125 (Under Sanctuary)
NEW VISIONSNew Visions is a small, discussion-based group led by Jack Wil-son, a retired college professor with a PhD in New Testamentand an Ed.D. in English. We alternate in studying the Bible inlight of current Biblical criticism and a contemporary book aboutthe state of Christianity. We welcome seekers, “nones” (thosewho profess no religion), and skeptics. The class will continuethe study by Marcus Borg, Speaking Christian, for fall 2016.FACILITATOR:James Remont - 865-777-1400 - [email protected]: Room 204 (Office Building Hallway) PARENTING WITH FAITHOur group consists of parents, mostly of preschool and youngerelementary age children. We vary in age and church back-ground, but the age of our children and our love for the churchare our common threads.Our lessons are based on scripture with discussion revolvingaround practical application in our daily lives. Every Sunday wespend time in prayer with one another, and then through theweek, for one another. We volunteer a lot in the ministry of thechurch, specifically the with the children’s ministry, which wehave a vested interest in. We also enjoy fellowshipping outside ofSunday mornings. Visitors are always welcome!FACILITATOR:Tom White - 865-850-3380 - [email protected]: Room 293 (Far West Bldg. Above pre-school)
PARTNERING WITH CHRISTTopics vary according to the interest of class members and arepresented in different formats; i.e. video presentation, lecture,large and small group discussion. Studies focus on biblical prin-ciples with current day application. The class also coordinateslocal and international missions and outreach opportunities.FACILITATOR:Sabine Collins - [email protected]: Room E-227 (2nd Floor of Worship Ctr.) PATHFINDERSThis class covers various Bible and topical studies with a seriesof guest speakers or class volunteers leading the class.FACILITATOR: -Sandy Garber—865-966-5252—[email protected]: Room E-110 (1st Floor of Worship Ctr.)
SEARCHERSThe Searchers class is comprised of people age 50 and older,although we always welcome those of any age to our community.Our curriculum committee develops a year-long plan of classesthat cover a variety of topics relating to the Christian community(Scripture, church history, seasonal studies) with a variety ofclass members and outside speakers leading the class. Wehave several social events during the year and participate regu-larly in church events and projects.FACILITATOR:Charles Thompson - 865-966-5360 - [email protected]: Room 220 (in gym) SPECIAL STUDIESThis class is comprised of members 60 and above. The lessonsare given by a variety of guest teachers who speak on topicalissues.FACILITATOR:Bettye Warwick - 865-690-5910LOCATION: Room E-109 (1st Floor of Worship Ctr.)
WOMEN’S CLASSThis class is open to all women - single, married, divorced, wid-owed or wherever one may find themselves. The class will as-sist women in all walks of life on their discipleship journey asthey grow in their relationship to Christ and with one another. Allwomen are warmly invited to attend.FACILITATOR:Kay Harper - [email protected]: Room 130 (Under Sanctuary)
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