NEW TEMP WORKER ASSIGNMENT ->We changed the interface of our “TempWorker-Assignment” application on web-net in order tomake it easier, faster and more practical.You can assign a project to this person; however, this assignment has to be reviewed andapproved by BOD afterward, in order to allow TempChef to start working on project.Under “Temp Worker Assignment” you will see a displayed list of all the assignments that hasbeen recently made (based on your region). You can filter by multiple selections. - All (Shows all selection below) - Active/Approved/Requested - Pending (Projects pending & not started yet) - 5 Days Left (5 days left to end project based on “Approved-EndDate”) - Past Due (Projects with “Approved-EndDate “ past due & has not been “Ended” yet) - Requested HT-TR-FL (Project with Hotel/Transport/Flight requested) - Denied (Denied Project Assignments request) - Cancelled (Cancelled Project Assignments request) - Ended (Ended Projects based on “Actual-EndDate”)
IMPORTANT NOTES Fields on *RED are “required” fields to save information and continue assigning process. On “New”=> you will be able to find the name of all registered TempChefs (based on yourregion), but you will ONLY be allowed to assign to those who has been Approved already. The only way you can assign a project to a “Helper” is assigning trough his Franchisee (Helper has to exist on our Database already-Contact BOD): a) Select a Current Franchisee that has been Registered as a TempChef – [ FC ] b) Select “Yes” on “Request Helper?” c) Select the Helper you want assign. When selecting from what date to what date you want to assign the project, calendar will allow you to select the dates based on TempChef available schedule. You can request a “Hotel/Rental Car/Flight” for the project NOTE: You can edit, change date, extend -> Hotel/ Rental Car/Transport information by “Tapping/selecting” the history box (see below)
In order to change EndDate / StartDate / Store / PersonTypeTap/Select -> “More” and a dropdown menu will display. You can be redirected to “TempChef-Timesheet” and see “Assignment History” of your TempChef trough -> “More”- dropdown Menu. We have a new field called “Evaluation”. A box asking you to enter evaluation will pop-up whenever your assignment project status is changed to “Ended”. This is for evaluate the performer of your TempChef while working with you. You will notice that there are some extra information that wasn’t showing on the old program, however this is information has is restricted to BOD ONLY,Once you have submitted the Assignment Project, you will notice record will automatically showup in “TempWorker-Assign list” as “Requested” (This status will change depend on BOD). Youwill have to wait for BOD to review this assignment and approve it in order to allow yourregistered TempWorker to start working.
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