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Home Explore TempWorker Process - Manual

TempWorker Process - Manual

Published by amy.huerta, 2015-07-10 17:38:34

Description: TempWorker Process - Manual


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TEMPWORKER PROCESSWe are working in online management applications for TempChef-working process starting fromRegistration trough Payroll, divided in 4 applications-steps. This way system can automatically sync/linkinformation with our database, and we can eliminate printing out paper work for TC Request, TravelArrangement, avoiding many errors/problems /duplications etc…You can use any internet browser trough your iPad/iPhone or your computer on “AFC Web-Net”(AFC.NET): 1. Register a “New TempWorker - (TPC)”, a “Current Franchisee - (FC)” or “Ex-Franchisee - (TPC)” as a TempChef with “Temp Worker Registration” 2. Assign Project/Store to a registered TempWorker that has been already approved with “Temp Worker Assignment”. We divided Registration & Assignment process into two different processes “Temp Worker Registration” and “Temp Worker Assignment”, since registered TempWorker has to be reviewed and approved by BOD first, in order to verify his information and his available schedule before assigning any project. 3. Enter and confirm worked hours into “TempWorker Schedule”. 4. Verify worked hours and payroll info trough “TempWorker Time –Sheet”. 12 3 4

1- TEMPWORKER REGISTRATION ->Under “Temp Worker Registration” you will see a list of all the TempChefs that you haverequested, whose have or haven’t been approved from BOD, by selecting -> the“Check-Mark” next to “New Registration” button (Based on your OWN Region). IMPORTANT NOTES: Helpers do NOT need to be registered in order to assign a project to them. However, if you want to use a HLP you will have to contact BOD first and make sure this HLP is already set up under a Franchisee on our Database. When starting a “New Registration” specify if you want to register a “TempChef” or a “DEMO” person from the Pop-up window Social Security Number (SSN#) is REQUIRED in order to register a TempChef, otherwise system will not allow you to continue registering. System will automatically recognize & notify you if the person is already registered, either as a TempChef, as a current Franchisee, or as an EX-Franchisee. If the entered SSN# belongs to an “Excluded-person” (A person who is not allowed to work on AFC after a violation of AFC rules and regulations) System will not allow you to continue registering.Once you have submitted you registration, system will generate a \"Notification e-Mail”informing related people including BOD. Next step would be waiting for BOD to approve theperson you just registered in ordered to continue with Assignment.

2- TEMP WORKER ASSIGNMENT -> Once and only after BOD has approved the person you registered, you can assign a project to this person, however, this assignment has to be reviewed and approved by BOD afterward, in order to allow TempChef to start working on project. Under “Temp Worker Assignment” you will see a displayed list of all the assignments that has been recently made (based on your region). You can filter & combine selection by check/uncheck the following options: - Requested (Project Assignment requests waiting for approve) - Active (Current projects working) - Approved (Approved Project assignments waiting to start) - Denied (Denied Project Assignments request) - Ended (Ended projects) - Include Other Regions (ONLY for Senior Managers)

IMPORTANT NOTES On “Person-field” you will be able to find the name of all registered TempChefs (based on your region), but you will only be allowed to assign to those who has been Approved already. When starting a “New Assignment” specify if this a “DEMO” person. The only way you can assign a project to a “Helper” is assigning trough his Franchisee (Helper has to exist on our Database already-Contact BOD): a) Select a Current Franchisee that has been Registered as a TempChef – [ FC ] b) Check the “Select Helper-Checkbox” c) Select the Helper you want assign. When selecting from what date to what date you want to assign the project, calendar will allow you to select the dates based on TempChef available schedule.  Specify if you need to will need to request a “Hotel or Rental Car” for the project.Once you have submitted the Assignment Project, you will notice record will automatically showup in “TempWorker-Assign list” as “Requested” (This status will change depend on BOD). Youwill have to wait for BOD to review this assignment and approve it in order to allow yourregistered TempWorker to start working.If you click/tap on the record you will find detailed information of the assignment you justsubmitted, and the option to request an extension for Hotel and Rental car.

3- TEMP WORKER SCHEDULE ->Under “TempWorker Schedule” you will find a list of all your “Active/Inactive”projects sorted by week (based on the date you choose & your region), where you will be able toenter the exact worked hours on the week by clicking/tapping on button. ONLY for Senior RMS Click/Tap to Enter ScheduleIMPORTANT NOTES DUE-DAY to enter worked schedule is every Monday. You won’t be able to add anything after, since system will automatically block the option until next Monday. Make sure to check the checkbox “Worked Y/N” to confirm you have verified the entered workedschedule; if you don’t, system will only recognize those day that are checked, if none, you won’t beable to submit. (Only submitted weeks will be paid). Specify in “Note- section”, in case any of this options is applicable to the day you are entering is either a “Day-off, Traveling day, or a Preparation day”. In order to enter a “Late Submit” record, you will have to contact BOD, to process. On the “TempWorker Schedule” Home-Page you will be able to switch to “TempWorker Assignment” application, and “TempWorker Timesheet”

4- TEMP WORKER TIME-SHEET ->  Under “TempWorker Timesheet” you will see a list of all the submitted/not-submitted Worked Schedule records of your projects sorting the list by week.  You can verify which worked weeks-schedule from your projects have been submitted, and which are still pending by selecting “Submitted or Not Submitted” (Only submitted weeks will be paid).  You can export an Excel/PDF of the current displayed list of records.  If you Click/Tap on one record from the list, a detailed information of your worked hours of that specific project will be displayed.  You will be able to switch to “TempWorker Assignment” application and “TempWorker Schedule” on the top of the page.

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