Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality Annual Report 2019
creating sustainable feminist organisational models based on the best practices of individuals and organisations within the Caribbean region; highlighting the importance of spiritual activism, self-care and restoration in core planning; increasing the visibility and impact of young feminist activism within and across women’s rights movements; and enhancing the capacity of activists to practice proper financial management. Participation was varied and vibrant in 2019 with voluntarism at an all-time high. Participants and knowledge facilitators were drawn from across the region, including French- and Spanish-speaking countries. The conference strengthened south-south ties with representation from the Pacific and African diaspora. Global Convening on Decriminalisation ECADE hosted an international convening on decriminalisation in July 2019 in partnership with the Open Society Foundations, the Southern African Litigation Trust, the Human Dignity Trust, and Parliamentarians for Global Action. More than 120 activists, lawyers, legislators and communications experts who are working to challenge the criminalisation based on SOGIE, engaged in frank discussions about the current state of the rights of LGBTI people. The global convening examined criminalisation of people based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and successes and focused on how litigation, legislative reform and strategic communications can be deployed to achieve decriminalization and advance the rights of LGBTI people. The third such global gathering built on previous convening in South Africa and Namibia but the focus was heavily on Caribbean regional and national level decriminalisation. WHRD CEDAW training The Women's Human Rights Education Institute partnered with ECADE and TnT CEDAW Champs to bring its annual CEDAW For Change institute to the Caribbean. From July – August 2019, the annual institute trained transnational women’s human rights defenders in using CEDAW, the UN Women’s Convention, as a tool for analysis, activism, and scholarship. The WHRI, which is based in Costa Rica, has been building the capacity of women's human rights defenders to use relevant UN women's human rights treaties, frameworks and mechanisms to enhance feminist and LBTQ advocacy and action for more than 15 years. Many WHRD in the region, including ECADE staff, are beneficiaries of the
CEDAW training, but this was the first programme with a regional sub-focus in the Caribbean. The Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS) at the University of the West Indies and the local feminist NGO, the CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago, also collaborated on the pilot programme. Global Feminist LBQ Conference The first global feminist conference for lesbian, bisexual and queer women in July, 2019, was organised by a working group consisting of 22 LBQ women* activists with different backgrounds and representing all regions of the globe. ECADE brought the voice of the eastern Caribbean to the table. With the key themes 'Leading - Healing - Transforming’, the conference created space to recognise, celebrate and affirm the experiences, needs, organising and activism of lesbian, bisexual and queer women*, based on self-determination. It centred women, including intersex, trans, cisgender and all people who identify as women with marginalised sexualities. The eastern Caribbean LBTQ were well represented in the over 50 workshops and panels with over 150 presenters. Training in UN Mechanisms Twenty-two activists from the OECS, Barbados, Trinidad and Suriname attended the training. At the end of April 2019, ECADE, ARC International and COC Netherlands conducted a training for Caribbean LGBTQI+ organisations in accessing human rights mechanisms to advance SOGIESC advocacy. The Saint Kitts and Nevis training focussed on the use of international mechanisms as an extension of advocacy at the national level. There was particular focus on utilising the UPR to hold governments to account. Engaging the Faith-based Community The ever present influence of religion is an inescapable reality of working in the LGBTQ+ advocacy space. As such ECADE is constantly exploring new partnerships and opportunities to United Trans Caribbean meeting Co-funded by ECADE, the United Trans Caribbean meeting took the
region one step closer to Executive and steering committee strategic planning meeting International Representation It is essential to hold space in fora such as the organisation of American States (OAS) and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). ECADE was among a group of activists across Latin America and the Caribbean that convened under the banner of the LGBTTTI Coalition to monitor language of human rights and engage the Inter-American System at the 49th OAS General Assembly. In addition to strategising around the civil society forum the Coalition engages caribbean leaders on their response to LGBTQI issues. The Coalition has so far been successful in protecting inclusive provisions in the text. The LBT caucus continues to work assiduously at CSW and have made incremental gains in language in the agreed conclusions. We remain present to engage with representatives of Caribbean states and mainstream women’s organisations and to bolster the work of the LBTQI caucus and other groups and individuals working toward inclusion of LBTQI people and other marginalised pockets of the community.
By the numbers 300+ social actors who directly benefitted from capacity building, empowerment, knowledge sharing and networking opportunities through ECADE’s activities. 7 organisations applied to become ECADE members in 2019. We expanded our reach in Barbados, St Croix, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines. 6 legal literacy sessions conducted for grassroots LGBTQ+ communities to become more familiar with their legal rights and responsibilities, consequently reducing their level of risk. 5 legal cases launched in the region in 2019 as a necessary step to remove the most significant legal barrier to LGBTQ+ people’s full expression of their rights.
4 major convenings organised in collaboration with regional and international partners. This includes the Global Convening on Decriminalisation, the annual Caribbean Women and Sexual Diversity Conference and two meetings of the Equality and Justice Alliance. 2 LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations, supported by ECADE provided occasion for the community to express their pride and affirm their right to exist as Caribbean citizens. 2 satellite staff members were employed by ECADE to support members in Saint Kitts and Nevis and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This allowed the organisations to extend safe space hours and services provided for the community. 1 new secretariat staff member. Randall Theodule joined the ECADE team in 2019 as the Communications and Membership Officer, increasing our capacity to fulfil the needs of the network.
Visibility The Alliance maintained our social media presence and has worked with membership to establish and maintain our social media presence. As part of ongoing focus on media and communications, ECADE supports membership by amplifying their voices, creating and leveraging connections and partnerships to their benefit, and ultimately, the benefit of the LGBTQI+ community. Press Releases All are at risk unless every citizen is protected under the law - Statement by ECADE and United and Strong on the death of Michael Pooran - February 28, 2019 Press release on Global Decrim Caribbean - Aug 2019 ECADE 5-country litigation challenge launch - November 29, 2019 Youth perspective on changing discriminatory laws in the EC - November 2019 Transgender Day of Remembrance Statement with Butterfly Barbados - November 20, 2019 Human Rights Day 2019 message - ECADE stands with LGBTQ youth - December 10, 2019 Youth Standing for Human Rights - December 10, 2019 LGBT Vincentians living in fear - Statement by ECADE and VincyCHAP - December 4, 2019
Campaigns “Balance for Better” International Women’s Day, March 2019. Visual social media campaign featuring the women of ECADE “I Ask” Sexual Assault Awareness Month, April 2019. Visual social media campaign in collaboration with Women Against Rape Antigua - “Stand up for Human Rights” Human Rights Day, December 2020. Video campaign featuring ECADE membership and community #SpeakLove ongoing campaign with a focus on spiritual matters - 2019
| ECADE Membership DomCHAP YouthSPARK (TBC) Grenada St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands An#gua and Barbuda Women Against Rape GrenCHAP / GrenAIDS Women's CoaliLon of St.Croix MESH Grenada Human Rights OrganizaLon One Love UVI (TBC) Men Empowerment Network - 3H Inc Saint Ki@s and Nevis Intersect Saint Lucia SKN Alliance OECS RCM St Mar#n/ Sint Marteen Barbados United and Strong Safe SXM CEED Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Equals Girls of A Feather VincyCHAP MOVADAC HERstoire VincyCARES/CRN+ SVG SHE TenderLoving Care (TBC) Red Root SVG BuCerfly Dominica Changes in membership Four member organisations are now dormant. These reflect the lack of support for full time work by activists, even in high per- forming organisations, and the toll that such work on activists. In comparison the lure of the private sector is quote appealing causing significant attrition.
| ECADE Board - Joan Didier - Lysanne Charles Company Secretary - Hayden Bethelmy Chairperson - Lavonne Wise Co-Chair - Adaryl Williams Treasurer - Tynetta McKoy Secretary Board member | ECADE staff team - Veronica Cenac Legal advisor/attorney | Saint Lucia secretariat - Kenita Placide - Josephine Lubin Executive Director - Maria Fontenelle Finance Manager - Randall Theodule Dir. Communications and Programmes Communications and Membership Officer
FUTURE Gay Youth Conference We will shift the focus to gay youth as we explore the changing landscape of masculinity in the region.
For more information please visit our website: www.ecequality.org contact us at [email protected] or get social with us @ec_equality
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