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Copy of AMCHS Winter magazine

Published by Dawn Newton, 2019-05-01 11:28:14

Description: Copy of AMCHS Winter magazine


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AMCHS TECHNOLOGY Winter Issue 2018

Created and edited by Brittney Hawkins and Shannon Espitia AMCHS Campus Technology Facilitators

Table of Contents In this issue, you’ll find…. ★ Account Reminders ○ Logins & “Who to Call” ○ Who to Call at AMCHS for Tech Help ○ Self Service Portal ○ Account Reminders ★ New District Websites ★ Schoology Updates & Helpful Tips ★ Nearpod ○ Nearpod Basic Info ○ Training ★ Read and Write Info ★ eSchool/TAC reminders ★ HERO expectations ★ Tips for using HERO ★ Upcoming… ○ Hoonuit ○ Tiger Strong App

Logins & How to get Help Account Username Password Link Help Computer ID number Default password Password or Student Reset done by selected password Campus Librarian or calling the Help Desk at 5678 MS Office ID number Default password https://login.mic Call Help Desk or Student at 5678 selected password m/ HAC Firstname.Lastname HAC Student https://hac.csisd Email (Ex: Shannon.Long) selected password .org/HomeAcce studenthac@ (NOT connected to ss/Account/Log their login On HAC accounts password) are only created for those 5-12 grade students that request them using the form linked on campus websites. Google ID number Default password https://accounts CTF or Schoology or Student Katelynn Gentry ID number selected password nin (for access) Default password http://csisd.scho or Student schoology@csi selected password

Who to call at AMCHS (Technology version) HELP! I need…. You should contact…. Equipment fixed or Bob Strawn replaced Brittney Hawkins AMCHS Website Shannon Espitia Shannon Espitia AMCHS Calendar CTF’s - Brittney or Shannon CTF’s - Brittney or Shannon HERO CTF’s - Brittney or Shannon Schoology CTF’s - Brittney or Shannon HAC - attendance and/or Heather Richter gradebook Nearpod Issues with getting technology to work the way you want to (google, internet, apps, ipads, etc.) SPED/Cloud issues

Self Service Portal ● Students who have not enrolled in the self-service password system MUST be able to access a district computer to change their password. ● To reset a password on a district computer, the user should login using current login and password. The user will be prompted to change their password. ● YOU can also use this from anywhere to reset your password!! ● Students who have enrolled can change their password from any device (personal or district) by using the self-service password system.

Account Reminders Students still not able to get into google, but can get into the computer and Schoology just fine? Do they see the error message shown below? Talk to Katelynn Gentry to see if students do or do not have access! Students who do not have Google access approved MUST get parents to fill out THIS FORM in order to access google drive, docs, forms, sheets, presentations, etc.!

Introducing New Here’s what this means for you… ● No more links to your website on the Staff Directory Page ○ PLEASE post that link in Schoology ● More Pictures! ● ADA friendly ● Cleaned up Links & Pages

District Websites! If you have ANY needs for the website OR any concerns about a page/link on the website, please email Brittney Hawkins immediately to get that taken care of! If you want something added/changed on the website calendar, email Shannon Espitia.

Still struggling with Schoology? Start small! Remember, the basic expectations for this year are calendar events and communication. Here are some tips to help you meet those expectations:

End of Semester Reminders: ● Semester “A” classes will disappear on January 11th! ● Anything not in your resources will be archived! To refresh how to save materials from courses to resources, watch THIS video. ● In January, “B” or Spring semester classes are already visible! ● To change your picture for your course, watch THIS video ● Email Brittney Hawkins if you would like your classes merged (YOU can link them yourself!)

Nearpod District is now available to you because you work in CSISD! What is nearpod? In a nutshell - a really awesome interactive presentation platform! → Click HERE for a quick video. When logging in, make sure you click “log in with google”, and log in with your CSISD account!

What can I do with Nearpod? ● Pre-made lessons - Searchable by keyword or subject area/grade level/TEKS ● Create your own content from scratch ● Bring in an existing lesson you have on Google slides, PDF, or PowerPoint and ENHANCE IT! Check out the content available in Nearpod to support instruction and engagement in your class by searching their extensive library!

You will find a folder in our District Library from Common Sense Media full of Digital Citizenship Lessons, separated by grade level bundles. You can access the District Library by clicking on \"District Library\" under the Explore menu option in your Nearpod account or click HERE! These lessons will support all of our teachers to deliver the Digital Citizenship content to your students, as outlined in our CSISD Digital Citizenship Curriculum Year-at-a-Glance as well as in CSISD’s District Improvement Plan (required for k-8, optional for 9-12 this year).

You want to learn Nearpod?! Self-paced learning modules for Nearpod Training available in Schoology! ● Join the CSISD Professional Learning COURSE in Schoology if you haven’t already (join code: NMQWD-N8T2T) ● Click on the “Nearpod Training Course” folder ● Learn about Nearpod as you navigate through the modules! Ask your friendly CTF’s if you are interested in learning more or attending a training! Nothing official is planned yet since this is new, but they can definitely be planned. Stephanie Ryon is running district trainings, so keep an eye out in eduphoria and/or on your email.

➔ What is Read&Write? Read&Write is available for all students and teachers in CSISD! This is the resource to use for Text-to-Speech or Computer Assisted Reading. ➔ How do students log in to Read&Write? Students can now log into Chrome and the extension will be added automatically. The software is installed on student computers. Sign in using the same Google credentials that are used to log into the computer. ➔ Where can I find more information on Read&Write? There is information in Schoology in Courses-CSISD Professional Learning All Staff in the Read&Write Basic Overview Course. The course includes information and videos about the features and use of the different formats of Read&Write (Chrome Extension, Windows and apps) available. If needed the access code is NMQWD-N8T2T ➔ Read&Write Webinar presented by TextHelp will be held on Oct 30, 2018 from 4:00-5:00 pm for any person wanting more information. After registering for this in Eduphoria you will be sent access information to view from your classroom or from the CTR at Central Office. ➔ Who do I contact with questions about Read&Write? If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

eSchool/TAC Reminders Remember, in January you have to set up your grading categories again! For other eSchool tips, click the link HERE to find the GO+ page about eSchool with helpful tips and videos!

Basic Expectations Our campus administrations expects that you use HERO for: ● Everyday infractions ○ Tardy’s ○ ID Violations ○ Dress Code ● Positive interactions (to reward students for their behavior) ○ Students who are in compliance ○ Students going above and beyond ○ Providing or attending tutorials ○ Showing School Spirit ○ Being on time to class/events

72.5% of our teachers have used HERO this year! If you are not part of that percent, make it a New Year’s Resolution to be better about it next semester! Tips to try: 1. Have it open on your desktop so it’s on your mind! 2. Be consistent - use it every day at the beginning, middle, or end of class to help it become a habit! 3. Be on the lookout for positive things to award your students with! 4. Use it as an incentive in class! 5. Set a reminder for once a week, and try to peg 5 kids for a positive interaction each week!

Have you heard?! Eduhero is being replaced with Hoonuit in the 2019-2020 school year! They have LOTS of individualized trainings you can do on your own time! Click the graphic to go to and check it out!

TIGER STRONG January 2019 Student Council will be rolling out a new Student, Staff & Community engagement phone app. You’ll be able to earn points by attending athletic and fine art events. These points will be redeemable for AMCHS swag, community restaurant offers and in lieu of money for items like dance or musical tickets.

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