INDEX 1. Preface ....................................................................................................... 1 2. Rotaract Song ................................................................................................... 2 3. Core Team ....................................................................................................... 3 4. District Theme for RIY 2022-23 ....................................................................... 4 5. District Rotaract Council - RID 3020 ............................................................... 5-16 6. Birthdays of the Month (July) .......................................................................... 17 7. District Installation Ceremony ......................................................................... 18 8. District Assembly ............................................................................................ 19 9. పాఠశాల - PETS | SETS | DOTS ....................................................................... 20 10. Training Session for Upcoming Leaders ............................................................ 21 11. Rotaract Zone Institution (RZI) ....................................................................... 22 12. Training Session on RI Website & RI Tools ....................................................... 23 13.To - Do List for Upcoming Leaders ................................................................... 24 14. First District Council Meeting .......................................................................... 25 15. Rotary International Presidential Dinner ..................................................... 26-27 16. District Fellowship Meet ................................................................................. 28
PREFACE PRATHIDWANI is a monthly digital magazine of RI District 3020. It is envisioned to represent the distinguished projects of all the clubs in the district. Through PRATHIDWANI, we are committed to encourage Rotaractors and render a platform for exhibiting their skills. Adding a cherry to the cake, we are going to include some rich relevant content regarding Rotaract every month. In light of the above, we are pleased to present an inaugural special edition that exclusively covers the prominent information of the district. What we have incorporated in the special edition is just a drop in the bucket. Although we strive to explore every nook and corner for providing the best output, few errors may prevail which are human in nature. We would love to review your suggestions for serving in a better way. Let's make use of every Rotaract resource to place our district at the pinnacle. Yours In Rotaract, Rtr. Chandana 1 District Editor RIY 2022-23 RI District 3020
DISTRICT THEME FOR RIY 2022-23 ACTIONS BEYOND THOUGHTS A purpose-driven then always empowers the organization and motivates the individual to get on that extra mile. Carrying forward the legacy, District Rotaract Organisation 3020 is elated to unveil the Theme Logo for the RI Year 2022-23 Every element in our logo indicates an inevitable change we are aiming to bring in society Earth represents the Rotaract, which is a common base for all of us to connect. Air exemplifies service, air serves its purpose to make us survive. Likewise, let's do our bit of service by giving it back to society Fire signifies the ever- learning desire that is deeply rooted in our hearts Water symbolizes its unique nature to adjust in every utensil. Likewise, as Rotaractor we need to diversify and engage with everyone to serve society Space indicates the endless opportunities to make progress in life Sun illustrates the ultimate energy, together as a team we can make any dream come true With the power of all these elements, we are imagining to make our ACTIONS BEYOND THOUGHTS 4
DISTRICT Rotaract council - rid 3020 PDRR. PP. Rtr. Alekhya Vegi District Trainer PHF. PDRR. Rtr. Praneeth Kandarpa District Councellor PDRR. CH. Murthy District Chair of Alumni 5
Rtr. PP. Gowtham IPDRR Rtr. Prathyusha Varma District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Bhanu Pujith District Rotaract Representative Elect 6
Rtr. PP. Harshitha Sri Prashanthi District Rotaract Secretary (General) Rtr. Praharsha Reddy District Rotaract Secretary (ADMIN) Rtr. Varshitha Vankadaru District Joint Secretary (General) 7
Rtr. A R Rohit Varma District Joint Secretary (Admin) Rtr. IPP N. Sai Ankith District Sergeant At Arms Rtr. Varun Varma District Treasurer 8
Rtn/Rtr. PP. V. Sai Manas Deputy DRR Rtr. IPP. Akhil Patnaik Vadrangi Zonal Rotaract Representative (Zone - 1) Rtr. Sandilya Sarma Zonal Rotaract Representative (Zone - 2) 9
Rtr. IPP. Phanindra Sunkara Zonal Rotaract Representative (Zone - 3) Rtr. PP. Ashok Chandaka Zonal Rotaract Representative (Zone - 4) Rtr. Neha Chuggani District International Service Director 10
Rtr. Rama Krishna District Community Service Director Rtr. D. Madhu Latha District Club Service Director Rtr. Suhrut Nag P District Professional Service Director 11
Rtr. Shiva Ram Kumar District Youth Service Director Rtr. Eswar Narayana District 7 Areas of Focus Director Rtr. Chandana G District Editorial Director 12
Rtr. Hari Manikanta Velamkayala District Sports Director Rtr. Krishna kanth Thota District IDYE Director Rtr. A V V Siva Sai Kumar District Polio Chair 13
Rtr. Bonu Vamsi District Financial Director Rtr. Soumya Gogulamudi District Designer Rtr. Naina Bondada District PR & Media 14
Rtr. Bhargavi G District Woman Projects Chair Rtr. IPP. Mukund Ram N S S District Membership Director Rtr. Aparanji Balaga Rotary Rotaract Relationship Officer (Zone - 1) 15
Rtr. G. Sree Pushpa Rotary Rotaract Relationship Officer (Zone - 2) Rtr. M. V. V. S. Chaturya Rotary Rotaract Relationship Officer (Zone - 3) Rtr. PP. Pavan Kella Rotary Rotaract Relationship Officer (Zone - 4) 16
BIRTHDAYS OF THE MONTH (JULY) 8th July - Rtr. Shanmukh 10th July - Rtr. A R Rohit Varma Secretary District Joint Secretary (Admin) Rotaract Club of Young Leaders Rotaract Club of Pragathi Surampalem Central Zone-2 Zone-2 RID 3020 RID 3020 13th July - Rtr. Neha Chugani 30th July - Rtr. Prathyusha Varma District Rotaract Representative District International Service Director Rotaract Club of Aikya Kakinada Rotaract Club of Aikya Kakinada Zone-2 Zone-2 RID 3020 17 RID 3020
DISTRICT INSTALLATION CEREMONY Every extravagant event starts with a vision and ends with a mission. Stimulating a structure to the above statement, District Rotaract Organisation 3020 completed its 54th installation ceremony \"Preshti\" on July 10th, 2022 at Dantu Kalakshethram, Kakinada. The alluring installation ceremony had been hosted by Rotaract Club of Aikya Kakinada. With a significant motto to depict the Actions Beyond Thoughts, Rtr. Prathyusha Varma had been installed as the District Rotaract Representative along with her council members. In addition, the phenomenon event was further enriched with the physical presence of PDG. Anjaneyamurthy as the Chief Guest. The district Installation Ceremony ended on a fruitful note by lending the roots of responsibility to all the council members. 18
District Assembly Leaders lend a rope of hope and make the results reap through their actions. The most captivating District Assembly of RID 3020 for RI Year 2022 was held on 10th July at Kakinada, which had been hosted by Rotaract Club of Aikya Kakinada. District Rotaract Chairman, Rtn. C PV Ramanujam took the responsibility as a training officer. The magnanimous event got more glitter as the World Rotaract Committee Member, PDG. Rtn. Ravi Vadlamani graced the event as the Chief Guest with his physical presence. Fulfilling its purpose, the district Assembly constituted of an array of activities to foster the leadership skills in the Rotaractors. 19
పాఠశాల - PETS | SETS | DOTS A well planned training session will refine our thoughts and define our goals. The most anticipated President Elect Training Session (PETS), Secretary Elect Training Session (SETS) & District Officers Training Session (DOTS) of RI District 3020 \"పాఠశాల\" had held on June 11th 2022. The indispensable training sessions for RI Year 2022-23 were being hosted by Rotaract Club of PVP Siddhartha. Many eminent Rotarians across the district made their physical presence to groom the upcoming leaders. The training sessions gave enough exposure about our roles & responsibilities and what they all got is certainly priceless. 20
Training Session For Upcoming Leaders An interaction with visionaries will pave the way for constructive thoughts and foster us to progress as an individual. Carrying forward the legacy with utmost responsibility, we have organised a training session for all the upcoming club and district leaders of RI District 3020. The training session was held at Kakinada on 24th April 2022. The full-day training session went at a very good pace by motivating the upcoming leaders to ace another year with collosal positivity and scintillating enthusiasm. 21
Rotaract Zone Institute (RZI) Just the way, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly and starts flying with beautiful colours. Rotaract Zone Institute (RZI) equips the primary forefronts of all the districts across South Asia to accomplish their Roles & Responsibilities. Adhering to the same, Rtr. Prathyusha Varma represented RI District 3020 as a District Rotaract Representative-Elect at Rotaract Zone Institute (RZI) 2K22, which had been held in Chandigarh. This four-day event shower enough knowledge on how to support and work with various clubs as partners in service by deliberately spreading fellowship. 22
Training Session on RI Website & RI Tools Membership Management plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of the district. In addition, an effective club administration can only be possible with proper updated data on the RI website. Keeping this benevolent motto in mind, District Rotaract Organisation 3020 in association with District Rotaract Organisation 3150 conduct a Training Session about RI Website & RI Tools on 16th July 2022. The virtual training session had been taken over by PHF. PDRR. Rtn/Rtr Naveem P Senna [Chief Trainer of RSAMDIO). The overall session went on a very good place enabling us to equip knowledge on various resourceful topics. 23
To-Do List For Upcoming Leaders Rotaract is a leadership institute that unlocks the hidden potential and enables everyone to become a better leader. Keeping this motto in mind, District Rotaract Organisation 3020 held a phenomenal training program for all the upcoming club and district leaders, which had been hosted by PDRR. Rtr. Yatin Sehgal (RSAMDIO President for RI Year 2020-21) took over the virtual platform to discuss on the To-Do List for the Upcoming Leaders. The insightful session is both interactive and informative fulfilling its purpose to the fullest. 24
First District Council Meeting A leader's words are enough to ignite the bones and set our spirit into motion. They develop hope and instil the passion to plan something with purpose. Carrying forward the above thought, District Rotaract Organisation 3020 conducted its first District Council Meeting for RI Year 2022-23 virtually through Google Meet, which had been held on July 17th 2022. Several ideas were discussed for effective implementation in the future. In addition, a few key decisions were made with prompt acceptance from the council members. The district council meeting ended on a positive note with a slice of smile on everyone's face. 25
Rotary International Presidential Dinner A historic moment in the RI District 3020 which be etched with golden letters in the incredible times to come. Rotaractors have enrolled for an exclusive dinner meet with the Rotary International President Jennifer Jones at Hotel Novotel, Vijayawada. 26
We are beyond adjectives to express the precious emotion, after witnessing the special recognition for our Rotaractors by Jennifer Jones. We are truly grateful for her kind words about Rotaract and Rotaractors in the presence of many eminent personalities. The picture opportunities alongside Madam President will be treasured forever. 27
District Fellowship Meet Fellowship meets certainly have the power to strengthen the connection among the Rotaractors. The First District Fellowship Meet was transpired on 29th June 2022. Being a mammoth body formulated with a common agenda to emulate Actions Beyond Thoughts. It provided a facility to cherish the little moments and know the jovial side of other Rotaractors. The fellowship meeting was followed by the birthday celebration of District International Service Director, Rtr. Neha Chugani. 28
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