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Home Explore DF 23-6 Final 300 dpi

DF 23-6 Final 300 dpi

Published by brian.peter.humphreys, 2016-05-19 06:51:32

Description: DF 23-6 Final 300 dpi


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DRIVING THE MAGAZINE OF CLUB this issue THE R O V E R P 6Models in monza redalternative seating arrangementevents reports including stoneleigh and NEC vol 23, issue 6 Dec15/Jan 16next events... 5-6 March 16 April Practical Classics Pride of Longbridge 28 February Restoration Show RSR Icebreaker NEC, Birmingham Whitewebbs Museum, Enfield

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from the editorsHappy New Year! The C&SC judges said “We were impressed with the overall standard of club websites, but there were two that clearly stood out. We liked the2016 is already upon us, and whilst this magazine is actually the appearance and speed of the recently overhauled Stag Owners Clubsixth issue of 2015’s allocation, it is packed with news of what website, targeting Facebook as a key mechanism to reach classic car fans of all ages, but the winner came with a remarkable 50-page pres-you can expect from the Club over the course of 2016. entation on its approach to the web and social media… [and] this web-Another award for the Club! site more than lives up to the claims. [The Rover P6 Club’s website] features up-to-the-minute news, a good use of social media – with links to the twitter feeds of other classic car clubs – and is easy to navigate. It would be unfitting to be- The club has also correlated its use of Facebook to an increase in gin without bringing you the membership.” news of our exploits in the – C&SC Judges closing months of 2015. And “No one, in all the years that I’ve been involved with our awards, has no update is more worthy ever gone into such detail with a nomination.” than the news that The Rov- – David Evans, C&SC Awards Head Judge er P6 Club is the proud win- ner of a Classic & Sports Car Club Holiday 2016 Magazine Club Award for the third year running! At After the roaring success of our Club Holiday to Ireland last the prestigious award cere- year, we are organising another holiday for 2016 - this time tak- mony at the Hilton Hotel, ing in the breathtaking coastal roads of Northern Ireland, pass- Birmingham in November, ing the Giants’ Causeway, Old Bushmills Distillery, and taking the Club won the coveted in the sights and sounds of the fabulous city of Belfast. Ferries award for Best Website and are leaving from Liverpool and Cairnryan on 16 June, returning Use of Social Media. The 23 June. Places are filling up fast, so reserve your place today club has been growing at a by contacting Mick Burke (contact details in the club directory phenomenal rate over the on page 2). A deposit of £50 is required to secure a ferry cross- last few years (61% in two ing. All of the crossings, accommodation, routes and excursionsand a half years), and much of this is thanks to the progressive are organised for you by the Club. This is set to be a fantasticand forward-looking online digital strategy that Brian Hum- week-long holiday in the Emerald Isle, and we encourage youphreys and some of the Committee have designed and imple- to book today!mented to help promote awareness of the car and the club to newaudiences through social media, and transform the website to A brief summary of our Annual General Meeting is on page 16.bring more information and interaction to greater numbers of Full minutes will be available in the Members’ Area of thepeople with greater ease. Today, 52% of all our new members website shortly.first heard about the Club online. The Driving Force Editorial Team Photo courtesy of Classic & Sports Car, Haymarket Consumer Media. Photographer: Martin PortFront Cover UK £25Ranald White being interviewed by a film crew at the NEC Classic Europe £28Motor Show about his upcoming participation in the iconic Monte Rest of World £31Carlo Historic Rally in late January 2016. Add £1 for each additional Family member that would like to haveRear Cover voting rights at an AGM/EGM. Pay on line at orCameron Burns’ 1973 2000 TC towing his 1964 Sprite in Ilkeston, cheques payable to “RP6C” posted to Brian Humphreys’ addressDerbyshire on his way to the Coventry Ricoh Classic Car Autojum- in the Contacts Information.ble on a snow-covered January morning! Page 3

a nada in napaim Legg has always had a love of old Craigslist offering by someone in eastern To this date, the car has received a re-British cars. But finding a good one Washington State with three Rovers for sale built BW 35 tranny, a rebuilt water pumpwhere he lives in Napa County, Califor- at a reasonable price. Two NADA P6s with with fan clutch and a/c pulley, a renewednia, is not so easy. 2000 miles to Washing- V8 and a P6 2000 parts car. Buy one of the radiator and the brakes r&r’d with bothton State was his price to find a good P6. NADAs and he would throw in the parts master cylinders and boosters rebuilt. car! A deal was struck via email and New brake pads and hoses, and new tiresOld British cars have always interested me telephone and my son and I embarked on a have made the old girl roadworthyand somehow, with all the travails life 2000 mile round trip with a rented car trailer enough that last weekend she did well inpresents, I have managed to keep at least (note: don’t ever tell the rental folks you a 150+ mile club run (she’s a big hit withone close to hand. My first car ever was a want to trailer a Rover! They’d never heard the members!). Smooth old V8 runs’53 Morris 850 with a ’51 Ford Prefect of one and “it’s not in their computer”!) A smooth and still pulls strong and seemsstable mate. My first new car was a ’65 banzai weekend run found us in that prover- to run cool.Morgan 4/4 Series V. My first ride in a bial less populated area dotted with farmsRover P6 was mid 60s while thumbing my and multitude of barns where my son and Iway from Huntingdon to Cambridge while spotted several ‘classic’ vehicles poking outin the USAF. of door-less barns and sheds. Sure enough, the Rover owner was an old used car dealer and several barns on his property were filled with vehicles. He said, “I think there’s 17 or 18, but I’m not sure. That was just the cars (the three Rovers and about 4 or 5 Peugeot 404s were the ones I recall seeing). He had several motorcycles as well including some old Triumphs. A newly rebuilt Buick 215 with upgrades including 3.9 heads and EFI has been sourced and hope to get it in over the winter. Interior cosmetics will follow.My daily driver while in college was a three I looked over the Rovers finding them very She may not ever be my daily driver, butyear old ’64 MG 1100 with the Morgan as well used with over 200,000 miles on the gad I AM enjoying her! This is a verymy fair weather ride. My love of cars led odometers, and the engine bays and interi- comfortable old ride and with the a/c andto a three year attempt at owning a fran- ors showing a lot of time outside. Both ran power steering (love it!) I hope to attendchised auto parts store. I picked up a ’67 well and with a little TLC could once again some of the long distance events.MGB roadster during this time and that car be decent drivers. I chose the recentlyspent 36 years with me putting hands on repainted Arden Green with the air condi- Jim Leggprobably every nut and bolt on it. My three tioning and power steering, even though the Napa County, Californiachildren learned to drive a manual transmis- brake booster and both master cylinderssion in it and were it not for the other three would need replacing, not to mention aMGBs that came to live with me (two of second gear not working. A satisfactorilywhich remain), and the fact my tastes were reduced selling price was negotiated. Ichanging and I needed quick cash for this didn’t have a way to haul the parts car, solovely old Rover P6, I would still have it. it’s still there as far as I know.Now, as a 70 year old retiree with a bodynot nearly as flexible as it used to be, Ineeded something a little less demandingand a few more of the creature comforts likepower steering and air conditioning. Avintage Brit became my driving force andhaving felt the difference a large engine ina light car can make (yes, one of my MGBswas converted to a 200+ HP Chevy V6) Istarted researching different offerings. Ijoined the British V8 folks on their delight-ful and informative website forums andsoon found the Rover 3.5 litre V8 was apopular engine swap into their MGBs. ButI already had an MGB with large motor sowasn’t interested in that route. However, Idid start to think about finding an actualRover with that V8. It was October of 2013when someone made me aware of a Page 5

paul Dexter’s sixth article concludes his series of technical articles showing you how toinspect, weld and repair the key rot-spots of the P6 base unit. This article concludes the seriesby finishing off the sills and D Posts, and then jacking the car up!Carrying on from the jacking point repair in The shape is now transferred to a piece of The longitudinal snips on the left allow athe last issue there are still large gaps needing 1.1mm steel which has then been curved by curved section to be shaped into a flat semito be filled in at the bottom of the D post and gently hammering over the open jaws of a the bottom of the B/C post, which we'll bench vice to get the initial shape. I've chosenlook at constructing this time. to leave the wheelarch lip on the right hand side until after the left hand side is finished.As usual the starting point is to make a card-board template to get the size and shape right.Time spent now getting the fit right will besaved several times over when it's transferredto steel later on.Where each snip overlaps the other, trim off a Each cut is then welded up to make the piece Afterwards the welds are ground smooth andtriangle so they can sit flat. rigid. Here I'm using a flattened piece of the end is flattened, then bent up by clamping copper tube to absorb heat and support the it in a vice. This will be trimmed to join the weld bead, allowing me to weld to the end of jacking tube support plate once the fit is satis- the slot without the metal burning away. factory. Now it's also time to mark where the other end meets the wheel arch lip.The wheel arch lip is a ½” wide return folded up Here the snipped sections have been folded up Before thisthrough 90º. Here it is cut to length and snipped and trimmed ready for welding and grinding outer section isready to be folded up. off as before. welded in you'll need to finish off the bottom of the inner wheelarch which meets the back of it. It's a fiddly shape and has poor access for the welding torch (and your head with a weld- ing mask), but it must be fully welded to seal the back of the D post from road spray.Page 6

Here's the lower D post from the outside, now The same lower D Post after smoothing off and The final part of the sill repair is to close offfully welded in and waiting to be smoothed ready for paint. Note the drain holes along the the bottom of the B/C post. Depending onoff. bottom edge. how much you've had to cut away for access to the sill, this could be just a simple oblong section an inch or so wide or, as in this case, a much wider curved section including a cut out for the door check strap stud. It was made in the usual way, cardboard template, transfer to steel, shape in the vice with a hammer, trial fit and butt weld in place top and bottom. Judgement time! Test the rear jacking point for the first time using the facto- ry jack. Note the cavity was dripping from the drain holes – no more rust here thank you very much!As with the jacking points and closing in 5panels I've put drain holes along the bottomedge and I haven't reinstated the small trian- As you'll have seen over the course of these articles some quite in depthgulation pieces on either end for better rust structural repairs can be carried out neatly and safely with a basicproofing access and more ventilation. The collection of tools and sheet steel. Provided you take your time andwelds at the top were ground down prior to a think through each step, you can try more and more complex shapes andfew coats of chassis paint and cavity wax. repairs as your confidence and skill levels increase. Some common sense Paul Dexter Don't forget to consider your safety when carrying out The Club offers our sincere thanks to Paul Dexter for all the incredible repairs to your car. You won't be able to enjoy your car hard work he’s put into creating this comprehensive series of articles. and its lovely rust free base unit if you've lost a finger in It is self evidently a massive body of work and will stand the test of time the angle grinder or blinded yourself with the welder! as a huge asset that will the benefit P6 owners and the survival of their Looking directly at the arc brings on a condition known as cars for the long-term future. We hope he’s encouraged you all to take arc eye. It’s desperately painful and at minimum will stop the plunge with your own cars – or at least provided an understanding you sleeping. So you'll need some protective gloves, of what you’ll be paying your welder to do! goggles, welding mask, dust mask etc that I showed you in the January issue. Remove all trim from the area you’re Page 7 working in and keep a fire extinguisher handy. 7


ON SHOW, STONELEIGHstoneleigh Restoration Show at the National no stranger on the Club’s facebook groupAgricultural Centre just outside Coventry is a thanks to this. After investing hundreds of hoursgreat show for getting hands-on with the cars. (and pounds!) replacing all of the consumableWe try to make a point of showing several P6s parts that had failed in his car, Cameron finallyto represent various models and conditions. found himself at rock bottom when a suspected burnt-out exhaust valve brought him withinThis year, we had 3 cars on the stand - a very inches of selling the car on. He contacted thehigh standard 2200 TC owned by Pat McWig- Club, whose technical team were able to helpgin, a very original Lunar Grey 2000 TC which diagnose the issues, recommended the parts heis being recommissioned by Cameron Burns needed to buy, and told him to bring the carafter 12 years in long-term storage, and an ex- down to Stoneleigh on a trailer. With the tirelessPolice 3500S owned by retired Police Officer work of Clive and Maurice Annable, MichaelLes Duggins. Allen and James Rumney, the cylinder head was removed, inspected, all of the consumableLes’s car needed a new DeDion gaiter, which seals and gaskets replaced, new hoses fitted, thewas a great opportunity to raise the rear of the valve gaps were re-shimmed, and the wholecar and work on the famous rear suspension for thing reassembled, in a few hours. After that, anthe public to see. James Rumney worked tire- electronic ignition module was fitted, the carbslessly to complete this relatively straightfor- balanced and the engine brought back to goodward job over the course of the afternoon and health. All reports state the car is still goingLes was able to drive home safely at the end of strong, and Cameron has got many miles underthe day. his belt since.Cameron’s car was easily the attraction of theday. After so many years in storage, all classics Elsewhere during the day, Club Secretaryneed recommissioning to bring them up to a Michael Allen was interviewed by TV’s Fuzzreliable standard. Sadly, rubber components dry Townshend on the live stage where he spokeout and perish, and cars that have been laid up about engaging younger people to get themregularly develop a long string of issues that can interested in P6s to ensure the future survival oflead to dismay for the owner. Cameron’s car is the car. Page 9

P6 PERFECTION -I am no great collector of model cars by made of metal, though this is not a theoryany stretch of the imagination, but I do that I propose to put to the test, at least notpossess a handful of 1:18 scale versions of intentionally! I should add that it has prop-some of my all-time favourite vehicles - er turning wheels fitted with rubber tyresthe Jaguar XJ-S, Mark 2 and E-type, I and the front set 'steer'. The side windowsthink they make a great item to set off any are single piece clear plastic with the illu-mantelpiece though the other half isn’t sion of the top frame being createdentirely in full agreement on this point! through decals, which is the obvious de-The one obvious omission to my modest parture from the typical manufacturingcollection, until now that is, was another methods employed in die-cast modelsmuch loved favourite of mine - the Rover where the doors are more authenticallyP6. recreated. The overall effect is neverthe- less very convincing and I only actuallyAs most will know there has long been noticed this particular detail once pointeda 1:43 Vanguards offering, available in out to me through me reading an internetmany variants. And you might also know review of the model!of the recently issued model of the P6Estoura by Matrix, again 1:43 scale The vehicle seems a very faithful recrea-(which appears to be currently retailing for tion, with an excellent finish in resplend-the princely sum of £56.99 – check out ent red, and I find it very pleasing to theeBay if you want one). The Vanguards eye. The interior is nicely detailed andmodel is a valiant effort, but to my eye for given that I don’t have any inclination toreal impact and the ability to capture detail open the doors, boot, or bonnet of otheryou need 1:18 scale. I have always been vehicles in my small collection then thesurprised that the mainstream producers absence of this capability is of little signif-have never seen fit to produce a 1:18 offer- icance to of such an iconic car as the P6 andevery now and then I would type ‘P6 1:18’ Perhaps disappointingly the model is al-or suchlike into Google in endless hope- ready listed as ‘sold out at the factory’ onless expectation of a result! a number of internet sites and my chosen seller, McLaren Models, no longer list it.Back in April of this year I finally hit gold The good news is that I checked out eBay– an announcement from a company whilst writing this article on 30 Octoberknown as Cult Models that they were set and quite a few listings came up with theto issue a 1:18 resin cast model later in lowest buy-it-now price of £120 with free2015 (their product code CML001-1). The delivery which isn’t bad (if you say itmodel issue was described as being ‘limit- quickly!). I guess that the factory produc-ed run’ and so it seemed prudent to seek to tion run has all been shipped to distribu-place an advance order at the earliest op- tors and being held as stock by them so itportunity. Further fretful googling over seems at the moment that there is stillthe ensuing months led me to a specialist opportunity to secure yourself one.UK based internet seller, McLaren Mod- Whether the manufacturer has plans forels, listing the model for pre-order. With a further production runs is unclear, thoughprice of £115 plus p&p the model wasn’t their original publicity indicated this wascheap, although this kind of price seems a limited production model so maybe not.very much the norm in this speciality area.After many months of patient waiting, I would heartily recommend the model,during which the scheduled June release and although there is nothing as ultimatelybecame end September, the model arrived. satisfying as having a 1:1 scale version resting on your drive or nestling in yourThough a trifling matter, the model is garage, this is a nice little ornament tomarketed as a 1976 3500 P6B saloon complement it. The model comes extreme-though marked with an ‘M’ suffix regis- ly well packaged and I have included atration. It is described as being of ‘cast number of photographs of mine here inresin’ as opposed to die-cast metal con- order to give you a flavour and maybestruction. Looking at it in the flesh, as it whet your appetites.were, there is nothing to give this awayother than it feeling much heavier thansimilar die-cast cars of this scale, and it I would urge you to treat yourself (or alacks opening doors, boot and bonnet. You loved fellow enthusiast!) to one whilstcan see from the underside that the model they’re still available!is a single piece. I would imagine that if itwas accidentally dropped then it wouldperhaps become more evident that it is not Lawrence GardnerPage 10

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the NEC is the pinnacle event of the But the star of the show was Ranald Whiteclassic car year. With over 1,800 cars on with his bewitching 1965 Rover 2000 Ral-display from 250 car clubs, it is comforta- ly Car, which completed the Monte Carlobly the biggest classic car event in Britain, Historique rally last year. Ranald has spentand one of the biggest indoor shows in the last 12 months meticulously improvingEurope. the car, including a new blueprinted TC engine, and is currently on the way toThis year demand was higher than ever for Monte for a second time in this simplya few square yards in the vast halls of the stunning car. Ranald was interviewed byNEC, and we were fortunate enough to several motoring journalists and a docu-secure a 4-car stand in Hall 5 with the rest mentary camera crew during the weekend,of the Rover Village. We’ve noticed over and we wish him every success in thethe last few years that the standard of the grueling 1,500km, 6-day event that runsstands has been getting higher and higher through the nights through some of thefor many classic car clubs, and carpeting, toughest mountain roads in Europe.branded tents and high quality displayboards are now much more common than The club stand was inundated with visitorsthey were. Our Club has been going from and members for the entire weekend, andstrength to strength in recent years, and we were delighted to put names to facesour growth rate and finances have never and welcome 19 new members to the Club.been healthier. So we decided to push theboat out and really make a splash at the On the Friday evening, we were invited toNEC. We had a fully carpeted stand with attend the prestigious Classic & Sportsa new branded gazebo to complement the Car Magazine Club Awards ceremony atbackwall display and other banners and the Hilton Hotel. The awards are hosted byflags we have bought over the last few Lancaster Insurance with judges fromyears. The effect once the 4 cars were in C&SC magazine, and are the premierplace was fantastic - we looked swish, awards which recognise the efforts andprofessional, and like the established clas- contributions of clubs and individuals insic car club we have become. keeping the classic car movement alive and growing. We were incredibly pleasedAs usual we made sure we represented all to be nominated in two categories, andstandards and models of P6 on the stand. blown away to win the award for “Best26 year old Alexandra Phillips’ custom Use of Website and Social Media by a1967 2000 SC Auto ‘Purple Ronnie’ drew Classic Car Club” in recognition of ourgreat crowds with its beautiful purple me- digital strategy which is helping to growtallic paintwork and luscious interior. interest in the car and the club throughDavid Oxford’s stunning Arden Green new digital platforms and social media.NADA 3500S, with special coachbuilt This is the third year in a row that we havewalnut interior courtesy of Bentley at won a C&SC Club Award (“Best ClubCrewe represented the V8s. Ex-Rover as- Show/Event”, P6 50th Jubilee Rallysembly line engineer Ray Turner brought [2013] and “Best Contribution by ahis Mexico 1972 2000 SC, which he has Youngster”, Michael Allen [2014]) andpossibly built twice - once on the produc- we are bowled over by the support andtion line in Solihull, and once after pur- encouragement we have received. A hugechasing it as an abandoned restoration in thankyou to everybody who has helpedneed of reassembly a few years ago. make this club what it is.Page 12

nec classic motor show Page 13

alternative seating arrangementsrob Armstrong’s series 1 3500 wasfeatured in Driving Force several yearsago in a feature called \"A big V8 onsome very little roads\" about his adven-tures in the Lake District during a par-ticularly cold winter. At the time, thecar was Tobacco Leaf. Now it’s a rathernice dark blue (Vauxhall King's Blue)and has an LT77 five speed manualgearbox and Jeep Grand Cherokeewheels fitted, so a fair bit has happened The inside seat rail bolts directly to thein the interim. But the original leather original P6 mounts. On the outside, smallseats were really very tired and had brackets were required from the P6large tears in the leather that were not mounts to the new seat rails. The hardestgoing to be easily mended. After a long part of fitting the front seats was the elec-time looking at options for recovering tric switch panel. In the 75 this is set ator re-conditioning, Rob turned to more about 45 degrees. To get the seat to slotradical alternatives. Having some pic- inside the inner sill of the P6 this has to betures on eBay of Rover 75 seats fitted in vertical. Taking it off and carefully run-a P6, he felt they looked good enough to ning the Dremel round the inside broughtgive the conversion a go on his own car... it into line. The wiring is pretty simple: I've taken a feed from the live side of theI found a complete Rover 75 interior with fuse box to a relay operated by the ignitionSandstone leather seats for £60 from a 75 switch. Output of that relay goes to thethat was being broken not far from us. The orange wires under the seat. The seat re-seller was kind enough to chop the loom to lays are part of the seat and one wire goesthe front seats so that I had something to via a heated seat switch to earth. mounting hardware was cut away on thewire to. They’re heated and have full elec- back of the seats, leaving just enough totric adjustment. The rears are more difficult. The 75 is a lot securely mount the headrests which clipA quick wipe with some leather cleaner wider and a lot longer. I had cut out the over some extra clips on the front of theand it was time to fit them. The fronts go central section of the 75 seats entirely: the rear shelf. Some of the foam has been cutin easily, once the seatbelt mounts and a two, now individual, seat backs fit into the away to get the backs to sit over the P6small bracket are cut off the 75 seat rails. gaps left by the P6 ones. A lot of the 75's wheelarch shape. 6. 7.Page 14

The P6 rear seat base is shorter than the 75’s and the Page 15section behind the seatbelt holes was removed. Theseat bases were narrowed a little too, and the wirethat holds them together was re-bent to clip behindthe crossmember like the P6 ones.The existing P6 armrest sections have been coveredin leather effect vinyl that is an excellent match forthe Rover 75 Sandstone.The door cards and rearparcel shelf have also been re-made in this vinyl.The P6 door pulls didn't really match the newcolours, so some MGB alloy ones were fitted. Ifitted inertia reels in the back which needed a newhole and spreader plate making.The rear seats look a little bit DIY, I'll admit, butthe whole effect is pretty nice. I had it at a localshow in York, and got lots of positive comments.The front seats, while not as squashy as the origi-nals, are a lot more comfortable, mostly becausethey come up to my shoulders, not my mid back.The headrests are nice too! Every time I sit in it, Ithink, \"Oooh this is comfy\". The best bit is thatthere is now plenty of space next to the seat for aninertia reel belt. I love a bargain! Especially asJenni did all of the sewing and surface modifica-tions to the seats. Thanks Jenni! Rob Armstrong

annual general meetingthe Annual General Meeting took number of changes to the Club’s Con- fined in the separate “AO Guidelines”place on Sunday 6 December at the stitution. A growing club needs ancil- document now in effect. The provisionNational Motorcycle Museum, Soli- lary help and support to ensure it of Club Email address-hull. continues to meet the expectations of es for all members was removed, the every member, and provide services at list of copyrighted emblems was up-An area of the car park became an a consistently high quality. According dated, and several other grammaticalinformal winter gathering for a to the Constitution, only Committee and syntactical issues were tidied up.number of P6s, some travelling from Members and Area Organisers are per-as far away as the Scottish Borders! mitted to have access to the contacts A copy of the updated ConstitutionAccess to the museum was free for all details of other members (all members can be downloaded from the website,members, and refreshments were laid for Committee, a subset of members and all new members will receive thison for all those attending the meeting. by postcode for regional Area Organ- as normal in their welcome packs. isers). All individuals with access toChairman Mick Burke opened the club member data are required to sign At the elections, the old Committeemeeting at 1pm, and a series of presen- a data protection agreement. stood down and the following clubtations were made to the membership members were installed on the Com-on a large interactive screen, giving an The Club has many helpers who carry mittee for 2016 by majority vote.insight into the club’s finances, mem- out duties and jobs on behalf of thebership growth, digital strategy, re- Club who are not Committee members Officers of the Committeecently won awards, as well as - this is a natural and unremarkable Mick Burke - Chairman (re-elected)reporting on some of the major events situation for a members-run club with Michael Allen - Secretary (re-elected)of the year. Several slides were pre- many people wanting to contribute to Brian Humphreys - Membership Sec-sented showing the Club’s plans for its success. In order to ensure the more retary (re-elected)2016, including another club holiday efficient running of the club as it Dave Forrester - Treasurer (re-elected)(this time to Northern Ireland), an ex- grows, it made sense to give thesepansion of the club’s online presence individuals access to more information Committee Memberson various social media platforms, and - this includes, but is not limited to, Steve Benyon - Events Coordinatora preview of the plans for the ‘Rum- some of the Club’s membership (re-elected)blefest’ event in 2017, celebrating 50 records and archives. We therefore Pat McWiggin - Regalia Officer (re-years of the Rover V8, which we are proposed to define the role of ‘Ancil- elected)jointly organising with our friends in lary Helper’ in the Club’s Constitution Mark Powell (new Committee mem-the Joint Rover Club’s committee to allow this to take place. Examples ber)throughout 2016 and 2017. of current Ancillary Helpers are as fol- Fraser Kinghorn (re-elected) lows: Barry Gill (re-elected)Membership Secretary Brian Hum- Andy King (re-elected)phreys reported that the Club has ex- Paul Dagen – Webmaster Dixon Sheppard (re-elected)perienced a growth of 22% over the Ian Adamson, Chris York, Dave Roan Janice Sheppard (re-elected)course of 2015 - a fantastic figure – Magazine Editorswhich continues our rapid growth tra- Neil Castle – Driving Force Art Editor After many years’ active service onjectory of the last few years. Resultant- Bevan Edwards – Video Editor the Committee, Brian Barker and Bethly, Club Treasurer Dave Forrester was Sawicki both informed Committeeable to report that the Club’s finances By majority vote, the role of Ancillary that they would not be standing forare in a very healthy state, and we plan Helper was approved by the member- Committee in 2016, and the Clubto increase our budget for various ship and these individuals will now would like send our sincere thanks toprojects in 2016 - not least the amount have access to the information they them both for all of their hard workwe spend on events, regalia and stand require to perform their roles in a more and dedication to the Club over theequipment to better serve the member- efficient manner. years.ship and the broader P6 community. By majority vote, the definition of the Full minutes of the Annual GeneralAs a result of this phenomenal growth, Area Organiser role was removed Meeting will be made available in thethe Committee for 2015 proposed a from the Constitution since it is de- Members’ Area of the website shortly.Page 16

Committee notes Introducing peter willmer ous distinction of being the first person to of the real Rileys) being the first of eight write-off a P6 when he had a spectacular including Lotus Elan +2S, Porsche 911 ‘off’ in 125 FLK - a hand-built pre-pro- and 968, Mercedes Pagoda and 300SL, duction Rover 2000 - in Summer 1964 Bristol 401 and finally, of course, his when it came to blows head-on with an Rover 3500S. These have been driven in otherwise unsuspecting Austin A40 just events all over Europe and Scandinavia. outside Aintree Racecourse! As a Chartered Engineer and Petrol Head he has always maintained and restored the After leaving the RAF Peter spent his cars himself and (so far) has never re- whole working life in the motor industry turned on a trailer. as an engineer in five international com- panies; car, component and truck, ending his career as Director-Research and De- Peter tells us that he is looking forward velopment at worldwide-known engineer- becoming an organiser, rather than a par- ing consultancy, MIRA. Needless to say ticipant, in events although we will be one of these companies was \"the Rover\" surprised if his P6 is not there carrying a during the P4, P6 and P6/P7 period where rally plate! He is planning gatheringsi he had wide-ranging responsibilities for from early in the year, and assures us thatn the October Magazine you all met drivetrain. there are good pubs around Solihull, justHelen Terry, the new organiser for the off the M42.Reading area. After the Beauty, meet the It was while at MIRA that he first becameBeast.... Peter Willmer, who has the dubi- a classic car owner, a Riley RME (the last Branch meetingsRegion Organising When Where Contact Club Mick Burke The Farmers Arms Philip CopperwheatManchester RP6C 2nd Friday 209 Stockport Road Stockport, Dixon Sheppard SK3 0LXEast Midlands RP6C 1st Tuesday 20:00 The Lilac, Isham, KetteringWorcester RP6C 3rd Tuesday The Fruiterers Arms Uphampton Lane, Ombersley Droitwich, WR9 0JWWest London RP6C 3rd Tuesday The General Roy, Poplar Dave Griffin Way,Feltham, TW13 7ABMeldreth, SD1 Club 1st Saturday The British Queen, 94 High Street Kev ClarkCambs 14:00 Meldreth, Cambs, SG8 6LBNewcastle & RP6C To be arranged To be advised Andy KingNorth East RP6C Barry GillReading/ RP6C 1st Tuesday Berkshire Arms, Midgham, Read- Helen TerryBerks ing, RG7 5UX Tony Bunting 2nd Tuesday ofNorth/West odd months The Case is Altered, Pinner, HA5London 20:00 2EQ Page 17

Sun 28 Feb events diarySat 05 Mar - Sun 06 MarSat 16 Apr Rover Sports Register's Icebreaker Rover Day at Whitewebbs Museum. (10am - 4pm). 10 mins from M25 and A1M.Sun 17 Apr Let Tony Bunting ([email protected] / 07906339917) know if you are going so he can pass on our details to the or- ganisers.Sun 24 Apr Practical Classics Restoration Show at the NEC, BirminghamSat 30 Apr - Mon 02 May Discount codes for your discounted tickets: PCRS16C (single) and PCRS16CF (family)Sun 08 MaySat 14 May - Sun 15 May Pride of Longbridge. A well established event in the British Classic calendar. Free entry.Sat 28 May - Mon 30 MaySun 29 May Rover 75/ZT Club National Rally at Cadbury World. Join in with this JRC event and support the 75 Club. DiscountedThu 02 Jun - Sun 05 Jun entry to the factory with overf 125 cars expected. Tickets booked via the club website 05 JunSun 12 Jun Drive it Day Outing to the superb History on Wheels Museum in Eton Wicke near Eton, Datchett and Windsor (not farSun 12 Jun from the M4, M25 and M40 and about 15 miles from the Case is Altered) where we are very kindly being allowed to haveThu 16 Jun - Thu 23 Jun an area to line up our P6s and older Rovers. This is always a very popular outing. Places limited. Contact Tony BuntingSat 25 Jun - Sun 26 Jun asap to ensure a place - [email protected] / mob 07906339917.Sat 09 JulSun 17 Jul Donnington Historic Racing Festival. If you want to go to this for one, two or three days please contact me. Special twoFri 29 Jul - Sun 31 Jul for one tickets have been arranged plus an infield area for our P6s. you will need the Club's unique discount code when booking. Jezz Dobbs ( [email protected] )Wed 03 AugSun 7 Aug Rover P4 Drivers Guild National Rally at the Gloucester and Warwickshire Railway Centre, Toddington Station, Tod-Sun 14 Aug dington, Gloucestershire. Telephone David Greenwell on 01954 710429Sun 14 AugSun 28 Aug Lake District Rally. The Rover P6 Club is moving the Northern Rally from the North East, to the North West at theSun 04 Sep Lakeland Motor Museum in Backbarrow, Ulverston, LA12 8TA. Contact Barry Gill on 07508 543861.Sat 10 Sep - Sun 11 SepSun 25 Sep Enfield Pageant of Motoring. We have our own stand at the 3 day Enfield Pageant of Motoring in North London from 28-30 May.Not far from the M25 and A1M. Places are free but limited for each day. Contact Tony Bunting if you want one. ([email protected] /07906339917). The Scottish All Rover Rally (SARR) is this year held at Thirlestane Castle, Lauder, TS2 6RU. For more information visit RoveAmerica 10th Anniversary Rally. More details to follow at Classics at Metropolitan Police Sports Club, Bushey, Herts near M1 and M25. 10am - 5pm. Contact - Tony Bunting [email protected] or 07906 339917 The South East Rover Rally at Newhaven Fort. Contact Ray Pickett on 01903 208604 or [email protected] Luton Festival of Transport - We are aiming at 30-50 cars in the Club's shared display area for P6s, SD1s and older Rovers. It may be possible to include a visit by historic bus to the nearby Vauxhall Motor Museum. I will have 30 free tickets for P6s on a first come basis Tony Bunting ([email protected] 07906 339917) P6 Club holiday to Northern Ireland. Full details can be found on at land. Contact Mick Burke on 07852 796502. The Rover Sports Register National Rally. The RSR are holding a fun filled weekend in Basingstoke with the Sunday at the Milestone Museum. Contact Gil Ratcliffe at [email protected] The Mid Lincs Rover Rally. A well loved and established Rover Rally at the Aviation Heritage Centre in Spilsby. Con- tact Bryan Leggate on 01790 763344 at The Old Smithy, Old Bollingbroke, Nr Spilsby, Lincs, PE23 4HG. Uxbridge Auto Show. We have our own display area for 17 cars (P6s only). If you want to be in it contact Tony Bunting 07906 339917 [email protected]. Silverstone Classic - The Club has arranged its own area in the infield. The special club discount closes on 30 May 2016. Even cheaper Club Early Bird tickets go on sale in Autumn 2015 - contact Tony Bunting [email protected] / 07906 339917 Classics on the Green at Croxley Green, Rickmansworth near M25, M40 AND M1. This large and popular show goes on all afternoon and evening. Optional lunch at the Coach & Horses before we meet outside the pub at 2.25 sharp for the 1 minute drive to the show. Contact - Tony Bunting 07906 339917 P6 Club National Rally at RAF Cosford Museum, Shifnal, Shropshire, TF11 8UP. Classics on the Common at Ley Hill, Buckinghamshire from midday to about 4.30pm. Contact - Tony Bunting email:tony6@jbservercom text/phone 07906 339917. Cranleigh Classic Car Show and Autojumble. We are reserving an area to display our cars at this wonderful show. Please let me know if you want a free ticket and place for your P6.Contact: Dave Griffin ( [email protected] / tel: 01252 837454) Buckingham Railway Centre. This is the long standing Rover Show at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre at Quaint- on organised by the Rover P4 Drivers Guild. Contact Tony Bunting 07906 339917 [email protected]. Capel Manor Classic and Vintage Vehicle Show. Contact Tony Bunting ([email protected] / 07906 339 917) The Lakes Rally run every year by our friends in the P4 Drivers Guild will be held at Wray Castle, Near Hawkshead in the Lake District. Contact Stan Johnstone on 07958 962751. Alton Herald Classic Car Show and pre Show Rally around the Hampshire Lanes. Contact: Dave Griffin ( [email protected] / tel: 01252 837454)

eventsThe calendar for 2016 is filling up fast details, and contact Barry Gill or Andy The brand new Reading and Berkshireand we are already deep in the planning of King to register for the weekend. Monthly Meet, hosted by Helen Terry,4 major events for the year. starts on 2 February at the Berkshire The Practical Classics NEC Restoration Arms, Midgham, Reading, RG7 5UX. IfAt a meeting in September, the Commit- Show is fast approaching. We are fortu- you live in the area, or are passing by intee voted to consolidate the two annual nate enough to be invited to this event for your P6, please support her at this newnational rallies we have held for several the third year running, and will be running meet.years into a single much larger event in a a stand at the show over the weekend ofcentral location. We have run a Northern the 5-6 March. As ever, we want to show- The major announcement for the year inNational and Southern National Rally case our members cars to the public, so if the club’s event calendar is the Club Hol-since 2013, and whilst this has put a major you have some work you need to get done iday to Northern Ireland, which will takeP6 Club rally within reasonable travelling to your car, and would like to exhibit it at place between 16-23 June. Ferries are sail-distance of more members, we have no- this major national show, please do let us ing from Liverpool and Cairnryan, andticed that attendance of those rallies has know! You can register your interest us- will take in the sights of the far north coastbeen considerably lower than we might ing the ‘Your car on the Club Stand’ fea- of the island of Ireland in a driving holi-expect for a club that is over 600 members ture in the Members’ Area of the Website, day through in the Giants’ Causeway.strong. We have therefore decided to trial or email Steve Benyon on Drive along the coastal route, see and darea single, major National rally at RAF Cos- [email protected] or call 07541 355491. to cross the rope bridge at Carrick-a-rede,ford, Shropshire, just off the M54 near the visit the Old Bushmills Distillery, andM6/M6 Toll junction, on 7 August 2016. The discount codes for tickets to the event immerse yourself in the sights and night-We hope to make this one of the largest are as follows: life of the fabulous city of Belfast.gatherings of P6s since the Jubilee Rallyweekend in 2013. Club Single £12.50 Quote Code: Places are filling up fast, so reserve yourNonetheless, we still want to hold a large PCRS16C place today by contacting Mick Burkerally in the North of England and will (contact details in the club directory ontherefore be running a driving weekend on page 2). A £50 deposit is required for the14-15 May in the Lake District, conclud- Club Family £28.00 Quote Code: ferry at the Lakeland Motor Museum, Ul- PCRS16CFverston. See the flyer in this magazine for Page 19

is published by the Rover P6 Club and printed bySteve and his team at ThistlePrint Ltd, Unit 6, Aston Court, Bramley, LeedsLS13 2AF. Tel 0113 2040 600. Email [email protected]

Page 22 Marauders at Coughton Court


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