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Published by Apologetics Press, 2022-02-10 21:36:49

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FEARLESS FAITHTHE BOOK OF ACTS IS A DETAILED NARRATIVE THAT ACCURATELY AND BEAUTIFULLY COMMUNICATES THE GROWTH OF THE FIRST-CENTURY CHURCH. It chronicles the “Deeds of the De- fenders” as the Holy Spirit worked through them to carry the Gospel to the whole world. But what does it take to be a FEARLESS servant of God, and how can we prepare our- selves to allow God to work through us to accomplish His will today? Let’s take a look at just one example from the book of Acts and see what it takes to build a FEARLESS faith. In Acts chapter 2, the apostle Peter preached the first Gospel message about Jesus Christ. He, along with the other apostles, stood up among a tremen- dous crowd of Jews from around the world and told them the truth about the person they had cruci- fied only 50 days earlier. PETER 10   Discovery • February 2022 © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Truly, this required a FEARLESS faith SCAN QR from Peter and the other apostles; but code to watch let’s notice a few specific things about the Right Place, Right Peter that can help us build this same Time video. kind of faith in our own lives. In this is- sue of Discovery, we are going to notice and examine the fact that... PETER WAS READY What were some of the things that caused Peter to be ready for this awesome opportunity? 1. HE WAS IN THE RIGHT PLACE/ POSITION As Jesus ascended into heaven, He told the apostles to “stay in the city [Jerusa- lem—Luke 24:49] until you are clothed with power from on high.” It had also been prophesied that the Church would be established in the city of Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2,3; Luke 24:46,47), so being in this particular place put Peter in the right position to preach the Gospel. If he had been anywhere else, he would not have been ready! 11© February 2022  •  Discovery   COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

2. HE WAS GIVEN POWER FROM GOD Jesus had told His followers that His Kingdom/Church would come “with power” (Mark 9:1), and it certainly did in Acts 2:1-4. The Holy Spirit filled the apostles with the miraculous ability to speak in other tongues/lan- guages, the power that they would need to prove to their audience that they were speaking a message of truth, directly from God. Part of being ready meant accessing the power that God provided! 3. HE WAS AROUND THE RIGHT GROUP OF PEOPLE God chose a time when Jerusalem was filled with Jews from “every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5) for the apostles’ first pre- sentation of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. God knew exactly who the audience would be. Every- thing was ready, including Peter. 12   Discovery • February 2022 © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

It might be a good time to ask ourselves the question, FEARLESS FAITH “Am I ready to show the same kind of faith that Peter showed?” To help us answer this question for ourselves, let’s ask a few questions: 1. AM I IN A PLACE/POSITION TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT JESUS? Although there is no physical/geographical place where God expects us to be, there are certainly some “spiritual locations” that put us in a position to FEARLESSLY present the message of the Gospel. For example: • Have I put on the whole ar- mor of God? If I have put on the spiritual armor that Paul talks about in Ephesians 6:10ff., then I am in a spiritual position to have FEARLESS faith. If I haven’t done that, then I won’t be able to “stand against the wiles of the devil” (v. 11). • Am I “walking in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time” (Colossians 4:5)? If I am making wise decisions around those who are not yet Christians, and if I am taking full advan- tage of the time that God has given me, then I am putting myself in a position to show FEARLESS faith! If I’m not doing that, then I am probably not ready. • Am I being transformed from the inside out, or am I allowing myself to be con- formed to the world around me? If I am listening and obeying Romans 12:1-2, then I am putting myself in a position to have/share my FEARLESS faith! If not, then I will not be any different from anyone else around me. 13© • February 2022  Discovery   COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

2. DO I HAVE THE RIGHT KIND OF POWER TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT JESUS? Obviously, we are not given the same kind of “power” that the apostles were given in Acts 2, but are we still equipped by God with “power” today? Does our faith rely on our own power, or is God still involved? We are reminded in Romans 1:16 that it is the Gospel itself that “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” As Peter himself would say in Acts 3:12 after healing a lame man, Peter speaking in the temple at Solomon's Porch “[W]hy look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?” The power to save a soul from sin, as Peter fully understood, does not come from us. Do we realize the source of spiritual power? 3. AM I AROUND THE RIGHT GROUP OF PEOPLE? Our “audience” today is “every creature” (Mark 16:15), and our lifestyle of FEARLESS faith is supposed to attract attention (Matthew 5:14-16). If we haven’t been attracting an “audience,” perhaps we aren’t “salty” enough (Matthew 5:13)! Although we are not responsible for the way that people respond to the Gospel, we are certainly responsible for living the kind of life that will help us teach/spread that message! Are there people in your life that you can share the Gospel with? If not, then we have something we can learn from Peter about FEARLESS faith, don’t we? 14   Discovery • February 2022 © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

ACTPIVAGITEY True or False WANT MORE? SCAN THE QR 1. ___ The book of Acts tells about CODE FOR the growth of MORE ACTIVITIES. the second-centu- ry Church. 2. ___ Paul preached about Jesus in Acts 2. 3. ___ The apostles were prepared to preach Jesus in Acts 2. 4. ___ The church of Christ was established in Nazareth. 5. ___ Isaiah prophesied about the coming Church (or Kingdom) of Christ. Solve, Find, and Circle 6. ___ Jesus told His followers that His Kingdom/ Church would come “with power.” E PZCBL KAGGVJ V A K B Y G MX I Y E J 7. ___ Speaking “in tongues” means to speak in E YRDBTNCDRE V “languages.” 8. ___ Peter talks about putting on the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6. R F G MMX Y S U S QI Y F E T ON V S UP QR C HJ AVRAS C HT I RZAT RL OXRI XO E OAC E L S F RNF M A D F MT G E I G D R L 4. Book of the Bible that tells about the growth T D J Z Z S P S F OME of the early first-century Church. __________ U H WWZ S D T S R D P 5. Was crucified on a cross for our sins. _______ R C X MY D H Z Z E N S 6. Filled the apostles with the miraculous ability E MF L H G D V N T P O to speak in other tongues/languages. ______ U M O WI G S Z Z E U G _________ AH J L ORL AC P UC 7. The kind of faith we see in Acts (and that God wants us to have). __________ 1. Preached the first message about the death, burial, 8. “The power of God to salvation for everyone and resurrection of Christ. _________ who believes.” ___________ 2. City in which the Old Testament prophesied Jesus’ 9. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus spoke of God’s Church would be established. __________ people being this to the world. ___________ 3. Helps us to “stand against the wiles of the devil.” 10. To whom should the Gospel be preached (ac- _______ ____ ______ cording to Mark 16:15)? _______ _________ 15© • February 2022  Discovery   COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

AAPPOOLLOOGGEETTIICCSSPPRREESSSS,,IINNCC.. PPeeriroioddiciacalslsPPoostsataggee PPAAIDID 223300 LLaannddmmaarrkk DDrriivvee MMoonnttggoommeerryy,,AALL3366111177 ((880000)) 223344--88555588 ((OOrrddeerrss)) ((333344))227722--88555588 DDisisccoovveerryyMMaaggaazzininee.c.ormg ©©22002202AAppoollooggeetticicssPPrreessss, ,InIncc. . AAlllRRiigghhttssRReesseerrvveedd LLAAaaBssyyissbooooluueccttiEiEIaaaalddlttnnueieittddsooEEtrDrDrdd:a:iieeKKtttsiosoyyoiirlrlggnee::nnEsEBB::rrbuuiRiRccyttoottLLJbb,,yyeMMooBBren.n.aaDDmksksii,,eevvyMMrr..,,P..MMMaMt..ieiEEnn.dd.... Discovery is publisheedd mmoonntthhllyy bbyy AAppoollooggeettiiccssPPrreessss,,IInncc..,,223300LLaannddmmaarrkk Drive, MMoonnttggoommeerryy,, AALL336611177..ASpupblisccartiipotniotno pMriaciel a$t14Pearioydeiacar.lsPPeroisotdaigceal ProiscteasgisePpeanidiantgMatoMntognotmgoemrye, rAyL,.APLO. PSOTMSTAMSATESRTE: RSe: nSednaddaddredsrsescshcahnagnegsetso toDDisicsocovveeryry, ,223300LLaannddmmaarkrkDDrirvivee,,MMoonntgtgoommeerryy,,AALL3366111177;;UUSSPPSS##2233337700 Building a FEARLESS faith is not always easy, but when we look into Scripture, we see many wonderful examples—like Peter—who can help us be stronger in our own faith. The book of Acts is an incredibly encouraging account of how God’s people grew in faith and in number during the first century. Take a look for your- self, and see even more powerful examples of FEARLESS faith! Peter said... him, being delivered by the determined ...have crucified, and Do you want purpose and foreknowledge of god, put to death; to continue to men of israel, you have taken by lawless hands... examine the hear these words: whom god raised up, having loosed the pains FEARLESS jesus of nazareth, a man attested by god to faith of Peter, you by miracles, wonders, and signs... of death, because it was not possible that he and others like him within the which god did through him in your midst, should be held by it.... books of Acts? as you yourselves also know— this jesus god has raised up, of Take a look at which we are all witnesses. the FEARLESS VBS that will be therefore being exalted to the right hand of available in 2022 god, and having received from the father the from Apologetics promise of the holy spirit, he poured out this Press, and you can learn much which you now see and hear. more about what it takes to have this kind of faith! San QR code to go to FEARLESSVBS.ORG E PZCBL KAGGVJ AANNSSWWEERRSS V A K B Y G MX I Y E J SOLF, FIND, AND CIRCLE:1. Peter; 2. Jerusalem; 3. Armor of God; 4. Acts; 5. Jesus; 6. Holy Spirit; 7. Fearless; 8. Gospel; 9. Light; 10. Every Creature. E YRDBTNCDRE V TRUE OR FALSE: 1-F; 2-F; 3-T; 4-F; 5-T; 6-T; 7-T; 8-F. R F G MMX Y S U S QI Y F E T ON V S UP QR C HJ AVRAS C HT I RZAT RL OXRI XO E OAC E L S F RNF M A D F MT G E I G D R L T D J Z Z S P S F OME U H WWZ S D T S R D P R C X MY D H Z Z E N S E MF L H G D V N T P O U M O WI G S Z Z E U G AH J L ORL AC P UC 16  Discovery • February 2022 DiscoveryMagazine.orgYYeeaarrllyySSuubbssccrriippttiioonnFFeeeessininUU..SS..FFuunnddsCsCOluOlubnbnlylryraa•t•teUeU(na(naittitetleeldedaasSsStttat1a1t0et0estsotooofdfdAifAiffmefmereereernirncticataa:ad:IdndInddrderivesivissdiseduesuaspalplaraaridatiedtet:ot:$og$1ge14et4hteheeaerac)r:ch):h$•$1•1B2B2.u5.ul50kl0kreareaatacethce(ha(at tleleasatst55totosasmameeadadddrersess)s:)$: 1$212eaecahc.h. © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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