EVOLUTION & THE BIBLERegular readers of our Discovery magazine know that we often talk about the theory of evolution. This can sometimes get a little confusing. You see, in most books that discuss evolution, the authors use two differ- ent definitions of the word. First, the word evolution is defined as “change over time.” We all recognize that living things change over time. All we have to do is look around us and we quickly see that we don’t look like we did five years ago, and neither do our parents or our pets. “So,” we are told, “evolution is true.” But then, the authors include a dif- ferent idea in which they state that a sin- gle-celled organism “changed over time” into all the different forms of life that we see today. This definition of evolution is the one we read most about in science books, and it is the one that is wrong. While a single-celled organism can change a little over time, it can never change into a human. Unfortunately, many people have been deceived into think- ing that there is scientific evidence that proves one tiny form of life can change over millions of years into all forms of life. That kind of change never happened. That kind of evolution is false. 90 Discovery • December 2021 DiscoveryMagazine.org © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
In fact, it is sad to say that many Christians have been convinced that evolution is true. They then try to fit EVOL U TION into the Bible this idea of a tiny form of life changing into all forms of life. The problem is, there is no way to fit this false evolutionary idea into the Bible without doing serious damage to what the Bible says. Let’s look at the reasons we know evolution cannot be fit into the Bible. 1 THE ORDER OF CREATION In Genesis chapter 1, the Bible explains how God created the entire Universe. The inspired author writes about the order in which the Creation occurred. He tells how 2 God made light on Day 1, the firmament on Day 2, all plants on Day 3, the Sun, Moon, and stars on Day 4, the flying and swimming animals on Day 5, and land-living animals and humans on Day 6. 3 The theory of evolution, however, says that this order cannot be correct. For instance, accord- ing to evolution, land-living dinosaurs “evolved” 220 million years ago and eventually evolved into 4 birds. The Bible, however, says that birds were created before dinosaurs and could not have evolved from them. Evolutionary theory also says that many animals evolved before flower- 5 ing plants ever arrived. The Bible plainly states that God created all the kinds of plants on Day 3, before any animals were created. The order of Creation in Genesis 1 cannot be 6 reconciled with the order presented by the theory of evolution. 91© DiscoveryMagazine.org December 2021 • Discovery COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
ADAM AND EVE The theory of evolution tells us that humans evolved from lower animals. Supposedly, about three million years ago, primates (or ape-like creatures) began to gradually evolve into the first humans. The Bible clearly states quite the opposite. According to Genesis 1, God specially created Adam and Eve on Day 6 of Creation. Humans did not evolve from the lower animals, but were made in God’s image from the very beginning (Mark 10:6). Adam and Eve were very intelligent from the moment they were cre- ated. Furthermore, we read that Adam “called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). Accord- ing to evolution, it is impossible for all hu- mans to be the descendants of = Adam and Eve. Yet the Bible clearly teach- es we are. In addition, we read about how Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. This sin is talked about in the New Testament. Paul explained that physical death came upon humans when the first man, Adam, sinned (Romans 5:12-18). Before Adam and Eve sinned, no humans ever died, because there were no humans living before them. According to evolution, however, humans or human-like creatures died by the millions as they evolved. If Adam and Eve really were the first two humans, as the Bible says, and all other humans came from them, evolution cannot be true. 92 Discovery • December 2021 DiscoveryMagazine.org © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
A GLOBAL FLOOD EVOLUTION & THE BIBLE If evolution were true, then all the ani- mals we see living today must have got- ten here after millions of years of slow, gradual change. If, however, there was a global Flood only a few thousand years ago, and each kind of animal was rep- resented on Noah’s Ark, then the ani- mals we see today would be the offspring of those animals that were on the Ark. Furthermore, the Flood would have caused many thousands of fossils to form and would have changed the way the physical world looks. The theory of evolution, however, insists that fossils were formed over millions of years, and no global Flood ever occurred. In fact, if the global Flood happened, both evolu- tionists and those who believe in Creation ad- mit that evolution would be impossible. Again, the New Testament A SCOFFER IS SOMEONE WHO has something to say about MAKES FUN OF ANOTHER the Flood. In 2 Peter 3, we PERSON OR MOCKS A are told that “scoffers” will come. PERSON’S BELIEFS. The scoffers will demand that “all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” (3:4). Peter then tells us that the scoffers “willingly forget” two events that happened in history. First, they forget that God spoke the world into existence during Creation (3:5). Second, they willingly forget that “the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water” (3:6). 93© DiscoveryMagazine.org December 2021 • Discovery COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
We know this Flood covered the whole Earth for several reasons. First, the account of the Flood in Genesis is a his- toric narrative that is written in a way that is relating real events. The text says that the waters covered “all the high hills under the whole heaven” (7:19). It further states “all flesh died…. All in whose nos- trils was the breath of the spirit of life, all that was on the dry land, died. So He destroyed all living things… Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive” (7:21-23). Not only does the Bible tell us what was killed, stressing “all” land-living and flying creatures, but it also tells us the only creatures that lived—those on the Ark. Second, we know the Flood covered the whole globe because the sign of the rainbow can be seen all over the Earth. God told Noah that He promised never to flood the entire globe again. God explained that the rainbow was a sign of this promise that He made “between Me and the earth” and “all flesh that is on the earth” (9:9-17). Since that time there have been many local floods in some parts of the world that sometimes have even killed thousands of people and covered thousands of acres of land. There has never been, and never will be, however, a flood that covers the entire Earth again. Third, the apostle Peter connected the Flood of Noah to the coming of Christ (2 Peter 3:6-7). He explained that the world that CLICK QR code to watch a video titled was destroyed by the Flood is the same one that WHAT HAPPEND IN THE FLOOD? is waiting for the Second Coming. When Christ comes again, the whole Earth will be affected, not just one small area. In the same way, the whole Earth was affected by the Flood. 94 Discovery • December 2021 DiscoveryMagazine.org © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
ACTPIVAGITEY True or False WANT MORE? CLICK THE QR 1. ___ A single-celled organism CODE FOR evolved into all TWO MORE the different forms ACTIVITIES. of life that we see today. 2. ___ Sadly, many Christians believe the false idea that humans evolved from animals. 3. ___ There is no logical way to fit the false evo- lutionary idea into the Bible without doing serious damage to what the Bible says. 4. ___ The Bible explains how God allowed the Universe to evolve over billions of years. Solve, Find, and Circle 5. ___ According to evolution, land-living dino- saurs evolved 220 million years ago and then eventually evolved into birds. Y F OP UAL ONE AR 6. ___ Humans did not evolve from the lower ani- E T L H AE L ORDRE mals, but were made in God’s image from Y OUOAUC RE AVA the very beginning (Mark 10:6). T E DDOT L H I OE H E AAVE DNNL STH 7. ___ The Flood in Noah’s day was a local flood. E MH I G H B U E S T H 8. ___ While it is true that many very intelligent E A V E N O T S WI T H people believe the false theory of evolu- tion, they are simply wrong and have been deceived. A L L T WI H E I R S H OS T T OH E E AE RT 5. “The mother of all living.” ______ HANNDAL L TTHA 6. The apostle who explained that physical T E I S ONRAI T K T H V E S E E MA S A R N death came upon humans when the first man, Adam, sinned. _________ DI AL TI EL THAA 7. Worldwide catastrophe in Noah’s day. TF I E RVSI NTHE ________ MN P P E E H E MI A H 8. Sign given to Noah as a reminder of God’s 1. In one truthful sense, this word simply means promise that He would never again flood the “change over time.” _________ entire Earth. _______ 2. Man whom God made on Day 6. _______ 9. The apostle who connected the Flood of 3. Day of Creation on which God made flying animals. Noah to the coming of Christ. __________ __________ 10. Vessel in which Noah and his family lived 4. Ape-like creatures. _______ during the devastating, worldwide Flood. _____ 95© DiscoveryMagazine.org December 2021 • Discovery COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC. Periodicals Postage 230 Landmark Drive PAID Montgomery, AL 36117 (800) 234-8558 (Orders) (334) 272-8558 DDiissccoovveerryyMMaaggaazziinnee..coormg © 20201 Apologetics Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved Editor: Kyle Butt, M.Div. Associate Editor: Eric Lyons, M.Min. Layout and Design: Rob Baker, M.Ed. Discovery is published monthly by Apologetics Press, Inc., 230 Landmark Drive, Montgomery, AALL 3366111177.. ASpupblsicaritpiotinontopMricaeil $a1t4Pearioyedaicra. lPseProiosdtaicgael Poriscteasgies PpeaniddiantgMaot nMtgonomtgeormy,eAryL,.APLO. SPTOMSTAMSTAESRT:ESRe:nSdenaddardedsrsecshsacnhgaensgetos toDDisicsocovevreyr,y2, 32030LaLnanddmmarakrkDDrirviev,eM, Monontgtgomomereyr,yA, ALL36316171;7U; USPSPS#S#232373070 EVOLUTION DOES NOT FIT In truth, the theory of evolution does not fit. It does not fit the scientific facts that we know to be true, which we have dealt with in other issues of Discovery. Neither does it fit the biblical account of Creation, Adam and Eve, and the global Flood of Noah’s day. While it is true that many very intelligent people believe the false theory of evolution, they are simply wrong and have been deceived. We should do all we can to help them see the truth of what the Bible says, as well as the scientific evidence that disproves evolution. Y F OP UAL ONE AR ANSWERS E T L H AE L ORDRE Y OUOAUC RE AVA SOLVE, FIND, AND CIRCLE:. 1. evolution; 2. Adam; 3. five; 4. primates; 5. Eve; 6. Paul; 7. Flood; 8. rainbow; 9. Peter; 10. ark. T E DDOT L H I OE H TRUE OR FALSE: 1-F; 2-T; 3-T; 4-F; 5-T; 6-T; 7-F; 8-T. E AAVE DNNL STH E MH I G H B U E S T H Yearly Subscription Fees in U.S. Funds Only • United States of America: Individual rate: $14 each • Bulk rate (at least 5 to same address): $12 each. E A V E N O T S WI T H A L L T WI H E I R S H OS T T OH E E AE RT HANNDAL L TTHA T E I S ONRAI T K T H V E S E E MA S A R N DI AL TI EL THAA TF I E RVSI NTHE MN P P E E H E MI A H 96 Discovery • December 2021 Club rate (at least 10 to different addresses paid together): $12.50 each DiscoveryMagazine.org © COPYRIGHT, APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC., 2021, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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