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Home Explore (30)O-NET ภาษาอังกฤษ ป.6 57 - 62

(30)O-NET ภาษาอังกฤษ ป.6 57 - 62

Published by singburiprovin, 2020-11-07 02:44:44

Description: (30)O-NET ภาษาอังกฤษ ป.6 57 - 62


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แนวขอ้ สอบ O-NET ภาษาองั กฤษ ช้ันประถมศึกษาปีท่ี 6 ปกี ารศึกษา 2557 – 2562 ทจ่ี ำแนกและจัดตามระบบมาตรฐานและตวั ชี้วัดแลว้ สำหรับครู นำไปจดั ให้นักเรียนไดฝ้ กึ ทำเปน็ แบบฝึกหัด อยา่ งสอดคล้องกบั การสอนตามปกติ เอกสารลำดับท่ี 30 / 2563 สำนักงานศกึ ษาธิการจังหวดั สิงห์บรุ ี

คำนำ ตามที่สำนักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดสิงห์บุรี และโรงเรียนเอกชนในจังหวัดสิงห์บุรี ได้จัดทำบันทึก ข้อตกลงความร่วมมือ (Memorandum of Understanding : MOU ) ร่วมกัน เพื่อยกระดับผลสัมฤทธิ์การ สอบระดับชาติ (O-NET) น้ันเรียนชนั้ ป.6 และ ม.3 โดยมขี ้อตกลง โดยสรุปวา่ ให้โรงเรยี นดำเนนิ การพฒั นาการ เรียนการสอน ตามแนวทางการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน เพื่อให้ส่งผลต่อการยกระดับผลสัมฤทธิ์การสอบระดับชาติ (O-NET) แบบยั่งยืน ตามที่ระบุไว้ใน บันทึกข้อตกลงความร่วมมือ(Memorandum of Understanding : MOU ) และในส่วนของสำนักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดสิงห์บุรี มีหน้าที่สนับสนุนให้โรงเรียนดำเนินการให้บรรลุ ตามเป้าหมายทก่ี ำหนดไวใ้ นบันทึกขอ้ ตกลงความรว่ มมือดังกลา่ ว ในการดำเนินดังกล่าวข้างต้น ทีมศึกษานิเทศก์ และนักวิชาการ สำนักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดสิงห์บุรี และคณะครูโรงเรยี นเอกชนในจงั หวัดสงิ ห์บรุ ี ไดร้ ่วมมือกนั ดำเนินการจัดทำวิเคราะหข์ ้อสอบ O-NET ปี 2558- 2562 วิชา ภาษาไทย ภาษาอังกฤษ คณิตศาสตร์ และวิทยาศาสตร์ โดยจำแนกเปน็ รายมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้/ ตัวช้วี ัด สำหรับใหค้ รูผู้สอนนำไปใชส้ อดแทรกอย่างกลมกลนื ในการจัดการเรียนการสอนตามปกตติ ามแผนการ สอน โดยทำเป็นแบบฝกึ หัด ครั้งละ 2 - 3 ข้อ อยา่ งสอดคล้องกบั ตัวชี้วดั ในแผนการสอนนน้ั ๆ เพ่ือให้นักเรียน ได้ ฝึกอ่านโจทย์คำถามแนว O-NET ทุกวัน วันละเล็กวันละน้อย เพื่อสะสมความรู้โดยไม่ให้นักเรียนรู้สึกเบ่ือ หนา่ ยขอ้ สอบ O-NET บัดนี้การวิเคราะห์ รวบรวม และจัดพิมพ์ ข้อสอบ O-NET ปี 2558-2562 นักเรียนชั้น ป.6 และ ม.3 วิชา ภาษาไทย ภาษาอังกฤษ คณิตศาสตร์ และวิทยาศาสตร์ ได้เสร็จเรียบร้อยแล้ว ขอขอบคุณทีมงาน ศึกษานเิ ทศก์ นกั วชิ าการ และคณะครูผจู้ ัดทำทุกท่าน สำนักงานศึกษาธกิ ารจงั หวัดสิงห์บุรี หวังเป็นอย่างย่ิงว่า เอกสารข้อสอบแนว O-NET ที่จัดทำขึ้นน้จี ะ เป็นประโยชน์ ในการดำเนินการยกระดับผลสัมฤทธิ์การสอบระดับชาติ (O-NET) แบบยั่งยืน ของทุกโรงเรียน และขอให้ครูผู้สอนในวิชาท่ีเกีย่ วข้องดังกล่าวนำไปใช้ให้เกิดประโยชน์แกน่ ักเรียน และบรรลุเป้าหมายการการ ยกระดบั ผลสัมฤทธิ์การสอบระดบั ชาติ (O-NET) แบบย่งั ยนื ตามท่รี ะบไุ วใ้ นบันทกึ ขอ้ ตกลงความร่วมมอื ( นายธนู อกั ษร ) ศกึ ษาธิการจังหวดั สิงห์บุรี พฤศจิกายน 2563

ชดุ ที่ 1 ปีการศกึ ษา 2557 - 2559

2 1. (ต.1.1 ป.6/1) You can buy ________ at a bakery. 1. rice and curry 2. shirts and skirts 3. socks and shoes 4. bread and cakes 2. (ต.1.1 ป.6/1) Nancy has some apples, strawberries, oranges, and grapes. She can make ________. 1. tuna soup 2. fruit salad 3. meat sauce 4. green curry 3. (ต.1.1 ป.6/1) Read the instructions. First, put some water and detergent in the washing bowl. Then brush and wash the clothes. After that, wash the clothes in clean water. Lastly, hang up the clothes on the line. These steps are for _________ clothes. 1. drying 2. washing 3. hanging 4. soaking Choose the correct answer to complete the conversation and the passage. จงเลือกคำตอบที่เหมาะสมท่สี ุดมาเตมิ ลงในบทสนทนา และข้อความ 4. (ต.1.1 ป.6/1) Mia: I’m very thirsty._____ Jacob: Yes, sure! 1. Would I get you some soup? 2. Would you like some snacks? 3. Can I have some water, please? 4. Can you give me some fried rice? 5. (ต.1.1 ป.6/1) Read the instructions. First, put the pan on the stove. Next, pour some cooking oil into the pan. Finally, put the fish in the hot oil. The instructions tell you how to _________ fish. 1. fry 2. boil 3. grill 4. steam

3 6 . (ต.1.1 ป.6/2) Which pair of words has the same vowel sound? 1. fine – buy 2. earth – reach 3. knew – clear 4. church – punch 7. (ต.1.1 ป.6/2) Read the poem and put the word that rhymes. I played a game. I rode my bike. I had a snack. I took a ___(7)___. By Kenn Nesbitt 1. box 2. cart 3. hike 4. ball 8. (ต.1.1 ป.6/2) Which word starts with the same sound as “giraffe”? 1. guitar 2. gentle 3. garden 4. goodbye 9. (ต.1.1 ป.6/2) Which pair of words has different vowel sound? 1. wet – vet 2. cake – take 3. king – kind 4. wish – wing 10. (ต.1.1 ป.6/2) Which word start with the same sound as “useful”? 1. unit 2. ugly 3. uncle 4. upset 11. (ต.1.1 ป.6/2) Which pair of words has different beginning sound? 1. useful – ugly 2. know – knight 3. campfire – castle 4. cherry – chimney 12. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Look at the notice WEEKEND ONLY BUY 2 GET 1 FREE ON ALL SHOES AND CLOTHES You can see this notice at a ________________. 4. department store 1. post office 2. train station 3. fitness centre

4 13. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) From the sign, what should you do? 1. Put a lot of water onto the fire. 2. Use the exit stairways to get out. 3. Take the elevator to the first floor. 4. Get into the building very quickly. 14. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Look at the sign When you see the sign, you should _______ . 1. Keep left 2. Keep quiet 3. make noise 4. make a queue 15. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) What kind of sports can people usually do alone? 1. 2.

5 3. 4. 16 – 19 Complete the passage. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) The nutrition tip tell you the amount of calories per serving. You will get ____(16)____ calories when you eat or drink one serving. One serving has 2 g of fat,_____(17)_____, and 250 mg of sodium. We can say that it has low fat, high sugar and medium sodium. It contains no ____(18)____. It does not have any protein or carbohydrate at all. So the nutrition tips should be for _____(19)_____. 16. 1. Two and forty hundred 2. Twenty four hundred 3. two hundred and forty 4. Twenty hundred and forty 17. 1. 12 g of sugar 2. 2 g of calories 3. 240 mg of total fat 4. 250 mg of saturated fat 18. 1.sugar 2. sodium 3. total fat 4. saturated fat 19. 1. fried fish 2. fruit juice 3. baked beef 4. grilled pork Look at the poster and answer questions 20 and 21 (ต.1.1 ป.6/3)

6 20. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) What does the poster mainly want to tell us? 1. Save the earth. 2. Help children. 3. Make clean water. 4. Take care of animals. 21. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) From the poster, what should you do? 1. Eat less fish. 2. Keep more pets. 3. Grow more trees. 4. Use less sunlight. 22. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Look at the picture. Where are they? 1. In the store. 2. In the studio. 3. In the garage. 4. In the museum. 23. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Which sentence is true for the picture? 1. They get angry. 2. They take photos. 3. They make a net. 4. They feel happy. 24. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Look at the picture. What do you say to her? 1. “I want to pull your tooth out.” 2. “You should go to see the dentist.” 3. “Why did you clean your teeth?” 4. “Can I buy you some tooth paste?”

7 25. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) You want someone to take a photo for you. What would you say to him? 1. Can I take a photo? 2. May I take a photo of you? 3. Do you want to take a photo? 4. Could you take a photo of me? 26. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) To get more protein, what kind of food should you take? 1 2. 3. 4. 27. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Mana is riding a motorcycle. At the bridge over the intersection, he sees this sign. What should he do? 1. Go on the bridge. 2. Take the right turn. 3. Not go on the bridge. 4. Not take the left turn 28. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) She is going for walk in a park. What should Sue do when she sees the sign? 1. Step into the grass. 2. Jump onto the grass. 3. Not walk on the grass. 4. Not run out of the grass. 29. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) There is a fire while you are watching a film in a Cinema. Which sign should you follow? 1. 2.

3. 8 30-31 Look at the pictures. 4. 30. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) From the pictures, Which sentence is correct? 1. They are doing home work. 2. They love playing outdoor sports. 3. They help their mother do housework. 4. They cook special dinner for their family. 31. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) What do you think about the two children? They are ________. 1. diligent 2. difficult 3. impolite 4. intelligent 32. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Look at the sign Which of the following is correct about the sign? 1. It is a parking space for bicycles only. 2. It is an area where only bicycle are bought and sold. 3. It is apart of a road that only bicycles are allowed to use. 4. It is a tour to the countryside where everyone rides a bicycle. 33. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Logan: _______________ Emily: She has long brown hair.

9 1. What is your neighbour like? 2. What does your neighbour do? 3. What is your neighbour doing? 4. What does your neighbour look like? 34. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) In English class You do not hear the teacher, so you say to her, “_________” 1. Can I read it again? 2. Shall I say it, please? 3. Could you repeat? 4. May you listen to it again? 35-38 Complete the passage. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) We all can help take care of nature and the world around us. It is very Important so people and______(35)_______ can live happily. The world is having several______(36)_____. For example, the weather is changing and the summer is warmer. Why does it happen? People drive more cars everywhere. Cars use oil and that make the levels of carbon dioxide in our world_____(37)______. If we ride our bicycles or walk, our world can go______(38)______ or be cleaner. The work can be better if we all help. 35. 1. fruits 2. animals 3. flowers 4. Water 36. 1. sources 2. plants 3. people 4. problems 37. 1. higher 2. cheaper 3. nicer 4. safer 38. 1. pink 2. yellow 3. green 4. Purple

10 39-40 Look at the things and their price. 39. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) You have 40 baht. What can you buy? 1. A notebook and two pens 2. Three pens and two rulers 3. Two rulers and three rubbers 4. Four rubbers and one notebook 40. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Sam buys a pen and rubbers. How much does he pay? 1. Six baht 2. Ten baht 3. Sixteen baht 4. Sixty baht Look at the pictures 41. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Which of the following is correct about the picture? 1. We go skiing in the winter. 2. They are walking in the rain. 3. The sky is blue in the summer. 4. It is nice and warm on a sunny day. 42. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) The sea is 71% of the earth’s surface while land is 29%. Which graph is correct? 1. 2.

11 3. 4. 43. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Which sentence is true for the picture? 1. A circle is inside a triangle. 2. A triangle is inside a circle. 3. A circle is outside a square. 4. A triangle is outside a square. 44. (ต.1.1 ป.6/3) Read the sign. Which of the following is correct according to the sign? 1. You can pay later. 2. You do not have to pay. 3. You cannot use a credit card. 4. You should use your credit card. 45-48 Complete the conversation. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) At a stationery shop Seller: Can I help you? Ping: ________(45)_______ Seller: Here you are. It’s ten baht. Ping: _______(46)______, please. I need one for myself and one for my sister. Seller: Do you want anything else? Ping: I’m also looking for watercolor paper.______(47)_____

12 Seller: It’s thirty baht. This one is good for painting. Ping: I’ll take it._______(48)______ Seller: Thank you very much. 45. 1. Yes, you can. 2. No, you can’t 3. I’d like a 2B pencil. 4. I don’t like a pen. 46. 1. There it is 2. Here it is 3. Get then three 4. Give me two 47. 1. What is the money? 2. How much is it? 3. How many are there? 4. When do you sell them? 48. 1. Here’s fifty baht. 2. Here’s forty baht. 3. Here’s fifteen baht. 4. Here’s fourteen baht. 49-52 Read the passage and answer questions. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) I’m Catherine. My birthday is January 31, 2003. My dad takes care of people’s teeth. I like swimming. I don’t like vegetables. I have a pet, and it always barks at the postman. 49. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) How old is Catherine? 1. Twelve 2. Thirteen 3. Fourteen 4. Fifteen 50. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) What does Catherine’s father do? 1. A doctor 2. A soldier 3. A dentist 4. A policeman 51. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) From the passage, Which would Catherine choose to eat? 1. Park 2. Carrot 3. Lettuce 4. Broccoli 52. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) What is Catherine’s pet?

1. A little bird 2. A box turtle 13 4. A brown dog 3. A white rabbit 53-57 Read the poster (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) 53. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) What date is “Big Cleaning Day”? 1. Twenty-three of January, twenty sixteen. 2. January the twenty-third, two zero one six. 3. January twenty-three, two hundred sixteen. 4. The twenty- third of January, two thousand sixteen. 54. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Where is the cleaning activity? 1. At the beach. 2. In the ocean. 3. In the school. 4. At the playground. 55. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) From the poster, which of the following is not garbage? 1. A can 2. A prize 3. A battle 4. A plastic bag 56. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) How many hours does the activity take? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Nine 57. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Who will get the prize? 1. Jack who got five noodle caps. 2. Steve who found a pair of old sunglasses. 3. Nancy who picks up three small boxes of soft drinks.

14 4. Peter who collected two pair of old leather boots. 58. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) You’re going to the beach. What should you buy for your trip? 1. sunglasses, swimsuit, and hat 2. wool scarf, suit, and trousers 3. jacket, light sweater, and gloves 4. swim trunks, raincoat, and boots 59. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Mom: _______________ You: I’m drawing a picture. 1. What do you do? 2. Are you a painter? 3. What are You doing? 4. Do you like your teacher? 60. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Ping: Do you like that movie? Kim: _________ It’s amazing. 1. Yes, I do 2. Yes, I am 3. No, I don’t 4. No, I’m not 61-65 Read the letter and answer the questions. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) 18/1/2017 Dear Aunt Kate, I’m writing to tell you that I can’t visit you next month. I’m going to football camp for boys in Brooks. I love football, and mum and dad agreed to let me join the camp. I’ll stay at the c amp for a week with many new friends. Now I’m studying hard for the final exam.

15 Talk to you later. Love, George 61. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Who is George? 1. Mum’s dad 2. George’s aunt 3. Kate’s nephew 4. Dad’s daughter 62. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) When did George plan to visit Aunt Kate? 1. In January 2. In February 3. Before the final exam 4. After playing football 63. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) When did George write the letter? 1. January the eighteenth, twenty seventeen. 2. January the eightieth, two zero one seven. 3. August the second, two thousand seventeen. 4. August the second, two hundred and seventy. 64. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) How long will George stay at the camp? 1. Two days 2. Two weeks 3. Seven days 4. Seven weeks 65. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Which of the following will George do first? 1. stay in Brooks 2. take the final exam 3. play football at the camp 4. spend time with his new friends 66. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Lucas: ______________ Isabella: from the book. It’s on page 32. 1. Where is the book? 2. What was the question? 3. How many page are there? 4. How did you find the answer? 67-68 Read the conversation. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Daisy: Long time no see! How are you? Elsa: I’m great. What are you doing here? Daisy: I’m a teacher at the school over there. What about you?

16 Elsa: What a surprise! I have a clinic opposite the school. 67. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Who are Daisy and Elsa? 1. Old friends 2. New classmates 3. Doctor and patient 4. Teacher and student 68. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) What is Elsa? 1. A florist 2. A dentist 3. A pianist 4. A scientist 69. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Read the sentences It is animal with short legs and hard shell covering its body. It lives on land and in water. When it is afraid, it pulls its head and legs inside its shell. Teacher: What is the animal? Student: __________________ 1. A crab 2. A snail 3. A turtle 4. A squid 70-71 Read the instructions(ต.1.1 ป.6/4) -Do not cut trees. -Keep the river clean. - Do not burn garbage. - Turn off the light when you don’t use it. 70. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Teacher: What are all of the instructions about? Student: _____________ 1. Recycling trash 2. Using less paper 3. Cleaning the canals 4. Saving the environment 71. (ต.1.1 ป.6/4) Teacher: If we do not follow these instructions, what will we get? Student:_____________________________ 1. Fresh air 2. Green world 3. Less pollution 4. More global warming 72. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) Pam: Thank you very much. Ali: ______________ 1. I’m good. 2. That’s right. 3. Never mind. 4. You’re welcome. 73. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) You’re stepping on someone’s foot. You say, “_____________”

17 1. It’s okay! 2. I’m sorry! 3. Don’t worry! 4. Just a moment! 74. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) Jack: You won the gold medal. Congratulations! Rose: ____________ 1. I’m sorry. 2. Thank you. 3. Never mind. 4. You’re welcome. Choose the correct answer to complete the conversation and the passage. 75. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) At school Wanita: ____________ Teacher: Hi, Wanita, you come very early to day. 1. Good luck 2. Who are you? 3. Good morning 4. How Do you do? 76. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) Irene: How often do you wash your clothes? Alice: ___________ I usually do it every Saturday. 1. Every day. 2. Once a week. 3. Twice a mouth. 4. Six times a year. 77. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) Joe: What subject do you like most? Jim: English. It’s fun. Joe: ________ A lot of foreigners visit our province, and I like talking to them. 1. Me, too. 2. Not for me. 3. Me, neither. 4. Neither do I. 78. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) John: What do you like to do in your free time? Jane: I like reading and watching TV. ____________ John: I collect stamps. 1. How are you? 2. How about you? 3. What do you do? 4. What are you doing? 79. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) Peter: I visited my grandparents in Khonkaen last weekend. Mark: Great! _________________ Peter: I went shopping and had dinner with them. 1. How did you go back? 2. What did you do there? 3. When did you go shopping? 4. Where did you have dinner? 80. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) On the phone

18 Matha: Please ask John to call back Metha. Nancy: _________, please. Metha: Metha, M-E-T-H-A. Thank you. 1. Speak softly 2. See you later 3. Say your name again 4. Send your telephone number 81. (ต.1.2 ป.6/1) At the party Frank: Joey, do you know that song? What’s the name? Joey: _____________, What did you say? Frank: The name of the song! What is it? 1. Sorry 2. Certainly 3. Not at all 4. My pleasure 82. (ต.1.2 ป.6/3) Tom want to go to the bank. Tom: Excuse me._________ A man: Walk down this street. It’s on the right corner. 1. When is the bank open? 2. Which bank do you like? 3. How can I get to the bank? 4. Why do you work at the bank? 83. (ต.1.2 ป.6/3) Lisa: It’s very heavy. I can’t lift it up. Pete: _____________ 1. God bless you. 2. Let me help you. 3. Show me your hands. 4. That’s very kind of you. 84. (ต.1.2 ป.6/3) At the book shop 2. How much is it? Jonathan: __________________ 4. How marry book are there? Shopkeeper: Twenty five baht. 1. How long is it? 3. How often do you read?

19 85. (ต.1.2 ป.6/3) Ann: The weather is very hot. Let’s go to the beach! Beth: ___________I love to swim in the sea. 1. That’s a good idea 2. That sounds dangerous. 3. That’s very kind of you. 4. That seems very unhappy. 86. (ต.1.2 ป.6/3) In the gym Ethan: Can I borrow your racket? Olivia: _____________ 1. No, thanks. 2. Yes, please. 3. No, here it is. 4. Yes, her you are. 87. (ต.1.2 ป.6/3) In English class You need to go to the toilet, so you say to your teacher, “Excuse me._________” 1. May I go to the toilet? 2. Can you go to the toilet? 3. How will I get to the toilet? 4. Where do you get to the toilet? 88. (ต.1.2 ป.6/5) Sarah won the first prize. What does she feel? 1. Glad 2. Angry 3. Sleepy 4. Bored 89. (ต.1.3 ป.6/1) Sue and Kate are walking home. Sue: It’s raining! Kate: Oh, no! I don’t want to ____________. 1. dry out 2. get wet 3. warm up 4. keep clean 90-92 Look at the table and answer questions? (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Charlie Sandwich Fish Chicken Eggs Salad Ice cream Juice Chocolate Brutus   Conan  ✓✓ ✓   Popeye ✓✓ ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓= like = not like 90. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Brutus is at launch. What will he order? 1. Fish and salad 2. Eggs and juice 3. Sandwich and chicken 4. Ice cream and chocolate 91. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Who like vegetable?

20 1. Brutus and Conan 2. Conan and Popeye 3. Charlie and Brutus 4. Popeye and Charlie 92. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) What do these four people like the most? 1. Fish and eggs 2. Sandwich and juice 3. Salad and chocolate 4. Chicken and ice cream 93-97 Complete the passage. (ต.1.3 ป.6/1) I learned how to ______(93)_____ lettuce at school. Lettuce grows best in full sun. At first, we prepared the soil with organic matter. We put ____(94)____ Deep in the ground. We watered them carefully all over the land. We got a lot of fresh lettuces, So, at noon, we cooked to them for __(95)__. When we have more vegetable, we __(96)__ them to people in the village. People like our vegetable very much. I love this job, So I will be a ___(97)__ when I grow up. 93. 1. eat 2. keep 3. pack 4. plant 94. 1. seeds 2. roots 3. leaves 4. flowers 95. 1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. dinner 4. supper 96. 1. buy 2. Sell 3. lend 4. Borrow 97. 1. sailor 2. designer 3. fisherman 4. gardener

21 98-100 Look at the chart. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) 98. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which drink has ten grams of sugar? 1. UHT milk 2. Soy milk 3. Yoghurt 4. Fruit juice 4. Soft drinks 99. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which drink has the most sugar? 1. UHT milk 2. Soy milk 3. Yoghurt 100. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which sentence is correct? 1. UHT milk has no sugar. 2. Say milk has the least sugar. 3. Yoghurt has less sugar than soft drinks. 4. Fruit juice has more sugar than say mille

22 101-102 Look at the map. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) 101. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which sentence is correct? 1. The high school is beside the library. 2. The restaurant is opposite the supermarket. 3. The coffees shop is next to the department store. 4. The bookstore is between the hospital and the museum. 102. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) From home, how can you get to the post office? 1. Take Blue Street and turn right to Read Street. It is on your left. 2. Take Red Street and turn right to Blue Street. It is on your left. 3. Take Yellow Street and turn left to Black Street. It is on your right. 4. Take Black Street and turn left to Yellow Street. It is on your right. 103. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) In an aquarium, there are 60 fish, 40 crabs, 30 shrimps and 50 squids. 1. 2.

23 3. 4. 104 -105. Look at the map. . (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) 104. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which sentence is correct? 1. The cinema is next to the hotel. 2. The hospital is opposite the bus station. 3. The department store is near the supermarket. 4. The school is between the hospital and the library. 105. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) From the school, how can you go to the bus station? 1. Take Baber Road. It’s on your left. 2. Go along Max Road. It’s on your right. 3. Take Daisy Road. It’s next to the cinema. 4. Go down Max Road. It’s next to the hospital. 106-107 (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Look at the table. Name Height (cm) Weight (kg) Language Megan 170 70 Chinese, Japanese, English Thomas 175 65 Daniel 180 65 Thai, English English, Chinese

24 106. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which language can everyone speak? 1. Thai 2. English 3. Chinese 4. Japanese 107. (ต.1.3 ป.6/2) Which of the following is correct? 1. Megan is taller than Daniel, but lighter than Thomas. 2. Thomas is taller than Megan, but lighter than Daniel. 3. Thomas is shorter than Daniel, but heavier than Megan. 4. Megan is shorter than Thomas, but heavier than Daniel. 108. (ต.2.1 ป.6/2) Read the card. When do you send this card? 1. Christmas 2. Halloween 3. Thanksgiving 4. Valentine’s day 109. (ต.2.1 ป.6/2) Daisy and Megan are making pumpkins like ghosts. They are celebrating the festival. What festival is it? 1. Easter 2. Christmas 3. Halloween 4. Thanksgiving 4. pumpkins 110-111 Read the poem and answer questions. It’s time of joy and cheer. It’s time to visit our parents. It is time for Santa and __(110)__. 110. (ต.2.1 ป.6/2) What is the word that rhymes? 1. bread 2. turkeys 3. reindeer 111. (ต.2.1 ป.6/2) What festival is the poem about?

25 1. Easter 2. Christmas 3. Halloween 4. Thanksgiving 112. (ต.2.1 ป.6/3) Nina: What do you think about my new dress? Jane: Wow! It’s ________. 1. easy 2. hard 3. clear 4. great 113. (ต.2.1 ป.6/3) After the movie Oliver: How was the movie? Amelia: __________________ 1. It was great. 2. It is in the city. 3. It helps me a lot. 4. It took the hours. 114. (ต.2.1 ป.6/2) What can you see on the New Year’s Eve? 1. 2. 3. 4. 115. (ต.2.1 ป.6/2) On October 31, children celebrate Halloween. What do they usually do? 1. They splash water on each other. 2. They send handmade cards to their fathers. 3. They give jasmine flowers to their mothers. 4. They dress like ghosts.

26 116. Angie and Joe are decorating a pine tree with candy canes, lights, and glittering balls. Which festival are they celebrating? 1. Eater 2. Christmas 3. Thanksgiving 4. Valentine’s day 117. Teacher: It’s very dark in here. Please __________. Student: Yes, sir. 1. turn on the light 2. close the window 3. switch off the fan 4. clean the blackboard 118. Liam: I failed the math test. Noah: ______________________ 1. I’m good at it. 2. Congratulations! 3. You’re welcome! 4. I’m sorry to hear that. 119. Your friend hurried to see you, but unluckily, he fell and hurt his knee. What should you say to your friend? 1. How are you? 2. Are you okay? 3. What are you doing? 4. Do you want to see me?

27 เฉลยชุดที่ 1 ขอ้ ตอบ ขอ้ ตอบ ขอ้ ตอบ ข้อ ตอบ 1 4 31 1 61 3 91 3 2 2 32 3 62 2 92 4 3 2 33 4 63 1 93 4 4 3 34 3 64 3 94 1 5 1 35 2 65 2 95 2 6 1 36 4 66 4 96 2 7 3 37 1 67 1 97 4 8 2 38 3 68 2 98 3 9 3 39 1 69 3 99 4 10 1 40 3 70 4 100 3 11 1 41 2 71 4 101 2 12 4 42 1 72 4 102 4 13 2 43 1 73 2 103 3 14 4 44 3 74 2 104 4 15 3 45 3 75 3 105 2 16 3 46 4 76 2 106 2 17 1 47 2 77 1 107 4 18 4 48 1 78 2 108 4 19 2 49 1 79 2 109 3 20 1 50 3 80 3 110 3 21 3 51 1 81 1 111 2 22 1 52 4 82 3 112 4 23 4 53 4 83 2 113 1 24 2 54 1 84 2 114 4 25 4 55 2 85 1 115 4 26 2 56 3 86 4 116 2 27 3 57 4 87 1 117 1 28 3 58 1 88 1 118 4 29 2 59 3 89 2 119 2

28 30 3 60 1 90 1 120 - ชดุ ที่ 2 ปีการศึกษา 2560 - 2561

29 ต.1.1 ป.6/1 61 1. The floor is wet. Your brother is walking on it. What should you say to him? 1. Be quiet. 2.Hurry up. 3. Be careful. 4. Step down. ต.1.1 ป.6/2 2. Which question has a different intonation from the others? 1. Is it okay? 2. What is it? 3. Can you go? 4. Are you all right? ต.1.1 ป.6/2 3. Read the poem We have hung our stockings up, Beside the open grate. And now there's nothing more to do, Except to wait. On which holiday do children in some countries do this? Christmas 1. Easter 2. Christmas 3. New Year 4. Thanksgiving

30 ต.1.1 ป.6/2 4. Which word has a different vowel sound from \"dear”? 1. bear 2. fear 3. hear 4. year ต.1.1 ป.6/3 5. What should a driver do when he sees the red traffic light? 1. Park the car. 2. Move the car. 3. Stop the car. 4. Watch the car. ต.1.1 ป.6/3 6. Which of the following punctuation marks is not correct? 1. The questions are difficult. 2. The questions are not easy. 3. They cannot answer the questions. 4. Can the students answer the questions. ต.1.1 ป.6/3 7. Look at the sign You can see this sign in ________. 1. a library 2. a canteen 3. a restaurant 4. a coffee shop

31 ต.1.1 ป.6/3 8. In a zoo Beth: Let's sit on this bench. Tan: No, we can't. Look at the sign. Which sign do Beth and Tan see? 1. 2. 3. 4. ต.1.1 ป.6/3 9. You are waiting for a bus. You want to know when the bus comes. What should you ask? 1. What bus goes downtown? 2. Is that the time? I must go. 3. I'm sorry. Do you have time? 4. Excuse me. What time is the next bus? ต.1.1 ป.6/3 10. Look at the picture What do you think will happen after this? 1. The place will be cleaner. 2. There will be less grass. 3. The trees will be greener. 4. There will be more leaves.

32 ต.1.1 ป.6/3 11. Look at the picture Which of the following is correct about the picture? 1. You can talk freely 2. You have to talk noisily. 3. You must not speak quietly. 4. You should not speak loudly. ต.1.1 ป.6/3 12. Look at the picture What does the woman want to do? 1. Call a waiter. 2. Ask a question. 3. Raise her hand 4. Show her ticket. ต.1.1 ป.6/3 13. Students have to get wood for a campfire. The map says, “From the campsite, go 400 metres to the north, and another 200 metres to the west. The wood is there.” Which map is correct? 1. 2.

33 3. 4. ต.1.1 ป.6/4 14 – 18 Read Maria’s diary and answer the questions. Maria's Diary 26 January 2019 My first trip to the beach was amazing. It was my longest journey! The bus windows showed me very beautiful green fields. We had a short break in Ayutthaya. It took about six hours to get to the beach in Petchburi, and we had lunch at noon near the beach! learned how to open crabs by myself. We had fun staying at the Rama VI training center, near the beach. I was very happy breathing the sea breeze. I had a lot of fun on this trip. 14. What is the diary about? 1. Beautiful green fields 2. The beach in Petchburi 3. Maria s longest journey 4. The Rama VI training center 15. What time did Maria probably start the journey? 1. 6.00 a.m. 2. 8.00 a.m. 3. 8.00 p.m. 4. 10.00 p.m. 16. Which province could be Maria's hometown? 1. Phuket 2. Suratthani 3. Chumphon 4. Phitsanulok 17. What does breeze mean? 1. sand 2. wind 3. light 4. water

34 18. Which sentence is correct? 1. Maria had lunch in Ayutthaya. 2. Maria's house is near the seaside. 3. Maria had new experiences on her trip. 4. The Rama VI training center keeps crabs. ต.1.1 ป.6/4 (19 – 21) Read the email and answer the questions. 19 January 2018 Subject: science project Hi Ping, My group is staying at a hotel near the science exhibition hall. Bad news! Some test tubes got broken while we were getting off the train. As you know, we need the tubes for the project. We didn't know where to find them in a short time. And the traffic was very busy during rush hour. The hotel staff suggested that we take the BTS train to a store. It was our first time to take the BTS. It's easier and faster than I thought. We got the tubes in less than an hour! Wish me luck on the project presentation tomorrow. Cheers! Kan 19. Who are Ping and Kan? 1. Friends 2. Parents 3. Tourists 4. Drivers 20. Where is the science exhibition hall? 1. In Yala 2. In Bangkok 3. In Lamphun 4. In Chanthaburi 21. Why did Kan go to a store?

35 1. To buy test tubes. 2. To take a BTS train. 3. The store is near the hotel. 4. The hotel receptionist was there. ต.1.1 ป.6/4 (22-23) At a Thai temple Sook: Hey, Tom! You can't go in wearing __22__. They are not allowed in the temple. Tom: Oops, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. In my country, we can wear them in church. But men take off their __23__ when they go in. Sook: Yeah, most Thai people don't wear them in the temple, either 22. 1. Socks 2. shoes 3. a shirt 4. a skirt 23. 1. hats 2. socks 3. shoes 4. Shirts ต.1.2 ป.6/1 Directions: Items: 24 – 29 Choose the best answer to complete the conversations. ต.1.2 ป.6/1 24. Teacher: ______ Student: I'm eleven. 1. How old are you? 2. How much do you weigh? 3. How often do you exercise? 4. How many books do you have? ต.1.2 ป.6/1

36 25. Mark: ______ Pang:Thailand 1. What can you do? 2. Why are you going? 3. When do you arrive? 4. Where are you from? ต.1.2 ป.6/1 26. Samuel: How did you go to the cave? Wayne: __________ 1. I rode my bike 2. It was very dark 3. It was very nice there 4. I wanted to see the rocks ต.1.2 ป.6/1 27. Ping: ________ Tek: I like collecting coins. I have a lot in my album. 1. What is your hobby? 2. Where are your coins? 3. Where is your coin album? 4. What is your favorite subject? ต.1.2 ป.6/1 28. Amy: Let me introduce myself. I’m Amy. Prim: Hi Amy. I’m Prim. Amy: ______ 1. I’m all right. 2. Fine, thank you. 3. I have to go, bye. 4. Nice to meet you. ต.1.2 ป.6/1

37 29. At a department store Customer: I'm looking for a shirt. Assistant: ______ Customer: Medium, please. 1. How much is it? 2. What color is it? 3. What size do you want? 4. How many shirts do you want? ต.1.2 ป.6/1 30. Maya is an exchange student. Your teacher introduces her to the class. What should you say to Maya? 1. Never mind. 2. You are new. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. You're welcome. Directions: Items Choose the correct answer to complete the conversations. จงเลอื กคำตอบที่เหมาะสมทสี่ ุดมาเตมิ ลงในบทสนทนา 31. Teacher: ______ Student: I'm in Prathom 6. 1. Which school is it? 2. Who is in that room? 3. Where do you study? 4. What class are you in? 32. Ming: Would you like to go to the party tonight? Chai: ______ I have to do my homework. 1. I’m sorry. 2. I'd love to. 3. You're sorry. 4. You'd like to.

38 ต. 1.2 ป.6/2 33. In the classroom You want to go to the toilet. What should you say to your teacher? 1. Can I get up, please? 2. May I go out, please? 3. Can you go up, please? 4. May you get out, please? ต. 1.2 ป.6/3 34. At the reception desk Receptionist: ________ Guest: I'm trying to find a toilet. 1. Can I help you? 2. May I tell you? 3. May you tell me? 4. Can you help me? ต. 1.2 ป.6/3 35. Greg: Could you pass me the pepper, please? Jenny: ________ Greg: Thank you. 1. No, thanks. 2. Yes, please. 3. Here you are. 4. Another time. ต. 1.2 ป.6/3 36. Raul: Would you like a drink? Tony: _______ I'm very thirsty now. 1. Yes, please. 2. No, thanks. 3. No, I wouldn't. 4. Yes, you would. ต. 1.2 ป.6/3 37. Son: Please Mom,________ Mom: No, dear. You can't. It's time for bed.

39 1. may you get up late? 2. can you read a story? 3. may I try to sleep early? 4. can I use the smartphone? ต. 1.2 ป.6/3 38. Anek is looking for a seat in the canteen. There is an empty seat near a boy Anek: Excuse me. ______ Boy: Yes, it is. Go ahead 1. Is this table all right? 2. Is it okay if I sit here? 3. Would you mind if I sat here? 4, Would you mind sitting there? ต 1.2 ป.6/3 39. An old man gets on the bus. There is no seat for him. You want to give him your seat. What should you say to him? 1. Is this your seat? 2. Can you sit down? 3. Would you like to sit? 4. Do you like your seat? ต 1.2 ป.6/3 40. Read the conversation. Liam: Are you ready to order, sir? Ken: Yes. I’d like a tomato soup and a tuna salad, please. Where are Liam and Ken? 1. At a garden 2. In a kitchen 3. At a fish farm 4. In a restaurant ต 1.2 ป.6/3 41. Doug: Oh, no! It’s very heavy. I can’t lift it up. Ethan: _________ 1. Let me help you. 2. You’re very heavy. 3. The lift is over there. 4. Show me your hands.

40 ต 1.2 ป.6/5 42. Rose: You look very happy. Ben: I am. I got an A in English! Rose: __________ 1. Cheers! 2. That's okay! 3. Thank you! 4. Congratulations! ต 1.2 ป.6/5 43. You throw the ball to your friend, but it accidentally hits her face. What should you say to her? 1. It’s too bad. 2. I’m sorry. 3. No problem. 4. Don’t worry. ต 1.2 ป.6/5 44. Your friend is in hospital. What should you say to him? 1. Get out 2. Get ready 3. Get up now 4. Get well soon. ต 1.2 ป.6/5 45. Read the email and answer the questions. 19 January 2018 Subject: science project Hi Ping, My group is staying at a hotel near the science exhibition hall. Bad news! Some test tubes got broken while we were getting off the train. As you know, we need the tubes for the project. We didn't know where to find them in a short time. And the traffic was very busy during rush hour. The hotel staff suggested that we take the BTS train to a store. It was our first time to take the BTS. It's easier and faster than I thought. We got the tubes in less than an hour! Wish me luck on the project presentation tomorrow. Cheers! Kan How did Kan feel about the BTS train?

41 1. Sad 2. Tired 3. Excited 4. Bored ต 1.2 ป.6/5 46. This school vacation, Ann is going to Singapore with her family. Ann: I am leaving for Singapore tomorrow. Pim: ____________ 1. Well done! 2. You’ll be okay! 3. Have a nice trip! 4. Congratulations! ต 1.3 ป.6/1 47. Which season does the United States of America not have? 1. Rainy 2. Winter 3. Spring 4. 4. Summer ต 1.3 ป.6/1 48. Which month has the same number of days as \"March\"? 1. June 2. August 3. February November ต 1.3 ป.6/1 49 – 50 Read the email and answer the questions. 19 January 2018 Subject: science project Hi Ping, My group is staying at a hotel near the science exhibition hall. Bad news! Some test tubes got broken while we were getting off the train. As you know, we need the tubes for the project. We didn't know where to find them in a short time. And the traffic was very busy during rush hour. The hotel staff suggested that we take the BTS train to a store. It was our first time to take the BTS. It's easier and faster than I thought. We got the tubes in less than an hour! Wish me luck on the project presentation tomorrow. Cheers! Kan

42 49. When is Kan going to present the science project? 1. 18 January 2018 2. 19 January 2018 3. 20 January 2018 4. 21 January 2018 ต 1.3 ป.6/1 50. Which of the following is correct? 1. Kan wrote the email. 2. Ping was in the store. 3. Ping took a BTS train. 4. Kan stayed at the exhibition hall. ต 1.3 ป.6/1 51. The bus had just left when Mike arrived at the bus stop at 2.50 p.m. Mike: Excuse me. When is the next bus coming? Woman: It comes every fifteen minutes. When is the next bus? 1. 2.55 p.m. 2. 3.05 p.m. 3. 3.15 p.m 4. 3.30 p.m. ต 1.3 ป.6/1 52. Robin: _________ Henry: It's sunny. 1. What is the weather like? 2. What is like the weather? 3. Do you like the weather? 4. Does the weather like you? ต 1.3 ป.6/2 53. Look at the table Animal Speed Animal Speed (km/hr) Elephant 40 Giraffe 52 Cheetah 120 Horse 88 Boar 24

43 Lion 80 Which sentence is correct? 1. A horse is the fastest. 2. An elephant is the slowest. 3. A lion is faster than a cheetah. 4. A boar is slower than a giraffe. ต 1.3 ป.6/2 54. Look at the table. Students’ Favorite Pets Pets Number of Students Hamsters 8 Rabbits 2 Birds 10 Fish 12 Dogs 13 cats 12 Which of the following is correct? 1. None of the students like dogs. 2. Most of the students like rabbits. 3. More students like fish than cats. 4. More students. like birds than hamsters. (55 – 56) Look at the map.

44 ต 1.3 ป.6/2 55. Which sentence is correct? 1. The bakery is next to the bus station. 2. The museum is opposite the supermarket. 3. The library and the school are on the same road. 4. The park is between the post office and the hospital. ต 1.3 ป.6/2 56. Sutee is at school. How can he get to the post office? 1. Take First Street and turn right at the library. 2. Take Main Street and turn left at the supermarket. 3. Walk along First Street. The post office is on the corner. 4. Walk along Main Street. The post office is straight ahead. (57 – 58 ) Look at the map.

45 ต 1.3 ป.6/2 57. Which sentence is correct? 1. The hospital is next to the library. 2. The museum is opposite the supermarket. 3. The school is between the park and the bus station. 4. The post office and the bakery are on the same road ต 1.3 ป.6/2 58. Sean is at the post office. How can he get to the library? 1. Walk past the park. The library is on the left. 2. Walk along First Street. The library is on the right. 3. Walk across Main Street. The library is in front of him. 4. Walk along Second street. The library is opposite the museum. (59 - 61) Look at the chart which shows activities each Prathom 6 student 'does in the morning at school before class, and answer questions. Activities of Prathom 6 Students

46 ต 1.3 ป.6/2 59. How many students are there in Prathom 6? 1. Thirty 2. Fourteen 3. Twenty-four 4. Twenty-eight ต 1.3 ป.6/2 60. What do most of the Prathom 6 students do at school before class in the morning? 1. Play sports 2. Read books 3. Do homework 4. Eat breakfast ต 1.3 ป.6/2 61. Which of the following is correct? 1. Four students read books. 2. One student eats breakfast. 3. More students eat breakfast than play sports. 4. More students read books than do homework. ต 1.3 ป.6/2 62. There are one hundred and eighty students. Half of them go to school by bus. More students ride a bicycle than walk to school.

Which diagram is correct? 47 1. 2. 3. 4. ต 1.3 ป.6/3 63. What do you think about my handwriting? Alice: __________ 1. Sure, that's a test. 2. It's nice! I like it, 3. All right, on your left. 4. I'm learning. It's easy. ต 1.3 ป.6/3 64. Brad: I failed my math test. What should I do? Doug: __________ Brad: Yeah, you're right. 1. You can hurry. 2. You can go to a gym. 3. You should play more. 4. You should study harder. ต 1.3 ป.6/3 65. Molly: _____________ Nancy: I like science.

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