AKC Pet Health InsuranceYou either love them or you hate them, the members, breeders, and owners who are affiliatedwith the American Kennel Club. Puppies who are registered with the American Kennel Clubare the aristocracy of the dog world, granted entry into the finest clubs and most exclusive clubs.The breeds not recognized by the American Kennel Club or dogs that are of a mixed ancestryoften feel like outsiders or commoners.For all the hoopla surrounding the American Kennel Club only members actually seem to knowwhat it really is.The American Kennel Club is the largest registry of purebred dogs in the entire world. In 2006there were over nine hundred thousand dogs registered with the American Kennel Club. Inaddition to registering dogs the American Kennel Club also host several large shows includingthe Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (it is actually older then the kennel club) and theAKC/Eukanuba National Championships.The American Kennel Club has been registering puppies for over one hundred and twenty-twoyears. In 2006 the AKC signed a contract with the pet stores Petland but later rescinded theoffer after a flurry of controversy.In addition to hosting dog show and overseeing the registration of hundreds of thousands ofdogs each year the American Kennel Club also takes an active interest in canine health research.Some dog owners are familiar with their current advertising campaign promoting theircommitment to healthy dogs.Because the American Kennel Club realizes that the high cost of veterinary care can be difficultfor many dog owners to afford they now offer AKC pet health insurance.
The American Kennel Club Healthcare Plan is designed to help offset the high cost ofVeterinary treatments, surgery, and prescriptions.On the American Kennel Club website they have a list of claims that have recently been paid todog owners who have purchased an AKC pet health care plan. These claims included a$2,600.00 doller claim for poison toadstools, for a recent case of bee stings they paid a claim of$2,200, and the owners of a dog that was bitten by a snake received a check for 1,262, $2,000for an intestinal resection, and $2,800 paid out for a ruptured ligament. The biggest claimcurrently listed on the website is for a ruptured vertebral disc that would have cost the ownersan additional $3,329 out of their pocketsThe American Kennel Club estimates that the average daily cost of a healthcare plan for yourdog is approximately sixty-eight cents a day (this is based on the Essential plan's annual price).You can pick from four different types of healthcare insurance plans, you have a variety ofwellness options you can choose from that will help cover dental cleaning, shots, and checkup.Applying for the insurance is supposed to be easy and you can choose to pay monthly or yearly.You get to continue to use you very own veterinarian. The American Kennel Club also offerscoverage for cats.One of the really nice features about the AKC pet healthcare coverage is the sixty-daycomplimentary trail period.Being physically attractive has always been an important facet of our society and culture. Thepressure to look perfect has never been as strong as it is right now. Men and women off all agesfeel pressure from society and media to look healthy, young, and as perfect as humanlypossible.揗Shockingly, men have begun to exhibit the same damaging effects that this pressure can haveon people. anorexia?is just one of the new names concocted to encapsulate the oddity of mensuffering from what have historically been female diseases. Although the pressure to look greatdoes affect both men and women, it has only been recently that men have begun to respond to itwith over-dieting, over-exercising, and plastic surgery the way that many women do.If you want to look perfect but are not as deeply affected as others, you may find that simpleremedies are enough to satisfy you. Start off by working on the basic elements of physical抯attraction ?skin, hair, and teeth. These are the things that people first see and will determinewhether or not they feel an instant attraction to you. Let start with health hair.Having healthy hair is relatively easy. If you wash and condition your hair regularly, you aremore than half-way there. Having a full head of healthy hair will also require a bit of a gooddiet. Having healthy hair does not require that you stop eating bad foods, rather it is importantthat you get lots of great foods that are full of vitamins, minerals, and, oh yes, fat. Oils are anecessary ingredient when it comes to having healthy hair, nails, and skin.Your diet will also affect your teeth and skin. Be sure to get plenty of calcium for strong,healthy teeth. Drinking lots of water helps clean out the pores and make your skin look healthier.You may even find that you are glowing.Brush your teeth at least twice everyday and use a whitening toothpaste to make your teeth look
抰years younger. You don have to have the straightest teeth, but they must be clean and brightif you want to attract and impress someone.Having healthy hair, skin, and teeth will take you leaps and bounds when it comes to the datingscene. Healthy hair, skin, and teeth tell others that you take good care of yourself ?which is veryattractive no matter who you are or what kind of person you may be looking for.Pet Health Insurance Veterinary eye Concerns for Pet DogsOwners who are considering purchasing pet health insurance for their dogs should make surethat the eye health of their dogs covered by the insurance policy. Because many insurancecompanies will not insure the eyes of a dog whose breed is habitually diagnosed with chroniceye problems may want to consider purchasing their puppy from a CERF (Canine EyeRegistration Foundation). Breeders who are recognized by the CERF have been publiclyacknowledged as breeding puppies without known health problems. In some cases insurancecompanies might also require that the owners have genetic screening done on the puppiesbefore they can be insured.Glaucoma is a common eye condition that begins with very subtle symptoms such as dilatedpupils that don't respond well to light, and eye that appears to be red, poor vision, and corneasare often cloudy. One California-based veterinarian claims that because the initial symptomsof Glaucoma can be very subtle many California pet owners to not immediately bring their dogsand for an examination. If Glaucoma is not immediately seen by a veterinarian within 24 to48 hours the increased pressure in the eyeball can lead to permit it cases of blindness. Insevere cases of untreated Glaucoma veterinarians have been forced to remove the pet's eye.Any dog who has the developed an irritation in their eye that causes them to square to produceextra tears is called a \"squinting dog\". Most cases of squinting is caused from a minorirritation such as an in turned eyelash or minor scratch to the cornea. However some cases ofsquinting dog has led to the early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer and Blastomyosis.抯The Dermoidis is a benign corneal neoplasam. It is sometimes referred to as the third eyelid.Hair growing from the Dermoidis can irritate the dog eye which can cause discharge andoccasionally cause an ulcer to appear on the eye.Once you have seen a person or animal with cataracts you will always be able to diagnose them.The official definition of a cataract is opacity of the lens. When you look into an eye that has acataract it looks as if a darkly tinted contact lens has been placed over the lens. If the cataractsbecome too thick the pet will go blind.Shar Peis. Cocker Spaniels, Labradors, and Rottweilers are susceptible to eye condition calledEntropion. Entropio, happens when an eyelid fold inward toward the eye and causes theeyelashes to brush against the cornea. The irritation of the eyelashes rubbing the corneagenerally gives the eye a squinty drippy appearance. Bulldogs, Poodles, and Cocker Spanielsare often diagnosed with a condition called Cherry eye.抰Dry eyes is the term used to describe the eyes of a dog that isn producing enough tears.
Lhasa Apso, Pugs, and Shih Tzus are breeds that are particularly susceptible to dry eyes. Dogowners should bring their dogs to the veterinarian as soon as they notice any of the followingconditions; squinting, tearing, pawing at the eye, cloudiness, bloody eyes, a blind eye (this canhappen very abruptly), constantly dilated pupils, and swollen eyelids. Dog owners need tounderstand that early diagnosis is often the key to preventing further eye issues.
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