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Home Explore short ebook

short ebook

Published by Nadine Almazan, 2020-09-22 04:23:11

Description: short ebook


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My Book of Attracting Abundance

My dear Friends, This workbook is designed to support you achieve your goals and help you attract the abundance you Deserve. YOUR PLAN FOR YOURSELF The Universe’s plan for you 1


ROOF Roof = This is your current reality, these are the symptoms you are experiencing now. Look at what you would like to manifest (attract to your life) and look at your personal situation: For example, if you are looking to manifest a better financial situation and you are noticing that you are in too much debt, or you are not making enough money, I’m working hard for the money I am making but it’s never enough. Write down your current situation: 3

This is what I don’t want This is what I am attracting to attract to myself and my life 4

I’m in the process of attracting to myself and to my life 5

Daily practice Today I Bless .... 6

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