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Home Explore Profile Qflexi IT 23 copy

Profile Qflexi IT 23 copy

Published by ditlhakezito, 2020-04-09 06:05:35

Description: Profile Qflexi IT 23 copy


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Company Pro le Q Flexi IT & Telecoms

Q Flexi is one of South Africa’s leading Managed Service Providers with a track record of outstanding service levels and cutting edge technologies. We o er this service to clients, wherever they are located.

Quality Flexibility in Real Time

History & CULTURE Q Flex Technology cc. is a company that has been established in a fast paced and undeni- ably growing industry. Q Flexi IT & Telecoms our trade name was formed from a number of companies which are Xo-Net, CDS Media & Spectrum Commu- nication. No company can be ignorant of the fact that technology is advancing and changing almost everyday. Equally so, a human life, be it an o ce personnel or a cleaner is also important. We aim to go beyond being mere solution providers, but to also make customer service our driving force to be di erentiated from already existing competitors.

VISION MISSION We will be among the top To provide quality and exible technology in leading solution real time that meets the needs of industrial providers in Sub-Saharan and corporate market. These include, but Africa of quality not limited to the ICT, mining, steel and information technology, petrochemical Industries In sub-Saharan communications Africa, where we can add value through and solutions. local expertise, knowledge and service. Our primary business is to provide IT and telecommunication solutions. However we constantly seek and evaluate opportunities in technology and communication related activities to ensure continual growth. We aim to meet and satisfy the needs of the customer by marketing directly to the users our products. By separating our business into individual business units, focused on de ned sectors. We will o er superior service to all customers to whom we provide our services. Our e ort is focused on one thing, above everything else, quality and exible technology in real time

BUSINESS CONCEPT We see Q-Flexi being the vessel to that need. Our footprint is also in the following The company is based on a solution provid- countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Swaziland, ers' concept in terms of ensuring that we offer Angola and still growing. up to date solutions which are expandable and flexible to the corporate and telecoms industry and making it accessible to every individual. Looking at the BEE strategy to empower small medium enterprise (SME), it is in Q-Flexi’s favour to avail our interest in technol- ogy and telecommunications advancement of Africa to provide those solutions at more competitive prices to corporate, government and industrial market to a large cross-section of both public and private enterprises, includ- ing the automotive industry, municipalities, schools, SME’s, manufacturers, mining and construction companies, just to name a few.

Consultancy Business Intelligence The core expertise of Business Solutions We provide software solutions for the Divisions is the ability to provide the best t management of human capital, either client solution for a particular client requirement server hosted or delivered as on-demand without aligning ourselves to any particular software as a service via the cloud. We strive vendor, equipment or company. Many a to provide excellent and cost e ective times the solutions are tailored to t a software solutions to manage labour particular set of product o ered by the relations, breaches in ethics and employee Analyst and not the other way round. This productivity monitoring, as measured by results in mismatching and/or unrealistic new customer to increase deployments, adjustments at the client site. At Q Flexi, our revenue growth, and customer successes. solutions are t around client’s need and that’s why we don’t represent any product. The only exception being our representation of sets of products that are unique in nature and rarely available.

process; services

ITSupport • SaaS (Cloud Computing, Email Continuity & Archiving, Online Backup, Hosted PBX) • Online Backup and Disaster Recovery • Networking • Hardware & Software Sales • Procurement of IT Equipment • Branding (Graphic Design, Email Branding, Web Development,Webhosting, Domain Registration) IT SECURITY Stronger security, stronger business A comprehensive IT security strategy is a critical component of the success of any business. Without an extensive security strategy, organizations leave themselves open to countless security risks. Through our portfolio of holistic IT Security Services, All Covered employs best-in-class measures to build a comprehensive security strategy encompassing cyber security, mobile protection plan and cloud backup and recovery. ICT Infrastructure Solutions • Fiber Management, FTTx Access Network Metro/Core Networks, Fiber Distribution Frames • Patch Panels, leads and accessories • Fiber Boxes & Terminals • Copper & Fibre Closures • Plastic Pipes and Fittings • Radio Network Optimization Services • Communications • Electronics • Telecoms • Test & Measurement • Mobile Networks • DAS Technology • ISP (Internet Service Provider) LTE, ADSL, Fibre, • Uni ed Communications

Consulting • We o er IT business solutions by consulting with clients o ering advice on the latest • Business Intelligence Consulting • Business Analysis • Training CONNECTIVITY • DSL • Fibre • Fixed Wireless LTE / Mobile Wireless • Network Services MICROSOFT SERVICES O ce 365 is your complete o ce in the cloud, It brings together the feature-rich communication and collaboration tools of Microsoft applications to enable you to work anytime, anyplace. OFFICE 365 • Outlook • Hosted services • O ce applications • Collaboration tools • Updates • O ce 365 Education AZURE Turn ideas into solutions with more than 100 services to build, deploy, and manage applications—in the cloud, on-premises, and at the edge—using the tools and frameworks of your choice. • Be future-ready • Build on your terms • Operate hybrid seamlessly • Trust your cloud

Network Infrastructure Wireless Infrastructure As your business grows Q Flexi IT can play a leading Connecting Your Business Wirelessly role in any network design projects needed to update your existing network and expand it to We o er a wide range of quickly deployable wireless accommodate additional users and workloads. Our solutions ranging from basic wireless links to enter- expertise in this eld enables us to incorporate prise-grade links that give you the ability to run OTT modern network design elements with established (over-the-top) services. These services can include technologies to solve your business problems VOIP, exchange, and CCTV. A LAN is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communication line or Scalable and exible, our wireless solutions can wireless link to a server to share resources: adapt to any business type and size. • Network interface cards • Switches WiFi that works for your business • Routers • Cabling The mobile revolution has fundamentally changed • Storage (SAN and NAS) how businesses connect for the better. No longer • Servers constrained by wired connectivity, you’re free to • Firewalls connect on the go no matter what your business size or type. Give your guests and sta the freedom Comba to connect their smart devices with secure, wireless Antenna & Subsystems connectivity on your business premises. Supply of cost-e ective antennas based on its innovative patented designs. Its largest microwave Our smart WiFi solutions include: anechoic chambers in the region, located in Guang- zhou, China, has been used by many customers • Hot desking around the world as an accredited testing facility for • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) antenna performance benchmarking. • User and device mobility • Guest and temporary WiFi access Antenna and Subsystem Range: Whatever your needs, we’ll match them with the • Base Station Antenna relevant technologies with guaranteed future-proof • Repeater/Microcell Antenna results. • Indoor Antenna • Camou age Antenna Hotspot Wi-Fi • Remote Electrical Tilt System • Multi-band combiner/POI Make Wi-Fi work for Your Hotel, Guest House or • Passive components Restaurant, mall, shop or store. • TMA System WiFi in the hospitality industry has become a non-ne- gotiable. You need a solution that gives you the ability to o er guests an easy way to connect, while still ensuring a secure managed connection. Our hospitality o ering is scalable and expandable.

HardwareOur IT Services IT Networking We supply a comprehensive range of hardware and peripherals at preferatial price Choose the latest networking technology to make your business run better than ever before Save money by implementing the right technology for your company. Save time using a fast, e cient and secure network.

IT Connectivity Make sure you have access to the IT Support fastest and most cost-e ective network available Stay up-to-date with all your software require- ments and bene t from our discount- ed rates We o er you professional in-house or outsourced IT Support.


ABOUT CONNECTIVITY Q Flexi IT o ers connectivity solution that is rst-class, through Diginet, DSL, Fibre, resilient, secure, competitive, Fixed Wireless, Mobile Wireless and most importantly promotes and Network Services. Q Flexi IT business growth. aggregates its connectivity from multiple networks into its MPLS core, allowing it to o er cost-e ective pricing through economies of scale, and to o er a massive infrastructure footprint, covering 98% of South Africa. Q Flexi IT has partnered with leading hardware and network providers to deliver an infrastructure Wireless Internet Access Wireless access can also be Uncapped and capped packages provided to securely connect ranging from SOHO 1:20 branches around the country, contention ratio’s through to 1:1 for Internet Access, Virtual enterprise connections. Private Network (VPN) access or Voice over IP (VoIP). We are Home Wireless Internet – Our scalable so if our standard Home Wireless Internet packages packages don’t meet your are great for home users that needs, we are more than willing need an a ordable connection. to tailor a package that will This package will cater for cater to your speci c needs. general browsing, downloading, Business Wireless Internet – email, Skype and more. Packages Business Services Wireless are available in capped and Internet has a package that will uncapped options.. suite your businesses needs.

Cybersecurity Made Simple. Network Expose Hidden Risks Stop Unknown Threats Superior visibility into Powerful next-gen Powerful uni ed threat management risky activity, suspicious protection technologies for your entire network tra c, and advanced like deep learning and threats helps you regain intrusion prevention keep Sophos Central control of your network your organization secure. The uni ed console for managing Isolate Infected Systems your Sophos products. Automatic threat response instantly identi es and isolates compromised systems on your network to stop threats from spreading. Enduser & Server Endpoint, mobile, and web security licensed per user, not device. local Intranet is essential to any

MICROSOFT BUSINESS 365 Right now, Microsoft is spending billions of dollars every year on cyberse- curity R&D. On top of this, Microsoft employs thousands of cybersecurity experts to constantly improve the speed, responsiveness, and strength of our security services. Then there’s the thousands of other people monitor- ing and neutralizing the threats and attacks spreading around the globe. The result is a global cloud with than anyone else. Right now, the largest organizations in the world store their most sensitive data in Microsoft’s cloud – and they don’t lose a minute of sleep. Enjoy Office apps Increase protection against advanced Get the latest features and capabilities cyberthreats with fully installed and always Help protect against malware, viruses, phishing up-to-date versions of Outlook, Word, attempts, malicious links, and other threats. Excel, PowerPoint for Windows or Mac, OneNote (features vary), and Access and Add business data protection Publisher (PC only) Use 1 TB cloud storage Edit and share documents, photos, and Control access to sensitive information using more from anywhere, on all your devices encryption to help keep data from being accidentally shared. with 1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage.

Get email and calendaring Have the safest Windows ever Use enterprise-grade email Get upgrade rights to Windows 10 Pro from through Outlook with a 50 GB Windows 7 Pro or 8.1 Pro. mailbox per user and send attachments up to 150 MB. Collaborate with instant Manage mobile devices, messaging and tablets, and computers online meetings Quickly and easily add security to mobile devices, tablets, Get your team on the same page with and computers that connect to your business data with group chat, online meetings, calling, and web conferencing with Microsoft Teams. Intune.

Monitor. Visualize. Relax. Stay ahead of IT infrastructure issues. Most a ordable Network Monitoring tool in Africa ! Monitor all your systems, devices, tra c and applications on your IT Network Infrastructure. Everything you need is contained in one application, no additional products or downloads are required. This is PRTG LAN Cloud Bandwidth Determine how much Keep track of your entire Centrally monitor and manage all your cloud bandwidth your devices local network, including computing services from and applications are using your workstations, routers, anywhere. and identify the source of switches, servers, and bottlenecks. printers. Integrated technologies All important technologies are supported: • SNMP: ready-to-use and custom options • WMI and Windows Performance Counters • SSH: for Linux/Unix and macOS systems • Tra c analysis using ow protocols or packet sni ng • HTTP requests • REST APIs returning XML or JSON • Ping, SQL, and many more Maps and dashboards Visualize your network using real-time maps with live status information. Create dashboards with the PRTG map designer, and integrate all your network components using more than 300 di erent map objects such as device and status icons, tra c charts, top lists, and more. Individualize your map using custom HTML. Once you’re done, share your map as a URL that is accessible either publicly or only internally on your LAN.

think calculate initiate construct brand market sell solve



Some Of Our Clients

In-Building Wire- network, leading to aggravated residents and less Coverage potentially compromising a cellular security Solutions system. Today even the strongest cell signals have trouble WilsonPro by Wilson Electronics, provide cell nding their way through the concrete, stone- phone signal boosting solutions for small business owners & commercial buildings, empow- work, brick, insulation, coated glass and metal ering employees, clients & customers to have used to construct modern energy e cient cellular access 24/7. homes, o ces, retail and other buildings. These are wide-band boosters, meaning that WilsonPro cell signal boosters detect the availa- they will boost 3G and 4G Data for all phones and ble signal outside the building, bring that signal for all carriers. Wilson Electronics are the absolute inside and amplify it, and then distribute the market leader in the USA and now proudly ampli ed signal throughout the building, assur- support African frequencies ing strong, reliable cell coverage wherever and . whenever your customers need it. Q Flexi IT are the Sole Distribution Agents in Realtors and property managers face all sorts of South Africa. All boosters are ICASA and NRCS questions from current and prospective tenants, approved. from requests related to security features to luxury amenities to the quality of indoor cellular reception. For those who have come to expect solid cell coverage, this can make or break a new lease or mortgage contract. Many tenants using multiple mobile carriers and engaging in heavy cellular and data activity within the building can easily overload the

WilsonPro builds better tenant relationships

Location & ContacT We see Q-Flexi being the vessel to that need. Our footprint is also in the following countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Swaziland, Angola and still growing. 102 Main Reef Road, Horizon Industrial Park, Technikon, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 1724 Tel: 011 762 1393 MOB: 061 479 7222 Cell:+27 84 752 2586 Flexi Fax: 086 691 8889 Website: www.q Managing Director Mr.Bonga Ntombela 084 752 2586 bonga@q Financial Manager Ms. Thulisile Sithole 076 560 0206 accounts@q

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