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Home Explore Extending the gPiO Box with a PiDapter

Extending the gPiO Box with a PiDapter

Published by gPiO Box, 2018-03-02 06:59:11

Description: Extending the gPiO Box with a PiDapter


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Extending the gPiO Box with a PiDapterUsing a gPiO Box in conjunction with aPiDapter and a newer Raspberry Pidoubles the number of inputs and outputsavailable for use.A gPiO box with attached PiDapter provides:  8 digital Inputs and  12 digital OutputsThe gPiO box was designed to work with the original Raspberry Pi (has a 26 pin GPIOconnector), and with the supplied 40 to 26 way cable it works with all Raspberry PI’s.The 40 pin GPIO connector on newer Raspberry Pi’s provides additional GPIO pins. Byadding a PiDapter, we can use these extra pins by connecting two gPiO boxes - giving a totalof 20 inputs and outputs.The electrical connection between a Raspberry Pi, a PiDapter and two gPiO boxes is shownbelow and the GPIO pin mappings are given in the images overleaf.© GPIO Support Services LTD MMXVII E & O.E.

These images show the GPIO mappings for two gPiO boxes used inconjunction with a PiDApter. When using gpiozero use the BCM pinmapping. Mapping for gPiO Box A Mapping for gPiO Box B© GPIO Support Services LTD MMXVII E & O.E.

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