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Arduino documentation

Published by gPiO Box, 2018-06-18 04:47:26

Description: Erik Verberne teaches Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Netherlands and looked into the Arduino platform in an attempt to enhance his department’s curriculum. He diligently documented his research and is now sharing it with the community.


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©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 76. Load cell amplifier HX711 With this load cell amplifier it is possible to amplify the tiny voltage drops from a load cellwhen loaded with a weight. It uses a two-wire interface for communication with yourArduino.76.1. Specifications Load cell amplifier HX711 • 24 bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) • Operation supply voltage 2.6-5.5V • Refresh frequency: 10/80 Hz • Differential input voltage: +/- 40mV • Two input channels 76.2. Datasheet Load cell amplifier HX711 • HX711: 76.3. Connections Load cell amplifier HX711 Connections between Load cell amplifier HX711 and the Arduino.Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 GND Ground Gnd2 DO Data Out Any I/O3 SCK Clock Any I/O4 VCC 5V 5VConnections between the Load cell amplifier HX711 and the load cell.Pin nr Name Description Load cell1 E+ Excitation plus Red2 E- Excitation min Black3 A- Load cell A Yellow/Green Output min4 A+ Load cell A White Output plus5 B- Load cell B ? Output min6 B+ Load cell B ? Output min76.4. Libraries needed for Load cell amplifier HX711 • HX711_ADC by Olav Kallhovd through the Library Manager. Library use explanation #include <HX711_ADC.h> Load the HX711_ADC libraryArduino documentation 1.19 251

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) HX711_ADC LoadCell(DOUT, CLK); Load the HX711_ADC libraryfloat calibration_value=460.0; Set the calibration value for a known weight.LoadCell.begin(); Initialize the load cell.LoadCell.start(stabilisingtime); Start the load cell but wait for it to stabilize.LoadCell.setCalFactor(calibration_value); Set the calibration value and Tare the scale.LoadCell.update(); ??int measurement = LoadCell.getData(); Read the weight from the load cell.LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); Start the Tare action.LoadCell.getTareStatus() Check whether the Tare action has performed.As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders.Arduino documentation 1.19 252

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 76.5. Sample Load cell amplifier HX711 The following sketch measure a weight in grams. You can use Serial Monitor to perform aTare by inputing the letter 't'. Before you can get accurate measurements, you'll first need todetermine the calibration_value. • Put a known weight on he load cell and check the measurement. • When the measurement is too high, raise the calibration_value. • When the measurement is too low, lower the calibration_value. • Repeat these steps until you measurement corresponds with the known weight. Sample Connections • Connect VCC to 5V. • Connect GND to GND. • Connect DO to D3 • Connect SCK to D4 • Connect E+ to the Red wire of the load cell • Connect E- to the Black wire of the load cell • Connect A- to the Yellow/Green wire of the load cell • Connect A+ to the White wire of the load cell Sample Sketch #include <HX711_ADC.h>HX711_ADC LoadCell(D3, D4);long time_last_measurement;float calibration_value=460.0;void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); LoadCell.begin(); long stabilisingtime = 2000; LoadCell.start(stabilisingtime); LoadCell.setCalFactor(calibration_value); Serial.println(\"Tare is complete\");}void loop(){ LoadCell.update(); if (millis() > time_last_measurement + 250) { int measurement = LoadCell.getData(); Serial.print(\"Weight: \"); Serial.println(measurement); time_last_measurement = millis(); } if (Serial.available() > 0) { char inByte =; if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); } if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) { Serial.println(\"Tare complete\"); }}Arduino documentation 1.19 253

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Storage This section describe the use of storage devices on your Arduino board, like an SD card, but also the use of RFID cards. Arduino documentation 1.19 255

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Arduino documentation 1.19 256

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 77. SD Card 77.1. Specifications SD Card LC-TECH SD77.2. Datasheet SD Card 77.3. Connections SD Card Arduino pin GNDPin nr Name Description 3.3 V 1 GND Ground n.c.2 +3.3 3.3 V free to choose3 +5 5 V (dangerous for SD card??) D114 CS CS D135 MOSI SPI Master Out Slave In D126 SCK SPI Serial Clock GND7 MISO SPI Master In Slave Out8 GND Ground (connect either 1 or 8)77.4. Libraries needed for SD Card • Secure Digital card library through Library Manager. • SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) library through the Library Manager. Library use explanation #include <SD.h> Include the Secure Digital card library included with Arduino IDE.Sd2Card mycard; Create mycard a new instance of the object type Sd2Card.SdVolume myvolume; Create myvolume, a new instance of the object type SdVolume.mycard.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED, chipSelect) Initialize connection to mycard, the Boolean result is true if a card is present and if the wiring is correct.mycard.type() Possible values: SD1, SD2 or SDHC.myvolume.init(card) Initialize the connection to myvolume, the Boolean result is true if a readable partition (FAT16/FAT32) is available. (EXT1, EXT2, EXT3, NTFS and exFAT are not supported).volumesize = myvolume.blocksPerCluster(); Blocks per cluster.Arduino documentation 1.19 257

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) volumesize *= myvolume.clusterCount(); Total number of blocks.volumesize *= 512; Total volumsize, since on a SD card, the block size is always 512 bytes.As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders.77.5. Sample SD Card The following sketch shows the SD card type, the volume type and the volume size.Sample Connections • Connect GND to GND. • Connect 3.3V to 3.3V. • Don’t connect 5V! • Connect CS to D4. • Connect MOSI to D11. • Connect SCK to D13. • Connect MISO to D12. • Don’t connect second GND. Arduino documentation 1.19 258

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Sample Sketch #include <SD.h>#include <SPI.h>Sd2Card card;SdVolume volume;const int chipSelect = 4;void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print(\"\nInitializing SD card...\"); if (!card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED, chipSelect)) { Serial.println(\"initialization failed\"); return; } else { Serial.println(\"Wiring is correct and a card is present.\"); } Serial.print(\"\nCard type: \"); switch(card.type()) { case SD_CARD_TYPE_SD1: Serial.println(\"SD1\"); break; case SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2: Serial.println(\"SD2\"); break; case SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC: Serial.println(\"SDHC\"); break; default: Serial.println(\"Unknown\"); } if (!volume.init(card)) { Serial.println(\"Could not find FAT16/FAT32 partition.\"); return; } uint32_t volumesize; Serial.print(\"\nVolume type is FAT\"); Serial.println(volume.fatType(), DEC); Serial.println(); volumesize = volume.blocksPerCluster(); volumesize *= volume.clusterCount(); volumesize *= 512; Serial.print(\"Volume size (bytes): \"); Serial.println(volumesize);}void loop(void){}Arduino documentation 1.19 259

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 78. Mifare RFID RC522 78.1. Specifications Mifare RFID RC522 • Contactless RFID reader/writer. • Supports all variant of the MIFARE mini, 1K, 4K, Ultralight, DESFire EV1 and MIFARE Plus products. • SPI up to 10 Mbits/s. • Up to 50 mm. 78.2. Datasheet Mifare RFID RC522 Connections Mifare RFID RC522 Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin Any Digital Port1 SDA SPI Slave Select SPI SCK (D13)2 SCK SPI Serial Clock SPI MOSI (D11)3 MOSI SPI Master Out Slave In SPI MISA (D12)4 MISO SPI Master In Slave Out IRQ (D2 or D3 on UNO)5 IRQ Interrupt GND6 GND Ground Any Digital Port 3.3V 7 RST Reset8 3.3V 3.3 V Arduino documentation 1.19 260

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 78.4. Libraries needed for Mifare RFID RC522 • SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) library through the Library Manager. • Mifare RC522 library from Miguel Balboa. 78.4.1. Library use explanation #include <SPI.h> Include the Serial Peripheral Interface included in the Arduino IDE.#include <MFRC522.h> Include the Mifare RC522 library from Miquel Balboa.MFRC522 mymfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); Create ‘mymfrc522’ a new instance of the object MFRC522. SS_PIN is an integer value corresponding to the digital port SDA is connected to. RST_PIN is an integer value corresponding to the digital port RST is connected to.SPI.begin(); Initialize SPI communication.mymfrc522.PCD_Init(); Initialize Mifare RC522 reader.mymfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) Boolean that shows whether a new card is present.mymfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) Boolean that shows whether the new card has a card ID.Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[0], HEX); Print first byte of card ID.byte piccType = mfrc522.PICC_GetType(mfrc522.uid.sak); piccType of the selected card.As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders. Arduino documentation 1.19 261

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 78.5. Sample Mifare RFID RC522 The following sketch shows the ID of every compatible RFID card touching the RFID reader. 78.5.1. Connections • Connect SDA to D10. • Connect SCK to D13. • Connect MOSI to D11. • Connect MISO to D12. • Connect GND to GND. • Connect RST to D9. • Connect 3.3V to 3.3V. 78.5.2. Sketch #include <SPI.h>#include <MFRC522.h>#define SS_PIN 10#define RST_PIN 9MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); SPI.begin(); mfrc522.PCD_Init(); Serial.println(\"Scan a RFID card\");}void loop(){ if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) { return; } if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) { return; } Serial.print(\"Card UID:\"); for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++) { Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? \" 0\" : \" \"); Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX); } Serial.println(); byte piccType = mfrc522.PICC_GetType(mfrc522.uid.sak); Serial.print(\"PICC type: \"); Serial.println(mfrc522.PICC_GetTypeName(piccType)); delay(1000);}Arduino documentation 1.19 262

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Real Time Clock In this section you’ll find two small Real Time Clock modules. Such modules keeps the clock ticking even if the Arduino looses power. Arduino documentation 1.19 263

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Arduino documentation 1.19 264

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 79. RTC module with DS1302 chip This Real Time Clock module is equipped with a CR2032 battery so time will keep tickingafter loosing power from the Arduino. It is also used in projects where timing must beaccurate.79.1. Specifications RTC module with DS1302 chip • Real-Time Clock counts Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day of the Week, Date of Month, Month and Year with Leap-Year compensation up to 2100. • 31 bytes RAM memory (battery backed) • 3 Wire Interface. 79.2. Datasheet DS1302 Trickle-Charge Timekeeping Chip Connections RTC module with DS1302 chip Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 VCC 5V 5V2 GND Ground GND3 CLK (SLCK) Serial Clock Any Digital port4 DAT (I/O) Data Any Digital port5 RST (CE) Reset Any Digital port Arduino documentation 1.19 265

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 79.4. Libraries needed for RTC module with DS1302 chip • DS1302 RTC library from Henning Karlsen Library use explanation #include <DS1302.h>DS1302 myrtc(CE, I/O, SLCK); Create myrtc a new instance of the object type DS1302.myrtc.halt(false); Set the clock to run mode.myrtc.writeProtect(false); Disable write protection.myrtc.setDOW(FRIDAY); Set DOW (Day Of Week) to Friday (do this only once and every time you need to adjust the time).myrtc.setTime(20, 40, 0); Set the time to 20:40 24 hour clock format (do this only once and every time you need to adjust the time).myrtc.setDate(28, 12, 2010); Set the date to 28th of December 2013 (do this only once and every time you need to adjust the time).myrtc.getDOWStr() This value contains the current day of the week (Monday .. Sunday).Serial.print(myrtc.getDateStr()); This value contains the current date ( This value contains the current time (hh:mm:ss).As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders.Arduino documentation 1.19 266

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 79.5. Sample module with RTC module with DS1302 chip The following sketch shows the time and date every second.Sample Connections • Connect VCC to 5V. • Connect GND to GND. • Connect CLK to D4. • Connect DAT to D3. • Connect RST to D2. Sample Sketch #include <DS1302.h>DS1302 rtc(2, 3, 4);void setup(){rtc.halt(false); rtc.writeProtect(false); // Setup Serial connection Serial.begin(9600); //rtc.setDOW(SATURDAY); //rtc.setTime(20, 40, 0); //rtc.setDate(28, 12, 2013);}void loop(){ // Send Day-of-Week Serial.print(rtc.getDOWStr()); Serial.print(\" \"); // Send date Serial.print(rtc.getDateStr()); Serial.print(\" -- \"); // Send time Serial.println(rtc.getTimeStr()); // Wait one second before repeating :) delay (1000);}Arduino documentation 1.19 267

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 80. Tiny RTC I2C module with DS1307 chip This Real Time Clock module is equipped with a CR2032 battery so time will keep tickingafter loosing power from the Arduino. It is also used in projects where timing must beaccurate. It uses the I2C bus.80.1. Specifications Tiny RTC I2C module with DS1307 chip • Real-Time Clock counts Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day of the Week, Date of Month, Month and Year with Leap-Year compensation up to 2100. • 56 bytes RAM memory (battery backed) • I2C. 80.2. Datasheet Tiny RTC I2C module with DS1307 chip • 80.3. Connections Tiny RTC I2C module with DS1307 chip P1: 7 pin header Description Arduino pinPin nr Name ? not neededP1-1 SQ ? not neededP1-2 DS I2C Clock SCL (A5)P1-3 SCL I2C Data SDA (A4)P1-4 SDA VCC 5VP1-5 VCC Ground GNDP1-6 GND Battery not neededP1-7 BATTP2: 5 pin header Description Arduino pinPin nr Name ? not neededP2-1 DS I2C Clock not neededP2-2 SCL I2C Data not neededP2-3 SDA VDD not neededP2-4 VCC Ground not neededP2-5 GNDArduino documentation 1.19 268

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 80.4. Libraries needed for Tiny RTC I2C module with DS1307 chip • Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) and Two Wire Interface (TWI) library, included with Arduino IDE: ”Wire.h”. • DS1307 Real Time Clock library through Library Manager Library use explanation #include <Wire.h> Include the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and Two Wire Interface (TWI) library.#include \"RTClib.h\" Include the DS1307 Real Time Clock library from Adafruit.RTC_DS1307 myrtc; Create myrtc a new instance of the object RTC_DS1307.Wire.begin(); Start the I2C communication through Wire.myrtc.begin(); Start the rtc module.myrtc.isrunning() Boolean showing whether myrtc is running.myrtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); Set the time on myrtc to the time at the moment of compiling this sketch.DateTime now =; Time from myrtc is copied to the Arduino clock.As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders.Arduino documentation 1.19 269

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 80.5. Sample Tiny RTC I2C module with DS1307 chip The following sketch sets the clock to the current date/time (moment of compilation) andshows the current time every 3 seconds.Sample Connections • Connect SCL to A4 • Connect SDA to A5. • Connect VCC to 5V. • Connect GND to GND. Sample Sketch #include <Wire.h>#include \"RTClib.h\"RTC_DS1307 rtc;void setup () { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); rtc.begin(); if (! rtc.isrunning()) { Serial.println(\"RTC is NOT running!\"); rtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); }}void loop () { DateTime now =; Serial.print(now.year(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(now.month(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(, DEC); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.second(), DEC); Serial.println(); Serial.println(); delay(3000);}Arduino documentation 1.19 270

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Servo’s, Motors & Steppers Working with motors looks simple, but it isn’t. Switching a motor back and forwards and the high currents that even motors from toys can draw needs special equipment. This section describes how to deal with servo’s, motors and steppers. Arduino documentation 1.19 271

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Arduino documentation 1.19 272

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 81. Standard Servo Servo’s are DC motors with a potentiometer connected to the motor shaft. This potentiometertells the servo driver in which position the shaft is. This way you can turn this shaft veryaccurate, but only for a limited angle. Most common servos can only turn for about 180degrees. In lots of projects (RC cars, model planes etc.) only 90 degrees is used.81.1. Specifications Standard Servo 81.2. Connections Standard Servo Tower Pro Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 brown Ground GND2 Red 5V 5V3 orange Signal Any PWM portRC Spring Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 black GND2 Red Ground 5V3 white 5V Any PWM port Signal Arduino documentation 1.19 273

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 81.3. Libraries needed for Standard Servo • Servo library through the Library Manager. Library use explanation #include <Servo.h> Include the servo library included in Arduino IDE.Servo myservo; Create myservo a new instance of the object type Servo.myservo.attach(6); Connect myservo to D6 (a PWM port).myservo.writeMicroseconds(1500); Set servo at it’s middle position. Depending on the servo this value can vary between 500..2300. Be careful with the minimum and maximum values. Check every new servo before you implement it in your project. If you’ve determined the maximum values, you could calculate the middle position.As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders. Arduino documentation 1.19 274

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 81.4. Sample Standard Servo This servo sweeps between three positions, full left, middle, full right, middle, etc..After testing 600 was determined as full left and 2150 was determined as full right so 600+(2150-600)/2 = 1375 is the middle position of this particular servo. This is just under 180degrees.Connections • Connect 1 to GND. • Connect 2 to 5V. • Connect 3 to D6. Sketch #include <Servo.h>Servo myservo;int pos = 0;void setup(){ myservo.attach(6);}void loop(){ myservo.writeMicroseconds(600); delay(2000); myservo.writeMicroseconds(1375); delay(2000); myservo.writeMicroseconds(2150); delay(2000); myservo.writeMicroseconds(1375); delay(2000);} Arduino documentation 1.19 275

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 82. DC/Stepper Motor Driver board L298n Driving a DC motor directly from an Arduino board is not recommended. The current drawnby the motor could be way more than the Arduino can deliver. Another challenge is to reversethe direction of a DC motor, since PWM can only address values from 0..255. Using thisMotor Driver board gives a solution to both challenges. The speed of one motor can bechanged through 1 PWM output, while the direction can be changed through 2 digital outputs(opposite values). So a total of three digital outputs are needed. You can reduce this to 2digital outputs when using a TTL inverter (NOT gate), because 2 of the 3 inputs shouldalways have opposite/inverted values, this is called Sign-Magnitude. It is even possible to useonly 1 PWM output pin by changing the duty cycle to change both speed and direction (0-49% è reverse, 50% è stop and 51-100% è forward), which is called Locked AntiphasePWM. An article about these techniques can be found at: for-l298n-h-bridge/6914#6914An excellent description of the L298N board can be found at: Specifications DC/Stepper Motor Driver board L298n • Heavy load heat sinks • Power selection switch • 2 DC motors • 1 4 wire dual phase stepper motor • Motor direction indication LED • Motor power supply: 6-35V • Driver peak: 2A Arduino documentation 1.19 276

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 82.2. Connections DC/Stepper Motor Driver board L298n 8 pin header Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 ENA Enable motor A (speed control) PWM2 IN1 Clockwise Digital pin3 IN2 Anti-clockwise Digital pin4 IN3 Clockwise Digital pin5 IN4 Anti-clockwise Digital pin6 ENB Enable motor B (speed control) PWM7 GND Ground Not connected8 +5V 5V Not connected82.3. Library DC/Stepper Motor Driver board L298n None needed.82.4. Datasheet L298N Motor Driver documentation 1.19 277

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 82.5. Sample sketch DC/Stepper Motor Driver board L298n With the following sketch Motor A will start turning clockwise (CW) at top speed for 2seconds, stop for 2 seconds en repeat this.Connection • Connect ENA to D5 • Connect IN1 to D3 • Connect IN2 to D2 • Connect VMS to external power supply • Connect GND to external power supply • Connect both MotorA pins to Motor A int MotorA=5;int MotorA_CCW=2;int MotorA_CW=3;int Motorspeed=255;void setup(){ pinMode(MotorA,OUTPUT); pinMode(MotorA_CW,OUTPUT); pinMode(MotorA_CCW,OUTPUT);}void loop(){ digitalWrite(MotorA_CW,LOW); digitalWrite(MotorA_CCW,HIGH); analogWrite(MotorA, Motorspeed); delay(2000); analogWrite(MotorA, LOW); delay(2000);}Arduino documentation 1.19 278

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 83. Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V with ULN2003 Interface board This simple stepper motor is readily available on eBay, best to use a ULN2003 interfaceboard to drive the stepper, often sold together.83.1. Specifications Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V with ULN2003 Interface board • 4-phase. • One bipolar winding is on motor pins 1&3. • The other is on motor pins 2&4. • Roughly 2040 steps per revolution. • Max speed is 14 rpm. 83.2. Datasheets Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V with ULN2003 Interface board Datasheet ULN2003 Seven Darlington Arrays Stepper Motor 28BYJ-49 5V Connections Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V 4 pin header Description Arduino pinPin nr Name Phase 1 Any Digital ports1 IN1 Phase 2 Any Digital ports2 IN2 Phase 3 Any Digital ports3 IN3 Phase 4 Any Digital ports4 IN42 pin header Description Arduino pinPin nr Name Ground GND1- 5-12 V (depending on motor) 5V2+5 pin header Connect 5-wire-connector with stepper motor interface board.Arduino documentation 1.19 279

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 83.4. Libraries needed for Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V • Stepper motor driver through the Library Manager. Library use explanation #include <Stepper.h> Include the stepper motor library included in Arduino IDE.Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, IN1, IN3, IN2, IN4); Create ‘mystepper’ a new instance of the object type Stepper. IN1..IN4 are integer values corresponding the Arduino Digital Output to which IN1, IN3, IN2 and IN4 are connected.myStepper.setSpeed(14); Set the speed in rotations per minute. Maximum speed is 14 rpm.myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution); Turn stepper 1 revolution.myStepper.step(-stepsPerRevolution); Turn stepper 1 revolution backwards.As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders. Arduino documentation 1.19 280

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 83.5. Sample Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V The following sketch rotates the stepper 1 turn CW (clockwise) and then 1 turn CCW(counter clockwise) and repeats this.Connections • Connect VCC to 5V. • Connect GND to GND. • Connect IN1 to D8. • Connect IN2 to D9. • Connect IN3 to D10. • Connect IN4 to D11. Sketch #include <Stepper.h>const int stepsPerRevolution = 2040;Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 10, 9, 11);void setup(){ myStepper.setSpeed(14);}void loop(){ myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution); delay(1000); myStepper.step(-stepsPerRevolution); delay(1000);}Arduino documentation 1.19 281

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 84. Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver With this Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver you can either drive 4 solenoids, 2 separateDC motors or uni polar steppers or 1 bi-polar stepper motor with 1.2A per channel. It contains2 full H-bridges (four half H-bridges).84.1. Specifications Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver • Power supply voltage VM = 15V max • Output current: Iout = 1.2A average per channel, 3.2A peak • Logic level: 2.7 - 5V 84.2. Datasheet TB6612 • https://cdn- 84.3. Connections Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver Name Description ArduinoMotorA Output to Motor(coil) A controlled by INA1, INA2 GND and PWMA 5V Any PWM port orMotorA Output to Motor(coil) A controlled by INA1, INA2 5V Any digital port and PWMA Any digital port Any digital portGND Ground Any digtal port Any PWM port orGND Ground 5VMotorB Output to Motor(coil) B controlled by INA1, INA2 and PWMAMotorB Output to Motor(coil) B controlled by INA1, INA2 and PWMAGND GroundGND GroundVMotor- Powersupply Motor GroundVMotor+ Powersupply Motor Plus (4,5-13,4V)VMVcc Powersupply TB6612 logic leversGND GroundPwmB PWM input to Motor(coil) B H-bridges, if PWM is not needed, connect to VccBIn2 Input 2 to Motor(coil) B H-bridgesBIn1 Input 1 to Motor(coil) B H-bridgesStdby StandbyAIn1 Input 1 to Motor(coil) A H-bridgesAIn2 Input 2 to Motor(coil) A H-bridgesPwmA PWM input to Motor(coil) A H-bridges, if PWM is not needed, connect to VccArduino documentation 1.19 282

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 84.4. Libraries needed for Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver • Stepper motor driver through the Library Manager. Library use explanation #include <Stepper.h> Include the stepper motor library included in Arduino IDE.Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, IN1, IN3, IN2, IN4); Create ‘mystepper’ a new instance of the object type Stepper. IN1..IN4 are integer values corresponding the Arduino Digital Output to which IN1, IN3, IN2 and IN4 are connected.myStepper.setSpeed(14); Set the speed in rotations per minute. Maximum speed is depends on the stepper motor, for the NEMA-17 of the next chapter, this is roughly 290 rpm.myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution); Turn stepper 1 revolution.myStepper.step(-stepsPerRevolution); Turn stepper 1 revolution backwards.Library use explanation As with other libraries, information about other methods (functions) you can use, can befound in the corresponding library header files *.h in the library folders.84.5. Sample Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver The following sketch is used with the NEMA-17 stepper motor of the next chapter.Sample Connections Connections to the Arduino • Connect VCC to 5V. • Connect GND to GND. • Connect AIn2 to D4 • Connect AIn1 to D5 • Connect BIn1 to D6 • Connect BIn2 to D7 • Connect PWMA to 5V • Connect PWMB to 5V Connections to the Stepper Motor • Connect Motor A to the Red wire of the Stepper Motor • Connect the other Mother A to the Yellow wire of the Stepper Motor • Connect Motor B to the Green wire of the Stepper Motor • Connect the other Mother B to the Gray wire of the Stepper Motor Arduino documentation 1.19 283

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Connections to an external power supply • Connect VM+ to 12 V of an external power supply • Connect VN- to GND of an external power supply Sample Sketch #include <Stepper.h>const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 4, 5, 6, 7);void setup(){ myStepper.setSpeed(30);}void loop(){ myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution); delay(1000); myStepper.step(-stepsPerRevolution); delay(1000);}Arduino documentation 1.19 284

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 85. Stepper motor NEMA-17 This 42 mm high torque hybrid stepper motor can be driven by the Adafruit TB6612Stepper/motor driver from the previous chapter.85.1. Specifications Stepper motor NEMA-17 • Bipolar steppers, requires 2 full H-bridges • 200 steps/revolution, 1,8 degree per step • 5% step accuracy (non load) • Coil #1: Red & Yellow wire pair • Coil #2: Green and Gray wire pair • Power supply: 12V (lower is possible, but with lower torque) • Current: 350 mA. • 2 Kg/cm torque per phase • 35 ohms per winding 85.2. Datasheet Stepper motor NEMA-17 • 85.3. Connections Stepper motor NEMA-17 Pin nr Name Description Connection on stepper drive1 Red wire Coil #1 MotorA2 Yellow wire MotorA3 Green wire Coil #2 MotorB4 Gray wire MotorB85.4. Sample Stepper motor NEMA-17 See sample for the Adafruit TB6612 Stepper/motor driver in the previous chapter. UsestepsPerRevolution = 200 and a maximum speed of 280.Arduino documentation 1.19 285

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 86. Floppy disc drive Floppy disc drives (both 3.5 and 5.25 inch) contains a stepper motor to move the read/writeheads. This stepper motor can be used in Arduino object for building robots, but also assimple musical instrument. It is not recommended to connect this stepper motor directly toour Arduino. You would need some kind of motor driver, but fortunately, floppy drives arealways equipped with some kind of motor driver under the hood. By connecting jumper wiresto the 34 pins header (3,5 inch drives) you can control the stepper motor with your Arduinoby using 2 digital I/O pins. Preferably you’ll need an external +5V power source for thefloppy drive (see “144 ATX Power Supply”). There is a project on the Internet to play MIDIfiles on multple disc drives.86.1. Connections There are 2 connectors on the back of a floppy disc drive. The smallest one (4 pins) is for thepower source, the other one (2 rows of 17 pins) is for controlling the motors andreading/writing data. Only the following pins are needed:+12 V Select ground Direction ground Step +5 V 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Power 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 All odd pin no’s (except pin nr 1) are ground Arduino documentation 1.19 286

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 86.2. Libraries needed for Floppy disc drive None needed86.3. Sample Floppy Disc Drive The following sample sketch drives the read/write head repeating 200 steps inwards and 200steps outwards.Sample Connections • Connect Floppy drive pin 12 and Floppy drive pin 11 to select drive A. • Connect Floppy drive pin18 with D12. • Connect Floppy drive pin 20 with D13. • Connect Floppy power pin 3 with ground. • Connect Floppy power pin 4 with +5 V (external) • Connect External GND with Arduino GND. Sample Sketch #define DELAY 1200 // sets speed#define STEPS 200 // set nr of steps// Floppy motorint dir_pin = 12;int step_pin = 13;void setup(){ // Initial setup of pins pinMode(dir_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(step_pin, OUTPUT);}void loop() { // clockwise delay(1); // perform 200 steps digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH); delay(1); // anti-clockwise perform_step(STEPS); // perform 100 steps delay(500); digitalWrite(dir_pin, LOW); delay(1); perform_step(STEPS); delay(500);}void perform_step(long steps) { for (long i=0; i < steps; i++) { digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(100); digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(DELAY); } // Set the pin low before we end digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);}Arduino documentation 1.19 287

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Camera triggers In this section you will find some examples in which you can use an Arduino with triggering a camera. Arduino documentation 1.19 289

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Arduino documentation 1.19 290

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 87. Selfmade trigger cable for Canon DSLR camera's 87.1. Specifications trigger cable for Canon DSLR camera's Connections trigger cable for Canon DSLR camera's Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 SHUT Shutter2 FOC Focus3 GND Ground87.3. Libraries needed for trigger cable for Canon DSLR camera's None needed.87.4. Sample trigger cable for Canon DSLR camera's The following script and sketch controls the shutter of the camera through an Arduino andtakes a picture every 10 seconds.Sample connections • Sample Arduino sketch Single trigger Arduino documentation 1.19 291

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 88. Selfmade trigger cable for Sony ILCE system camera Sony's ILCE system camera's like the Alpha A7, A7R, A7ii, A3000, A5000, A5100 and 6000can be triggered through a proprietary micro-USB connector called 'Multiport'. Thisproprietary micro-USB connector differs in the fact that it has 10 contacts extra compared tothe original 5 pin micro-USB connector. Those extra contacts are for shutter and focus andother functions not studied by me yet. There are 2 ways to get such a Multiport connector: • Buy an RM-VPR wired shutter release cable and cut of the big switch. The cable connected to the Multiport connector consists of 3 wires already to the only 3 pins you'll need (ground, focus and shutter). For me this was the way to go. Easy and cheap, you can find it in China for prices as low as $ 3,-. • Buy a Multiport 15 pin plug, they come with a breakout board, so you can solder your own cable to any of the 10+5 contacts, but in this chapter I'll only be using ground, focus and shutter. The price for 1 plug is about the same as the cheap RM-VPR: 88.1. Specifications trigger cable for Sony ILCE system camera Connections trigger cable for Sony ILCE system camera Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 Power On/Off - not used2 Ground Ground3 Composite Video Out Video is not supported when not used using this connector to trigger the shutter!4 Audio Out L ShutterShutter Audio is not supported when using this connector to trigger the shutter!5 Audio Out R FocusActivate Camera Audio is not supported whenFocus using this connector to trigger the shutter!6 Select - not used7 UART RX - not usedBoot Serial IN8 UART TX - not usedLANC sig9 XReset Req - not used10 2.8-3.3V output - not used Libraries needed for trigger cable for Sony ILCE system camera None needed.Arduino documentation 1.19 292

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 88.4. Sample trigger cable for Sony ILCE system camera The following script and sketch controls the shutter of the camera through an Arduino andtakes a picture every 10 seconds.Sample connections • Sample Arduino sketch Single trigger Arduino documentation 1.19 293

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 89. Selfmade Canon CHDK/SDM trigger cable This modified USB cable can trigger a Canon compact camera loaded with the CHDK orSDM firmware. When sending specified pulses to the USB port, a script loaded on the cameracan even distinguish several different levels.89.1. Specifications Selfmade Canon CHDK/SDM trigger cable Depending on the settings of CHDK you can use this cable to just trigger the camera to take apicture or to trigger a maximum of 18 different events (6 different levels is much morereliable). Pict. 1 Source 89.2. Connections Canon CHDK/SDM trigger cable Take a USB A to mini-USB cable and cut off the USB-A connector. You'll only need the redand black wire. I've connected those 2 wires to a 3 pin female servo-like connector.Pin nr Name Description Arduino pin1 S (red) Signal Any digital port2 nc not connected nc3 GND Ground GND (black)Arduino documentation 1.19 294

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 89.3. Libraries needed for Selfmade Canon CHDK/SDM trigger cable None needed on the Arduino, but you need to (non-permanent) install the CHDK firmware onyour Canon camera.Preparing a Canon compact camera with CHDK To install CHDK you will need: • A Canon compact camera compatible with CHDK, see the list of supported cameras at • The correct CHDK build for your Camera’s firmware. • A SD-card with a “lock-switch” (read-only). Most SD-cards have such a “lock- switch”, but some cheap cards and some WiFi-SD cards like the EyFi cards are not equipped with a “lock-switch”. • STICK, the Simple Tool for Installing CHDK. Stick is an application written in JAVA, so it is compatible with Windows, Mac OSx as well as Linux. o Downloadlink: o Instructions: After preparing your SD-card with STICK, put the “lock-switch” in the LOCK position andload the SD-card in your camera. After power on, your camera will show the CHDK logo andsome information about the camera and its firmware.1Now you can prepare the camera to accepts trigger signals from the USB cable.ALT2, MENU, CHDK Settings, Remote Parameters • Enable Remote: ON • Switch Type: None • Control Type: None Final step is to place an uBasic3 or lua4 script on your SD card in /CHDK/SCRIPTS (removeSD from camera, unlock card, place SD in cardreader, copy script to SD card, remove fromcardreader, lock card, place SD in camera and power on camera).To load the uBasic or Lua script follow the next steps: • ALT-SET • Load Script from File …. • Select the script from the folder /CHDK/SCRIPTS and press the SET button • Select BACK. • To start the script you need to full press the shutter button. 1 If your camera says “Memory Card Locked” it means that the SD-card is not bootable and/or CHDK is not correct installed. Check the CHDK wiki to correct this. 2 The ALT key is one of the buttons at the back of your camera. After pressing the correct button, you will see ALT on the bottom line of the display. At that point most buttons will have an alternate function. 3 4 Arduino documentation 1.19 295

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 89.4. Sample Single trigger The following script and sketch controls the shutter of the camera through an Arduino andtakes a picture every 10 seconds.Sample connections • Connect the red wire with D9. • Connect the black wire with GND. Sample Arduino sketch Single trigger int LED=13;int CHDKport=9;void setup(){ pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(CHDKport, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(\"Ready to take pictures\");}void loop(){ delay(10000); Serial.println(\"shoot\"); digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(CHDKport, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); digitalWrite(CHDKport, LOW);}Sample CHDK script Single trigger @title Remote buttonwhile 1 wait_click 1 if is_key \"remote\" then shootwendendArduino documentation 1.19 296

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) 89.5. Sample Multiple trigger events By sending pulses ranging in length from 10 to 180 ms a gap in between pulses of at least55ms, you can trigger different events. The pulses can be measured in a CHDK script with thefollowing command: a = get_usb_powerThe result is 1/10th of the pulse length, so ranging pulses from 10 to 180ms, the functionget_usb_power will range from 1 to 18. Unfortunately this is not very accurate. Aminimum of 6 different evens can be distinguished without mistakes. Pulse get_usb_power get_usb_power get_usb_powerlength minimum value middle value maximum value 20 ms 50 ms 1 2 3 80 ms 4 5 6110 ms 7 8 9140 ms 10 11 12170 ms 13 14 15 16 17 18Arduino sketch Multiple trigger events This sketch sends 6 different pulses to the Canon camera with 10 seconds in LED = 13;int USB_Power_Out = 9;void setup() { pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); pinMode(USB_Power_Out, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, LOW); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(\"Camera Controller Started\");}void pulse(int duration) { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); Serial.print(\"Send a \"); Serial.print(duration); Serial.println(\" ms pulse\"); digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, HIGH); delay(duration); digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, LOW); delay(55); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); delay(10000);}void loop() { pulse(20); pulse(50); pulse(80); pulse(110); pulse(140); pulse(170);}Arduino documentation 1.19 297

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Sample CHDK script Multiple trigger events This script can distinguish 6 different pulse received from the Arduino board. Depending onthe pulse length the camera will zoom to a specified level and would then take a picture.@title Arduino_triggerprint \"Start Arduino script\"z=0while 1 do a = get_usb_power until a>0 if a >= 1 and a <= 3 then gosub \"Level2\" if a >= 4 and a <= 6 then gosub \"Level5\" if a >= 7 and a <= 9 then gosub \"Level8\" if a >= 10 and a <= 12 then gosub \"Level11\" if a >= 13 and a <= 15 then gosub \"Level14\" if a >= 16 and a <= 18 then gosub \"Level17\" if a > 19 then print \"error\" wendend:Level2 print \"20 ms pulse\" set_zoom 0 shoot return:Level5 print \"50 ms pulse\" set_zoom 20 shoot return:Level8 print \"80 ms pulse\" set_zoom 50 shoot return:Level11 print \"110 ms pulse\" set_zoom 60 shoot return:Level14 print \"140 ms pulse\" set_zoom 80 shoot return:Level17 print \"170 ms pulse\" set_zoom 100 shoot returnArduino documentation 1.19 298

©Erik Verberne ([email protected]) Arduino documentation 1.19 299

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