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Home Explore Wellcome Sanger Institute Branding Guidelines and Logos

Wellcome Sanger Institute Branding Guidelines and Logos

Published by Sanger Institute, 2018-01-09 01:30:28

Description: Branding Guidelines and Logos of the Wellcome Sanger Institute


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Brand Toolkitpage 1

Contents Introduction 03 What we stand for 04These design guidelines will help you Design idea 08produce communications that live and Logo 10breathe The Wellcome Sanger Institute. Elements 23Please take time to read through them, Colour 24and to see how all the components Typography 28work together. Square graphic pattern 33For more help and advice contact your Pattern layouts 36communications team at the Institute. Imagery 39 Photography 40page 2 Storytelling 41 Highlights 42 Design at work 43 Accessibility 67 Contact details 69

IntroductionA quiet and thoughtful modernisation The double helix had become a much used and abused visual reference for DNA and no longerThe Wellcome Sanger Institute has been at the reflected the complexity of the science. In short,forefront of pioneering scientific research in the Institute’s brand was no longer fit for purpose.genomics for the last 25 years. Our commitment It was time to refresh, update and modernise theto delivering big, bold exploratory research that way the Institute presented and communicated itselfpushes the boundaries of what is known and what to the outside possible in genomics remains central to who weare and what we do. The external presentation and identityHowever, the Institute’s visual identity and overall must reflect the reality internally.brand presentation had not kept pace with ourscience. Our primary logo and visual identity had Our brand must reflect our science and attributesfallen behind our science. that make Sanger, 3

What we stand forpage 4

There are three People + Passionfundamental ingredientsthat make Sanger, Sanger. A community of world-classThese are the foundation thinkers and professionalsof our brand. Some of the brightest minds in genomics given the freedom and support to imagine and explore Purpose + Power Where the science is limited Singular focus on bold, exploratory only by collective intellect research in genomics and imagination Scientific freedom enabled by independent, sustainable funding from Wellcome Platforms, Pipelines + Professionalism Science at scale, enabled through the most advanced platforms Professional service ethos and culturepage 5

Our brand idea = leading the way. IDEAS INDEPENDENCEWe lead the way in genomicsthanks to our big, bold ideas+Scientific independence +cutting-edge infrastructurethat enables exploratoryscience at scale Leading the way INFRASTRUCTUREpage 6

Our brand idea = Leading the way;genomic science at scaleWhy do we exist? How do we work?Wellcome Sanger Institute exists to tackle the biggest, The unique way we are funded, combined with thetoughest challenges in genomics today. Through big, bold infrastructure and technology that underpins our research,exploratory research we continually seek new ways to unlock, enables us to focus on the biggest, most ambitious projects;understand and harness the wealth of information stored projects that quite simply wouldn’t happen without us.within genomes, to improve health and life on earth. As a result, we’ve been instrumental in some of the most significant initiatives and projects in genomics overpage 7 the last 25 years. At Sanger, the science is limited only by our collective intellect and imagination. Intellectual risk taking and the most robust, evidence-led science are both expected and required here. Our collective goal is to push the boundaries of what is known and what is possible. We think the unthinkable, imagine scientific possibilities that would be impossible to explore elsewhere and set out to do what can’t be done by others, daily. Building our reputation on achieving what many would not dream of attempting.

Design ideapage 8

Design idea Full Name The Wellcome Sanger Institute Job Title Wellcome Genome CampusOur new logo is born of data points, Hinxton, Cambridgeshiregene blocks and classic sequencing T: +44 (0) 845 20 20 80 ext. 111 CB10 1SAgels, yet reimagined in a dynamic, M: +44 (0) 7715 169 606fluid and progressive way, reflecting E: [email protected] pioneering work at the forefrontof genomic research. LeadingReproduced in four colours, in its the waymaster form, to represent the fourDNA bases, our logo is flexible Subtitle copy for communicationand influences our broader visual Os cum que re pa consequo volore,language, ensuring the way we occus, optatur?look inspires everyone who comes Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore ven-into contact with the Wellcome danduciis aut fuga. Ut volorest autSanger Institute. molluptam et officiae dolor remquat rentibus aspeliqu. Leading the way Learn more at Our research is changing the lives of millions around the world, 9

Logo structure Symbol LogotypeOur logo is inspired by the four bases of Our master logoDNA and the procedures of sequencingand analysis.We have paired this with a strong typelockup formed from the Wellcomebrand identity.These are combined to create an easilyidentifiable logo that represents theWellcome Sanger 10

Master logo Master logo Alternative logoOur master logo is the linear WellcomeSanger Institute logo shown opposite.This lock-up should be usedwherever possible.For restricted spacing use the stackedversion of the logo shown opposite, orthe small size lockup shown further inthis document.It is important to use the masterartwork of this logo, do not change,edit or create a custom versionof this logo.Alternative logoThe stacked version of the logo shouldonly be used when space is restricted.As with our linear logo, it is importantto use the master artwork, please donot change, edit or create a customversion of this 11

Logo colour Sanger Light Blue Master logopalette RGB R:178, G:201, B:212Our logo palette is built from the CMYK C:35, M:13, Y:15, K:00lead colours of the Wellcome Sanger Pantone Pantone 5513 CInstitute. These colours allow the logo Hex B2C9D3to stand out and be easily identifiable.Monotone executions of the logo are Sanger Medium Blueavailable should you require them,details follow in the next section. RGB R:102, G:128, B:186 CMYK C:70, M:45, Y:05, K:00page 12 Pantone Pantone 646 C Hex 597FBA Sanger Blue Alternative logo RGB R:046, G:059, B:135 CMYK C:97, M:85, Y:09, K:01 Pantone Pantone 7687 C Hex 2D3A87 Sanger Dark Blue RGB R:036, G:038, B:066 CMYK C:93, M:85, Y:42, K:49 Pantone Pantone 533 C Hex 232642

Monotone logo Sanger Blue monotone logo Black monotone logoWhen we use the master or alternative White monotone logologo we may find that it clashes ona background. When this situationoccurs, you can use a monotoneversion of the logo.It is important to use the masterartwork of this logo, do not change,edit or create custom versionsof this 13

Monotone Master logo monotonecolour Alternative logo monotoneOur monotone logos can be colouredusing our secondary colour palette.It is important to only use the secondarycolour palette and not to use (or create)other colours.Please refer to the colour table below,or secondary colour section on page 25for more information.Pantone 123C Pantone 305CPantone 715C Pantone 3125CPantone 213C Pantone 299CPantone 704C Pantone 2945CPantone 205C Pantone 584CPantone 245C Pantone 7737CPantone 2592C Pantone 563CPantone Med.PC Pantone 357Cpage 14

Clear space Master logo clear space Alternative logo clear spaceWhenever our logo is used, itneeds breathing space around theouter edge of the artwork tomaximize its visibility.It is recommended that the minimumsafety area is the “S” in the Sangerwithin the logo, although we shouldallow as much space as 15

Minimum size Master logo minimum size 20mmThe lock-ups opposite demonstrate our Alternative logo minimum sizelogo at minimum print size (mm). 23mmpage 16

Minimum size Master logo minimum size(digital) 100px Alternative logo minimum sizeThese lock-ups reflect our logo atminimum size (px). 160pxpage 17

Digital logo Large iconsformatsThe logos opposite are specificallydesigned for online and web use,including favicons and banner formats.Favicon FaviconOur favicon is designed to scale withpixel size. It’s important to use thecorrect size when executing 18 16px 54px 72px 114px 144px

Small scale Logo in detail (4x scale) Actual sizeidentity 18mm 18mmIn special circumstances when a smallerlogo is needed below 20mm in size, areduced sized logo has been created.The examples opposite show the logoin detail (x4 scale) and actual size.The small scale identity must only beused at 18mm width, do not enlargeor adjust its 19

Logo misuse(master)The examples opposite show our An example of how the Wellcome Do not apply colours that are not within Do not apply a colour fill to themaster logo being misused in Sanger Institute logo should look the official palette of the Institute. outline of the box area of the Institute’svarious ways. when used correctly. logo artwork.It’s important that we maintain astrict lockup style for the WellcomeSanger Institute logo, using only themaster, alternative and smallscale formats. Do not re-arrange the layout of the Do not adjust the position of the symbol Do not remove or adjust the size of the symbol within the Institute’s logo. within the Institutes’s logo. symbol that forms the Institute’s logo. Do not apply any colour effects such as Drop shadows should not to be applied Do not re-arrange the layout of the type gradients to the Institute’s logo. to the Institute’s logo. within the Institute’s 20

Logo misuse(alternative)The examples opposite show our An example of how the Wellcome Do not apply colours that are not within Do not apply a colour fill to themaster logo being misused in Sanger Institute logo should look when the official palette of the Institute. outline of the box area of the Institute’svarious ways. used correctly. logo artwork.It’s important that we maintain astrict lockup style for the WellcomeSanger Institute logo, using only themaster, alternative and smallscale formats. Do not re-arrange the layout of the Do not adjust the position of the symbol Do not remove or adjust the size of the symbol within the Institute’s logo. within the Institutes’s logo. symbol that forms the Institute’s logo. Do not apply any colour effects such as Drop shadows should not to be applied Do not re-arrange the layout of the type gradients to the Institute’s logo. to the Institute’s logo. within the Institute’s 21

Campus lockupIt is important that when the Institute’slogo is used in conjunction with otherrelated branding that a well balancedrelationship is achieved.We have created a master artworkof this 22

Elementspage 23

Our primary Sanger Medium Blue Sanger Light Bluecolours R:102, G:128, B:186 R:178, G:201, B:212 C:70, M:45, Y:05, K:00 C:35, M:13, Y:15, K:00The primary colour palette is built Pantone 646 C Pantone 5513 Cfrom four colours inspired by the Hex: 597FBA Hex: B2C9D3tones used in the process of DNAsequencing, plus white and black. Sanger Blue Sanger Dark BlueFor most projects you may use a R:046, G:059, B:135 R:036, G:038, B:066combination of the primary and C:97, M:85, Y:09, K:01 C:93, M:85, Y:42, K:49secondary palette, but for key Pantone 7687 C Pantone 533 Cbranding assets, such as our Hex: 2D3A87 Hex: 232642stationery family, you must useSanger Blue primary 24

Our secondary RGB R:251, G:192, B:045 RGB R:037, G:215, B:253colours CMYK C:01, M:27, Y:87, K:00 CMYK C:61, M:00, Y:04, K:00 Pantone Pantone 123 C Pantone Pantone 305 COur secondary palette is designed Hex FBC02D Hex 25D7FDto bring a further level of colour whencreating content, keeping our brand RGB R:253, G:130, B:048 RGB R:000, G:172, B:193fresh and alive. CMYK C:00, M:59, Y:83, K:00 CMYK C:75, M:06, Y:24, K:00These colours have been chosen to Pantone Pantone 715 C Pantone Pantone 3125 Ccompliment each other while remaining Hex FD8230 Hex 00ACC1bright and attractive to the viewer whenused in print or digital. RGB R:233, G:030, B:099 RGB R:003, G:155, B:229 CMYK C:00, M:95, Y:36, K:00 CMYK C:75, M:26, Y:00, K:00page 25 Pantone Pantone 213 C Pantone Pantone 299 C Hex E91E63 Hex 039BE5 RGB R:156, G:034, B:034 RGB R:001, G:087, B:155 CMYK C:20, M:98, Y:95, K:11 CMYK C:95, M:65, Y:09, K:00 Pantone Pantone 704 C Pantone Pantone 2945 C Hex 9C2222 Hex 01579B RGB R:236, G:64, B:122 RGB R:212, G:225, B:087 CMYK C:00, M:86, Y:23, K:00 CMYK C:25, M:00, Y:75, K:00 Pantone Pantone 205 C Pantone Pantone 584 C Hex EC407A Hex D4E157 RGB R:234, G:128, B:252 RGB R:139, G:195, B:074 CMYK C:30, M:55, Y:00, K:00 CMYK C:53, M:00, Y:84, K:00 Pantone Pantone 245 C Pantone Pantone 7737 C Hex EA80FC Hex 8BC34A RGB R:156, G:039, B:176 RGB R:077, G:182, B:172 CMYK C:60, M:86, Y:00, K:00 CMYK C:67, M:03, Y:39, K:00 Pantone Pantone 2592 C Pantone Pantone 563 C Hex 9C27B0 Hex 4DB6AC RGB R:074, G:020, B:140 RGB R:027, G:094, B:032 CMYK C:90, M:100, Y:01, K:01 CMYK C:87, M:36, Y:100, K:33 Pantone Pantone Med. Purple C Pantone Pantone 357 C Hex 4A148C Hex 1B5E20

Notes on Dark colourscolour usageIt’s important to use the colour palette Light colourscarefully, and avoid a rainbow effect. Colour combinationsUse complementary rather thanclashing colours and pay carefulattention to accessibility.Make sure there is good contrast sothat text is legible.We encourage people to usedifferent colours to mark differentsections in a publication, butdiscourage colour coding.Always use colours as solids, neveras tints. Use the light colours asbackgrounds for pages.Colourcombinations1: White on darks2: Darks on lights3/4: Complementary darks and lights5. Avoid clashing colours andcombinations which give poorlegibility to text and are thereforenot accessible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 26

Gradient R:236, G:64, B:122 R:253, G:130, B:048 R:003, G:155, B:229combinations C:00, M:86, Y:23, K:00 C:00, M:59, Y:83, K:00 C:75, M:26, Y:00, K:00 Pantone 205 C Pantone 715 C Pantone 299 CWe can create a series of EC407A FD8230 039BE5gradients using our secondary R:074, G:020, B:140 R:156, G:034, B:034 R:139, G:195, B:074colour palette. C:90, M:100, Y:01, K:01 C:20, M:98, Y:95, K:11 C:53, M:00, Y:84, K:00It’s important to consider which Pantone Med. Purple C Pantone 704 C Pantone 7737 Ccolours you use when creating 4A148C 9C2222 8BC34Agradients, as some may blend withlittle difference in colours.It’s recommended that youuse analogous colours whencreating your 27 R:251, G:192, B:045 R:234, G:128, B:252 R:253, G:130, B:048 C:01, M:27, Y:87, K:00 C:30, M:55, Y:00, K:00 C:00, M:59, Y:83, K:00 Pantone 123 C Pantone 245 C Pantone 715 C FBC02D EA80FC FD8230 R:077, G:182, B:172 R:001, G:087, B:155 R:233, G:030, B:099 C:67, M:03, Y:39, K:00 C:95, M:65, Y:09, K:00 C:00, M:95, Y:36, K:00 Pantone 563 C Pantone 2945 C Pantone 213 C 4DB6AC 01579B E91E63

Name hierarchyThe name of the Institute has changed First full name “The Wellcome Sanger Institute”to mirror changes at Wellcome. referenceIt is no longer the Wellcome TrustSanger Institute or WTSI. In all written “Wellcome Sanger Institute”content it should be referred to asThe Wellcome Sanger Institute orWellcome Sanger Institute.In written content, after the firstfull name reference, it’s fine tosubsequently reference it as “TheSanger”, “Sanger”, “the Institute”or “Institute”. Subsequent “The Sanger”, “Sanger”reference “The Institute”, “Institute”page 28

Our typography Wellcome BoldWhen creating company messaging, Wellcome Boldsuch as posters for events or internally, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZwe must use the Wellcome and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzHelvetica family of fonts. 1234567890!@£$%&*()_+Lead titles should be set in theWellcome font family using the Helvetica Neue Regularbold weight. Helvetica Neue BoldSubtitles should use Helvetica Neueusing the bold weight. Helvetica Neue Regular Helvetica Neue BoldBody copy should be set in Helvetica ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZNeue using the regular weight. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzThere may be times that we cannot 1234567890!@£$%^&*()_+ 1234567890!@£$%^&*()_+use the Helvetica Neue family, in thesecases we can default to the Arial Arial Regularfont family. Arial Boldpage 29 Arial Regular Arial Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@£$%^&*()_+ 1234567890!@£$%^&*()_+

Examples Headlines inof usage Wellcome boldWe have a display face for headlines For subtitles we use Helvetica Neueand a secondary typeface for all bold, this is Helvetica Neue bold atother text. 24pt with 26pt leading.Headlines should be set in theWellcome font family using the This is Helvetica Neue regular, a thinner variation of the Helvetica Neue. We would usebold weight. this on introduction copy, inset and conclusion copy within an article or other long form.For subtitles we should use Helvetica This is Helvetica Neue Light at 12pt with 14pt leading.Neue using the bold weight.Body copy should be set in Helvetica This is Arial bold, an alternate option for This is Arial regular, an alternate optionNeue using the regular weight. Helvetica Neue bold. We would use this for Helvetica Neue regular. We would useThere may be times that we cannot when the Helvetica Neue family isn’t this when the Helvetica Neue family isn’tuse the Helvetica Neue family, in these available. This is Arial bold at 12pt available. This is Arial regular at 12ptcases we can default to the Arial with 14pt leading. with 14pt leading.font 30

Best practicefor typographyThis example shows our typographyrules in action.These rules allow us to create contentthat stays consistent with our brandmessaging, while remaining clear andlegible to the viewer. Headline title using the Wellcome Bold typeface, with clear space around it Body copy using the Helvetica Neue family, with clear spacing for legibility Clear area for the CTA, using Helvetica Neuepage 31

Typography This title has This subtitle has This is an example of body copymisuse that has leading and tracking that tracking that is clear leading that is clear is clear and legible to the readerThese are examples of our fonts and legible and legiblebeing used in a way that conflictswith our house style.It’s important that typography is keptclear and consistent.To reinforce our brand identity, andretain legibility for the viewer. This title has tracking lTehaidsinsugbtthitalet ihsatsoo tight hTtrahasciskleiisnagadnitnhegaxttahismattpoisloettooigfohbnto.adrryocwo,payndthat that is too narrow This title has This subtitle has This is an example of body tracking that is leading that is too copy that has leading that is too wide loose too loose, and tracking that is too 32

Square graphicpatternUsing the squares of the logo and theresearch illustrative elements creatingdynamic, contemporary executions.This forms our basis of the Institute’svisual language. The square patterncan be used as an overlay, a mask,or a 33

Frames, squaresand chevronsThe core of the pattern graphic is builton three elements: a square, a chevronsquare and a frame square.These are used in multiple sizes andform design details that can framephotography and add dynamic shapesto a composition. Solid square Chevron square Frame squarepage 34

ResearchbrandingWe have produced a series of patternsthat represent the research within theWellcome Sanger Institute.This allows us to create a further level Facilities & expertise Cellular genetics Cancer, ageing & somatic mutationof detail with a pattern. By adding themalongside the squares and frames wecan provide a flexible and dynamicgraphic representation of the Institute. Human genetics Infection genomics Malariapage 35 Science Operations

Pattern Patternlayouts (best) layouts (good)The example below shows the pattern This form of layout is best used for The example below shows the pattern This form of layout is best used whenbeing applied as a mask overlay to a eye catching-statement content. being as a simple overlay. time and resource are limited.piece of comms. Care has been takento layer elements of the composition Leading Leading the way the way Subtitle copy for communication Subtitle copy for communication Os cum que re pa consequo volore, Os cum que re pa consequo volore, occus, occus, optatur? optatur? Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore ven- Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore vendanduciis danduciis aut fuga. Ut volorest aut aut fuga. Ut volorest aut molluptam et officiae molluptam et officiae dolor remquat dolor remquat rentibus aspeliqui re re rentibus aspeliqu. Learn more at Learn more at 36

Patterns asoverlaysThe examples show the patternbeing used an overlay to add colourto the composition.This method allows us to createeye-catching content whenever it’sapplied to print, digital andthe Institute’s graphics.You will find a series of overlaypatterns pre-prepared for usewhen designing content andcommunications. Leading Leading the way the way Our research is changing the Our research is changing lives lives of millions around the Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore world, everyday. vendanduciis aut fuga. Ut vopage 37

Patterns as Leading the wayframes Subtitle copy for communicationThe examples opposite shows the Os cum que re pa consequo volore, occus,pattern being used in conjunction optatur?with a frame to highlight a key point Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore vendanduciis autin the photography. fuga. Ut volorest aut molluptam et officiae dolorUsing frames allows us to develop a remquat rentibus aspeliqui re restotae ne nus mi,storyline within the composition, or officid quia quam qui rem sapiendant alibustrumunderline a key point expressed in hariam reribus.the communication.You will find a series of overlay Learn more atpatterns pre-prepared for use designing content 38

Imagerypage 39

PhotographyInviting and engaging imagery is a keypart of the Wellcome Sanger Institute.When choosing photography we aimto frame a community of world-classthinkers and professionals, a singularfocus on bold, exploratory research ingenomics and science at scale. High contrast, detail shots of creatures and parasites Microscopic photography of organoids Imagery that represents our work for humanity Our scientists, technicians and researchers at workpage 40

Photography use: The Malariastorytelling challengePhotography is an important part of Subtitle copy for communicationstorytelling and plays a key role in our Os cum que re pa consequo volore, occus,communication. We can incorporate our optatur?branding elements to help focus a story. Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore vendanduciis autPhotographing the subject in a personal fuga. Ut volorest aut molluptam et officiae dolorenvironment can help the viewer remquat rentibus aspeliqui re restotae ne nus mi,engage with the subject’s story, but also officid quia quam qui rem sapiendant alibustrumshows, and stays faithful to, the subject hariam reribus.and topic without looking overly staged.A subject can be looking to camera Learn more atbut the scene they are in must tell the’s story too.Photography must provoke anemotive or curious response andinspire and engage the 41

Photography use: The Malariahighlights ChallengeHighlighting is an important part of Subtitle copy for communicationcommunication engagement. We can Os cum que re pa consequo volore, occus,use the framing elements of our optatur?branding to help push narration. Ecte reprat. Accae erchicabore vendanduciis aut fuga. Ut volorest aut molluptam et officiae dolorpage 42 remquat rentibus aspeliqui re restotae ne nus mi, officid quia quam qui rem sapiendant alibustrum hariam reribus. Learn more at

Design at workpage 43

Letterhead Full Name Address line 1You can find a word template in the Address line 2branding section of the server. Countypage 44 Post/Zip code T: +44 (0)1223 834244 Dear (recipient name) W: As duciis moluptis dio maior reptatis quo volorep ererovi debisi cus unture la doluptaspe E: [email protected] moditate volorem. Ut rera ped quianditat plant imi, con escilias aut ullorit, ium solesti quiam, offici del et volorisquis volupiendae as asi dem atus dolesti onsequost, cusamus. Apicipid quaes aces nem inus. Ga. Cae dolupit ibeatem es doluptur solorem a vit et moluptas ea core rest fugiam autas ea ipsamus rate ea pedit fugiae im inverch illiquiam nonserum facesti volorio. Eribus, te nonectam liquis sam, aceritibus dolor solenturiae vit ant laciant quis eos se cuptustinum vendit fuga. Itatia pero optate volupit lit providis ea nos et eaquiat emquiatem fuga. Umet aut et, is minveni molorerspis isque dolut fugitaque etur sit raturibeaqui qui te soluptaerunt quam qui consequ oditas quam, offictin nesequam, offic temque id magnat moluptat inciant voloribusam ex excerunt aut et aut et ad eserupient odia vid qui num qui dem quis iderum, quiat. Minvell endanduntem quis repudam, sitibusa con res de ne coreium faceste ssincidi am il essitionet accum apel im que es expe dolo omnienderum cum voluptas voluptatur aut event liquoditati berovitat labo. Am eate nissitatio odit et quibus vit optatem dolecerchic tempore plitata quassit plat latem rem. Et fuga. Et ium ipsunt eum quist hil iduntus is pre provides pligente volland unturia ni con nonsecabo. Atas destem rate eos diste porem dolupidi torerum eserfer natibus. Borro volut ame voluptium assum unt faciis idebisit odiscid entur, sima velitatur? Is repra derum et por res eost, et et aped quis ducipsuntio delesti orenectorio. Nam alit aspedit atint Kind regards Senders full name Job Title Wellcome Sanger Institute Wellcome Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SA Genome Research Limited Registered Office: 215 Euston Road London NW1 2BE A company registered in England (No. 2742969) and a charity registered in England (No. 1021457)

Compliment Slips T: +44 (0)1223 834244 W: With Compliments E: [email protected] Wellcome Sanger Institute Wellcome Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SA Genome Research Limited Registered Office: 215 Euston Road London NW1 2BE A company registered in England (No. 2742969) and a charity registered in England (No. 1021457)page 45

Business Cards Full Name Wellcome Sanger Institute Wellcome Genome Campuszpage 46 Job Title Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SA T: +44 (0)1223 834244 M: +44 (0) 7000 000 000 E: [email protected]

Email footerYou will find a word documenttemplate which you can paste intoyour email signatures.Please do not change, edit or create acustom version of the email signature.Our email signature must be consistentacross the Institute. If you are havingproblems with your email signatureplease contact IT 47

ID cards and First Namelanyards Second NameOur ID cards and lanyards include the in the event of a disaster affectingchevrons and pattern graphic seen our premises please call 0800 093 4818throughout our 48

PowerPointtemplatesThe squares allow for a bespoke seriesof PowerPoint/presentation templatesthat keep the branding consistent overmultiple forms of 49

PowerPointSecondarycoloursOur secondary colours allowus to create an engaging onscreen 50

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