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Home Explore Greyhound Collar

Greyhound Collar

Published by collarplanetonline, 2014-11-28 04:46:39

Description: Greyhound Collar

Keywords: Dog Collars, Cat Collars, Collar Charms


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Sparta, Tennessee 38583 Phone : +1 888-948-2345 Collar Planet provide the best quality and a large variety of collars, leashes, harnesses, dog apparel and unique pet products. The majority of our products are manufacturered by a small family manufacturer in the Midwest . We can proudly say Made inthe USA. They use the highest quality leather, Austrian crystals and fabric in their products and the excepional workmanship really shows in the quality of the products. All of our fabric Martingalecollars are also manufacturered in the USA and made exclusively for Collar Planet.Collar Planet is a supporter of the Humane Society of Nashville, TN along with the Suncoast Animal League in FL and many other organizations. Collar Planet's mobile pet boutique regularly participates in fund raising events for many of these organizations.

Our Product : Dog Collars A Designer Inspired Dog Collar Selection of Galactic ProportionsJeweled, leather, spiked, embroidered, animal print, lighted and Martingale dog collars tomatch your dogs styleYou might dress your dog in all sorts of cute dog apparel from time to time, but your dog's collar isthe one fashion accessory that will almost never be removed. We want to be sure that you're gettingthe perfect collar that both you and your furry friend will love and enjoy for years to come. This iswhy we've put together one of the most comprehensive selections available anywhere.Our extensive line of puppy collars and collars for male and female dogs are available in a fullspectrum of sizes, ranging from extra small to extra extra large, and come in a tremendous variety ofstyles. Our dog collars selection contains holiday and seasonal collars for keeping with traditions.Sports fans and currentevent buffs will love oursports team, patriotic andpolitical collars forshowing your spirit. Forsafety and convenience wehave lighted and quickrelease collars. For purefashion sense andindividual tastes, we offeran enormous choice ofparty, animal print,embroidered, leather,studded, jeweled andspiked dog collars. Don't forget to check out our popular Martingale collars.Let your four legged friend know that he's part of the family with top quality dog collars, brought toyou by collarplanetonline.comSub Categories

Dress up your lovable pet for Costumesevery special occasion, withany of our specially made Designer Halloween, Christmas, and Special Occasiondesigner dog costumes... Costumes for DogsThey are just too cute forwords. Make sure you've got a picture perfect pup for every holiday get- together, outfit your little dog in an out-of-this-world costumeWe are a leading onlineprovider of fashionable dogcostumes and holiday outfitsfor every little four leggedparty animal. Our line ofpuppy costumes andcostumes for male and femaledogs are available in a fullvariety of designs, includingSpiderman, clown, bumblebee, frog, ghost, fireman, andpirate dog costumes, plus ourpersonal favorite, the rocketspace dog costume. Yourheart will melt when you seeour adorable Christmas andThanksgiving outfits, and nomatter which one you fancy,your dog is sure to be thecenter of attentioneverywhere you go.

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