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Home Explore Sk Jewellery Logo Usage Guideline

Sk Jewellery Logo Usage Guideline

Published by Joshua Mascarina, 2022-09-21 09:21:29

Description: SK Jewellery Logo Usage Guideline


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1 | Page Logo Usage Guidelines 1. The SK Jewellery Logo : Usage Guidelines 1.1. Logo Usage 1.1.1. The Standard Logo 1.1.2. The Flat Colour Logo 1.1.3. The Lettermark Logo 1.1.4. Reversing Logo Colour Colour to White 1.1.5. Greyscale Logo For Use on Light Backgrounds For Use on Dark Backgrounds 1.1.6. Black & White Logo For Use on Light Backgrounds For Use on Dark Backgrounds 1.2. Clear Space 1.3. Typeface 1.3.1. Complementary font 1.4. Colour Palette 2. Bad Logo Usage 2.1. Never Stray from the Colour Palette 3. Improper Design Usage 3.1. Never Use the Design on Similarly-Coloured Backgrounds 3.2. Never Rearrange Elements of the Design 3.3. Never Stretch or Distort the Logo 3.4. Never Alter or add Elements to the Logo Logo Usage Guidelines SK Jewellery

2 | Page 1. The SK Jewellery Logo: Usage Guidelines In order to protect and grow the SK Jewellery brand, we have a distinguishable logo that can be used to mark products and intellectual property by SK Jewellery. When displaying the SK Jewellery logo, please follow our standard logo Guidelines. Other sizes and resolutions of the logo, some suitable for print, can be found here. Additional guidelines regarding the logo's appearance are given below: 1.1 Logo Usage 1.1.2. The Flat Colour Logo 1.1.3. The Lettermark Logo 1.1.1. The Standard Logo This is the complete SK This is the flat colour SK This is the standard SK Jewellery logo and can be Jewellery lettermark logo and Jewellery lettermark and used as an alternative can be used as an alternative should be used whenever the whenever the SK Jewellery SK Jewellery brand is to be brand is to be included in any whenever the SK Jewellery content. brand is to be included in any included in any content. content. 1.1.4. Reversing Logo Colour to White For Use on Light Backgrounds When reversing the logo to white. It should In greyscale reproduction, use the greyscale ideally be placed on a coloured background of version of the logo: the corporate palette. Logo Usage Guidelines SK Jewellery

3 | Page For Use on Dark Backgrounds For dark backgrounds in a greyscale printing situation, use the following treatment of the logo: 1.1.6. Black & White Logo For Use on Light Backgrounds For Use on Dark Backgrounds Sometimes, often due to production costs, only one colour of ink is available and so SK Jewellery Logo must be reproduced using only one colour. In this scenario, the logo, logotype, or symbol must be used following the convention of using a light colour type on a dark background or in a dark colour type on a light background. The logotype and/or symbol outline must be clearly distinguishable from the background colour. You must honour the SK Jewellery Logo palette when possible, using black or white if necessary. Logo Usage Guidelines SK Jewellery

4 | Page 1.2 Clear Space There should be sufficient clear space around the logo. 1.3 Typeface 1.3.1. Complementary Font We recommend using Futura as complementary to the SK Jewellery logo. Raleway or Arial can be used as alternatives when Futura is not available. 1.4 Colour Palette Dark Red: Pantone 200 C Maroon: CMYK%: 19.18 100 100 12.17 Pantone 7427 C RGB: 182 0 0 CMYK%: 28.64 100 91.06 33.81 Hex Code: #B60000 RGB: 133 18 30 Hex Code: #85121E Red: Pantone 1795 C Light Pink: CMYK%: 15.6 100 100 6.56 Pantone 486C RGB: 197 0 0 CMYK%: 7.06 57.52 51.21 0.01 Hex Code: #C50000 RGB: 229 134 116 Hex Code: #E58674 Off White: Pantone 663 C Beige: CMYK%: 3.16 5.66 9.03 Pantone 7513C RGB: 245 236 227 CMYK%: 11.28 30.87 34.1 0 Hex Code: #F5ECE3 RGB: 224 180 160 Hex Code: #E0B4A0 Logo Usage Guidelines SK Jewellery

5 | Page 2. Bad Logo Usage 2.1. Never Stray from the Colour Palette. 3. Improper Design Usage 3.1. Never Use the Design on Simirlary-Coloured Backgrounds Never use the design on similarly-coloured backgrounds (with the exception that the logo is embossed on a packaging or design). Use a choice from the palette that is appropriate for the background. Use a choice from the palette provided. Improper Usage: Proper Usage (Example): Logo Usage Guidelines SK Jewellery

6 | Page 3.2. Never Rearrange Elements of the Design Do not change spacing, alignment, or relative locations of the design elements. 3.3. Never Stretch or Distort the Logo Do not change the proportions of any of the design elements of the design itself. You may resize as needed but must retain all proportions. 3.4. Never Alter or Add Elements to the Logo Do not add graphics, insert words, or modify the design elements or the logo/design itself Logo Usage Guidelines SK Jewellery

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