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Islamic History Book 6

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ISLAMIC HISTORY BOOK SIX FIRST EDITION : SEPTEMBER 1988 SECOND EDITION : MARCH 1998 THIRD REVISED EDITION : FEBRUARY 2005 / MUHARRAM 1426 ___________________________________________________________________ Publications of the Islamic Educational Organisation of Southern Africa - IEOSA - 1426H/2005 ___________________________________________________________________ PRINTED BY ARIS / AZANIA BOX MNFRS, DURBAN

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise be to Allah  , Rabb of the Worlds. Blessings & Salaams on Prophet Muhammad , his family and his companions. I thank Allah  for giving us the strength to accomplish the revised edition of the History Series. This edition would not have been possible without the IEOSA team, in particular the History Department. THE IEOSA TEAM: ADMINISTRATION: Rashida Ally. DEPARTMENTS: QUR’AAN: Sarah Khan, Fathima Khan, Waheeda Sheik Ahmed. HIFZ: Yasmin Khan. ARABIC: Hafiz Muhammad Jhazbhai, Moulana Ahmad Khalil Aziz, Sa‘eeda Sheriff. TAHDHIB: Amina Cassim, Naffisa Hassim, Fahmida Khan. FIQH & ISLAMIC TEACHINGS: Hafiz Azhar Vawda. ISLAMIC HISTORY: Fathima Abdul Latiff. URDU: Naffisa Hassim. TEACHER EDUCATION: Hafiz A. Vawda, Amina Jamal. DA‘WAH: Sabera Cassim. LIBRARY & RESOURCE CENTRE: Najma Yusuf. LITERACY: A. Jamal, F. A Latiff. PSYCHOLOGY & METHODOLOGY: A. Jamal , F. A. Latiff. PRE-PRIMARY: Fozeeyah Abdool Ghafoor. COMPUTER: Nazima Essop, Hasina Essop, Fazila Razak, Sumaiya Khan. PRINTING: Abdullah Mchunu, Asiya Gumede. All ex IEOSA staff members: Goolam Hoosain Peerbhay, Zuleikha Osman, Youssouf Ali Dahal, Ebrahim & Suraya Lockhat, Zakira Jadwat. We acknowledge the assistance given to us, i.e. Islamic Educational Organisation of Southern Africa (IEOSA), by:- Ustaaz Sheikh Osman Hasnoo; Moulana S.M. Loot; Hafez Yusuf Sufi Paruk; Moulana Abu Bakr Khatib; Moulana M. Abdul Qadir; Moulana A.R. Ansari; Moulana Salot; Sheik M.Y. Booley; Mahmood Dawood; Moulana A.R. Khan; Moulana Mansurul Haq Nazir; Moulana Abdur Razzaq; Moulana Jameel; Moulana Nanabhai (LMA); Moulana F. Bobat; Uzair Amod; Ebrahim Msomi; Abdul Basit Bulbulia; Saaleha Vadachia; Abdullah Mlambo; Omar Mololeki; Nafisa Mazubane; Riaz Jamal; Sheikh T. Bonamali; Farhad Mohamed, Rubina Ebrahim; Hajra Lockhat, Zubeida Docrat; Easy Computers; Trade Page; Lotus Corp.; Ahmed & Mukhtar Hajee; Yacoob Patel; Hawa Asmal, Ahmed & Muhammad Asmal (Par Excellence); Liaquat Ali Khan. EGYPT - Al-Azhar Ash-Shareef - Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar-Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sayed Thantawy, Wakeel Al-Azhar - Dr. Fawzy Fadil Az-Zifzaf; Dr. Ali Faraj; Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdus Samad & Family; Sheikh Ahmed Al-Rouzeqi & Family; Al-Hajj Abdel Hamid Lotfi & Family; Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bakri; Sheikh Muhammad Bihayri; Director of Masaajid, Ministry of Awqaf-Sheikh Mansoor Obaid. S.M. Rashaad; Al-Hajj Tolbar Sakr & Family; Ustaaz Abdur Rahim Atiyah. MOROCCO - Islamic Educational Scientific & Cultural Organisation (ISESCO) - Director General - Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri; Ahmedou Ali Diaw, Alhassane Souare; Dr. M. Zebakh; Ishaaq Ameen. SAUDI ARABIA - Rabitah Muslim World League - Dr. Abdullah Bin Omar Nasif, Sheikh Adnan Khaleel Basha; Sheikh Amin Aqil Attas, Dr. Hassan Ali al-Ahdal. Islamic Development Bank (IDB)-Dr. Kayed Abdul Haq, Dr. Mohamed Hasan Salem, Dr. Omar Jah, Engineer Ahmed A. M. Awad, Hajj Mohammed Hameddudin. Ministry of Islamic Affairs-Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Ateeq. Ministry of Defence-Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, Sheikh Sulaiman A. Al-Qadeeb. Dr. M. I. Seini; Sheikh Sahl El-Matrafie, Hajee Haniff. Saudi Arabian Embassy (South Africa)-The Ambassador, Dr. S. Zaydaan. PAKISTAN - Haji Zakaria Kamdar; Dr M.Afzal. ITALY - Ahmed I. Nasreddin. KUWAIT - Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs - Khalid Abdullah al - Zayd. International Islamic Charitable Organisation - Ibrahim A. Hassaballa. KENYA - Ibrahim F. Abdullah. SINGAPORE - Muslim Converts Assoc.- Ahmad Jelani Bin Johari. NIGERIA - Sister Aisha Lemu. MALAYSIA - Islamic Religious Department - Selangor - Al-Haj Mansur bin Ramli, Ustaz Ahmad bin Arshad, Muhammad bin Hasan. Dr. Malik Badri, Dr. Omar Kasule, Sr. Dato H. M. Shah, K. Shah. TAIWAN - Chinese Muslim Youth Movement - Al - Hajj Ayoub I. Hsiao. SUDAN - Sheikh Haju Ali. TURKEY - Dr A. Arslan ; H. Dhikr ; H. Ertekin ; S. Afsar. ENGLAND - Islamic Foundation - Leicester, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Sheikh Ismail Husayn & Family , Abu Dhabi ; Microsoft (Middle East). USA - Dr. Ahmed Sakr ; Ahmed Ali & Family , Ebrahim & Zubeida Lunat ; Basheer Kapdi ; Mohammed Kachry ; Abed of Bits & Bites ; Goolam Jeewa ; Dr. Mohammed & Naseema A. A. Khan ; Muslim Educational Trust (Portland) - Clarke Family , Bir , Hasina & Ashiq Narain ; A. Ramjan & Wajdi Syed. I supplicate Allah  to bless and shower His Mercy on all our teachers, founders of the Hajee Ahmed Mohamed Lockhat Wakuff Trust and on all Muslims. Peace be upon all the Messengers and Praise be to Allah , Rabb of the Worlds. Aameen. Qari Ahmed Yusuff Lockhat President Islamic Educational Organisation of Southern Africa

PREFACE Praise be to Allah , Lord of the Worlds, Blessings and Salaams on Prophet Muhammad , his family and his companions. We praise Allah  and thank Him for His countless Blessings upon us. We thank Him for guiding us in the research and preparation of this series on Islamic History. Islamic History at IEOSA does not only cover facts and events that have occurred in the past. The entire syllabus has been designed to make learners look into our past, and to improve on our present and future lives. Book Six has been prepared as a study material for learners. The illustrations serve only as a supplement to the information contained in this book. It helps the learner through written and pictorial instructions which are unique only to the series of Islamic History Books at IEOSA. The instructions are as follows: REMEMBER, READ, REFLECT, REVISE. Parents will find this book useful when helping their children to study, as they explain the notes to them. We ask Allah  to make this book as a source of guidance for us, Aameen. Department of Islamic History Islamic Educational Organisation of Southern Africa

HISTORY SERIES PROPHET MUHAMMAD , KHULAFAA-AR-RAASHIDOON AND OTHER PROPHETS OF ALLAH  BOOK ONE AND BOOK TWO 1. Introduction to the Seerah of Prophet 6. The Coming of Angel Jibreel  Muhammad  7. First Believers 2. Birth Prophet Muhammad  8. Jabal- as- Safaa 3. Childhood 9. Cruelty of the disbelievers 10. The Courage of Hadrat Bilaal  4. Adulthood - Black Stone 11. Migration to Abyssinia 5. Adulthood - Marriage BOOK THREE BOOK FOUR Seerah of Prophet Muhammad  from Birth Summary of Seerah of Prophet Muhammad to Early Muslims and the following topics:  from Birth upto Hijrah and Muslims in Madinah as well as Simplified Lessons on: 1. The disbelievers try to stop Prophet Muhammad  from spreading Islam 1. The Battles 2. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 2. The Boycott 3. Letters of Invitation 3. Year of Grief 4. The Expedition of Khaybar 4. Mi`raaj 5. The Battle of Mu’tah 5. Hijrah 6. Conquest of Makkah 6. The Muslims in Madinah 7. The Expedition of Tabuk BOOK FIVE BOOK SIX Summary of Seerah of Prophet Muhammad 1. Summary of Seerah of Prophet  from Birth upto Tabuk Expedition and Muhammad  Advanced Lessons on: 2. Qualities of Prophet Muhammad  1. The Battles 3. Miracles/Mujizaat of the Prophets  2. The First Hajj 4. Hadrat Abu Bakr  3. Farewell Hajj 5. Hadrat Umar 4. Last Sermon 6. Prophet Aadam  5. Illness and passing away of 7. Prophet Nuh  8. Prophet Ibraheem  Prophet Muhammad  BOOK SEVEN 1. Summary of Seerah of Prophet 6. Prophet Yusuf  Prophet Dawud  Muhammad  7. Prophet Musaa  Prophet `Isaa  2. Qualities of Prophet Muhammad  8. 3. Miracles/Mujizaat of the Prophets  9. 4. Hadrat Uthmaan  5. Hadrat Ali  

INTRODUCTION In Books One to Five we learnt about many interesting and important details about the life of Prophet Muhammad . This book begins with: 1. A Basic Schematic Summary and a brief write-up on the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad  for the purposes of revision. 2. It then proceeds with a brief study of the qualities of Prophet Muhammad , which is essential for character building of, the reader. 3. Thereafter, an interesting study of the miracles / mu`jizaat of the Prophets of Allah  are given; viz:- Prophets Ibraaheem , Musaa , `Isaa  and our Beloved Prophet Muhammad . 4. You will then be introduced to the study of two of the Khulafa -al- Raashideen ( the rightly guided Khalifs) - Hadrat Abu Bakr  and Hadrat Umar . 5. You will also study some of the Prophets of Allah  viz:- Prophet Aadam  Prophet Nuh  and Prophet Ibraheem .

TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC PAGE 1. Summary on Seerah of Prophet Muhammad  1 2. The Qualities of Prophet Muhammad  10 3. Miracles of the Prophets        15  4. Hadrat Abu Bakr   Companion of Prophet Muhammad  23 Contributions to Islam and his role at the time of 25 29 Prophet Muhammad’s passing away Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  caliphate Battle of Ajnadeen/ Passing Away 31 Morals drawn from the character of Hadrat Abu Bakr        35  5. Hadrat Umar  Birth. Accaptance of Islam. Caliphate. 36 Achievements. Assassination. 39 45 Morals drawn from the Character of Hadrat Umar  6. Tabulated Summary of Hadrat Abu Bakr  and 46 48 Hadrat Umar   7. Prophet Aadam  8. Prophet Nuh  52 9. Prophet Ibraaheem  57 10. Tabulated summary of Prophet Aadam  , 69 Prophet Nuh  and Prophet Ibraaheem 



IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE TAKE SPECIAL CARE OF THIS BOOK. IT CONTAINS QUR’AANIC AAYAAT & AHAADITH. Learners are advised to keep this book safely as it is a continuation of notes contained in Books One to Five. This book will also be required for revision purposes for further studies in Islamic History. Parents can assist their children to study by:- 1. Reading and explaining the notes to them; 2. Asking the Revision questions at the end of each lesson orally. NAME: ________________________________________________ MADRASAH: ___________________________________________

SUMMARY ON SEERAH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD  BIRTH AND EARLY YEARS Allah  sent Prophet Muhammad  as the last and final Messenger. He was born on the 12th of Rabi ul Awwal 53 B.H. in Makkah, which is in Arabia. Prophet Muhammad’s  father, whose name is Hadrat Abdullah  passed away before he was born. When Prophet Muhammad  was a small boy, his mother Sayyidah Aaminah  sent him to stay in the countryside. He was taken to the countryside by his nurse Sayyidah Halimah  who took good care of him. When Prophet Muhammad  was six years old, his mother Sayyidah Aaminah passed away at a place called Al-Abwaa. When Prophet Muhammad’s  mother passed away, his grandfather Abdul Muttalib took care of him. After his grandfather passed away, Prophet Muhammad  lived with his uncle Abu Taalib, and helped him with his business and trade. Once, Prophet Muhammad  travelled with his uncle Abu Taalib on a business trip to Syria. In Syria, they met a Christian priest Bahira, who knew about Prophet Muhammad . Bahira advised Abu Taalib to take good care of Prophet Muhammad as he will one day, going to teach the people about the right path. PROPHET MUHAMMAD  AS A YOUNG MAN When heavy rains had once damaged the walls of the Ka`bah, the people decided to rebuild it. When it came to the placing of the Black Stone, the tribe leaders began to fight as each one wanted to place it in the wall of the Ka`bah. Prophet Muhammad stopped the fighting by picking up the Black Stone and placing it on a sheet of cloth. He then asked the leaders of the different tribes to hold the edges of the cloth. 1

They raised the Black Stone and carried it to where it was to be placed. Prophet Muhammad  then took the Black Stone and placed it in the wall of the Ka`bah himself. As a young man, Prophet Muhammad  used to spend a lot of time in the Cave of Hiraa, thinking about the Creator of the world and the people around him. He also began to work in business and trade as a young man. He became so famous for his honesty and truthfulness in his business and trade, that he became known as “Al-Ameen” (The Honest) and “As-Saadiq” (The Truthful). Sayyidah Khadijah  had business and trade in Makkah and when she heard of Prophet Muhammad’s  honesty and truthfulness, she asked him to work for her. Sayyidah Khadijah  became so happy with Prophet Muhammad’s  honesty, truthfulness and good work, that she asked him to marry her, even though other rich Arabs of the time wanted to marry her. Thus Prophet Muhammad  who was 25 years old, married Sayyidah Khadijah  who was 40 years old. THE COMING OF ANGEL JIBREEL  Angel Jibreel brought the First Revelation from Allah  to Prophet Muhammad  in the Cave of Hiraa during the month of Ramadaan, when Prophet Muhammad  was 40 years old. Prophet Muhammad  lived in Makkah for 13 years after Angel Jibreel brought the First Revelation from Allah  to him. During these 13 years, some important events that took place were as follows: The First Believers in Islam were: The First Woman - Sayyidah Khadijah  The First Man - Hadrat Abu Bakr  The First Boy - Hadrat Ali  The First Slave - Hadrat Zayd bin Haarithah 2

After spreading Islam secretly for 3 years, Prophet Muhammad  called the people at Jabal-as-Safaa and publicly told the people to believe that, “there is no god but Allah .” THE COURAGE OF HADRAT BILAAL  When some of the people heard what Prophet Muhammad  was saying, they did not want to listen to him and tried to hurt him. The disbelievers also hurt all those who accepted Islam. Hadrat Bilaal who was a slave, was ill-treated by his master for accepting Islam, but his belief in Islam was so strong that he continued to say Ahad! Ahad!, even whilst being punished by his master. MIGRATION TO ABYSSINIA/ ETHIOPIA When the torture of the Muslims by the Makkans increased, Prophet Muhammad  asked some of the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia / Ethiopia. The Muslims stayed in Abyssinia/Ethiopia for a while and then returned to Makkah. The disbelievers tried to stop Prophet Muhammad  from spreading Islam by offering him many lavish gifts and bribes, which he refused. HADRAT HAMZAH  and HADRAT UMAR  ACCEPT ISLAM In the sixth year after the First Revelation, Islam was strengthened when two very strong and respected men, Hadrat Hamzahand Hadrat Umar  accepted Islam. 3

THE BOYCOTT In the seventh year after the First Revelation, some of the tribe leaders decided to boycott the Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib families. The boycott ended during the tenth year after the First Revelation and in this year, Sayyidah Khadijah  and Abu Taalib passed away. The passing away of Sayyidah Khadijah  and Abu Taalib made Prophet Muhammad  very sad and it is for this reason that this year was known as the ‘Year of Grief’. VISIT TO TAA’IF, ISRAA’ AND MI’RAAJ In the tenth year after the First Revelation, Prophet Muhammad visited Taa'if with Hadrat Zayd bin Haarithah to spread Islam. They were ill-treated by the people who lived there. In this year, Prophet Muhammad  was by the Command of Allah , taken on Israa’ and Mi`raaj. Israa' is the journey of Prophet Muhammad  from Masjidul Haraam (Ka`bah) to Masjidul Aqsaa in Jerusalem. Mi`raaj is the journey of Prophet Muhammad  from earth to beyond the Seven Heavens. Prophet Muhammad  went on the journey on an animal called Buraaq. Israa' and Mi`raaj took place in just a small part of the night. It was on this night that the Five Daily Salaah was given as a gift and made compulsory on all Muslims. THE PLEDGES AT AQABAH The Pledges at Aqabah took place in the 11th, 12th and 13th years after the First Revelation. Seventy people came from Madinah and met Prophet Muhammad  at Aqabah and accepted Islam in the 13th year after the First Revelation. They also invited Prophet Muhammad  to come to live in Madinah and promised to support Islam, to take good care and to protect the Muslims. 4

THE HIJRAH When the disbelievers found out that Prophet Muhammad  was preparing to go to Madinah, they plotted to kill him. Allah  warned Prophet Muhammad  about the plan of the disbelievers and later instructed him to leave for Madinah. Prophet Muhammad's  journey from Makkah to Madinah is known as the Hijrah. The Hijrah was chosen as the beginning of the Islamic Calendar. Before Prophet Muhammad  arrived in Madinah, he stayed in Quba for a few days and established the first Masjid in Islam, Masjid Quba. Prophet Muhammad  arrived in Madinah on a Friday in the month of Rabi ul Awwal. In Madinah, he built the first Masjid, known today as Masjidun Nabawee. During the first two years after the Hijrah, the following events took place; Fasting and Zakaah were made compulsory, the Qiblah was changed from Masjidul Aqsaa to Al Masjidul Haraam (Ka`bah), and Azaan was introduced to call the people for Salaah. THE BATTLE OF BADR The Battle of Badr was fought in Ramadaan 2 A.H. The Muslim army consisted of 313 Muslims and the disbelievers’ army consisted of 1000 soldiers. The Muslim army still won this battle because of their strong faith and belief and through the Help of Allah . THE BATTLE OF UHUD The Battle of Uhud was fought in Shawwaal 3 A.H. The Muslim army consisted of 700 men and the disbelievers’ army consisted of 3000 men. During this battle, some Muslims were martyred because most of the archers that Prophet Muhammad  had placed on the mountain pass, had left their positions. Among those who were martyred during this battle, was Prophet Muhammad’s beloved uncle Hadrat Hamzah. 5

THE BATTLE OF TRENCH This event took place in Shawwaal /Dhul Qa`dah 5 A.H. The Muslim army consisted of 3 000 men and the disbelievers’ army consisted of 10 000 men. The Muslims dug trenches across the entrances of the city of Madinah to protect themselves from the enemy who had camped outside the city. However, Allah  sent help in the form of a powerful sandstorm which destroyed the enemy and the Muslims were victorious. THE TREATY OF HUDAYBIYYAH In Dhul Qa`dah 6 A.H., Prophet Muhammad took 1400 Muslims and set out from Madinah towards Makkah, with the intention of performing `Umrah. They were however, not allowed to enter the city of Makkah. Negotiations were carried out and the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was signed. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah proved to be favourable for the Muslims, as they were safe from further attacks from the disbelievers. Towards the end of 6 A.H., Prophet Muhammad  addressed letters to the rulers of neighbouring countries to spread Islam. Some of these rulers accepted Islam whilst others, showed no interest. THE EXPEDITION OF KHAYBAR This event took place in 7 A.H. Prophet Muhammad  came to know that the Jews who had settled in Khaybar, were intending to invade Madinah. Prophet Muhammad  took 1600 Muslims and set out towards Khaybar which was a Jewish territory. The Muslims occupied Khaybar over a period of several days and 15 Muslims were martyred. In the year 7A.H., Prophet Muhammad  and the Muslims also performed `Umrah. 6

THE BATTLE OF MU’TAH The Battle of Mu'tah took place in 8 A.H. The Muslim army consisted of 3000 people, whereas the disbelievers had 100 000 soldiers. Three brave Muslim soldiers, Hadrat Zayd bin Haarithah, Hadrat Ja`far bin Abi Taalib and Hadrat Abdullah bin Rawaahah were martyred during the battle. Then Hadrat Khaalid bin Waleed  took leadership of the army and the Muslims were victorious. THE CONQUEST OF MAKKAH This event took place in 8 AE.HTH. IbOePcIaAuse the Makkans broke the treaty that was signed at Hudaybiyyah. In Ramadaan 8 A.H., Prophet Muhammad  took 10 000 Muslims and prepared to enter Makkah. When the disbelievers saw the large number of Muslims, they immediately surrendered. Prophet Muhammad  thanked Allah  for their safe entry into Makkah. Prophet Muhammad  did not take revenge on the enemy in Makkah, he forgave them and many entered into the fold of Islam. THE BATTLE OF HUNAYN This battle took place in Shawwaal 8 A.H. The Muslim army consisted of 12 000 men who were at first taken by surprise. The disbelievers’ army attacked them from the area of the mountain pass at Hunayn. The disbelievers had arrived and positioned themselves in the pass before the Muslims. However, the Muslims were called upon by Prophet Muhammad and Hadrat Abbas and they continued to fight bravely and eventually won the battle. 7

THE EXPEDITION OF TABUK This event took place in 9 AE.HT.HaIOnPdIAit was a test of faith for the Muslims. The Romans wanted to destroy the Muslims, and Prophet Muhammad  decided that it would be best to meet the Roman army at a place called Tabuk. The time for this expedition was extremely hot and also the time for the farmers to harvest their crop. The difficult times that the Muslims were going through and the choices that they had to make, showed Prophet Muhammad who the true Muslims were. HAJJ The First Hajj took place in 9ETAH.HIO. PIHAadrat Abu Bakr  took 300 Muslims and taught them for the first time how Hajj was to be performed, as Islam teaches us. The Farewell Hajj took place in 10 A.H. Prophet Muhammad  and about 100 000 Muslims went to Makkah to perform Hajj. It was during this Hajj that Prophet Muhammad  delivered his Historical Farewell Lecture. ILLNESS & PASSING AWAY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD  ETHIOPIA After the Farewell Hajj, Prophet Muhammad  returned to Madinah and became ill. After a few days, he passed away on Monday 12th Rabi ul Awwal 11 A.H. Prophet Muhammad  is buried in the actual room and place where he passed away in Madinah. 8

May Allah’s  Peace and Choicest Blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad . Verily Allah and His Angels send Blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Send your blessings on him [Muhammad] and salute him with all respect. (Surah Al Ahzaab(33); Aayah 56) O Allah, Shower Your Blessings upon our leader Muhammad  and upon the family of our leader Muhammad  and shower Your Favour and send salutations (upon him). 9

QUALITIES OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD  In Books 1 to 5, we have learnt about the beautiful way of life of Prophet Muhammad . Allah  says in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Al Ahzaab (33); Aayah 21: \"Certainly there is for you in the messenger of Allah an excellent example.\" Prophet Muhammad  had great courage while he faced many dangers and problems during the early years of spreading Islam in Makkah. He fought many battles with great courage and hope. During the Battle of Badr, he faced a large number of enemies with only 313 Muslims. He never showed any signs of fear and put his faith in Allah . Allah  gave victory to the Muslims. During the Battle of Uhud, a rumour had spread that Prophet Muhammad  was martyred. When the Muslims heard that Prophet Muhammad  was still alive, it revived their strength and courage. They fought a very brave battle under his courageous guidance. In the Battle of Hunayn, when the enemy attacked the Muslims with arrows, the Muslims at first were scattered from one another and Prophet Muhammad . Prophet Muhammad  stood bravely with his uncle Hadrat Abbas against the enemy and called out to the Muslims and encouraged them to fight back. 10

A companion of Prophet Muhammad  was asked about the reaction of the Muslims and he replied: “Yes, that is true, but I bear witness that the Messenger of Allah  stood firm and did not move from his place. By Allah , when the fighting rose to its height, we took refuge by his side and the bravest among us was considered that man who stood by him.” Prophet Muhammad  also undertook the Expedition of Tabuk in extreme heat, facing a long journey and many enemies, but he did this with great courage. In whatever we do for Islam, we have to be brave and courageous like Prophet Muhammad . If we lose hope, then we will not succeed in whatever we do. Prophet Muhammad’s  wisdom was evident from an early age. His wisdom in his trade led him to be completely trusted by people. This later convinced others that he was speaking the truth about Islam. The perfect example of his wisdom can be seen in the manner in which he negotiated with the people of Makkah in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Prophet Muhammad  used wisdom in signing the treaty with the Makkans and returning to Madinah. At first, many of the Sahaabas were unhappy when they had to return to Madinah. However, Prophet Muhammad  knew that the treaty would be favourable for the Muslims in the future. We learn that sometimes we only see the benefit of the good that we do, much later. His wisdom led him to spread Islam to leaders through letters of invitations and negotiations / discussions. He was wise in the way he planned war strategies, bringing many victories to the Muslims. He treated the enemies and prisoners taken during the battles, with kindness and understanding which led to the rapid growth of Islam. 11

Prophet Muhammad  was sent as a mercy to all the worlds. We read in the Noble Qur'aan in Surah Al Ambiyaa(21);Aayah 107: “And we sent you (Muhammad) not, but as a mercy for all the worlds.” Prophet Muhammad  was full of love and mercy for all. He loved his friends and showed mercy even to his enemies. His love and mercy was shown not only to the Arabs, but to all people that came into contact with him. Hadrat Abu Hurayrah reported that some people asked Prophet Muhammad  to curse the disbelievers. Prophet Muhammad  replied: “I was not sent on earth to curse, I was sent only as a mercy.” Prophet Muhammad  loved animals too and asked all his companions to do the same. Prophet Muhammad  has said that we should show mercy to our young ones and respect and love our elders. Sayyidah Aishah reported that a nomadic Arab came to Prophet Muhammad  and asked: “Do you kiss children? We do not kiss them.” Prophet Muhammad  replied: “I cannot help you since Allah  has withdrawn mercy from you.” This means that Allah  is merciful to those who show mercy to the young ones. If we show love and mercy to others, then we too will receive the same type of kindness from them. If we are rude and unkind to others, then they and Allah  will be unhappy with us. 12

Prophet Muhammad was totally obedient to Allah  and did everything to please Him only. The foundation of Islam which was laid by Prophet Muhammad  was one in which Tawheed is the cornerstone of a Muslims’ belief. Prophet Muhammad  was so obedient to Allah  that he exemplified the Noble Qur’aan in all spheres of his life. Total obedience to Allah  never left Prophet Muhammad even though people tried to bribe him. He always stood firm in his obedience to Allah  and refused such offers unhesitatingly. Prophet Muhammad  was so obedient to Allah  that the Noble Qur’aan acknowledges that his conduct was exemplary and worthy of following. We read in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Al Qalam(68);Aayah 4: And indeed, you are of a great moral character. Prophet Muhammad  was known as Al Ameen, (The Honest) and As Saadiq,(The Truthful )because of his honesty and fair dealings with all people. Prophet Muhammad  spread Islam secretly for three years and called the Makkans to Jabal-as-Safaa which is a hill near the Ka`bah to tell them openly about Islam. All the people went to listen to what Prophet Muhammad  had to say, because they knew that he never lied to anyone. 13

Prophet Muhammad  said; “If I tell you that there is an army behind this mountain waiting to attack you, will you believe me?” The people said; “Yes” because they knew that he always spoke the truth. We have to be honest and truthful at all times, so that people will recognise this quality in us and trust us. If we tell lies, then nobody will ever know when we are really speaking the truth and this could lead to many problems. Prophet Muhammad  always maintained a good relationship with everyone that he came into contact with. He was kind, generous, polite and helpful to one and all. He always kept his promises. For example, one of the conditions of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, was that if any Muslim went to Madinah from Makkah, he would be returned to Makkah on demand. When the treaty was being written, Abu Jandal escaped from Makkah to go to Madinah. Prophet Muhammad , however, maintained that he could not break his promise, and therefore Abu Jandal was returned to the people of Makkah. Prophet Muhammad  was trusted by the people so much, that they even kept their jewellery and money with him for safe- keeping. At the time of the Hijrah, although the people were planning to kill him, he was worried about giving people back their belongings. As a result, he left Hadrat Ali  in Makkah to return their cash and jewellery while he migrated to Madinah. Whenever we make a promise, it is important that we keep it as people are putting their trust in us. Keeping a promise is a responsibility. We ourselves would be greatly disappointed if someone broke a promise made to us. 14

MIRACLES / MU`JIZAAT OF THE PROPHETS  Introduction The English dictionary describes a miracle “as a wonderful and surprising event, often one which people believe was caused by the Almighty”. In Islam, miracles are signs of Allah . Miracles have played an important part in the lives of the Prophets . Allah  bestowed miracles to the Prophets  as signs of their Prophethood. The miracles of Prophets Dawud , Sulaymaan , Ibraaheem , Musaa , `Isaa  and others, are mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan. Here are just a few of them: Prophet Ibraaheem The blazing fire in which Prophet Ibraaheem  was thrown into was transformed into a cool and safe haven for him as Allah  says in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Al Ambiyaa’(21);Aayah 69: We [Allah] said: “O fire, be coolness and safety upon Ibraaheem.” Prophet Musaa  The staff of Prophet Musaa turned into a serpent when he threw it on the ground, and it returned to its original form when he picked it up. 15

We read in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah TaaHaa (20);Aayaat 19- 21: 19. [Allah] said: “Throw it down, O Musaa .” 20. So he threw it down, and thereupon it was a snake, moving swiftly. 21. [Allah] said: “Grasp it and fear not; We will return it to its former condition.” When the same staff was struck upon a rock, twelve streams of water gushed forth. We read in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Al Baqarah(2);Aayah 60: And recall when Musaa prayed for water for his people, so We said: “Strike with your staff the stone.” And there gushed forth from it twelve springs. Each (group of ) people knew its own place for water. “Eat and drink from the Provision of Allah, and do not commit abuse on earth, spreading corruption.” 16

When he struck the staff into the Red Sea, a clear path was formed for the believers. We read in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Ash Shu`araa(26);Aayah 63: Then We inspired to Musaa: “Strike with your staff the sea,” and it parted , and each portion was like a great towering mountain. Prophet`Isaa  The birth of Prophet `Isaa  is a miracle in itself. Allah  says in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Aal`Imraan(3);Aayah 59: “Indeed, the example of `Isaa to Allah is like that of Aadam. He created him from dust, then He said to him: “Be!” and he was. Prophet `Isaa  spoke whilst he was a baby, he cured the lepers, those that were born blind and he breathed life into the dead by the Permission of Allah . 17

Allah  says in the Noble Qur'aan in Surah Al Maa`idah(5);Aayah 110: [The Day] when Allah will say: \"O `Isaa the son of Maryam! remember My Favour upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit [Ruh -ul –Qudus (Angel Jibreel)] and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity ;and [remember ] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Injeel; and when you designed from clay [what was ] like the form of a bird with My Permission; then you breathed into it and it became a bird with My Permission and you healed the blind [from birth] and the leper with My Permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My Permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from(killing )you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said:\" This is not but obvious magic.\" 18

Prophet Muhammad  Prophet Muhammad , the final Messenger of Allah  sent to all the worlds, was given many miracles. The number of miracles of Prophet Muhammad exceeds those of any other Prophet . Let us take a closer look at some of Prophet Muhammad’s  miracles. The Noble Qur’aan as a miracle The Noble Qur’aan itself is the greatest miracle that was given to Prophet Muhammad . The following are just a few reasons why the Noble Qur’aan is miraculous. 1.The Noble Qur’aan contains knowledge on everything pertaining to nature, science, physics, geography, astronomy, biology, archeology, sociology etc. Many of the facts mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan were discovered much later by modern scholars and scientists. 2.Each Aayah and Surah is beautifully and ideally linked and this is evident from the very first verse till the very last. 3.The wording of the Noble Qur’aan is such that each and every word fits precisely and appropriately in its place, and no better word can be used in its place. 4.No other book, has caused such a great revolution in every sphere of life, including beliefs, worship, social life, economics, politics, morals, ethics, etc. 5.The Noble Qur’aan cannot be equalled and none has and will be able to imitate or produce anything like it. With regards to this, Allah  through the Noble Qur’aan, has issued a challenge to the disbelievers of all times by asking them to produce even one Surah like any in the Noble Qur’aan. No one has or will be able to meet this challenge. 19

This is mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Al Baqarah(2);Aayah 23: “And if you are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down to Our servant[Muhammad], then produce a surah like it and call upon your witnesses (helpers) other than Allah if you are truthful.” 6.The Noble Qur’aan will never be changed. It has been preserved exactly as it had been revealed. Even the method of preservation, that is memorization of the Noble Qur’aan, even by very young children, is a miracle in itself. The Miracles of Prophet Muhammad  as mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan Israa’ and Mi`raaj One of the greatest and well known miracles of Prophet Muhammad  is Israa’ and Mi`raaj. On the 27th Rajab, in the 10th year after the First Revelation, Angel Jibreel came to Prophet Muhammad  and took him by the Command of Allah  on Israa’ and Mi`raaj. Israa’ is the journey of Prophet Muhammad  from Al Masjidul Haraam (Ka`bah) to Masjidul Aqsaa in Jerusalem. Mi`raaj is the journey of Prophet Muhammad  from earth to beyond the Seven Heavens. 20

This miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad  is mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan in Surah Al Israa’ (17);Aayah 1: “Glory be to Him who took His servant [Muhammad]for a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, that We might show him [Muhammad](some)of Our signs. Indeed He is the Hearer, and Seer! Some of the miracles of Israa’ and Mi`raaj: 1. Prophet Muhammad  travelled on Buraaq at great speed. 2. Prophet Muhammad  was accompanied by Angel Jibreel on this journey. 3. Prophet Muhammad’s  journey when measured in our time was extremely short. Prophet Muhammad covered the great distance between Makkah and Jerusalem and the immeasurable distance between Jerusalem and the heavens in just a small part of the night. 4. Prophet Muhammad  met other great Prophets of Allah  in Masjidul Aqsaa and led them in Salaah despite the fact that they had come to earth long before him. 5. Prophet Muhammad  saw Jannah and Jahannam. 21

6. The greatest miracle of this journey was that he spoke to Allah  from a place where no creation of Allah  has been, including the Angels. 7. When Prophet Muhammad  returned home, the disbelievers questioned him about their caravans which were travelling on their trading route. Prophet Muhammad  instantly gave a detailed description of the caravans and also specified the day on which these caravans would arrive in Makkah. The caravans did arrive as Prophet Muhammad  had stated. The disbelievers also questioned Prophet Muhammad  about the finer details of what Masjidul Aqsaa looked like. Allah  showed Masjidul Aqsaa to Prophet Muhammad  while he stood before the disbelievers in Makkah, as he answered their questions, eg. how many doors, windows etc. were in the Masjid. The following Hadith describes this event. Hadrat Jaabir  told that he heard Allah’s  Messenger  saying, “When the Quraysh accused me of falsehood I stood up in al Hijr, then Allah  displayed Jerusalem in front of me and I informed them of its distinguishing marks while I was looking at it.” (Bukhaari and Muslim) 22

HADRAT ABU BAKR  Companion of Prophet Muhammad   Born 51 B.H. Bani Tameem Best friend Supreme Court Judge Teachings of Noble Qur’aan Teachings of Prophet Muhammad  INTRODUCTION Hadrat Abu Bakr  was born in Makkah in the year 51 B.H. He belonged to the Qurayshite clan of the Bani Tameem. He was the father of Prophet Muhammad’s  wife, Sayyidah Aishah  which makes him the father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. He was also Prophet Muhammad’s closest companion and the first man to accept Islam. Before he accepted Islam, he was respected in his community for his manners, nature, knowledge and wisdom. He also held the position of Supreme Court Judge. Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  trust in Prophet Muhammad was so complete and true that when Prophet Muhammad  spoke to him about the religion of Islam, he immediately accepted. Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  belief in Islam was so sincere that he used to help Prophet Muhammad even in the early years of Islam. He was prepared to sacrifice his personal safety for the sake of Islam and Prophet Muhammad . 23

CONCLUSION After Prophet Muhammad  passed away, it was Hadrat Umar  who suggested to the people to elect Hadrat Abu Bakr  as their caliph. Hadrat Abu Bakr  was elected as caliph and he immediately praised Allah . He also said that he would use the Noble Qur’aan and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad  to guide the people. Even after he was chosen as caliph, Hadrat Abu Bakr  still declared that he would always follow the teachings of the Noble Qur’aan and Prophet Muhammad . He did not display pride about his position as caliph, nor did he abuse the power of this position. 1. When was Hadrat Abu Bakr  born? 2. Describe the kind of person that Hadrat Abu Bakr  was before the advent of Islam. 3. How did he react when Prophet Muhammad  told him about Islam? 24

HADRAT ABU BAKR’S  Contributions to Islam and his role at the time of Prophet Muhammad’s  passing away Sacrifice Freed slaves Contribute Hijrah Amirul Hajj INTRODUCTION During the early years of Islam, Hadrat Abu Bakr  spent most of his wealth in the cause of Islam. He used to buy Muslim slaves and set them free. He also accompanied Prophet Muhammad  on the Hijrah, which was not a safe journey as the enemy were trying to capture them.    25

In Madinah, he bought the plot of land from Sahl and Suhayl to build Al Masjidun Nabawee. Hadrat Abu Bakr  fought in all the battles fearlessly and bravely next to Prophet Muhammad. This shows that Hadrat Abu Bakr  was prepared to sacrifice his personal safety and his wealth. At the time of the Battle of Badr, he was even prepared to fight against his son who had not accepted Islam. He was so trusted and beloved to Prophet Muhammad , that Prophet Muhammad appointed him as Amirul Hajj during the First Hajj in the year 9 A.H. After Prophet Muhammad  had performed the Farewell Hajj in the year 10 A.H., he returned to Madinah where he became ill. During his illness, he appointed Hadrat Abu Bakr  as the Imaam of Masjidun Nabawee and performed Salaah under his leadership. Prophet Muhammad’s  condition began to worsen and he breathed his last on Monday 12th Rabi ul Awwal 11 A.H. Hadrat Abu Bakr  personally went to Prophet Muhammad’s  home to confirm that Prophet Muhammad  had passed away. Then he went to where Hadrat Umar  was addressing a crowd of people that had gathered at the house. Hadrat Umar  was shocked, stunned and in disbelief, and this led to his denial about Prophet Muhammad’s  passing away. Place where Prophet Muhammad  is buried 26

Upon observing this, Hadrat Abu Bakr  found it necessary to talk to the people. He reminded them of their duty to Allah  by reciting to them Surah Aal`Imraan (3);Aayah144 from the Noble Qur’aan: Muhammad  is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have already passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn your back on your faith? And whoever turns back on his faith, he will by no means do harm to Allah, but He will surely reward those who are grateful to Him. He also told the people the following: “O people! If Muhammad  is the object of your adoration, then know that he has passed away. But if it is Allah  that you worship then know that Allah  cannot die.” 27

Hadrat Abu Bakr  held the Muslims together and reminded them of Allah  at the time of Prophet Muhammad’s  passing away. Hadrat Abu Bakr  set aside his personal grief at the loss of Prophet Muhammad and concentrated on upholding the religion of Islam. We must consider for a moment, whether we will be able to leave our homes, businesses and families for the sake of Islam to settle in another town or city. Will we still have the courage to travel on a journey, knowing that the enemy were trying to capture us? 1. How did Hadrat Abu Bakr  contribute and take part in the cause of Islam before his caliphate? 2. How did Hadrat Abu Bakr  keep the people together at the time of Prophet Muhammad’s  passing away? LEARNER ACTIVITY Discuss the impact that Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  support had on Islam, during the early days of Prophet Muhammad’s  da`wah. 28

HADRAT ABU BAKR’S  CALIPHATE Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  speech Zakaah Five Daily Salaah Hadrat Khaalid bin Waleed  false prophets INTRODUCTION After Prophet Muhammad  passed away, the people of Madinah decided that they needed a leader. Hadrat Umar  suggested that Hadrat Abu Bakr  should be elected as their leader. Upon his election as caliph, Hadrat Abu Bakr  made the following speech to the people:- “O people, I swear by Allahthat I never desired the leadership either by day or by night, nor did I have an inclination towards it. In fact, a big task has been assigned to me which is beyond my power to fulfil except with the Help of Almighty Allah. Now, undoubtedly I have been elected as your Amir although I am not better than you. Support me if I am right. Correct me if I go wrong. I ask you to obey me as long as I obey Allah  and His Messenger. If I disobey Allah and His messenger you are free to disobey me. Now come and offer Salaah.” Hadrat Abu Bakr  experienced many oppositions from the people during his caliphate, but he always dealt with them truthfully and efficiently. During his caliphate, many people began to say that they were prepared to read their five daily Salaah, but they refused to pay Zakaah. 29

Hadrat Abu Bakr  was, however, a strict follower of the Noble Qur’aan and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad . He stood firmly against those who protested and he took stern action against those who refused to pay Zakaah. He made sure that it remained as a compulsory part of the Five Pillars of Islam. Hadrat Abu Bakr  also had the difficult task of conquering false prophets. Two people who claimed to be Prophets of Allah  were Tulayha and Musaylama. Tulayha was so corrupt that he wanted to eliminate Sajdah from the Salaah. Musaylama was worse as he, amongst other things, claimed that intoxicants and adultery were permissible. He even attempted to reduce the 5 daily Salaah to 3. We know that drinking intoxicants and adultery are haraam and it is compulsory to read Salaah five times a day. Hadrat Abu Bakr  was determined to eliminate the false prophets. He sent Hadrat Khaalid bin Waleed  to defeat Tulayha first and then Musaylama. There were two other false prophets too, Aswad Ansi and Sajah. They were also defeated. While he was a caliph, he was always willing to help the people with their problems and he did so with patience and understanding, gaining the support, affection and confidence of the people. Hadrat Abu Bakr  proved to be true to his word. He followed the Noble Qur’aan and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad  in whatever he did. He was successful in keeping Zakaah compulsory and in defeating the false prophets. He never failed to help the people with their personal problems even while paying attention to other duties. What were some of the things that Hadrat Abu Bakr  achieved during his caliphate? Discuss. 30

HADRAT ABU BAKR  Battle of Ajnaadeen / passing away Battle of Ajnaadeen - 13 A.H. Muslims - 37 000 Syrians - 200 000 Passing away - Jumaadal Oolaa Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  Kafn Hadrat Umar  - new caliph INTRODUCTION THE BATTLE OF AJNAADEEN During the caliphate of Hadrat Abu Bakr the Battle of Ajnaadeen was fought in the year 13 A.H. Cause of the Battle The Romans began to rise against the Muslims. This made Hadrat Abu Bakr  prepare for war in defence of Islam against Heracleus, who was the Roman Emperor stationed at Syria. Both sides now began to prepare for a battle. The Battle The Muslim army which numbered about thirty seven thousand, advanced towards Palestine under the leadership of Hadrat Khaalid bin Sa`eed. Hadrat Abu Bakr  also instructed Hadrat Khaalid bin Waleed  to join in the leadership of the battle. 31

The Syrians who were under Roman rule, had clearly out-numbered the Muslim army with two hundred thousand men. The two armies eventually met in fierce fighting at a place called Ajnaadeen. Towards the evening, the Syrians began to lose the battle and unable to bear the attack by the Muslims, they fled. Outcome of the Battle The Muslims won the battle but 3000 soldiers were martyred. The news of victory at Ajnaadeen reached Madinah just before Hadrat Abu Bakr  breathed his last. Thus, like other battles, the Muslims were fewer in number, but through their faith in Allah  they gained total victory. Illness and Passing Away In Jumaadal Oolaa 13 A.H., Hadrat Abu Bakr  became ill and was confined to bed for 15 days. When he became too ill to go to the Masjid, he appointed Hadrat Umar  as the Imaam of the Masjid. During his illness, the caliph remained in his home, which was adjoined to Prophet Muhammad’s Masjid. While he was ill, Hadrat Abu Bakr  was concerned about who would lead the people after him. He thought that it would be best to elect someone himself. He thought it over, and after speaking to some of his companions, he decided that Hadrat Umar  would succeed him. 32

Some of the people expressed concern about Hadrat Umar’s  election. But Hadrat Abu Bakr  spoke to the people and brought about an understanding amongst them. He also spoke to Hadrat Umar  and advised him as well. Thereafter, he prayed to Allah  asking Him to guide all the Muslims. Hadrat Abu Bakr  became more ill and just before his passing away, he asked his daughter Sayyidah Aishah  [who was one of Prophet Muhammad’s  wives] as to how many pieces of cloth were used to cover Prophet Muhammad’s  body when he passed away. When she replied 3 pieces, he said he wanted the same number to be used for him. He asked her to wash and make use of two pieces of cloth which he already had, and that only one should be bought. On hearing this, Sayyidah Aishah  replied that they were in a position to buy all three new pieces of cloth for covering his body. To this, Hadrat Abu Bakr  stated that it would be better if the new cloth be used for the living, rather than for those who had passed away. He asked about the day on which Prophet Muhammad  had passed away. When he was told that it was on a Monday, he immediately wished the same for himself. Later, he gave instructions that he wished to be buried beside Prophet Muhammad . 33

Just before he passed away, he said the following words:-“O Allah! I pray to You that I may die as a Muslim and join the virtuous.” Then on Tuesday, the 22nd of Jumaadal Oolaa 13 A.H., Hadrat Abu Bakr  passed away between Maghrib Salaah and Ishaa Salaah. He was 63 years old and he ruled as a caliph for 2 years, 3 months and 11 days. He was buried the same evening after Ishaa Salaah next to Prophet Muhammad  as he had requested. This brings to an end the caliphate of Hadrat Abu Bakr . Hadrat Abu Bakr  was always humble, which he proved even at the time when he was near passing away (that is, he wished to be covered by two old pieces of cloth that he already had). Before breathing his last, he remembered Allah  and Prophet Muhammad . 1. How did Hadrat Abu Bakr  still show concern for the Muslims even while he was ill? 2. What can we observe about Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  character? 3. What do you learn from the Battle of Ajnaadeen? 34

MORALS DRAWN FROM THE CHARACTER OF HADRAT ABU BAKR  Summary and Questions Hadrat Abu Bakr  supported Prophet Muhammad  and Islam throughout his life. During the early years of Islam, he bought slaves and set them free. [How do we treat servants today?] Hadrat Abu Bakr  protected Prophet Muhammad  during the journey of the Hijrah. [Would we be prepared to leave our homes and businesses behind, to go to another place for the sake of Islam?] He bought land for the construction of Masjidun Nabawee. [Do you give money to your local masjid or madrasah?] He fought in all the battles. [How do we defend Islam?] He taught Muslims how to perform Hajj for the first time. He held the Muslims together at the time of Prophet Muhammad’s passing away. [What would have happened if he had not kept them together?] He made sure that the Pillars of Islam remained intact, that is, Zakaah and Salaah. [If he had not defeated the false prophets what do you think would have happened?] How are you going to contribute towards Islam? 35

HADRAT UMAR  Birth. Acceptance of Islam. Caliphate. Born - 40 B.H Al Faruq Sayyidah Hafsah Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  speech Introduction Hadrat Umar  was born in the year 40 B.H. in Makkah, and belonged to the “ Adi ” family of the Quraysh tribe. His family lineage joins that of Prophet Muhammad’sfamily in the eighth generation. He was the father of Prophet Muhammad’s  wife, Sayyidah Hafsah , which makes him the father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad . He was also one of the 17 people who were literate in his tribe. Hadrat Umar’s  acceptance of Islam In the beginning, when Hadrat Umar  had not accepted Islam, he wanted to stop Prophet Muhammad  from spreading Islam, not knowing that his own sister and brother-in-law had become Muslims. He first attempted to stop them from being Muslims by beating them. When he asked them to read verses from the Noble Qur’aan, he was so moved that he openly declared and confirmed the truth of the religion of Islam. He was named Al Faruq by Prophet Muhammad  for distinguishing right from wrong. 36

Hadrat Umar’s  support to Prophet Muhammad  Hadrat Umar  was among the Muslims who migrated to Madinah. He supported Prophet Muhammad  during all the battles. During the Expedition of Tabuk, he contributed half of his wealth. At the time of Prophet Muhammad’s  passing away, his great love for Prophet Muhammad  made it difficult for him to accept that he had really passed away. Caliphate It was Hadrat Umar  who suggested that Hadrat Abu Bakr  be elected as caliph. Hadrat Umar  supported Hadrat Abu Bakr  throughout his caliphate as well. At the time of Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  passing away, he suggested that Hadrat Umar  be the next caliph. However, some of the people expressed concern about Hadrat Umar’s  election. Hadrat Abu Bakr  resolved this issue when he gathered all the people and spoke to them. He said the following: “Will you accept the person whom I appoint as my successor? I have not nominated any relative of mine. I have nominated Umar. Will you listen to me and agree with me?” At that moment, many people accepted Hadrat Abu Bakr’s  wishes. Hadrat Abu Bakr  became very weak and went into his house. Then he called Hadrat Uthmaan  and made him write down the following: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, I have appointed Umar as your ruler. If he does justice and good, then it would be what I expect of him. If he does injustice then I will be innocent because I do not know what the future holds. Peace be on you and the Mercy and Blessings of Allah .” 37

After this, Hadrat Abu Bakr  called Hadrat Umar  and gave him advice and instructions in private. Hadrat Abu Bakr  then prayed to Allah  to guide all the people. 1. How did Hadrat Umar  accept the religion of Islam? 2. Why was he given the title of Al Faruq? 3. How was he elected as caliph? LEARNER ACTIVITY Discuss the impact that the Noble Qur’aan had on Hadrat Umar . __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 38

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