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Home Explore Devoted Newsletter Issue 6

Devoted Newsletter Issue 6

Published by annerine, 2022-02-08 06:49:37

Description: Devoted Newsletter Issue 6


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NewsletterNewsletter6 Missionary Doctors For Life, work is noble helping the vulnerable in great need and impactful For the Doctors For Life International (DFL) team, their Missionaries are those noble people who profession is a calling. These doctors have discovered that diligently and obediently spread the gospel, happiness is found in helping others and protecting lives - serve others, and make the world a better place the greatest secret in life. Initiatives such as their Aid to Africa play - one soul at a time. Over the years, I have often crossed a key role in the fight against poverty in vulnerable communities. paths with missionaries, and I have developed the highest Read about the Doctors for Life organisation and Aid to Africa HERE. respect for them and the good work they do. Issue 32 of Devoted explores what it means to be a missionary, and Concerned youth stand we put the spotlight on some of the organisations which up for JESUS IN FAITH we think does excellent work in the field. Read Devoted, Issue 32 HERE. against social ills What does it mean to be a We love partnering with like-minded people to help get our mutual message out. We recently joined the Concerned missionary? Young People of South Africa (CYPSA) to create awareness of the problems South Africans experience and remind everyone Missionaries carry a special spirit with them, and that Jesus is the answer. Read more about the CYPSA initiative HERE. have an unconditional love for their fellow man without expecting anything back. We often do LucyProudly African, Lucy Akua Kyerede Quainoo lives not know or consider the sacrifices missionaries make; but Quainoo and works in Accra, Ghana. Her their work is important and life-changing. passion is sharing her knowledge Read the full article HERE. is sharing her and experience with other women. knowledge to She actively partakes in mentorship empower others programmes, which helps build her networks and help grow her professionally. Through offering advice and sharing her knowledge and vast experience, she also develops young women professionally. Read Lucy’s story HERE. Like us on Facebook: www.dViesitvouor wteebdsitemat

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