UpKeep For a better living www.upkeepservicesllc.comWelcome to the upkeep world!
From contractual projects to one time services,from daily services to long-term maintenance,Upkeep’s wide range of services can becustomized, offering clients simplicity and costeffectiveness as value-added benefits of dealingwith a single, reliable and efficient serviceprovider who proudly adheres to the highestlevels of service excellence in the industry.Experience theDifference
About UpKeep We hereby introduce our dynamic building maintenance company operating as UPKEEP Services L.L.C. We are engaged in providing our clients and prospects a delight class services in the area of contractual maintenance and One-time maintenance of residential, office, commercial and industrial space building maintenance with includes mechanized cleaning, floor and carpet maintenance, pest control, medium sized electrical, plumbing and painting works. Ours is an epitome of excellence towards satisfying our clients need. As such we have at our disposal excellent, well-trained, trustworthy, staff and equipment to carry out these cleaning activities and other auxiliary services to suit your requirement. Upkeep uses a sustainable business model which incorporates state-of- the-art computerized office facilities and modern technologies to reach out to clients and serve their building maintenance needs. Dedicated to upkeep of buildings & properties through the provision of a wide range of ancillary services, Upkeep aims to become the provider of choice in the delivery of Building maintenance services and serve as a single point of contact for diversified soft and hard services throughout U.A.E.
MISSION Our mission is to promote excellent, building maintenance services to our clients by VISION providing a personalized one-stop cleaning and auxiliary services at an affordable fee. We take your building upkeep personally. Our vision is to Establish a fast-growing professional Building Upkeep company across UAE by delivering high standards of quality and safety using the state of art technology.
Core ServicesFrom one-time services to contractual projects, from daily services to long-term maintenance, Upkeep’s widerange of services can be customized, offering clients simplicity and cost effectiveness as value-added benefits ofdealing with a single, reliable and efficient service provider who proudly adheres to the highest levels of serviceexcellence in the industry. Aligned with international best practices, Upkeep’s core activities include but are notlimited to:1. Contract Services 2. Pest Control • Mechanized House Keeping • Termite Treatment • Office assistants and helpdesk management • General & Specific pest control • Floor Restoration (Grinding, Filling & Polishing) • Disinfection • Ceiling Cleaning • Fumigation • Carpet and Rug Shampooing • Rodent Control • Glue Removal & Floor Scrubbing • Wood Preservation • Mold Cleaning (Mild/Medium/Heavy) • Sofa Shampooing 3. One-time Services • Chandelier cleaning • External structure cleaning • Residential services • Water tank cleaning • End of Tenancy and New Build Services • Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance • Party Services
How we are Different! Positive CleaningPositive cleaning - The traditional approach to cleaning has Again, the ability to render excellent cleaningalways been dusting, sweeping and moping which removes services to the satisfaction of our client makes60-70% of the dirt and dust, rest is displaced in air which us outstanding.eventually settles back on the surfaces. By replacing thetraditional cleaning methods with vacuuming and scrubbing, A) We personalize our services leading to an intimateusing the latest state of art machines 90-95% of the dirt and dust relationship with our clients and seek ways onis being removed from your premises thus promoting the concept improving our services.of positive cleaning. B) We provide guarantee for service delivery andUpkeep’s integrated approach to soft and hard services of against hidden cost.building maintenance involves insights into the latest trendsgoverning the Facilities Management (FM) Industry, complete C) We boost the corporate image of our clientsassessments of client profiles and sourcing out the right talent or through cleanliness.competencies required to cater to each individualizedrequirement. D) We provide the right price for the high quality service we provide.Though some companies may have been rendering similarservices for over a decade now, we are different because of our E) We p rov i d e o u r c l i e nt s w i t h a o n e - s t o pdedication to work and service. With a highly experienced maintenance services.management and the staff we are confident of delivering ourbest on all forms of building maintenance requirement. F) Finally, we provide you with a moderate and convenient payment terms.
QUALITYASSURANCEOperating within a highly competitive industry, Upkeep maintainsdominance over rival service providers in its stringent adherence toquality and standards and has earned the privilege of serving some of themost prestigious clients in the region. Upkeep’s quality controlguidelines are consistent with standards that are internationally testedand recognized.Furthermore, Upkeep contributes to environmental conservation inthe course of its corporate activities by adhering to a strictenvironmental quality control process that ensures all of its productsnot only meet the environmental requirements of its clients but arealso within the regulatory limits in place throughout U.A.E.
CONTRACTCLEANINGUpkeep’s Contract Cleaning Division adapts customized cleaning solutions to commercial and residentialfacility-specific needs that involve cleaning and managing every imaginable space, large and small. With theprovision of cleaning services constituting its core business, Upkeep offers everything from initial cleaningservices to comprehensive facility support services including:Mechanized House KeepingFloor Restoration (Grinding, Filling & Polishing)Ceiling CleaningCarpet and Rug Shampooing Office assistants and help deskGlue Removal & Floor Scrubbing managementMold Cleaning (Mild/Medium/Heavy) Sofa Shampooing Chandelier cleaning External structure cleaning Water tank cleaning Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance
Mechanized House Keeping OFFICE ASSISTANTS AND HELP DESK MANAGEMENTUpkeep provides a clean and hygienic environment for its clients Upkeep has a team of trained and qualified office assistants and help-desk management staff who canthrough its Mechanized Housekeeping and Conservancy services discharge the duties professionally in case the client wants to outsource his non core business areas.programme. This Programme is suitable for Industrial premises,Airports, Shopping Malls, Hospitals, Government and Private Offices, Floor Restoration (Grinding, Filling & Polishing)Commercial Buildings and Educational Institutions. Our team ofqualified and trained staff are equipped to handle the latest state of Upkeep provides the necessary care and attention to maintain the appearance and lifespan of marbleart machinery and chemicals to ensure maximum cleanliness at our floors found in public buildings, malls, offices, hotels and private homes. Utilizing a specializedclient’s premises. process of crystallization that is applicable to marble, granite, terrazzo & limestone surfaces, Upkeep restores the floors back to their lustrous state. The benefits of this technique, besides its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, entail: Natural floor appearance with exquisite finish Increase in gloss levels giving the floor a long lasting shine Slip resistance, stain resistance & durability of stone surface Removal of the finest as well as polish heavy scratches with no chemical residue left behind Protection of the floor while preserving colour and brightness of the stone Minimal maintenance timeUpKeep CEILING CLEANING For a better living We specialize in Ceiling cleaning to remove dirt, or carbon deposits from ceiling tiles only from non pores tiles. CARPET AND RUG SHAMPOOING We specialize in mechanized shampooing to remove entire dirt from the rug by a process of Injection and extraction.
PESTCONTROL Providing effective, environmentally responsible & integrated pest management solutions, Upkeep’s Pest Control Division, with the aid of certified technicians & modern equipment, challenges the pest population at its breeding source within commercial & residential properties. Upkeep’s complete pest control packages include one-time and regular pest control service contracts which entail initial inspections to determine the type of pest and level of infestation, customized pest control services to eradicate the issue, follow-up inspections to ensure procedure effectiveness & preventative treatments for future prevention. Quick solutions, hassle-free procedures & long lasting results have made Upkeep the leading providers of pest control services like: TERMITE TREATMENT GENERAL & SPECIFIC PEST CONTROL DISINFECTION FUMIGATION RODENT CONTROL WOOD PRESERVATION
OClneea-tnime As a part of one time services offer we undertake 1. Residential services:Upkeep Clean, a specialized division of UpkeepServices LLC, currently available across U.A.E. • Floor Vacuuming and Scrubbingoffers one-time professional deep cleaning and • Kitchen Deep Cleaning and steamingallied services for residential villas, apartments, • Window and Sills cleaningcommercial & office properties at affordable • Bathroom and Toilets fixtures cleaning and disinfectingprices & competitive packages. • Furniture, fixtures and lights vacuuming • Upholstery, Carpet & sofa vacuuming and shampooing • Electrical panel and AC filter cleaning • Chandelier Cleaning • Curtain and blinds Steam Cleaning. • Cleaning of household Electrical Items • Minor painting, electrical & plumbing work • Cleaning & washing of external areas. • Water tank cleaning • Swimming pool cleaning • Pest control
2. End of Tenancy and New Build Services: When tenancy of your property is due to end, call us. We know how vital is to handover the property to in• Floor vacuuming and scrubbing immaculate condition for your next tenants. Our end• Floor Restoration (Grinding, Filling & Polishing) of tenancy cleaning service is comprehensive,• Ceiling Cleaning systematic and always to the highest clean standard.• Carpet Shampooing We are confident enough in our experience to deliver• Floor Glue Removal & Scrubbing high quality service with 100% clean guarantee.• Furnitures and fixtures vacuuming• Kitchen/Pantry cleaning Our end of tenancy cleaning services includes removal• Mold Cleaning (Mild/Medium/Heavy) of dust by vacuuming before any work starts. We• Paint and cement spillage removal eliminate all dust from every surface cabinet inside/• Chandelier cleaning outside cupboards, furniture, cornicing, skirting etc.• External structure cleaning After that we continue with systematically cleaning• Water tank cleaning every single surface, wooden floor, cabinet, cupboards• Swimming Pool Cleaning and all furniture. We clean all furniture, radiators,• Window and Sills cleaning hand-rails, windows internally, floors, blinds, skirting.• Bathroom and Toilets fixtures cleaning• Electrical panel and AC filter cleaning Our teams of cleaners fully trained and we are• Minor painting, electrical & plumbing work dedicated to provide a reliable and efficient service to• Cleaning & washing of external areas. our clients to achieve outstanding results, which will save you time and money. If you are tenant that requires an end of tenancy clean or a landlord who wants to let, sell or buy a property Upkeep offers a superior cleaning service. We are always available to visit the premises, assess your needs and prepare a detailed written quotation.
3. Party Services: PROFESSIONAL AFTER PARTY CLEANING• Pre-party arrangement Upkeep cleaning will ensure all post party cleaning needs. All that you need to do is sit back, relax and enjoy• Post-Party area cleaning with the guests. We start with collecting and removing all plastic glasses, bottles, dishes/plates and other• Kitchen cleaning rubbish from around your home. Then we carry on with party place where we clean and dust all hard surface• Utensils cleaning areas. Mirrors and glass surfaces get cleaned as well. Before we leave the room, we either vacuum or mop it,• Garbage clearance depending on its texture.BENEFITS CHOOSING Upkeep: AREAS WHICH NEED ADDITIONAL CARE:You can call us or book a service through our Kitchen – the focal point of any party, we start withapp or website before the party and book a removing trash and washing dirty glasses, dishes andservice in advance. Incase you contact us after plates. Then we scrub and shine sink and tabs before weit, we would be happy to help you as well. All move on to appliances, cupboards and surfaces. Wethat matters to us is to return the clean and finish with vacuuming or mopping floors.shiny look of your home. You can be sure it canhappen, because we send a team of professional Bathroom – we clean all surfaces, disinfecting andstaff with all the necessary equipment and tools. scrubbing toilet, vanity, sink and shower. Vacuuming and mopping floor in the end. Party area – remove marks on walls, cleaning mirrors or other surfaces, dusting. We finish the cleaning with vacuuming or mopping the floor.
Upkeep believes in personal and approachableservices and can be reached through multipleplatforms.1. Download the “upkeep” app, available on Android & IOS platforms, and request for quotes.2. Register, login to the website www.upkeepservicesllc.com and request for quotes.3. Reach Upkeep on +971-(0)-545624095 between 8 am to 5 pm from Sunday to Thursday. Contact Us
UpKeep For a better livingHave a building upkeep problem?Stay in touch!Contact: +971-(0)-545624095Land Line: +971-(0)-42717245Email: info@upkeepservicesllc.comWeb: www.upkeepservicesllc.comFollow us on Facebook & Instagram: /upkeepservicesllc Upkeep Services L.L.C. No. 222, 2nd Floor, Al Shaali Building 1, ‘A' Block, Damascus Street, Al Qusais Industrial Area 1, Dubai, U.A.E. | P.O Box: 103604.
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