Carl RubyA former Jefferson County School District media specialist and co-author of the Tummy Tales series along with Renee Fajardo, Mr.Oragami is a Colorado favorite specializing in tales from Japan,America and the wilds of the Rail Road legacy. He is a true folk tellerwho loves to spin family lore along with tall tales.Lindy Soon CurryEntertaining and engaging Asian folktales, costumes, songs and harpmusic for all ages. Multicultural programs and workshops withuniversal themes, side splitting humor and bittersweet emotions.Kay NegashKay presents child and adult performances. She also providesstorytelling workshops, inservices, and residencies for teachers andchildren. Her wide range of story subject matter includes Coloradohistoric figures, mythology from Latino, Native American, ancientGreek, African, and European traditions. She speaks Spanish anddoes bi-lingual programs in Spanish and English. Carl Ruby
Susan Marie Frontczak(Eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, etc., andCeltic: Scotland and Ireland)Dressed in national Polish costume, from headdress to shoes,Susan Marie tells Polish, Ukrainian, Estonian, Czech, andRussian folk tales. She shows examples of and explains localcrafts including embroidery, paper cutting, and engravedwooden plates. Dressed in Scottish costume (either highlandkilt, lowland aboyne), Susan Marie tells legends and folk tales ofScotland and Ireland. As a finale,she demonstrates a highland fling or Scottish step dance.The Traveling Rainbow Tellers : Esther AcostaThe Traveling Rainbow Tellers is a Troupe of Tellers, comprisedof four culturally diverse professional storytellers; Esther Acosta,Linda Batlin, Kay Negash, and Lois Burrell. Their stories areTouching, Tingling, Timeless and Thrilling. Their programsinclude Multicultural themes, Women's Triumphs, Folktales,Ghost Stories and much more. Programs for all occasions.Linda BatlinLinda tells stories filled with wisdom and mirth for all ages inschools, libraries, festivals, museums, senior centers, summercamps, birthday parties, corporate and other events. Programsinclude multicultural folk tales from around the world, tales ofsignificant women from Colorado history, animal, ghost, Asianstories, puppets and more!She is a contributing author in two “Tummy Tale” books.
Jane TreatStoryteller, adventurer and wilderness retreat guide. Stories: original,true, and traditional tales from many cultures. Program topics include:nature, community and balance; gathering strength and wisdom;courageous girls and dynamic women; stories from New Zealand; andRalph Moody stories of Colorado in the early 1900’sAztec Stories - Michael HeraldaAncient Mexico and the South West U.S.Michael Heralda is a national touring artist and the presenter of acultural, educational, musically interactive program titled \"AztecStories.\" Through music, oral tradition stories, poetry, and narrativesthe culture of the Mexica/Aztecs is shared from the indigenousperspective. Since 1996 he has been sharing his work with interestedlisteners and participants and at over 300 schools across the U.S. andhe is also a recording artist with three CDs completed.Renee FajardoAwarded the Colorado Humanities award for Return of the CornMothers, coauthor of Holy Mole Gucamole, co-editor of Pinch A LottaEnchiladas and two other Tummy Tale series books, this interactiveteller focuses on Mexica, Native, Creation, healing and familia tales.
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