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Home Explore LPU-LAGUNA Legacy 2019

LPU-LAGUNA Legacy 2019

Published by tancangco, 2019-02-19 22:28:13

Description: Official Institutional Magazine of Lyceum of the Philippines - Laguna


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CONTENTS EDITORIAL BOARD 3 | Deliver results Ms. Celia A. Tibayan 4 | Mapping the research territory Editor in Chief 6 | LPU-SC now offers Doctor of Medicine Program Ms. Ann Jobelle Alforja 7 | Blended Learning: The New Norm Associate Editor 8 | SHL at 100: A Celebration to Remember Contributors 9 | RadTech produces topnotchers Ms. Julie Ann Echano 9 | LPU-SC obtains 80% passing rate in Pharma Licensure Ms. Megan Kaye Marie Q. Rayala Ms. Kreshia Marie S. Ubat Exam Mr. Christopher Dennis Catapang 9 | Luna scored 10th in CPA Licensure Exam Ms. Mary Jean A. Morfe 10 | LPU named as the Best Culinary Establishment in FHA Mr. Raymond Phillip Antonio Ms. Beatriz R. Cardoza 2018 Mr. Mark Justine A. Dismaya 11 | CITHM students participate in Smith Travel Research Mr. Joshua M. Juan Ms. Clarice Leigh Dela Cruz Global Market Study in New York Engr. Ricky Bustamante 12 | CITHM tops Tourism Skills Olympics Engr. Favis Balinado 12 | College freshies attend orientation Mr. Wilzon Vitug 13 | ‘SILANG WALANG DAAN’ of ABCOMM wins Gold Ms. Ma. Angelica Acelar 14 | Award of Excellence 2018 Ms. Karen Chris Belda 16 | LPU-Laguna launches Laurel Program Ms. Terry de Belen-Alvaro 17 | OSAS holds Supreme Council election Dr. Francis K. Ashipaoloye 18 | LPU Pirates Dance Troupe: Streetdance back-to-back Dr. Gerby R. Muya Layout / Editorial Consultant champion Maria Theresa Javier Kelly 19 | An act of volunteerism in a cultural way Publications Consultant 19 | The Joy of Giving Dr. Flora V. Javier 20 | United LPU holds Mr. & Ms. LPU Grand 2018 22 | COECS bags home EURECA 2018 Best Paper Award 23 | COECS chair presents in international conference 24 | Engineering programs now PTC accreditated 24 | COECS students obtain 100% passing rate in certification exams 25 | COECS soars high in licensure exams 25 | COECS faculty delivers series of talks in Bangladesh 26 | Ready! Set! Code! LPU Laguna joins Lazada DevFest 2018 27 | Testimonials of MBA Students: The Valuable Asset of Graduate Study in a Knowledge-Based Economy: 34 | LPU Laguna attends ADP Philippines Roundtable Forum 34 | LPU Laguna meets the industry 35 | LPU benchmarks at the Asia Pacific College 36 | CITHM students go to Japan for Internship Program 37 | Interns undergo mock interview with IBM 38 | SHS celebrates World Teacher’s Day 38 | SHS makes history in #LPUAkWET 2018 39 | Ms. LPU-L 2017 competes for ‘TNT’ Golden Mic 2 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

C O L U M N CRUSADE FOR EXCELLENCE Deliver results Iwould like to continue writing my To highlight his principles, he listed BY: DR. FLORA V. JAVIER thoughts under the column I used four fundamentals that managers in LPU-Batangas Crusade for Excel- should focus on. These are grow reve- Exceptional lence. In this issue, I will share a book I nue, get new customers, keep the cus- managers, he says found in the library of my daughter, Lei. tomers you already have and eliminate are results-focused, Being a manager herself and a global costs. consistent and rely on and country manager, her collections practicing the same are mostly about leadership, managers Strigl says that if managers are doing successful behaviours and leaders. I got curious with the title something that does not relate to one day in and day out “Managers can you hear me now?”. Quite or more of these fundamentals, they until it becomes a different from the many titles I’ve seen. I should stop doing it and start doing habit. leafed through the first few pages. I knew something that does. These straight for- right then this is the book I need. ward fundamentals will help employees align their daily activities and tasks and The book “Managers can you hear me thus produce results. He admonishes now?” by Denny Strigl and Frank Swi- managers to focus on achieving results, atek discusses the tested techniques discussing results as much as possible, and leadership principles that create a posting results for people to see and sustainable higher performance culture. developing discipline to get results and The book is summed up in what Strigl achieve goals. Interestingly, he said we says about managers. He said that “the should measure results that directly or foundation of our managers’ philosophy indirectly relate to the four fundamen- relies on one main undeniable point tals. and priority: to DELIVER RESULTS.” He writes further that for managers, be- The rest of the book discusses about haviour is the real key to achievement how a leader models accountability, and to stop struggling and start deliv- techniques to deliver results, mindset of ering, a manager must close the gap be- successful managers and managing dis- tween what he knows and what he does. tractions. The final chapter talks about building a culture of performance. Exceptional managers, he says are results-focused, consistent and rely I find the book a valuable reading for on practicing the same successful be- managers. It’s another must-read book. haviours day in and day out until it be- Like Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, comes a habit. He continues to discuss Good to Great by Jim Collins, Growth that integrity must be the core value of Mindset by Carol Dweck and Grit by An- every manager and that managers with gela Duckworth which have all inspired integrity do the right things even if no our leaders at LPU-Laguna and LPU-SC, one is watching. Additionally, he asserts this book by Strigl will surely awaken us that honesty at all times is mandatory. and make us listen to what he is saying. After all, we are here to deliver results. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 3

COLUMN RESEARCH Mapping the research territory BY: DR. GERBY R. MUYA Research is essential for social and eco- Unfortunately, in the Philippines, with nomic development, which serves as more than 2,300 HEIs based on CHED In a knowledge-driven society, in foundation of a strong nation. data, only four universities have consis- the advent of the fourth industrial tently been ranked. revolution, and in a period of dis- As Mary-Louise Kearney, Director of ruptive technology, there’s no better the UNESCO Forum on Higher Educa- At the global research scenario, the dis- way to stay ahead but to innovate. Inno- tion, Research and Knowledge puts it parity between high-income and low-in- vation does not happen in a whim; it is “Knowledge generated by research is the come countries is quite evident. Surpris- an outcome of serious research. basis of sustainable development, which ingly, global expenditure on research Despite worldwide recognition of the requires that knowledge be placed at the and development between 2007 and importance of research, it remains a service of development, be converted 2013 has grown faster than the economy, road less travelled by many individuals, into applications, and be shared to en- according to a UNESCO report. particularly those in the higher educa- sure widespread benefits”. tion. In fact, in the country, we only have Gross expenditure totalled 1.48 trillion about 187 researchers per million, far A strong nation requires higher educa- purchasing power parity (PPP) dol- from the UNESCO-recommended num- tion institutions that are more than just lars in 2013. Purchasing power parity, ber of 380. producers of manpower to supply the according to UNESCO, is the currency industry in order to sustain the nation’s exchange rate that matches the purchas- Research is more economic growth. It needs HEIs that are ing power of different currencies.  than just an also knowledge generators and innova- abstract concept; tion drivers. On a positive note, this data suggests it is as important greater attention to research among as life is. The Commission on Higher Education economies in the world. However, the (CHED) regards HEIs as a major compo- bulk of the global R&D expenditures has This means our country needs at least nent of nation’s research and innovation been generated by the developed coun- 19,000 scientists/researchers more to system. Thus, research and development tries. The top five countries for R&D meet the prescribed target. is an important function of the academe. expenditure are USA, China, Japan, Ger- Research is more than just an abstract many, and the Republic of Korea. While concept; it is as important as life is. Re- In the light of the global challenges, new the major players are spending billions, search provides understanding of the dynamics have emerged in the land- the Philippines spend around 887 thou- taken-for-granted phenomenon, of what scape of HEIs, which include student sand dollars in R&D. seems to be mundane and ordinary. mobility, transnational education, in- Such understanding informs policies creased demand on the use of informa- It is interesting to note that the number and guidelines on critical issues con- tion and communication technologies, of scientific articles in the Thomson fronting the society. changing pedagogies and lifelong learn- Reuters’ Web of Science has also been ing needs in the context of the fourth increasing from 1,029,471 in 2008 to industrial revolution, among others. 1,270,425 in 2014. Given the financial resources spent, the Western countries, These issues have posed considerable particularly USA, have been leading the pressure on higher education sector to publication arena. respond, despite varied social, political, economic and cultural context, in order China has an overwhelming 151% to remain vibrant and relevant. One of growth in its publication. In a 2016 these pressures is in the area of research World Bank report, the Philippines has and knowledge production, as universi- only 1,568.7 scientific and technical ties worldwide compete for rankings. journal articles, way below our Asian counterparts: Singapore (11,254), Japan For decades, the western countries have (96,536), Malaysia (20,332), Vietnam been topping the world university rank- (9,582), and Thailand (2,961). ings, with very few Asian universities in the top 15. 4 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

COLUMN RESEARCH The silver lining here is that our pub- It is worthy to note that the Institution The key strategic lications over the years have been in- has been very supportive in providing objective is for creasing from 361.9 in 2003. So, we have grants and incentives to faculty whose LPU Laguna to been improving. papers got accepted in national and in- consistently produce, ternational conferences. present and publish The core issue here is that most Phil- relevant researches ippine HEIs have focused considerably Faculty members were sent to interna- in national and on instruction and less on research. tional conferences in Indonesia, Malay- international Apparently, HEIs in the country are far sia, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Singapore, journals. from becoming research universities. China, Canada and USA. Most of the In a report from the Department of papers presented in these conferences The pathways to research excellence Science and Technology, to date, the were published in Scopus-indexed for LPU Laguna and other HEIs in the University of the Philippines remains journals, an indication of the quality of country may be long and winding, con- the top research and development per- research outputs that the Institution has sidering the realities in the landscape of forming university in the country. Many been producing. research globally, but the LPU Laguna HEIs have yet to develop capacities to experience shows that collaboration, a strong research culture due to many Internationalizing research is inevitable linkage, and partnerships are keys to contextual factors, one of which is fund- in this era of globalization. Thus, the strengthening the research culture. ing. LPU Laguna is no exception. So, how United LPU, consisting of all LPU cam- LPU-Laguna is surrounded by 17 indus- does LPU Laguna face the challenge? puses, has initiated international collab- trial parks and zones providing great orations with leading universities in the potential for research linkage and part- Being a relatively young institution, region. Particularly, LPU- Laguna has nership. That is one road that the Insti- LPU Laguna through the Center for actively linked with Taylor’s University tution will travel more into. Research, Publication, and Intellectual in Malaysia, through its Teaching and LPU Laguna is a small dot on the map of Property (CRPIP) has to introduce inno- Learning Conference and Eureca Engi- HEIs contributing to research produc- vations to keep up with the demands of neering Conference. This partnership tivity of the country, but with stronger the Institution’s quality assurance ini- was also made possible through LPU management support, dedicated and tiatives. The research policies guide the Laguna’s active linkage with different competent faculty researchers, and com- research implementation and assures agencies, such as Private Education As- mitment to continuous improvement, that researchers are provided research sistance Committee and the CHED. LPU Laguna remains to have a positive programs to develop and enhance their outlook. competencies and are incentivized to Moreover, the Institution has been provide them motivation to conduct awarded commissioned researches by research. public and private industries, such as Private Education Assistance Commit- The Center ensures research outputs tee (PEAC) under the Department of address both institutional and college Education, AboitizPower, and the Com- research agenda, which are both in- missioned on Higher Education (CHED) formed by the National Higher Edu- which prove that LPU Laguna has the cation Research Agenda (NHERA 2) of capacity to produce quality researches. CHED and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because ultimately the The most daring of all these projects is goal is to contribute to the country’s the CHED-funded project entitled PROJ- research productivity. ECT EFF: Design and Implementation of a Community-Installed Earthquake, LPU Laguna gives research an utmost Flood and Fire Monitoring, Data Acqui- priority and recognizes that research sition and GSM-Based Warning System contributes to its goal of becoming a under the DARE TO Project Cycle 1. quality professional institute. This multi-million project is in collabo- The key strategic objective is for LPU ration with Technological University of Laguna to consistently produce, present the Philippines, Ama University, Holy and publish relevant researches in na- Angel’s University, University of the tional and international journals. Philippines Los Baños, and Colegio de San Gabriel. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 5

COLUMN Blended Learning: The New Norm BY: CHRISTOPHER DENNIS E. CATAPANG Anew era of teaching and learn- Another student named Ruth thought Likewise, it commands discipline from ing is redefining the delivery that Moodle is great, but connectivity can the students to access the LMS portal, of instruction at LPU-Laguna. still be improved in some areas. since it is accessible to all my students. Teachers and students have harnessed Soon, it will be my vehicle for my quiz- the power of digital technology by using Positive effects of zes. “ Blackboard Open LMS, an online learn- LMS are likewise ing management system platform of the felt by faculty Coming in with school. With more than half of the teach- users. Mr. Isaac highest number er population using Blackboard to de- Morillo of COECS of content and liver content and perform assessments, expressed how activities upload- blended learning has now become the LMS affected him. ed online is a new norm. “LMS is a way of seasoned faculty life in my teach- from CAS, Dr. Blended learning is an approach to ed- ing profession, as I can’t deliver instruc- Merlita Medallon. ucation that combines face-to-face and tion successfully without this platform. She recounts how blended learning is online learning. Recent studies prove very useful to achieving learning objec- that blended learning is more superior to It helps me a lot in course delivery, class- tives in mathematics, “I had a paradigm traditional methods in delivering specific room management, student learning shift in the way of teaching. LMS allows course outcomes. This is why LPU-Lagu- assessments and skills building. It also me to shift from traditional lecture type na has fully embraced digital education serves as a good medium of communi- to a more student centered approach. by educating, simplifying and monitor- cation and exchange of information to Blackboard is a great help for me espe- ing the use of LMS not to replace, but to students”, Morillo said. cially this school year that new GE cours- enhance the current status of classroom es in Math were implemented. With the instruction. Mr. Ferdinand bulk of lessons attached to the course, Fernandez of LMS allows me to extend teaching and Reception in the academic community CBA shared how learning outside of class hours.” is mixed. Jake of CBA views LMS as the LMS improves most logical way to reach out to Gen Z, his efficiency in So far, a number of faculty members who are admittedly locked to their devic- connecting with were given citation as top users who have es all day. his Marketing espoused the use of LMS to their regular students, “LMS is teaching and learning routine. They Furthermore, Blackboard allows access a good vehicle of are Mr. Isaac Morallo of COECS, Mark to course content online 24/7. Electronic reaching out to my students as a group. I Kevin Sayas of CAM, John Carlo Palacol submission of homeworks and projects was able to provide them the slides and of CITHM, Ferdinand Felix Fernandez of means material savings as compared to assignments with ease. CBA and Dr. Merlita Medallon of CAS. paper submissions. 6 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS INSTITUTIONAL SHL at 100 A Celebration to Remember BY: WILZON VITUG In commemoration of the Centenni- al Birth of LPU’s founder, Dr. Sotero What made the event extra H. Laurel, the four LPU campuses special is the presence of Dr. of Manila, Batangas, Laguna, Cavite and Peter P. Laurel, President of LPU Davao all gathered to pay tribute to the Laguna, Batangas and Davao, late educator and senator last September Dr. Roberto P. Laurel, President 26, 2018 at the Bayleaf Hotel, Cavite. of LPU Manila and Cavite and LPU’s beloved chair, Madam The grand celebration fostered camara- Lorna Perez-Laurel as well as derie and solidarity among its partici- the Laurel family. pants from the five campuses. The event signified the ideals and contribution of SHL to the whole LPU community and to the country. Celebrations kicked off with a fellowship and networking cocktails at the poolside followed by a sumptuous dinner at the hotel’s ballroom. After dinner, the LPU campuses show- cased their special presentation. First in the line-up of performances was LPU Laguna who performed a spectacular chorale singing rendition of the Sotero H. Laurel Hymn. This was followed by LPU Cavite’s ball- room dance number and LPU Manila’s musical presentation highlighting the milestones of the university. LPU Batan- gas capped off the event with a very en- tertaining dance number. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 7

NEWS LPU-ST. CABRINI LPU-SC now offers Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Optometry Programs BY: CELIA A. TIBAYAN LDr. Malen Gellido (Left) Vice Dean, College of Medicine , Dr. Brigido Carandang (Right) Dean, College of Medicine PU - St. Cabrini School of Health Sciences was granted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) the permit to offer Doctor of Medicine program effective SY 2019-2020. The College has undergone rigorous preparations and CHED visits to obtain the said permit. The campus is located beside St. Cabrini Medical Hospital at Sto. Tomas, Batangas which houses the best medical facilities and classrooms. The College will be headed by Dr. Brigido Carandang and Dr. Malen M. Gellido as its Dean and Associate Dean respectively. Faculty roster includes the best medical practitioners in their field of spe- cialization. Enrollment starts in January 2019 while classes will start in August 2019. Likewise, LPU-SC started offering the Doctor of Optometry program this AY 2018-2019. The Optometry program is in partnership with the Asian Eye Institute Rockwell Makati whose experts, Dr. Jess Caguioa, optometrist and Dr. Patricia Manu- el, opthalmologist contributed much to the crafting of the Optome- try curriculum. The partnership will allow the optometry students in higher levels to avail of the world class facilities of Asian Eye Clinics. Dr. Benita Sultura presently heads the College of Optometry. Above; Dr. Benita Sultura, Dean of College of Optometry with her Optometry Students. 8 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS CAM & CBA RadTech to our dear produces Lyceans topnotchers Luna scored 10th in BY: MARY JEAN A. MORFE, RMT, LPT CPA Licensure Exam The LPU St. Cabrini School “IBY: BERNADETTE D. BARAN I know of Health Sciences College n everything you do, do it as it’s easier of Allied Medicine (CAM) has if you’re serving the Lord. No said than shown that its graduates are indeed regrets! Just do your best.” done, but brilliant as its Radiology Department in the long had obtained a 100 per cent passing rate This is the mantra of the newest top- run, you’d in the 2018 Radiologic Technologists’ notcher of LPU-Laguna, Gladyleanne always Licensure Examination in August 2018. Sabater Luna who got the 10th place in wished you Topping the list of passers were Marc October 2018 licensure examination for did better, Henry E. Parungao who landed 6th Certified Public Accountant. so why not placer and Angelica Jane A. Bolalin, 4th do it now? placer. According to Luna, this is exactly what Be one you she envisioned for herself during her re- want to be “I could not believe that I topped this view. She daydreamed of seeing herself proud of. Believe in yourself, remember board examination. In fact, I did not in a tarpaulin, being on stage with her the people who helped you through, and even expect this, I can only say thank family and receiving the award during be grateful to what God will give to you.” you very much to God, my parents, oathtaking. teachers, and friends”, Mr. Parungao Other passers include Monique Cordo- said. Luna even shared her key to success to va, Francia Isabel Ella, Phoebe Marie all who aspire to become CPA someday. Flores, Jan Carlo Emmanuel Lerum, Successful passers include John Adam Johncris Natividad (Top 13) and Jelyn D. Cezar, Jasper Juree F. Dorosan, Mar- “Have a clear vision of yourself. Know May Sayseng. wyn Marcus P. Leano, Jessa V. Matangui- what you really want to achieve. Nothing han, Lara Jane J. Moreno, Rhys Jansen great was ever achieved by chance, you M. Pedraja, Rangelyn B. Reyes, and Ma. have to plan and work hard for it. Isabel C. Zuniga. LPU-SC obtains 80% passing rate in Pharma Licensure Exam LBY: MARY JEAN A. MORFE, RMT, LPT PU-St. Cabrini garnered an 80% passing rate in August 2018 Pharmacy Licensure Examina- tion. The new pharmacists include May- vel Joy Barredo, Maria Elaine S. Carlos, Nikka Angelica F. Causay, Jessica Shane M. De Castro, Glory Grace Dioquino, Gian Patrick G. Galit, Diel Lorenzo M. Limpin, Flordeliza S. Ocampo. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 9

NEWS CITHM LPU Silver – Artistic Bread Showpiece by Judel named as the Saludo, Silver – Travis Mangarin, Silver – Plated Desserts by Brenn carlus Rosales, Best Culinary Highest Bronze – Chocolate Showpiece by Alvin Nakassi, Bronze – Sweet High Tea Establishment Challenge by Chef Carlo Palacol & Shanne Roldan, Bronze – Asian Meal Display by in FHA 2018 Luis Miguel Gonzales, and Bronze – Dress the Cake by Maruth Miranda. It was also a L BY: RAYMOND PHILLIP ANTONIO historic moment for the team as it bagged PU was named as the Best Culi- the prestigious Over-All Culinary Cham- nary Establishment in 2018 Food and Hotel pionship Award “Individual Challenge – Asia held last April 27-28, 2018, Singapore Best Culinary Establishment”. Considering Expo and Suntec Singapore. that it is an international competition, the team takes pride as it improved and de- Food and Hotel Asia is a mega tradeshow veloped its craft with the joint effort and event that had grown itself through 40 hard work of the team members. The team years of innovation and creativity. It was stands proud and loud with its purpose For also entitled as the most comprehensive God and Country (Pro Deo et Patria). premier international food and hospitality trade show in the international hospitality and culinary arena. This is also known as one of Asia’s most prestigious internation- al culinary competition dedicated to the promotion of culinary excellence, the FHA has enjoyed strong support from the World Association of Chef Societies (WACS) as well as regional chef associations. The competition was headed by various well-known chefs and respected culinary practitioners in the culinary industry around the globe. FHA featured different competitions, the FHA Culinary Challenge 2018 (FCC), which was participated by the LPU’s League of Warriors (LEWA) together with the LPU-Laguna Culinary Institute (CI). The team that was led by Chef Abram Peralta won the following awards: first Gold with Distinction for the Philippines – Wedding Cake by Alyzza Bundalian, 10 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS CITHM CITHM students participate in Smith Travel Research Global Market Study in New York ABY: MARK JUSTINE A. DISMAYA AND JOSHUA M. JUAN Theywere the lone South East Asian rep- The teams came from different coun- n enviable team of LPU- La- resentatives of the said competition. tries including the United States of guna’s CITHM students par- America, Hong Kong, Switzerland, and ticipated at the Smith Travel They were able to qualify in the top 3 Australia. Research Global Market Study Compe- and given an honorable mention award tition at the Jakob K. Javits Convention for their overall performance. During the competion, STR provided Centre in New York City, November 11, market data on the world of hotels in a 2018. There were 33 teams represented – 24 city of the participants’ choice. undergraduate student teams and nine CITHM students Joshua Juan, Kriztle graduate student teams, including six They were then required to carry out an Mesa, Christian Oraa, and Mark Justine international. analysis of market performance, market Dismaya made up the LPU team. segmentation, market trends, and future pipelines within the given market. Head Coach Ryan Joseph Calinao men- tored the students. Support also came from July Aze Bar- cenas, Joyce Bagui, Christian Aguado, Dean Abram Emmanuel Peralta, Vice Dean Troy Tuzon, LPU TESDA Director Maureen D. Perez, and LPU Culinary In- stitute Associate Director Jana Dotimas. STR Global is the source for premium global data benchmarking, analytics, and marketplace to hotels around the globe. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 11

NEWS CITHM & INSTITUTIONAL CITHM tops Tourism Skills Olympics BY: MARK JUSTINE A. DISMAYA Bautista took the silver medal in Desti- freshies nation Marketing. attend The CITHM students won as the orientation overall champion in the re- Princess Angeleen Atienza placed 3rd cently concluded 5th National in Virtual Tour Guiding while Jeanne BY: MA. ANGELICA ACELAR Intercollegiate Tourism Skills Olympics Agnes took home the People’s Choice held at LPU-Manila, December 5, 2018. award in Travel Photography. Ruzena After two years of not having Gamueda and Russelle Aquino par- first year college students, The event was organized by the Events ticipated in Tourism Quiz Bee while this Academic Year 2018- Management classes of H452 and H454 Guineverre Belaguas in Travel Photog- 2019, LPU welcomed its college fresh- and in cooperation with LPU Tourism raphy. men thru the Freshmen Orientation last Students’ Association with the theme July 12, 2018 at the gymnasium. “Zoom in: Looking through the Post- Eight universities vying for the top spot millennial Lens in Spearheading Philip- in this much awaited annual event. The freshmen attended the orientation pine Tourism”. with color coded t-shirts to be identified The students’ mentors were lead coach- per college. The activity aims to wel- Billy Anne Baldovino romped off with es July Aze Barcenas, Joyce Bagui, Ryan come all the first year and transferees of a gold medal in Virtual Tour Guiding, Joseph Calinao, Christian Aguado, and LPU L and LPU SC. Gybrielle Samaino and Karissa De Oc- Krisnle Yale Tolentino Dean Abram Em- ampo got the gold in Poster and Slogan manuel Peralta, Vice Dean Troy Tuzon, The said event was also participated by Making while Blessy Masilungan, Shalei LPU TESDA Director Maureen Perez, the department heads who presented Wang, Mikaela Montero, and Janelle and LPU Culinary Institute Associate guidelines, services, roles and responsi- Manlangit took the gold medal in Desti- Director Jana D. Dotimas. bilities of their respective offices. There nation Marketing. were also freebies which were given Outstanding support likewise came away during the orientation. Kate Gella and Carlo Yaya both placed from CITHM student organizations: first runner up in the TrendZetter Am- the League of Tourism Students Laguna The orientation ended with a campus bassador and Ambassadress, Best in Chapter that served as the forefront tour organized by the College Council Casual Wear (Ambassadress), Best in organization for the competition, assist- student leaders. Modern Filipiniana, and Best in Modern ed by CITHM Student Council, Front Barong. Liners, Allegiance of the New Cruise liners of the Republic, and the League of Azel Dimaculangan and Jorelle Alba Warriors. won silver medal for Poster and Slogan Making while Joshua Juan, Kriztle Mesa, Roseleth Sabater, and Kimberly Claire 12 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS CAS ‘SILANG WALANG DAAN’ of ABCOMM wins Gold BY: ANN JOBELLE ALFORJA speak, which is the forlorn road so they Communication student John Carlo So- “Nawa sa pamamagitan ng dokumentary- used the voice of the residents who have brepeña of Baliwag Polytechnic College ong ito ay maging gising tayo sa kalagay- experienced the hardship of traveling stated that Silang Walang Daan stood an ng ating bansa, lalo na sa mga kaba- through the roads of Tiniguiban. out among the rest because it gave a bayan nating tila napabayaan na.” – Juan voice to the hardships of the daily life of Carlo Mirabuna, Executive Producer, One of the judges, CNN Philippines re- the people of Tiniguiban. Silang Walang Daan porter Cecille Lardizabal was touched by the sincerity of the documentary. “I felt Out of the 18 colleges and universities, Another gold award was attained by the it in my heart. It was real, it was sincere. Silang Walang Daan brought home the young film makers of LPU-Laguna as Honest to goodness. You can feel, you gold award, Manuel S. Enverga Universi- their entry for the 9th EdukCircle Docu- know there’s really sincerity and honesty, ty Foundation’s Kapit sa Bangin bagged mentary Making Festival entitled Silang everything. And I felt happiness. I felt the silver award while the bronze award Walang Daan, won the top spot last Sep- joy”. She emphasized how the story was was given to Perpetual Help College Ma- tember 2018. perfectly narrated. “Kailangan umpisa pa nila’s Tira-tirang Kinabukasan. lang may impact, and most importantly, The documentary tackles the inconve- kailangan nararamdaman ng judge. Alam For the third time, LPU-Laguna bagged nience brought by the forlorn road which mo iyon, kasi it’s different when you feel the gold award on the said event. The greatly affects the everyday lives of the it in your heart and it’s contrary to just first gold award was taken last 2015 with people of Tiniguiban. Every travel to and documentary making”. the documentary Ninakaw na Pangarap fro the barangay means the risk of any- followed by Tugatog ng Tagumpay last one’s life. The panel of judges came from different 2017. media networks: Bloomberg Executive Executive Producer Juan Carlo Mirabuna Producer Branden Milla, GMA Executive The EdukCircle Documentary Making shares that their inspiration was the res- Producer Portia Carbonell, GMA News Competition continues to aim to show- idents of Tiniguiban who hope and pray Correspondent Mark Salazar, and GMA case the ability of the students to create for the betterment of their community. Associate Producer Toni Pua. a documentary that reflects the prob- lems of the society. Also, he added that it is hard to make a story about a subject which could not ABComm, champions in DTI's film contest BY: ANN JOBELLE ALFORJA LPU-Laguna was awarded as the champion in the first Depart- ment of Trade and Industry's Short Film Competition on Consumerism with the theme “Making Digital Market Places Fairer” held last October 18, 2018. The short film, SRP, produced by ABComm students discussed the importance of smart buying through the online market. The production team expressed their gratitude to the MMA alumni and to their mentor, Mr. Jeric Concepcion for the guidance and sup- port all throughout the making of the film.The winning entry will be DTI-Laguna's entry in the regional competition. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 13

NEWS OSAS “How to rise up again The Office of Student Affairs BY: MA. ANGELICA ACELAR after the fall? Seek and Services held the Award for, LPU! It simply of Excellence last April 28, Top 10 Outstanding Students means, life connections, 2018 at the gymnasium. personal growth and Top 1 - Glenn Christopher J. Lambino undeniable purpose”  This is an annual event which aims to BSCE, COECS recognize students and organizations Edwin Soriano who excel in their field. It also aims Top 2 - Alyzza Rose M. Bundalian BSIHM to recognize students who were able - CAKO, CITHM Dr. Flora V. Javier, EVP/ to excel both in academic and extra- VPAA with Mr. Edwin Soria- curricular activities. Top 3 - Erlyn Joyce B. Gamil BSBA - MM, no, Guest Speaker CBA 14 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019 Edwin Soriano, founder and head coach of Winning Coaching, graced the event Top 4 - Mariella Diane M. Barit BSBA - as the guest speaker. MM, CBA Glenn Christopher Lambino from the Top 5 - Lady Arlyn D. Dioquino BSITTM, College of Engineering and Computer CITHM Studies received the Top Outstanding Student award. Top 6 - Yelina Jenica H. Bataan BSIHM - CLOHS, CITHM In Lambino’s speech, he shared his journey as a working student and a Top 7 - Christine Joy J. Velasco BS student leader at the same time. He PSYCH, CAS recognized all the people whom he was grateful to, who in one way or the other, Top 8 - Jasmine Joyce H. Rorones AB helped him along the way. MMA, CAS The Top Outstanding Student College Top 9 - Mia Kathleen L. Lazarito BSBA - Council was the College of Engineering MM, CBA and Computer Studies while the League of Warriors was heralded as the Top Top 10 - Albert D. Cruz AB COMM, CAS Outstanding Student Organization. Top 5 Outstanding College Student School administrators, department Council: heads, awardees and their parents Top 1- College of Engineering and attended the event. Computer Studies Top 2- College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management Top 3- College of Business and Accountancy

NEWS OSAS Top 4- School of Health Sciences Top Performing Students in Extra Curricular: Top 5- College of Arts and Sciences Top 1- Kim Carlo A. Lat, College of Engineering and Computer Studies Top 5 Outstanding Student Organization: Top 2- Harvey P. Tuliao, College of Business and Accountancy Top 1- League of Warriors (LEWA) Top 3- Derrick J. Castillo, College of Top 2- Lyceum of the Philippines Engineering and Computer Studies Industrial Engineering Society (LPIES) Lyceum Supreme Student Council Top 3- Institute of Electronics Leadership Award Engineering of the Philippines LPU – Laguna (IECEp LPU-LSC) Micaela L. Monteagudo, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Top 4- Institute of Integrated Electrical Management Engineers (IIEE) Top 5- League of Tourism Students- Eunice M. Hernandez, College of Laguna Chapter (LTS) International Tourism and Hospitality Management Special Awards Jose Carlo M. delos Reyes, Female Artist of the Year: Joeleen C. Valencia- College of Arts and Julie Mae L. Libang, College of Business Sciences and Accountancy Male Artist of the Year: Ariesjan G. Halili- College of Business and Accountancy Female Dancer of the Year: Anna Patricia V. Uy- College of Engineering and Computer Studies Male Dancer of the Year: Jayvee Neil T. Javier - College of Business And Accountancy Male Athlete of the Year: Miguel R. Canlas - College of Business and Accountancy Female Athlete of the Year: Ann Perciville C. Necessito- College of Arts and Sciences Female Journalist of the Year: Ada Romylive B. Lalusis Male Journalist of the Year: Delfin D. Java Jr. Male Chorale Singer of the Year: Ram Paul C. Malicad Most Outstanding Student Volunteers: Harvey P. Tuliao- College of Business and Accountancy Derrick J. Castillo- College of Engineering and Computer Studies Joyce U. Handugan- College of Business and Accountancy LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 15

NEWS INSTITUTIONAL LPU-Laguna launches Laurel Program BY: KAREN CHRIS BELDA The activity focused face future challenges and circumstanc- on understanding es. Imagine graduating from college the students’ core and owning a piece of paper that abilities, skills, and As a groundbreaking effort, the Laurel shows your future employers your strengths that may Program aims to continue the legacy of community involvement, your volunteer serve as key to using LPU in honing its graduates to become work, and your efforts in joining their innate gifts globally competitive learners. activities. Now you don’t have to imagine. towards personality development. This program was made possible with With the launching of the new program the collaborative effort of the offices aptly named after our founder, Sotero The first day of the two- under the Student Affairs and Services, Laurel, the Laurel program recognizes day session was execut- Guidance and Testing, and the Palaestra that one’s grades are not the be all and ed with in-door learning Consortio Office, Sports and Develop- end-all of being a student. activities. ment. LPU-Laguna shows it recognizes the Mr. Arvy Villamarzo, a Under the the leadership of Mr. Christo- needs of the Generation Z and the indus- certified life coach, fa- pher C. Torres, Executive Director of OSS try through the launching of the “Laurel cilitated the activities for the Discovery and Business Development, the new era Program” last September 18, 2018. Session which focused on the students’ of holistic education is finally at hand. personalities with the main goal of not The Laurel Program entitles the enrolled only understanding themselves but also students a second transcript upon grad- embracing their own intelligences and uation. This transcript contains a list development. of soft skills developed and enhanced through various activities. During the orientation, the students learned about the requirements and pro- The institution’s board of advisers and cedures involved in the program. industry fully support this program. Students will organize and track their The first activity of the program “Life by achievements or awards, accomplished Design” was held last October 18-19, 2018 school based and outside based commu- at Mornese Center of Spirituality, Calam- nity involvements or activities through ba, Laguna. This road to self discovery recognized extra-curricular activities of likewise served as the welcoming activity the office using a pointing system. Once for the students who are enrolled in the Laurel Program. they graduate, they will receive a second transcript composed of their participation and involvement with equiv- alent points. On the same day, team- building was held to hone and develop stu- dents’ skills on handling different situations that may prepare them to 16 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS OSAS OSAS holds Supreme Council election BY: MA. ANGELICA ACELAR The Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) held the annual Student Council elec- tion last August 30, 2018 at Computer Laboratory 1, JPL Building. This year’s student election was in- tensified by two parties vying for the positions namely Winners and Laban Party. Both of these parties worked hard to win the hearts of their fellow Lyceans through their persuasive slo- gans and powerful advocacies during the room-to-room campaign and Miting De Avance. Almost 1,700 Lyceans exercised their right to vote and proclaimed the offi- cial Lyceum Supreme Student Council (LSSC) officers all coming from Laban Party: President: Zyra Moreno Vice-President: Johnrone Burgos Secretary: Michael Algozo Treasurer: Micah Capuchino Auditor : Darcy Mae Amadeo PRO: Jan Kenneth Sadsad COECS Rep: John Michael Handumon CAS Rep: Micaella Arcemo CAM Rep : Vinnice Silva CBA Rep: Alexis Santos CITHM Rep: Rodbert Ecito The new LSSC officers took their oath of office during the Mission Statement Awareness Day celebration last September. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 17

NEWS CULTURE & ARTS LPU Pirates Dance Troupe Streetdance back-to-back champion BY: WILZON VITUG LPU Pirates Dance Troupe was universities gathered together to foster hailed as Back-to-Back Cham- excellence in student and faculty pion after winning this year’s development, research, community dance showdown at the Consortium of extension and library services. the South’s (COTs) Streetdance Compe- tition at San Beda College, Alabang last Its member schools are Manila Tytana March 13, 2018. College, San Beda College Alabang, Laguna College of Business and Arts, The Pirates competed against other Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba, participating schools of the consortium. Immaculate Heart of Mary College, Our They showcased a five-minute heart Lady of Perpetual Help Sytem -DALTA, stopping routines and exhibitions which PATTS College of Aeronautics, Olivarez made them stand out above the rest. College and Southville International School and Colleges. LPU-Laguna is a proud active member of the COTs, a group of colleges and 18 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

FEATURES ISRO An act of This video will be used to engage the unteers together to experience the real volunteerism students and employees in the promo- meaning of life through the joy of giving. in a cultural tion of volunteerism. I got very excited way and eager to be part of the video produc- Last December 14, 2018, we have more tion so I eventually solicited the assis- than 1,000 student volunteers who par- ABY: WILZON A. VITUG tance of the cultural groups. ticipated in the mob dance which will fter starting my journey in be the main content of the ISR music LPU-Laguna, I learned that We started the recording of the ISR song, video. This was also participated by the community extension is one “The Joy of Giving,” an original creation administrators and employees. Snap- of the major functions of an educational of which lyrics has been created by shot videos of our partner community institution. the ISRO Director and the melody by and schools were also incorporated in Carmela Joy Salvanera, a Senior High the MV. The academe should actively participate School student who won the contest. and contribute in improving the lives of So far, the experience has been really the community. I asked myself how the The song has also been copyrighted. great! The cultural group’s involvement Office of Culture and Arts can fulfill this It was originally sung by LPU Interna- in this activity is very much aligned with role in community extension activities tional School Portentous and our LPU the interest of the members making it and projects. Concert Singers enhanced the melody relevant and an experience to remem- and rhythm of the song making it more ber. This also proves that every office I immediately had a meeting with our danceable and intended for community can be actively involved in community Director for Institutional Social Respon- singing. Our LPU Pirates Dance Troupe extension activities no matter how sim- sibility Office (ISRO) and she suggested did the choreography making sure that ple it is. I have learned that volunteer- a collaboration in producing an ISR mu- the steps are simple and easy to follow. ism is not just bounded to the activities sic video (MV). The dance troupe also took the initiative of donating and sustainable projects. It to teach these steps to student leaders can also be as simple as an act of kind- who are featured in the instructional ness, initiative and willingness to help. I video. The music, with matching cho- am very glad with my participation and I reography, intends to bind all the vol- am looking forward for more. NEWS ISRO The Joy of promotion program of ISRO was held ical First Aid Training, TV Campaign Giving last December 13-14, 2018 participated Rated SPG, Reading Comprehension by student and employee volunteers. Seminar, Drug Awareness Seminar and BY: MARIA TERESITA DE BELEN-ALVARO Annual activities include Photo Contest, Brigada Eskwela 2018 for our partner Spoken Poetry and VolunteeRace2018. beneficiaries. After the successful launching of “The Joy of Giving,” ISRO CBA’s flagship project, the organization Other projects and activities included Rocks, a contest opened to of Maria Makiling Community Credit CAS Buhayani coverage, Punan ng Ak- the different colleges followed, where Cooperative in partnership with CITHM latan, Helptogon, AFS 1st Volunteers’ the participants created a choreography and ISRO, is envisioned to trigger live- Advocacy Summit 2018, and Usapang using the ISR song. lihood projects for Barangay Makiling Klima at Enerhiya, a joint project of the beneficiaries. Department of Energy (DOE) and De- The winning choreography of the velopment Academy of the Philippines CITHM dancers was enhanced by the Renewal of our Memorandum of Agree- (DAP). LPU Pirates Dance Troupe for a more ment with the Department of Social meaningful and danceable piece. An Welfare and Development (DSWD) is “You make a living by what you instructional music video has also been underway. Three college faculty namely, get. You make a life by what you created to facilitate the teaching of the Ma. Leonora Alusen, Enrico Garcia, and give.” - Sherry Anderson dance to more than 1,101 student and Bernadette Baran presented their pa- employee participants of the ISR Station pers on social responsibility during the ID that culminated last December 14, 9th Research Conference on CSR. 2018 during the ISR Days celebration. The ISR Days, an annual awareness and Other project highlights for this quarter are: Food and Beverage Services NCII, VolunteeRocks2018, a yearly recognition program, Greeneration 4.0; Psycholog- LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 19

United LPU holds LPUMGr. r&andM20s.18 BY: WILZON VITUG United LPU held Mr. and Ms. LPU Grand 2018 last September 29, 2018 at the Arsenio “Dodgie” Laurel Gymnasium, LPU-Batangas. In the occasion of the LPU-Batangas 52nd Founding Anniversary, the stage was once again set to showcase the exempla- ry, exquisite and captivating looks of the LPU students as the campus hosted this year’s pageant. Three representatives from each cam- They also fired up the show by confi- In the last part of the competition, the pus competed to get the Mr. and Ms. LPU dently showing their gorgeous bodies candidates showed off their wit, intel- Grand 2018 crown. This event was head- while wearing the swim wear created by ligence, and poise by answering tough ed by Mr. Eric V. Orolfo, LPU-Batangas the Binibining Pilipinas designer, Mr. questions chosen by the judges. Culture and Arts Director, with the help Domz Ramos. of other members of LPU United Culture Dexter Buted Jr of LPU Batangas and and Arts Cluster; Mr. Robert Hayden Jr. Before the announcement of the top five Jennifer Lemaitre of LPU Laguna were of LPU Manila, Mr. Wilzon A. Vitug of winners, the candidates showed their hailed as the Mr. and. Ms. LPU Grand LPU Laguna and Mr. Francis Jaena Jr. of poise and elegance wearing the formal 2018. LPU Cavite. wear and evening gown of the celebrity stylist, Mr. Adam Balasa. The candidates pulled off their creative side in the theme wear competition by dressing Muslim princes and princesses inspired costumes. 20 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS CULTURE & ARTS of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is Ralph Waldo Emerson ABOVE LEFT: The winners in the Grand Mr. & Ms. LPU - Mr. Dexter Buted jr., LPU Batangas and Ms. Jennifer Lemaitre, LPU Laguna ABOVE RIGHT: Ms. Jennifer Lemaitre in her Moslem-inspires theme wear ABOVE: Mr. Samuel Sumiran, 3rd Runner-up LEFT: The LPU Laguna Candidates for the Grand Mr. & Ms. LPU LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 21

NEWS COECS COECS bags home EURECA 2018 Best Paper Award BY: ENGR. FAVIS BALINADO RIGHT: Juan Miguel Alvarez, BSCE4-1, won Ten Civil Engineering stu- the Best Paper Award dents represented LPU Lagu- na in the Eureca Conference during the Eureca 2018 held in Taylor’s University, Ma- Conference 2018, laysia last November 27, 2018. With Taylors University, the help of their coaches, Engr. Favis Joseph C. Balinado and Dr. Gerby Malaysia Muya, the students successfully pre- sented their research papers bringing home one of the major awards as Top 5 Best Paper which was presented by Juan Miguel N. Alvarez. His paper was entitled “Design and Implementation of Four-Storey Multipurpose Bulding in Santiago, Malvar, Batangas Using Titanium Dioxide as Concrete Addi- tive” with Dr. Ricardo Bobadillan as adviser. Other presenters included Kim Perez, Ericka Jersey Cabrera, Kate Zyris Bra- ga, Lorie Mae Danao, Jaquilyn Vergara, Raphael James Carada, Vaneza Borla- za, Mico Medialdia and John Reyner Becina. ABOVE: LPU Laguna delegates in the Eureca Conference 2018 held last November 27, 2018 in Taylors University, Malaysia LEFT: LPU Laguna delagates with Engr. Reynato Gamboa of Taylors University Dr. Gerby Muya and Engr. Favis Joseph Balinado served as judges in the poster presentation 22 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS COECS COECS BAGS HOME EURECA 2018 BEST PAPER AWARD..CONTINUED. RIGHTLPU Laguna-Taylors University exchange of MOU ceremonies BELOW: Dr. Gerby Muya and Engr. Favis Joseph Balinado served as judges in the poster presentation RIGHT: COECS students visited various booths during the Engineering fair in Taylors University, Malaysia COECS chair presents inr. Neil P. Balba, Department international conference Chair of BS Computer En- ippines with an Inclusion Dgineering, presented three of Optimiza- papers in the 14th World Conference on tion Query Applied Science, Engineering and Tech- Algorithm.” nology (WCASET) in Kuala Lumpur, The papers Malaysia last November 21-22, 2018. will be pub- The papers presented are “Learning lished in Traffic and Road Rules Implemented on SCOPUS-in- Role Playing Game with Time and Dis- dexed journal. tance Approximation”, “A Supplemen- Dr. Balba Dr. Neil P. Balba (third from left) tary Learning Management for Elemen- received the with other participants in the tary Pupils in the Philippines with an award as Best Paper Presenter in the conference. Implementation of Predictive Research said conference. Algorithm” and “Attendance Monitoring System for Selected Schools in the Phil- LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 23

NEWS COECS Engineering programs COECS now PTC accredited students obtain 100% BY: ENGR. FAVIS BALINADO Washington Accord recognizes the sub- passing rate stantial equivalency of engineering pro- in certification The Philippine Technological grams accredited by full members or exams Council Accreditation and signatory bodies and recommends that Certification Board for Engi- graduates of said accredited programs Students from the College of neering and Technology (PTC-ACBET) be recognized by the other bodies as Engineering and Computer awarded certificates to two programs having met the academic requirements Studies (COECS) obtained 100% of the College of Engineering and Com- for entry to the practice of engineering. passing rate in both Microsoft and Ado- puter Studies namely, Electronics En- be certifications last April, October and gineering and Computer Engineering The awarding ceremonies brought December 2018. They were trained and during a ceremony held at the Audio together the school officials, faculty coached by Dr. Neil P. Balba, COECS Visual Room last October 26, 2018. The members and students of engineering faculty. programs were inspected last Novem- and PTC officials namely, Engr. Federi- ber 8-10, 2017.   co Monsada, PTC President, Dr. Lydia Twenty-eight Computer Engineering, 36 Tansinsin, ACBET Chair and Engr. IT and 18 Electronics Engineering stu- The two year accreditation status of Emmanuel Caguimbal, PTC Quality dents were certified as Microsoft Tech- these programs started in 2017 and will Assurance Manager. Certificates of ECE nology Associates (MTA) for Networking last until 2019. PTC-ACBET will have and CpE were accepted by Dr. Peter P. Fundamentals while 16 Computer En- an interim visit of the two programs in Laurel, Dr. Flora V. Javier, Engr. Ricky gineering and 15 IT students were certi- March 2019.  V. Bustamante and Engr. Favis Joseph fied as Adobe Associates. Balinado. The PTC is the sole representative of The certification exam is one of the ini- the Philippines, being a provisional tiatives of the college to ensure that its member to the Washington Accord. graduates have the competence based on industry standards. 24 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS COECS COECS soars high in licensure exams CBY: ENGR. RICKY BUSTAMANTE COECS faculty delivers series OECS graduates registered of talks in Bangladeshr. Neil P. Balba, the depart- high passing percentages in for Washington Accord”, “Preparation the recent licensure exams in ment head of Computer for Accreditation: An International Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineer- Approach”, “The Art of Teaching”, “Lead- ing and Electrical Engineering. DEngineering, was sent to Daf- fodil International University (DIU) to ership Training” for Chinese members Kevin L. Domingsil deliver series of talks to the administra- of Youth4SDG Asia Leadership Program emerged as TOP tors, faculty, other foreign visitors and 2018 and topics related to IT and Engi- 2 in the Electron- students last August 1 – 23, 2018. neering. ics Tech- nician Some of the topics he discussed were Dr. Neil P. Balba was also interviewed in exam. The focused on “International Accredita- different TV programs as well as in the first batch tion”, “Effective Lecturing Training “News Today”, the most popular daily of Civil Workshop”, “Accreditation Preparation English newspaper in Bangladesh. Engineering marked 54.17% passing rate compared to 45.09% national passing rate. Did you know? The Washington Accord is an international accreditation agreement for professional engineering academic degrees between the bodies responsible for accreditation in its signatory countries. Established in 1989, the full signatories as of 2018 are Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Philippines, Peru and the United States. The agreement recognizes that there is substantial equivalence of programs accredited by those signatories. Graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory countries are recognized by the other signatory countries as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering. Recognition of accredited programs is not retroactive but takes effect only from the date of admission of the country to signatory status. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 25

NEWS COECS Ready! Set! Code! LPU Laguna joins Lazada DevFest 2018 BY KRESHIA MARIE S. UBAT With all the training and Through this initiative, Lazada was hop- learning instructions giv- ing to highlight the importance of com- “People need en by LPU to its students, mercialization, technology, and inno- not fear the many times fear proves to be just a state vation. It aimed to recognize potential unknown of mind while taking the risk and cour- local developers in the same way LPU if they are age wins the competition. Laguna endeavours to produce capable capable of graduates for Information Technology, achieving In the first Lazada DevFest that hap- Computer Science and Computer Engi- what they pened last October 22-26, 2018, five of neering. need and the students of the College of Engineer- want.” ing and Computer Studies joined the The students who were qualified to join Ready! Set! Code! Competition which were Xavier Paolo S. Jamito (BSIT), Renz gave them the 1st Runner-up award and Marc Angelo E. Manalo (BSIT), Mark tag of being the Most Organized Team. Arolle E. Manzanilla (BSIT), Joan Jemi- lle M. Ladisla (BSCS), and Benedict P. Lazada DevFest 2018 was powered by Nones (BSIT). Laz Tech and Business Intelligence Team in coordination with Lazada eLo- Mr. Terrence Lim, the program chair of gistics People Team. IT and Computer Studies, supervised the students in the competition. It was a time-constraint development challenge open to any Lazada partner Students who participated and won universities. the competition received cash prize amounting to PHP 5,000 each. In Lazada team’s own words, the compe- tition not only aimed to expose the tal- As an institution which values coordi- ents of the contestants, but also for them nation and collaboration, LPU Laguna to get the actual feel of a work environ- continues to embrace industry-driven ment. They wanted to show that Lazada practices and projects which reveals the is not just a business but an incubator, a authentic ability of every Lycean. community that recognizes and rewards local talents through technology and innovation. 26 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL The Valuable Asset of Graduate Study in a Knowledge-Based Economy: Testimonials of MBA Students BY: DR. FRANCIS KAYODE ASHIPAOLOYE According to W. David Jones, and self-employed. Some of our stu- “At Graduate School, you’ll be sur- an Associate Professor, grad- dents are CEO/presidents, managers, rounded by leading thinkers in uate studies: “sets [graduates] businessmen and women, accountants your field, including both the fac- apart from those without the degree and HR director to mention a few. ulty members and guest experts/speak- because they are seen as having a higher ers that once stood in front of the lec- level of skill, determination, better skills Many marketing gurus across the globe ture hall, and the fellow graduate stu- and a more comprehensive understand- posited that word of mouth marketing dents around you. Grad School is much ing of the business world than those (WOMM) is indeed the best form of more about connecting with people with just an undergraduate degree” marketing. The reason being that it is professionally, not just fellow students shared by customers based on their but faculty members, too. The journey The above quotation is also true with experience(s) of the product of service. of choosing an MBA program taught me the graduate school of LPU-Laguna who Though LPU-Laguna as an educational a lot of things. First, it taught me to deal was granted by CHED in 2016 to operate institution has proven itself to be one of with different people. Second, it taught its own MBA. We got the 1st Batch (20 the leading schools in Laguna and be- me how to manage work and life. Third, students) within the same SY 2016-2017. yond due to its numerous achievements to be positive and be clear what I want We had a total of 20 students enrolled nationally and internationally. in life. Finally, through MBA program, may be not all at the same time; howev- I realized that we really don’t have to er they all graduated same year, 2018. The best way to further affirm the qual- practice a habit of procrastination, do This was a further affirmation of the ity of education, research and commu- not wait until tomorrow what we can do previous article that there is indeed a nity extension which are basically the today. And to share with, this is what Dr. demand for graduate studies. It is not tri-fold mission of any given institution Francis K. Ashipaoloye, Dean of Gradu- enough to have students enrolled in a should be by the students themselves. ate School always tells us, DO NOT PRO- program. It is more exciting to know that As such, I shall present few testimonials CRASTINATE! And that is true, the best our students are practitioners from the of our esteemed students. way to get something done is to begin.” different industries within and outside Laguna. All our students are employed Marie Paz S. Maligalig, MBA Academic Excellence Awardee “LPU-L has a lot of good qualities particularly the friendly atmo- sphere of the Graduate School with approachable dean and professors. Holding Saturday classes is a big wel- come for those doing full week work like me. My classmates are supportive which eventually blossomed into tight friendship. An encouraging dean who never procrastinates and never accepts failure and a daughter for a schoolmate is, indeed, a nice experience. MBA at LPU-Laguna is a nice educational expe- rience and I would love to take another program.” -Brian M. Villarias, MBA Academic Excellence Awardee LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 27

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL “Taking MBA was a big decision in my life since I need to return to school to study again, and this time while working – considering the tuition and time. The most important re- sults I earned during my MBA days were that I was able to meet new friends, built new relationships, and we were able to share and learn various work experienc- es from each other. It was truly an amaz- ing and meaningful life experience. So far, overall, taking my MBA at LPU was a worthy decision.” -Mary Joyce A. Parro, MBA Academic Excellence Awardee “Looking back on my two years “With the pursuit of MBA in mind, “This Master’s degree has equipped learning experience in LPU-Laguna critical decision now has to be me to serve as Assistant Principal for Masters in Business Adminis- made— where should I take up my of my school. Using the knowledge tration, I find it very tough and challeng- master’s degree? There are lot of uni- and wisdom I gained from our amazing ing but exciting and fulfilling. I could versities to choose from. Upon thorough professors, I now apply it to be efficient still remember the day I started my first consideration, I chose a school not only and effective in leading the departments two subjects, I thought of quitting. That accessible to my location but is also I am handling. Thank you LPU, Dean moment, it was seemed hard for me to well-known for providing high quality Francis and faculty of the MAELM pro- balance my studies, work and quality education, LPU- Laguna. Change is what gram! I pray for more success to come time for family. I have difficulty finding really MBA has brought in my life. I nev- as you equip leaders of the education time doing my assignments, research er knew that the profession I thought field.” papers, presentation materials likewise reached its peak is just the peak of ice mentoring my children in school. But berg with lots of opportunities under- -Peter John Cumpas, MAELM I was so lucky enough to have out- neath waiting to be discovered. We have standing dean and professors who have introduced Digital Marketing in my cur- “It’s a miracle on the 30th year and encouraged, supported, pushed and rent company because of my Strategic on the 3rd time. I actually started challenged me to continue my master’s Marketing Management subject. We con- my MBA in 1988 at LPU- Batangas, degree. Nevertheless, my MBA degree sidered Enterprise Resource Planning my alma mater for my BS Commerce experience was really an unforgettable (ERP) to improve our current operations major in Accounting. I re-enrolled time of my life; one of the best learning because of Operations Management sub- again in 2007 and tried again in 2015. experiences I’ve ever had. But above all ject. I put up a business, invest in mutual There’s no harm in trying and it’s never things, I thank God for these blessings. I funds, and all other significant changes too late to learn things thru education. also realized that the education and ex- took place in my life because of what I I finally made it this year, 2018 and I’m perience I have gained did not just made learned while studying.” glad there’s a lot of people who kept on me a better person but equally prepared prodding me, kept on encouraging me me to a better career in the future. It -Marlon Luna, MBA and kept on pushing me to complete my opens my door to think outside the box, MBA degree. Thanks to our Dean, Dr. to think for a better option and to learn “My experience with LPU is more Francis Kayode Ashipaoloye, the biggest and accept new things in life. As Walt than I could ever imagine. Every factor why I succeeded in finishing the Disney said, “All your dreams can come little encounter and experiences degree. I would also like to thank the true, if you have the courage to pursue I gained have been enriching and will re- following people who helped me a lot them”. main within my memories for life long. I in this miracle journey: our EVP, Dr. am greatly thankful to God for giving me Flora V. Javier, my adviser, Dr. Joy Ash- -Rholet R. Ursais, MBA such a blessing and supportive family” ipaoloye, all my professors, Dr. Norma Meñez of LPU-Batangas and of course, -Rosana C. Borja, MAELM my family.” - Crisostomo M. Malabuyoc, MBA 28 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL “I never thought “It was a great experience because it “I am greatly honored to be part of that I would still taught me valuable and treasured the Masteral program of LPU-La- learn new things skills which I have immediately guna which was offered by our from my MBA class. put into practice in academe. I person- school – Caritas Don Bosco School, a With my age and sta- ally enjoyed my stay in the university good program to pursue a graduate tus, I thought I have even though travelling from our place studies in Master of Arts in Leadership learned it all in real to the university is not that easy, it takes and Management. I really appreciate life or actual learn- almost 5 hours. The support throughout our outstanding professors most es- ings and exposures. my stay in the university was amazing pecially Dr. Francis K. Ashipaoloye My experience was and priceless. The dean, professors and who encouraged, pushed, supported really a feat”. staff are approachable and cooperative and challenged me and my classmates at all times. The facilities and materials to finish our Master’s degree because -Joy Escurel, MBA were comfortable, well-structured and there were times I really want to give easy to use. The activities like General up. I have witnessed that LPU made “Though it was not aligned to me Assembly, Sports Fest, Research Col- sure that all students will graduate as a Math teacher, MAELM has loquium, year-end party, seminars are because they really helped and encour- given me the opportunity to learn great. They are really informative and aged each one of us. My overall expe- formidable and worthwhile informa- not boring at all. It gives the opportu- rience in LPU is really unforgettable tion on leadership. LPU had unfailingly nity to the students to mingle to other because it brings out the best in me. provided us with great and credible pro- students and share good thoughts and Thank you and God bless the school, fessors/mentors who do their craft intel- experiences. I would highly recommend students, professors and administra- ligently and with a heart. Hence, making this program to everyone who would tors.” me get not just a glimpse but uncover like to expand his/her perspectives. leading people in different perspective.” Thank you for giving us the opportunity -Mary Ann Lee Emboltorio, MAELM to be part of the Graduate School and -Jose G. Esquejo, MAELM thank you to our Dean, Dr. Francis Ash- “My experience taking the MBA ipaoloye, who has been a brilliant sup- program in LPU Laguna’s graduate port during our stay in the university. school was efficient, effective and I am also thankful to our hardworking packed with great value. The course and excellent professors.” requirements were challenging, but thanks to their lineup of great facilita- -Karesa Faye D. Zabala, MSIT tors, our learning was rich, interactive and fun. Aside from the faculty being great facilitators, being able to draw out learning and insights, they are all backed with years of industry experi- ence, keeping lessons current and up to speed. Balancing the demands of a day job and an MBA can be quite difficult, but the school makes great use of tech- nology and innovative learning para- digms to bring out your best output, without sacrificing quality. Work-life- school balance is possible! Overall, with their qualified and dynamic faculty, and a keen sense of innovation, I think that LPU-Laguna has found the winning for- mula for its MBA program.” -Christopher Torres, MBA LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 29

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL “LPU is multicultural, open, and offers educa- tion at the highest stan- dards. I would say the best thing about being here is the fast track program, great faculty, academic expertise and, especially the support- ive training at school. This is great because of its gen- eral applicability. Of course developing expertise in my specific field is the other big motivation.” -Mark Alvin Tuares, MAELM “I take pride and joy that I would be “The fount of knowledge begins “Sa wakas, natapos ko rin! the able to finish my Master’s degree during morning traverses to the moment of our orientation, there in Educational Leadership and campus; in time for morning were so many thoughts in my Management through the unwavering classes. Though we found the weekly mind, positive and negative things. I support and encouragement of all our travel daunting at first, our fears were don’t know if you would believe me, competent and inspiring professors allayed in the wake of brilliant profes- but when I first saw the Dean of Grad- most especially the dynamic and bril- sors, an accommodating and excellent uate School, Dr. Francis K. Ashipaoloye liant Dean of the Graduate Studies, Dean Dean, Dr. Francis Kayode Ashipaoloye. “Chocolate Gwapo”, I told myself “Oh Francis. It comes with a decisive aim that Classes were a melting pot of cultures, my, this is interesting!” and I also felt through the encouragement and support as students hailed from different areas, so much excitement that day. Maybe of my superiors, colleagues, friends and provinces, and regions, from different because I didn’t expect that he is a Nige- loving family, I am certain that I can ac- fields of expertise, from all walks of life. rian. From the day he spoke and gave us complish something worthwhile and ful- Still, this disparity was hardly felt inside orientation about Graduate School up filling that may significantly contribute the classroom, as both the instructors to now, he’s always saying, “I will help to my personal growth and professional and students ensured an arena of in- you!” This is the reason why until now development. May this continue to in- formed ideas and free speech. And as my classmates and I made it up to the spire me to never cease to learn and wel- my personal journey for this degree last, because he really meant what he come every opportunity that will come comes to a close, I extend my infinite says.” along. Above all, I thank Almighty Lord gratitude to LPU for giving me, and so for His gifts of determination, wisdom many like-minded peers, the opportu- -Dezza Marie M. Magsino, MSIT and strength. To God be the glory! nity to grow and prosper. I hope that the university would continue its boundless -Marivic Hicban, MAELM pursuit of excellence, while influencing more minds and hearts in the future...” “Lyceum of the Philippines– Lagu- na opened its doors to our institu- -Jennifer M. Cupo, MSIT tion, Caritas Don Bosco School, by offering a specially designed Masteral For some of our graduate program that would cater to our sea- students, crossing the sea is soned educators This year culminates quite a literal task. the first batch of this program which I can proudly say is a success. My deepest gratitude to SCG sisters and Dr. Francis Ashipaoloye for helping me and the rest of my colleagues to advance profession- ally. God bless! -Carol Noceja Roa, MAELM 30 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL “I would like to describe our dear “Taking up a Master’s degree is a “While attending one of the ac- institution, LPU-Laguna as exciting daunting task for us, considering tivities in my daughter’s school, and a caring one. In my experi- that we need to cross the ocean to Caritas Don Bosco, I heard Dr. ence, our first encounter with our great reach the closest institution that offers Francis giving a talk about the benefits and very kind hearted dean was during Master of Science in Information Tech- of undertaking graduate studies. It ig- our admission. It is one of the strengths nology. But LPU-Laguna offered us an nited my interest again to continue my of the Graduate School that they had the opportunity worthy of all the efforts we Masters, I decided to inquire together cool guy managing it. The institution had exerted. The Graduate School of with my wife at LPU Laguna. Immedi- has greatly helped me in developing a LPU-Laguna headed by Dr. Francis Ash- ately, I was interviewed by Dr. Francis. positive attitude towards my studies and ipaoloye opens the door for us to enroll As an IT professional, I have learned in discovering other things about myself. as MSIT Students. He is very warm and and experienced new things while I was Another strength of the institution are very considerate that even the impos- studying in Graduate School. I became our very hardworking skilled teachers. sible became possible just for us. The the 1st President of MSIT and became With the experience we had in LPU-La- experience has been more endurable the Vice President for Graduate Studies guna I can say that it has made me a bet- because of the outstanding professors of LPU-Laguna. I made new connections ter person. My sincerest thanks to all the that took charge of the subjects. Sharing from different companies in the Laguna MSIT faculty members, Graduate School their knowledge and expertise, the pro- area, and even extended to other prov- family and to our dean for the full sup- fessors made our weekly classes a foun- inces like Mindoro Occidental, Mindoro port they given to us. tainhead of learning and growth. This Oriental and in Romblon. As I was allowed us to complete the required nearing the completion of my graduate -Kristianne Aleza Marie L. Javier, MSIT academic units in no time. It has been a studies, more doors were opened for me, good ride, with our sincerest gratitude giving me a glimpse of what possibilities and deepest thanks to all the people who are ahead once I completed my studies” became part of this life changing experi- ence. All of you are God-given gift to us. -Donald Michael C. De Guzman, MSIT Academic Excellence Awardee -Paolo Michael L. Lafuente, MSIT With the remarkable experiences of our students, we are more than committed to continue to ensure that we live to our trifold mission of quality instruction, research and institutional social responsibility through more active industry partnerships and linkages as a way to further address the challenges and prospects of Industry 4.0 and University 4.0. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 31

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL The Changing Face of Higher Education in the Asia- Pacific: AN APPRAISAL BY: DR. FRANCIS KAYODE ASHIPAOLOYE Prof. Nigel Healey, Vice Chancellor, Fiji National University, Fiji giving the welcome remarks during the conference in Korea When we take a cursory look at higher education- QS in conversation, QS WorldClass, QS challenges of the different educational al institutions across the Summer School Summit and QS Subject institutions towards its quest for in- globe, we cannot deny the fact that while Focus Summit. QS Asia also publishes ternationalization (student exchange, there are prospects, there are also sim- a range of annual, quarterly and online faculty exchange and research collabo- ilar challenges. To address these chal- publications targeting both global high- ration). lenges and changes especially among er education leaders and students. They higher educational institutions in the include QS Showcase, QS WOWNEWS, The different plenary and parallel ses- Asia-Pacific, Quacquarelli Symonds and the Top Universities Guide. The sions were focused on different tracks (QS) was established as an organization latter is published both in English and such as internationalizing the student that annually publishes world universi- Chinese. body, promoting the global employabil- ty rankings. ity of graduates, internationalizing the The organization of events are an faculty, enhancing the global impact It names world’s top universities for important part of QS’s mission of sup- and reputation of research and building the study of 46 different subjects, five porting the advancement of higher a global university brand. composite faculty areas alongside five education institutions worldwide, and independent regional tables (Asia, Latin empowering international students The different presentations and learn- America, Emerging Europe and Cen- through scholarships. Thus, QS Asia-Pa- ings can best be summed up as follows: tral Asia, the Arab Region, and BRICS). cific Professional Leaders in Education BRICS is the acronym coined for an (QS-APPLE). QS-APPLE18 was a major The need to strengthen entrepreneurial association of five major emerging na- conference and exhibition for inter- culture, mindset and innovation from tional economies: Brazil, Russia, India, national educators in Asia, Europe, top management to all employees. China and South Africa. Originally, the America and Australasia and co-hosted first four were grouped as “BRIC”, before by Chung-Ang University in the city of Universities should be mission-driven, the induction of South Africa in 2010. Seoul, Korea with headquarters of some and centers of innovation. of the world’s largest corporations and QS Asia is the regional subsidiary of the center of politics, economics and We need to disrupt the education- London-based QS Quacquarelli Sy- culture. al landmark by moving from con- monds, the publishers of the widely tent-based instruction to mentoring, respected QS World University Rankings The co-hosting of the conference by coaching and the development of a as well as various regional and subject Chung-Ang University coincided with sense of collaborative skills amongst our rankings. Based in Singapore, QS Asia its centennial celebration which drew a students. organizes a number of large internation- total of 475 academics from 209 institu- al conferences and specialist seminars tions in 40 countries. Technology alone is not enough. It is for higher education leaders. technology married with the liberal arts, QS-APPLE2018 was indeed a great ex- along with the humanities that yields us These include QS-APPLE, QS-MAPLE, perience because the different presen- the results that make our hearts sing by tations showcased best practices and 32 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

FEATURES GRADUATE SCHOOL Steve Jobs March 3, 2011. and attractive it is to other institutions Our goal as an and students; reality today shows other- institution is to be Sustainable development is one of the wise. Many institutions have established QS 4 stars rated most pressing issues of this century. more than 100 partnerships with both and in the nearest Solutions require not only knowledge prestigious and striving universities future is to be but also corrective actions. eager to either grab a market share or ranked. position its brand in the global map as The faculty with the ability of global- an institution to be reckoned with. research and community exten- ization can participate in international sion) which was the reason why collaboration and publish papers with The way forward is not how many part- we have been QS 3Stars rated a much higher impact and/or generate nerships an institution has established for excellence in 2016: Employ- products of a much higher value. but how many active partnership and ability 5 stars, Teaching 3 stars, the benefits of such partnership in Facility 4 stars, Internationaliza- Globalization of the faculty makes the addressing the brand image and the tion 1 star, Social responsibility university much more competitive. economic benefits of such institutions. 5 stars, Specialist criteria 1 and Thus, the top leading universities all Some have opined that quantity is per- Inclusiveness 5 stars. endeavor to promote globalization of ceived as more important than quality. the faculty. ore so, they posited that international Nevertheless, we are not stop- partnerships is more of a status symbol ping at that especially in the There is a strength in our international than a record of functional academic areas of internationalization and internship because it is one of the key collaborations. It was not surpris- specialist criteria. Our goal as an qualifications in employer selection in ing therefore to see the organizers of institution is to be QS 4 stars rat- today’s global economy QS-APPLE2018 opened one of the paral- ed and in the nearest future is to lel session by positing “rankings are the be ranked. Thus, attendance at In conclusion, it is important that in- best overall measure of a university’s conferences such as QS-APPLE ternationalization of education should global and regional standing”. The re- and QS-MAPPLE will further not be underestimated for both devel- sult of the pre-debate count shows that propel LPU-Laguna among the oping and underdeveloped nations of 38.9% voted in support of the motion top 10 institutions in the Phil- the world due to different challenges while 61.6% voted to oppose the motion. ippines through the unending such as lack of adequate infrastructure Interestingly, the post-debate count support of the management and to address rapid growth in terms of shows that 42.2% voted to support the stakeholders. population from both underdeveloped motion while 57.8% voted to oppose and developing nations. the motion. Thus beyond the result, the question is: Is LPU-Laguna ready for While developed nations are faced Industry 4.0 and University 4.0? with the challenge of ageing popula- tion and as such are developing and The honest answer is a resounding “yes” maximizing the use of technology to because as an educational institution, address these challenges. we have thrived over the years living out our mission (quality instruction, Nevertheless, it is often believed that the greater number of international agreements or network memberships a university has, the more prestigious LPU delegates (from the left: Dr. Conrad Ini- go-LPU Manila, Ms. Tess Pilapil-LPU Cavite, Dr. Mabeth Buenviaje-LPU Batangas and Dr. Fran- cis Ashipaoloye-LPU Laguna LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 33

NEWS PALAESTRA LPU Laguna attends ADP Philippines Roundtable Forum BY: KRESHIA MARIE S. UBAT It was attended by several universities in Speakers who addressed the viewpoint Metro Manila and LPU Laguna was the of the students were Macoy Averilla, an “When you work, do it only school tapped in the region. advertising executive, Wanggo Gallaga, with a lot of passion”, filmmaker, scriptwriter and educator, Ahmed Rangila, Senior LPU sent four students to participate in and LPU CAS faculty, Michael Eduard Director for Operations of ADP Philip- the discussion. They are Zyra Moreno Labayandoy. pines said in the first ever roundtable from the College of Business and Ac- discussion hosted and initiated by ADP countancy, Micah Capuchino from the This participation in this kind of event Philippines last November 23, 2018 at College of Engineering and Computer desires to reach the direction of the their Makati Office, Glorietta 2. Studies, Irene Herradura and Rjeanoa President for LPU Laguna and LPU St. Paragas of Senior High School, both Cabrini School of Health Sciences to ADP Philippines is part of the largest from ABM strand. be more industry-based and indus- comprehensive global provider of cloud- try-driven. Through the help of the based Human Capital Management This is a timely discussion considering administrative officers, Ms. Ma. Angel- (HCM) solutions that unite HR, payroll, the need of the students to know more of ica Acelar, OSAS Supervisor and Ms. and time, and a leader in business out- what companies have in store for them Kreshia Ubat from Palaestra Consortio sourcing services, analytics and compli- and what skills and expertise do they Office, students were able to showcase ance expertise. LPU’s partnership with really need to harness in order to follow their inner confidence. them begot several engagements. One the trend of the Fourth Industrial Rev- of which is the involvement of students olution for millennials and Gen Z. Most The Office of Industry Partnerships and faculty in their initiative to reach importantly, the students learned other hopes to have more engagements like the campuses in the Philippines specif- things which may not be taught inside this in order for the students to be more ically South Luzon and Metro Manila to the classroom. The notable ideas of the exposed in the industry setting, giving explore how their company can help the speakers complemented and supported them the chance to be challenged of future talents of the Philippines. the current needs of the industry and what their future holds. gave the students the avenue to pitch The event started with a short welcome their comments and opinions. remarks of their HR Manager followed by the forum. The event was held to pro- mote awareness on the future of work of Gen Z and millennials. LPU Laguna meets the industry LPU Laguna held the College Board of in instruction, research and community Advisers (CBOA) Annual Meeting last extension are driven by industry needs November 20, 2018 at the Vivere Hotel, and demands. This activity was partici- Alabang.This is an annual event led by pated by LPU’s industry partners, Deans the Palaestra Consortio Office where and program chairs as well as the execu- industry partners meet the Colleges to tive heads. The event was organized by discuss updates in the industry and to the Palaestra Consortio team including consult the curriculum. Katherine Parabuac, Maika Alvarez, Christian Hernandez, Jesse Ong, Allyza With its vision to be the leading indus- Joyce Sta. Maria, Julie Mae Libang and try-driven educational institution in their head, Christopher Torres. 2020, LPU makes sure that its initiatives 34 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS PALAESTRA LPU benchmarks at the Asia Pacific College BY: KRESHIA MARIE S. UBAT Peter Drucker once said, “What a ness and Accountancy, Troy Tuzon, Pro- This PBL is not just being offered for business needs most for its de- gram Chair for Hospitality Management, Information Technology and Computer cisions — especially its strate- Ms. Janet Calupitan, Dean of the College Science. In fact, they have a lot of proj- gic ones — are data about what goes on of Allied Medicine. The said activity was ects as well which was being collaborat- outside it. Only outside a business are held last September 19, 2018 at APC’s ed with students of Multimedia Arts and there results, opportunities and threats.” campus. Tourism. This is true with the benchmarking ac- tivity initiated by LPU through Palaestra The activity centered on the proj- When asked by EVP, Dr. Flora Javier Consortio Office with the Asia Pacific ect-based learning approach of APC how they do the process, they answered, College (APC). The activity aimed to en- which, according to them, constituted “the culture of collaboration.” It is being hance the quality of instruction of LPU in their qualification to Center of Excel- explained that when they first started and how to embrace the industry-driven lence (COE) for Information Technol- the project with CS and IT, they knew vision of the school. ogy, Center of Development (COD) in that they need to collaborate more with Computer Engineering and autonomous partners and with other programs. They Present in the benchmarking activity status. It has been a vision of APC to then established that in order for the were Dr. Flora V. Javier, EVP/VP for Aca- bridge the gap between the academe project to succeed: (1) collaboration demic Affairs, Christopher C. Torres, Ex- and industry through Information Tech- should start from the curriculum; (2) ecutive Director for OSAS and Business nology which LPU likewise tracked. there should be merging of the minds: Development, Kreshia Marie S. Ubat, (3) expertise should be maximized; and Associate Director for Industry Part- The idea of this Project-based Learning (4) there should be constant review of nership, Christian Hernandez, OIC-Pa- (PBL) is to give students real industry curriculum with alumni and interns. laestra Consortio Office, Engr. Ricky V. experience through their projects and Bustamante, Dean of the College of En- prototypes which will likewise address Adding to the success of APC’s industry gineering and Computer Studies, Celia the problems of the industry partners. partnerships, they made a framework Tibayan, Dean of the College of Arts and This came from the mandate of bridging of partnership which helps them iden- Sciences, Dr. Nelson Tenorio, Chair for the industry and the academe. tify the most effective partnerships and General Education, Christopher Dennis strengthen other collaborations. E. Catapang, Dean of the College of Busi- LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 35

NEWS PALAESTRA CITHM students go to Japan for Internship Program BY: KRESHIA MARIE S. UBAT Five students from the College of Included in the benefits given to stu- International Tourism and Hos- dents are free ticket going to Japan, free pitality Management (CITHM) board and lodging, and a monthly hono- had the opportunity to experience an raria for the services they rendered. international internship program at a business hotel in Japan last November Executive Director of Student Affairs 11, 2018. The students will be staying and Services and Business Development, in Japan for six months to one year de- Mr. Christopher C. Torres, initially vis- pending on the validity of their visa. ited the students to ensure their safety and security. The students who were able to get in to the program are Jan Jester Carpio The students will be assigned to differ- (BSIHM-CLOHS), Leo Andrew Sasotona ent divisions of the hotel as stated in (BSIHM-CLOHS), Mary Lois Loresca their training plan which was approved (BSITTM), Shainalyn Quizon (BSITTM), and honoured by Japan Immigration. and Julienne Lat (BSITTM). Putting into account the difficulty to With a warm welcome from the officers penetrate Japan for this kind of pro- and staff of Super Hotel, the students gram, LPU Laguna claims to be the first were able to envision a great career and educational institution in the Philip- training with the partner company. In pines to enter into this kind of agree- Japan, they were able to meet the exec- ment and be allowed by the immigration utives of the hotel and experience the to operate Internship program in Japan, culture of the country. a milestone for the institution. 36 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS PALAESTRA TESTING THE This was held with the belief that indus- “Wild duck!” This is how Christine Ri- WATERS: try partners can give more ideas on how vera identifies some of her interviewees to act professionally and communicate when they were asked about their proto- Interns fluently in the industry. types and projects. She elaborated that undergo mock the students of LPU have brilliant minds interview with The program ran in two parts – inter- which the institution should nourish IBM view and career talk. and enhance. BY: KRESHIA MARIE S. UBAT It is indeed a great opportunity to part- For the past years, the mock interview ner with IBM Business Services and be had played an effective part in the holis- “There are no secrets to part of their advocacy of promoting IBM tic development of the students giving success. It is the result of values, educating and helping upcoming them the opportunity to experience an preparation, hard work, graduates on how to jumpstart their ca- interview even before their graduation. and learning from failure”, Colin Powell reer and giving them opportunity right once said. This wisdom can be applied after graduation. This is also in response to the great chal- to the students who underwent mock lenge approaching the Fourth Industrial interview last August 31, 2018. There were 17 hiring managers who Revolution. Mock interview is one of came from Nuvali and Eastwood towers the unique activities of LPU setting the The students of the College of Business of IBM who facilitated the said event. institution apart from any other neigh- and Accountancy (CBA) and College Present were Marcus Benjamin Guzman, bouring institutions and universities in of Engineering and Computer Studies Krishelle May Bernardo, Marion Denise CALABARZON. (COECS) were the first batch to undergo Maglaya, Kristine Jhan Navarro, Rey- the mock interview with industry part- syl San Pedro, Christine Rivera, Jorge Over-all, there were 296 students who ners. Sagadraca, Edgar Elmedorial, Keith participated in the said mock interview Hidalgo, Irma Linda Ricarse, Allynn taking BSBA Management Accounting, “This is a dream come true,” said Mr. Malabanan, Paulo Vitacion, Grainard Marketing Management, Operations Christian Hernandez, Officer-in-charge Gonzales, Mark Adriano, Sarah Alegre, Management, Legal Management, BS of Palaestra Consortio Office. Catherine Ann Gomez, and Coreen Ma- Computer Engineering, BS Information rie Magaway. Technology, BS Industrial Engineering The said activity was part of the initia- and BS Computer Science. tives of Palaestra Consortio in achieving the institution’s vision of being the lead- ing industry-driven educational institu- tion by 2020. THE WILD DUCK REFERENCE Former IBM Chairman Thomas J. Watson, Jr., wrote, \"In IBM, we frequently refer to our need for \"wild ducks.\" The moral is drawn from a story by the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, who told of a man who fed the wild ducks flying south in great flocks each fall. After a while some of the ducks no longer bothered to fly south; they wintered in Denmark on what he fed them. In time they flew less and less. After three or four years they grew so lazy and fat that they found difficulty in flying at all. Kierkegaard drew his point: You can make wild ducks tame, but you can never make tame ducks wild again. One might also add that the duck who is tamed will never go anywhere any more. We are convinced that any business needs its wild ducks. And in IBM we try not to tame them.\" LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 37

NEWS HIGH SCHOOL SHS celebrates “We have seen them worked and with song and dance performances of World laughed together as they pass through students and the Perkins Twins, Depart- Teacher’s Day each station, and I believe that was the ment of Education ambassadors for An- most heartwarming scenario that time,” ti-Drugs, Anti-Drinking, Anti-Smoking, BY: JULIE ANN B. ECHANO AND MEGAN KAYE SHS SC Vice President Marcus Goguan- Anti-Bullying, and Purity. MARIE Q. RAYALA co recalled. “I am just so thankful to have been part LPU-Laguna Senior High School After the amazing race, ushers guided of this institution. Even though I am just Student Council (SHS SC) the teachers to the gym to be surprised new here, I have supportive co-teachers spearheaded the annual World in this healthy working environment. I Teacher’s Day celebration last October found genuine happiness in this pro- 3, 2018, with the theme “Real heroes fession,” Aubrey Beronio, SHS teacher, teach.” shared. As the SHS teachers entered the fac- After the program at the gym, the stu- ulty room, the SC surprised them with dents brought their adviser and subject colorful decorations and sweet treats teacher in their classrooms to spend to heighten the vibe. The fun started the rest of the afternoon full of fun and when they were grouped for the team enjoyment. building activity. The group chants awakened the competitive spirit of every teacher. During the amazing race, there were 10 stations which required teach- ers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes to advance in the game. Some activities included slime making, water filtration, word factory, riddles, balloon relay, and water pong bingo. The final station adhered to the event’s theme where the teachers created their personalized capes showcasing their creativity and individuality. SHS makes Acquaintance parties have usually The registration started at 3:00 p.m. history in been team building activities since SHS and Bebot participants kick-started #LPUAkWET opened in LPU-Laguna. the program with their witty introduc- 2018 tions. Bebot parodied beauty pageants, “This year, we made history. We shifted and it featured male students who are BY: JULIE ANN B. ECHANO from the norm and created something dressed in drag. that our students will treasure and re- L  member,” SHS SC President Mark Gio The students danced the night away PU-Laguna Senior High School Olivar stated. to the music of the Battle of the Bands (SHS) Department, with the performances and different party tunes leadership of the Student The first ever in LPU-Laguna, the party during the rave party. SC made sure that Council (SC), held the first-ever Hydro also featured students who showcased the students were soaked not only with Acquaintance Party last August 24, 2018, their talents in dancing, singing, and music but also with water. at LPU-Laguna’s football field, with the spoken word poetry during the open theme “Portraying shared experiences mic. The party ended at 7:30 p.m. making through diverse passions.” sure that nobody left without getting the “This Hydro Acquaintance Party marked full hydro experience. the start of a festive academic year that the SC and school administration wish and promise to offer the students,” Oli- var added. 38 | LEGACY FEBRUARY 2019

NEWS NEWS HIGH SCHOOL Ms. LPU-L 2017 “I felt that winning Ms. competes for LPU-L title comes with ‘TNT’ Golden Mic a big responsibility, and I am humbled to have BY: JULIE ANN B. ECHANO AND MEGAN KAYE MARIE Q. fulfilled the duty of RAYALA representing the school by joining Tawag ng Months after competing for Tawag Tanghalan.” ng Tanghalan Huling Tapatan, Ms. LPU-Laguna 2017 Arabelle dela Cruz was still on cloud nine for giving pride not only to her family and supporters but to LPU-La- guna. Arabelle dela Cruz landed 5th place after fight- ing to win the golden microphone in Tawag ng Tanghalan Huling Tapatan on It’s Showtime last June 2, 2018 at the Aliw Theater in Pasay City. She performed Barbara Streisand’s Memory during the grand finals. Her rendition garnered a standing ovation and drove the audience to tears including TNT hurado, K Brosas. “Mayroon ka talagang originality. Napakasarap mong pakinggan (You truly possess originality. It’s a pleasure listening to you),” TNT hurado Karylle commended. “Memory is the perfect song for grand finals. It helped me recollect all the memories and hardships that I have been through in my TNT journey,” dela Cruz recalled. Before the finals, she sang for three consecutive weeks, and there was also a time when she thought of giving up because she had to proceed to the semi-finals straight from the daily rounds. “It was a challenge for me since I also had classes, but LPU-Laguna has always been supportive. They have willingly given me love and support since I won in LPU Idol back in Grade 7,” she expressed. Despite winning for five consecutive days, securing her spot in the semi-finals, she still continued to fight because she never thought of closing any opportunity knocking at her door. “I continued to fight not only for myself but also for my family, friends, and support- ers,” dela Cruz added. Her TNT journey started last March 12, 2018 when she emerged as the daily winner af- ter performing Beyoncé’s Sweet Dreams. On that same day, she sang another Beyoncé classic, Halo and defeated semifinal-bound TNT defending champion, Aljun Alborme. “I felt that winning Ms. LPU-L title comes with a big responsibility, and I am humbled to have fulfilled the duty of representing the school by joining Tawag ng Tanghalan,” she said. Dela Cruz is now under the management of ABS-CBN Star Magic, and she is offered various projects including shows and concerts in the country while maintaining her academic life as a Lycean. LPULAGUNA.EDU.PH | 39


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