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Home Explore Fridge Wine Bottle Holder

Fridge Wine Bottle Holder

Published by Hostess Party Gift, 2018-04-13 06:04:04

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The popularity of wine spreads all over the world. This drink loved by all, is perhaps one of the oldest alcoholic beverages available. A true wine lover not only loves to drink it, but also loves to serve it to other people. For a Wine rack is a must to have in his house. Fridge Wine Bottle Holder is both decorative as well as utilitarian. It is for holding your collection of different wine bottles, and for many it is like a display which they always are proud of.
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Keywords: Hostess Party Gift, Refrigerator Wine Rack, Wine Refrigerator Cabinet, Bottle Organizer For Refrigerator, Wine Bottle Rack For Fridge


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Fridge Wine Bottle Holder

1Attach rail under shelfThe Ultimate Wine Storage! 2 Slide bottle ring onto rail until it clicks 3 Insert bottle into ringWine Rack For Inside Fridge

BevStow solves two main problems which are: the inability tostand wine bottle vertically, particularly once opened and recorkedand the problem of rolling bottles that are laid horizontally onshelves.In addition, BevStow creates additional storage capacity becauseit is horizontally attached directly under any glass refrigeratorshelf.Use one or more, move them around as you see fit, and get onefor a friend while you’re at it. Making space in your fridge, oneBevStow at a time. We’ll toast to that!Bottle Organizer For Refrigerator

Hostess Party Gift

BevStow BenefitsEasy to install and removeUse one or severalIncrease shelf spaceNo rolling bottlesSimple to insert bottles Fridge Wine Bottle Holder

Refrigerator Wine Bottle HolderBevStow creates additional storage capacityby horizontally attaching directly under anyglass refrigerator shelf. It solves the problemof wine bottles rolling around in the refrigeratoror not fitting in the door shelves. The flexiabledesign allows placement under any smoothglass refrigerator shelf.

Inspired by a problem many of us have – no secure,dedicated space to store wine bottles in arefrigerator without rolling and tipping – theBevStow storage device ingeniously attaches ahorizontally positioned bottle grip to the underside ofglass shelves in refrigerators with special extra-strength suction cups. Bottles are then easily storedand removed from the grip, and the entire BevStowdevice can be relocated in the fridge withinmoments.Wine Refrigerator Cabinet

Refrigerator Wine HolderBevStow is a beverage storage solution brand,and its flagship product is a first-of- its-kinddevice that maximizes usable storage space inrefrigerators to safely chill wine bottles,sparkling water and other beverages withoutdisplacing other items. Using “dead space” inthe fridge, BevStow helps you create storageyou didn’t even realize you had!

Fridge Wine Rack ShelfBevStow is a simplesolution that makeslife just a little biteasier. Whetheryou’re a connoisseuror simply someonewho enjoys a chilledglass of Chardonnayin the evening, you’llwant one, or more, inyour kitchen.BevStow - aninnovative, smartsolution you can fileunder, “Why didn’t Ithink of that?”

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