My name is Jake Coburn I am not your ordinary Mortgage Professional. What you are about to experience is a cutting-edge marketing platform designed to build and nurture a personal relationship… together. And the book you’re about to review reveals what I proudly call “A Whole New Level of Service”NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
COMPREHENSIVE MARKETING PLATFORMAmerican BancsharesMortgage, LLC ProvidesInnovative MarketingSolutionsOur cutting-edge marketing approachto Internet, E-mail and ConventionalMarketing is designed to easily help usbuild a lasting, personal relationshipwith each of our homeowners.NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
5-YEAR CLIENT RETENTION PROGRAM We Have a Saying at American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC: The transaction closing is only the “beginning” of our long term commitment to Customer Service. CHALLENGE You’ve just closed on the SOLUTION Effective immediately, largest purchase most consumers ever American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC make – their home. What can you do is making its fabulous “24-Touch” to ensure each client feels as valued Customer Service Program available to five years from now as they do today? its Partners in Success. PARTNERS IN SUCCESS BENEFIT TOO. Since we teamed together on the transaction, we take the time to address your client as a team effort. For example, I advise your clients to supply their tax advisor with critical loan documents at tax time and invite them to contact either myself or you if they’ve misplaced their copy. Not to brag, but I pay attention to the little things, and that’s what makes me different from other mortgage professionals.NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
POST CARDS JAamkeerCiocabnurBnancshares Mortgage, LLC HometCo(wh5a5n5rAl)is5es5oS5cm-7ia8itt9eh0s Highly Polished and Professional… (561)293-2523 FROM BOTH OF US. The homeowner will receive 22 post cards over the next five years, with beautiful and creative designs. You’ll immediately notice that everything we do is communicated as a “team” effort. Dear Elizabeth and Jonathan, E4W l3iez2as1tbMPeatahlpm&leBJSeotanrecahetht, FaLn3H3i4g0h1tower IycIcunhooupoumtrchprpoepeelnmleibttmahirnfsiiieesnegnfgacytmnraaeeclrealeiyrenmt.AtigTnienhngatgannof,niudnwskacldselohs’aMolelygkdaooauanurihnltaewgelfyayoaezgodrleleuy.tyWrooRoueoturhvurieledw? loyal business!NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
IN PROCESS VIDEOS At American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC, we What This Means: understand that buyers may become worried about Educated Homebuyers: Our clients know where the purchase process even while loan officers and real their applications are in the mortgage process and estate agents are working steadily behind the scenes. they understand the actions they should be taking (or Challenge: Homebuyers need to know what’s going avoiding, in some cases) as things move forward. on in the loan process, feel connected to their team Team Approach: They see us working together on of professionals and understand steps they can take their behalf. while they wait for closing. A Fun Process: As a bonus, we introduce a little bit of Solution: American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC emails levity into what can be a stressful time. a series of “Welcome to the Mortgage Process” videos Feedback: The videos even have a “thumbs up” at different stages of the loan process. These co- button so buyers can let us know what they think of branded, light-hearted videos keep clients informed the job we’re doing. and aware of next steps.NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
MORTGAGES UNDER MANAGEMENTAt American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC we Opportunity Alerts: We’ll also establish a presetunderstand that our Partners in Success are looking rate and payment savings target for each client. In thefor more than just rate sheets and customer service. case that mortgage rates drop unexpectedly, AmericanIn that spirit, we are proud to introduce another Bancshares Mortgage, LLC will notify the clientinnovation that you’re going to love. immediately with an action plan that’s right for them.Challenge: We noticed that financial professionals Deepening Relationships: For our elite Partnerstraditionally do a better job than mortgage in Success, we’re also happy to enroll friends andprofessionals at counseling clients on how assets prospects into our Mortgages Under Managementare performing against market conditions. program – at no cost. We didn’t think it was right toSolution: Effective immediately, American show this level of service to clients only. Together, weBancshares Mortgage, LLC is opening up its Mortgages can show the local community what makes us uniqueUnder Management service to its valued clients and – one customer at a time.friends.What This Means: Since we proactively track market Joe,conditions, your clients will never have to guess if It’s time for your Bi-Annual Mortgage Checkup!they’re in the right loan again. The solution is two-fold: As you know I’m constantly monitoring market conditions to ensure that you’re in the right loanBi-Annual Mortgage Updates: Every 6 mos, we for your needs. In that spirit, please see below for a brief analysis on how your current productconduct an analysis for each client and communicate compares to other options available today.the results in an easy-to-understand summary. This Your Current Loan information:valuable service is provided free of charge. June 21, 2006 123 Any Street 30-Year Jumbo Fixed at 6.375%. Based on current market conditions, I’m assigning your current mortgage solution a yellow light. In general, this means that I may be able to recommend options that could either save you money on your monthly payment or lower your interest rate. However, it is highly likely that your current loan is still right for you. If you’d like to schedule a few minutes so we can take a closer look, please reply to this e-mail or give me a call. Also, if you think any of your friends, co-workers or family members would benefit from the high level of service I provide, please refer them my way. Thank you for your loyal business and for your referrals!NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
“JUST LISTED” ALERTS FROM YOUR DATABASE HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU closed a deal with a client, only to drive through their neighborhood a few years later to see a “For Sale” sign in front of their house with a different Real Estate agent’s name on it? At American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC we understand this is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to us in the industry. CHALLENGE You have done all of the right SOLUTION American Bancshares Mortgage, things to try to keep in touch with your LLC has a custom solution that monitors database over the years, but a competitor won the internet for listings as they appear. We the business when it was time for your client look at search engines, FSBO sites, and other to re-enter the market. How do you pinpoint industry specific listing sites for new listings exactly when a client is ready to make another with addresses that match someone in your transaction and ensure you are top of mind database. We can now tell you when any of with them at the right time? your past clients list their home for sale.NMLS #977392 WHAT THIS MEANS For FSBO deals, it allows you the unique sales opportunity of picking up the phone and calling your client to re-sell them on the benefits of using a Real Estate agent early on in the sales cycle. If they have already contracted with another agent, it allows you the opportunity to find out why they didn’t use you again and also see if they have a Real Estate agent to help them find a new home (they are moving after all). This data gives you more ammunition when you make that initial phone call than you have ever had before. This “Just Listed” alert service is another great benefit of doing business with American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC. 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 West Palm Beach, FL 33401
24-TOUCH EXAMPLES BIRTHDAY CARDS 24-TOUCH – Happy Birthday (Dynamically reflects Borrower’s name.) 24-TOUCH – Happy Birthday 24-TOUCH – Happy Birthday (Dynamically reflects Borrower’s name.) (Dynamically reflects Borrower’s name.) 24-TOUCH – Happy Birthday 24-TOUCH – Happy Birthday (Dynamically reflects Borrower’s name.) (Dynamically reflects Borrower’s name.)NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
24-TOUCH EXAMPLES 4TH OF JULY CARDS 24-TOUCH – 4th of July (Dynamically reflects Borrower & CoBorrower names.) 24-TOUCH – 4th of July COBURN (Dynamically reflects Borrower and CoBorrower names.) 24-TOUCH – 4th of July (Dynamically reflects Borrower ‘s last name.)NMLS #977392 24-TOUCH – 4th of July 24-TOUCH – 4th of July (Dynamically reflects Borrower and CoBorrower names.) Jake Coburn 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 MLO West Palm Beach, FL 33401 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
24-TOUCH Cf(o5ar6ll1MJ)a2ok9re3t.C-2Ro5eb2vu3iernw!!!MBoraAtngmcaesrgiheca,raLenLsC EXAMPLES 24-TOUCH – Annual Mortgage Review ANNUAL MORTGAGE REVIEW CARDS (Dynamically reflects Mortgage Professional’s name, phone number and company.) (561)293-2523 24-TOUCH – Annual Mortgage Review 24-TOUCH – Annual Mortgage Review (Dynamically reflects Borrower & CoBorrower names.) (Dynamically reflects Borrower & CoBorrower names and Mortgage Professional’s phone number.) (5J6a1k)e29C3o-b2u5r2n3 24-TOUCH – Annual Mortgage Review 24-TOUCH – Annual Mortgage Review (Dynamically reflects Borrower & CoBorrower names.) (Dynamically reflects Mortgage Professional’s name and phone number.)NMLS #977392 Jake Coburn MLO 1401 Forum Way Suite 820 American Bancshares Mortgage, LLC West Palm Beach, FL 33401 O:(561)293-2523 M:(561) 410-8356 [email protected]
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