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Home Explore Engineering Post November 2021a

Engineering Post November 2021a

Published by Tajammul Hussain, 2021-11-01 11:11:55

Description: Engineering Post November 2021a


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Govt to spend Rs.111Bn for up gradation of power transmission capacity The federal Minister of energy of Pak- forward as an investment in the power trans- in controlling menace of load shedding in the istan, Hammad Azhar has declared that mission system as allocated in the budget for country and increase investment and employ- a total of 111 billion rupees is to be put this year. ment opportunities all across the country. He stated that the total capacity of the Pak- istan power transmission system is not more than 23000 MW right now. But the goal of this investment is to increase the capacity of the system to 32000 MW. This initiative will in- crease the overall capacity of the grid system at a major scale. The federal government has already spent Rs 77 billion in the last two-and-half years on improving power distribution system in which thousands of electricity transformers have been replaced not only LT transformers but mega transformers installed in grid stations too. The old transformers trip due to overload- ing because they are old and have already de- pleted their lives. For the these investments the minister ex- plained that all these investment ha are sup- posed to be made through the National Transmission and Dispatch Company NTDC within the upcoming 3 years and the goal is said to be achieved by the end of the year 2024. The transmission capacity of the grid would increase to 28750 MW by 2023. In- creasing the transmission capacity will help

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